#doctor who meta
humanstein · 1 day
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"One of the most exciting things about ROGUE is the consequences of the scene below - enough to make hardcore fans scream! #DoctorWho"
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eminentsleet388 · 3 days
Ok so random thought incoming. I noticed a weird pattern in the new doctor who season. In 3 out of 5 episodes, the "villains" have all been created by machines/ai. The bogeyman in Space Babies created by the space station, the weapons and war stuff created by the ai in Boom, and the slugs created by dot in Dot and Bubble. In the other 2, the villains have been summoned by ruby(and the doctor also maybe). In the Devil's chord, ruby summoned the maestro by playing that song she wrote for her lesbian friend, and in 73 yards she summoned the faery magic old woman when she read the scroll. Ig technically the doctor also indirectly summoned the two(he did that salt thing, thereby invoking the toymaker and hence the maestro, and he was the one who broke the fairy circle), but it was ruby who did the thing that actually summoned them.
Oh also even the goblins in church on ruby road were summoned by ruby because of her coincidences. I have no idea if it means anything, maybe Im just seeing patterns where theres nothing, but that remains to be seen. I'll be on a watch for something similair in the upcoming episodes.
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I'm actually so pissed at all the "doctor who fans" who are bashing 15. if you didn't like 13's writing I could get it. She was done dirty by the script but even then she had some great moments! (I'm a 13 enjoyer even though I did not like chris chibnall's handling that much) but like the 15 bashing is insane.
What 'wokeness' ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT?!?!? we're like 6 episodes in and its been standard ass doctor who shit I'm gonna go ahead and say its been less 'woke' then previous seasons. The only thing that's different? He's black. Just say you're racist and leave the damn fandom. That's right go on. LEAVE.
If the doctor thinking a man is attractive is too much then why didn't you leave way back in season 1 of new who? Nine and Jack flirted and kissed and also just Jack in general should've been too 'woke' for you.
Can you not handle the doctor being anti war? Let me tell you you should've left during season 4 because there's this episode called the doctors daughter, ever heard of it? Well go look up genocide in the dictionary and there will be a picture of the doctor with the caption "OVER MY DEAD BODY"
Oh and is showing racism too 'woke' for your lovely white sensibilities?? DID YOU SOMEHOW MANAGE TO MISS THE DALEKS??!? everything that isn't Dalek is bad? is inferior?? DID YOU MANAGE TO MISS WHAT WAS DONE TOO THE OOD?? Did you miss 12 punching that racist in the face in thin ice?
It's funny because I don't think you missed any of it I just think that now that He's different than you you can't handle it. Now that the alien with two hearts doesn't look exactly like you you cannot fathom him being a well written, well acted person. I think you're an idiot who loves a show about saving everyone and about the beauty of humanity until suddenly there's a person you don't like up on your screen. I think you're worse then the Daleks cause at least they own up to what they are.
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 days
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antiGRAV? it’s antimav doctor, everyone knows this, you claim to be a tech whiz and yet
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oldbookshop · 6 months
something about how rose tyler gets mentioned after she's gone more times than any other companion does, but she's never mentioned to the doctor, just around them, and always in indirect ways. jack telling yaz about rose, donna calling for her daughter rose, war doctor addressing bad wolf girl, etc. hell, half the time it's not even actually rose tyler being mentioned. something something representative of rose tyler's existence in a parallel world, living with the doctor but not this doctor, relegated–in this universe–to only fleeting halfway mentions that the doctor can barely catch onto before they're gone
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
the doctor being a part of the noble family has the energy of an addams family cousin -- imagines rose being in a school play and the doctor fixing up some gizmo to open up a tiny gap to some part of the universe where stars shine particularly brightly for midsummer night's dream, and accidentally almost levels the school by misjudging how close they are to this one very dense planet (people in the audience confusedly waving at aliens who are just as confusedly waving their tentacles back from a thousand years in the future a million light years away. everybody afterwards talks about the great special effects, but they're not sure what it has to do with the story)
people trying to figure out who this "the doctor" person is and why he's living with the nobles, and always trying to catch out that there's something going on, but the doctor's answers to all their inquiries are so lowkey bonkers as to bamboozle any further attempts (so where are you from again? oh just this place, well, I say place, planet, well, I say planet I don't actually know these days, but somewhere certainly... is Ipswich a place? how do you know mrs noble again? we travelled together for a bit, and then, well you know how it is when you get hit with a face full of radiation, ey *snort-laughs at his own joke* and what's your name again? doctor, the "the" is a pronoun, it can get confusing I know, but people on this planet choose their names all the time, you'll catch up)
just this house gremlin in a setup that nobody from the outside understands, toddling about, showing up at every event that rose has going for her, wearing little pride pins that might be partially for himself as well as for rose (gay??? one of those trans ones????), always seems to be talking about strange places that nobody has heard of but doesn't want to admit to, occasionally goes eerily still and unnerving around people who are cruel and mean, knows a lot about history, but peppers it with facts that can't possibly be true, gets on very well with shaun who always answers questions with "the doctor's part of the family, youknow?" they do not know, but at this point it's too rude to keep asking
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tardis-technician · 9 days
I’m probably the last person to notice this but I loved it so much I had to write it down. One of the original issues I had with 73 Yards is that, in the beginning, we see Ruby very quickly give up on waiting for the doctor. We’ve established they’ve known each other for at least six months, unless we’ve jumped backwards, so it felt very strange to me.
Then I realized it kicks off the theme of the whole episode.
Ruby’s been traveling with someone for six months who clearly loves her, but is ready to accept at the drop of a hat that he’s just up and left her, and she’s not even mad at him for it. Any other companion would’ve assumed something bad happened to the doctor and/or would be pissed at them for disappearing. The fact that Ruby walks away so quickly and without complaint says a lot about her character and her struggles with abandonment and self-worth. The more I think about 73 Yards the more I really like it.
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timebones · 25 days
Look I know that “the Doctor can hear the soundtrack” is possibly pointing toward some big series-long arc.
But in the meantime, I like to imagine that the music represents the Doctor’s alien senses, with the translation matrix turning it into music to make it comprehensible to us, the human viewers. Like when we hear ominous music or a familiar motif, the Doctor is sensing bits of the web of time, or using some other wacky timelord(ish) sense that we don’t have. The Doctor isn’t exactly breaking the fourth wall, but that’s the closest thing the TARDIS can use to approximate it.
It reads as genre savviness because that’s what it would be like if you kind of know the future. Not necessarily in exact detail, not enough to pick the right action every time, since there are countless possible futures/pasts for any non-fixed point. But the Doctor still has way more information about any given time than a non-time traveller would — and seemingly more than a human time traveller would either.
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galahadwilder · 25 days
A Theory About the Doctor’s Species of Origin
So usually in NuWho, whenever anyone asks if they have a name other than “The Doctor” or “Doctor,” the Doctor replies something along the lines of “nope, just the Doctor.” However, Fifteen has broken that pattern: when Ruby asked him about that, he responded that “the species that took me in uses titles like [rattles off a bunch]. Use ‘The Doctor’ for a thousand years and that becomes your name.”
The thing about RTD’s writing is that you can sometimes tell when something has extra emphasis, like the thing about the Bees in Donna’s season. And the Doctor repeats this bit of information twice, once completely devoid of context, making absolutely certain that you understand that “Time Lords use titles.”
Who else uses titles? Specifically, who in this season is big on titles?
Well, the Pantheon.
The Toymaker. The Maestro.
Hell, in Classic Who, the Toymaker was originally supposed to be part of the Doctor’s as-yet-unnamed species before Michael Gough died and became unable to reprise the role. The Maestro even gives the Doctor another title! “The Lord Temporal.”
The Toymaker uses doors to step from one end of history to another. The Maestro uses pianos. In both cases, they’re bigger on the inside—doors to extradimensional spaces. What if it wasn’t just Regeneration the Time Lords engineered from the Timeless Child—what if it was all of their tech? What if that’s why nobody can reproduce TARDISes properly—it’s not science, it’s play?
Last bit of evidence: the Maestro is aware of the background music and the fourth wall. They open the episode by playing the Doctor Who theme, intentionally triggering the opening credits. The Doctor is the only other character so far who’s proven to be aware of the fourth wall (the Beethoven’s Fifth rant in Before the Flood, for example), to the point that he even mentions during The Devil’s Chord that he thought the background music was non-diegetic—as in, he can hear the background music. He knows he’s in a show.
The Doctor, the Lord Temporal, might very well be one of the Pantheon.
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allthoseotherworlds · 6 months
I feel like the Doctor assuming he/him pronouns for the Meep really works to highlight how the Doctor doesn't fully understand gender I think, and how the Doctor is more agender.
It's like, the Doctor mostly seems to use whatever pronouns people assign them after regenerating, based on how other people see them. It's normally portrayed as something the Doctor has to consciously remember and keep up with, not something that's actually a part of them.
And in that light, it makes sense to just assume pronouns for the Meep, because that's basically how it works, right? That's how everyone's always treated the Doctor.
Of course, when it's brought up, the Doctor asks the Meep about pronouns, and the Meep says that the Meep's pronouns are always the Meep.
And the Doctor's like, "Yeah! Me too!" but then mostly people don't actually like, pick up on that and take the cue to ask the Doctor anything about pronouns, because the Meep looks clearly alien and androgynous to humans, but the Doctor doesn't.
And the Doctor is used to just going along with whatever, so they don't bother to bring it up explicitly, but I do feel like there's a connection there.
The Doctor assumes the Meep uses he/him pronouns because that's mostly what people assume the Doctor uses, and because the Doctor is used to people doing that to them, they assume that's just What's Done.
But it doesn't have to be, and the Doctor does ask the Meep about pronouns, and maybe someday someone will ask the Doctor.
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Me, to my new date: doctor who thinks it's a sci-fi story because the Doctor thinks it's a sci-fi story and because the companions think it's a sci-fi story, but it's really just a story about ghosts. a story about an ancient creature carrying the ghosts of everyone they have ever loved, meeting new people, and seeing them only as future ghosts. they are haunted by the future and the past and the present because they are the only constant in a world constantly in flux, and they are running as fast as they can to things before they burn and fade to dust but everything will always end, you understand, because this is the only thing the Doctor understands and yet they keep going. they love too much to stop. doctor who is not science-fiction, it's horror and optimism and spiritual more than anything else, it's religious unto itself, the TARDIS is a haunted house and a church and a graveyard and a hospital and the Doctor is the most haunted being in the universe but more than anything, this is a love story, because how can you love something without being haunted by it- hey, what are you doing?
My date, shoving breadsticks in their purse: I have to go-
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humanstein · 7 hours
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But for real why aren't they ever hanging out in that new TARDIS like you built a whole new TARDIS
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cyanmountains · 4 days
Every episode of this season has had a "false reality" so far. people living in myths or stories coming to life, where reality is exposed or restored in the end:.
Space Babies: The boogeyman beeing created from a story and how Nan-E is actually a real person instead of a robot
The Devil's Chord: The concept of music is alive. Plus the bad timeline this episode which gets prevented and the surreal dance number at the end
Boom: The soldiers believing there are enemies in the fog, the reveal that there is no enemy, they've been fighting an imaginary threat
73 yards: Ruby's alternate timeline that unwinds itself at the end. also the pub guests telling a made up myth to scare ruby, and Mad Jack coming to life as Gwilliam. *
Dot and Bubble: Finetime as an artificial, contained reality. Lindy's true nature beeing exposed in the end. And how the Finetimers are out of touch with reality, thinking they can survive in the wilderness and their racist belief of beeing the "pure chosen people".
(*I really like the theory that everything in Ruby's 73 yards timeline is shaped around her perceptions and beliefs - a false reality that she has unintentionally made herself)
This could mean nothing but it's definetly an interesting theme!. If this is intentional it definitely would fit a "they are in a tv show" plot twist. I'm excited to see if Rogue will continue that theme (based on what we've seen, it seems likely - with groff playing a mysterious secretive character and the synopsis of the episode)
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expectiations · 29 days
I love that - thanks to one small line - their first kiss gives us a huge look at what kind of partner (and then later husband) the Eleventh Doctor is.
'What, that's it?'
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First of all bear in mind from his perspective, yes they've gotten closer, but he's still suspecting that River might kill him sooner rather than later. It's understandable that some trust issues linger and thus he's still a bit quick with the casually dark (and cruel) demeanour.
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River knows that. She knows where he is in his timeline. She knows that, despite how much he flirts with her (and he flirts with her A LOT), he is not her husband, not yet the man that loves her and he's not even the man that knows her. So why does his short goodbye confuse her?
Because this small line tells us that not only have they been dating (from his perspective) between DOTM and AGMGTW but they've been dating physically. To River, this short-fuzed ball of trust-issues is essentially not only her husband but also her actual boyfriend.
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Meaning that the Doctor, before he became the doting idiot husband we saw in TATM/TNOTD and even before he knew who she was, never dropped her off after a date without at least (!) kissing her goodbye.
And I'm really putting the emphasis on never because River would otherwise not risk asking for a kiss, if there had been any doubt in her mind that this Doctor isn't a Doctor she had been dating. So what does that tell us?
Despite how much this fandom likes to paint the picture of the evil River who forced herself on the Doctor, she is never the one to initiate (physical) intimacy. She expected to be kissed, she expected the Doctor to kiss her because that's what the Doctor does. Husband or not.
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And it's so ingrained in their relationship that even when he showed his honest confusion, River assumed he must be acting coy on purpose to get *her* to kiss *him* for once. And well it worked, intentionally or not, River complied because why wouldn't she? It's what they do.
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Until of course she is forced to realise that it might not be what they do for much longer. This was his first kiss; so she might not see the boyfriend version of her Doctor very often from now on, if at all.
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But ignoring all the insanely depressing angst of how that scene ended, yes we saw an end for River but we also saw where the Doctor's pre-AGMGTW dating spree and thus the affectionate idiot began because he makes it quite clear that he's up for more. (pun intended)
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I wish we could've seen more of their time together. Unfortunately 98% of it happens off-screen but the point of this thread is to show that, even if most of it is off-screen, the show has made the nature of their relationship and the nature of the Doctor's feelings very clear. Moffat's writing style is quick-paced and certainly assumes that the audience isn't too stupid to keep up. (wonder how that worked out) And small lines like these contain so much vital information that, for some people, it's easy to overlook. But all we need to know is right there. The Eleventh Doctor dated River prior to AGMGTW, definitely prior to TWORS; they've been intimate for two hundred (!!!!) years from his perspective before he married her and he is the one to initiate that intimacy. That's all. 🥰
original post on X by @/eIevenriver (who writes the bestest Doctor x River threads ever)
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thefiresofpompeii · 12 days
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exactly the face i made when i heard her say that line. Kate, what does that mean. did you intend to say “this event may be suspended along your timeline” and misspeak? “along your event” that’s just words. they don’t really click together into any kind of cogent sentence.
unless… is ruby’s life an event?
makes me think of the doctor referring to himself as a “complex space-time event” in boom. ruby’s timeline seems to be getting more unravelled by the minute, what with all the changes and erasures and rewritten histories and alterations to her past and future. she’ll out-complex him if she doesn’t watch out
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oldbookshop · 6 months
i swear to god RTD looked up "top ten scariest doctor who episodes," wrote down the most horrifying element of each, and then wrote wild blue yonder. there were pieces of everything that has ever scared me in this show– the creepy repetition of the thing in midnight, "my arms are too long" being reminiscent of "are you my mummy," aliens that exactly copy humans like the zygons, the terrorization through hallways by house in the doctor's wife, the suddenly melting like the gangers in 11's era... horrifying episode overall! thank you russell!!
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