#thankfully both boys presented as alphas
Daydreaming about Aemond becoming king after the dance of the dragons and being gifted a magic mirror from some mysterious foreign noble. The noble tells him the mirror shows him his deepest desire and once he puts it in his chambers, he starts seeing Lucerys, the nephew he killed, in it.
Lucerys looks different, his clothes are weirder and his room had these weird contraptions like the small black box he sees his nephew using all the time. Unbeknownst to Aemond, he’s actually seeing into the future. He tries to talk to the Lucerys in his mirror but it doesn’t seem like the boy could hear, continuing to do whatever he was doing. Not that it matters, Aemond is happy enough to be able to see his nephew everyday.
He likes being able to watch his nephew sleep or read a book in his bed while he does his own work. He likes it even more when he watches Lucerys squirm and moan in bed as he pleasures himself with his own fingers. Aemond becomes so obsessed with the mirror that he barely even leaves his chambers anymore, demanding all of his tasks be sent to him instead.
It all goes downhill when one day he sees Lucerys bring a boy home. He gets so angry when he sees Lucerys make out with this boy that he starts banging on the mirror, desperately trying to get them to stop. Soon enough, the two boys break apart as Lucerys glances at the mirror in shock. The bang seemed to have come from the mirror and to Aemond’s delight it was enough to catch Luke’s attention. Unfortunately for Aemond, it isn’t enough to get them to stop as the boy coaxes Lucerys into making out with him again.
Aemond ends up watching them fuck, he’s furious but the incident was enough to give him hope that there was finally a way for him to get Lucerys’ attention.
A few days later, while Lucerys is getting ready for a date he stands right in front of the mirror. Oblivious to the other person watching him from the other end. Aemond burns with desire, his hands itched to touch Lucerys. With his curls looking so soft and his mouth shiny and plush, the makeup making him look even more enticing.
Overcome with so much desire, Aemond reaches into the mirror and pulls.
To both of their shock, Lucerys is pulled into the mirror and straight into Aemond’s arms. The younger boy is terrified but Aemond is filled with so much happiness.
Finally. Aemond thinks.
The younger boy begs to be returned home but Aemond refuses to hear any of it. Lucerys’ pleas of home and freedom fall to deaf ears as Aemond sends out commands to prepare for a wedding and a coronation. The boy seems terrified of him but it was fine. Aemond could work with this Lucerys, better a terrified Luke than a dead one.
With Aemond as king and his beloved nephew as his Queen they could finally bring House Targaryen back to its former glory.
#lucemond#aemond targaryen#lucerys velaryon#hotd#aemond targaryen x lucerys velaryon#aemond x lucerys#house of the dragon#Lucemond world trap au#Lucerys getting reincarnated by the gods to go out and live his life only for him to get sucked back to the past#aemond viserys ii and aegon iii were the remaining Targaryens left#a lot of his advisors tried to convince him to marry his nephews instead for the sake of heirs but aemond shuts that shit down#thankfully both boys presented as alphas#oh did I forget to tell you this was a/b/o?#surprise motherfucker#aemond being sexually repressed and never realising his feelings for his nephew until after his death#so once the realisation hits aemond basically goes nearly mad with grief#aemond was two inches away from spiralling into madness when he was gifted the mirror#past Lucerys was an alpha but it seems like future Lucerys is now an omega#and aemond rejoices#aemond forces Lucerys into playing house with him as he convinces viserys ii and aegon iii to call him kepa while Luke is muña#does Lucerys want any of this? no#his own world’s aemond was equally psychotic and lucerys has years of trauma after one kidnapping from his own uncle aemond#he was so glad his uncle aemond was dead in his own world but now he’s here#this aemond might look younger but he was in no way less creepy than the future aemond#Lucerys remains trapped in the past you can’t change my mind#and they manage to have so much children lucerys is remembered as the mother reborn
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callsign-bunnie · 5 months
Alright alright alright....
Alejandro finds out Rodolfo has been a hybrid this whole time but for some reason, was able to hide it.
Shoutout my wife for sending me this ask when I've been having a very shit January to cheer me up, even though she doesn't like ABO. Reminder that hybrids is ABO, so Rudy is an omega even if Alejandro is still human and not an alpha. Also yes I did write smut
Rodolfo had been born… weird. To him, it never had been odd. His entire family was like him, and he’d gotten to know plenty of others exactly like him, too. But, when he was born, he was born with rabbit ears and a tail, and a hell of a lot of rabbit instinct.
His family had told him, when he first started to go to school, that he would have to hide his features. Presenting as an omega had been even harder, because humans didn’t have that secondary sex. To them, he was just supposed to be a boy, nothing else. He had to hide his instinct, wear scent blockers, and pin his ears down so he could arrange his hair properly.
His tail could sort of just get squished down in his pants or shorts.
Thankfully, the other hybrids had an easier time finding each other. He’d met quite a bit over his school years that he hadn’t felt completely alone, but… then he met Alejandro when he was about 14.
Alejandro was human, he was normal. Unlike other humans, when that rabbit instinct slipped through, Alejandro had never seemed repulsed over it. He’d teased Rodolfo for having to be vegan a few times, but had decked someone else and cried “It’s a health issue” for doing the same. 
They’d met in gym class. Rodolfo was fairly active, having a lot of energy, and that had apparently caught Alejandro’s interest. Alejandro had ran with a bit more popular of a crowd, too, while Rodolfo had tried to just stick with the other hybrids, and was only friends with another hybrid omega named Chuy, though he was a mountain lion and not a rabbit. A friendship which his family did not like, since in their community, prey and predators were not usually friends.
They’d stopped complaining about it when they met Alejandro, for the record. A predator animal, that was… taboo. A human? Worse.
But, Rodolfo remembered that he and Chuy had been sitting together after class, having special paperwork that meant they got their own time to dress in a special locker room due to their status, talking about a hybrid event coming up, when they’d both been startled by Alejandro suddenly standing right in front of them.
He’d grinned at Rodolfo, told him that he was really impressive while running that day. Chuy had ended up revealing that his family and Alejandro’s families were intimately connected. Around that time Chuy became obsessed with another shifter and so Rodolfo pursued Alejandro for a friendship, curious about humans.
Hiding everything from Alejandro was harder than he could ever fully convey. Trying to explain why they couldn’t go to each other’s houses, why he never was willing to undress around him, what health issues could keep him from eating meat, and why he randomly disappeared for two weeks every four months was difficult.
When omega instinct kicked in and he fell head over heels when both were 17? Even harder.
And explaining to his parents why he was risking discovery, his safety, and his life to follow some human into the military? That was the hardest.
See, he wouldn’t have to lie to the military, if he was willing to be separated from Alejandro. Chuy’s unit, they were all hybrids. He’d followed that same hybrid into the military, an alpha female named Valeria Garza, and as he’d been willing to be open about it, they’d stuck them both in the hybrids unit. 
Rodolfo, however, didn’t want to be separate from Alejandro. So he’d lied. He’d continued to pin his ears down, made excuse after excuse to hide his ears, the extra things on his body, started to take heavy black market heat blockers that made him so absurdly sick, all so he could stay near Alejandro. 
For the first years, he’d just been glad to have Chuy and Valeria, who understood. But when Valeria betrayed them, angry against the humans for their continued treatment of the various non humans hiding amongst them, and Chuy running away to join a PMC, he’d been left feeling very alone and only more desperate to stay near Alejandro, following him all the way up the ranks until he sat where he was, now.
Becoming SIC was equally a blessing and a curse. He had private quarters, he was paid well, it was easier to hide. He transitioned from black market heat blockers to good ones from reputable sources, and which helped him not be so sick all of the time. He could gear up in his own quarters, he could unpin his ears for a bit, indulge in some omega instinct like nesting, but… he was still lonely.
Alejandro was busy, at first, as was expected becoming Colonel so young and at, objectively, one of the worst times. Rodolfo’s job was fairly easy, just in charge of scouting missions and he took over paperwork, as Alejandro struggled with those things. They were still close friends, but it was obvious the stakes were different. Rodolfo was Alejandro’s best friend, but Rodolfo was still so absurdly in love with him.
He’d almost told him a few times. When Valeria found out that Alejandro didn’t know, she had used that to her advantage, threatening Rodolfo with it. “He’s human, Rodolfo… You can’t think he’ll want you in any way when he finds out. The moment he finds out what you are, he’ll toss you aside like garbage.”
“Like you did with Chuy?”
“Watch it.”
Rodolfo didn’t give into any of her demands, but the fear was there. She was vindictive, she was cruel, and he knew that one day she was going to tell Alejandro. Reasonably, he knew he needed to tell him before she did, but he was so unbelievably terrified of Alejandro throwing him away that he just couldn’t manage.
Regardless, he’d found out.
Rodolfo had been so stupid. He’d been careless. Usually, he locked his door before changing, which had led Alejandro to knowing that if the door was unlocked, he could just walk in. 
They’d just been on a very long and exhausting mission. His body was sore, made worse by the fact that he was close to a heat, which was affecting his body regardless of the blockers. It would pass without happening, but he’d still be sore and achy, and he may have been distracted thinking about the Colonel, knowing his thoughts were only made worse by the nearing event.
So, he’d just stumbled into his room, shut the door, and peeled his gear off before taking a very long and hot shower, didn’t bother to dress save for some boxers (which he hated, for the record, human males had abysmal options for underwear, why did they torture themselves?), and just curled up on the small sofa he had, planning to eat an entire carton of strawberries and watch some of the hybrid media he’d literally had to smuggle into the base.
As such, he’d gotten into the mini fridge that he had in his quarters, got out the strawberries, and then curled up on the couch, wincing and whining at an ache in his legs. Being a good runner, and being fast, meant that he was often the one chasing those that ran, which had been what happened that day. To be fair, it was fun to watch these massive narcos get absolutely shocked when this much smaller person would tackle them and take them down with ease. The military had been a blessing in the way that no one usually questioned why a special forces officer could do things that humans could not.
He made an unhappy noise at the realization that some of the strawberries were too squishy for him to reasonably eat, not willing to torture himself, and so he got right back up and went to the sink, separating the bad ones and then rinsing the good ones. The itchiness of having to keep his waistband low under his tail only added to his irritation. None of this would be a big deal if he wasn’t already tired and unhappy, but he supposed that maybe he should cut some holes in a few pairs to just stick the tail through.
He smiled to himself as he heard the door knob jiggle, knowing that was Alejandro checking to see if he could come in. At some point, he’d knocked, but that was years ago. A few excuses he could make later ran through his head, though they were all drowned out by the sudden terror as he heard the door actually open and he realized he’d never locked it.
Immediately, his heart pounded as he quickly turned and watched Alejandro  come into the room with horror.
“Hey, Rudy, I-” Alejandro stopped and stared right at Rodolfo, and his eyes moved to the top and then down the sides of Rodolfo’s head. See, Rodolfo had been fortunate that he was a floppy eared rabbit hybrid, so keeping them pinned down hadn’t been nearly as difficult as it could be.
Rodolfo was frozen, only really able to process the sound of his heart beating far too fast, before finally his flight instinct kicked in and he dashed to the bathroom, slamming the door and sinking to the ground. How would he explain this away? How would he even lie about it?
A knock on the bathroom door only scared him more and he had to really fight not to climb into the cabinet under his bathroom sink, taking a deep breath and realizing he had to face this head on. No he couldn’t, who was he kidding? No, he climbed right under the sink, and a moment later the bathroom door opened as well.
Unsurprisingly, Alejandro opened the cabinet door a moment later. Rodolfo should have known better, he’d frequently done that when freaked out in school, so of course Alejandro would know to look in the nearest cabinet. Well… not that there was really anywhere else for Rodolfo to be in the bathroom.
Alejandro had crouched down, and he frowned as he again looked at Rodolfo. Rodolfo couldn’t hold his gaze, looking away and curling up tightly. “I thought she was full of shit…” Alejandro murmured, which startled Rodolfo. “She told me that you were different, but I thought it was all a joke…”
Rodolfo knew who she was, immediately, his mind moving to Valeria. Of course she told Alejandro… She didn’t make empty threats. “I’m sorry…”
“Please come out here.” Alejandro murmured, holding a hand out. Rodolfo looked at it, instinct telling him that he shouldn’t. He first cringed further back into the cabinet, but Alejandro’s face softened and his eyes turned pleading. “Please?”
Rodolfo instantly gave in, unable to really say no to Alejandro, and so he accepted his hand and let Alejandro gently tug him out from under the sink, instinctively going to push his ears back so they would push under his hair and hide, but he was stopped by Alejandro, his wrist being caught before he could. “I want to see them.” Alejandro murmured and Rodolfo tensed but nodded, looking away and lowering his hand when it was released.
It was scarily silent for a bit before Rodolfo was startled, again, flinching back when Alejandro touched his ears. Alejandro’s movement paused before his hand moved to gently start petting them, which had Rodolfo melting involuntarily. Slowly, Rodolfo turned his head to look at Alejandro, surprised to see a sort of awe in his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Alejandro asked, furrowing his brows. 
“I was scared…” Rodolfo mumbled, looking down. “To you, I was just a human male. I thought you’d think it was weird, that I’m a freak…”
“Oh, Rudy… I could never think you’re a freak.” Alejandro murmured. “Valeria told me a few months after she left. I thought she was just… crazy. You know how she is, so I ignored it and forgot about it. But you acted so afraid of her… like she knew something that I didn’t.”
“Of course she told you…” Rodolfo’s shoulders dropped. “She threatened me with it.”
Alejandro shook his head and then he did an odd thing, moving and picking Rodolfo up, bridal style, before taking him back out to the main part of the room, setting him on the couch and then sitting beside him. Rodolfo found himself bright red, trying not to get too excited at the simple touch, and unable to completely fight instinct.
Alejandro, though, appeared to be in deep thought, putting his hands together and then resting his chin on them. Rodolfo’s anxiety only grew and he looked down at his hands, before jumping when Alejandro touched his arm. “I want to know more.”
Rodolfo hesitated and then nodded. “What do you want to know?”
“What… are you?”
“We call ourselves hybrids…” Rodolfo mumbled, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers. “My family are all hybrids… We have secondary sexes that determine reproductive ability, unlike humans. I’m an omega…”
Alejandro nodded. “Valeria called you that. You can… get pregnant, right?” He didn’t look weirded out, actually he looked curious. He looked… interested.
Rodolfo bit his lip and nodded. “Yeah… I also have a heat cycle but I am on very heavy blockers, so those don’t show up.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows, but nodded a bit. “I see… and you’re a rabbit?”
Rodolfo blushed dark red, nodding again. “I don’t have a specific breed… Some take pride in being a purebred, kind of like racism, but… I’m not. My family has a lot of different breeds.”
Alejandro nodded, again, and then went quiet for a bit. “It’s… a lot.” He admitted and Rodolfo couldn’t help flinching and ducking his head. “You won’t have to hide, anymore, though. Not around me, not around Los Vaqueros.”
Rodolfo blinked and frowned, looking up at Alejandro who was watching him earnestly. “I… But what if they-”
“If they have any other reaction but positive neutrality, I will have them discharged.” Alejandro shrugged. “You’re SIC, no matter what you are. More specifically, you’re my SIC. They’ll respect that.”
Rodolfo couldn’t help blushing dark red at the very mild possessiveness, nodding a bit and looking away again before Alejandro touched his chin and made him look at him, again. Alejandro smiled at him and Rodolfo softened. “Is your dietary needs… because of you being a rabbit?”
Rodolfo nodded. “It is. I can’t eat meat or it makes me very sick. I have to be careful about a lot, actually.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows and nodded. “I’ll research what rabbits can eat and make sure you have food options.” To be fair, Alejandro had already made sure there was a vegan option, but some of it, Rodolfo still couldn’t eat. 
Alejandro’s eyes seemed to finally register the strawberries, because Rodolfo watched him get up and go grab the carton, bringing it back to Rodolfo and holding it out. Rodolfo couldn’t help blushing, again, and thanked him as he took them. “How do you hide your ears?”
Rodolfo flushed. “I pin them down… It’s easier, they’ve grown into the position now.”
Alejandro made a face. “That can’t be comfortable.”
“It’s not…” Rodolfo admitted, looking down at the carton of strawberries. “It used to hurt, really bad. Back in school, when I had to pin them for hours at a time.”
“Is that why you and Chuy had special times in the locker room? So you could hide?” Alejandro tilted his head, ahhing when Rodolfo nodded. “Well… you don’t have to pin them anymore.”
“What about when I leave the base?” Rodolfo frowned, furrowing his brows.
“You won’t. On missions, you can wear a helmet, which I’ll have made special to fit your ears. And on base, just keep them out. I’ll start taking Alvarez or Rodrigez to meetings, and when I need to leave Las Almas.” Alejandro shook his head. “You don’t have to hide, anymore.”
Rodolfo couldn’t help just melting and he nodded a little, smiling. “Thank you… For not thinking I’m a freak.”
Alejandro shook his head. “I would never think you’re a freak. I would never because…” He took a deep breath and then pushed his hands down his legs. “I’m in love with you. And I’ve been in love with you for a very long time.”
Rodolfo’s heart stopped and he found himself freezing again, only able to just stare at Alejandro in shock. “I… I…”
“I had a crush on you in school.” Alejandro admitted, his face turning red. “It’s why I came and tried so hard to talk to you. However, any time I tried to approach the subject, you would turn away. I mean, I tried to bring up homosexuality and you acted like you didn’t even know what that word was.”
“That was a weird conversation.” Rodolfo agreed, remembering Alejandro stammering over his words. He’d asked his sister, but she had said it was a silly human concept and moved on. “I didn’t actually learn what it meant until a couple years ago… I just… I thought…” Well, reasonably he’d figured out that Alejandro was trying to come out. “I didn’t think I’d fit into that for… quite a few reasons.”
“You thanked me for being comfortable enough to tell you!” Alejandro laughed, softly, and Rodolfo groaned and covered his face, now dark red. “A lot more things make a lot more sense now. I had to explain so many basic human things…”
Rodolfo whined, darker and darker red. “I didn’t know what any of it meant…”
“I can see why, now.” Alejandro nodded and he smiled at Rodolfo, softening. “I didn’t understand a lot of the instinct I seemed to have around you. Like some part of me inherently knew…”
“That might have been my pheromones.” Rodolfo winced. “Omegas have special pheromones that bring out a kind of… instinct in alphas. It must have affected you, too.”
Alejandro nodded, furrowing his brows. “That makes sense.”
Rodolfo hesitated and then looked down again. “I… I’ve loved you for a long time, too… I was so scared, though…”
“I wish you hadn’t been.” Alejandro shook his head. “I wish I could have been there for you. I imagine this must have been hard to go through, alone.”
“Incredibly…” Rodolfo mumbled, dropping his shoulders. “I had Chuy, but when Valeria betrayed us, he ran off and then I had no one.”
“I remember you were devastated.” Alejandro furrowed his brows and nodded. “He asked you to leave with him, I remember I was very jealous and upset.”
Rodolfo hadn’t taken it as jealousy, the idea not even occurring to him. He’d just figured that Alejandro had been lashing out due to what had happened, as he remembered Alejandro and Valeria had become close friends. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be. It was a cultural difference, I think.” Alejandro sighed and then smiled. “So is Chuy also an omega?” 
Rodolfo nodded a bit. “You never would have had to worry about him, I’m not attracted to omegas.”
Alejandro looked incredibly relieved, which Rodolfo couldn’t help melting at. He felt all fuzzy from the idea of the jealousy Alejandro must have experienced, and he hesitated before curling up to Alejandro, melting more when Alejandro responded by pulling him into his lap. 
Alejandro started to touch over his ears, again, and then Rodolfo yelped and blushed when his tail was grabbed. He scolded Alejandro, who apologized. “Can I look at it?”
Rodolfo hesitantly stood, putting his back to Alejandro and blushing even darker when he felt Alejandro touch his tail, though it was very respectful, keeping away from the skin around it. He did tug and Rodolfo quickly swatted his hand away, the skin sensitive. “You could pull it off.”
“I’m sorry…” Alejandro murmured and Rodolfo turned back around to face him. “Rabbits are so fragile… You could have been hurt so many times in the field.”
“Not even taking into account predator hybrids and shifters,” Rodolfo retorted before stopping himself, seeing Alejandro’s eyes almost appear to fill with horror. “I’ll be okay, though!” He quickly promised.
“I’m not putting you back into the field, ever.” Alejandro shook his head, his eyes hardening. “I didn’t even know that was a risk.”
“I’ll be fine…” Rodolfo reassured, sitting on the couch beside him again. “I’ve been trained for this, I’ve been fine this entire time.”
Alejandro did not look convinced. “We’ll discuss this later.” He said, and Rodolfo winced, since that usually meant Alejandro’s mind was made up and they would, in fact, not be discussing this later. Rodolfo, though, decided he’d just push his luck, later. 
Instead, he nodded and looked down at his hands, allowing himself to just enjoy Alejandro’s protectiveness. A moment later, his face was gently touched and then he was made to look at Alejandro before Alejandro pressed his lips to Rodolfo’s. 
Rodolfo immediately melted into the contact, amazed by finally experiencing what he’d only fantasized about. It was perfect, too. Alejandro was full of the heat that Rodolfo had imagined he would be, and he grasped Rodolfo with as much desire and possessiveness that Rodolfo had indulgently wanted there to be. When Alejandro pushed him to lay back, he didn’t disobey, instead moving to lay back while Alejandro moved with him.
However, it was when Alejandro’s hands touched the waistband of his boxers that he remembered the human anatomy crash course that Liliana, his sister, had given him when he was just figuring out his feelings for Alejandro and had asked her. She was also an omega, but female omegas were apparently fairly similar to human females. So, he quickly jerked back from Alejandro, since he knew omega males and human males were not. “I um… I um…” Rodolfo turned bright red, more so at Alejandro’s apparent confusion. “I’m… I’m different down there.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows before cringing. “You don’t have like… rabbit… genitals, right?”
“No, no.” Rodolfo shook his head. “No, I’m still human down there, just… um… I have… both.”
“I think the human term is hermaphroditic.” Rodolfo blushed. “Though I can’t impregnate, at all.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows and then he touched Rodolfo’s waistband, again, looking to Rodolfo for permission. Rodolfo hesitated before nodding, looking away and taking deep breaths to stay calm and not become anxious again. Rodolfo’s boxers were carefully tugged down and his breath hitched when Alejandro lifted one his legs to push them apart. “I see.” Alejandro said and Rodolfo cringed, feeling very exposed. He gasped and tensed when fingers touched at his hole, blushing dark dark red. “You’re wet…”
“Yeah…” Rodolfo pressed his eyes shut, taking deeper breaths. 
Alejandro chuckled, softly, and Rodolfo opened his eyes in surprise. “Makes things easier.” Alejandro shrugged and then the fingers pressed inside, which had Rodolfo gasping at the heat that came from the action. 
He moaned when they started to move, curling and twisting, which shot little jolts of pleasure up his spine. “Hermoso…” Alejandro purred and Rodolfo’s skin warmed. “So pretty… Look at you…”
Rodolfo whined and reached up for Alejandro, pulling him close and burying his face in Alejandro’s neck, lifting his legs to wrap them around Alejandro, who seemed to gladly take advantage of the new angle, shoving his fingers deep inside Rodolfo. His fingers were long enough that he could press them against Rodolfo’s back wall, a feat that Rodolfo hadn’t even managed yet, so the sudden and intense pleasure had his legs shaking, already. 
Alejandro was a fast learner, he’d always been and it was one of the things Rodolfo admired about him. He took the reaction and started to abuse the pleasure, finding every spot inside of Rodolfo that had him crying and trembling within barely minutes. Rodolfo was soaking wet, able to feel it, and Alejandro chuckled softly, “you’re soaked. Did I do that?”
Rodolfo just whined in response, nodding and keeping his face hidden in Alejandro’s neck. He moved to bite and kiss at the skin he could reach, pleased at the soft groans he earned. 
When Alejandro removed his fingers, Rodolfo couldn’t help crying and trying to stop him, but Alejandro soothed him by petting over his ears and moving to kiss over his face. “Shh… I’m not stopping, I just need to get my jeans down.”
Rodolfo blushed and relaxed, nodding and dropping his legs so Alejandro could back up and undress. He was quick with the process, soon covering Rodolfo’s body with his own. The skin to skin contact had Rodolfo’s body very hot with need and he was quick to wrap his legs back around Alejandro, looking up to meet his eyes. They were intense, filled with a dark desire, and Rodolfo blushed, quickly looking away.
Alejandro, however, moved and started to bite over his neck, rough but not harsh, and then he was pushing in and Rodolfo was crying his name, stretched to the brim and so very very full. It was an amazing feeling, relieving like cold water on a hot day. “Fuck, you’re tight…” Alejandro groaned, resting his actions for a moment. “Tighter than I’ve had and that is saying something, all points considered.”
Pride bloomed in Rodolfo’s chest and he made a pleased sound. “You’re the biggest.” He offered, since it was true, before whimpering and whining when Alejandro rocked his hips a bit. “Don’t tease me…” He begged. 
“I’m sorry, mi amor…” Alejandro murmured, kissing over Rodolfo’s face again. “You’re so pretty when you cry like that, though…”
Rodolfo moved to hide, gasping when he was stopped and made to look up at Alejandro, who cupped his face. “Don’t look away from me. I love your eyes and I can’t see them when you hide your face.” Alejandro shook his head.
Rodolfo blushed and nodded, biting back an instinctual apology. Finally, Alejandro adjusted and then started to move, slowly pulling all the way out before pushing back inside. The sensation had Rodolfo feeling unable to breathe, already overwhelmed by pleasure. 
Alejandro didn’t stop, though, picking up a consistent, fast pace that had him hitting deep inside Rodolfo’s body, making Rodolfo swear he could feel him in his stomach. “You fill me so much…” Rodolfo whimpered, crying out at a sharp thrust. “To the brim and more…”
“Good…” Alejandro growled, quickening his pace and then grabbing Rodolfo by the back of his head and forcing him to tilt it back before attacking his now exposed neck.
At first, the action startled and caused an instinctual fear in Rodolfo, before he was melting and crying from pleasure. Alejandro’s hands gripped his hips in a bruising manner and Rodolfo hoped they would, wanting a lasting mark of this moment, of him finally getting everything he ever wanted. 
“Can I get you pregnant?” The sudden question startled Rodolfo, but he nodded, honestly. “Fuck… that drives me crazy in ways it shouldn’t…” Alejandro’s eyes darkened. 
Rodolfo moaned at another sharp thrust, pleasure curling in his stomach from the statement. He would admit he very much liked the idea, rocking his hips to encourage Alejandro to breed him. Eventually, his cock was grabbed and pumped at the same speed, which had Rodolfo thrashing. His thighs trembled at an almost alarming rate and his entire body tensed before an orgasm crashed into his body, too fast for him to really even process.
But, it didn’t matter, because he was flipped onto his stomach as Alejandro’s pace became animalistic, his shoulder being harshly bit into, and the action keeping Rodolfo suspended in his orgasm, prolonging it until Alejandro was finally jerking his movements and hot thick cum filled Rodolfo’s insides. 
Finally, Alejandro collapsed onto his back, burying his face in Rodolfo’s shoulder and nuzzling him. “Fuck…”
Rodolfo agreed, panting as he tried to come down. “I’ve wanted this for so very long…”
“So have I.” Alejandro nodded before starting to gently and lazily kiss over Rodolfo’s skin. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll make sure you have everything to be healthy and happy. I may need some education, but I promise to try.”
Rodolfo just melted, very warm and fuzzy. “I am on heat blockers… Which block my heat cycle. So… officially, I can’t get pregnant right now.”
Alejandro nodded a bit. “We’ll talk about that one, later. If you wish to come off them, we could easily just go to the ranch during your cycle.”
Rodolfo again got all fuzzy and warm at the idea, happily wiggling his tail between him and Alejandro’s bodies, blushing when Alejandro was quick to sit up and pull out. “Do that again.” Alejandro commanded and Rodolfo shyly repeated the action. “Fuck, you’re adorable, too. I’ve always thought that, too. I felt bad, because I thought I was emasculating you.”
Uh oh. New term. “I don’t uh… I don’t know what that means.” Rodolfo blushed, laying his face on the arm of the couch. “Humans have such silly terms.”
“I’ll explain it later.” Alejandro chuckled and picked Rodolfo up, moving them to Rodolfo’s bed and practically wrestling Rodolfo into curling up against his chest. “What other things can you do?”
Rodolfo blushed and then perked his ears up, like he did when he was trying to hear better. “My human ears are purely aesthetic… Just a remnant of evolution, I guess.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows. “No wonder your hearing is so dogshit, then, with them kept to your head.”
“Yeah…” Rodolfo winced and dropped his ears, again, blushing when Alejandro watched them droop. “They’re actually pretty reactive. But, it is very hard to hear with them pinned. Liliana learned sign to get around it.”
Alejandro nodded a bit and smiled. “Well, now you don’t have to. You’re so beautiful…” He murmured, reaching up to again pet his ears, which had Rodolfo melting and curling up tighter to him. “So pretty.”
“Thank you…” Rodolfo looked up at him, smiling when he was kissed, softly. He then yawned, exhausted from every part of the day. 
“Sleep, Rudy…” Alejandro pulled the blanket up over them and continued to pet him. “We have a lot to discuss.”
“We do…”
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z3r0b1tch35 · 3 months
Got bored so here’s my classification AU x omegaverse x agere
“Well Tanjiro, since you got a bunch of littles on your plate, I think it’s best to tell you this now.” Tengen flails his hands around, similar to an anime fighting stance if you think about it.
Tanjiro and his little sister have finally been allowed to live somewhat freely, and with her sleepy peacefully in the butterfly mansion; he’s decided to take a stroll with Tengen and Rengoku.
“Uhm, what do you mean best for me to know?” Tanjiro scratches the back of his head as he looks to the two men.
“Who is the best to look after your littles when you are on missions or sick, of course!” Rengoku has his arms crossed as he keeps his head forward. Tanjiro nods so that they can tell him.
“Mitsuri is best for the girls, she kind of stresses most boys out with her personality.” Tengen recalls. “Also her scent isn’t really the best for some.”
“The Kocho’s are great when you are close on time! They don’t prefer it since they can get busy, so we suggest only going to them if it’s urgent!” Rengoku smiles wildly.
“Me and Kyo here are pretty great if I say so myself. But I get stressed about noise and Kyo can’t hear nothing, so the emotional ones aren’t the best with us.” Tengen chuckles.
“Sanemi is the one person you shouldn’t go to! His caregiver instincts rarely ever pick up on things, and he’s constantly growling at omegas! It’s not at all fun to experience for little omegas!” Rengoku pats Tanjiro’s back.
“His younger brother is both of those… is that why?” Tanjiro swallows a pitiful lump down his throat.
“Possibly!” Rengoku’s smile falters a little before he shakes his hair out a little, and the creased lips are back.
“Then who would be best to leave a whole group of entirely different littles? I mean I’ve had Zenitsu watch them while I step out for a second, but never long.” Tanjiro seems sort of discouraged.
“Gyomei of course!” Tengen hollers. “Also he hasn’t presented anything yet?”
“Gyomei…? Also no, he just thinks he’s baseline and beta, but he doesn’t have any scent… nothing.”
“Oh, so lame!” Tengen scowls at the boring blond. “Gyomei is a caregiver and alpha! But he’s never gone into a rut before, so if a little sadly goes into heat his scents calm it down ten fold! He’s like super duper useful!”
“That is pretty nice. I’ll make sure I try to bring them to him then. Is he typically busy?” Tanjiro kicks a decent sized rock across the path.
“No not really. He does have a time he works out at everyday, but he just puts the littles in a baby pen thing so he can work out and keep them safe. Also training with Genya too.” Rengoku is getting quieter now that they are getting closer to the mansion.
“Wait… Genya?” Tanjiro looks at Rengoku.
“He is his mentor after all. He’s taken care of him for a little over a year. He knows more than you do. Now get inside and find your littles… and Zenitsu.” Rengoku waves the teenager away before taking Tengen’s hand. “Alright alright, you get daddy to yourself.
Tengen can’t help but give a toothy smile as he clings to one of his caregivers. Thankfully, they let him lie about what he is, a little and an omega.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Overwhelming Significance of Surprisingly Small Jellybeans
Gunpowder and Watermelon (part one)
Autocorrected Anxiety Attacks and Messy Sexts (part two)
Pachyderms and Pointed Teeth (part three)
Knocked Up Knockouts and Cheesy Puns (part four)
A Little Less Sparkle, A Little More Reality (part five)
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO/Omegaverse dynamics (knots, slick, vaguely confusing reproductive explanations), doctor visits, depictions of ultrasounds and exams, PTSD around exams, hinted sexism, hinted human trafficking (a mention of almost being sold by family), more puns, sticky boys, Col being a goof, attempted cunnilingus, sweet moments, playful insults, mpreg 🖤 Rating: mature
I got a little choked up writing this so please keep yourself safe if you have any problems with things mentioned above. It's a very sweet chapter but it still revolves around emotions and fetal doctor visits. If anyone understands issues with that it's me. I write things like this to help me heal. I love you all 🖤
Colson didn't think his hand had ever been squeezed so hard but at the same time nothing had ever felt so good. He knew he might be bruised later but he'd heal fast even if something broke. It was heaven though because his lover was turning to him for comfort. For at least the moment he was a good enough alpha his omega felt safer with him. Of course he couldn't bring attention to any of that though without probably losing it, Dom wasn't any better at admitting fear or need than he was besides maybe sexual. Need, not fear obviously- if his baby momma was scared of something in bed he damn well better say. "Ya know if you put your feet up and give me like two minutes down there I can relax your tense ass." He teased, trying to break a little tension. It was thick enough in the room you could cut it with a fang and the stench of nerves was starting to turn his stomach.
"Ya need two? Weak game bruv." Dom huffed back but his death grip eased. He still didn't move for the stirrups however and Col shrugged, he supposed that wasn't necessary yet but he wasn't opposed to playing a little.
Dom had been right about his friend, he actually had set up multiple appointments for the week so whenever the alpha showed up they had one. Thankfully they'd just been resting when Tom entered the room without knocking to tell them. They'd rushed around to get ready, everyone including Dom fearing if he was given any time to think about it he'd have to be convinced again so that was easiest. The omega just hoped he didn't have too much of his alpha's cum still inside him.
He shifted nervously again, his thighs clenched tight even though he wasn't naked. He'd ranted enough on the way that Colson told the nurse who led them back the boy wouldn't be nude unless they absolutely had to do an internal exam. He could still remember his first appointment at such a place, it was etched into the parts of his mind that carried all his trauma. He'd barely been a teenager at the time but they knew from his birth what he'd present as, that was obvious. He remembered feeling a little sick for a few days and his mum said she was taking him to the doctor. Of course his young mind thought that was normal until he was spread wide with a male beta checking out parts of himself he'd never even explored. He'd been dry since it was before his first heat and the bastard hadn't been gentle. It didn't help that both his parents stayed in the room to hear the 'okay'. He found out a few days later his father, 'uncle', and their mob type friends had set him up to be sold. It wasn't supposed to happen anymore but rich enough men could procure whatever they desired and a male omega was rare enough his family would have been set for life. He'd run away to London the next day and never looked back. He truly never thought he'd be in this position, he didn't think he'd find an alpha he could trust. He didn't even trust most betas so finding Colson was… mental.
"We should steal some of this medical shit and play doctor." He was pulled from his thoughts by his daddy's purr and he was surprised when he could smile. He started to reply when there was a knock on the door and he startled, his body locking up tight when the doc didn't even wait for a 'come in'.
"'Ello, I'm Doctor Ward. Miss Ha-"
"Mister." Dom corrected before she could finish. He understood the confusion but that should have been fixed outside.
"Oh Mister Harrison."
"Alright I guess but Dom. Please? Jus' Dom."
"Dom. Good afternoon Dom and you- Mister- oh my god!"
Colson tried to cover a laugh with a cough while his partner huffed and he leaned over the prone punk to offer his hand. "You can just call me Col. But please, I'm barely here. He's in charge." He wasn't going to let anyone treat him like Dom's alpha, this was the kids rodeo, his stud horse just put on a good show. The doc nodded and collected her professionalism again, focusing back on the important one in the room. She smiled down at him and it seemed genuine but they both knew how some people could be around his kind.
"You know, if the two of you wouldn't mind this would be a wonderful help to the medical community. I don't believe we've had a mated pair in…" She trailed off, her gaze going distant behind her glasses but the boy squeezed him tighter.
"We'll think about it, thanks. Can we just… ya know." He tried not to grumble but it was hard, he just wanted to get his anxious omega home and safe but he needed to know his whole pack was okay first.
"Of course, I apologize. Please think about it though. Dom, do you know about how far along you are?"
"Two months, twenty eight days, and… damn. I'd remember the hours but ya know. Time zones." Kells teased and he grinned when his boyfriend blushed and rolled his eyes.
"Thank you. Well, I hate to say it but it'd be best if we checked internally. I can do an ultrasound through your abdomen but not everything may be as accessible as you'd like yet." She kept her tone gentle but Colson still felt his lip curling up in a snarl.
"Tha's fine. Luv shut the fuck up. I'm good. Jus'... Don't leave?" His voice went soft and Col nodded, kneeling next to the examination table so they could be eye level. "Stay right 'ere."
The woman left the room long enough for him to wiggle free of everything below the waist and he immediately felt a rush of cum escape him to soak in the rough crinkly paper. Kells tried not to crack a smirk but Dom could feel the pride radiating from him. "Bastard you is. Right bastard." His cheeks felt on fire by the time their doctor came back but they never broke eye contact and as soon as he could he was holding onto his daddy again. His baby daddy. Fuck.
He tried to drift while she worked, his pink socked toes curling but his alpha kept him breathing and as relaxed as possible. They were so in their own little world that when a fast steady beat started up they almost jumped, blinking at each other owlishly. "There we go." Ward cooed, moving the screen so they had a visual and for the first time Dominic didn't mind having a bloody alien probe up his core. "Is tha'?" He whispered, absolutely refusing to let his emotions take over. He would not cry. He would not.
"What? Is it what?" Col almost whined, he was too wrapped up in keeping his lover soothed that he was so fucking lost but the fingers on his free hand were tapping out the fluttering beat on the table.
"I fink tha's our baby Cols." Dom whispered, his hold on his lover's hand the only thing keeping him from floating away. It was the first time it felt truly real and the first time he didn't almost hurl at the word. There was a baby and it was his. Bloody hell.
"Fuck. What? Isn't that fast?" Colson's throat felt tight but he absolutely refused to cry. He couldn't, Dom needed him.
"That's normal for a fetal heart. They seem perfectly healthy. Thankfully." She winked at the omega, playfully chiding him for not seeing a doctor sooner. Dom thought she might be alright for them even with the rough start. "As long as you're careful now and keep up with appointments I think everything will be perfectly fine even though you've been living normally I assume?" She was trying to be polite but they all knew what was written on the papers, he didn't exactly live healthy before all this.
"Actually um… not entirely true. Jus' cause I refused to admit it don't mean I kept up me 'abits. Ain't 'ad nuffin to smoke or drink since me test. Swear." He explained nervously and Kells chewed his cheek so he wouldn't grin.
"Perfect!" She beamed at them both and moved the wand until she found the best angle.
Dom stared at the screen and tried to figure out how such a tiny jellybean was changing his life so much but as he listened to that rhythmic noise he couldn't imagine not having it now. She froze the picture for them and pulled everything free, handing him a box of wet wipes before she left quietly. The punk couldn't figure out why her demeanor had shifted until he glanced back at his friend and caught the tear tracks down his cheeks. "Oh."
"Shut the fuck up. You're crying." He wasn't actually but he knew he would later, he couldn't let himself break in public he could feel he was going to be a mess.
"'Elp me clean up and get me 'ome? I fink she can get us a video." He whined low, trying to help by giving the alpha a job. "No playing!" He snapped teasingly just in case the man got an idea while wiping him up. Kells glared but wiped his face on the back of Dom's hand before letting him go to walk around the table. Of course he didn't trust him there but he was just thankful to have a moment where he wasn't being stared at and he took a deep breath. He was starting to calm until he felt something against his hole that definitely wasn't a wet nap. The sound of the rapper gagging had him trying to sit up but he was stuck and so messy. "Twat. It ain't flavored lube ya knothead!" He huffed but he couldn't help giggling through the rest of their time in the office, his tension disappearing on a wave of… happiness? How weird.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @jaxbreaker @hollywoodxwhore @cole-way-iero28 if anyone else wants tagged let me know! Hope this was good, I just thought it was a cute idea 🖤
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Thankfully Shinsou didn't have to experience the full brunt of being in an abusive home with two alpha parents. His parents were not happy to have an Omegan son and they made it known not to allow him to nest, not letting him fall into his instincts. It got worse when his quirk developed at four years old and they kept a muzzle on him. It was so annoying and he was scared all the time. When he was six years old he was found by a young Aizawa and Hizashi who were already a mated pair and, they took him in. His parents gave no fuss about it, handing him over with no qualms which hurt a lot but, he never looked back since then. He grew up in a loving home calling the hero Eraserhead his mom and hero Present Mic his dad and three cats. He was allowed to talk, eat, make noise, cry, and have a nest. They gave him stuff with their scent and they weren't mean. It was the best thing in the world. Surprisingly about six months after he was adopted they came home with a little black hair boy with red eyes and shark-like teeth. Judging by his smell he was an Omega as well.
"I know we talked about adopting another child...."
"I think having another kid for Toshi would be perfect. They're both Omegas so they'll bond over that as well." 
That was when Hitoshi met Ejirou and he was now his brother. He loved having a brother, especially one who was an Omega like him. Together the two of them grew up unapologetically themselves and protecting each other at elementary school and middle school. Thankfully they went to schools that took harassment very seriously so whenever Alpha's got too pig-headed the teachers or other students would put an end to it quickly. It made them both feel safe and Hitoshi felt like he could be himself. Of course, he had to deal with kids calling his quirk villainous but his family and two teachers always believed in him so it was more than enough. The two of them decided to apply for U.A training together as well as with their parents. Came exam day and the two of them took the practical and the written portion. Shinsou had his own capture weapon since he knew the exam was unfair towards non-physical quirks. Fast forward two weeks the two of them got their letters in the mail only to celebrate that both of them got into the heroics department. Hitoshi definitely thought he was going to get into the General Studies department but this was luck. He was going to make his family proud.
The first day of classes and he knew he was fucked. Not only did he find the cutest Alpha in the world but, his mom thought it would be an amazing day to scare the shit out of everyone to do their best or else face expulsion. He and Ejirou knew it was bullshit but, no one else did if the influx of hormones was any sign of that. Thankfully his mom took no one's shit and silenced them all with his quirk and a growl. Fast forward to the end and he exposed it was a test that upset a lot and relieved a few. The day continued on with him watching the Green haired Alpha scamper away from the loud blond Alpha. He rolled his eyes to look over at Ejirou who was looking at the loud blonde one. Great. They were both fucked. Mom's number one rule was no loud blondes. At the end of the day on their way home, he walked with Ejiro to talk with him about their predicament. 
"You know me and you are both in trouble right?" At least he didn't pretend to be innocent. He looked behind and to the side to make sure they were alone. Hitoshi grabbed his hand like he always did. It's a habit that the two of them developed as kids and it just never was broken.
"Judging by the way you were staring at Izuku and I was staring at Katsuki? Yeah, we are both in trouble." The two of them shared a laugh continuing their conversation until they got to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for their parents. They agreed to grab it while their parents went on home to get ahead on an early dinner. The two of them stayed glued together playing and shopping at the same time. They paid for the stuff and walked home in comfortable silence linking pinkies. It was a safety thing and comfort as well. The two of them got home in one piece greeting their parents. 
"Hey, guys! Did you get the stuff?" Hitoshi nodded his head handing the bags over as Eji ran to the bathroom. No one at school knew that their teachers were their parents or that they were brothers. It would come out eventually the brother thing but, their parents being their teachers would stay a secret for as long as possible. He gave his dad and mom a kiss and hug before heading to the second bathroom giving the cat's attention as well on his way. The rest of the day went by smoothly as the two of them ate, talked for a while, and did their homework. Hitoshi had insomnia so he had a regiment of sleepy time tea, 50mg melatonin to help, and 9/10 it worked. The rare times it didn't he would just sleep in between his parents. He still sleeps with them or Eji when he can't sleep or if he feels like it. There was fluffy stuff all over the house in all the rooms considering 3 of the 4 people who lived here were Omegas. Hizashi was the only Alpha who took care of all of them. Whenever their mom went through a heat they would stay with Aunt Nem until it was over. They didn't mind because his heat could trigger theirs to come early which can be very painful. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. 
"Are we going to tell them?" Hitoshi shook his head at Eji, ain't no way in hell he was going to tell them. Not yet anyway. 
"Let's wait a few months yeah? Make sure it's not just because they're pretty." Both of them agreed on that but, they didn't expect all the shit that happened to happen. They didn't expect the USJ attack and for them to almost lose their mom. That's when everyone found out Aizawa was their mom and that he was an Omega. They didn't mean to out him like that but, they were frightened. Then to make things worse about two months later the Kamino Ward Incident happened when the LOV attacked us at the camp and Bakugo ended up kidnapped. It was horrible and somehow Hitoshi ended up going with Kirishima, Izuku, Todoroki, Momo, and Iida to save said Bakugo. Their parents were not happy both scared and angry understandably. That was only 3 months and between the beginning of the year to now the class had already begun to form as a pack. It was so strange to see a bunch of students decide to become a pack but, it couldn't be helped. Once again, he and Izuku got a lot closer since then especially after finding out that Aizawa was his mom. He will admit he was drowning under the attention Izuku gave him but, he couldn't have it all. Ochako and Shoto made sure to have his attention most of the time which irritated him. 
"Is it me or every time you come around Izuku, Ochako, and Shoto always flank him?" Oh, thank God he wasn't going crazy or letting his hormones convince him of something that wasn't happening.
"You have no idea what a big relief that was for you to say." He was leaning completely on Eji. He might as well be in his lap at this point like he somehow always ended up doing back at home. He always wondered how he would have been if his parents never got him, and never bothered to help him. 
"Stop thinking about the past. I can smell the change in your scent." Hitoshi reeled it back in looking at Eji sheepishly. He and Eji were the same height at '5"7 but he was more lanky and soft whereas Eji had muscles but a soft tummy. The Omegan genes were disrespectful.
"Alright, alright I'll stop but, I have noticed that Ochako and Shoto make sure to always be there when Izuku comes to talk to me. It's annoying really especially when I'm trying to have a private conversation." Eji nodded as the two of them took up the loveseat in the common room like they always do. "How's it going with Katsuki?" They both were whispering not wanting other people to hear their conversation. Eji was excitable and loud but, he can be quiet when he wanted to be. 
"Surprisingly well, he's loud and obnoxious but, it's just a front. I know he's a nice guy beneath all of that." He had nothing to say to that. If anyone can tame a beast it was going to be Eji sunshine Kirishima. The two of them talked a bit more scenting each other lightly since it was the weekend. They did most of their homework but, they each left some of it as an excuse. Kirishima wanted a one-on-one session with Bakugo and he was working on getting it but, Mina and Denki kept getting in the way. For Hitoshi, it was Ochako and Shoto. 
"How are things going with Mina and Denki?" Mina was an Alpha who had her eyes a little bit on Eiji since middle school really. Kirishima saw her more as a close best friend. 
"The same way things are going with Ochako and Shoto." Touche. They both were being cock-blocked. 
"Why can't we just get what we want? Why must things always be in our way" Life was unfair the both of them knew that answer. They said nothing else about the situation opting to talk about the TV show they saw and sharing memes and videos. It was like this for half an hour until Eji was taken away by Bakugo ushering him to his room before 'raccoon eyes' saw them. Hitoshi winked at Eji behind Katsuki's back. He hoped he had good luck. They would make a really cute couple. He looked around the common room considering who he might cuddle with when he caught the attention of Izuku. He blinked and froze for a second before smiling and waving. He looked around and didn't see his two lackey's with him. Maybe he was given a chance?
"Hey, Toshi-kun!" He couldn't even fight the smile if he wanted to. Hearing the endearing nickname gave him butterflies and a warm feeling in his chest. God, he had it bad for him. "How are you? Do you have time for that study session? I-if you want that is-" His scent was tinged with nervousness but Hitoshi will be damned. He grabbed Izuku and made a beeline for his dorm. He was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
"Your two bodyguards don't mind me borrowing you right?" He didn't mean for it to come out as bitter as it did. Hopefully, he didn't notice. He watched the boy blink before looking to the side.
"Well, I may or may not have told them I was going to spar with Kacchan." Hitoshi blinked surprised. Clearly, this was to keep their friends off their backs for some time. "So, you have nothing to worry about." He smiled gently with all his teeth which made Hitoshi's heart flutter and pound at the same time. Hitoshi almost lost his resolve when trying to open his dorm. Once inside he made a beeline for his nest gesturing towards his bean bag chair for Izuku.
"You can sit there if you like." Izuku hesitated, shifting from foot to foot before entering and closing the door locking it. Hitoshi tried not to think too much about those implications. Izuku took off his slippers and sat comfortably on the bean bag chair while Hitoshi took the time to look him over. He was gorgeous. At first glance you couldn't tell but, he was rather muscular and stocky. His stretch marks from the muscle growth had him drooling almost and his scent. His scent was so alluring. He smelled like Green tea and nutmeg. It was such a weird scent but it brought Hitoshi so much comfort. 
"Toshi-kun?" He jolted realizing he was staring. Damn. Not wanting to make a fool of himself he sat up and grabbed the TV remote to turn on a random show. "I thought we wanted to study." Hitoshi was frustrated. He didn't want to study he wanted quality time.
"I didn't want to study, I wanted to spend time with you by yourself." He was definitely being pouty and he thank God he had his hoodie to cover his face and blanket as well. Izuku blinked blushing a bit realization dawning on him. Something must have transpired in his brain because his face set into determination as he got up and loomed over Hitoshi at the edge of the bed. 
"Can I come in?" Hitoshi blinked not sure if he heard him right "Your nest. Am I allowed to come into your nest?" Hitoshi felt his mouth dry as he looked at him in shock. He couldn't believe his luck. Not trusting his voice he nodded his head watching as Izuku took a breath and climbed gently over him and laid down behind him. It was quiet for a minute and a little awkward until Izuku grabbed Hitoshi around the waist and pulled him flush against him. Hitoshi's heart was pounding a mile a minute but, his happy scent of lavender permeated the air. He even let out a purr. "I see I made the right decision." Hitoshi didn't even bother to answer. He grabbed Izuku's arm holding it tighter as he purred louder. They can talk later right now he was just enjoying having Izuku so close to him in his comfort zone.
What are your thoughts?
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doitforbangchan · 2 months
All Bark and No Bite- 15
Masterlist /Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
Previous - Next
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Chapter warnings: Fem/Afab reader, Smut, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving), kissing, grinding, biting (a lot), blood, blood in mouth, dom!Jeongin, sub!Reader, subspace, virginity loss, breeding kink, loss of control, A/b/o rut symptoms, overstimulation, cursing, crying, pet names, begging, fluff, angst.
WC: 8.1k
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You don’t recall how you got to bed last night. Everything after the… intimacy is a big blur. You vaguely remember being put into the huge bathtub, clearly needing a wash down after the copious amount of slick that came from you and covered your thighs. There's a faint memory of both Chan and Felix joining you in the oversized tub, showering you with love and praises. 
As you came too that morning, you noticed you were wrapped in not one pair of arms, but two. That's right. During your bath last night you had laid a claiming bite to Felix. You were so delirious as you floated through deep space, that on instinct you had just leaned over and bit into him. Thankfully Felix didn’t mind, though both he and Chan had been shocked at the sudden display. Felix instead just held you tighter to him as you dug your teeth into his skin, tears of happiness and love bursting from his eyes. 
You could surmise that after that encounter you had been apprehensive to leave the beta, thus how all three of you ended up in Chan's bed together. Chan had his arm draped over you on one side, snoring soundly and mouth agape. Felix was on your opposite side curled up into you, seemingly as close as he possibly could. You felt at peace there in the comfort and warmth of the two boys. So much so that after reflecting on the previous night your eyes started to droop again. Just before sleep could reclaim you there was a booming thudding that shook the whole house. 
All at once, all three of you shot up in panic. Chan immediately went into protective mode, scanning both you and Felix quickly before he clamored out of bed. You and Felix looked at each other in fear and the beta grabbed onto you, pulling you into him. Just as Chan had reached the doorknob to leave his room to go investigate, there was another crash. This time it sounded like something shattered. Then came the deafening cry- 
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His skin felt like it was melting off, the blistering heat in his blood making him sweat bullets. Jeongin hadn’t slept all night. Not a single second. His brain and body would not let him rest for even a moment after what he had witnessed in the living room last night. After seeing you like that, in that blissful and fucked out state. It was enough to drive a man mad. 
Or in this case, enough to drive a recently presented alpha into a rut. The last two (and only two) other times he went into a rut he had been able to sense it for days. Had been able to prepare for it and remove himself from the house. This time was different though. There hadn’t been any warning, there hadn't been any signs, nothing. 
At first he tried to shake it off. He had skulked back to his room seamlessly last night. He figured he was just having a normal horny reaction, something he’s been dealing with ever since he met you. Sleeping it off would help, right? 
Jeongin tried, he really did. He drank some water to cool himself down and laid in his bed. Soon enough he threw his blankets off of him, feeling way too hot under them. Then he opened his window, trying to get some air flow to cool him down. When that didn’t work he tore his shirt off and used it to wipe the sweat that was building on his forehead and chest. 
Then the pacing began. For some reason he couldn’t sit still, his skin was crawling and he began to feel antsy. Time ran away from him as he paced his room. Back and forth, over and over again. The pain didn’t begin until he started to run his fingers through his hair, when his mind wandered off and he imagined it was you who was touching his hair. 
He couldn’t stop the mental images of you he had seen. How deep you took Felix's dick down your throat. Your glassy eyes when you choked on it. The ripple of your ass after each thrust into you from behind. The whimpers and cries of pleasure you let go of as you came. Fuck, don’t even get him started on the smell that permeated out of you. The thick arousal had spread through every orifice of the house, so thick he figured he could have stuck out his tongue and tasted you in the air. 
He craved it more than breathing. His cock craved it. His boner had been steadily growing in his pj shorts. A continuous dripping of his precum spouting through the tip and making a wet spot on his shorts. 
Jeongin felt a dangerous amount of sheer aggression within him begging to be released. It was at this point he knew exactly what was happening, and by now it was too late to leave or do anything about it. It was nearing dawn by now, he could see the first sign of the sun beginning to crest over the thick forest outside the window. 
While he was still somewhat in his right mind he decided the best course of action would be to lock himself up in his room, and pray it ended swiftly. Not only did he lock his door but he also pushed his dresser in front of his door so no one could enter his space. Maybe not his smartest move but in his rattled brain it seemed like the best course of action. 
After another hour he couldn’t stop humping into his pillows, begging for some kind of release. He would take literally anything. But nothing came, or more like he couldn’t cum. He was growling and crying as he tried desperately to get off. Deep inside himself he knew why he couldn’t. It’s because he didn’t have you. 
“Fuck!” He cursed louding, gripping into his now moistened pillow with both hands and literally tearing it into two pieces. His sense of reality was slipping quickly. 
There was a tentative knock on his door that startled the alpha. 
“Innie? Are you ok?” The sleepy voice of Jisung rang in his ears through the door. The beta tried the door but was met with it being locked. The handle rattled. “Why is your door locked? You never lock it.” 
Jeongin growled at the attempted intrusion. “Go away Jisung.” 
Jisung could hear the menace in the younger boy's tone, and it shook him more awake. Then came the overwhelming amount of pheromones that leaked through the cracks in the alphas door. ‘Holy fucking shit. Innie is in a rut.’ 
“Innie… If you're going into a rut right now, then we gotta get you outta here. You gotta go to the safehouse.” Jisungs words were almost a whisper, the scent was making his throat close up and his eyes water. 
“There was no time, it’s too late for that. Leave me alone.” The alpha grumbled, eyes trained on the door with malicious intent. He had never in his life felt so feral. It was kind of scary. He was still sweating profusely. 
In hindsight, the next thing the beta said may not have been his brightest, “ Well you can’t stay here. What if you hurt someone? What if you hurt baby?” 
At the mention of you, the alpha lost control of himself. There was a deep rumbling coming from within him as his instincts took over and he knew he just needed you. He had to get to his omega immediately. 
Jeongin shot off his bed hastily and to the barricade he had created for himself. With all his might he ripped the opposing furniture away from the door, creating a loud boom that shook the house as it clattered away from the door. He then went to unlock the door and rip it open, but was met with the terrified hands of Jisung who gave him a harsh push back into his room. The force caused the alpha to fall back into another desk, knocking down a lamp that resided there. There was a shattering clang as it hit the floor. 
Jisung panicked and yanked the door closed, holding it there as tight as he could, but he knew he would be no match for a raging alpha. So he did the only thing he could do… Get help. 
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The second Chan left his room he could tell exactly what was happening. The smell alone was enough to fill him in on the predicament. He sprinted through the halls until he reached the source of the commotion. 
Jisung was still holding the door while he fought back cries. “Channie, thank fucking god.” 
“What the fuck happened?” The alpha demanded, eyes hard. 
“Innie, he -” Ji was cut off by a strong pull against the door, the beta unable to keep position and almost flying forward with it as it was yanked. 
Chan pulled Jisung back and flung himself into Jeongin before he could leave the room. “Go get Changbin, now Ji.” He called to the beta, who took off towards Bins room. Chan could see the broken mess on the floor, a sense of understanding coming over him. Then he focused back on Jeongin. He had his arms wrapped around the alpha boy as he thrashed in his hold. “Jeongin, you have to stop. You're in a rut, this isn’t you.” Chan was using his head alpha voice to try and corral the younger, but it did little to quell him. 
Back in Chan's room, you and Felix could hear a commotion down on the second floor of the house. Without a thought other than to help, you slipped out of Felix's hold and off the bed, ignoring the intense ache that was settled between your legs. 
“Baby stop!” Felix tried to reach for you but you were quicker, shooting out of the room with him hot on your tail. You managed to stay one step ahead of him until right when you made it to the threshold where there was now a gathering of the pack.  Felix wrapped you in his hold tightly before you could enter, his bright eyes scanning the situation. You could both tell by the scent that there was an alpha in a rut nearby. “We’re going back to Chan's room. This is no place for you.” 
Peering in as you squirmed you could see Jeongin being held tightly against Changbin as Chan had a grip on his face, attempting to calm down the youngest alpha. Jisung was to the side, hands on his face as he observed. Jeongin’s eyes were wild as he attempted to push the other boys off of him, until suddenly the flailing stopped and his nose flared. He could sense you nearby with his currently heightened senses. 
His gaze zeroed in on you just beyond his door, held by Felix, as you wore nothing but a t- shirt. “Omega.” 
Chan swiftly turned his head to see you there, “Fuck. Felix get her out of here.” He sounded pissed now. 
“M’ tryin!” The beta pulled at you, but you dead weighted yourself to make it harder. “Baby come on! Please!” 
“No!” You protested, digging your heels in. “He needs me!” Your omega brain only has one mission at this very moment. Help the alpha. Make it better.
By now the other few members had come out of their rooms frantically, now crowding around the scene that was unfolding. It was quite the sight indeed. All alphas were in their underwear; having no time to change into clothes given the circumstances. 
“Jesus fucking christ, can we not have one normal day?! For once?!” Minho shouted in exasperation. The eldest beta noticed Felix struggling with you and went to help. “Y/n, go to your room.” 
“No!” you yelled again, tears coming to your lashes as you fought. “I can’t! He needs me!” 
“For fuck sake, just listen for once!” Minho yelled at you, but it was kind of your thing to not listen to what he said. Instead you shook your head in defiance. The beta wanted to rip his hair out in frustration. “Fine. I won’t be responsible for this fucking mess.” He snarled as he threw his hands up and stomped past Hyunjin who quickly got out of the elder betas way. It was too early for this shit…
You looked to Chan, your eyes pleading and filled with crystalline tears. “Channie, please. Let me help him. I don’t know how or why, but I need to help him. Please, alpha.” 
Chan cursed when he heard your begs, but then he noticed something. Once Jeongin had eyes on you he had calmed down. Minimally, but it was a noticeable improvement. The boy wasn’t fighting against them as hard and his breathing wasn’t as labored. He never would have grabbed Jeongin like this in the first place if he wasn’t fighting so bad and knocking shit over.
 “Bin, hold him tight, ok?” Changbin nodded, latching onto the youngest alpha. He too had noticed the change. Chan went swiftly to you, grabbing your face in both hands and tilting your face up. “Do you even understand what you’re asking me right now, omega?” 
You tried to nod but you couldn’t with his hold on your face. “Yes Chan, I think I do.” 
“You think you do? Let me explain something to you, love. Innie has only ever gone through his rut twice before, and never with another person. Fuck, he’s never been with another person period.” 
Jeongin was…a virgin?! 
“He especially never went through it with an omega. This is a recipe for a man who is almost wild with need. Do you think that’s something you could handle?” His tone was skeptical as he searched for any sign of trepidation in your face. Chan remembers how he used to be when he started getting ruts. He was an insatiable asshole. To be fair, not much has changed.
Your eyes flitted over to Jeongin. He was still standing in the middle of his room being held and whispered to by Changbin. His predatory stare was locked on you; his pupils blown way out of proportion. It didn’t help that you had on nothing but Felix's shirt and nothing else.
“Honestly, Channie.” You looked back at him. “I believe I can handle it. I want to try.” 
He stared at you for a moment longer, searching your eyes for anything that would negate what you said. When he found nothing he let out a sigh and dropped his hands from you. “If it becomes too much for you, call for me. Promise me you will.” 
“I promise.” you stated with no hesitancy whatsoever. 
He looked around at all the worried faces of the pack, then back to you to give you a hard stare. “Ok.. You win, omega.” You went to cheer but he cut you off, “First go take your pill. And you have to be sure to take it every single day, rut or no rut.” 
“You got it!” You pulled him in for a swift kiss that surprised him, then you hightailed it back to Chan's room for your pill. You gulped it down with the glass of water that was left on the nightstand.
 Honestly you had no clue why you were so excited. You knew how rough and demanding an alpha could be, one during a rut would be a whole other ball game. But something about it excited you. Maybe it was the prospect of a challenge, maybe it was anticipation of helping one of your alphas. 
You skipped back down to the second floor, finding none of the betas present anymore. Chan had sent them back to their own devices-  there was no need for anymore of a spectacle. The door to Jeongins room was closed now. Chan leaned back up against the door waiting for you. 
He cupped your face again as you approached. “You really are the best omega, you know that?” You preened at his praise, leaning into his touch. “Take breaks when you need to. I’ll be out here with food for you both in a few hours.” After you nodded he gave you a passionate kiss, nipping at your bottom lip as he pulled away. “ I love you.” 
“I love you too, Channie.” he gave you another kiss then he let you go and stepped away from the door.  You took a deep breath and reached for the door handle but before you could turn the handle it opened, revealing Changbin coming out of the room. He closed the door behind him.
“Hey baby. Be careful in there, Innie is chomping at the bit.” He chuckled, giving you a deep kiss as he passed. “I know you’ll be fine though. He loves you too much to hurt you, rut or not.” 
Your face heated up, “He loves me?” 
“Are you kidding?” Bin asked in surprise. “That kid loves you more than almost anything. We all do. You’re our special girl. Our precious baby.” He giggled when he saw your eyes fill with tears. “Don’t cry, baby. Save it for Innie.” 
“I love you all too, Binnie. So much.” You yanked him down to plant another kiss on his lips. “Ok ok, I’m on a mission here.” 
He threw his hands up and stepped back to stand next to Chan who had been watching your interaction. Any other time you would have taken a moment to ogle the two Alphas who were still in their underwear. 
You debated knocking on but figured it would be pointless, so with a slight shake to your hands you turned the handle and opened the door. You cracked it open and stepped through the threshold, “Innie?” You heard a pained moan when you said his name. 
Nothing could prepare you for the scene you walked into. There was your sweet Jeongin, laying on his bed, his clothes scattered across the room, and his fist jerking his red cock. His motions were jerky and rough, and his body was covered in sweat. His face was flushed and he was panting. His eyes were locked on your form the second you stepped into his room. The pupils in his eyes took over entirely, reminding you he was a predator and you were his prey. 
“Omega,” It came out as a deep rumble from the back of his throat. “Come here.” There was no nicety in his voice, only gravelly desire. 
With a gulp you took careful steps over to where he laid. The closer you got to him the quicker the pace of his hand went, his nostrils were flaring as he took in your scent. The state of him caused a pool of slick to gather in your core, and by the way he grit his teeth you knew he could smell it. “Hi, Innie..” You reached a tentative hand out to pat down his sweaty hair in an attempt to comfort him. Though comfort was not what he was after. 
He took advantage of your outstretched hand, grabbing the appendage with lightning quick reflexes and hauling you onto his bed. In less than a second he had you trapped underneath him. His big hands had a grip on your hips underneath the shirt you wore and his face was shoved into your neck as he breathed in your scent. 
Jeongins eyes turned into slits when he smelt the other members of the pack on you. “Take this shit off of you, now.” It came out as an intimidating growl, and with a burst of aggression he gripped the shirt and tore it right down the middle. You gasped when the now torn fabric fell off of you and when he literally tossed the opposing garment to the floor. “Mm that’s better.” 
The alpha couldn’t help but gawk at your bare form underneath him. He was salivating at the sight of your breasts; your erect nipples just begging to be sucked on and bitten. You were starting to feel insecure at his excruciating stare. “Innie… You’re making me self conscious…” Your hands went to cover yourself but he grabbed your hands and held them down on each side of you.
A groan of objection left him “None of that, Omega. Don’t you ever hide from me.”  He buried his face into your chest, licking over the perked skin. He hummed when you gave him a quiet yelp when he bit particularly hard at your nipple. “Need to hear you make that sound for me, again and again.” 
He suckled once again before he let your hands go free, and he laid wet, sloppy kisses and nips down your body. He traveled south as he marked your skin with his mouth. His teeth repeatedly grazed over your skin, gathering the flesh between his teeth with each movement; all the while he still held your hands down by your sides.  
Even though you were so sore from yesterday's activities, your body was slowly creating slickness to prepare for the alpha. When he laid a particularly rough nip you couldn’t stop the little whine, “Innie…” 
Jeongin let out a growl at your whine, mouthing even further down until he finally reached his destination. He shuffled down until he was face to face with your core. His eyes closed as he breathed in the pure scent of you, finding it immediately mouth watering. Without a second thought he dove face first into your pussy. He rubbed his nose back and forth as he breathed you in, it made your face heat with how lewd it was. 
You gasped when his hot mouth made contact. “Ah Jeongin!” You attempted to put your hands on his head but his firm hold kept your hands down still. 
Jeongin wasted no time in lapping up your slick. The alpha moaned loudly when he got a taste of your juices. He buried his face as far into you as possible, almost as if he was trying to be absorbed by you completely. The way he licked and sucked at you was desperate and chaotic. He had found no rhythm and was going purely based on instinct. Hell, he wasn’t even breathing, just taking in as much as he could of you. 
You moaned and rocked your hips against his face. Even though he was sloppy and untrained you still found yourself swimming in pleasure. When you moved your hips he lost focus on holding you for only a split second, but that was all you needed to remove your hands from his hold. You threw your now freed hands into his hair, tangling in his grown out locks.You pulled on the strands and he groaned raspily, sending vibrations into your clit that he was sucking on. 
“Nhggh Innie, Alpha, oh my god.” At your words he increased his speed, thrusting his tongue deep into you, desperate to drink every drop he could. “Fuck, Innie, your gonna make me cum. Keep doing that and I’ll cum.” You wanted to be encouraging but were finding it hard with how intensely he ate at you. He did as you said, continuing his motions until he pushed you right over the precipice. 
You felt the cord within you snap as you released all over his face and into his awaiting mouth. You gasped a cry when you came, your toes curling and legs shaking with rapture. The alpha didn’t stop once you had cum, though his slurping did get louder as he drank away your orgasm. You gave a weak push to his forehead in an attempt to make him stop and give you a breather. He didn’t stop. Instead he groaned sharply at you in response, and pulled you even closer. You weren’t sure that was even possible but he did it. Jeongin was so lost in you, he couldn’t get enough. His own hips were rutting themselves against his bed, acting on their own volition. You tried to push at him once again when the sucking became too much, but with lightning quick reflexes he slapped his hand against your thigh as he growled in warning. His blown out eyes pupils found yours as he looked up at you. 
“Behave yourself, Omega. I will do as I please with you.” He smacked your thigh again, the sting making you hiss. “I had to wait long enough for you, I won’t wait any more. I’m taking what I want from you.”  He didn’t wait for a response as he reburied his face within you. 
 This time he had begun to find a pattern. He was keeping track of every little moan and breath you released, learning exactly how to get you to make more of that delicious slick he craved. As he suckled and prodded it was only a matter of time before he had you on the cusp once again. Your grip tightened on his hair as you came with a breathless cry, the overstimulation becoming too much for you to handle and tears were streaming down your cheeks. Was he really a virgin? How could a boy who made you feel this good still be a virgin? 
This time Jeongin let you push his face away, giving you a much needed moment to collect yourself. Your eyes were screwed shut and your body was trembling. As Jeongin pulled back he gazed at you with a predatory stare. He could see the quiver on your lips and the wetness of your tears. It was making him feral. 
“Fuck, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world.” The words have slipped from him involuntarily, but he meant everyone of them. “M so lucky you're my omega.” He kissed your inner thigh. You opened your eyes to see him staring right at you. “Say it.” 
“Huh?” You were still coming down from your orgasm, your brain couldn’t keep up. 
“Say it. Say you’re mine.” He wasn’t asking, he was demanding. Alpha commanding it. This is the first time he had ever used his Alpha status in a command before. It made him feel powerful. 
“M yours, Alpha.” You whimpered, giving into him. “Your omega.” 
The second you finished speaking Jeongin turned his head and bared his sharp teeth, before digging them into the skin of your inner thigh. You screamed from the pinching “Jeongin!” He didn’t relent, instead he bit harder onto your skin. He was getting drunk on the way your blood filled his mouth.  He wanted to make sure it would never fade.
After a few seconds he let go, lathing at the mark to soothe the marred skin. His tongue cleaned the area before he locked eyes with you once again. There was a hint of red that escaped the corner of his lips, and with a shaky hand you used your thumb to wipe away your blood from him. It was kind of surreal seeing him like this. Like a beast. You didn’t know he had it in him, even though he had shown you previously that he most certainly had it in him. You guessed that you should have taken him more seriously the last time he almost took you. 
After wiping away the blood you cupped the side of his cheek affectionately, offering him a kind smile that made him purr. He slowly crawled up your body once again until he was face to face with you. His cock was red and leaking a steady stream of precum and you felt drip onto your stomach. 
 Jeongin only gave you a second before he pressed a hot kiss to your mouth, shoving his tongue into your mouth. You could taste yourself on him, both your slick and your blood. Quickly you wrapped your arms around him as he leaned his weight onto you. His hands came up to fondle your breasts, long fingers pulling at your nipples roughly. You squealed when he tugged just a little too hard, the pain making you jump. He huffed into your mouth at your movement. 
“Fuck, Omega. I don’t think I can hold back from you any longer.” He shut his eyes tight when he pulled back to speak, as if trying to reign himself in. “I need to have you. Need to feel your pussy, baby.” He gave you no chance to respond, as he leaned back and with a bout of strength he flipped you onto your stomach. Once you were flipped he laid another harsh smack to you- this time on your ass, as he watched it jiggle for him. “Mm fucking hell. Present yourself to me, omega.” Another Alpha command you couldn’t resist even if you wanted too. 
Even though you were already exhausted you used your strength to push yourself onto your knees and forearms, giving the alpha a clear view of your pussy from underneath you. And a view of the fresh bite on the inside of your thigh. The alpha groaned lustily when he gazed at the sight. 
Jeongin settled himself behind you, running his fingers along your spine as if to soothe you. He leaned over you to coo in your ear “So pretty like this, omega. Never seen a prettier sight in my entire life.” You hummed in response, feeling your cheeks heat up. “ M gonna try not to be too rough with you, baby. Promise I’ll try.”
You nodded, “ Ok Innie.” 
Suddenly his gentle touch was gone and replaced with a tight hold on your hips as he lined up with your opening.  It took him a moment to line up correctly, having never shoved his dick into anything let alone a woman, it was quite daunting. Though he felt no nerves, only pure need and lust. Finally, without warning, he pushed his full length inside. You screeched at the sudden breach. Jeongin threw his head back in ecstasy, moaning loudly at the feeling of you wrapped around him. “Oh my fuckkkinnngg goooooood, omega. Fuck this feels so good.” 
As soon as he said it he leaned over and bit you again, this time on the back of your right shoulder. You screamed again when he clamped on, “Jeongin, fuck!” You couldn’t deny how good it felt, the endorphins running through your whole body.
He dug his teeth further in as he started to thrust violently in and out of your abused hole. His pupils had turned into cat-like slits, and he was growling with each and every movement he made. The wet sound reverberated off the walls, echoes of the proof of your arousal filling the space. He knew deep down he needed to let go of your shoulder and calm down but he just couldn’t. He had never in his entire life felt this ravenous. He could see you white knuckling the sheets beneath you, and hear your labored breaths, but even so, he just could not stop. 
His thrusts were sloppy as he rutted against you. He had found no rhythm in his hips, but despite that his angle was still hitting you just right. His cock was long and thick, just as an alphas should be. Little whimpers of his name and designation were leaving your mouth. When he heard his name come from you, Jeongin doubled down subconsciously, putting more of his weight into his thrusts and his grip hardened on your skin. The added pressure caused your arms to give out, and you fell face first into his sheets. 
When you fell forward it made the alpha let go of your shoulder. The blood was dripping off the wound, rolling down onto his bed. He wanted to see this sight over and over again. “Precious little girl, look so good with my bite on you. Need to do it again.” His voice was thick and wet, as if he had a mouth full of your blood. 
“S-slow d-down pl-eaassse” Your words were slurred as you practically begged him.
“Isn’t this what you wanted? What you signed up for when you begged the pack to let you help me? I thought you wanted to be my good little omega, don’t you baby?” His voice had a slight condensation to it, even through his raspy huffs.  
The alpha then took his hands to spread your ass cheeks, getting even closer to you in the process. Now you had entered subspace for the second time in less than 24 hours, your mind was swimming and you couldn’t hold a coherent thought as Jeongin fucked into you. Jeongin was too caught up in his own pleasure to catch onto you slipping away. He scanned your back looking for another suitable spot, and once he had found one he leaned back onto you and bit into you for a third time. This time on the meat of your side by your ribs. 
You didn’t hold back the deafening moan that escaped as you came, feeling a flood of emotions from both you and the alpha above you. You clenched around him tightly as you came, squeezing his dick and making him let out a howl as he let go of your skin. By now your back was littered with your smeared blood and his own saliva. 
Before you even had a chance to finish shaking he pulled out of you suddenly, making you whine. Though almost instantly after your noise he used his strength to flip your body around so you could now lay on your back. He cared not for how your blood was sure to stain his sheets. You sighed in relief when you were laid down- no longer having to support yourself on exhausted limbs- but your solace was cut short when he pressed against you once again and thrust back into you. You wailed when he entered you again, your wet walls throbbing at the brutality of it. 
Jeongin took your thighs and hauled them up as high as your body would allow, getting you into a mating press and holding onto your skin to keep you in that position while he pounds into your pussy. 
For Jeongin this new angle was everything. He was so close to you, his cock hit even deeper than before and it felt so fucking good. The noises that escaped him were inhuman, he sounded more like a rabid dog than a person. He was licking fat stripes all over your neck, coating you even further with his saliva and his scent. He wanted you to drown in it. 
“Fuck m’ gonna cum. Wanna cum inside you, omega. Wanna fill you up, fuck, wanna breed you.” He was blabbering as he neared his high, saying things he had never said aloud before. “Wanna give you sweet little babies, nngggg, keep you full of me forever. You wan it? Wan’ me to breed your pussy, omega?” 
Fuck, his words were so filthy. Those added with the place you mentally free floated you found yourself subconsciously agreeing with everything he said. “Uh huh, br-breed me, alpha.”
The feeling was too much for the boy and with no warning he came inside of you. You shivered as you felt the heat from his cum coat your walls. It was thick and sticky as it shot deep within you. Thank god you had taken your birth control or you were sure he would have knocked you up. Especially with the way his knot inflated, keeping it all trapped within you. 
Finally, he had stopped moving, choosing instead to fall on top of you and nuzzle into the side of your neck. He was panting deeply in your ear, the warmth of his breath being comforting somehow. 
You had only a split second to enjoy the feeling, before you slipped in and out of unconsciousness.You were so worn out, your body just needed a moment to collect itself. The last thing you remember was the feeling of Jeongins fingers running up and down your sides while he caressed you gently as he felt his right mind return after his orgasm. 
You could faintly hear his whispered apologies at the way he treated you and how good you are to him and how he loved you. It was enough to lull you into a peaceful nap. At least until his rut symptoms returned. 
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Chan was in his office down the hall, he had his door open fully so he was able to clearly hear you if you needed anything. He wasn’t nervous per say- more anxious to see how you handle Innie. If you could come out of it with the younger boy and remain in pleasant spirits, then he would know how well you could handle him when he eventually went into his rut. Chan honestly should have known that soon one of the alphas would go into an early rut. The fact that it was Jeongin really didn’t surprise him much, given how he had reacted when you went into heat. He felt a little guilty for not being better prepared. Chan knew eventually you would need a break, so he had asked Felix to make some goodies for you to enjoy later on. 
Speaking of the beta, Felix was attempting to cheer himself up by baking. It was his favorite pastime so usually it brought him great joy. Though this time he couldn’t stop the pout that had settled into his features. To him, he felt like he had just gotten you back and now he’s being forced away again. He didn’t want to be selfish but fuck come on! He just misses his baby. But he’ll be damned if he won’t make you and Innie the best damn cookies you've ever had! 
Minho was walking the property, attempting to calm his building irritation. ‘Why can’t she just fucking listen to me for once?’ He thought bitterly. It really stewed within him, making him more pissed off by the second. ‘Little girl just hasn’t learned her place yet, I’ll show her how to behave.’ His thoughts cut off when he was passing by the old greenhouse, hearing laughter and shuffling coming from within. 
Minho peered inside to find Changbin, Jisung and Hyunjin inside. The two betas were kneeled on the ground as they pulled out weeds and dead plants from the old soil. Changbin was wiping the windows and getting rid of the cobwebs.  Hyunjin was the first to notice the new arrival. 
“Hey Min!” Hyunjin smiled but it quickly faded when he noticed the scowl etched into the elders face. “What's wrong?” This caught the attention of the other two, who looked over with worry. 
“Nothing. What are you guys doing?”  He wanted to take the attention away from him. 
“Felix mentioned that Baby wanted to start gardening, so we thought it would be a nice way to surprise her by getting this place cleaned up and ready for her.” Jisung beamed when he mentioned you, clearly excited about their plan. 
“Hmm” Minho hummed, walking further into the tiny structure. “That’s very nice of you, Ji.” He patted the top of Jisungs head as if he was rewarding a dog, but Jisung was happy with it either way. 
“I’m actually about to head out to the gardening center in town, if you want to join me Min. Then I was gonna meet up with a friend at the Gym. I think it would do you some good to get out of the house for a while, huh?” Chanbin offered, able to tell that Minho needed to get out and let off some steam. 
Minho pondered for a second, weighing his options. That sounded better than sitting home and listening to you get railed by Jeongin all day. “Sure, that sounds nice. Let me go get my Gym bag.” 
“Awesome. I’ll do the same and meet you by my car in a few minutes.” 
Minho just saluted in response and went on his way to grab his stuff. Going up the stairs he could hear your cries and Jeongins moans, making him clench his teeth. Yeah, getting out of the house for the day would definitely do him some good. 
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All too soon you were awoken by Jeongin. It was the feeling of him scraping his teeth over the curve of your breast that lured you from your nap, the sharpness of his canine catching on your nipple making you jolt awake. You were still laid on your back, with Jeongin once again between your legs and he was leaning on his elbows over you. 
“Innie, wha’ are you doin?” You asked groggily, your voice horse from all the previous moaning. 
“Shh, omega.” He shushed, attempting to soothe you. “ Started feelin’ needy again, need my sexy omega to make me feel better, yeah?” His lips kissed on your skin, the spit from them leaving a glistening trail. “I’ll be gentle with you this time, promise.” 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before he was rutting against you with what was his attempt at delicacy. To be fair, it was much less relentless than the first round. He propped himself up further to rub his dick through your leftover wetness. You whimpered when his tip ran along your folds and caught on your clit. 
“Mm, love those little sounds, baby. Think you can make more for me, please baby?”  He licked on your flesh behind your ear, suckling there and leaving a deeply flushed mark. You nodded hesitantly, still feeling the tenderness between your thighs.  “You’re so good to me, make me feel so good- so special and cared for.” 
“It’s cuz I do care about you, Innie, more than I can express.” You lifted your tired arms to wrap over his shoulders, wanting him close. He rolled his hips against you again, this time with a touch more force, listening to the sloshing sound that came from where your bodies met. It was taking everything in him not to slam into you and take you again, but he knew you needed to be cared for right now. The alpha in him still needed to tend to you, even through his grueling rut. 
“I know you do, can feel your love radiating off of you. I’ve never felt anything like it from anyone in my entire life, the pure passion that burns in you. Makes me weak, makes me crave you more and more; in a way I’ve never craved anything.” He never stopped his movements, finally finding a pattern that rubbed on you just right. You moaned wantonly and screwed your eyes shut, feeling another dam about to break within you. You just needed a touch more intimacy form him, and you knew you could get there. 
“Alpha, please k-kiss me.” You had a tear welling up in your eye, but as soon as it fell down your cheek it was licked up by Jeongins warm tongue. Then he crashed his mouth onto yours, kissing you like it was his job. You tasted the salt from your tears on his lips. The kiss was exactly what you needed, and with a whine into his mouth you came again. You clenched around nothing as you shook. 
Your shaking gave the alpha the nudge he needed, following right behind you and cumming on your folds and clit. He shuddered and panted against you as he groaned into your mouth. You stroked his hair as he came down, letting him ride it out for as long as he needed. By this point you were both just panting into each others mouths- not really kissing anymore. 
After a few seconds he was able to pull back from you, finally climbing off of you and onto the bed next to you. He looked over at your sweaty form, taking in how fucked out you looked, how debauched he had made you over the last few hours. It made him coo at you and pull you into his embrace from the side. “Come here, sweetheart. Let your alpha hold you.” 
You snuggled into him, ignoring the stickiness that settled on your skin and between your thighs. “How are you feeling, Innie?” You asked, kissing his chest. 
“Much better for now, baby. All thanks to you.” He purred, making you keen in response. Silence settled over you both for a moment as you just breathed together. He was the one to break it though, “Ya know… I saw you last night.” 
“Huh?” You were confused for a second, then it hit you. Last night. When you were getting railed by Chan and Felix in the living room. “You saw that?” You were slightly mortified. 
He chuckled nervously, hoping you weren’t upset about it. “I didn’t mean to, but when I walked down the hall I couldn’t help it… I had to see.” He bit his lip, “It kinda set off my rut. I couldn’t get the images of you out of my head. Are you mad?” 
You nuzzled into him, sniffling. “M’ sorry, Innie.” 
“What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who peeped!” He was bewildered by you. “Don’t cry, baby please.” 
“You started an early rut because of me. All I do is cause you turmoil. I’m so sorry.” 
“That's enough of that.  No more crying.” He was exercising his new ability to alpha command you. One might say abusing his power over you, but who's really to say? “ None of it is on you. I’m just so happy to have you here for me, there's no one else I’d rather have lost my v-card too than you, omega.” 
You were shocked as you dried your tears, “You mean you were a- a-” 
“A virgin, yeah.” He looked sheepish at his admittance. “I guess I hadn’t really been interested in anyone else, maybe it was the romantic in me that was holding out for an omega to love. And looks like I found one, so I can’t be upset.” He winked clumsily. 
“I'm just a little surprised. You made me feel.. So good.” Now it was your turn to be shy. You pushed your face into his chest even further as he chuckled. 
“I was just following my instincts baby. I'm sorry that I got a little carried away with that first round. We should probably clean those bites before the rut starts to kick my ass again.” He kissed your head and squeezed you. You nodded in agreement and kissed his chest in response. 
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Changbin and Minho had stopped at the gardening center first. Changbin had a list given to him by Felix full of supplies and seeds that he knew you would need to get started. The two boys had even picked a few things they wanted you to plant, including a baby raspberry bush so Minho could make fresh jams. Then their next stop was Changbins gym that he visited regularly. 
When they walked in they were immediately greeted by Changbins new friend. “Hey Bin! Took you long enough!” 
“Eh, I would call it fashionably late.”  He bro-hugged the beta man, then turned to introduce him to Minho. “Min, this is Wooyoung. He’s in town for the summer, we met at the diner right before we went camping.” 
Wooyoung gave Minho a bright smile, showing off his pearly teeth. He stuck out his hand to shake. “What's up, nice to meet you.” 
Minho subtly took in Wooyoung. He was slender and had a friendly face. There was a claiming mark etched onto his neck, clearly from an alpha given how deep it is. If Minho didn’t know any better he would say the other beta was generically average. But, Minho could see something hidden in his eyes, something almost sinister. 
Still, Changbin had befriended him so he wouldn’t make any assumptions just yet. So he grabbed the outstretched hand and gave a firm shake. “Nice to meet you too.” He didn’t miss the subtle way the other man's nose flared when Minho got closer to him. He made a mental note of it. 
Changbin clapped his hands together, “Alright, let's get started. We gotta get you boys into shape. You’re both too scrawny. Weights, chop chop.” 
Minho groaned in protest, but it didn’t last long before he was being shoved by Bin, who was laughing at his pack mates displeasure. This time, Min did miss the borderline evil smirk that graced Wooyoung's face as he trailed behind. 
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A/N: Don't come for me about all the blood in mouths thing... In this universe it's not a harmful thing since they all bite each other :)
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!
Beta read by my loves @ayejaii and @jehhskz <3
Taglist- Closed
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phanfictioncatalogue · 9 months
Switch!Phan Masterlist
Arrangements (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: One night stands have worn out their welcome, but Dan isn't ready for a relationship. Thankfully, other arrangements can be made.
Brick by Brick (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne), embarrassing_myself
Summary: No one said having an unmated Alpha and an unmated Omega living under the same roof was going to be easy, but add in a mess of feelings and desire, and things go from bad to worse. When Phil Lester asked his best friend, Dan Howell, to move in with him, he thought he could ignore his feelings and refrain from submitting, but with an oblivious Dan scenting him every other day, he decides he has to put a stop to it. Jealousy and misunderstandings collide to throw their lives into chaos, forcing both men to reconsider their relationship. Will they ever get their happy ending, or will prevalent sexism force them apart?
Catch your breath (ao3) - Sacirin
Summary: Dan had started working out regularly a year before, because it helped with depression, and consecuently he is in better shape than his boyfriend, who has some trouble catching his breath. So they decide to start doing yoga and running together.
or, some execise, domestic life, and Dan being horny.
(TW) Come What May (ao3) - PhantasticFiction
Summary: Phil Lester usualy wasn't one to go to strip clubs. But after being coaxed into it by a couple of his friends he meets the ever hypnotizing Greyson Bear(Dan Howell). Easily falling in love with him Phil works to save Dan from the underworld of prostitution.
First Time, ...kind of. (ao3) - fin_flora
Summary: Dan had never felt so overwhelmed with emotions in his life as he did that night.
Or Dan's first time bottoming with Phil.
Guilty Pleasure (ao3) - ThoughtaThought
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a BDSM club and decide to play. Dan is a rigger and a masochist. Phil is a sadist and a rope bunny. It’s perfect.
(TW) Let Me Be Your Call Boy (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne), embarrassing_myself
Summary: After coming out as gay to his friends on his birthday, the last thing Dan is expecting is to be gifted a call boy as a present, let alone one that’s been paid for for the entire night. Allowing Phil to show him the ropes is his first mistake, paying him to come back every week is his second, and using him to convince his parents he really is gay is his third. As a successful lawyer, the money isn’t the problem - falling in love is.
Lovely Things (ao3) - fin_flora
Summary: Dan doesnt want to conform to stereotypes. And thats okay.
Phil doesnt believe in labels. And they love each other.
One More Time With You (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: Dan and Phil are both popular pornstars that are famous for their own specialties: Dan for being one of the biggest size queens out there and Phil for his monster cock. When the two of them finally get to film together, they easily form one of the hottest and most natural pornstar duos ever put together. As the two of them start to film more stuff together and get to know one another better, they quickly learn that their professions put a strain on their relationship, yet somehow they find a way to stick together through all of the ups and downs.
Post-Tour Agenda (ao3) - blissedoutphil
Summary: They had lots of important things to do after the tour. Like sleep, for one. And sex. Also five months' worth of laundry. And what better way to decide who had to do laundry other than a sexy dan vs phil!
Pup Switch (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: The guys have become comfortable in their roles as pup and master, switching from time to time—until they realise that they’ve never truly switched places. In this story, Phil tries to figure out how to fulfill Dan’s desire to be dominated.
Shoot (Best of Three) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: They didn't agree on everything, but they had a foolproof system for every minor dispute. Yes, even those ones.
Or, what happens when they both want to bottom.
Switch (ao3) - analester
Summary: a fic that is heavily based off of switch!phan where sub!little!phil desperately wants to play with his daddy (dan).
package complete with bottom!dan riding phil, dan referring to phil as 'baby boy,' and a brief aftercare scene.
The Summer - auroraphilealis, botanistlester
Summary: Dan Howell has spent the last three summers at Camp Bergamot, but it’s never been quite like this before. This year, he faces a summer full of new friends, a new relationship, and an entirely new view on his own sexuality. Perhaps Camp Bergamot should be renamed camp self discovery  for all the changes Dan has gone through, but one thing’s for sure - despite all the hiccups and the drama, he just might have found the love of his life.
Tumblr's recommended Debauchery (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: A weekend away to explore each other.
This is all sex. Check tags, please.
Versatile (ao3) - Emptylester (timelordangel)
Summary: Dan wants to try being a dom, but he loses control of his emotions and things don't go well. He regresses part way through in response and Phil calms him down.
0 notes
ficclings · 3 years
Y/N - Reindeer Hybrid
Yoongi - Amur Leopard Hybrid.
A/N: I got super carried away with this and it was supposed to be up for Christmas but my brain shut down for a bit and it missed my own deadline. I haven’t proofread this but I wanted to get it out there. Again it’s a bulletfic as I’m terrified to write proper full fanfictions for KPop but I hope that you all enjoy it anyways. Please like or comment if you would...be...so kind to...
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Y/N always had a small aversion to Christmas.
This wasn’t because she despised the day or anything, it was how she was teased relentlessly because she was a Reindeer Hybrid.
She thankfully didn’t have giant antlers like the actual Reindeer; she could hide them with a hat whenever the season arrived.
She could handle herself with the comments but it was always appreciated when her best friend Hoseok stood up for her; his strong Stallion aura greatly intimidating when he needed it to be.
She often stayed at home during winter and worked on her computer, trying to look as if she was at all interested in what her colleagues were saying to her via their small little video chat.
Staying at home wasn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world but she did enjoy a couple of things.
She could go do things in her home like taking a break often and having a small nap whenever she started to get a headache from working too hard. 
Also, she got to listen to her neighbour.
Her neighbour was an amazing rapper and even though a lot of people would assume she liked musicals, she actually enjoyed rap and heavy metal the most; dabbling in a love for all Japanese music.
 He had the deepest voice she’d ever heard when it came to rap and sometimes he spoke so fast that it took her a moment to comprehend just what the hell had happened.
Y/N always wanted to sound an applause afterward but knew it would most likely be a little weird for him to suddenly hear the squeals of a mostly shut in Reindeer Hybrid.
He always practiced right as the afternoon started for a couple of hours and then she would hear nothing from him again until the next day at the same time.
Unknowingly, he became apart of her routine.
It was like having small daily concerts just for her and as each day passed she found herself gaining a little crush despite most of her knowledge of him came from listening to him through her bedroom wall and one small shared glance they had had with one another when she had just come back from gathering supplies for her Instax Camera.
He was about the same height as her with gorgeous fluffy black hair; bucket hat covering any indication on whether or not he was a Hybrid.
Dressed in all black with only one red tie to add colour, he looked like an absoloute dream to Y/N and she nearly walked right into her front door when she finally got a look at his eyes.
Wonderful dark eyes that held such sleepiness in them; something she found rather endearing.
The moment quickly ended though when she felt her face completely burn up and she hurried into the apartment, leaning against her closed door with a loud gasp of air as she tried to calm down her small panic.
He was there again.
Right by her wall, where she worked, rapping like he was born to do it and her hands immediately stopped typing.
She clambered over her bed and pressed her ear to the wall, smiling and her small tail tingled with excitement.
He added music?!
She clenched her fists tightly with such utter happiness; her mouth opening and before she knew it, she let out a great big “You’re so cool!”.
Y/N froze with wide eyes as the music stopped suddenly and the silence began to pound in her ears; fingers twitching and she curled up away from the wall.
Oh no, he’s talking to her.
His voice is so close to the wall that she couldn’t even pretend he wasn’t talking to her.
Y/N couldn’t bring herself to speak and she began to nervously pull at her right antler.
Then a knock at her front door just about made her heart drop to her feet.
Why did this situation have to arise? She’s so bloody awkward with social interactions!
“I know you’re in there Reindeer,” 
Oh that made her shiver for some reason and her tail twitched as she managed to get herself to move off her butt and open the door; eyes glued to the floor with red decorating her skin and if he could see that, he never mentioned it.
“Have you been listening to me?” 
She just nodded like one of those stupid bird desk toys.
Brilliant response.
Stunningly eloquent 
“What did you think?”
That one question allowed for a friendship to blossom between the two of you.
His name was Min Yoongi and he was a very lazy Amur Leopard Hybrid.
But a very handsome one.
One that made Y/N want to throw up in nervousness whenever they hung out, which was practically everyday despite her having to work whilst he lazed on her sofa and played on her Playstation.
It was one of those blinding crushes where if Y/N were in a cartoon a pink mist would be surrounding her and hearts and butterflies would dance around her face.
It really didn’t help that winter was also when her Reindeer side would go a bit loopy with hormones and would make her act like, just such a moron around Yoongi.
He had no idea.
He was very clueless when it came to women’s inner turmoil let alone a female hyrbid’s inner turmoil.
Y/N was a woman that he was interested in knowing the inner turmoil of though; she was just...special to him for some reason.
He could blame it on the fact that she was a Doe and very skittish and it brought out his protective side.
Something that made Y/N feel fuzzy.
It was also a bit of a problem when both Yoongi and Hoseok were standing up for you at the same time because they were both very Alpha but Hoseok would always calm down quickly and just nudged Yoongi playfully on the shoulder.
Hoseok loved Yoongi too, it was nice to have a brother to help him out with guy things; something that always made Y/N laugh.
Yoongi had discovered a lot about Y/N when it came to himself.
She liked his ears.
Like a lot.
It was annoying at the beginning because he wasn’t used to it and they kept flicking around as it tickled to no end.
Now he just sat there most days as she ran her forefinger and thumb around on his soft fur.
It made him feel slightly warm under the collar now.
It wasn’t his fault.
You’re just so fucking cute with everything you do.
Even your grumpiness towards Christmas was adorable to him.
The pride he feels when you give him an applause after he practices was the best feeling in the world...only second to the ears.
Your eyes get so big as you stare at him and he almost always falters in his rapping whenever he catches your gaze, red flashing against his pale skin.
“When you get famous you have to invite me on tour!” 
Oh his heart aches.
Oh look at your little hands grasping his arm in graceful giddiness.
Oh your antlers are so fucking cute and oh god look at your little tail.
He wants to tug on your tail.
Not entirely sure why.
But he does know that the thought sends him to the shower every night.
Uh-oh you’re talking to him and he hasn’t been listening.
Totally not imagining things a friend should never imagine.
He was pretty sure he was malfunctioning because there was a very concerned expression on your lovely face.
“W-what?” his canines bit harshly down on his bottom lip as he stuttered.
“You alright?” 
Y/N’s hands were tugging on the fabric of his shirt as she tried to look at his face more.
“You’re so red,” she giggled quietly feeling quite drunk on nothing but her own Hybrid side.
Yoongi’s breath got stuck in his throat when the wave of your hormones suddenly slapped him across the face.
He really wished you were sitting directly next to him in your comfy clothes.
You looked so soft in them that he just wanted to gather you up in his arms and rub all over your scent gland.
“I’m good, Reindeer,” he practically purred out getting a scent of mints and chestnuts, setting his skin on fire.
Neither of you have any clue as to who actually made the first move but Y/N found herself laying on top of Yoongi on the sofa, kissing him with the most amount of passion she’d ever felt.
Soon finding her hands gripping the back of the sofa as Yoongi helped her ride him, his face first pressed against her collarbone; hot breath panting against her causing goosebumps before he buried his face in her neck as he continued to scent her heavily.
Your little cries of “oh Yoo,” made his brain feel as if it were melting into a puddle of heaven.
His large hands shyly cupping your backside before finally, finally getting the pleasure of tugging your tail causing a delightful and horrifically erotic squeal to leave your swollen lips.
Both of them consenting before they took the plunge and bit into each other gland as their release rushed over them; fingers causing cuts into each other’s skin as they shook.
After you two had become a mated couple (with the approval of one Hoseok of course), Yoongi had made it his mission to get you at least a little interested in the Christmas Spirit of things.
And boy did he.
His plan would only come into effect on the actual day.
And with his arms wrapped tightly around you on Christmas morning (both of you walking around practically glued to each other after heavy love making the night before) he led you towards the bathroom where he’d hidden his present.
“Merry Christmas, Reindeer,” he bit flirtatiously on your earlobe before opening the door.
A sharp bark sounded around before it was followed by loud squeals from you, hands picking up the small brown dog and snuggling into it’s warm, warm body.
“Oh he’s lovely, oh Yoongi,” cuddling into the Leopards side, he purred in content.
He looked down at you, eyebrow raised.
“It’s Christmas,” you stated with a determined expression
“His name is Holly,” 
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Pls do more ABO shenanigans involving Travis I'm begging you
Also, I feel that on the delivery day the moment someone told Travis to calm down (maybe the intention was even good but eh) he was like "tell me to calm down one more time, I dare you, and by the end of the day you'll need more stitches than me"
I like to think he thinks more before he acts at this point of his life but that just wasn't the right time
Ask and you shall receive~
Travis was the fussiest lil omega in history. He literally robbed any alphas and betas that he liked to put their stuff in his nest. Larry having to convince Travis to let him set up a nest in the treehouse where Kenneth can’t rip up anything.
He likes his scent the most, because confidence and self love baby, and makes sure to scent mark everyone. Heck even ash couldn’t put up a fight when he sat on her and just rubbed his peaches and vanilla scent all over her. (Larry and Sal were foaming at the mouth in jealousy when Philip flaunted about as the first one marked.)
His heats are disastrous. He has the similar symptoms of a painful period. He’s always forced to go to school because of it but thankfully the school nurse wasn’t under Kenneth’s control, so she let him hide out in her office. (No one messes with the nurse as she’s an omega who mothers all the children and has fought the teacher previously. Plus her husband is a very powerful man. They don’t want her to take things to court over child safety. She WILL win.
Travis was a late bloomer. While everyone else presented he prides himself in being a Beta, even though some people tried to tease him about being broken. Larry did once and immediately regret it when a wave of sadness just hit him like a truck. He didn’t expect it and he definitely didn’t anticipate being completely avoided and ignored. Even Philip glared at him a couple of times. Making it pretty evident he said something bad.
Travis, a thot, has indeed made it a game to see how many alphas he could flirt with before his came to get him. (The answer was 0, he didn’t even get to say hi before Larry snatched him up and carried him away.)
Travis was a vicious laborer. Every baby one of the boys had a broken hand if not arm. Larry most definitely because he kept saying stupid shit. “It’s okay baby, just relax” “A BABY IS COMING OUT OF ME! There’s no FUCKING RELAXING LARRY!” Sal only had one twisted wrist because Travis kept wriggling for comfort and he touched it out like a champ. Wanting his poor baby to be happy.
Travis is spoiled rotten. A princess even. No authority but full attention. (He doesn’t need to have authority those simps would bark if he asked them too). Anything he wants he gets. Especially when he’s waddling around and plump with a baby. They are at his feet and groveling to him. (Boosting his ego ten-fold)
He is never fully dressed and never plans to change. Sal has had to beat Larry away from Travis with a stick when they started living together. Over sized shirts and robes were travis’ best friend and it remained that way for a long time. Even when he was pregnant he never wore pants in the house. They’d be lucky if the shirt covered his ass, he would be in comfort and comfort only. Belly be damned!
After each baby Travis is very strict with his body. Sal and Larry try to talk him out of it, but they too got dragged into his diet and exercise plan. Especially when Larry started to get a beer belly. Although Travis did enjoy taking naps on the soft tummy. Like a cat he would curl up on them and fall asleep easily if they had soft fat or muscle available.
Sal introducing Travis to Henry. Travis just gingerly poking Henry and turning to sal. “You sure he’s awake? He looks like my dad after tiring himself out hitting me.” Henry is both concerned and hurt. One) his sons partner is getting hit!? Two) HE LOOKS LIKE AN exhausted abUSER!?
Larry introducing Lisa and Travis. Travis immediately apologizing for fighting with Larry so much and being mean. Lisa just laughs and pats him on the head. Travis cries and snuggles between the two Johnson’s and makes himself at him in their lil apartment. He has his own lil nest on Larry’s room and gets beat up if any mess disrupts the nest. Travis will know.
Travis is a Cupcakke girl. You can’t tell me that when he’s feeling spicy he doesn’t put her on speaker and shake his ass. Lmao, imagine Larry gets on his nerves and all Sal hears blaring from the TV is “his dick smaller than my toes” and then Those two running around the living room since Travis knows better than to get caught by Larry-
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ibijau · 3 years
here we go, last fic of the year! It’s Lan Sizhui/Jin Ling, a/b/o, set in the same universe as Petrichor, but can be read as a stand alone :)
Someday, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi are going to get married.
It is not something that anybody really talks about, and more an accepted fact of life. They have been friends for as long as they can remember, they are both in good position for being sect leader after Lan Xichen, they work well as a team. At fifteen, Lan Sizhui presented as an alpha. Some months later, Lan Jingyi surprised everyone by presenting as an omega, and that settled things. People around them started talking about them as an established couple in spite of their youth, because they’d never have been so close if they were not somehow fated, right?
Neither of them minds. Not really. It’s convenient for everyone after all.
“It’s not like I’m what anyone wants in an omega,” Lan Jingyi points out when, one day, Lan Sizhui asks him if he’s really okay with that. “Aside from you, I’ve never met an alpha I didn’t want to punch in the face after five minutes. Even betas I can barely stand.”
“Hanguang-Jun too?”
“Hanguang-Jun is way above everyone else, beta or alpha or anything,” Lan Jingyi protests. “I guess I could marry him, if he wanted…”
Grimacing at the thought, Lan Sizhui elbows his friend in the ribs, but that only makes him laugh.
“I’d become your new dad,” Lan Jingyi insists with starry eyes. “Would you call me dad, daddy, or father?” 
Lan Sizhui rolls his eyes. He should have known that his friend wouldn’t take the conversation seriously. Still, he feels a little better about the situation. Lan Jingyi isn’t without his faults, but he isn’t one to bottle up his emotions. If he really minded that everyone assumes they’re an item, he would have jumped on the chance to say so.
That’s good enough for Lan Sizhui. He doesn’t want romance. He’s seen what he did to his father, to his uncle, leaving one branded by shame and the other broken for years. It just doesn’t feel worth the trouble. What Lan Jingyi and him have isn’t the stuff of great stories, sure, but it’s stable and it's safe. Security is far more important than something as ridiculous as love.
 When Lan Sizhui is nineteen, there starts being talk of making their engagement into something formal. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren ask them to give it serious consideration. They are both orphans, so there is no direct pressure put on them, but Lan Sizhui gets the impression that Lan Qiren at least is particularly in favour of the match. Neither of his nephews has had children, and they're unlikely to ever do, between Lan Wangji's character and Lan Xichen's delicate situation. Lan Sizhui isn't a Lan by blood, but he is well liked by juniors and elders alike. Lan Jingyi doesn't have that diplomacy, but he is a cousin to the Lan jades. If they get together, it would avoid the risk of disputes when the time comes to choose a new sect leader: they can just rule conjointly and leave it at that. Lan Xichen is less insistent than his uncle, and says it's important they choose carefully. It's clear, though, that he doesn't disagree with Lan Qiren's position.
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji doesn’t like this.
He doesn’t say so, because he wants Lan Sizhui to make his own choices in life, and he will support his son through anything as long as it is not endangering his life. Still, he radiates disapproval when Lan Sizhui reports on that conversation with his uncle and great-uncle.
Most people wouldn’t guess, but Lan Wangji is a romantic at heart.
Lan Sizhui isn’t. 
Well. He tries hard not to be.
But now that this engagement business is turning into something serious, he’s a little less sure about it.
It is nice, of course, to know exactly what the future holds. There's comfort in that. Lan Sizhui likes knowing what to expect, he likes safety, he likes knowing that tomorrow will be very much like today.
And he loves Lan Jingyi of course. They’ve been friends for years, and they know each other better than anyone else. But it’s not the sort of love that makes them want to kiss and get in bed together. He’s sure of that, because they’ve tried kissing once or twice, to see how that’d feel, and it was just weird. Lan Jingyi's smell, like grass freshly cut and summer warmth, doesn't evoke any strong desire in him. That's a problem because if they get married, they’ll have to make love. And it’s not that Lan Jingyi is ugly or misshapen or anything, but the idea doesn’t sit right. All Lan Sizhui can hope for is that when they’re bonded, once his ruts and Lan Jingyi’s heats coincide, it’ll sort itself out.
(that still leaves the issue of that initial bonding, but if Lan Sizhui doesn’t think about it, then it’s not an issue)
It’s a comfort of sorts when the morning after they talked to Lan Qiren, Lan Jingyi looks as awkward about the situation as Lan Sizhui feels.
“Are we really doing this?” Lan Jingyi whispers to him, even though they’re in class and really shouldn’t be talking at all, least of all about something like that.
“If you want,” Lan Sizhui replies, his voice as low as possible to avoid attracting Lan Qiren’s attention. “We still have time to decide.”
“Yeah, right. I mean, it could be worse, right? We get along fine, we know that already.”
It is a blessing indeed. Most people in their position would just be dumped into an arranged marriage, and consider themselves lucky to not end up with someone they despise.
Still, Lan Sizhui is glad that they don’t have to give an answer right away.
When they meet Jin Ling on Dafan Mountain, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi immediately agree that he is a bit of a spoiled brat.
It’s no surprise of course. The only heir to a sect like Lanling Jin, with also some rights over Yunmeng Jiang? It would have taken the world’s best parents to prevent that boy from being a little rotten, and as everyone knows well, Jin Ling doesn’t have parents.
In truth, Lan Sizhui feels a little sorry for him, not least of all because that boy is related to Jiang Wanyin, and Lan Sizhui pities anyone who must deal with that man on a regular basis. Only a truly awful person could be so disliked by Lan Wangji.
It’s also quickly apparent that Jin Ling is, for lack of a better term, a little awkward. He reacts to Lan Jingyi’s light teasing as if he was being insulted (in fairness, Lan Jingyi sometimes walks a fine line between the two, and he’s a little on edge after that business in Mo village) and takes himself far too seriously. He is also impossibly stubborn, and surprisingly reckless for someone so aware of his own self-importance.
“What a brat that was,” Lan Jingyi complains on the way back to Cloud Recesses. “No need to question what he’ll present as, he’s got alpha written all over his face.”
“No gossiping,” Lan Sizhui reminds him, his eyes darting toward Lan Wangji who, thankfully, pays them no mind. All his attention is on that lunatic he has decided to protect from Jiang Wanyin. “And you can’t go guessing at people’s fate like that. Sect leader Lan doesn’t look like an omega, does he? You just never know until it’s there.”
Lan Jingyi takes a moment to consider that.
“He is spoiled and prissy enough that he could be an omega,” he concedes, as if that’s the point Lan Sizhui was trying to make. “Still, I’m betting on alpha, and a very annoying one at that. I hope we never have to see him again.”
“Sect Leader Jin has no child of his own, so Jin Rulan is his heir. Of course we’re going to see him again.”
The face Lan Jingyi makes at the news is such that Lan Sizhui can’t help laughing a little too loud. Lan Wangji turns to look at him, curious more than scolding. That odd man on the donkey, Mo Xuanyu, also looks at them as if he wants to join in the fun, but dares not because of Lan Wangji keeping a close eye on him.
It’s funny, Lan Sizhui thinks. His father doesn’t usually care much about people. He likes the juniors, especially all the ones whose education he had a part in, but people he meets when they’re already adults, or people close to his age… if at all possible, Lan Wangji just ignores them. Maybe he feels sorry for Mo Xuanyu, who seems to have had a rough life? Or maybe it’s something else. Mo Xuanyu has an eccentric personality, but Lan Sizhui too can’t help feeling a certain sympathy for this very odd omega.
They meet Jin Ling again far sooner than Lan Sizhui would have expected, and if betting weren't forbidden, Lan Jingyi would have won. In the short time since they saw him, Jin Ling has presented as an alpha. 
It's no surprise, of course. Although there are exceptions, people born within the main branch of a clan are almost always alphas, at least for the first few children. Aside from sect leader Lan who is an omega and sect leader Nie who is a beta, even within the smallest sects there's hardly any ruler that's not an alpha. 
It does make a complicated situation a little worse. Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi and a group of juniors were on a trip to a Night Hunt when they started being led astray by dead cats and mysteries. They then met juniors from other sects, as well as Jin Ling, travelling alone, who immediately tries to be in charge. Lan Sizhui calmly puts an end to that. It's not unusual for a young alpha, especially one still getting used to changes in their body. He can't even control his smell at all, sweet and flowery with a hint of spice which Lan Jingyi complains is making him nauseous.
It's all normal, of course. Lan Sizhui too had a brief phase where he tested everyone's patience. So for Jin Ling who is already hot-headed and proud… 
To make it worse, Lan Jingyi won't stop arguing with Jin Ling. They can't go five minutes without getting into a fight of some sort. They snap at each other about the road to take, the inn to stay at, how loud Jin Ling's dog barks, Mo Xuanyu's donkey, whether to warn their respective sects or not… If a disagreement can be had, they will have it. 
At first, Lan Sizhui tries to intervene. Someone has to make sure that these two don't throttle each other. He knows that Lan Jingyi is no delicate flower and can take anyone in a fight, but he still has a responsibility as the oldest alpha present, so he gently puts Jin Ling in his place when needed. Surprisingly, Jin Ling usually backs off pretty easily once Lan Sizhui gets involved in a dispute. Lan Sizhui really expected that they would come to blows at least once. That too would be normal, especially since Jin Ling is obviously aching for a chance to prove himself, but it never happens. 
After a few days, Lan Sizhui doesn't bother stopping the fights anymore. Jin Ling shouts a lot and plays tough, but he never displays any sign of real aggression towards anyone. If anything he seems to have fun when Lan Jingyi and him argue with each other, and the opposite is just as true. 
Maybe that's just how Jin Ling plays, Lan Sizhui figures. He really is a very awkward boy after all. Already back on Dafan Mountain he was so brash and haughty with everyone. He was also alone back then, with only his uncle and other adults around him. Now too, he is the only one who doesn't have anyone from his clan with him. He has his dog, sure, but that's not the same. 
"Be nice to him," Lan Sizhui tells Lan Jingyi after yet another dispute, one where he had to intervene for the first time in a while. "I don't think he has a lot of friends." 
"You bet he doesn't. He treated Ouyang Zizhen like dirt just because he's a beta! Who'd want to be friends with someone like that? He could be tolerable if he just stopped acting like such a little mistress, but I guess that's too much to ask. Between the two of us, you wouldn't think I'm the omega." 
It's a little unkind to both boys, but part of Sizhui almost agrees. Lan Jingyi has never really behaved the way people expect an omega to do, and as for Jin Ling… with his pretty, boyish face, his elegant flowery smell, and the way he always backs off the instant Lan Sizhui gets involved in a fight, he could somewhat feel like an omega. 
Except he only behaves like that with Lan Sizhui. With everyone else, he pushes for dominance as much as he can, and he's so stubborn, from a sect so powerful, that even older alphas in their group have started bowing to him. 
It's weird, really. Lan Sizhui doesn't know what to make of it. 
"He'll never learn to play nice if you don't show him how," Lan Sizhui says after some thought. "Don't think I haven't noticed you're the one starting half those fights. If you don't like him, just stay away. It's wrong to pick fights without reasons." 
Lan Jingyi shrugs, which is against the rules because it is insolent. 
“He likes it when I bother him,” Lan Jingyi boldly accuses. “Being half raised by someone like Jiang Cheng…”
“Jiang Wanyin.”
“Raised by someone like Jiang Wanyin in a place like Lotus Piers, that little mistress must think shouting at people is how you behave around others. Don’t you remember how his uncle was on Dafan mountain? Scolding him and telling him to succeed at his hunt or die trying, and then coming to save him at the first sign of trouble… no wonder the little mistress is so annoying, he learned from the best.”
That had struck Lan Sizhui as well, mostly because of the risks Jin Ling had been willing to take after being shouted at. As if he really feared that his uncle wouldn’t let him come home again if he couldn’t kill the monster. He can’t imagine being uncertain of his family’s love like that. Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, and even Lan Qiren would never, ever threaten Lan Sizhui in such a manner, and even if they did he would know better than to take the words literally.
He really feels sorry for that boy.
“Just try to be nicer,” he insists. “Teach by example. He’ll be sect leader someday, we really shouldn’t be antagonising him this way.”
The sect leader argument works. It usually does. Lan Jingyi promises to make an effort.
There’s no argument until early afternoon the next day and in fairness to Lan Jingyi, that does count as progress.
Yi-City is not a fun place, not by far. There’s thick billowing fog, there’s fierce corpses, half their group gets poisoned, Mo Xuanyu tricks them into eating the worst food they’ve ever tasted by calling it a cure… Lan Sizhui isn’t one to complain (it is against the rules) but he comes very, very close a few times. 
When it’s over, he tells himself that it’s a great learning experience. Mo Xuanyu is eccentric, but definitely not mad, and he knows far more about fighting evil than anyone Lan Sizhui has ever met, except maybe Lan Wangji. He is a little… brusque with them, pushing around the group of juniors and clearly delighting in scaring them a little if he feels it’s good for their education. But he is kind as well. He’s trying to hide it, but there’s a certain gentleness in the way Mo Xuanyu behaves around Jin Ling that he doesn’t really have with the rest of them.
To Lan Sizhui’s surprise, the reverse is equally true. Jin Ling grumbles and complains and stomps his foot, but he seems to like Mo Xuanyu and tries to help him whenever the chance arises. Seeing these two interact makes something go a little soft in Lan Sizhui’s chest. 
It’s nice when family can reconnect.
After everything that happened in Yi City, Lan Wangji allows them a little celebration. They get to burn colourful paper money and to organise a little party of sorts at an inn, without any adult supervision, too. Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu have retired for the night, presumably to discuss everything that has happened and decide on their next move. Lan Sizhui half wishes he could be involved in that conversation, but that’s mostly because he knows he’s supposed to want to be serious and grown up. In truth, being down here in the dining room with the others is a lot more fun.
While all the other juniors mingle together, Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui find themselves at a table a little away from the rest, in the company of Ouyang Zizhen and Jin Ling.
“We’re all future Sect Leaders, so it makes sense to sit together, right?” Ouyang Zizhen explains, boldly glossing over the fact that his sect is nowhere near the size of theirs. “And from here, we’ve got a good view of the entire room, so we can make sure that nobody misbehaves.”
“I never realised you were so serious,” Lan Jingyi sneers. “Senior Mo complimented you once, so now you want to be praised by him again?”
“You’re just jealous,” Ouyang Zizhen retorts with a grin. “Who is that man, anyway? He’s not dressed like any sect I know, but for Hanguang-Jun to respect him like this…”
“He’s just some crazy loon,” Lan Jingyi claims. “We met him a while back.”
Then, since Ouyang Zizhen expresses interest, Lan Jingyi starts telling him the whole story of their encounter with Mo Xuanyu. Lan Sizhui, who was there, allows himself to check out from the conversation and eats a little. He is startled when after a few moments, someone drops mushrooms in his bowl. 
"Don't like those," Jin Ling huffs. "And you ate yours first." 
"They're my favourite," Lan Sizhui admits, a little embarrassed at being caught like that. Being a picky eater and indulging in preferences is frowned upon, but he is only human.
"Can't see why," Jin Ling mutters. "They're slimy and disgusting. Do you want the rest of mine as well?" 
It's a testament to how engrossed he is in his conversation with Ouyang Zizhen that Lan Jingyi doesn't pick up on that extremely rude offer. Lan Sizhui almost wants to remark on Jin Ling's manners, but decides against it and just nods. It's obvious the other boy is trying to be nice, and that must be encouraged. 
After the mushrooms are unceremoniously dumped in Lan Sizhui's bowl, Jin Ling insistently stares at him while he eats. He looks angry, but Lan Sizhui has figured by now that's just his normal face. 
“Earlier… you fought decently,” Jin Ling suddenly says, in a tone that makes it sound like it hurts him to say even that weak of a compliment.
“You did well yourself,” Lan Sizhui replies far more earnestly. Lan Wangji has taught him the importance of encouraging good behaviours rather than to just punish bad ones, and Jin Ling is definitely making an effort here. Besides, he did fight surprisingly well, considering his age. “I hope we can go on more Night Hunts together. Although perhaps next time, let’s go somewhere a little less dangerous, at least until we’re experienced enough.”
Jin Ling's face does something funny, like he's happy and angry at the same time. It's kind of cute, if Lan Sizhui is honest.
"Oh we should all four go Night Hunting together!" Ouyang Zizhen exclaims. "We're friends now, right?" 
"That sounds right," Lan Sizhui quickly agrees before Jin Ling has a chance to say something rude. "I know I'd love to spend more time with the two of you. Hopefully next time, we won't be put in mortal danger." 
Lan Jingyi laughs at that, but more importantly Jin Ling begrudgingly admits that he too wouldn't be against another inter-sect Night Hunt, even though he looked ready to protest when it was Ouyang Zizhen offering it. It seems he really respects Lan Sizhui's authority as an older alpha though, and that's extremely flattering. 
The next time they see each other they are, in fact, in mortal danger again. 
It bothers Lan Sizhui less than it should, but only because there's something odd about this cave they're trapped in. Some of the other juniors trapped with them say this is the Burial Mounds, but that's… There's such an air of familiarity to this place, and yet Lan Sizhui knows he's never come here before. Unlike some others in his generation, Lan Wangji has never been one to go on grimly triumphant pilgrimages to those places where the cultivation world rose as one against evil. Lan Sizhui has never seen Yiling, nor even Nightless City.
Still, this cave… it shouldn’t be so bare, nor so silent. There is a wrongness to that silence. Lan Sizhui cannot explain why, but he feels like this place should have more life to it.
He cannot explain either why it seems so right to see Mo Xuanyu… ah, no, Wei wuxian step inside, followed by his Ghost General and Lan Wangji. Something falls in place inside Lan Sizhui’s soul, a certain sensation that things are as they should be. Seeing these three together, in this place… Lan Sizhui half wants to cry, and he can’t explain why.
That unbidden and unexplained surge of emotions must be why he eventually snaps at one of Jin Ling’s cousins. Lan Sizhui feels a little guilty over it, although in fairness, that boy deserves his anger. He insulted Hanguang-Jun, which was unacceptable, and Wei Wuxian which… for some reason was equally unpleasant. And for the entire time they’d been there, Jin Chan had been irritating, somehow unable to say two words without finding a reason to be mean to everyone around him, especially to Jin Ling.
Of course Lan Sizhui lost patience. He doesn’t like when people are cruel to his friends.
That protectiveness becomes a problem a few hours later.
So much has happened in a short span of time, they’ve been rescued, they’ve been attacked, there have been accusations and betrayal, there’s been…
Lan Sizhui feels sick to his bones when the bloodied corpses of dead Wens emerge from a bloody pond to protect Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning, but not in the way he thinks he’s supposed to feel sick. His chest aches looking at those horrifying shapes, and if Lan Jingyi hadn’t stopped him, he would have walked to them because if he could just see their face, if he could take their hands… but he doesn’t get the chance, and they crumble into dust before he can figure out why those dead people felt like they were his, just like Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian do.
Lan Sizhui is still confused when they get down the mountain to climb onto some boats, and exhausted as well. So when Jin Ling starts acting up about Wen Ning, shouting and letting his flowery smell invade the space around him, Lan Sizhui doesn’t react as gracefully as he might have otherwise. 
He hates seeing anyone being cruel to Wen Ning who he knows, with the greatest certainty, is a kind soul who only ever means to care for those he loves. Lan Sizhui can’t help wanting to shield him from those who would harm him, because someone has to, and auntie isn’t here to do it anymore.
At the same time, Jin Ling’s pain hurts as well. There’s something unbearable about seeing him break into tears, about the betrayed looks he shoots at Lan Sizhui for daring to side with his father’s murderer.
They’d been getting along so well, they’d made such a great team fighting those fierce corpses earlier, but now it’s all gone. Lan Sizhui wonders if Jin Ling will ever forgive him for standing at the Ghost General’s side, and nearly wants to cry as well when he realises the answer is probably going to be no. He wants to reach out to Jin Ling and explain he doesn’t mean to hurt him, that they can still be friends, that he just can’t let Wen Ning be hurt again.
Before Lan Sizhui can move, Jiang Cheng calls his nephew from another boat, and demands Jin Ling join him. The order is promptly obeyed, Jin Ling turning away without so much as a last look at Lan Sizhui.
Lan Sizhui sits down, and tells himself if his heart and head hurt so bad, it’s only out of exhaustion.
When everything is over, when Jin Guangyao is dead, Lan Sizhui gets to hug the man he once thought of as his father when he was really little, and to see him stand happy at the side of the other man who raised him. Things have been an awful mess, but Lan Sizhui is so happy for both of them.
Nobody deserves happiness more than Lan Wangji, and even though they don’t know each other too well, Lan Sizhui really likes Wei Wuxian a lot.
Leaving those two to explore what the future can bring them, Lan Sizhui instead takes a trip to the past as he decides to accompany Wen Ning.
First of all, they go to the Burial Mounds once again, this time to gather the ashes of their family. Their people, who paid the price of being on the wrong side of a war they didn’t even want. Lan Sizhui still doesn’t really remember much, but he likes hearing Wen Ning telling him stories about them. It makes him feel a little more complete, even though he never particularly felt like anything was missing from his life until that day in Mo manor.
After giving their relatives a proper burial, they head toward Nightless City, or what’s left of it anyway. Here too, Wen Ning has stories to tell, some of which are happier than Lan Sizhui would have expected. It feels wrong to hear that Wen Ruohan wasn’t always a monster, that he was also a man who loved his sons and played with them when they were children. Lan Sizhui was never taught to fear and hate the Yiling Patriarch as much as others of his generation, but he’s heard plenty about the horror committed by Wen Ruohan and struggles to accept that he, too, was only a man after all.
He wonders if that is how Jin Ling feels about Wen Ning.
In fact, Lan Sizhui thinks a lot about Jin Ling as the weeks pass. Whatever judgement he ever felt for the younger alpha regarding his attitude to Wen Ning has melted away now, replaced by deep sympathy. Jin Ling is only fourteen, and Wen Ning did kill his father, so it’s normal that he would feel so angry. Some things cannot be forgiven. And now that Lan Sizhui is a Wen too, he figures that there’s no friendship possible between them, not after how much sorry his family has caused Jin Ling’s.
For some reason, Lan Sizhui realises he is truly upset about this. He had really been looking forward to knowing Jin Ling better, because while Lan Jingyi is an amazing friend, he’s still not an alpha, and there are things he doesn’t understand. Lan Jingyi now has Ouyang Zizhen to chat with, who as a beta is in a good position to lend an ear, but Lan Sizhui doesn’t really have any close alphas in his life.
He really wanted to be close to Jin Ling.
It won’t happen now.
It’s fine.
At least now, he has a family.
Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui have just finished a Night Hunt far into what was once Wen territory when news from the Cloud Recesses reach them. They learn that Lan Xichen, a little while after the events that unfolded in Yunping City, entered seclusion. They learn also that Lan Wangji has married Wei Wuxian, who is rumoured to be with child. Without even needing to talk about it, they immediately start heading back toward Gusu. Lan Sizhui has always thought it would be nice to have a sibling, and now that wish is about to be granted.
By the time they get to the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian is very, very round and very, very upset that he’s being restricted left and right. He’s not allowed a number of his favourite foods, he’s not allowed to experiment with talismans, or to run around, or even to read for too long.
“It is the worst,” Wei Wuxian whines from his bed, surrounded by pillows, nibbling on some snacks that Lan Wangji brought him when he served tea for all of them. “I have never suffered so much in my life. Sizhui, if you marry an omega, you’re forbidden from knocking them up, it is just too awful.”
Lan Sizhui almost snorts in his tea. He glances at Lan Wangji who is watching Wei Wuxian with open adoration, at least for who knows how to read his expressions.
It makes his heart ache that he will probably never know that sort of love. After all, he’s still half engaged to Lan Jingyi as far as he knows. And aside from his best friend, who’d want to marry him? He isn’t sure if he’s still allowed to be part of Gusu Lan. He isn’t sure he still wants to be part of it, now that he knows the truth… and it’s always a little hard for an alpha without resources to marry. Jingyi would, of course, because he’s loyal like that, but Lan Sizhui feels he should insist on dropping whatever understanding existed between them. It would be kinder.
Luckily, when Lan Jingyi comes to see him that evening, he is of a similar opinion.
As the two of them walk toward the rabbits’ clearing to feed them and chat alone, Lan Jingyi starts explaining, very awkwardly, that he won’t be able to marry Lan Sizhui after all.
“It’s Zizhen, you see,” he mumbles when they reach the clearing, his entire face red. “We’ve gone on a few Night Hunts after you left, and we get along really well, and… well, Lan Qiren isn’t too happy about it because he was still hoping on me being Zewu-Jun’s heir rather than Hanguang-Jun’s child, but of course Zizhen is going to inherit his father’s sect someday, it’s so messy when two sect leaders are married! He was still trying to push for that, but then that thing with sect leader Nie and Zewu-Jun happened, and Lan Qiren is seeing what a mess that is, so he’s warming up to the idea of me marrying into Baling Ouyang.”
Kneeling down to hand some cabbage to a particularly bold rabbit, Lan Sizhui shoots his friend a curious look.
“What about Zewu-Jun and sect leader Nie?”
“Oh, right, you wouldn’t have heard!” Lan Jingyi exclaims, startling the poor rabbit and making it run. He sits down next to Lan Sizhui, and grins. “Listen, gossip’s forbidden and all that, but… you’ve heard that Zewu-Jun was marked in his youth, and nobody knows who the alpha is, right? Well, listen to that!”
That, it turns out, is a convoluted tale of romance, deception, and betrayal that spanned over a decade and recently culminated into the recent engagement of Lan Xichen to Nie Huaisang, much to the bafflement of the entire cultivation world.
Lan Sizhui is happy for his uncle, of course. He’s always tried to ignore gossip, but it’s never been possible to avoid all of it, and even within the Cloud Recesses there have always been those who judged their sect leader for that youthful mistake. It’s a little odd to think that the great Zewu-Jun would settle for the Headshaker, but Lan Jingyi swears that Lan Xichen looks more at peace than he had in many years, and so does Lan Sizhui himself when he gets to see his uncle a few days later.
Lan Sizhui is happy, sharing the joy of all these people he loves and who are finding the happiness they want. Even Lan Qiren is probably less angry than he pretends to be. He loves his nephews after all, and he’s always wanted their happiness.
Lan Sizhui is happy, and tries not to feel left out, tries not to resent the fact that while everyone has found happiness in the past year, all he’s gotten is people to mourn, and a fear that he could be killed if anyone found out who he really is.
“I guess we’re going to have a lot of weddings coming,” Lan Sizhui notes, swallowing whatever bitterness he isn’t allowed to feel, choosing instead to grab one of the rabbits and pet it. “I wonder who’s next… do you know if Jin Ling has met any nice omega?”
The idea, for some reasons, makes his heart clench so tight that it nearly makes him sick. Only because then, he’d really be the only one left out, Lan Sizhui figures.
It’s a relief when Lan Jingyi laughs and shakes his head.
“That little mistress? No omega could put up with him!” he mocks. “He is so annoying and stuck up and… but at least, he’s been nice about me and Zizhen. Supportive even! He said if Zizhen’s dad and old man Lan Qiren keep being old farts about this, we can run off to Carp Tower, he’ll take us into Lanling Jin and let us marry. Not that I’d ever want to be a Jin,” Lan Jingyi sniffs disdainfully, “but I appreciate the intention I guess.”
Lan Sizhui lowers his head to hide a smile. Jin Ling isn’t without faults, but at heart he really is a good person, and a good alpha. It really is a shame that there is so much history between their families, because Lan Sizhui really would have liked to…
“He’s been asking about you a lot, you know,” Lan Jingyi remarks, which startles Lan Sizhui.
“Who has?”
“The little mistress of course. We’ve been on a couple Night Hunts with him, and every time he’s asking where you’ve gone, and when you’ll be back, and why you left without saying anything… He really won’t shut up about you. You should write to him and let him know you’re fine, just so he’ll stop pestering me.”
Lan Sizhui’s hand stills in the rabbit's fur, his heart racing in his chest, his face heating up. He can’t figure out why Jin Ling would miss him, they didn’t really get the chance to get close after all, but the idea is… pleasant. Lan Sizhui himself has certainly thought a lot about Jin Ling while he was travelling with Wen Ning. Mostly to mourn this friendship that never had a chance to bloom, but also just because sometimes they passed by a pretty landscape that he wishes he could have shown to the other alpha, or they fought a creature against which Jin Ling’s skill with a bow would have helped, or they passed by some fragrant peonies in bloom, or just because it would have been funny to hear him complain about this and that.
Lan Sizhui wants, very badly, to write to Jin Ling, to see him even. He knows, also, that it would be a bad idea.
If he tells Jin Ling about who he is, and his link to Wen Ning, then he is endangering himself, and risking the good reputation of Lan Wangji who saved him and hid him for years. If he doesn’t tell Jin Ling anything, then it’s a form of deception, since he knows the other alpha would never want his friendship if he knew the truth.
It’s safer, then, to simply stay away.
Still, Lan Sizhui enjoys being missed, more than he probably should.
Lan Sizhui never realised how sad his uncle was, until he went into his room in a Qinghe inn alongside Lan Wangji to help him get ready on the morning of his wedding. It is no secret that the road has been somewhat bumpy for Lan Xichen and Nie Huaisang, that even to this day they have their disagreements, but it is just as clear that Lan Xichen is the happiest he's ever been, on that warm morning of late summer. 
Lan Sizhui wonders what it feels like to marry, and for love, too, not just for politics. 
For some reason, his mind immediately wanders to Jin Ling. He's still young of course, and his position is too fragile, but someday he'll marry someone, a pretty little omega from a good family. And then, Lan Sizhui will be the only one of their little group to remain single, since Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen have finally obtained the engagement they wanted. They're hoping to marry next spring, if all goes well.
There's no shame in being single, of course, especially for an alpha, but the more Lan Sizhui realises he's unlikely to marry, the sadder he gets. It would be nice to Night Hunt with another person, to find his equal, his perfect match like his fathers did. Someone strong and determined but still kind, someone like… 
"I wish I didn't have to bother with that veil," Lan Xichen sighs, eyeing the fabric that Lan Sizhui is holding in clenched fists. "It's ridiculous. He knows what I look like."
"It is traditional," Lan Wangji retorts. 
"Did you make Wei Wuxian wear one then?" 
Lan Wangji smirks, ever so slightly. "Eloping has advantages." 
Lan Xichen freezes, blinking a few times. Like almost all of them, he is still a little upset that his brother married in secret. Still, soon enough he is laughing, and turns to look at Lan Sizhui. 
"Some example we are giving you," Lan Xichen remarks, taking the veil from his nephew. "I hope you will be more serious than us when your time comes."
"But father and uncle are very happy," Lan Sizhui notes, allowing himself a moment of insolence on this joyous day. "Surely it gives the impression that breaking rules and ignoring traditions is rather rewarding."
Lan Xichen laughs again as he pins the veil in place, and even Lan Wangji can't help a slight huff, his eyes smiling proudly at his son. 
"I suppose we make bad cases for obedience," Lan Xichen admits. "Not all rules are worth following. And you are a clever young man, so I'm sure the path you'll choose will be a righteous one, and that you'll find a partner worthy of you." 
Lan Sizhui nods. His thoughts, again, go to Jin Ling. Hopefully he too will find a good person. After so much tragedy in his life, he deserves to have someone in his life who will stick with him and be loyal and honest. That’s the very least Jin Ling deserves.
His veil in place but not yet lowered, Lan Xichen stands, smoothing non-existent creases in his robes, making sure that everything is perfect. He looks nervous, as any spouse-to-be can be expected to be. 
Mostly though, he looks happy, and there is no hesitation in his steps when he heads out of the room to go meet his groom.
Nie Huaisang is a lucky man who’d better not mess this up.
The banquet offered by Qinghe Nie to the wedding’s guests is nothing short of magnificent. Whatever faults he has, Nie Huaisang is a good host, who knows how to please people. There are many dishes, fit for every taste, and over half of those are suitable for vegetarians. Lan Sizhui, however, finds himself without much appetite on this happy day.
He really is never going to be Lan sect leader now. Not when he knows who he truly is, not when his father has a daughter of his own blood who is probably only the first of many, not when his uncle too might now have children. It’s a relief, because Lan Sizhui isn’t sure he ever wanted that responsibility in the first place, no more than he would have wanted to marry Lan Jingyi, if he’s honest. But it drives home once more the fact that he doesn’t know what the future holds for him anymore, and that is a little scary. 
Without meaning to, Lan Sizhui’s eyes start to wander toward the Jin guests, and rest on their young sect leader. It is the first time Lan Sizhui sees him in over a year, since that day in Yunping City. He looks taller, and a good deal less like a child, but that’s no surprise with everything that has changed for him. Jin Ling seems to be growing into a serious young man. A handsome one as well, but that’s hardly a surprise, the Jins usually have their good looks going for them, even if their personalities can be lacking… though Jin Ling has both a good face and a good heart, of course.
Lan Sizhui must have stared too long, because after a while, Jin Ling notices, looks in his direction, and smiles. It makes Lan Sizhui’s heart beat a little faster, until he remembers that there can be no friendship between them, not unless he lies.
In this too his life has changed. 
His mood taking a sour turn, Lan Sizhui excuses himself to Lan Jingyi, leaves his seat abruptly, and goes for a walk. Hopefully, the Nies won't mind too much that he is wandering a bit. If anyone asks, he'll say he is looking for the garden his uncle mentioned after some of his visits. 
No one asks. 
Lan Sizhui might as well be a ghost. 
He feels a bit like one, tied to a past tragedy that now defines him. The lone survivor of a sect that should be extinct, forced to decide if he should follow the teaching of the family that raised him, or try to find again those of a family he cannot remember. Either way, it would feel like betraying someone.
Just as Lan Sizhui finally finds that garden, he hears footsteps running after him. Before he even turns to look, he knows by the flowery smell that reaches him who decided to follow him.
“Lan Sizhui!” Jin Ling shouts as he gets closer. “Are you avoiding me?”
Lan Sizhui winces, unsure how to answer that without insulting or lying. He has been avoiding Jin Ling, but it would be unwise to admit it.
“It’s been ages!” Jin Ling insists, unbothered by the lack of reply. “And I know you know that you’re invited to come to Carp Tower whenever you like, because I told Jingyi to tell you, and he said that he told you!”
Lan Sizhui can’t fully repress a small smile. Lan Jingyi has, indeed, passed that invitation on to him. Lan Sizhui has assumed he was invited only out of politeness, to avoid offending another alpha due to the friendship Jin Ling has developed with the omega Lan Sizhui was once half expected to marry. It can’t have been anything more. Like Jin Ling says, it’s been a long time since they met.
“I am very sorry,” Lan Sizhui says, which is nothing but the truth. “I have been busy.”
He hesitates to say more than that. Considering Jin Ling’s distaste for Wen Ning, it is probably better not to mention him. It is a happy day, Lan Sizhui doesn’t want to ruin it.
Jin Ling, unimpressed, shrugs and steps closer. It is hard to ignore that he’s taller than Lan Sizhui now, his shoulders broader. Jin Ling is everything that an alpha ought to be, and Lan Sizhui almost envies whoever will get to be his omega.
“I know you’ve been busy,” Jin Ling retorts, crossing his arms on his chest, looking a little like the haughty boy he was when they first met. “Travelling places with the Ghost General and all that… but you’ve been back to Gusu for a few months, would it have been so hard to come say hi?”
“You can even take Wen Ning with you if you want, I don’t care,” Jin Ling adds, rolling his eyes as if he can’t believe he has to spell it out. “I don’t hate him as much as I used to, and Lan Jingyi says he’s actually good company. Plus he’s related to you, isn’t he? So of course I want to learn to tolerate him better.”
Lan Sizhui gasps softly, his blood turning to ice at the thought that anyone might have guessed already. Of course he knew that people would talk after hearing that he travelled with Wen Ning, but somehow he’d hoped that nobody would realise why he was doing that, not yet, not so soon.
Jin Ling, again, rolls his eyes.
“Right, it’s supposed to be a secret I guess?” he snorts. “Well, I’m not a complete idiot, thanks. I can see that you look a bit like him, and my uncle told me more about when Wei Wuxian was living in the Burial Mounds, since I asked. He says there was a child there, and then I just had to do some math and… well, I’m right, aren’t I?”
“You’re right,” Lan Sizhui confirms, terrified and elated at once that he doesn’t need to keep that secret from Jin Ling. “You seem to be taking this rather well.”
Jin Ling shrugs, a touch of red colouring his cheeks.
“I’ve had time to get used to the idea,” he grumbles. “I was pretty pissed off at first when I realised, but then I figured it doesn’t change things that much. You’re still you, and I still want to be close to you, the rest doesn’t matter.”
Hearing this, Lan Sizhui’s face heats up.
“I’d like that as well,” he admits with a shy smile. “I thought you wouldn’t want for us to be friends if you knew, so this is a relief.”
“Of course I’d want to be friends anyway!” Jin Ling exclaims. “I don’t care if you’re a Wen, or a Lan, or whatever! You’re Sizhui, and I want us to be close, I don’t care about the rest!”
Lan Sizhui’s blush deepens, and he looks away, trying to contain a nervous laughter.
“Jin Ling, I’d have thought being a sect leader would have taught you to be more careful about what you say,” he teases. “You’re lucky we’re both alphas, or else your words might be misunderstood as something else.”
Jin Ling’s entire face turns so red the cinnabar dot on his forehead nearly disappears. It’s… it’s cute. It’s really cute, and Lan Sizhui knows he shouldn’t think of another alpha as being adorable, but he can’t help it.
“There’s nothing to misunderstand!” Jin Ling blurts out, fists clenched on either side of his body.
“Of course,” Lan Sizhui sighs, a little too amused that Jin Ling is still the same, even if he’s grown up. “I was just…”
“There’s nothing to misunderstand because that’s exactly the way I mean it!” Jin Ling cuts him, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing it just a little too tight. “I like you a lot, Lan Sizhui! And I don’t care that you’re a Wen, or that you’re an alpha, I still like you like that, so deal with it!”
Lan Sizhui gapes at the other alpha, stunned by those words he would never have expected.
If it were anyone else, he’d think of a joke. Or else, he’d think that this is just a younger alpha who admires an older one a little too much, as can happen. It’s not unheard of just after presenting, and it usually goes away quickly. In fact, if Jin Ling had said this back in Yi City, Lan Sizhui would have dismissed it as just a passing crush. But they haven’t seen each other in so long that Jin Ling should have grown out of that phase already. Beside, he looks and sounds dreadfully sure of himself.
And Lan Sizhui, who has never really given much thought to those few omega who tried to flirt with him, finds his heart racing in his chest at the idea that Jin Ling might like him.
“Jin Ling, that’s…”
“Don’t say anything!” Jin Ling orders, squeezing his hand harder. “You don’t get to say anything until you’ve really thought about it, and then you’ll have to come visit me in Carp Tower if you want to talk about it! But I mean this, so don’t treat me as a kid, and give it real thought. I’m serious about this, and if you don’t like me back yet, then I’ll just have to convince you!”
There won’t be much convincing needed, Lan Sizhui suspects, his eyes falling to their joined hands. He’s never thought of Jin Ling in that light before, but only because his whole life used to be so neatly mapped out for him.
Suddenly, that sense of uncertainty he’s been feeling since he understood where he comes from isn’t so scary anymore. The Lan Sizhui of before, half engaged to his best friend, half expected to become sect leader, could never have allowed himself to even think about Jin Ling in that light. The person he is now can, and he certainly will.
He’s already been thinking about Jin Ling more than he should, anyway.
“I’ll come to Carp Tower soon,” Lan Sizhui promises, carefully moving his hand to thread their fingers together.
He likes the hopeful way Jin Ling stares at him, his tone and gesture already betraying what his answer will be.
Lan Sizhui grins.
The future, once more, feels like something to look forward to.
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley II
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
Chapter Two: Tears of the Virgin Mary
   “In Victorian times, lily of the valley meant a “return to happiness.” In Christian legend, Eve's tears as she was expelled from the Garden of Eden turned into lily of the valley.”
Release Date: 05/22/20 @ 7 pm
previously ~ next
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           YN was beginning to wonder if all Jungkook had in his closet were suits, or if that was a part of the pack uniform. It wasn’t even ten minutes after YN finished speaking to him, that the alpha stormed in threatening to tear the place down, by his side a lean figure with styled blonde hair that she recognized as the infamous Park Jimin. I should stop referring to them by their maiden names. The second Jungkook saw YN he rushed towards her, hands gripping the bars tightly. “Are you hurt? Are you okay?” Jimin stood off to the side, watching their interaction. As much as YN disliked them, at least they’d come to the rescue.
           “Thank you for coming.”
Jungkook nodded quickly, his eyes roamed every bit of her body frantically as if to make sure she was alright. "We'll see to it that the charges against you are dropped," Jimin spoke, he sent a polite smile YN's way. The beta had a calming effect on YN because if he was here Jungkook would restrain himself - theoretically of course. The guard by the door seemed stumped, "no charges are being pressed on either of them." This caught both Jimin and Jungkook's attention as they turned toward the cop. Before either of them could say anything Rosé finally spoke, truly exasperated.
           “So you were simply going to send us to the boarding house with no reason?!”
           YN swore under her breath. Jungkook however flew into a rampage, heading straight for the cop. Thankfully Jimin stepped in, holding Jungkook back by his hand. “Go get your superior right now.” The tone in which Jimin spoke was far more terrifying than the look in Jungkook’s eyes. The guard nodded and hastily walked away.
“Fucking genderists.” YN heard Jimin mutter under his breath, he pulled Jungkook towards him and leaned into his chest. “Call Hobi, he’ll know what to do.” Jungkook nodded and climbed up the stairs, but not before sending YN a small smile. If it was meant to be comforting it did the opposite. YN sighed, leaning back against the wall before casting a glance at Rosé. Her eyes were filled with questions that YN didn’t know how to answer; she couldn’t even begin to try. Rosé was bound to misunderstand like everyone else or worse - pity her - YN couldn’t lose her only friend too.
   "I'm sorry you had to be here for so long," Jimin was now by the cell door, he reached into his pocket and pulled out her belongings. "I believe these are yours." They'd been confiscated when the two of them had been imprisoned. YN stepped forward, thanking him as she reached for her things. Their hands brushed and YN was amazed by how soft they still were. Jimin had always been soft with her, understanding even if she was nothing but cold to them. Something flashed in his eyes but it happened so quickly YN missed it. Minutes later, Jungkook came back downstairs followed by officer Hwang. The man looked smug, as he took in the situation.
   “See I knew you had an alpha. No need to lie.”
    YN would've ripped his throat out right there and then if she wasn't sure Jungkook would do it for her. Instead the young alpha marched towards Jimin, lips turned down into a scowl. "They won't let them leave, not both of them." At this Jimin frowned. YN saw Rosé visibly tense when the officer got near her cell, "Your family has been called, your brother is on his way to pick you up." For some reason, Rosé's eyes filled with panic. YN wanted to question her on it, but Hwang turned to her instead.
    "Unfortunately you're unregistered so you'll be taken to the boarding house after all." YN felt faint as if all the blood was being drained from her body. It was when she swayed that Rosé rushed to her side trying to reach her through the bars. "You've got to be kidding me?! It's a partial bond, she doesn't have to be registered." Jimin was now screaming at Hwang, who seemed to enjoy having riled the beta up. Hwang leaned forward as if to mock the height difference between Jimin and him. Immediately Jungkook stepped forward, a low warning growl emitting from the center of his chest.
    "I don't make the rules. You can either register her or she'll be taken away. The choice is yours."
     The choice was theirs because in the society in which they lived in YN would never have a choice. She stood to lose too much if they took her away, but she stood to lose much more if she accepted. YN wouldn't simply be registered as Jungkook's omega - he wasn't lead alpha, it wasn't his pack. She would become a pack omega forced to uproot her life and abide by the rules established by her mates. It wouldn't simply be under society's rules that she'd be mated but under the eyes of the law. There would be no escape, not unless another person was willing to be her mate and even then, it would be immensely looked down upon if it was even allowed.
     Rosé reached through the bars and placed a hand on YN’s cheek, caressing her softly. As if trying to give her strength. The look she sent her was hopeful as if to say things will get better. YN wasn’t sure they would. Her whole life had been one unfortunate event after the other ever since presenting, this would surely be the same. Still, at least there was hope if she was claimed. The boarding house only meant certain death, either to her spirit or her physical self.
    “We’ll register her.”
    “You do know what that entails don’t you?”
     “Don’t treat us like fools or you can kiss your career goodbye.” Jungkook was entirely in Hwang’s face, but the older man only laughed.
     “Whatever you say boy.” The officer turned once again towards YN, sending her a sly wink that had chills crawling up her body. “Good luck with this one, once his rut rolls around.”
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   They had waited until Rosé's family picked her up, though YN could see hesitance in her friend's eyes she quickly jumped into her brother's car and sped away. YN had originally planned to ask for a ride back to her place, but it seemed that she was now stuck with the two men. It was Jimin who took the initiative to speak, "We'll give you a ride back to your place." Jungkook looked like he was about to say something, but Jimin shot him a look and the boy quickly became quiet. It seemed that even though Jungkook was the supposed 'dominant' one, his hyungs held full reign, which wouldn't stray too far from what she remembered.
    The ride was awkward and tense, to say the least, YN thought the two men would ride shotgun while she sat alone in the back. When the driver pulled up to the curb, she realized that was not to be the case. It was a thirty-minute drive from where she lived to the police station, fifteen if one sped but it seemed the driver was taking his time. Likely ordered to do so by his patrons.
   "How have you been YN?" Jimin asked, turning in his seat to look at her properly. Jungkook was seated beside him, glancing out the window. YN couldn't help but feel Jimin had noticed how tense she was around the alpha, so he'd done this to make her feel secure. Sadly his efforts were wasted, YN wouldn't feel safe even if there was an entire continent between her and the men. "I've been better." That was as polite a response as she could offer up. Jimin seemed to take it, smiling at her. "We've been looking for you. We wanted to meet and discuss things, but you moved away and didn't tell anyone." YN didn't see what they had to discuss, she'd long forgiving the others for the part in which they played. She was trying to forgive Jungkook, even if she wasn't there yet. But YN could never forget. That moment would forever be imprinted in her memory and body until she eventually died.
   "I just don't see what there is to talk about." She folded her hands in her lap, glaring down at them. "What's done is done." Jungkook scoffed but didn't say anything else.
   Jimin moved to lay his hand on top of hers, “We don’t see it that way. You’re a part of us. You always will be.” Yeah right.
   YN withdrew her hands from under his, crossing her arms though she noted Jimin’s hand remained placed on her lap. “Thank you for helping me and my friend out back there. You didn’t have to and I appreciate that.”
    “Of course, we’d help you. You’re our -”
    YN noticed they were near her apartment and quickly cut him off, “Thank you for the ride. I’ll contact you if anything else happens.”
    Before she could jump out of the moving vehicle Jungkook said something that made her freeze, “You live in this dump?” Jimin sent a glare his way, but the words had already tumbled out of his mouth.
    "It's the only place I can afford to live. It's the only place I can live in." Her tone was sharp, barely above a whisper as she wondered how much more she would have to endure.
     "Right," the car had finally pulled up right in front of her apartment. "See you soon." YN exited the car, slamming the door. She practically crawled up the stairs, dreading having to have lost so much potential sleep. Her senses become hyper-aware when YN notices her front door is open, clearly hearing sounds coming from inside. Remembering that someone had broken into Rose's and with Jungkook's snarky remark at the forefront of her head, she prepared herself for whoever or whatever was inside.
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           Rosé stood in the middle of her apartment with all her belongings, the second her eyes met YN she broke down. "I'm sorry your landladies let me in." YN rushed to embrace her in a hug, perplexed at everything that was occurring. "Ro, please tell me what's wrong. I know that something is and I can't stand seeing you like this." Gently, YN pulled Rosé towards her bed arranging all the pillows and blankets to resemble a nest. YN wasn't big on cuddling, but she knew her best friend needed her. It took hours for Rosé to finally calm down, but now it was YN who was even more anxious. Her friend was never like this. Rosé was the bubbly of the two, the sunshine that accompanied her clouds.
           “What’s wrong?”
           “My brother’s alpha propositioned me.” Her tone was so dull and lifeless; resigned.
           “What? Why would he do that?” YN had never met Rosé’s family, but she’d heard enough from Rosé herself when her brother finally found a mate. ‘He’s a good man. A kind one.’
           It’s always the nice ones. Rosé sniffled, “He didn’t even offer to mate. He simply told my brother that I was getting too old and that it was his responsibility to take care of me. My brother thinks it’s because he can’t have pups.”
           “I’m so sorry Ro.” YN hugged her tightly, rocking her gently. “That guy is an asshole and I’m sorry your family ever had to cross paths with him.”
           “T-they said,” sobs were threatening to leak again but Rosé bit her lip to prevent them from coming out. “I-if I don’t t-then they won’t support me anymore.” That’s why she was here with all of her stuff. Rosé had come from a family of Omega’s, being born to a single mother and then placed into the foster system wasn’t easy. It was her older brother who’d she bonded most with and it was he who helped her maintain herself.
           “It’s alright, babe. You can stay with me, we’ll figure it out.”
         YN would have to move, find somewhere cheaper where she could maintain both of them. Rosé's job couldn't cover rent and YN couldn't possibly ask her parents for more money. The issue was finding a new place: very few places in Seoul rented to unmated omegas, even fewer to multiple. They would all just direct them to the boarding house and if they tried to hide, then they'd be arrested. YN had already seen this morning that the system was set up against her, not that she didn't know that already.
           There was a knock at the door and YN had to pry herself away from Rosé promising to be back soon.
           There stood her two landladies outside the door. Well fuck. “Hi, how can I help you?” YN stepped outside and tried to close the door as much as possible. “Oh we just came to check up on your friend, YN. She looked wrecked.” Though her landladies were nice, they weren’t once to be trifled with. Both of them were sticklers for rules and YN could already guess why they were here. “I’m sorry her apartment was broken into while she was sleeping and her families out of town.”
           “Oh what a shame.” Spoke the taller of the two, Min So, her brow raised as if she didn’t believe a word YN had just spoken.
          "Ah I heard something about that on the news. Terrible crime rates these days. Well anyhow there was something we wanted to talk about." Ivy's tone was always polite, bordering on being too nice as if it was all an act. Min So was the one who spoke now, YN wondered if they took turns speaking; the way twins sometimes do. "We wanted to remind you that your rental contract is almost up and that we don't rent to multiple omegas or mated ones." YN's eyebrows shot up at that statement. Wondering how exactly they'd found out so quickly, it was then that YN remembered that mates are public records.
From their faces YN knew that the jig was up. She was beginning to question what she'd done in her past life to merit such bad luck. YN felt like she was the protagonist of Shakespearean tragedy forced to undergo trials and tribulations until her inevitable death. Casting one last glance at the door behind her YN let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, "That's exactly what I wished to speak with you about."
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           “No, absolutely not. I’ll find a place to live.”
      YN groaned falling back on the sofa, she'd spent several minutes trying to make Rosé see reason. "It's fine Ro, it's not like I can even live here. I'll find someplace else and I refuse to let you go back out there knowing that predator is waiting for the perfect opportunity.” Finally her best friend relented, “but where will you go?” Rosé intertwined their hands together, she was big on skinship, having been raised as omega it was the only way she knew to express affection.
           “I’ll find a new place.”
           “With your mates?”
     It wasn't her fault, she didn't know. YN simply nodded, not wanting to add more stress onto her friend's plate. She would figure it out. She always did.
           “How long do you have to move out?”
           “Three days.”
           “Well then you better get packing.” It was said in a teasing tone, but that didn’t stop the dread from setting in. “I can start on dinner while you call your mates, yeah?” Yeah like that’ll be easy.
      Getting in touch with them wasn't difficult, she had Jungkook's number in her phone and a business card with their work on it. It was building up the strength to make that call that took her the entirety of the day and a bit of the morning. Jungkook had been extremely pleased when she'd called, though it fizzled out a bit when she asked to speak with Jimin - privately. Still the alpha obliged, Jimin seemed surprised but his tone implied that it was rather how soon she'd called rather than that she had contacted them at all.
       Now YN sat near the front of a cafe, facing the window waiting for two of them to arrive. She had asked, as cautiously as she could, that Jungkook was not present or any other alpha's for that matter. Jimin obliged, saying he understood her hesitance and that he wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible around them. That would likely never happen. Truly she didn't know who he would show up with and it worried her. She knew most of them from school, having all attended the academy where elementary, middle, and high were each a few steps away from each other. However, they didn't know her at least not until the incident that created this mess.
         YN took a sip of her now watered down tea, hoping to calm herself down before she simply ran out of the cafe. From where she was seated YN saw a Bentley Bentayga pull up to the front of the building before the passenger doors opened from which Park Jimin and Min Yoongi stepped out. Their walk was full of swagger and it attracted the eyes of everyone around them. Even if Beta's had a muted scent there was a different allure to the two of them: something that made people want them even if they knew they could never have them. They faced forward when they walked, heads held high as if they had only ever seen the sky and that ahead - never the ground.
          Min Yoongi turned his head over so slightly and YN, fearing that he might look her way and their eyes would meet, looked down at her trembling hands. Here goes nothing. The little ring of the bell attached by the door announced their arrival. Shortly YN heard the scrapping of the chairs until Yoongi and Jimin were seated in front of her waiting.
          “Hello.” It was all she could muster, she forced her downcast eyes up and met their stifling gaze. YN nearly trembling in her chair.
         Jimin's lips turned upward, "You called?" There was something in his eyes, expectancy perhaps. Though YN didn't want to dwell on what he might be expecting. "Did you run into trouble?" It had been a while since she heard Yoongi speak, she'd forgotten how mellow yet rough his voice was. Back then it had been more high pitched too, but that was an expected change. Yoongi had his arms crossed but leaned forward ever so slightly. It made her uncomfortable. Having them so close, even in a public setting, made her uncomfortable. YN shook her head, she opened her mouth to talk but Jimin spoke before she could get a word out.
           “How’s your friend?”
           “Um, Rosé is good...kinda.” The look the two betas gave her was enough for her to launch into explaining the situation. After she was done, they both looked at each silently communicating with each other. “So...you need a place to stay?” Jimin questioned, repeating what she’d just said moments prior. YN nodded, “I know that you guys have a lot of connections, so I was wondering if you knew anyone who was renting or someone to room with.” YN knew it was unlikely but she had to try and they were her last hope.
    Yoongi shook his head, “That’s ridiculous. You’re staying with us.”
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What the fuck is "femininity", anyway? Pt. 2
I was watching a video a few months ago about Evangelical Christians complaining about what they perceived as androgyny - women wearing pants and not having long hair, men not going fishing or wearing beards - and then said something to the effect of "These people are straying from God's design!"
I suppose the Bible does have some parts that can be construed as saying that women should have long hair, men should have short hair, and they should both look different and do different things. However, wearing certain clothes or hairstyles, or doing the majority of tasks don't have a biological component. If men were naturally, biologically, by-God supposed to have short hair, it should grow to be an inch long and stop, right? I've seen some Christians rebut the "only men can wear pants" argument on the basis that the stereotypical Christian man wouldn't like, nor properly fit into a pair of women's pants. I would take that a step further, because I think it's hilarious, and say that if women wearing pants were a 100%, by-God biological impossibility, they would have one leg, or be like nagas or mermaids and it would be physically impossible to make pants for them.
Another example: musical instruments are assigned gender stereotypes for some fucking reason. A friend from middle school said she wanted to play the trumpet, but was given a clarinet because it was a "feminine" instrument. Conversely, I've seen boys who started school band on a flute or clarinet either switch instruments, or quit band altogether. Perhaps small hands make it easier to play the piccolo, and it's less annoying for a strong person to carry around a tuba, upright bass, or bari sax, but there's no reason for the player's genitals to enter the equation. During the 18th century, the acceptability of an instrument for women was based on whether the player had to spread their legs to play it. Pianos, violins/violas, and flutes were allowed, but a cello was indecent. I'm not sure, then, how harps became stereotyped as "feminine instruments" when they're both gigantic and require the player to straddle them...but here I am trying to make sense of nonsense again...
Finally - and this is the big one - there is the downright schizophrenic relationship some male communities have with female attractiveness and things women do, or have done to them, to change how they look in pictures and videos.
I feel I must preface the rest of this point with something: "men" and "women" are not hive minds, and it's important to not strawman half the population based on a conglomeration of the worst representatives you have experienced. If you go outside, in real life, and think about the couples you see, it becomes very obvious that the majority of men you will see are attracted to women who aren't skinny blondes with big boobs/asses and the majority of women you see are attracted to men who aren't 6-/7-figure earners. People who seem to express that they are totally alone and perpetually shit-on by a world of "Chads" and "Staceys" feels like the same type of mindset school kids have, where they obsess over not being included by the popular kids while they're befriended and included just fine by kids they actually have more in common with. It's not a healthy mindset to have, but excusable in school kids because kids are immature by nature and they mostly grow out of it; however, to be an adult and still think like this is a good sign to get help.
I'm talking primarily about the incel community and perhaps some of the groups that this mentality spills into.
A post was going around several years ago and I think the photos were taken from a clickbait which was taken from a makeup artist's portfolio. The MUA might actually have been Goar Avetisyan (https://www.goaronline.com/courses) but the before and after pictures resembled the ones on the link above -- one with absolutely no makeup or hair styling, and then the other with full glam, special occasion makeup and styled hair, a wig, extensions, etc. The way it was presented was "LOOK! HERE'S PROOF W*MEN AREN'T ACTUALLY HOT! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! THEY'RE LYING TO YOU! ILLUMINATI EXPOSED!!!!"
I can see why they're mad, because the dishonesty surrounding makeup, but especially photoshop, plastic surgery, posing, and airbrushing can get toxic. I'm old enough to remember the old-fashioned mindset where women were supposed to hide their "beauty secrets". Don't apply makeup in public, keep your roots touched up so nobody knows they're dyed, and if you have any treatments or surgery always deny having them. Wear your makeup to bed, then wake up early and fix it before your guy sees you.
I couldn't imagine how awful I would feel if I had Instagram or TikTok when I was growing up. I had enough moments of feeling frustrated because I didn't naturally look how other people looked, and I didn't realize that people in TV and movies were wearing makeup, that magazine ads were photoshopped, etc. Just being an extremely average-looking human being with no concept of basic grooming, comparing myself to other kids at school was hard enough without the rapist-run media adding another layer of bullshit.
When I realized the layers of lies, it was like...how long have I been wasting my time and money on this totally made-up problem? How much did I actually improve my life and happiness chasing it? Or, did it actually make me more miserable? How much could I have accomplished if I put the same amount of angst into a different pursuit -- instead of fixing my face, I could have been fixing my art...When it comes to pursuing an unattainable ideal, there is no end to the horror.
So, I suppose, when a group of men (...boys, whatever) realize that "hot women" are a spook, and the the ethereal creature they've been told by society to put on a pedestal is actually not far removed from them, and it shits and farts, it seems very reasonable to feel angry and like you've been taken for a ride by "the system". It can be easy to blame women for this, and hate them. And it's probably easy to get stuck here.
Instead of being perpetually angry, they have to mourn the death of this ethereal spook-woman, and move on with an acceptance of reality as it is. Women, too, have to kill and mourn the spook-woman as part of self-acceptance.
One positive evolution of the makeup fandom is that while the makeup has gotten more intense and elaborate, makeup tutorials have demystified makeup. When tutorials started to become popular, there was a lot of "Excuse my eye-circles, excuse my pimple, excuse my skin, excuse my hair, excuse my lighting, excuse my room, excuse my, excuse my, excuse, excuse, excexcexcexCEXEXEXEXEXEX- *boom*" and thankfully someone eventually came along ($10 says it was a drag queen) and said, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, NOBODY CARES," and eventually the makeup fandom became okay with letting a bare face be a bare face. You wear the makeup, you don't wear the makeup. It doesn't matter. It's just a hobby.
To refer back to my original point, the confusion of makeup (something culturally feminine) with biological femininity has really fucked up both men and women. Everyone is better off extracting the two from one another, and it seems like many people are in the process of doing that. It helps women hate themselves less, and it helps men humanize women and have better relationships.
However, the image of the spook-woman, "10/10 model" is so ingrained in some parts of the culture, as the apex of the vertex of femininity, that despite complaints about how makeup is a lie, discarding that in favor of just a healthy, bare-faced woman feels like embracing post-modernity and a slippery slope to embracing ugliness as beauty. I think the lack of exaggerated femininity that spook-woman makeup provides feels threatening because the woman's face looks more masculine in a purely relative sense. The exaggerated femininity of the spook-woman, as it is for the Evangelical Christians who follow strict gender roles, provides additional separation between the sexes which serves to reassure men who are A) preoccupied with their level of masculinity and B) hyper-aware of their standing toward the bottom of this hierarchy of masculinity. I think the entire hierarchy benefits from them being placated by more separation from women, because if the bottom whatever percent of men are too dissatisfied with their standing, they may start punching upwards or wanting to attack the hierarchy itself. The men at the top don't want that because of the benefits they receive for being at the top.
MGTOW and the incel movement really kicked off after Gamergate, and intensified with subsequent "waves" of feminism. The discontent men direct their frustration at women, but they also direct their frustration at the men not troubled by what women do. There's suddenly a lot of interest in whether you're an alpha, a beta, a gamma, omega, a sigma, a ligma male, etc. and which one is the better type of male to be. There's a lot of hatred for "Chads" and I see a lot of jealousy directed toward men who are married and have families, usually in the form of "She's just gonna divorce you, take half your shit, and then manipulate your kids to hate you. You'll see...you'll realize you should have spent your whole life banging whores."
This all seems like the result of the ol' spending money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't like. This is undoubtedly the idealist in me, men and women would be better off to cut each other some slack. We could see one another as fellow tragic, flawed individuals instead of fleshlights and ATMs, escape the Matrix and spit in the faces of our rapist, media elite overlords.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Omegaverse prompt 10 with omega Midorya and Alpha reader
Prompt 10= You made.....a nest...for us?
Midoriya had been especially grumpy today. You weren't sure why, you couldn't get it out of him. He wouldn't tell you what was bothering you so much.
It didnt do much for your Alpha side, it made you grumpy. Your omega was upset and he wouldn't tell you why which meant you couldn't do anything about it! And fuck, you wanted to do something about it, you hated seeing him like that.
You stared at him from across the room, nibbling at your lunch. You weren't very hungry anymore, your appetite ruined by your mind racing. Maybe he just needed space- maybe he just needed some breathing room.
You were too clingy. Too Alpha. You were smothering him, that's it. Simple solution, you'd get him flowers and chocolate and when he was ready you'd give them to him- but that wouldn't work either. That'd still be too smothering. Still too fucking Alpha.
Was it the way you spoke? Maybe your scent- did he not like it anymore- he thought it was too overwhelming. That had to be it.
Maybe it wasn't about you- maybe it was about something else and you were just making it about you and taking away from your in need omega, but maybe THAT was it. That you always made it about you-
You growled, low and quiet, looking down.
"What's your fuckin damage shit brain?" Bakugou mumbled, looking up at you with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Nothing, nothing."
"That's a fucking lie."
"Its not a fucking lie." You bit back, harsher than you intended.
He rolled his eyes, unaffected by your tone of voice. "I can smell it. It's a lie."
You paused, looking at your shoes again and kicking the ground. Should you tell him? "Later." You mumbled.
Kirishima glanced at you. "Why can't you tell us here?"
"Too many people. It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it."
"Fine. But you're telling me later. You don't have a choice. It's pathetic seeing you pout."
"Aww Katsu you care." You put a hand to your chest, dramatically leaning foward. "I knew it. All these years- secretly-"
"Fuck off that's not what I meant," The blonde huffed, crossing his arms and sending a sharp kick to your shin. You groaned.
"We all speak emotionally constipated, 'mega. You can't fool us." Kirishima flicked his ear. "And say sorry."
Katsukis face flushed red and you grinned along with Kirishima.
"Got em." You teased, sticking out your tongue.
"Shut the fuck up."
You looked at the two as they bickered- well more Katsuki elbowing and threatening Kirishima while Kiri just smiled lovingly.
Your best friends- two of them anyway, the rest were probably still getting lunch, or walking around. Relaxing before sparrs next period. You packed away your lunch, slipping it into your bag and then leaning your head against the wall behind you, trying to think of something else. Trying to calm the frustration that threatened to bubble up.
You were Katsukis favorite sparring partner. Mostly because you never took it easy on him- you'd go all out, regardless of the fact that he was an omega. And that made for good training sessions. It tended to be vice versa as well, Katsuki was your favorite sparr partner. You could say what you wanted- go all out and keep going.
So, when buddies were called out, and you two were not sparring together- you made the silent agreement to stay after class hours and sparr. He nodded in your direction you looked back at Aizawa, waiting patiently for him to dismiss the class to begin training.
You weren't very interested in what he had to say, not really. You were itching to get moving, your temper no better than it had been earlier. But you needed to stay calm. You couldn't get carried away with todays current partners. You wouldn't.
When he dismissed you, you'd wish good luck to your omega and get situated with tokoyami. You nodded to yourself- approving your mental plans as you heard the clap to get started.
"Good luck 'Zuku." You smiled gently at him.
He looked at you, only giving you a nod, to which you inwardly groaned. You were upset now. What the fuck had you done that was so bad? You shook your head- the exchange hadn't gone unnoticed by Katsuki.
"You ready?" Tokoyami looked at you as you stepped into your training space.
"Whenever you are." You nodded to him and he nodded back.
"Good luck."
"You too." You grinned, getting ready.
Training dragged on. And on. And on.
You lost to Tokoyami- you were so close to the win- so close you could taste it, but dark shadow ripped the victory from your hands with little trouble and grinned at your loss.
Next was Kaminari, poor boy thought he had it. Went straight for his big attack but was sorely mistaken. He thought you could no longer redirect your attacks- figuring that this would take you out, only it didn't. It backfired and he was hit instead. He was out of commission in minutes.
Then was Momo, and she was close to victory. She's smarter than you, her strategies work well- but you were competitive and you were pissed, so with that combo, the unfortunate Alpha didn't stand a chance.
Last but not least- Shouto. Shouto Todoroki had a similar power to yours. He could use ice and fire. You, could use all the elements around you. Air, fire, earth, water- you know how it goes. Both you and Todoroki were strong- because of this fact- it felt like the fight lasted ages, but you still lost. He caught you off guard and used that to his advantage, projecting one last attack before it was over. You wiped the blood from your cheek and looked up at him. He held out a hand and you thankfully took it.
You avoided walking towards the front of the group, towards where Izuku was, as Aizawa called you all together, instead falling back to where Kirishima and Bakugou were. His daily class speech before he let everyone go.
"Why aren't you with pip squeak?" Bakugou whispered, keeping his eyes on Aizawa. The last thing he wanted was to be yelled at. He didn't have the patience for that.
"Shut up." You grumbled.
"You two in a fight?"
"No. Now shut up. We're gonna get in trouble." You jabbed him in the side and he glared at you but ultimately shut up.
"Any questions?" Aizawa looked around. "All right then, class dismissed."
You and Katsuki turned, walking back into the ring. You ignored that fact that Izuku had just left- you'd deal with it later. However deal with it went- you weren't sure exactly how you'd deal with it to be honest. But right know you didn't care.
"I'm not going easy on you just because you're having a rough day." Katsuki growled.
"I don't want you too. Use everything in your power to try to pummel me."
"Tap out if you need to."
"I won't." You shed yourself of your shirt, leaving you in just a sports bra. You readied yourself and so did he. The two of you stood still for a few moments, before he charged. You were counting on his, stepping to the left and lifting a column of earth. It hit him in the stomach and sent him flying back.
"Watch out, dummy!"
Bakugou had never been scared of you. You'd never acted particularly like an Alpha, at least not like an aggressive one. You'd always had the urge to provide. You smelled nice, not like some of the others who's scent was so overwhelming he felt sick- he never had a reason to be scared of you. But the look in your eyes and the way you charged at him, made his stomach sink and his heart fumble. His fight or flight kicked in, he caught your head, stopping your movement and slammed you into the ground.
He hadn't meant to, not hard- but there was something seriously wrong. You used two fingers to tap his wrist twice. Tap out.
"Fuck- I'm- I didn't mean to go that hard-"
"I told you too. No big deal." You sat up, leaning towards against your knees. The left side of your face was bleeding. Your cheek bone was bruised pretty bad. You were both beat up pretty bad, which would probably result in a scolding from respective partners.
"What's your problem. You went pretty hard today. You stink."
"Well we were just working out-"
"No. You stink." He sat next to you, ignoring the Alpha smell that was currently flooding the room. It was sour and heavy, not your usual smell. And he fucking hated it. It was overwhelming.
"Oh." You sighed. "Katsuki do you think I'm a bad Alpha?"
His gaze snapped to you. "Absolutely not. Who the fuck gave you that idea? Deku?"
"No. Just..answer."
"No, I already said no. You're not my Alpha, but even with my bullshit as kids, you were always there. Before we even presented. You're not a bad Alpha."
You nodded slightly.
"And I've seen the way you take care of fucking Deku. If he's got a problem with you, that's all him." He huffed and stood up. "C'mon. I'm tired and I promised shitty hair head after school."
"Katsuki." You took a deep breath. "PLEASE eat shit and die."
"You wish. You're just jealous that he gets head and you don't."
"Please! You like giving head because of me."
"Oh fuck off."
The warm water cascading down your back felt like heaven. You felt your muscles ease and the sour smell of stress dull. After today, this was what you sorely needed. It was calm, refreshing and you were thankful for the time alone. Steam rose and cleared your nose and throat, the headache that had started to build slipped away. You tilted your head back, letting the water drown your hair in warmth. The conditioner washed out in small cream bubbles slipping down your back. You ran your hands through your hair until you were sure at least the majority was gone.
You felt fresh now as you turned off the water. Shaved and clean.
You grabbed a towel and wrapped your hair. It felt tight in the wrap. You grabbed a second one and dried your body off, wrapping the towel around you body. It was small, almost too small, not even fully covering your ass. You stepped out, closing the door behind you. You dried off again before slipping into your clothes. You discarded both towels into the bin by the door and picked up your phone from the shelf. There were multiple texts from Izuku, it made your heart lurch.
'Can you come to my room? Please? I have something to show you'
'Baby? You there?'
'I'm sorry for making you upset today but I really need you to come here'
Fuck- these were all from at least an hour ago. And you'd missed them. You knew he'd probably be crying by now, thinking he fucked something up when he really didn't. There was a sharp pain in your chest and made you wince. You needed to get your your omega. You shoved your phone in your back pocket and walked out if the room before breaking into a jog to get to his dorm.
You stopped in front of the door and gently knocked. "Zuku, baby you there?"
Nothing. No answer- almost nothing. You caught the small sniffle from the other side.
"'Mega? Can I come in?" You leaned your forehead against the door, listening carefully. You heard shuffling on the other side, something fell over but the footsteps that led to the door told you it was okay. It clicked open and you were met with his emerald eyes.
"Hey.." he whispered, looking at you.
"I'm sorry love, I was in the shower. And before that I was training with bakugou."
His nose scrunched at the mention of his blonde friend. He was always hit with a twinge if jealousy when the two of you practiced alone. Not that he had a right to- he knew this, especially because he respected Bakugou, genuinely. "That's okay.." he mumbled. "You're all bruised. You're face-"
"Training went pretty hard, but I'm okay."
He slipped out of his room, the door inching shut behind him. He gently touched the bruise, frowning when you flinched. "Babe..." he whined. He leaned up to press a gentle kiss to it. "You have to be careful."
"What's wrong? What's got you all riled up today?" Your voice was soft, filled with concern, practically dripping with it. He stepped back, not missing the fear that flashed in your eyes that he'd leave when he did. He opened the door farther so you could step in. You did so without hesitation, once inside, cupping his cheeks and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. He practically melted into your touch. God- all he really wanted was you, your touch, your comfort, your voice- you. "You're warm. You starting heat early?"
He nodded. "Yeah- I start in 2 days." He mumbled, holding your hand to his cheek. Your hands were cold in contrast to his warm skin. It felt nice.
So that's what it was- he wasn't mad at you at all. He was just stressing over his heat- especially if it was starting early. Most likely, his suppressants wore off. He and his mother both had a high fertility rate, it made him a perfect bearer. It ran in the Midoryia family. "Stressing out?"
Izuku nodded again. "But I built us a nest."
You froze, eyes widened as your heart rate increased. You looked behind you and there it was, in all its glory. A nest big enough for 2, adorned in pillows, blankets, and clothing he'd stolen from you in the year you'd been dating. He even had the 2 stuffed animals you'd gotten him. You looked back at your boyfriend, eyes glowing. "You made...a nest...for us?"
"I hop-hope it's okay. I couldn't get it right and it was frustrating me and I got stressed out. I had take some stuff from your dorm, I'm sorry about that- but I really want you to spend this head with me because I love you and I just want you there-" he rambled, his eyes starting to water. He always did get emotional in the few days leading up to his heat. It was a dead give away. Honestly you were a bit ticked off at yourself for panicking before analyzing the situation completely.
"You want me with you?"
"Yeah, I do." He took you hand and led you towards the nest. He took a step inside it, looking at you. You'd stopped outside it, hesitant to step in too. This was a big mile stone and- "Alpha, come." He tugged your arm gently and you were putty. You stepped in. The padding on the floor made it soft, it wouldn't hurt either of you long term. He could sleep curled up or ride your thigh without the worries of a sore body- at least from the floor.
"There wasnt enough room on the bed." He muttered, sitting down, pulling you to follow his actions. You sat next to him and took his hips, leading them to straddle over your legs. You ran your hands up his thighs, squeezing them gently.
"That's okay. Your nest is so pretty, you did such a good job baby."
"You think so? You like it?" His Omega was taking over, his need to please, his need for you. You could see that much.
"I love it." You hummed, kissing his cheek, moving down to his jaw then his neck. You kissed the supple flesh before breathing in his scent. You ran your nose against the swollen gland in his neck and he moaned softly. He always liked it when the two of you were scenting. He adored it when you smelled like him, telling everyone around you that you were his. He was yours.
"I already- I already have the collar," he breathed, closing his eyes. "I'll leave the key with Tenya until its over."
"Sounds good. You're sure you want me there?"
"I'm sure." He whispered, leaning down to connect his lips with yours.
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mercheswan · 3 years
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“You may hope...”
5 times Theo gave Stiles a flower + 1 time Stiles did
“Hey daddy-o!” Stiles said happily entering his childhood house.
“Welcome home son” The Sheriff said hugging Stiles. 
Stiles just came back from his training at the FBI quarters in Virginia. He he was glad to be back home, who would have thought that he would miss Beacon Hills. 
“The place looks cleaner than I though it would!” Stiles teased. He expected the place to be a mess, now that the Sheriff was living alone. Noah rolled his eyes. “Look at that you even brought flowers to decorate the place” Stiles said pointing at her purple flowers on the table. The flowers were in a small pot and they looked new.
“That was actually Theo” The Sheriff claimed. 
Stiles stopped and stared at his father. “Theo...?” Stiles hadn’t heard about the chimera in so long. Scott told him he stayed and that he helped sometimes when a creature attacked. The true Alpha claimed that Theo had changed, but Stiles still wasn’t sure about that. “Why would Theo bring us flowers?” Stiles questioned confused. 
“He is working in a flower shop downtown. He must have taken it from there” Noah responded. 
“In a flower shop?” Stiles snorted. A flower shop was probably the last place he expected for Theo to be working in.
“He hasn’t done anything illegal in sometime. He is helping Liam with the supernatural stuff. I’m giving him the benefit of doubt” Noah allegued.
Stiles would see about that. 
continue reading at AO3 or under the line
Theo heard the bell of the shop ring, he separated from the desk and put on his fake customer service smile. “Hello, Can I help you?” Theo asked.
“Holy shit, my father wasn’t kidding, you actually work here. Wearing that fake smile is probably hurting your face like a bitch” Stiles responded.
Theo rolled his eyes with a little smile on the corner of his lips. It was impossible not to recognise that voice full of sarcasm. “Stiles, you’re back. It’s good to see you. I have to say that I’m honored that you’ve decided to visit me” Theo smirked.
“So flowers. That’s your next evil master plan? Are you putting poison in them or something like that?” Stiles questioned walking around the shop examinating the flowers.
Theo snorted. “You shouldn’t leave again, I don’t know how Beacon Hills survives without you, It only took you one second to uncover my master plan. Whatever am I going to do now?” Theo teased. Stiles looked at the chimera and Theo chuckled outloud. “You should probably go to Mrs Doyle’s house she is my best customer and she is helping me create an army of ferocious plant humanoids to control Beacon Hills. I can’t be a werewolf Alpha but I can be the Flower Alpha” Theo joked. Stiles bit his lower lip to control himself not to laugh. He was in an interrogation mission after all. “She brings me pie sometimes” Theo added.
“Oh, so it’s the pie privileges then” Stiles let himself smile.
 Theo smiled back. “I needed the money Stiles, It’s just a job. I’ve been on my best behaviour” Theo claimed.
Stiles hummed out loud. “So, i’ve been told. It’ll still be the judge of that” 
“I wouldn’t have expected anything else from you” Theo agreed. 
Stiles broke the eye contact. “I should leave… I guess I’ll see you around” The FBI gent said awkwardly. 
Theo stood silently looking at Stiles before asking “You don’t want to buy anything then?”
“You already gave my father flowers” Stiles said.
“They were for you, to welcome you home” Theo proclaimed. The chimera moved closer and took a flower from one of the pots before offering it to Stiles. It was multicolor tulip, If Stiles’s basic knowledge of flowers was right. Stiles lifted his eyebrown. “Peace offering? I have employee’s discount” Theo smirked.
Stiles huffed a laugh but took the flower before exiting the shop.
Maybe It had been Stiles all along. Maybe it was him the one who attracted the monsters. He had only been back for a couple of weeks before a new creature attacked again. And the thing had kidnapped him. Thankfully although Scott wasn’t in town as he was attending university, It seemed that Liam had everything under control. The Puppy Pack as Stiles had decided to called them were very resourcefull. 
Stiles was wounded, but nothing too serious. The rescue mission had been a success, and whilst Mason was carrying Stiles out of the cave in which he had been imprisioned, Stiles could see Liam and Theo fighting the werecreatures that took him. 
Stiles couldn’t help but to focus on Theo. The chimera fighted with a lot of rage, like he had been personally affronted. Maybe he considered himself part of the Pack, he wanted to be useful. Whatever it was, Stiles had to admit that he was galo that the chimera had helped. Theo had been fighting to survive all his life, and he was smart enough. probably the third smartest person in the Pack, after Lydia and Stiles himself.
The Sheriff took Stiles home. He needed to rest. When Stiles entered to his took he noticed the colones of the room. The window was open. Stiles was pretty sure that he hadn’t left it like that, he opened his eyes and his ears to a possible threat. He walked cautiously into his room. But the room was empty. Maybe he was imaginating things. Stiles closed the window and moved to the bed. He grunted in pain. But before he playing on the bed he saw the flowers spreaded on top of it. 
Theo entered in his room and left the flowers. Stiles picked them up. They were pretty, white and pink. Theo was really trying to get on his good side. Stiles smiled. He put the flowers in his desk and got into his bed, he needed to sleep.
The next time Stiles returned to Beacon Hills, it was on his birthday. It was only a month after they defeated the werecreatures that kidnapped him, and thankfully, Stiles was already healed.
Scott told him to drop by his house at seven, Stiles was sure that he had organised a party for him.
“Dad, I’m leaving, I’ll text you with whatever” Stiles shouted descending the stairs.
“Wait! You have a present” Noah claimed.
“You’ve already given me my present. You didn’t have to get me anything else” Stiles said to his father.
“It’s not from me” The Sheriff said giving him a basket full of blue flowers.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. He is stealing them for sure!” Stiles said taking the flowers. They cam from Theo, obviously, there was a note attached to them that said Happy Birthday Mischief. That brought back memories. His mother used to called him that when he was little. Theo and him were friends were his mother was still alive so he probably remembered her calling him that.
“Blue it’s your favourite color, isn’t it?” Noas asked.
“He probably remembers that too from when we were in little league together. He is trying to remind me that we used to be friends” Stiles responded.
“You still don’t trust him?” The Sheriff questioned.
“Actually I do. But let’s not tell him, I want him to keep trying” Stiles winked and Sheriff laughed.
Stiles arrived to the McCall household and as he predicted, they had organised a birthday party. Stiles greeted his friends, Scott was happy that he managed to gather almost everyone. Stiles saw Theo at the end of the room placing the food and rearranging the chairs.
“Just how big it’s your employee’s discount?” Stiles teased.
“You got the flowers” Theo said smiling at him.
“Yes” Stiles thanked him.
“I got a peperonni pizza from the place you like too” Theo said pointing at the food.
“Flowers and pizza? Are you trying to seduce me?” Stiles joked.
“I read online that when someone is mad at you, you should get them flowers and give them food. You know I was raised by three crazy scientists, I don’t know how to human, don’t tell me I’ve been doing it wrong!” Theo explained faking a shocked expression.
Stiles laughed out loud.
Stiles was happy to be back home, although the reason why he came back was a sad one. It was the anniversary of his mother’s death. He didn’t want to leave his father alone on this day.
They both went to the cementerio to pay respect to his mother and to leave them flowers as they had always done.
Stiles noticed that his father held a beautiful bouquet with many flowers of different colors.
“Theo?” Stiles said signaling to the bouquet.
“Yes, I though I’ll use the famous discount” Noah joked and Stiles snorted softly. “He had already made the bouquet, he as going to give it to you even if I hand’t appeared” The Sheriff claimed.
“That’s weird he had already left town when mom died” Stiles added.
“That boy likes to investigate as much as you” Noah smiled.
Stiles huffed softly. “So he chose the flowers?” Stiles questioned.
“Yes he did, why?” Noah asked.
“They are quite colorfull, that’s all. I though he would have chosen something more white or light colored” Stiles explained.
“He told me this were the more fitting flowers. They are called Zinnia and apparently the meaning of the flower if the are various colors mixed its: In the memory of” Noah allegued.
“The meaning..?” Stiles asked.
“You know, the meaning of the different flower types, like roses mean I love you and all that” The Sheriff explained.
Stiles felt as if something really important had been revealed to him.  Like he had finally found the missing piece. Theo had been giving him flowers. Should he had payed attention to the meaning of them?
When Stiles came home, he did what he did best. Investigate.
Theo was almost ready to close the shop when he heard the doorbell ring. He silently groaned walking towards the door. 
“Hello, we are almost ready to close, may I help yo… Stiles!” Theo said surprised.
“Can I still buy a bouquet?” Stiles asked.
“Yeah… sure, what did you wanted?” Theo questioned.
“Roses” Stiles smiled.
Theo nodded. “You’re lucky we are receiving a lot of roses as Valentine’s Day it’s close. Do you have a like a… date?” Theo inquired.
“Are you asking me If I have a date for Valentines Day?” Stiles chuckled.
“Who are the roses for?” Theo asked. Stiles noticed that Theo looked nervous.
“They are for my father” Stiles responded.
“That’s a weird choice” Theo huffed a laugh. He looked relieved now.
“Because of the meaning? Because you usually give them to someone for romantic purposes?” Stiles questioned. Stiles couldn’t feel like, cause he wasn’t a werewolf but he was absolutely sure that Theo’s heart had just skipped a beat. “I’ve been studying the language of flowers lately you know… It’s kinda fascinating” Stiles proclaimed.
“You’ve always loved a good mystery” Theo said meeting eyes with Stiles.
“Yeah, I’ve always had” Stiles said not breaking the eye contact. The human could feel electricity in the room. He had been blind how hand’t he realised it before.
Theo handed Stiles the roses. “I hope your father likes them” 
“They are for Natalie” Stiles claimed. Theo looked at him with confusion. “I want my father to stop pinning so he is going to give her the flowers. Sometimes all we need is a little push” Stiles explained. Theo nodded. Stiles turned around pretending to leave but he turned again t face the chimera. “You’ve been giving me flowers, with meaning…” Stiles muttered.
“It took you long to realise” Theo teased, but Stiles could see that he was unconfortable and a little bit afraid.
“I think I should give you one too” Stiles added.
Theo closed his eyes. “The carnations are behind you” 
“Not that one.” Stiles grabbed one of the roses from the bouquet. Theo looked at him with a shocked expression. “Not a rose neither, we are not there” Stiles added placing one of the roses’ leaves on the desk.
“A lea-f?” Theo questioned.
“I thought you were the expert in the language of the flowers. figure it out” Stiles smirked and left the shop. 
Theo rapidly took his phone.
Rose (Leaf) - You may hope.
Theo smiled happily.
HYACINTH (PURPLE): I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me
TULIP (VARIEGATED): You Have Beautiful Eyes
AZALEA: Take Care of Yourself for Me
FORGET-ME-NOT: True Love, Good Memories
ZINNIA (MIXED): Thinking (or In Memory) of an Absent loved one
CARNATION (STRIPED): No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You (The one Theo though he was getting)
ROSE (LEAF): You May Hope
46 notes · View notes
fuabloboi · 3 years
The Treehouse
Day 2 of @petopher-events March 2021 - Kid fic
“Hey! That’s my tree!” Chris peeked down, rubbing his face with the back of his arm as he heard a high-pitched fierce voice.
He groaned, running a hand over his short bristly hair. All he wanted was some peace and quiet. Chris had just been beaten to a pulp by his father, and he was aware that if Gerard saw him cry, he would be battered all over again. He had ended up on a sturdy tree in the preserve after sneaking out the window, silently sobbing to himself. There was nowhere else Chris could have gone. If he tried to run away, Gerard would have still found him and he would have been returned to the Argent household by someone else. Sadly, his father had way too much influence over the county and its people.
“Shut up, it hasn’t got your name on it.” he shouted back.
“As a matter of fact, yes it does.” the voice cried out in reply.
Chris turned his head and caught sight of the initials ‘P. H.’ engraved onto the bark. He almost fell off when he faced forwards and saw a little dark-haired boy with big blue eyes perched opposite him.
“See.” he tilted his head.
“Well, now it’s got mine.” Chris muttered, fishing the pocket knife he carried everywhere and carving his own initials leaving a gap next to the other.
The boy rolled his eyes but outstretched his arm, “I’m Peter. Are you- are you okay?”
“Chris,” he said, shaking the boy’s hand, “And yeah I’m fine.”
“Don’t look like it.”
There wasn’t a single day he didn’t have a black eye, a bruise, or a cut. Gerard always found some reason to punish him and not even his own mother could do anything about it. He wasn’t even sure of how he was alive at that point.
“It doesn’t matter.” he replied hastily and asked, “How old are you?”
“Six.” Peter told him and continued, “What about you?”
“I’m twelve. And how’d you get up here so fast?” Chris inquired since he was confused as to how a six-year-old could race up such a tall tree.
Peter’s deep blue eyes briefly flashed in a golden yellow, and Chris realized that this kid was what Gerard wanted him to hunt down; a werewolf. However, unlike the vivid picture of bloodthirsty savage werewolves and their young that Gerard had painted in his head, the boy didn’t seem like a threat at all. Chris saw him as a human, not a monster.
Peter gasped suddenly, “You’re one of them aren’t you?”
“One of who?” he raised an eyebrow.
“The Argents.” the boy stated calmly.
Chris flinched and nodded at him. He had expected Peter to be afraid of him, and even run away, but he hadn’t. He sat completely unfazed and Chris was surprised.
“What are you doing here?” Peter questioned again.
“Nothing really. It’s peaceful up here and I like it.” he lied. Peter didn’t need to know why he actually came there. Chris wasn’t even sure whether the wolf would have understood if he had been honest.
“Cool!” the boy stared at him before exclaiming with a grin, revealing the absence of a few teeth, making Chris smile as well.
“Hey!” Peter greeted, hurtling up the tree and settling in front of him.
“Hey, Peter. What’s this?” Chris smiled at the boy and asked when he held out an energy bar packed in a blue wrapper.
“What it looks like, obviously.” he regarded, waving it, “Take it. I got it for you.”
“Me? Why?” he said, taking it from the wolf’s hands and tearing it open.
“You ask too many questions. I brought it thinking you might be here when I came.” Peter answered, digging into another energy bar that he had kept in his pocket.
“Well, thanks.” Chris replied, taking a bite.
He knew his father would have him whipped for accepting food from a werewolf without a second thought, but he was too famished to care. Gerard didn’t only beat him, he also starved Chris as punishment. The bar tasted like heaven and he wolfed it down. He was more than glad that Peter had brought it for him and yet he was also puzzled.
“You were hungry, I sensed it yesterday.” Peter revealed, licking his fingers.
“Really?” Chris said and stuffed the wrapper in his jacket pocket, “Why did you bring it, though? Why did you trust me? You know I’m… one of them.”
Chris didn’t even want to mention his own last name. He detested being an Argent and being referred to by that name.
“You smell nice.” Peter responded matter-of-factly, but Chris was confused.
He had loathed his own scent, however, with time he had grown accustomed to it. Chris knew he smelled of dried blood combined with sweat and he was pretty sure that didn’t smell nice. Horrible and disgusting seemed more likely.
“Excuse me, what?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, Ta said that people who smell nice are good people and I can trust them.” Peter explained.
“Talia, my sister. She started taking care of me after Ma and Pa- after they went to a better place.”
Everyone had heard the term ‘a better place’ at some point in their lives and that was when Chris pieced it together. Peter wasn’t just any ordinary werewolf who lived in Beacon Hills.
“You- you’re a Hale.” Chris stated wide-eyed.
“Yup.” Peter said bobbing his head.
It had taken place about a year ago when he was eleven and Chris could remember it clearly. Gerard had gloated to his fellow hunters about his achievement of being able to capture and kill both Richard and Emilia Hale, the two oldest members of the family, who were also widely known in the supernatural world. He had seen them briefly and to him, they seemed like genuinely pleasant people. His father had told him that Chris wasn’t old enough to understand, but he was sure that Gerard wasn’t doing something right if he could so heartlessly torture him. He had come to acknowledge that Gerard had the best interest to no one and only for himself.
Chris yawned, his legs dangling from the tree and Peter was munching on an apple, murdering it with his fangs. The wolf was taller now and his hair had grown, the fringe covering his forehead and just above his eyes. It had been a gloomy day and Chris had made it to the tree right after training. He had been beaten again and his body had ached so much that he struggled to get on the tree, but Peter had helped him up and offered an apple.
They had been meeting every day for four years now and Gerard, thankfully, hadn’t suspected a thing. It was most probably since his younger sister Katherine had been born three years ago. The young wolf would arrive with food and they’d sit there together, sometimes talking and sometimes silent.
As a result of their conversations, Chris had discovered that Talia, Peter’s older sister was the alpha of the Hale pack and was the mother to a little wolf girl named Laura. He also found out that Peter was prone to have fits of rage, destroying his own toys. However, Peter had mentioned that he felt comfortable with him and Chris had never witnessed such behavior from the wolf.
“Christopher?” the boy called out.
Peter had begun to call him ‘Christopher’ instead of what everyone else called him in his life and Chris found that amusing. He liked the boy and he didn’t mind meeting him each day for the rest of his life. Chris wondered whether things would change by then, whether he’d escape Gerard and there would be no more hunting, a world where he and Peter could meet freely, no violence, no death, just peace, and happiness.
“Yeah?” he replied lazily, yawning again. Chris was still tired and he needed to nap. He couldn’t do that at home, and as uncomfortable as it would be, Chris felt like sleeping up on the tree.
“What do you think about a treehouse?” Peter suggested with a grin, chucking away the remainder of the apple.
“I like that.” Chris smiled, “But… only if you help me build one.”
Peter rolled his eyes and groaned, “Of course you’d say that. Fine, I’ll help.”
“Great. We start tomorrow. I’m gonna nap.” he muttered to the wolf before closing his eyes, cozying himself on the not-so-comfy branch.
“Well, I’ll be here protecting you.” Peter said and Chris laughed a little.
“And what are you going to do if someone tries to kill us?” He opened an eye to look at the Hale.
In an instant, Peter drew his claws and tried to growl menacingly. Chris thought that it was adorable.
“Christopher!!!” Peter exclaimed, jumping off the tree and launching himself onto Chris, wrapping him in a tight hug. The wolf was twelve and several inches shorter than him but was obviously stronger than most kids his age.
“Peter, woah geez I’m human.” he laughed, stuck inside the rib-crushing hug.
“Happy 18th Birthday! Well, late birthday.” the boy shouted, hugging him tighter.
“Thank you, kiddo.” Chris groaned and Peter let go of him, grinning.
It had been Chris’ birthday the week before and he had been in Japan, doing his first gun deal with the goddamn Yakuza. Gerard’s idea of a birthday present was putting him in a near-death situation and Chris wasn’t even surprised. The experience had been extremely unsettling and so terrible, that he wanted to forget his 18th birthday. He had informed Peter about it a few days before but not many details as even Chris had been unaware of what he was going into until he had made it to the venue.
“What happened? You look pretty shaken up.” Peter eyed him, suspiciously.
“Yeah, it wasn’t that great. It was a gun deal with the Yakuza and it didn’t go that well, but I’m alive, right? So that’s what matters.” Chris managed a weak smile. He knew he couldn’t lie and Peter was always worried about him so he kept the details of figures materializing out of the shadows with swords similar to ninjatos to himself.
“The ya- what?” the wolf blinked at him.
“It’s like Japanese mafia, Pete.” he answered, ruffling Peter’s hair.
“Woah geez. Are you hurt?” Peter raised an eyebrow at him.
“Nah, nah I’m good.” Chris smiled. He was telling the truth in a way. Though he was injured then, he was better now and he was used to the pain regardless.
“Well enough of that. We’re going to have a proper celebration.” the boy smirked and Chris wanted to facepalm himself. He was sure that Peter would have planned something. It was just the way he was. Chris had never wanted anything for his birthday but the wolf would get him small trinkets and he appreciated it very much.
Chris had genuinely been surprised when Peter had introduced him as his best friend to the rest of the Hales. Peter’s sister Talia had dinner prepared and even baked a cake with ‘Happy 18th Birthday Chris!’ on it. Peter had made him what seemed like a bracelet with a little piece of wood shaped like a tree, which Chris assumed was to signify how they met. He had almost cried at the Hale House. He had never been so happy and no one had ever done anything so amazing for him. The Hales had treated Chris like he was one of their own and given him a birthday that he would never forget. The next morning Chris had sneaked back into the house, and Gerard hadn’t noticed his disappearance as always.
“Christopher!” Peter yelled, and he could detect the excitement in his voice, “I did it!”
Chris sniggered as he slipped the wolf figurine that he had been carving for the past hour into his left jacket pocket. He sheathed the knife in his boot, stepped out, and settled on a branch before hanging upside down to greet the wolf.
“I did my first evolved shift!” he panted as he came to a halt.
It took a while for Peter to come into view and Chris shut his eyes when he did, almost plummeting onto the ground below.
“Why are you naked?” Chris groaned.
“What do you- have you seen wolves wearing clothes?” Peter whined back.
“Go get yourself some clothes or I’m leaving.” he said, with his eyes still closed.
There was another whine from the younger boy and it made him snicker. He loved how Peter could always lighten up his mood somehow. It was good and he felt lucky to have the wolf in his life. It had been ten years since they had met and Chris’ life had changed for the better though his father still made his life a living hell. Peter made him forget all of it when they spent time together.
“Ughhh will you come with me? Please, please, pretty please Christopher?”
Chris landed onto his feet with a flip without opening his eyes and Peter snorted, before snarling. When he glanced in the direction of the sound, Chris saw a wolf with dark black sleek fur. He lowered himself onto one knee so he could run his hand through Peter’s coat. He let out something like a satisfied purr and Chris got back onto his feet. Then they were off, sprinting through the preserve back to the Hale house. Peter was quick, but Chris managed to keep up with him.
Once they had arrived at the residence, Peter shot up the stairs to his room. He came back down in his usual V-neck and jeans with a pout. His hair was shorter now and in a mess as always, yet Chris considered it to look good on him. The two of them went back to their tree, this time walking slowly.
They spent the day chasing each other around through the trees. Chris felt like an idiot for playing, but he was having fun and soon he became comfortable. It was pretty late when Chris was feeling exhausted, so Peter decided that they should take a swim in the lake. They fooled around for a couple of minutes and it was when they dried off to get dressed that Chris remembered about the wolf he had carved. When they got back to the treehouse, Chris had gifted the figurine to an astonished Peter. The wolf had adored it from first sight and thanked him endlessly. Since it was dark, they silently lied down next to each other on the wooden floor. Chris was an adult so he knew that Gerard didn’t give a damn about him as long as he was at the house in the morning.
“Christopher, can I say something?” Peter suddenly spoke up.
“Yeah?” he responded, turning to the side and propping himself up on his elbow.
“I- I- it’s hard to say.” he chuckled lightly, “Never mind.”
“Just go on Pete.” Chris hummed at the boy.
“I- I like you. A lot. You know- more- more than just a friend. I- I just didn’t understand it before.” he mumbled, stuttering a little.
Chris sighed, closing his eyes and lying on his back once more.
“Peter, you’re sixteen. What you feel- it’s not love. It’s just something you feel at this age as you grow.” he explained, “You will know what it’s like to be in love when you’re older, but this as much as you think it is, it isn’t.”
“Okay.” said Peter, softly and Chris flinched as he detected the hurt in the Hale’s voice.
‘I smiled sadly for a love I could not obey’ from David Bowie’s Lady Stardust started ringing in his head, because that’s exactly what he was doing now.
He had acknowledged that there was more than just a brotherly affection he felt towards Peter. He wanted to wrap the wolf in his arms, love him and protect him, but it just wasn’t right. Peter was a sixteen-year-old. He was still a boy in high school while Chris - he was twenty-two; an adult. Chris was disgusted by his own self for the attraction he had to the teenager. It may just be a six year age gap, but Peter was a kid and he wasn’t. It was wrong and Chris detested that he couldn’t view Peter as just his best friend anymore.
Even if their ages weren’t a problem, anything else between them would only give Gerard more reason to harm Peter if he found out. Chris didn’t give a damn about what happened to him. He needed the wolf to be safe no matter what and it would break him if Peter was hurt. It was a sacrifice that he had to make, so they wouldn’t lose what they already had. To Gerard, it wouldn’t be just about loving a werewolf, but also about loving a man.
Peter was already at the treehouse when Chris got there. They were still the best of friends even after the confession from Peter almost a year ago. Things remained just the same and the younger boy didn’t make any advances. This day Chris had news. News that was going to change his life and possibly affect their friendship as well.
“Hey, Pete.” Chris greeted as he settled himself opposite Peter on the wooden floor.
“Christopher.” Peter smiled at him. He had grown into a beautiful man now and Chris still could recall the six-year-old with the missing teeth. Chris had literally watched him grow through the years.
“I’ve- I’ve got news. I’m getting-” he started to say, but was soon interrupted.
“Married next week,” Peter finished his sentence and Chris frowned, “What? All of the supernatural world knows. A hunter family visiting Beacon Hills? It’s obvious. Besides, news spreads around here fast.”
He stared at Peter with his jaw dropped and then nodded. The wolf was right about all of it and Gerard had planned it to be a grand wedding. The funny thing about that was the fact that Chris had never seen the girl he was going to marry or even heard her name. Obviously, Gerard was doing it for his own benefit. He pondered over the question of what it would be like to live with a stranger for the rest of his life.
“Yes.” he said, confirming what Peter had said.
“Well, I’ve got some news too, Christopher.” Peter spoke again, his tone slightly somber.
“What’s that?” Chris inquired.
“I’m leaving. For college that is.” his voice was soft, and Chris couldn’t believe that he had forgotten. Of course, Peter was going to leave. He had mentioned that he was contemplating that decision some time ago. Maybe Chris had been thinking that it wouldn’t come to that.
“Where to?” he asked the boy.
“Oh, that- no idea yet. I’ve got a little more time.” Peter grinned and Chris cracked up.
They spent that entire day together as there was a possibility that it would be the last one they could meet each other freely. It was as much as he could have. Though Chris loved him too, they would be star-crossed lovers and he just wanted to save Peter from that pain.
“Daddy, where thish?” the little dark-haired fair girl in Chris’ arms chirped.
“We’re going to see my good friend, Ally sweetheart.” he said, kissing the top of her head. She was four but insisted on being carried and Chris just couldn’t say no.
“Okay, Daddy.” she hummed, resting her head against his collarbone.
It had been a long while since he had gone back to the treehouse. Chris had become busier with the business and had the responsibility of sustaining a family. Besides, Peter was away as well and he missed the wolf dearly. It was tough at first, not being able to meet his best friend, talk to him or hear of how he was doing. Even if it got easier with time, the Hale was on Chris’ mind every single day and the feelings were still there though he was a husband, a father.
Talia had secretly informed Chris that Peter would be returning to Beacon Hills because she had figured that he’d want to see the wolf again. She didn’t know of his feelings but knew how close they had been.
“Peter!” Chris called out when he arrived at the tree.
“Christopher!” there was a roar and Peter landed, leaping off the tree. Allison stared in amusement.
Chris caught his breath when he got a proper look at Peter. His hair had grown slightly, but it was still the gorgeous mess it used to be. He hadn’t changed much, but Chris could see that Peter had matured, despite the goofy grin on his face. Peter wasn’t a boy. He was a man. It hurt Chris. Seeing the one he always wanted. The one he couldn’t have.
“And who is this angel, then?” Peter spoke first, beaming at his daughter.
“Allison, my daughter.” Chris smiled at the Hale, “Allison, this is Peter, my best friend.”
The words sounded almost bitter in his mouth. Best friends. That was all they could be, but at least they had that.
“Hello, Allison.” the wolf said, waving at her and Chris removed her from his chest, holding her towards Peter.
“Hi, Peter.” she chuckled at him.
Peter raised an eyebrow and Chris insisted with a nod. The wolf gently took Allison into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck instantly. He gazed at him, thrilled. Chris was glad that Allison was comfortable with him since every time Gerard was nearby, she’d break down crying. He didn’t blame her and kept her away from the man as much as he could. It was also amazing to see Peter so happy after years of not meeting each other.
They chatted as Peter gave Allison a piggyback and played with her, fooling around. Chris got the idea that Peter was great with kids and then realized that he was already an uncle to a sixteen-year-old girl, a ten-year-old boy as well as a four-year-old girl. He tried to picture what it would be like to raise a child with Peter, but soon let that thought go because it hurt too much.
As they talked, the wolf revealed that he didn’t want to go to law school, since he didn’t want to stay away from the pack for much longer and didn’t need a job for himself. He also wanted to be where Chris was. That piece of information made Chris feel better and even if they couldn’t hang out in their treehouse, there was a chance they could run into each other frequently.
When evening arrived, Chris decided that it was high time to leave. His wife Victoria would be paranoid and there was no cell signal in that area. Allison also seemed to be exhausted after playing. They had stayed there for a good amount of time. Before they said their goodbyes, Chris wrapped his arms around Peter and pulled him into a tight hug. He gently ruffled his hair like he did when they were younger, earning a snicker from the Hale in return. It had been forever since they last hugged and Chris missed it more than he could fathom.
“Hey, sweetie. I need you to help me.” Chris told Allison as they got to the edge of the preserve.
“Yes, Daddy?” she asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Can you promise me that you won’t tell anyone about Peter? And if someone asks where we were, will you tell them we were at the park? Can you do that for me?” he requested. Chris had wanted Peter to meet Allison and he knew what could take place if anyone else found out about that.
“I promise. I will do that.” she grinned at him and then frowned, “But why?”
“You’ll understand when you get older, sweetie.” Chris pressed his lips to the side of her head.
“Okay, Daddy. Park.” she yawned, falling asleep on Chris.
Chris crept down the stairs with his flashlight, trying to make the least sound possible. It didn’t take him long to make out Peter and Derek hiding in the dark.
“Pete, Der?” he whispered to them.
He had managed to shake off Gerard and the other hunters before making it to the Nemeton. Peter had brought him there a couple of times and he figured that it would be where Peter and Derek ran off to. Though it would take the others a while to find the Nemeton, Gerard wouldn’t stop at tracking the wolves down, so Chris had to make sure they got away safely. He didn’t want to see what would happen to them otherwise. Peter was usually up to no good and Chris made sure to keep an eye on him as much as he could. It also didn't help that there were three other werewolf packs in Beacon Hills at the time. It could be a jackpot for Gerard.
“Yeah?” Chris heard Peter’s voice answer him, but his tone was more of a question.
“You have to get out now. Gerard- he’s coming.” he informed them and, both Peter and Derek slowly made their way towards Chris.
“Hey.” Derek said, his expression showing slight fear. The boy was about fifteen.
“Hey, Der.” Chris replied with a smile and glanced at Peter. He swore that the older wolf only got more attractive each time he saw him, which really wasn’t much. They met, but not as frequently as they used to and it almost tore Chris into pieces. He missed Peter terribly and when he lay in bed at night, Chris knew that he wanted Peter next to him instead of Victoria, and she was aware of that as well. She didn't know about Peter, but she did know that Chris wasn't exactly in love with her since it was the same with her for Chris.
Peter moved forward to hug him but Chris deflected it by grabbing his arm. He pouted and groaned.
"Peter, seriously, you need to be more careful. Gerard is so much more on alert these days and I- Peter- I don't…" Chris tried to say and faltered because the lump that formed in his throat didn't allow him to speak further.
Peter put his arms around Chris, wrapping him into a tight hug, "Don't worry, Christopher. I'll be fine."
"Don't you 'I'll be fine' me, Peter. I always worry about you. Promise to me that you'll take care." Chris told the younger man, ruffling his hair.
"Yes, I promise." he mumbled, resting his chin on Chris' shoulder.
Chris wished that the hug could go on for longer. However, they had to get moving now and hugs were for a later time. He pulled away from Peter begrudgingly before it got to the point that he couldn’t bring himself to let go of the wolf. It felt like torture.
He led them out from what looked like a root cellar as quickly as he could. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around just yet. Chris glanced at Peter.
“Yeah, I don’t hear anyone. I think we can get back home safely.” Peter said, reading Chris’ mind, “Der, go on. I’ll be right behind you.”
The teenager nodded and hurried off, disappearing among the trees.
Peter gazed at him, “I’ll see you around I guess.”
“Remember your promise?” Chris asked the Hale.
“Yes, Christopher. I promise I’ll take care.” Peter answered with a smirk and then he was gone, leaving Chris all on his own by the Nemeton.
Chris’ heart was heavy in his chest. He had contacted Peter a few days ago and asked to meet him at the treehouse. He and Victoria had decided to leave Beacon Hills and stay away from Gerard. Victoria didn’t want Allison to be exposed to the supernatural and Chris didn’t either. Chris was sure that Gerard would try to snake his way into the little girl’s mind and twist her views like he did with his younger sister Kate. Even if Gerard didn’t take that route, Chris didn’t want Allison to live through a childhood similar to his. He didn’t want his daughter to grow up to hunt those similar to Peter. Those two were the people in Chris’ life that he loved the most and it would kill him if something happened to either one of them.
He climbed the tree and got himself onto the treehouse to see that Peter was sitting there waiting for him.
“Christopher, what’s going on? You asked to meet me.” Peter said, studying him intently.
“Yeah, Peter, I have news.” Chris told him with a sigh.
Peter raised an eyebrow, rising to his feet, “News? Last time you said that you were going to get married. You’re not getting married again are you?”
Chris chuckled softly, shaking head at the wolf, “No, Peter, I’m not getting married again. I’m- we- we’re leaving Beacon Hills.
“Leaving? You’re going? For how long?” Peter inquired, astounded.
Chris shrugged. They weren’t sure whether they’d ever move back and that was what hurt the most. He would likely never see Peter ever again. Though, Chris was ready if that was what it took to not have to watch his daughter hunt down Peter and his family.
The wolf launched onto Chris, taking him into a tight hug. Chris stumbled backward, but regained his footing and wrapped his arms around Peter. His heart shattered when he heard a sniffling sound.
“Hey, Pete…” Chris choked out the words, stroking Peter’s head with one hand and rubbing his back with the other.
“I- I know we haven’t seen each other much lately, but- but you’re my best friend. You- you were always there for me for most of my life.” he mumbled, “I’ll- I’ll miss you, Christopher. What will I do without you?”
“I’ll miss you too, Pete, but that’s how things are. I’m sorry. I just want you to be safe. You’ll do great without me, I’m sure.” Chris said to Peter, ruffling the younger man’s hair.
Peter silently clung to him a little longer and then finally spoke, “Promise me you’d at least let me know you’re alive from time to time?”
They spent the rest of the day walking through the preserve that had been a home to them. Chris tried to take it all in before he left. The preserve had been his sanctuary and had given him his best friend.
In just one night, Chris’ entire world crashed down upon him as he watched helplessly. It started off when Stiles had implied that Kate had set the Hale House on fire and unfortunately, it all made sense to him. The idea that someone of his blood was the reason for the demise of a family that actually cared about him, made his blood boil. His younger sister was the reason that Peter was so badly injured and in a vegetative comatose state. The sole reason Chris had left Beacon Hills was to make sure that Peter would be safe and if he had remained there, the wolf would be happy and full of life, while the other Hales would still be alive.
It had gotten even worse subsequently when it was revealed that it was in fact Peter who was the alpha. The bloodthirsty alpha committing all the murders in Beacon Hills. The alpha that Chris had returned to Beacon Hills to hunt. His best friend was the alpha. His beloved Peter was the monster that Chris was attempting to kill.
That wasn’t all. Peter had murdered Kate, ripping her throat out with his claws, that too in front of Allison. Then Peter had been set on fire before having his own throat ripped out by Derek, right in front of Chris’ eyes and he just stood there, unable to do anything. Everything he was used to and everyone he had known was different and he assumed that was what pain did to people.
Chris wished he could have done more. He could have intervened. He could have tried to help Peter this time. But he didn’t and so now here he was at an unholy hour, back at the treehouse, sobbing to himself exactly like he did twenty nine years ago, except then there was no treehouse then. Chris could remember how he had cried when he heard about the fire and that was nothing compared to the pain he felt this night. Chris thought about how could have saved Peter from his fate, but this time he had lost Peter completely and his mind wouldn’t stop recalling the six-year-old with the missing teeth, the crazy mischievous teenager that would joke around with him, the man Chris had deeply fallen in love with. It was like a hole in his heart, one that could never be filled.
Peter was gone and Chris didn’t want to believe that. It was Peter. He didn’t just die. He just couldn’t. Chris hated everything, he hated everyone including himself. He didn’t give a fuck anymore. Nothing mattered any longer.
This was exactly what Chris had tried to avoid and all he had done was fuel it. Even if it wasn’t directly, Chris was still to blame. He had failed everyone and he wondered what Peter had been thinking when he saw Chris standing there, doing nothing for him. His best friend, not lending a hand when he was dying. Had Peter given up on Chris as he died? It broke him into pieces.
Chris looked over at where he had carved his name next to Peter’s and he raised an eyebrow. Maybe his vision was blurry from the crying but he could make out a plus sign between their names. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to see just that. Had some kid found their treehouse and done that?
Or had it been Peter?
Had the wolf still had those feelings for him from almost two decades ago? Had Peter still loved Chris despite the rejection, despite Chris getting married to a woman? Had Peter yearned for him when he was away from Beacon Hills? Had Peter carved the sign between their names because it was his little secret since no one would know what it meant and since he thought Chris wouldn’t see it as he wouldn’t come back? Did Peter love Chris as he lay on the preserve floor, seconds away from his death? Chris would never have those answers because he was too late, too idiotic, and foolish.
His heart ached even more. If Peter did love him, he would have died thinking that Chris never felt the same way about him, though in reality, Chris did. He wished he would have just told the wolf the truth and then explained why they couldn’t be together.
Chris glanced at his watch, realizing that it was almost 3 in the morning. Here he was mourning a werewolf while his family mourned his younger sister. He had to get back home. Although his heart was in pain for someone else, Chris had his duties. He ran his hand over the carvings of the tree and drew back his sleeve, exposing the wrist he wore Peter’s gift and kissed it. Chris had worn it every single day of his life after receiving it and that was all he had of the wolf now.
Chris wasn’t sure whether his life was getting worse or better. First Kate, then Peter and now Victoria. However, Peter was back and it drove Chris mad. He had mourned for the wolf, cried his eyes out wishing he could have saved the wolf and hating himself for doing nothing. Then Peter had emerged out of nowhere at the warehouse and Chris couldn’t believe his eyes. He felt stupid for crying and he had been right when he thought that Peter didn’t just die. The fact that Peter had returned to the world of the living the exact night Victoria died baffled him. It was as if the universe willed it.
He found himself in the treehouse once again after Allison had fallen asleep. Chris was happy, and yet so furious. Couldn’t have Peter said something? Couldn’t he have left Chris a sign showing that he was alive? Chris wasn’t crying this time. Instead, he had settled on the floor with his head against the wall, eyes closed, rubbing his forehead trying to make sense of all the different emotions churning inside his system.
There were a few creaks accompanied by a shuffling sound and then a voice said, “Christopher, it’s me.”
There was no way Chris didn’t recognize that voice. It made him feel like his heart was about to melt. He opened his eyes to stare right into Peter’s, drowning in the beautiful blue ones that Chris had always had adored. The wolf was sitting in front of him, cross-legged. There was stubble on Peter’s face now and he was as gorgeous as always. Chris wanted to kiss the heck out of the man.
“I fucking hate you.” he mumbled, before springing towards Peter and into his arms, taking him into a bone-crushing hug. The familiar scent felt like home and Chris was warm inside. He melted into Peter as the wolf hugged him, gently rubbing Chris’ back, and whispered, “I’m so sorry.”
Chris had already forgiven the man before the apology and pulled away to look at him again. He couldn’t begin to describe how much he had missed Peter. To Chris, it had been like an eternity until he had seen Peter again. Peter smiled at him and Chris was smiling back naturally, a few tears streaming down his cheeks. He peeked at the carving and Peter cleared his throat.
“About that… It’s probably not the right time to tell you this, but I’m not sixteen anymore, so I’m sure it’s real.” he said, and produced the wolf figurine Chris had given him.
“You loved me?” Chris asked the wolf.
“No, Christopher I love you. Always have and still do.” Peter replied, taking Chris’ face in his hands.
He wasn’t sure if he was hearing wrong. Peter had loved him all along.
“But- but you didn’t…” Chris tried to say.
“I knew you must have a good reason to hide it and just stay friends with me, so I didn’t say anything again. I could still smell it on you though. Talia was the one who told it to me because she could smell it too. Heck at first, I didn’t know and I couldn’t stand myself for falling for my best friend. I was confused why you didn’t want something more between us, but I understood eventually. And now we’re here, Christopher. What have we got to lose?” Peter spoke softly, looking into his eyes and stroking his cheek.
Chris was kissing Peter before he knew it, letting loose of all the emotions that he had been bottling up for years. He had never thought this day would come, and he tightened the hug, not wanting to let go of the wolf. He couldn’t let that happen again. Peter was kissing him back passionately, and Chris got lost in all his feelings. It felt good. The taste of Peter’s lips on his, the wolf’s touch against his skin, the warmth. He pulled back, resting his head against Peter’s neck.
He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this but was glad that there was a chance for Peter and him. Chris could be with the one he had truly loved when he was a boy. It was possible now, though it had seemed impossible back then. They could still have a future. Peter held Chris in his arms as they stayed in the treehouse in silence. They didn’t need to say anything.
When Chris had run off to the preserve twenty nine years ago and sobbed to himself on this very tree, he had never imagined that it would lead him to happiness.
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For F/o asks? 🌹🌵🍇 +  Jason? Love your works!
Hello mystery anon! 🥺 much appreciation to you for sending on my dearest gentle storm! ✨ he deserves all the love and appreciation and I am here to give it all to him! ⛈⚡️🐺
Let’s jumps into it shall we! A Note: I’ll go ahead and write for our Legendary Wolf Warriors selves this time around!! 😊
🌹 - Does your f/o believe in “love at first sight?” Do you?
I don’t think Jason immediately understands the “human-like” idea at first. However, that is the first thing he does experience when he first meets Danielle! ✨
He had lost control of his ability to fly for a split second, emitting sparks from his person out of fear as he fell so the others around him weren’t able to get close enough to him without getting hurt as well. Especially since he has no control on the amount of electricity he is emitting.
Danielle, who hadn’t met Jason yet at the time of his arrival, came swooping in to save him, but didn’t expect his power upon doing so, getting shocked a bit in the process. But she was quick to rebound and managed to spread her wings to soften the rough landing.
Poor Jason felt so bad and also received a bit of scolding from her before they had locked eyes with each other. You could say a spark and a shine of familiarity came through them. Almost as if their souls recalled the other and for a second felt the synchronization of their hearts… all while still having their hands interlocked together.
Their breathes and realization to everything around them came rushing back when the others came upon them with worry. The both of them letting go as Danielle stood to compose herself. Jason still in a daze of confusion and interest by the appearance of this fellow LWW. Kind of snapping out of it when Yamato slightly elbowed him to return to the living. Feeling massive embarrassment and apologizing to her, even more so when revealed that she is the LWW of the Night and Future Alpha of the Forest of Dreams 🤭
“Please no need to apologize to me, I was saving you from possibly receiving a blunt fall to the ground.” Danielle calmed him with a kind smile, “Believe me, I’m sure the lot of us know what that is like.” She says with a slight snicker, followed by a few laughs and slight winces and weak grins from the others.
“You must be the new Wolf Warrior I’ve heard much about, Jason?” The brunette says with a tilt of her head as she reach out a hand to help him up, “A pleasure to finally meet you!”
Poor Jason was combusting a little as he hesitated to take her hand a moment before doing so. Realizing how petite she was compared to him (then again so were many of the other Forest wolves), but besides that, she carried a kind and sweet nature to her despite the high regard of her status as a Warrior and future Alpha. Nevertheless, he had no idea on the concept of “love are first sight” but he has definitely grown to fall in love with the gradual learning of Danielle 💖 falling for her entirely each moment he got to know her personally and through others 😊
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🌵 - How long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?
My dearest Jason is not a social butterfly at the start ;;w;; especially when he arrived to the Forest of Dreams. He is socially awkward and doesn’t understand the “human-like” customs of the Forest. Even more so because of his Legendary Wolf Warrior status, he’s had no previous training as a warrior and incidentally shocks others that make him nervous or come off to growly and hostile.
He sticks close to the familiar, thankful enough for the presence of the other wolf warriors, who show him the genuine kindness and the much more present side of the Forest of Dreams. He is a silent tol boi a majority of the time, usually listening and observing so he can replicate the actions and social cues from others.
He does this most obviously in the “human-world” as he is not familiar with “human-born” customs, only with a few who live in the Forest of Dreams. His anxiety is definitely on the high end whenever amongst humans and prefers to hold his tongue and stay quiet when meeting new people. The only familiar human he breaks his silence with is the human representative of the LWW, Rickie, a genuine kind man who has looked over all the warriors like his own kids for years. Despite Jason’s late appearance, he is warming and welcoming to the new pack mate.
Overall, it takes Jason a long while to really warm up to others, sticking with familiar people he’s grown to know and is rather awkward with newer ones. Sometimes, he’ll bring himself to spark a conversation and is more than happy when it lands fine! Especially when it’s genuine.
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Younger animals, he often helps train, are simple to speak to as they are the ones usually rambling and speaking to him. Reminding him of simpler times with his half brother and sister…he wonders to the Great Wolf Above if they are still out there in the world.
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🍇Does your f/o naturally give themself “me time,” or do they need reminders from time to time?
Jason definitely needs to be reminded of “me time” a lot, he is not one to give himself breaks or really relax as he is often bombarded by intrusive thoughts. He constantly puts himself down and guilt trips himself that he has to live up to others expectations or he is nothing more than a wolf chosen by mistake. Also the badgering voice of his former alpha/father figure is always in his head, or appearing as a disfigured phantom in the distance that terrifies him.
Which only makes him overwork himself; be it helping the other animals around the Forest, devoting himself to catching and gathering food, helping train other future hunters or trackers, and devoting himself to better his divine storm soul. Often leading to hurting himself by incident, though he deems that better than it possibly hurting a vulnerable life in the field…
Thankfully, he has Danielle and the others to calm him down and allow him to realize that they are animals/humans than they are gods. They need to rest, as much as anyone else does (do they all do it frequently? No…but together they help one another more than anything. It’s what a pack does!). Most especially Danielle, considering she is the Alpha of the Forest of Dreams, she has a lot more on her plate than protecting the world; her Forest comes first. She needs her breaks, times to socialize, and time to rest because of the two devoted duties she has.
Very often Danielle and Jason help each other when they have a time to breathe and be together 🤍 especially when it comes with getting a wink of sleep and receiving affection from the other. Very often when they aren’t together through the day, they send messages through their Howler Tech, making sure the other is taking small breaks in between, “Have you taken a moment to give yourself a break? Have you drank some water? Taken a snack of something? However we take a fly together to stretch our wings a bit?” Etc.
Gradually, Jason does learn to give himself breaks, especially when around his close knit pack. Taking meditation advice from Takaru and Lidia, letting himself take his share of duties while also making sure others do theirs by Yamato and Sora, and learning to embrace the beauty of teamwork and releasing as much of his power in a healthy way that doesn’t build up all at once by Sam. Growing immensely with time, tol sparky wolf does naturally give himself rest under the nice warm sun fields. 🌻☀️
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Thank you so much for the ask my anon friend! 🥺💖💖 honestly, I’m like cooing over the doodles I managed to draw quickly! 🥺 my dearest Jay looks so peaceful and good! As he deserves! 🥰💖 I rarely talk about my stories much as before, but hopefully I can take the time to split it between BSD and LWW! I just love both mi Tigre and Gentle Storm so much UwU
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