#the fisher king
frankiebirds · 1 month
i love this line and this scene in general so much. they're trying to figure out what "hour be none" means and reid walks in and gives the answer (with some mostly unnecessary but endearing additional info) and elle responds so affectionately. i really loved their dynamic, however you view it.
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bonus (cropped from the next shot):
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gaiussleechtank · 8 months
I feel like as a fandom we don't talk enough about the Fisher King. No, I don't mean the actual episode - that is an entire other post in itself. I mean the actual Fisher King.
How Merlin meets an ancient being that was well cared for and loved, who has lived for centuries to the point that his actual name has been forgotten and all that is left of him is a desolate land and crumbling castle.
And that the King that Merlin meets doesn't ask for greeting or hospitality, but instead death.
Isn't it such a coincidence that a powerful person has stayed waiting for the time of the Once and Future King? Left, forgotten, aged, exhausted and begging for an end?
The Fisher King isn't a foreshadowing for Arthur's failed destiny, but Merlin's eternal doom.
The Fisher King is Merlin's later parallel.
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dailyflicks · 5 months
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The Fisher King (1991) dir. Terry Gilliam
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maybethistimemegz · 11 days
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Criminal Minds - One Quote per Episode ↳ s01e22 - The Fisher King (Part 1)
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bibuck-saved-me · 8 months
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merlin rewatching conversations with @hi-haveagoodday
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tobias-hankel · 11 months
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Everyone always talks about how much Spencer loves his mother, Diana, but the relationship just hurts when you think about it.
Here Spencer is after having an incredibly long day. He flew from Las Vegas back to Quantico, figured out an extremely hard puzzle, found out his mother was in danger - then had to admit his mom is mentally ill and that he could be too one day. His mom is rude to him about his body, letters, and over the fact she was flown there to save her life. He then failed a negotiation and a man killed himself in front of him. He was hurt by a bomb, caught on fire, and helped rescue a victim while escaping a burning house.
And then after all that, he stands in front of his mom - exhausted, charred, vulnerable - and he doesn't tell her how he was hurt or about what he did. He says how she helped save Rebecca's life and Diana doesn't even look up.
Diana doesn't give any indication that she even knows who Spencer is and she doesn't ask about the ash all over him. It's clearly nighttime and she asks if it's lunchtime. She doesn't remember that she read the books she asked him about to him.
Then Spencer, even though he is so tired, has to help his mom on the flight back across the United States, while reading to her and taking care of her while Spencer has no one taking care of him.
And this is medicated, well taken care of, Diana. If this is Diana on an alright day, on medicine - what was she like when Spencer was a child.
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aloysiavirgata · 5 months
Can I whine for more Fisher King??
She’s back to work and they look at her in hushed voices somehow; look at her like she’s on the slab.
“I’m fine,” she says over the drone of a Stryker and the crisp pop of a skull key. Over breadknifed livers and the fibrous wrap of pericardium.
Simone Richards catches her smoking in the parking bay. “Dana!” she admonishes.
Dana passes her the cigarette and Simone takes a long, appraising drag.
Mulder makes love to her the way Yo-Yo Ma plays a cello; a passionate blend of favorite standards and eclectic novelties. A virtuoso performance to an appreciative audience of one. He does not think she is damaged.
“Mulder,” she mumbles against his manubrium. Into the warm rebar of his clavicle. She bites at it with her white little teeth, her breasts pressed to him like grapes being crushed for wine.
Later, when he’s asleep on his sueded belly and the cats are curled around his head, she gazes at his spine. We are so vulnerable, she thinks, touching his jugular. His carotid. Forget exoskeletons - we have no fur or feathers or claws or venom. Our bite is relatively weak. Our newborns are pathetic.
Only a poorly understood but generally-accepted-as superior brain. Only an ability to cook food, to outlast our prey. Even ravens make tools.
She falls asleep without meaning to. She dreams of white and white and white, of blurry-faced women, of Duane Barry crowing triumphant to the indifferent stars.
They have bagels in a crowded little spot where the walls are bare and the ambiance is terrible. The bagels are teetering on a Michelin star.
“I think we should break up,” he says, wisdom-tooth-deep into chive cream cheese. “Dana, it doesn’t end here. Not with what I do.”
She opens her eyes wide, appalled. “Oh, Fox! Solving crimes! Is…is it dangerous?” She throws a caper at him, rolling her eyes.
He scowls. “I’m serious. What happened with Tooms, with Barry. I don’t want this for you.”
“I don’t want it for me either, come to that,” she remarks. “But I’m willing to risk it.”
He furrows his brows. “Why?”
Idiot, she thinks. Fucking idiot. She would like to talk to the various people who did such a number on him that a man this good looking and intelligent is somehow this insecure. Just talk at first, anyway.
“Because your parents are rich and I have med school loans still,” she says at last. “So my plan is to marry you, kill you, and live in luxury for the rest of my days.”
He looks at her for a long time.
She sips her coffee. She eats an olive from his plate.
“Oh,” he says finally. “That’s all right, then.”
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marril96 · 1 year
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Criminal Minds 1.22 | The Fisher King: Part 1
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aaand-read-all-over · 8 months
Strength and Courage (3x04 / 3x08)
“The melee is the ultimate test of strength and courage.” -Arthur
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"Then you must be courage."
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"Ah, finally! Strength has arrived." -Grettir
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Always meant to find each other <3
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dollopheadedmerlin · 1 year
I know we all like to point out times in the show where Merlin unknowingly survived due to his immortality, but what if he wasn't born immortal?
I know it's hard to explain the fight with Nimueh there but how tragic would it be if, in the act of killing the Fisher King, Merlin inherited his immortality? If, to allow for him to die, the undying nature of the Fisher King had to go elsewhere?
The Fisher King and the Perilous Lands are so interesting and it's never expanded upon in the show I just have to wonder how the king ended up in that state, how his kingdom dissolved around him and what became of his people.
And how tragic still would it be if the Fisher King's life and destiny mirrored that of Merlin's? If he was waiting all this time as Merlin would, for someone to come and relieve him. Or perhaps he was waiting for something else that would never come because he'd had his chance at destiny and failed, and the long life gifted to him to complete his task turned into a curse that left him unfinished.
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thedepthsofhell · 4 months
i've been rewatching criminal minds and paying more attention to little details, characters and background things instead of the actual plot of any episode.
and so i've been thinking about reid's addiction and i noticed a little parallel between elle and spencer (their friendship was amazing btw i miss them)
remember how elle got shot, and was coping poorly with it? in season 2 episode 05 "the aftermath" reid goes into her hotel room, they drink and he tells her "elle, he's dead. you're right here. you won." and she smiles and says "then here's to winning." but then at the end of the episode she kills that guy in cold blood ends up leaving the BAU. so she didn't win, did she?
and that goes really well with hankel, too. spencer killed him, he's dead. so he won, right? but he got an addiction because of tobias. spencer never would've become addicted to dilaudid if it weren't for the fact that tobias was. he could've lost his job, his apartment, his life. he was shown craving the drugs even after he got himself clean. reid's manifestation of foyet calls him addict in the last episode he's in (15X10) so that means the addiction is something he will carry all his life. and remember how he thought about taking the drugs again after emily's "death"?
"he's dead. you're right here. you won."
did he?
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frankiebirds · 1 month
GODDDDD. can we talk about hotch cleaning elle's blood off the wall himself. he could so easily have had anyone else do it but he does it himself and he does it alone. because he feels singularly guilty. can we talk about it. godddd. im going to come back to this (to his guilt specifically) when it becomes relevant again but for now just lay on the floor with me
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
the impossible leninist church as yet another one of the twelfth doctor's mirrors
these two shots from before the flood come back to back. one after the other
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he is unwavering faith and belief in the impossible and repentance and strict moral code and guilt and confession and trust and foresight and transcendence and surrender
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he is rationality and control and conscience and materialism and skepticism and historicity and atheism and truth and dignity and survival and victory (the red block lettering on the poster says "pobedim" — "we will be victorious")
the friend inside the enemy and the enemy inside the friend. the scientist and the magician. the priest and the folk hero and the reluctant politician. call him doctor dialectics
cinematography as communication!
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
So who among the Arthurian characters is into cottagecore? Morgan has to be right?
you know what i'm gonna have to disagree. i don't think morgan's affiliation to magic and nickname "le fay" are enough, especially bc she prides herself on a lofty status that elevates her above the humble rural living that cottagecore romanticizes. i mean here she is in the vulgate proclaiming herself a king's daughter (isn't she the daughter of duke gorlois?) while she prepares to kill her husband and get away with it.
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queen shit. here are some characters i think would be into cottagecore.
arthur: when thomas berger wrote him as loving his simple life in wales with his family and sleeping out with the dogs and genuinely relishing his modest upbringing with his foster brother? i felt that.
blanchefleur: she definitely named herself "white flower" after her own garden's award winning blossoms at the county fair. she bottles it for perfume too, if you're interested. perceval always keeps a little vial around his neck so he can smell it and think of her while on quest or when he gets lost on his way to take out the trash. thanks wifey.
brangaine and palamedes: whether or not she can actually achieve this lifestyle whilst in the service of isolde, she definitely dreams of fleeing to the countryside with palamedes. it also makes his commute shorter (cottage is on the edge of the enchanted woods in which the questing beast roams).
culhwch and olwen: after the nightmarish tasks they underwent just to get married they absolutely retired far away from court life where those shenanigans wouldn't reach their children.
dindrane: she's the quintessential nun, one who didn't learn necromancy. she enjoys all the typical stuff expected in a remote hermitage; gardening, baking, making wine, going on an adventure bilbo style complete with chaotic means and tragic ends, bird watching.
fisher king and elaine: since the queen passed away they just want more father and daughter bonding time out on the boat to fish. they catch dinner in their little pond and take it home to cook and go to sleep happy. they do the same thing again the next day without any obligations besides living. nothing bad happens.
green knight and wife: pretty sure they invented cottagecore or at least introduced the concept into the realm. they have their own line of cottagecore starter kits with little seeds to grow personalized mini gardens for a country oasis even in the discomfort of your monarch-sanctioned barracks. so what if the plants they sell are annuals and you have to buy a new one every year. aren't you committed to the aesthetic?
isolde and tristan: did they or did they not smash in that grotto like their lives depended on it? i rest my case.
merlin: have you read mary stewart's merlin trilogy? my guy wanted the quiet life so bad it made him look stupid. he died as he lived, in the middle of fucking nowhere. say what we will he committed to the bit to the very end.
tor: he is literally a cowboy farmer kid turned knight. actually forget the whole list he's the only one.
thanks for the ask!
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grandboute · 5 months
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The Fisher King
Pour toi Émilie...
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fisherman-fight · 4 months
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THE FISHER KING - “He’s like. The FISHER King. Basically he’s just some guy who spends all the time fishing because he got uh. Castrated and couldn’t stand after that.” “Besides being the King Fisher he has cool imagery, a movie and a trope named after him”
VALSTRAX - “It’s a rocket-powered dragon. That FISHES. you can’t get much cooler than that.”
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