hkthatgffan · 2 days
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Well, I'm 23 now!
Happy start of June and the first month of Summer, everyone.
And a very happy start of Pride Month to all my LGBTQ+ friends and followers. You're all awesome!
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Art by Agentkelly13
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the-orion-scribe · 1 hour
Happy birthday @hkthatgffan ! A gift fic for you!
Title: A Detour in Toronto
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Rated: G
Summary: Dipper and Mabel get lost when trying to navigate Toronto's ever-reliable tram system. Thankfully, they meet a kind stranger who helps them get back on track.
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thebookofbill · 6 months
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acetyzias · 2 months
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toonbly · 2 months
how am i supposed to be normal about this, alex hirsch.
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fordtato · 2 months
A list of things I asked Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls:
Were there any excerpts cut from Journal 3 that you can share?
What would you change if you were remaking Gravity Falls today? (feat. a discussion on inadvertent transphobia and Grenda)
What's the deal with that (kinda gay) line being changed in Journal 3?
Was there more grim or mature content planned for the Blacklight edition?
What do the red rectangles in J3 mean?
Is there anything in Journal 3 that has not been discovered or unsolved yet?
Why did you change Fiddleford's creation of the memory gun to be after the gremoblin attack?
Thoughts on the Ford+Fiddleford reunion at and after Weirdmeggedon?
What are your thoughts on how many in the fandom have interpreted Ford as part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
Was Bill able to possess Ford in the multiverse before Ford got the metal plate installed into his head in Dimension 52?
Beyond these questions, Alex gave so many insights into the "complex, fucked up" relationship between Bill Cipher and Ford, who would win in a fight (both sober and drunk) between Stan and Ford, and how fandom engages with content today .
Watch the full video here:
And for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT INTERVIEW VIDEO, including the questions that ThatGFFan asked Alex (the baby in ATOTS, questions about the Gravity Falls pilot and MUCH MUCH MORE), check out @hkthatgffan's video here.
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prettyinpwn-blog · 3 months
Does anyone else feel like... something new is brewing for GF?
Sorry I've been posting a lot out of the blue after months of inactivity, but, you all get it... the GF fixation train comes and goes.
Anyways, I'm getting some spidey senses going on about GF lately. There's The Book of Bill coming out, Alex Hirsch doing an interview with ThatGFFan and Fordtato/Hana Hyperfixates (you folks are awesome btw), Alex himself has been super, super quiet for a while as far as I know...
I especially am a bit curious about why The Book of Bill is being released so many damn years after the show was released. There's no big anniversary coming up (the 10 year passed in 2022), the show is - let's just admit it so I can feel like the old ass lady I am - old itself, and usually stuff like this gets greenlit around other materials for promo reasons.
My point is, is usually something like The Book of Bill, you'd expect to have been released long ago to capitalize on the show's success post-finale, like how Journal 3 and Lost Legends were published. But... all of the sudden 10+ years down the line, we're seeing stuff like the soundtrack vinyl, the Bill purse, and I believe there were Ford and Stan plushies iirc, and now The Book of Bill being released.
And there are details about these two things that are... weird. The soundtrack had a full version of "We'll Meet Again" with all the characters voiced by Alex Hirsch (e.g Bill, Stan, Soos, McGucket, etc). Very strange thing to be added to the record, hm... and The Book of Bill is set to be more adult in flavor.
I'll just bluntly state it: I think they're testing the waters for more Gravity Falls with a more adult audience, capitalizing on old as dust fans like me who were active when the series aired, plus newer fans given Gravity Falls' seemingly evergreen appeal. Like I'm about... 80% certain on this. I'm not saying this to clickbait anyone but it really feels like something new is on the horizon. I'm not saying it's a new show, maybe comics or some sort of prequel or continuation in another medium, but my spidey senses are tingling, like I said.
Does anyone else feel the same, or am I just... too hopeful?
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Have you watched the ThatGFFan and Ford interview with Alex Hirsch? Theres a bit more Fiddauthor fuel in there, especially about Fidds' self worth to Ford and Hirsch implying Ford is queer in some way.
I DIDNT KNOW THIS EXISTED????????? UHM UHM UHM UHM HEADING TO YOUTUBE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! because if what you are saying is true, im in for a RIDEEEEEE 💖💖
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aceofstars16 · 2 months
Hey just want to ask, have you managed to watch ThatGFFan and Hana interview with Alex Hirsch?
Not yet! I saw it and I might end up watching it at some point but I have no idea if I actually will or of I do when 😂
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supernoobslovers · 4 years
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Let's not forget this month
Credit thatgffan on Instagram spread the word of may-bel
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hkthatgffan · 2 months
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Join me and @fordtato as we had the once in a lifetime chance to interview the creator of Gravity Falls himself and ask our most burning questions!!
My video
Hana's video
Hana, I cannot thank you enough for all your help, support and being an incredible partner and friend on this crazy project. I hope we can have the chance to collaborate again in the future on another project. I'll never forget this experience. Getting to meet and talk to Alex Hirsch was a dream come true and one I will never, EVER forget. I hope you all enjoy what we've both created here and managed to ask him. Long Live Gravity Falls!!
Thank you again to @stephreynaart for the amazing thumbnails for our videos, @brightdrawings for the 3d Render on our teaser trailer and to Hana and their friends Rev, Lee and Reuben for making the transcript.
You can find that over here!
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hkthatgffan · 1 month
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Alongside the interview, Alex Hirsch also sent me and Hana each a personalized Gravity Falls drawing made and signed by him. This was mine.
I can now say that Dipper and Mabel have visited Canada and specifically, my home town of Toronto.
Thank you so much, Alex ❤️
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I'll probably never own Journal 3 Special Edition. But this imo is even better. There's a pretty funny story that happened regarding this drawing that I'll be sharing in the behind the scenes video I got coming on the channel next month on just how we got this interview to happen.
I also made a scan of it so I have a digital version too!
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Be sure to check out me and @fordtato's interview with Alex if you've not yet.
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hkthatgffan · 4 months
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The Mystery is Finally OUT of the Shack...
We interviewed Alex Hirsch!
Join me and fellow YouTuber @fordtato (Hana Hyperfixates) for our exclusive interview with Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls.
Will the artbook ever be revived? Are there any plans for future Gravity Falls comics, or any other comic ideas that didn't make the final result? What's the story behind the line change between editions of Journal 3? Who is the intended identity of the baby in A Tale of Two Stans?
Get Alex's responses to our questions, in not one, but TWO separate hour-long videos, releasing to each of our channels this late March!
Hana Hyperfixates on YouTube
ThatGFFan on YouTube
ThatGFFan's FAQ on this whole process
3D Rendering in video by @brightdrawings
Thumbnail images of Hana and myself made by @stephreynaart
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[Video Description: A 3D render of a green-plaid-patterned question mark floats and spins against a starry background, coming closer as dramatic music plays. White text appears on screen reading "Think of your most pressing Gravity Falls Questions…" "...and imagine finally having the answers." The voice of YouTuber That GF FAN reads "What would you have done if Kristen Schaal could not have voiced Mabel?" "Were there ever plans for more Gravity Falls graphic novels?" "Will the art book ever be revived?" "Alex, who is the baby?" Then the voice of Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls, responds "That's a good question." When the plaid question mark stops spinning, very close to the screen, a light blue triangle appears, and the screen fades to aqua, with text overlayed reading "An interview with Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls/ One part of a two-part video interview, featuring Hana Hyperfixiates/ Coming soon." /end video description]
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hkthatgffan · 11 months
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I got inspired!
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hkthatgffan · 6 months
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hkthatgffan · 2 months
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You've waited long enough! I am happy to finally announce, that An Interview with Alex Hirsch, featuring me and @fordtato will FINALLY be releasing on April 12th!
Tune in this Friday to learn all the new information Alex Hirsch shared with us about Gravity Falls!
If you're not subbed to Hana yet, you better! They've made an amazing video on their end of the interview and I guarantee you all are gonna love it! Please do give them the same love/support you'd give me. I couldn't have done this interview without them!
Hana Hyperfixates on YouTube
ThatGFFan on YouTube
ThatGFFan's FAQ on this whole process
3D Rendering in background of thumbnail by @brightdrawings
Thumbnail images of Hana and myself made by @stephreynaart
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