#that like
applestruda · 9 days
Do you have speedpaints or something alike for your art pieces posted anywhere? If not will you post any? Your artstyle is delicious and I would love to learn a bit of what you do
The only timelapse I've found of mine is this one that I posted on my side blog
I've definitely posted some on this blog before but I can seem to find them at the moment
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bambi-slxt · 20 days
when i made this account i decided i wasn't going to allow negativity on my page in any form, regardless of what shape it took.
i've now decided to amend that for one reason and one reason only.
making fun of my moots, or even just other sturniolo writers on tumblr, is pretty shitty behavior, ngl.
imagine having nothing better to talk about, so you feel the need to go to a brand new app (as if tiktok, instagram, youtube, snapchat, and reddit aren't enough), look up triplet content, and grasp your pearls in horror because we have the audacity to write about chris selling drugs (oh the humanity, someone kill me now).
or, rather, let me use your words: "like, the reader was dating one of them [the triplets] and they all had covid, so she came over and made them all soup-"
leave us alone 🥰
"ok but like what happened to just like normal boyfriend, like why are they all drug dealers-" omg girlie lemme show u how much sweet fluff fanfiction we have on here! oh, what's that? ur not interested? ohhhh is that bc it won't make good content for your knockoff podcast? weird.
"it's always such a 180 from their real personality, like what do you mean, you watch them all the time and you don't know them?" omg girlie! it's almost like it's called fanfiction for a reason!
"lemme write this shit!" go ahead, you'll probably like it, just like the rest of us! writing about the triplets is really fun, and having your moots reblog and comment and like your shit is so super cool. this is a more supposrtive community within the fandom than any i've found on any of the other platforms, and we got that way because we don't judge each other!
i need to go lay down jesus christ
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lymooniee · 4 months
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I imagined her in one of my fits and I screamed and needed to draw it and here we are ☆
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Sometimes I wish I could just cry
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deadddreamers · 1 month
ngl im ditching my overdone spiderwing wof fantribe. Im gonna make a tribe thats culturally centered around literature and is named after like fonts and types of paper and writing things like. How awesome would it be to have an oc named Helvatica
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tricorderreading · 7 months
#20: The Vulcan Academy Murders
Amanda is in danger and sarek is so distressed that he breaks down a steel door, stark naked
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 1 year
You ever just step back and realize how bat shit crazy the Bible is? No, like really. Some wild shit happens in there.
Makes me wonder if anyone back then turned to their neighbor and was like, “did you get to the part where that guy is tasked to bring back 100 foreskins of their enemy?”
“No, I’m still at the part where one guy is told to lay down for a year and is only allowed to eat bread baked over poop.”
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shiroselia · 8 months
Also btw I know I go hurdur this game isn't hard because I've played it since I was 8 years old and have Never had any singular problems with it and I've lived through EVERYTHING pre-quality of life. But you know what this game Has gotten over the years? More confusing. SSO isn't hard. It's just poorly structured. That's where it comes back to. This game has some of the most hodgepodge fucking structure ever that even Calling it structure is. Kinda wrong.
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goatpaste · 1 year
Sorry for not voting Diego, Sammi. . He is just so woman for me i could not in good faith vote him in a man contest .. i hope one day you might forgive my sins
*dies sillily*
thats fine, he's both to me, they should let him and hot pants into both sides
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altschmerzes · 7 months
Hello! I've seen a couple snippets of your Dani and Jamie story and I like it a lot! I believe the world needs more cuddling fics and platonic relationships with (hard fought) shared vunerability and all that good stuff 💯
I have a possibly dumb question: I've seen you refer it as a "two aces fic but neither of them is ace", I'm confused what does that mean? (Not the term ace, the whole thing)
Anyways, may the muse of writing smile upon you~
i'm so glad you're enjoying the clips i'm posting!! cuddling fics and platonic relationships with hard-fought shared vulnerability are everything to me and i'm so pleased to be able to share this fic with other people who find meaning and joy in it <3
the joke about it being the qpr two aces fic (but neither of them is ace) is about the fact that in the canon of the show, the arrival of dani to the team results in the coaches referring to having "two aces" now, i.e. jamie was their "ace" player (a player that gives them a strong advantage given the position he plays and the skill with which he does) and dani was another ace, and now they had two! and the fandom sort of collectively refers to jamie and dani as "two aces" as a kind of collective nickname. since the fic is about their relationship, and specifically about them deciding to have and figuring out how to have a queerplatonic relationship, i call it the qpr two aces fic! it's funny tho bc i had a post i made about that fic get circulated kind of narrowly but still outside my direct circle and people obviously thought i meant 'two asexuals' which was really funny to me bc in the fic neither of them is portrayed as asexual sldfjk.
(in this particular fic, jamie is written as an aromantic bisexual and dani is Deliberately Nonspecified And Not Really Fussed About It But Definitely Allo-Allo)
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curiosity-killed · 1 month
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sometimes i think so many things that i cannot say. but i sure am thinking them
[ALT ID: Two doodle comics of interactions with a director in a dance company. In the first, a tall figure is speaking with a shorter figure. The tall figure makes an exaggerated frowning face and asks, "So what's with this face? Is it your angry teacher face? A kid's running across the studio & >:(?" while the shorter dancer looks on in mild confusion. In the second panel, the dancer replies "...I think that's just my face..." while an arrow pointing to them says "90% sure I've never made that face."
The second comic shows both figures from before as well as other dancers. In the first panel, the director says "I try to keep this a positive environment." The second panel is labeled "5 min earlier" and shows the director yelling "Anyone who messes this up is getting cut" at a group of dancers. One of the dancers is labelled 'me' and has thought bubbles leading to the third panel, in their imagination. The third panel shows this dancer standing in front of a circular employee experience diagram that has sections labelled 'Meaningful,' 'Transparent,' 'Supportive,' and 'Dynamic.' The dancer is saying, "Just want to ensure we all have a common understanding of a positive work environment..." while the director looks on.]
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Fandom spaces are always weird even despite me existing in them for over ten years, cause in span of ten minutes you see the most atrocious take about a character you can imagine, then later you see the most mindblowing art and later you see people straight up demanding someone writes fics about the stuff they like
Like damn
This is enough internet for today
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computerspeech · 1 month
big pet peeve when like. someone gives an informational post about vocaloid and vocalsynths in general and its starting to become rather clear they dont know anything about vocaloid beyond miku and maybe the kagamines
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full-moon-ships · 3 months
June watching me eat shit after i bump into a wall: That one. That one's mine.
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lux-scriptum · 4 months
Sometimes I remember I accidentally made mpreg possible in PDverse, not once but TWICE and I just have to sit with my head in my hands.
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aparticularbandit · 7 months
Finished the book.
I have. Thoughts.
Particularly that Junko as a third person narrator....
I have thoughts.
But do feel kind of good about both theories being relatively correct - that Mukuro was being Junko and also that sometimes Ryoko saw Junko separate from herself (this happens even in the end).
But the idea of Junko killing Ryoko - Ryoko being not necessarily the amnesiac her but the version of her who was attached to and in love with Matsuda - like obviously the book is showing the precursor to DR0 and how Junko ran a bunch of set up to pretest a bunch of what she planned to do prior to etc. But, for me, that's not what the story is about.
It's about Junko killing herself.
The part of herself that could have done something else. The part of herself that would have been happy (strong term for Junko, but it's still true) with Matsuda instead of. Doing everything else.
Killing the her who actually. cared about someone else. instead of just seeing everyone as pawns in a grand master plan.
(Also confirms my theory for death seeker Junko. Because she clearly would have enjoyed losing and brings up that she shouldn't plan in the future so that she's more likely to lose - which connects with my complaint with Ultimate Analyst Junko as we see her in the book not accurately predicting or knowing everything that would happen in DR1 - if she could do all of that with the events in DR0, including how Ryoko would act, then the events of DR1 should have been simple. She just actively DID NOT DO THAT so that SHE COULD LOSE. So that there would be the possibility that she might lose. Because she wanted the despair of losing! UGH JUNKO.)
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