#text poem
despondentbeauty · 7 months
It’s okay to still get sad about something you thought you’ve healed from.
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zainabelmeziani · 15 days
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lovelornnn · 2 years
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kiwifrowner · 9 months
telling someone that "this song made me think of you" is beautiful but, "this book made me think of you and you stayed with me all the while i was reading it and after that" is what i want to hear.
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kiwd · 1 year
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One Night Only.
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feral-harvest · 28 days
The desire feels like rocks in my veins
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becomingvecna · 1 year
I see you covered in blood and I want it to be mine
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deprixpainsblog · 3 months
Ich glaube das bedeutet das Ende für mich.
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poetryforcoyotes · 3 months
as my tears fell into my hands
i rubbed that salt into my palms
and thought to myself,
“i must be good for something.”
— by me; inspired by Sinners, Barns Courtney
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angeldoll04 · 1 year
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despondentbeauty · 9 months
In another universe, you stayed.
— In this one, you didn’t and it ruined me.
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zainabelmeziani · 2 months
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lovelornnn · 2 years
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kiwifrowner · 5 months
the separation from you made a tangerine in my palm-set. so i want to wound my fingers in yours in a way that every passerby who looks would know we're roots deep.
because they can cut down the trunk but will anyone have the will to weigh the roots of our tree?
One day when a woodcutter walks in the forest let's forgive him and burn to warm his children. But our roots are there, still in dark, beneath earth. We will grow again.
this tree will have it's organs. you steal the pages of poetry book while i run my fingers on your heart.
Why are you not talking about others? — i don't have to.
In parallel universe, in the another world, we are humans. You and me. We begin with inventing things, you draw my eyes brown and i ask you to make my hands smaller. instead you drew the lines of palm and we made a moon together.
It was your idea to write a poem. i told you i am bad at it, i cannot rhyme. Now that i am writing one, you never asked me to not write about violence, i dip my bones in the blue ink but it becomes red.
i wake up next morning, my violent poem was under warmth of your coat.
— muffinsincoffin, "the warmth"
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mybigfatheartpoems · 4 months
heartbreak in 11 parts (unsent texts.)
1. I’d like to pretend that I’m fine, that I’m moving on and doing okay, but I’m not okay. I still cry about you. I think about you every day. Every song reminds me of you. I miss your arms around me and your hands and your mouth. I miss your eyes. I miss hearing you say you’re obsessed with me. It’s insane and sad and nonsensical. You’re a ghost in my head. I can’t get rid of you.
2. The truth is, I’d still give you my heart if you asked for it. If you told me tomorrow that you wanted me back, I’d run to you without question. I’d kiss you until we forgot we were ever apart. And somewhere in my mind, I’d think — this is a huge risk. I’d ask myself, are you sure? What if he hurts you again? What if you ruin each other? What if you’re still not enough for him? Do you really want to take that chance? And the answer would be yes. Obviously it wouldn’t be easy, it would take work and patience and conflict and compromise, but you’d be worth it. If there’s a chance it could work, I’d still want to try. You made my heart so happy in the short time we were together that any more time with you would be precious in and of itself, regardless of the outcome. Knowing you is a gift. Loving you would be effortless. And I want to, god I want to.
I understand your hesitation. I know your concerns and they’re valid and important. I know why you don’t think we have a chance. I just can’t help wondering, is this truly how it’s supposed to be if we both hate it so much? If it feels so wrong? Everything in me is telling me to fight for this, to convince you to live in the moment with me, but logically I know it would be pointless. Idk. Something about us is special. The way we fit, our common interests, our similarities, the timing, the chemistry, our locations — it felt like fate. I’ve been grieving this loss for weeks and I’m no closer to acceptance.
I’m grateful to have you in my life in whatever way I can, full stop. You’re amazing and I don’t want to lose you, and I’d be honored to be your friend. I’m just not sure I’ll find this kind of connection with someone else. Maybe someday, years from now, but I just want you. It’s pathetic and selfish and scary but it’s how I feel. I don’t want to feel this way, I wish I could turn it off, wish I could break this magnetic pull you have on me, but I can’t. Why is it so hard?
I know this is a lot and it’s unfair, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to overwhelm you just because I am overwhelmed with everything I’m still feeling. You owe me nothing. I just want you so badly and everything hurts.
3. One of the hardest parts of this is not inviting you over when I’m home with nothing to do. I’ve never craved someone like this.
4. You said it was me, that I was your type. I can still be your type. I still wanna be yours.
5. Maybe this is all just temporary infatuation. Maybe I’m being childish, thinking these feelings won’t one day disappear, like they all do. Maybe it’s naïve, imagining a future with you where there isn’t one. I have too much hope. I want more than I can have.
6. I’m trying to tell myself that everything happens for a reason, that maybe I’m better off without you, that I’ll feel better once more time passes, but it all sounds like bullshit. Not talking to you, trying not to think about you, it feels wrong. I hate this. I can’t stand it.
7. Sometimes it hurts so bad I don’t want to get out of bed. I do, because I have to, but it’s hard. There’s a pit in my stomach and I’m nauseous about it all day. Some days I’m fine, I’m distracted, I can forget for a while. But when I’m alone with my thoughts, it just hurts.
8. I’m realizing the space that you need doesn’t help me at all, but I know this isn’t just about me. I want you to be okay, and if we want any chance at developing a friendship, I know I’ve got to give you that space. I just didn’t expect it to be this hard.
9. Everything reminds me of you. But I know I can’t have you, so I’m going to try to move on. I’m going to try and eventually I will succeed. Part of me hopes you are filled with regret when I do. Part of me hopes we can remain friends when I do. Part of me hopes you come back to me some day. Part of me never wants to see you again.
10. I still think about you. I still miss you. The thought of us still makes me sad. But it doesn’t tear me apart the same way anymore. It’s just a dull ache. But it’s there and idk when it’ll go away.
11. It breaks my heart to let you go. But I’m letting you go.
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ladymacbeeth · 1 year
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