#there was some quality about this face that i liked
sunkissed-zegras · 22 hours
ok maybe i lied, because i have 2 more um...... i have a lot of ideas anyways so
hear me out a 🥭 for the prompt [Impede - One person is attempting to get ready to go somewhere while the other kisses/touches/attempts to undress them all the while] and we all know i'm a caitlin girlie so i think we all know who i want....... i hope
- 🪐 (nexts one's gonna be the last i promise)
evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [closed!]
─ warnings | no nsfw but kinda suggestive, i know u wanted smut but idk this is mostly sweet fluffiness (there's cait smut coming though), allusions to sex though
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"BABY PLEASE," YOU sighed as caitlin's hands began to rub your waist, her hands snaking around it.
she was standing behind you, a smirk evident in her face as she maintained an innocent demeanor. her touch was soft and teasing, making it hard for you to focus on getting ready for the work event. you had been trying to choose the right outfit for the past half hour, and caitlin's playful interruptions were not helping.
"i really need to finish getting dressed," you said, trying to sound firm but unable to keep the amusement out of your voice as you met her gaze through the mirror. "i have to leave in like 30 minutes and you know how my boss feels about being on time,"
caitlin's fingers traced small circles on your stomach, sending shivers down your spine. "but you look so much hot like this," she murmured, her breath warm against your ear. "are you sure we can't be a little late?"
you turned to face her, your resolve weakening as you met her playful gaze. "you know how important this event is, right?"
she pouted, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "more important than spending some quality time with me?" her lips brushed against your neck, making you gasp softly.
"you, cait are a terrible distraction," you said, unable to stop a smile from spreading across your face. you gently pushed her hands away, though you lingered longer than necessary. "promise we'll have all the quality time you want after this, okay?"
caitlin sighed dramatically, but the smile on her face showed she was relenting. "fine, go be all professional and impressive. i'll just be here, waiting for you."
you quickly turned back to the mirror, trying to refocus on your task. as you adjusted your dress (the tight one you know caitlin loves), you couldn't help but glance at caitlin through the reflection. she was lounging on the bed, watching you with a look that made it clear she wasn't done with her teasing.
"okay," you said, straightening your back. "how do i look?"
caitlin sat up, her eyes raking over you appreciatively. "sexy, sexy and sexy. and like someone who's about to knock 'em dead at that event."
you laughed at her compliments, feeling your cheeks flush as you leaned down to give her a quick kiss, unable to resist. "thank you, baby. wish me luck?"
"you don't need luck. you've got this in the bag," caitlin smiled, her expression softening. "and i'll be waiting here for you, with the stra-"
"caitlin!" you laughed as she shrugged, plopping back on the bed with a smirk.
"what! you're gonna need a good celebration after, right?" caitlin teased as you gave her a mock pointed look, walking over to the dresser and grabbing your clutch (yes, the designer one she bought for you).
you smiled and blew her a kiss, "yeah, yeah."
caitlin laughed as she pretended to grab the air kiss and put it in her pocket. "bye, baby. i love you,"
"i love you too!"
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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awakenedevildays · 1 day
「other seashells and quality time」 Art Donaldson x F!reader
you can read the other parts here!
Art loves his daughter more than anything else in the whole world. He drops everything in the moment she calls him: he could be doing the most important thing in the world and still it would only take a syllable from his precious baby to get his attention.
So you weren't really surprised when Art changed his mind about the week end in the beach house and asked if you were okay to bring her too, and how could you not agree?! you love your daughter just as much as he does. So your little family is now in the big beach house, sun hitting your skin and the waves gently hitting the shores not too far away. Art is beside you on the big cabana bed in the private beach, his eyes set on Eloise not too far from you, her little feet in the water and a diving mask on her face. 
"you put sunscreen on her right? I don't want her to get sunburn" you ask as you sit up next to him. 
"yes, I drowned her in sun protection, don't worry she'll be fine" he answers.
"and you put some on too, right?" you inquire suspiciously at him and his face is already an answer "Art". 
"I did! on the legs..." he is on the verge of whining but you're already making him lay down on the bed, sunscreen already in hands "baby-".
"you are the palest thing I've ever seen in my entire life, stop talking" you order him as you drop the sunscreen on his chest, he lets out a whine. 
"I don't like the feeling of the cream on the skin, it's sticky and-". 
"Art I swear Eloise complains less than you" you laugh and start to massage his chest in circular motion, his skin slowly absorbing the white cream.
"mmmh this feels nice" he mumbles back, eyes now closed as he relaxes under your hands "please don't stop" you laugh and keep rubbing the cream, now lower with your hand on his abdomen and you notice a slight change in his breath. His hands are behind his head, one eye open to look at you and a smirk on his face that makes you blush instantly. 
"stop looking at me like that" you say as you move to his neck and face.
His smirk gets wider "Like what, love? Tell me" he asks teasing you, his voice low and husky. His gaze is making you feel all kinds of things and he is well aware of it, still acting like he is innocent he sits up, his face now close to yours encouraging you to kiss him but you push him back to lay down.
"Slow down playboy, turn on your stomach" he mumbles a small 'ow' before turning around, his bare back laid out for you and you repeat the same action you did before: you start by his shoulders, gently massaging him with the sunscreen before going lower on his back. His breath gets a bit heavier as you notice goosebumps on his skin, he is feeling it too, your hands gently go lower and lower until you reach the edge of his shorts and you go slowly back up, caressing the skin of his hips and lower back. 
"your skin is already slightly red" you scold him "you should listen to me more" his face lays on the bed as he mumbles something against the sheets "what was that?" You ask with a chuckle, straddling his lower back to put the cream on his arms and shoulders too.
You feel his muscles tensing under your touch and he let's out a loud gasp, clearly surprised from the action "Jesus love" he moans and laughs at the same times "you're such a tease" he laughs breathless. 
"don't know what you're talking about, I'm just making sure you don't end up red as a tomato" you tease back, your hands are now on his back again to massage his sore muscles, you smile as his breath starts to get slower and heavier, clearly falling asleep, your hands are on his upper back and your thumb is rubbing small circles, soothing him to sleep. 
It's only afternoon but he clearly didn't sleep much during the previous days as you were packing everything you needed for the week end. You hop off his back to lay beside him and close your eyes for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of the sun.
"mommy!" Eloise shouts from the shore and you sit up with a finger in front of your mouth to signal her to lower her voice before staring up to walk towards her. 
 "what is it, dove?" You ask with a smile, the sea breeze softly blowing through your hair. 
She holds your hand and points out towards a few shells laying on the beach "Can we pick those, please?" she asks, her voice low and her big blue eyes look like they could bring you to your knees at her every whim, how could she be so perfect was a mystery.
 "yeah baby, let's pick the most beautiful ones for daddy" you smile, her eyes lit up as she quickly bends down to look for the most beautiful shells, her small face focused as she looks for the perfect ones. She finds two little shells, almost identical of perfect spirals and holds one over her head "I found them! Aren't they pretty?!". 
Eloise runs towards you, her hands in front of her chest as she shows you the shells "do you think Daddy is going to like them?!"
"he will love them" you assure her, now crunching down to search for them too. Eloise follows you, running around picking one shell after losing interest in the previous one. You spot a small shell, completely white, with small yellow spots on the spiral. It looks as if it's been kissed by the sun. You pick it up and call out for Eloise, holding the shell in front of you to show it "Hey, look what I've just found!".
"it looks like daddy" she exclaims and and you burst into laughter with her "it does! when he wakes up we will show it to him" you tell her, after a few minutes more she eventually gets tired of picking seashells and throws herself in the water, you following her. The sun is now starting to set on the horizon and the weather has cooled down, making the water nice and fresh on the overheating skin. Eloise splashes you with the cool water as you laugh and splash her in return, gently throwing her up in the air and holding her close to you as she squeals happily. 
The water covers you up to your chests as you sit down to be at her level and the waves come gently crashing on you and Eloise as she holds on to you tightly: she rests her little head on your neck, her arms wrapped around your neck and legs around your waist as you hum a lullaby until she falls asleep. 
You get up as gently as you can, her in your arms while you get out of the water and start walking towards your still sound asleep husband. The sunset is beautiful in the background as you walk back to the cabana bed with Eloise asleep in your arms. Art didn't move an inch since you left him, softly snoring with his face pressed in the pillow. You lay Eloise next to him and cover her body with a dry towel before staring to softly caress Art's back to wake him up, your lips touch his warm skin everywhere you can reach: his shoulder blades, his spine, his lower back and the nape of his neck. 
His eyes flutters open and the first thing he sees is your sweet baby next to him, asleep and content sprawled on her back, then he looks at you, sat next to them, a sweet smile on your face and cheeks colored in a lovely red that compliment your beautiful eyes, you look so peaceful. He turns on his back and reaches his arm out to tuck a few strands of your hair behind your ear "hey, you", he whispers, his voice sleepy and low as he stares at you adoringly "did you have fun with baby girl?". 
"Yes, we found a seashell that looks just like you" you tell him and Art chuckles, his arms now wrapped around his daughter to bring her wet body to his still warm. He smiles at you as he holds her in his arms, kissing her soft curls and caressing her cheek. She stirs softly in his embrace, her breath still slow and deep from her sleep, her small mouth parted and her pink cheeks still rosy from the hot sun. He looks down at her and his smile gets wider "it's a compliment or an insult?" he asks amused.
"just a fact" you take the seashell from Eloise's bucket to show it to him, he takes it in his hand and looks at it before bursting into laughter "what the hell, it actually looks like me" he whispers, still chuckling quietly as he holds it in front of his face "I mean you're not wrong" he laughs "the nose is identical". 
You muffle you laugh with a hand on your mouth before adding "the most beautiful shell on the beach" 
He nods, "that's true, but there is only one thing more beautiful than this shell here" he says looking at you, you smile knowingly. 
"and who would that be?" you ask . 
"me...? obviously" he says, you roll your eyes before slapping his chest lightly. 
He laughs loudly and you put a hand over his mouth "Hush! You're going to wake her up, you idiot!" you whisper loudly, trying to keep your voice down but he keeps laughing. He kisses your hand on his mouth before biting your wrist softly, he then takes it in his hand and brings you down next to him on his empty side. He feels like he is holding his entire world in his arms. 
You lay your head on his shoulder, feeling his warm bare chest touching your skin. Eloise lays over his heart and she is still deeply asleep, a happy smile on her face. His arm wraps around your waist and he starts tracing random spirals with his fingers on your bare back, his heart almost purring in his chest as he holds you tighter in his embrace. 
His eyes never leaves yours "do you even have an idea of how in love with you I am?" he asks, you know. 
You can feel yourself blushing at the comment and you reach for his chin, gently stroking it with your hand before answering "yeah, I think I know" you say, your voice almost a whisper as you watch his blue and brown eyes fixated on you, his gaze so intense you almost feel like drowning in them, his heart beating faster under your touch. 
"good, I'm doing my job right then" he says. 
You chuckle and press your lips softly against his, his soft breath warming up your skin as he inhales deeply before kissing you back, his hand now cupping your cheek and caressing it gently. He pulls you closer to him, your bodies almost completely pressed together as you lose yourselves into the kiss for a moment
You both jump at the sudden noise and pull yourselves out of the kiss to see Eloise staring at you, her eyes wide and shining with what resembles amusement. Your face turns as red as a hot pepper and Art bursts into laughters.
"what are you smirking at, little girl?" Art asks between chuckles, his arm wrapped around your waist as you bury your face in his shoulder, still embarrassed. Eloise just shrugs her shoulders and giggles before burying her tiny fists into her cheeks with a mischievous smile on her face.
Art shakes his head and looks at her as she tries to hold her bursting laughter back "you should see your face, mama" she says between giggles  stop making out in front of me!"
"how do you even know what it means!" you ask her, eyes wide and Art laughs out loud when your head shots up from his neck. 
Eloise shakes from laughter and giggles "I heard daddy talking about it on the phone once, and aunt Tashi told me what it means" she says and your face turns even more red at that, you feel Art's body shaking with laughter beside you as he holds you both against him. "I should really keep you away from her". 
Eloise whines "no! I love auntie Tashi".
"of course you do. She's always spoiling you" Art sighs, his hand tracing your skin as he looks down at his little devil, still chuckling softly "and she gives you candy as if you were a grown up!" he says, half amused but still with a hint of seriousness in his voice. 
"she doesn't!" Eloise defends her. 
"yes she does! I found you with a bag of gummy bears last time!" Art accuses her, but she keeps giggling while shaking her head, the innocence in her little face is too adorable to resist. 
You can't help but smile at the scene, your heart melts at the sight of them and you gently kiss Art's shoulder, softly burying your face in his skin. Eloise's laugh is contagious and you feel as light as air as you sit up, Eloise copies you "we should head inside" you propose. 
"yeah, it's starting to get dark" Art agrees as he lifts Eloise up in his arms, when you stand up he passes her to you to take the backpack full of towels and the seashells, his twin included. 
"daddy, did you see the yellow and white shell? it looks like you!" Eloise says "yeah I did love!" he answers back just as exited.
You carry her back towards the house, her head lays on your shoulder, her arms wrapped around your neck and your own arm around her small body. She giggles and softly kisses your cheek as you head back to the house, Art walking close behind holding the things for you. 
"did I ever tell you that when me and your mom kissed for the first time we were picking seashells?" he asks her, her little head turns towards him, her eyes spark as Art's words catch her interest. She shakes her head and looks up at him, her tiny hands stops playing with your hair as she gives him her full and undivided attention "no you didn't! Tell me, daddy!" she says, excitement in her voice. 
You look at Art as he begins to tell her the story, both of you with a smile on your faces, who knew that that first night together would bring you two to this moment? 
This is too much even for me lol, might delete it.
Do not copy or repost.
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an angsty idea: f! Reader flinches during a steamy (not THAT kind of steamy) argument (bonus points for subspace) ends in fluff maybe idk, <33 ur work is *chefs kiss* ily ♥︎♡
Awww. ily too. Hope you enjoy, lovie 💗 and sooo sorry for the late <333
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A/n : I got this request little over a year back and I wrote half of this and completely forgot. I got a random motivation to write this now. I really hope the anon who requested it will have a chance to read it. ♡
And also I reached a milestone (not a VERY big one, but its special to me) on my followers, thank you for all your love and support ❤️
It's been more than three weeks since Y/n and Harry spent some quality time together. Harry was really busy with work and Y/n understood that and focused on her university work.
But it's actually bugging her. She can't lie saying that she is not feeling insecure. He is a very handsome man. Beautiful, sweet, respectful and understanding. And Y/n also know for a fact that there are many women out there trying to get in his pants or his life. But she know him, he would never do that to her. But she can't help but worry about it though.
So she kept herself busy with school and work both but she miss Harry, so thought about talking to him and having dinner together.
Today especially she had a worst day, not completely worst but worst day of the month. From the moment she woke she felt off. Something is not good and she had a terrible headache but still she went to college and later to work.
But in college she got a bad grade in a test which led up to her professor calling her to his office and giving her an earful. It's her mistake for not preparing properly for the test. And later she had to face a rude costumer at her work, and her whole mood got even worse.
By the time she came home she was feeling very low and sad. All she wanted was to cry her heart out and have some snuggles from Harry. She misses him soo much, they are living in the same house but lately doesn't feel like that.
She opened the door and stepped inside to find the lights are on, she thanked the heavens that Harry is home early. She just want to see him and kiss him.
She is feeling soo subby, not in a sexual way. She wants to be taken care of and loved. She wants Harry to hug and kiss her tears away. She just wants to be near him.
She went inside and figured that Harry is indeed home and in his office. As every step she takes she hear his voice taking in phone with someone and he is clearly stressed and angry.
She went near the door and contemplated about knocking the door or directly opening it. She decided to knock first, she faintly knocked and the talking stopped for a second and continued.
She waited for a couple seconds and slowly opened the door.
There he is, sitting in his office with his phone in one hand and eyes on the laptop infront him with his brows furrowed and visible tension and tiredness his face.
Y/n sticked her head inside the room without entering completely and called his name.
He looked at her for second, and smiled. It's not his smile. It's not a smile at all. He just made his lip form a thin line and nodded his head to let her know that he acknowledged her presence.
She wanted to call his name again but she didn't. He is busy and that's visible, as much as she wants his attention she knows better that interrupting something important.
She turned back and went into their room. Maybe after a bit he will be able give her his attention.
She showered and wore one of Harry's t-shirt and did her night time skincare. And after a good one and half hour she decided to go to Harry and talk.
She knocked on his office again and but this time she heard a faint 'come in' .
"Hi baby" She said softly
"Hi , love." He said in return and looked at her for a second and got back to his work.
Y/n fidgeted with her fingers and thought of something to talk about.
But Harry broke the silence. " how was your day ? "
She felt relived that he asked about it and that she didn't have to start the topic.
"Um.... not very good actually." She said
He looked at her with his brows furrowed and asked "What happened, baby ?"
"Just not feeling good and didn't have a good day at uni and at work." She shrugged
"Ohh, I'm sorry, love."
"Harry do you think we can watch a movie and talk for a bit. I don't really feel good. I could use some cuddled and a kiss." She asked shyly.
"Um...... " he started .
"I'm sorry but I really can't right now ,baby. I have so much of work. I can give you a kiss though." He said and got right back into his work.
Y/n stood there without moving. She wanted to be understood, all she wanted was his attention and his closeness.
For weeks she has been an understanding girlfriend and gave him space and let him prioritize his work, but she had enough.
"Harry, it's been weeks since we spent some time and shared an actual conversation. I have been patient but I think you should be understanding to my needs too." She ranted all her thoughts inside her head.
He lifted his head for his laptop and looked at her with an unreadable expression.
She really wished to know what was going on in that head of his.
"I know. I'm sorry that I haven't given you any attention in weeks but I have work to do, Y/n. I can't abandon them and look after your needs." He said that last part in a very mocking way that made her wince internally.
She sighed and started "Harry, I think -"
"Y/n, I don't have time for your chit-chat. Can't you see I have work to do ?" He yelled at her with fuming expression on his face.
Y/n was caught of guard by the yelling, and flinched and her face colored with shock and fear.
She was never in an abusive relationship that made her react this way. But seeing Harry yell at her made her pretty sacred and also Harry can be pretty scary when he is angry.
By seeing her reaction Harry's eyes softened and regret was written all over his face.
He was about to open his mouth and get up from his chair when y/n took a step back and murmured a small 'sorry' and left the room in a hurry.
Harry's heart clenched seeing that expression on her face. He wanted nothing more than to take those words back. Seeing tears in her eyes was the last thing he wanted to witness. But he already made her cry.
Y/n rushed to their room with blurry vision and tears streaming down her face. She wiped her face and got onto the bed and buried her face in her soft feather like pillows.
She cried and let her heart feel the pain for few minutes before she stopped.
She wanted to go somewhere else and give Harry some space, but she can't just go to anyone's house in the middle of the night and crash. So she had no choice but to be in their house.
After few more minutes she heard a faint sound of their bedroom door opening but she didn't open her eyes or peered up at Harry to see what he is doing
He got on the bed beside her and ran his hand down her back slowly.
"I'm soo sorry, love " He whispered.
"I really, really am. Work is hectic and I was going through something at office and took it on you. Im sorry and I know I have been distant lately. It's absolutely my fault and nothing to do with you. Im just an arrogant son of a bitch."
He kissed her head let his lips linger for few moments.
His words sounded sincere and y/n also knew he really didn't mean to yell but it's still hurt her.
"Can you please look at me ,baby ?" He asked her in a pleading tone that she couldn't ignore.
She slowly turned towards him and looked at him, his eyes were sad and regret colored his face. She felt bad for a second.
"I'm sorry baby." He said again as he caressed her face gently with his finger.
"Can you please forgive me, my love ? " He asked her as he looked into her eyes with soo much love.
She nodded her head and gave him a small smile. No matter what happened it's really hard for her to be mad at him for long time.
He returned her smile and kissed her lips softy. "I'll make it up for you , baby. What do wanna do ? You still want to watch a movie?"
She shook her head. "No. I think I want to get some rest."
His smile faltered a bit and he felt disappointed but he gave her kiss and stoked her hair. "Whatever you want , my love"
"Can you can lay down with me for a bit if you are not busy ? " She asked in a soft voice still not wanting to come between him and his work.
His smile grew as he laid on the bed with her and opened his arms wide for her to hug him and cuddle.
Without wasting any time she went into his arms and snuggled with him.
He kissed her head and murmured "I love soo much, love. I will never ignore you again "
A/n : please let me know if you like this and comment and send me asks and interact with me if you like it.
I have been very inactive on this app, but I'm back. Here is small something for you guys. Hope you like it.
As always lots of love. 💗
Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed.
Please like, comment and reblog of you like it.
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ilypaigebuckets · 2 days
Can you write something about having been teammates and best friends with Caitlin for so long and you’re also dating, everyone (including the media) thinks you guys are soulmates and it’s just like the media going insane over you two
guys should i try to post everyday/every other day for pride month? ik i haven’t been posting and im sorry i just haven’t really had any good ideas! feel free to send requests and i hope you like this <3 happy pride to everyone you are all amazing no matter who you are and im always rooting for u!!
plot: during jada’s live the fans get to see a glimpse of you and cait’s relations
Hopelessly Devoted - C.C. x Reader
on the weekends, you always made it a point to hang out with caitlin. it didn’t matter if it was just you two, or your whole friend group; you were always around her. making sure you spent time with her and being in her presence was important to you and your relationship, as one of your love languages was quality time. with you, caitlin, and the rest of the girls being so busy with the basketball season in full swing, you and her hadn’t really had your weekend hangouts or date nights.
that was why when gabbie suggested the group come over to her apartment for a chill night everyone agreed. at first, cait was a little reluctant and wanting to spend the night off together alone, but you assured her there would be plent of time for that later.
so there the five of you, kate, jada, gabbie, caitlin, and yourself, sat in gabbie’s living room spending some quality time together. you all enjoyed the time spent together until jada had an idea.
“guys, wanna go live?” she asked, to which you all agreed. jada pulled out her phone and clicked on the instagram icon and started the live. comments quickly flooded in, fans having a field day they got to see all of you together. you all took turns answering questions from fans.
y/nfan1 | are y/n and caitlin a hallway couple 😕
“oh my god this question is hilarious! are y/n and caitlin a hallway couple?” jada read the comment out loud and started cackling. gabbie and kate joined in on the laughter. jada turned the camera back to her face and nodded silently then flipped it to you and caitlin’s rolling your eyes.
“bro we are not a hallway couple.” caitlin said, as she pulled you back into her. you looked up at your girlfriend and kissed her cheek to shush her. “babe,” you started, “you’re proving their point shhh.”
you were sitting on the couch with caitlin behind her legs, your back up against her front. she lightly rubbed and massaged your shoulders in an attempt to break up some tension you’d been having from the long practices. you leaned back into her and were greeted with caitlin peppering a few kisses on your head. kate gagged.
“you guys are like, disgustingly cute. can’t believe it took so long for you to get together.” she said and the other two girls laughed along.
ccfan123 | GUYS LOOK AT THEM
iowafan48 | they’re so cute gn
fanof22 | editing this rn.
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peaches-and-creamm · 2 days
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a/n: thanks 🎥 nonnie for requesting sm! means a lot! hope i do ur requests justice 🙂‍↕️
also i read throu this once and saw how much i did acts of service/gift giving LOL
and nonnie if you're seeing this i'll most likely do the other request you asked for!
featuring: Megumi, Nanami, Toji, Yuta, Toge, Yuji, Satoru, Suguru
warnings: breeding kink in suguru's, fem!reader in suguru's and gn!reader everywhere else!
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MEGUMI'S love language would be 🥁🥁
quality time with a sprinkle of words of affirmation!
✎ it's no secret Megumi prefers the idea of "together alone", aka just sitting in the same room each of you doing different tasks or even just scrolling on your phones. (you don't even have to be near each other, honestly-)
✎ one of his favorite activities to do with you is when it's later at night and you're sitting nearby him while he just rambles on about random facts he finds interesting.
✎ the fact you'll just sit there, smiling at him like an idiot while you hold him close to you as you listen to every word he says- even asking him questions about whatever it is he's talking about makes him feel all fuzzy.
✎ at this point you know every little thing that's going on in his book he sometimes likes to read outloud to you, saying his theories or random things that happen to contradict themselves in whatever it is he's reading currently.
✎ a lot of the time he'll awkwardly just clear his throat and apologize for rambling, but each and every time you compliment him by saying you love his voice as he speaks about anything he's passionate about he thinks he falls harder for you(if that was even possible-)
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NANAMI'S love language would be🥁🥁
acts of service/gift giving!
✎ Kento really appreciates coming home from a long day and being surprised by the fact the kitchen was clean when he was supposed to be the one doing it- or the smell of something cooking in the kitchen flooding his nose the second he opens the front door just, he just. he really likes it, ok?
✎ He knows he isn't able to be there for you a lot of the time (missions, teaching, ect.) so if you ever come home and he's somehow there before you you best believe there's some sort of little trinket on the table waiting for you.
✎ He's not one for pda all that much but you bet your ENTIRE ass that if he sees you after a long day he doesn't care where you two are because he is about to just hide in your arms while you rub at his back.
✎ And god forbid if he ever returns home and sees how excited you get to show him some random trinket you saw in the store- handing it to him and claiming it reminded you of him. He's literally teared up before over this- (don't call him out though he'll deny it-)
✎ Has an ENTIRE shelf just dedicated to random shit that you've gotten him, and if anyone even looked at it wrong he'd almost get offended (once again, don't call him out-)
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TOJI'S love language would be 🥁🥁
acts of service and gift giving! (home made gifts bc bro BROKE!)
✎ ok so we know the dude's kinda a jackass but he does NOT skip out on just randomly giving you just absolutely HIDEOUS homemade gifts.
✎ like? how does he even MAKE them so ugly ?? isn't he good with his hands....??
✎ anywayyy, he'd probably kill anyone(like, actually kill them-) if they ever tried insulting the fact you gave him an ugly stuffed animal that you said reminded you of him
✎ like "why does a grown ass man have a stuffed animal of an ugly monkey...?" then boom, they just got punched in the face
✎ do NOT interrupt this dude when it comes to anything you need. he may be pretty 'cold hearted' but he strikes me as the kinda guy to just stand in front of you if you even slightly squinted from the sun.
✎ he'd get a fucking plank of wood if there was a puddle so you don't ruin those new shoes you've been so excited to get.
✎ so tldr; he'd grovel for you for SURE- and if anyone questions if he loves you they're going home with a black eye 🥰
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YUTA'S love language would be 🥁🥁
words of affirmation/physical touch!
✎ ok let's be completely honest here- the dude's just everything starved. So when the two of you started dating (with A LOT of long months of convincing Rika to not obliterate your entire bloodline-),
✎ he was basically just all over you- though it did take a while for him to actually realize it was OK to want to touch you, that you actually liked it, that you weren't just pretending to enjoy it to spare his feelings or something.
✎ as much as he loves going out on dates with you (he'd spend all the money in the world just to see how your eyes sparkle whenever he buys you a new dessert you've been wanting to try-)
✎ his ideal thing would just be the two of you- his head on your chest listening to your steady heartbeat as you caressed his hair- your nails scratching at his scalp every now and then.
✎ and there's been MANY times he's just started crying into your chest while you hold him- just because you remind him how much you love him, how proud of him you were- you would go on and on for hours if it's what he needed to hear.
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TOGE'S love language would be 🥁🥁
words of affirmation!
✎ he just needs to know it's okay that he can't talk to you- that it's okay that at night when the two of you are alone holding each other close that it's enough that he's just there with you.
✎ toge loves whenever you compliment him- especially when it's about the marks on his face/tongue.
✎ the way you'll pull down the zipper of his uniform just to plant a kiss against each of his cheeks makes him melt.
✎ compliment him on literally everything please! he loves it so much and it means so much to him- like way more than you could imagine
✎ sometimes(ok, basically nightly-) he'll just be laying in bed, flushed face in his hands while he repeats the compliment you'd given him that particularly made him want to just get on one knee and propose on the spot
✎ I stg this guy is just a big baby- hold him and tell him it's ok and that's all he needs to make his day better tenfold.
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YUJI'S love language would be 🥁🥁
physical touch!
✎ I feel like it's so obvious that if you spot him from the corner of your eye you better believe he's about to full sprint to you in excitement and squeeze the ever loving SHIT out of you
✎ he's a spinner for sure- picks you up, spins you around just to hear how you giggle before complaining about how he's making you dizzy
✎ there's rarely a moment where he doesn't just want to squeeze the hell out of your cheeks, and he just fuckn LOVES to squeeze both his and your cheeks together while he tightly hugs you.
✎ if you're in bed together his face is always buried in your shoulder, laying gentle kisses against your skin.
✎ if he isn't being gentle and loving with his kisses he just grabs you by your cheeks and just SMOTHERS your face with kisses.
✎ also he thinks it's really funny to steal some lipstick from either you or nobara just to run up to you and put a FAT kiss against your forehead- leaving a hard to get off mark lasting for hours
✎ he insists on using the waterproof ones because he thinks it's funny to see you walking around with a mark on your forehead because of him-
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SATORU'S love language would be 🥁🥁
gift giving(as if that wasn't obvious enough- rich lil asshole)
✎ he does NOT care where you are, what you're doing- NADA
✎ he's runnin' up to you just to shove a shopping bag in your face and proudly putting his hands on his hips while he waits for you to open it.
✎ a few times you were too busy to open one of his gifts and he literally just opened it right in front of you and went "LOOK! LOOK, IT'S THAT BRACELET YOU WANTED- LOOKKK!" like a toddler trying to get his mom's attention.
✎ it always ends in a giggle and a "you need to stop buying these things, you're enough of a gift as is."
✎ he'll pretend to listen but at this point you know better than to believe he'll genuinely stop giving you random shit that reminded him of you.
✎ like what do you mean this ugly shirt that was WAYY too expensive that's also too big reminded him of you??
✎ what do you MEAN you had a mental breakdown because the shirt is a light color and you spilled wine on it and there was a stain that didn't want to come out-
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SUGURU'S love language would be 🥁🥁
words of affirmation/gift giving receiving-
✎ he's on his hands and knees for you- NOPE- don't care if he's supposed to be the leader of this wacky ass cult- you're the only person who's aloud to even remotely give him any sort of order to do somethin'
✎ he likes to give you gifts also, but barely to the extent of Satoru- he prefers handmade gifts over anything store bought. But that's just because he's used to everyone buying him whatever he wishes.
✎ so it's a really nice change of pace whenever you bring him a new origami animal you've been trying to master.
✎ he even has a little table by where he sits up on the little stage, your little art projects resting on them as "beautiful decorations done by my lover."
✎ ^ that's what he says anytime someone asks them about it. he'll happily ramble about how excited you were to gift him each one.
✎ he's addicted to praise, it's actually kinda crazy at this point-
✎ you made a breakfast a small child could've made? he's kissing the ground you walk on for blessing him with a meal in the morning-
✎ plus- if you ever do anything for the girls just know he's about to give you an amazing gift- that gift being his cock while he overly praises your motherly actions.
✎ maybe he'll make you an actual mother just to see how much your loving actions change..
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room-surprise · 17 hours
PSA: Mana doesn't exist in Dungeon Meshi
Some translations of Dungeon Meshi (specifically the English anime and Yen Press manga) have used the word mana to describe magic, when the original Japanese simply said magic (mahou, 魔法) or magical power (maryoku, 魔力).
Ryoko Kui does not appear to use the word mana (マナ) at any point in the manga, the published extra materials, or her blog, so calling magic “mana” is an addition made only in some translations.
For example, the French translation does not use "mana." If you know of other translations that do or don't use mana, let me know!
The use of the word mana in English comes from Maori and its earlier Proto-Oceanic ancestor language.
It describes a form of supernatural power tied to social status, respect and strength. Mana is a religious concept for many Austronesian cultures, and is not really "magic" in the way pop culture has defined it.
As best as I can understand it from an outsider's perspective, mana is more like attributing a supernatural quality to a person's charisma, or the awe one feels when faced with a natural wonder like a mountain or the ocean, or the intimidation one feels when facing a powerful group.
The use of the word mana as a generic term to refer to magical power has been criticized as being cultural appropriation of a real religious term, still used by living people, to describe fictional magic.
In addition to this, using an Austronesian word at random in Dungeon Meshi for one of the most important and fundamental forces of the universe (magic) is inorganic to the world that Kui has constructed, which is rooted primarily in Greco-Roman, Hindu/Buddhist Indian, Middle Eastern, and Germanic cultures.
Using mana to refer to magic would suggest that the Ancient culture from before the cataclysm was Austronesian, but the rest of the manga does not support such an idea at all.
There are references to Austronesian and Oceanic cultures in Dungeon Meshi, but they are mostly tied to the orcs, who don't appear to use magic, and whose culture clearly doesn't, and has never had, the social power to define what word the rest of the world uses to refer to "magical power."
How did a Maori word get so popular in English?
The concept of mana was introduced in Europe by missionary Robert Henry Codrington in 1891 after he wrote a book about his time in Polynesia. The concept was then popularized further in America in the 1950s by Mircea Eliade, an extremely influential religious history scholar at the University of Chicago.
Mana was first introduced as a magical fuel used to cast spells in the 1969 short story, "Not Long Before the End", by Larry Niven. Around this time it also became popular with new-age religious groups.
It has since become a common staple in fantasy fiction and games.
So why translate it as mana?
The choice to translate "magic" and "magical power" as mana was probably made to try and make Dungeon Meshi sound more like a video game/RPG, since so many Japanese fantasy manga feature video game or RPG mechanics, and translators working on Dungeon Meshi would have no reason to assume it would be any different, especially at the very start of the manga.
However, Dungeon Meshi is much closer to High/Epic Fantasy, like Lord of the Rings, and throwing random gaming terminology into the translation when it wasn't in the original text ("mana", "newbs" and "inventory" instead of "magical power", "newcomers" and "supplies") feels out of place.
I think adding the term mana is a disservice to the hard work that Kui has done with her careful attention to linguistic detail and culture.
In the process of working on my Dungeon Meshi research paper on real world cultural references, I have studied over 100 names and words used by Kui, and I have found that she is remarkably thoughtful and consistent in what real world cultures and languages she pulls from, and what fictional cultures she pairs them with.
Obviously I don't blame the translators for not knowing this, they had to make translation decisions before the entire manga was complete, and most likely they were doing work for hire, with no idea what Dungeon Meshi was about.
They had no way of knowing Dungeon Meshi wasn't a video game fantasy comic, and were just trying to rush through their work as fast as possible in order to get paid, and move onto their next project.
Once it became apparent that Dungeon Meshi was High Fantasy and not a world that functions like a video game, they'd already used the word mana, so there was no going back.
In an ideal world, if the translators had known the type of story Dungeon Meshi would become from the beginning, if they really wanted a single word to translate "magical energy" into, they could have picked a word that belongs to one of the language families I mentioned before, rather than using mana just because "everybody uses mana, so readers will know what it means."
What should I call magic power then?
If reading all of this has made you want to stop calling it mana, hooray! Thanks for listening to me rant. You could just call it magical power, if you wanted. Nothing wrong with that!
But if you want something a little less clunky, here's an incomplete list of possibilities in some of the languages most commonly referenced in Dungeon Meshi. Please note I have not done due diligence on every one of these, I believe none of them are exclusively religious terms still in use, but just words that could mean magic (both fictional and real) in various languages. If I'm wrong about any of them, let me know.
INDIAN: Maya, prana. MIDDLE EASTERN: Sihr, kiisum/kesem. GRECO-ROMAN: Ergon (as a euphemism), goteia, physis, numen/numina, mageia. GERMANIC: Seidr, galdr.
(This post is an excerpt from my Dungeon Meshi essay with additional elaborations.)
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suplicyy · 2 days
Could you please write some hcs of Kenma, and Nishinoya plus maybe anyone else you want with a gf who's like a tiny bit younger than them, shorter and is like really clingy. She's like constantly texting them, and takes every chance she can to hug them or just talk to them and is there even at their practices.
Haikyuu boys w/ a clingy gf
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— Summary: Relationship hcs about them having a clingy girlfriend.
— Characters: Nishinoya, Kenma
— Fluff
— Fem!Reader
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You're only a year younger than him, so it wasn't so difficult to make friends with him!! Little by little you would meet each other by chance during breaks or during free time in class, and these moments made you get closer and closer, until you started dating.
But as time went by, you opened up to him more and had the courage to be who you really are, as he has always made it clear that he likes you for who you are. And after that, you felt more confident to be more loving with him: with lots of physical touches, words of affirmation and lots of quality time!
You love your boyfriend very much and want to show it in the most affectionate way possible!
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The way you met is always told as a story at family lunches. You were passing by the gym by chance, and a ball he received flew out of the place and ended up in your face. He apologized a million times and even offered to buy you a popsicle for a whole week.
But after that you understood each other and became friends, until you got to where you are now!
He simply LOVES you to be clingy with him, as he returns your affections with the same intensity as you. People on the outside assume you were meant for each other since your personalities match up so well.
Anywhere and anytime you are always together in some way, whether it's clasping hands, hugging, kissing; you are rarely separated from each other.
But unfortunately there are times when you aren't always together, after all you don't live in the same house and you have your own clubs to go to. So you guys are always messaging each other on your cell phone!
If someone doesn't ask him to stop using his cell phone to talk to you, he could easily spend the whole day just sending you silly audios of him singing a random song he heard somewhere.
One day, you saw him playing one of your favorite games, so you started talking to him. And you spent a few days talking until you had the courage to ask for his phone number, which he gave you almost immediately (but he would never admit he was excited about it for you)
Kenma spoke more freely through messages than in person, so you almost always talked about various things: games you're playing at the moment, movies, series, about your day. And with that you ended up becoming closer, until you started dating.
You know that Kenma is someone who is quite shy, so at the beginning of the relationship you weren't so clingy in public with him. But when the two of you were alone, you loosened up a little and became much more affectionate.
At first he was always very shy when you initiated physical affection with him, but after a while he relaxed more and managed to adapt to your way of showing affection to him.
You would from time to time be seen literally clinging to each other, with him playing on his console and with his head resting on your shoulder, and you hugging him. As much as he doesn't like PDA that much, he finds your presence and your touches so comforting that he ends up giving in a little.
Kuroo once went to Kenma's house to get something he had left there the last time he went there, and when he entered he found him hugging you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. After some deadly glares from the boy, Kuroo promised he wouldn't tell anyone.
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A/N — Tysm for your request!! I wish I had added more characters, but recently I've been very busy so I was afraid it would take too long for me to do this one.💔💔
I hope you enjoyed it!
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spidybaby · 2 days
Dull shine part 2 pleeeeease 😫❤️ ur srsly talented!!!
Dull Shine | Part Two
Summary: An advice and looking into the mirror makes Kylian understand why you left.
Warnings: cursing, depression topic, money issues.
A/N: It's meeee hiiii, I'm the problem it's ME. Sorry about taking so much time, I was solving some personal things, and now I'm freeeee 😫✨️ love you all so much ❤️
Also, heads-up, this is short because I think it's all it needs, not a full part two, more like a compliment that seals the deal 😀❤️
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Part one
One day left.
That's what Kylian told himself when he woke up.
One day left for you to come back.
He can't deny that he wasn't the most excited person in the room the next day at practice. Everybody noticed, it was like everybody knew what happened that night.
But not at Luis Enrique's home. At his own, when he told you to move on from the problem he created.
When he ignored you, back turned to you. When you needed him the most. Every time he thinks about it, his heart sinks. It's a weight he's not able to lift.
His mother was the first to notice your absence. He walked into his home with something for you and you weren't there.
The first excuse. "She's working late."
Then it was Ethan. He called you to go to the movies and have a fun night. Wanting to see you after being busy with the team.
The second excuse. "She's sick, have a cold."
They both believed his words. Thinking you were being taken care of by him. But when the excuses kept coming. It wasn't normal anymore.
"Just be honest, we are your family." Fayza says. Sitting next to him. "Tell us what happened."
He sighs, ready to finally disclose his feelings. "She left a week and a half ago." He confess. Hands covering his face. "We had a fight, I said some things just days before, and she wasn't at the right mental place to deal with everything."
They didn't understood. How?
"What do you mean she left?" Ethan asks, standing up from his seat. "She left just like that? You let her leave just like that?"
"What was I supposed to do?" Kylian fights back. "She had her things packed, her ticket purchased and I thought that was the best thing. Don't you think this hurts me?"
"I can't believe you, Kylian. You lie to us, instead of admit that you fucked up. You lie straight to our faces."
"I was hurt, Y/n left, I was scared of facing that."
Fayza is silent, processing the information while her sons yell at each other.
"Enough, Ethan, sit down." She orders. "Kylian, you two broke up?"
He shakes his head no. "She just needed time. We were just not working together in understanding each others probl-"
"More like you weren't." Ethan interrupts. "Because all I hear is me, me, me. But you don't really think that same thinking got you where you are?"
He didn't fight back.
He knows his little brother is right.
"When will she be back?" His mother asks, worried expression.
"In a few days."
And those few days turned into just a few hours.
To be honest with himself, he was stressed. You were going to be back in Paris, but we're you going to be back with him?
Will the break become a breakup?
He was overthinking. That was not good.
Hakimi felt bad. He knew you better. When he heard what Kylian told him about you leaving, about Pamela belittling you, he checked his cameras.
The good thing about having money is that you can afford a very good quality security system. He heard how Pamela attacked you first. You then answered back, but you weren't going to let yourself get insulted.
He apologized to you over text. Asking you to forgive him and tell you how much guilt he feels about this whole situation.
When you read the texts, you felt weird. It wasn't his fault, or even Pamela's.
Everything was a mix of frustration, sadness and low self-respect you had for yourself.
You defend yourself from Pamela, but who was going to defend you from yourself?
You were the one belittling yourself.
Were you enough? You are.
But were you feeling enough? No.
Were you happy with Kylian?
And that question burned your mind for days.
You loved Kylian, he was your rock and you were his rock. You passed some critical times, but nothing like this.
Because he was there for you when you needed him the most, he was there when you lost someone, he was there when you felt homesick, he was there at you happiest.
But you didn't allow him to he at your lowest.
You notice how he was going out more, but he always asked you to come with him. Begged you to leave the house and accompany him.
You notice how he never heard you talk. But you barely even made conversation. You let him speak. When it was your turn, you only said, "I had a good day."
He had to fulfill the quietness with words.
Your mother asked you to think about therapy. Maybe there was something you needed that she or anyone couldn't understand. Something only you could.
And you did. You went to therapy while you were there. Every two days.
It was just the beginning, but it helped you understand that you had more than just a relationship problem. In fact, the relationship problem came from this.
Being blue is normal. We all feel like that.
But when you don't treat it, it can be rough. And you were doing that now, understanding that you needed help. Help that a trip home won't give you. Help that a fight with your friends new girlfriend won't give you.
But help that your lover can give you. He can be the hand to hold during this.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?"
"Yes, I know now what I need to do." You say, hugging your friend.
You felt nervous about coming back.
Would he be okay with that?
Did he realize he didn't need you anymore?
If only you knew how anxious he is at Paris. Watching the time every five minutes to see if your arrival time is coming closer.
He prepared your favorite meal. Got your favorite dessert, your favorite drink and even prepare everything for a bubble bath.
He needed you to know how much he appreciates you, how important you are for him.
You were nervous too, your leg bouncing and bitting your nails. You brought him a gift from your home. Something he asked you a long time ago, and you never got due to not being able to travel back home.
You asked for an Uber. Not wanting his chauffeur to pick you or him to get out in the coldness of Paris.
The whole drive was painful. You were overthinking.
Both of you were.
"Would she be back to stay?"
"Is this going to end?"
"What if he doesn't want me back?"
"What if this is the end?"
"Madame, we are here." The Uber called your attention once your things were next to you on the street.
"Merci beaucoup." You say, paying him and telling him that you will take it from here.
You open the gate with your control. The sound of it interrupting the calm of the evening.
When he heard the sound, his heart stopped for a second. He was about to throw up from nerves.
The giggle of the keys makes him stop, he feels like throwing up. He took a sip of water before looking at himself on his phone camera, checking if he looked presentable.
The smell of food hits you as soon as you walk inside. Leaving your suitcase by the stairs and slowly walking inside trying to find him.
His back welcomes you, he's focused on his phone to notice you walking into the kitchen. The table was ready, your favorite food ready to be served.
He turns quickly, smiling at you with soft eyes. He walks with open arms to you. You lock your arms behind his back, feeling his kisses on your face.
"Mon amour." He kiss your forehead. "How was your flight? Did you even sleep? Are you hungry? I made your favorite meal and I was waiting f-"
You interrupted him by kissing his lips, and all the worries from both of you are out the door. You know he's not mad, and he knows you still love him.
"It was good. Thank you for updating my seat." You answer his questions. "I did sleep, almost all the flight, and I'm very hungry. Thank you for cooking. I can't wait to try it."
He kiss you on the lips, smiling into the kiss. His safe space is back with him. There is nothing better right now.
He pulls you to the chairs, serving you the food and drink. You can tell he was happy. He looked fresh.
You eat in silence. The peace of it is different than before. There was no more weird silence that a video or keyboard sound filled.
"Thank you, I really appreciate this."
He nods, waiting for the right time to talk about all the things that need to be talked about. He lays his head on your shoulder. Kissing your neck.
You feel the same. You want to jump and talk about everything to end the topic and move on. But that was not the way.
However, procrastinating the conversation wasn't the way either. "Let's talk. The faster, the better." You smile.
"Impatient much?" He jokes. Standing up and taking the plates to the sink. "Let's go to the living room?"
You nod, standing up and grabbing his hand, directing him to the big fluffy couch you both love.
"I want to start." He says as soon as his body falls into the cushion.
"Okay, lovie." You smile.
He thinks for a second, how can he ask what he needs to ask? He knows that no matter what, it will hit.
"Why weren't you honest about you having money issues?"
Your expression didn't change. You knew he knew. Celine asked you to pick your check a few days after you asked her you were taking a few days off to rest your mind.
You asked Kylian to pick it up, and Celine gave him a piece of her mind. She felt bad about doing it and called you a few hours later.
She told him that he was an asshole if he couldn't even tell that you were having issues not only with your peace of mind but with how much you worked and felt bad about never been able to match the lifestyle he was.
"I don't have money issues, Ky." You say, low but enough for him to hear. "What I had was the concept that I needed to have a certain amount of money to be enough for you. Leading to me working extra and feeling less than everybody who was around and could give themselves the benefit of spending what I earned in a nightclub."
He nods, understanding. "You know that I'm not like that, right?"
"I do. You always supported me in any way you could. And I'm grateful for you. I just felt so out of place." You sigh. "And every girl who got close to your friends always asked me about your ex, how she was this way and this way. I felt like competing."
He can feel his heart sinks. He never wanted you to compare yourself to the girls he dated. There was a reason why he was done with those relationships.
"You are so smart." He says, hand caressing your cheek. "You have no idea how much I ever wanted to end with someone like you. Not only beautiful but a very strong woman who doesn't need other peoples opinions and who can shine on her own."
You can feel your eyes watering. You never thought that his words were something you needed, but you did.
"My ex-girlfriends are just that. Exes. You are my present and my future." He kiss your cheek. "And I want you to know that no amount of money or any girl who I ever got anything with is going to take the place you have in my heart. You are the one."
Your lips found his, you can't think of any future plans or anything that didn't include him. You know he was your one, and knowing you are his one is heartwarming.
"I'm sorry, I know I was acting like a bitch. I think I felt way too comfortable, and I was so wrong for not noticing that you weren't you. I promise I'm not going to let that happen again."
"Thank you for that." You smile. "I'm sorry too, I was overwhelmed with all the thoughts in my mind. I think I let the worst of it hit me and never paint mind to it."
"It's okay." He brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it. "You have me, and I'm going to be with you every step of the way."
The warmth in your heart is hard to describe. You are sure he will be with you no matter what. The same way you were for him when he needed you.
You hug him, falling into his embrace. His hands caressing your body while he left sweet words in your ear.
"We are going to be okay because we have each other." He kiss your lips and your head. "Tu m’as et je t’ai. Je t’aime, tu es mon monde." He humms.
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cassandracain52 · 1 day
You made me think about immunocompromised Tim so now you suffer the consequences (my thoughts) :D
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read that particular arc yet - I'll get around to it, I swear! But I do know roughly what happens.
With the whole spleentuation Tim turns the Red Robin costume into what basically amounts to a Hazmat suit. He doesn't actually change much - he goes for full face coverage and introduces some airtight seals. It makes upkeep slightly more laborious and makes him a lot scarier than he wants to be but it's this or risking getting benched for an infection for an unreasonably long time. Bruce returns and doesn't even question the look until he finds older Red Robin costume without the Hazmat qualities and in an attempt of casual bonding asks Tim why he changed it. You can imagine how the rest goes.
Second scenario:
Bruce vanishes before the pandemic, when he returns the family is very careful with like, disinfecting everything and they always have gloves and masks on their person. He writes it off as a side-effect on the pandemic until he realises how much more careful everyone is around Tim
Third scenario:
Tim uses his general lack of an immune system as a way to get out of things he doesn't want to do where there'll be a crowd. Mostly Gala's. Like:
Tim: I'm worried I'll get sick when I go to the opening of the Lexcorps factory we need to make An Appearance at.
Bruce: You went to ComicCon last week, you'll be fine.
Tim: 🥺
And like, what's Bruce going to do? Tim is right he SHOULD be a lot more careful. He SHOULDN'T go to the gala. So he folds like wet paper without fail every time. Tim cuts his public appearances down to an absolute minimum. Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.
Tims coup de resistance (is that the saying) is getting to attend a business meeting virtually because one of the three (3) people there was travelling two weeks ago
Bruce: Tim you should go to sleep staying up this long is not good for your health your immune system will thank you.
Tim: what immune system.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Tim *chuckles*: I'm in danger.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Damian sneezes once and refuses to take off his mask for six days straight on the off-chance he'll get Tim sick. He was literally digging through the dusty attic. He is not sick. Tim isn't even around half the time. You don't need to sleep in the mask Damian. DAMIAN.
”Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.” <<<asfghjkl XD this is taking me OUT😭 I never really thought of Tim using this as a “get out of jail free” card but he so would. But only for things he doesn’t want to do. That party of maybe 200 guests at most? Nope sorry can’t do it, too risky. That concert with 50,000+ people? Completely fine
All these scenarios were so fun!! I especially appreciated “What do you mean what immune system.” and Tim just immediately starts sweating bullets cause Oh Did He Forget To Mention That?
and Damian would so be super paranoid to accidentally get Tim sick but also would never admit that because Tim Must Never Know He Worries About Him
Damian wearing a full mask, gloves, and maintaining a ten ft distance at all times because Jon (who has seasonal allergies) sneezed kinda close to him: You’re a disgrace to this family Drake. Do us a favor and die
Tim not falling for this for a second: Uh-huh so can I just- [attempts to take approximately One Step Closer]
Damian rapidly scrambling back: nO I HATE YOU STAY AWAY-
Please feel free to share your thoughts again🤣
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jyeshindra · 2 days
Astrology Basics
I had a brain blast and decided to break down what all of the planets mean in tropical astrology. I try to use one word that I feel applies to the planet the most and let that be the guide, then a metaphor example to further explain the signification.
SUN: your ability to grow as a person (and what you grow into)
AUTHORITY. relating to personal power, authority, self expression, and independence. if you were King, how would you rule? where would you rule? what’s a priority to you? where was your personal power found?
MOON: your emotional nature, your perspective, your mind.
INSTINCT. Moon comes naturally to you. What were drawn towards, who we are drawn towards, what experiences we create naturally for ourselves. Moon is felt. Moon is experienced.
Moon is the mother, so it's a tender position. It feels true and can be a source of incredible strength. It represents nurturing and our needs as humans.
ASCENDANT: your physical body, central theme of your life
PHYSICS, but in this case we study YOUR motion through time and space!
how that motion impacts other people
what YOU pursue and HOW (chart ruler)
MERCURY: communication style, what the mind will be drawn to. interests and hobbies. mental processing.
INTELLECT, the mental powers and capabilities of a person.
developed through information, listening, exploring interests, communicating.
you witness the intellect in communication.
Do you listen more than you talk? What do you talk about? What captivates your mind?
VENUS: Relationship style. how you are with romance and intimate partners. your personal sense of beauty/values. your “perfume”. what pleases you
BEAUTY, a combination of qualities that pleases the senses.
Related to our earthly experiences, our pleasure driven functions.
Your quality of beauty, what you find beautiful, who you find beautiful, what pleases you, who pleases you.
MARS: Commanding style. personal sense of ambition, passion, anger, excitement. sexual personality. driving force.
how would you drive a car? are you blasting music? are you smoking? are you playing hymnals? what about road rage? where are you going?
Mars in Taurus might be taking their time, enjoying the scenery. There may be air fresheners in the car and snacks. They're headed to a brunch or to a hair appointment. Mars in Sagittarius is probably on a bike and on their way to go hiking!
SEXUAL, not necessarily pertaining to sex. Think of it more as a matter of instincts, passion, and pursuing that which we are drawn to. How is your passion expressed? How is it expressed within an intimate contact? How does it drive you towards your ambitions? How does your body perform the work?
These next planets have more of an external influence on our persons.
JUPITER: where you find blessings, where you are lucky. where your god-given talents and abilities manifest. your sense of spirituality and faith.
ABUNDANCE. Where we experience abundance we can have a sense of spirituality/faith around it. Jupiter in 4H may receive much through the family or through the mother and have a very faith-based relationship with them. Jupiter in the 3H may have a natural gift for speaking and writing. These are the gifts that bring them abundance and blessings. Jupiter in the 5H Libra may have a lot of faith in their children. They may believe in fighting for children's rights or defending children.
SATURN: where you encounter restrictions/limitations. where you need more structure and patience. where some of your deepest fears lie. karma in the form of tests.
THE SUMMIT/GAUNTLET. Saturn is the mountain we have to climb and it may take a while. Gauntlet also works as a good metaphor too, as Saturn can feel like a series of trials and tests, each one more difficult than the last. However the bounty that awaits you? Mastery, competence, and maturity. Saturn has a sobering effect, like the air on top of the mountain. It's clear and crisp.'
And sometimes those trials we face feel familiar. We encounter people from our current past, souls from past lives, circumstances we did not master in previous incarnations. It can feel ancient.
URANUS: where the LIGHTNING strikes
innovation and insight and ingenuity
where you tend to rebel
where sudden changes and upheavals will come
your innovative spark, if uranus is the lightning bolt of inspiration you are the conduit. what you produce is what makes you “unique”
NEPTUNE: where the MIST sets in
where you face a lot of deception, mystery, and confusion.
where a sense of magic dwells. the inexplicable
where your “dream” lives
where you connect to something greater
here you must go into the underworld and take what is yours
where you’ve lost power, where you feel out of control, where you feel TOO powerful. power struggles in general
how and where you evolve
where you may endure trauma, loss, and change
South Node: past life patterns, area of former mastery, what you’re used to. where you may suffer loss or become detached. the point through which you find spiritual liberation
North Node: you feel a pull in this direction, “destiny coded”. where you can become obsessed and lost. where you may create something entirely new for yourself. another point of spiritual liberation and detachment.
Just from knowing Rahu (NN) and Ketu (SN) in Vedic, I believe that we must find a balance between South and North nodes and develop conscious awareness of the pulls from both nodes, lest we be swallowed whole.
CHIRON: Childhood wounds, trauma endured when young. where a great bit of healing will be done in your life. you learn to live with this and the lessons associated will be your gift to share.
LILITH: how you’ve been outcasted. where you feel shame. you rebel at all costs here and may lose favors because of it. another aspect of sexual personality
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bkd-b3ans · 2 days
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Boothill keeps messing up his revolver from all the slapping and you have to fix it
Heya, love For Boothill too big, so I've started writing something for the first time. Sorry for any mistakes, literally never wrote a fanfic before.
Ship: Boothill x mechanic reader (gn, but possible masc leaning)
Warnings: none, it's just a bit of banter
Chapter(s?) : just one part of a long thing I want to do. I will accompany this with art too of my oc later down the line.
"Boothill, can you stay still for one moment?" You said, clear annoyance in your voice as you almost dropped the small pins you had to hold with a pair of tweezers inside the cowboys disassembled arm.
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You were trying to fix his revolver, which so happened to get jammed again due to his recklessness in fighting. You've told him so many times to stop slapping it into place so aggressively, that the springs and pins inside it are going to get worn out faster or shifted out of their place, but those pleas always fell onto deaf ears.
"M'bad sugar, it just gets sooo boring stayn' still like this for so fudging long." He said, rolling his eyes and slumping back down in his chair, tapping the fingers of his other hand onto the arm rest.
He always had these tics of his when getting fixed, which, to a degree, you could understand. After all, sometimes his repairs could take a few minutes or entire days where he'd have to do nothing but stay in your workshop, connected to your many machines in order to ensure that everything is running optimally. By now, he came so often that you could confidently just run your business on his funds alone.
"It won't take that long this time-" you adjusted the magnifying glasses on your nose, tapping the edge to zoom in a bit more, your steady hand placing the tiny pin inside it's hole "Luckily it was just a few pins that got out of their place. Other than that, your body seems to function pretty well."
He heard that little sigh of relief you sometimes did when checking his systems. It was a bitch and a half to fix them, and you were about the only mechanic not affiliated with the IPC that he could trust not to install some weird virus into his body.
" Well, what can I say, lady luck still riddin' shotgun with me I reckon. Can't say the same 'bout those jolly good fellows from the IPC." he let out a prideful scoff tipping his hat "I reckon their faces look better now with a few bullets between their teeth.
You shook your head, already used to his rants about the IPC and his hunt for revenge. Whilst you could appreciate his enthusiasm, you had yet to pry into the issue as to why. Despite all the days and hours spent with him, working on his body and listening to his rants, you had yet to be told the reason for all of this.
"As long as it is their face and not yours. After all, you're my number one customer~" you have him a wink, sticking your tongue at him playfully. Boothill nearly laughed, trying to say something smart back, but he was cut short by you suddenly slapping the revolver back in it's place, giving it a few spins before closing the paneling around it
"All seems to work well now Boots. Again, please stop slapping this thing into place like it owes you money. Your body may be made out of quality stuff, but it's not immune to your own idiocy."
"Hah, as if, that thing works better with a little tough love"
He didn't even have to look at you to feel the knives you were starring at him from behind your glasses.
"Besides, if I were to be careful, what excuses would I have to come pay ye a visit from time to time? Eh, sugar?"
You hated that shit eating smirk he had on his face sometimes. You just knew he enjoyed teasing and annoying you. It was part of your friendship at this point.
"One day your recklessness will be your death"
Standing up, you went to disconnect him from the machines he was hooked up, pulling out the cables from his back one by one.
"Aww, do I sense some worry in yer tone, darling? I'm flattered a-"
He couldn't finish his sentence as you tugged on his hat, pulling it over his face. Boothill couldn't help but laugh.
"Fine fine, I'll stop. Fudge me you can be tough to love sometimes. How much do I owe ya?" he asked, finally being able to stand up and adjust his hat.
"40k, do you want to put this on your tab again or just pay upfront"
"Just put it on my tab darling, I'll pay it once I'm back from this assignment"
You sighed. He always picked that option, but he always paid eventually, so you weren't too worried. What worried you us where the money came from sometimes. But what can you do, money is money after all.
"Fine, I'll see you next time Boots. And hey, bring me something nice from your travels, I might give you a discount too"
"What do I look like? A magpie?" he scoffed.
"You look more like a shark, but sure. Anyway, counting on you, Boots"
You gave him a friendly pat on the back, the cowboy tipping his hat to you before leaving, making you wonder sometimes in what part of the galaxy he's going to end up to next time every time he left your workshop.
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luciawithoutj · 2 days
Hey hi hello!
I have some things to say about new merch and jo merch in general so this is gonna be a litrle longer post and actually I think I should cange my semiotics theme (which is already about jo) about how bad their merch design is.
First of all little disclaimer: this is all my humble opionion based on what I learned in my one year of being graphic design student and an artist and designer on the internet for last 4-5 years. Before going to uni I learned most of about art and graphic design stuff by reading books and watching tons of yt videos. Second of all this critic is just coming from place of love for this band because I see so mucb potential and they could do some amazing merch designs if they give it a chance and I am fully aware how expensive the touring is and why they had to cut the quality of merch products.
So far my favorite jo band merch designs are cds (that probably required some designer to make), condoms (because they are really funny, genius, nicely designed and unique merch that fit the vibe of the band and matches their songs as well) and the new tshirt from last merch drop (which design is made by one slovenian fanartist : link.
Main reason that made me want to speak up is seeing that this merch drop will only have 100 products (my friend said that could mean 20-ish shirts per size) which how big this fandom has gotten in last year is pretty really dam limited. For a limited product I am really disappointed and I hoped for more. For such a limited product that design is the most default design they could have gone for and I am so sorry for Damon because his work is goregous, amazing, breathtaking and I could talk about it for ages and how inspiring it is but this shirt design isn't serving.
If they wanted to do bare minimum of design with those 5 images here is some of my ideas (unfortunately I don't have time to visually show them to yall on a mock ups because of finals that I should be studying for instead of writing this so try to imagine what I am trying to say and demonstrate). First is just simple instead of white choose black shirt or even better a thisrt. If you want it to go a stepp further is using their name logo font (font name is Avaline btw if anyone wants to download and use it for their designs :))) and either put it how they did when they promoted the everybody's waiting or to write idk therapy sessions or anything related to the band or it can even be some inside joke.
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Something like this would make design just a bit more intersting but still bare minimum but amazing for regular merch. If they want to go a step further but want to keep the long sleeves (this idea was suggested by few people I talked too) they could put pictures vertically on the sleeves. I would find it a bit cooler if it is on the right sleeve out-side and then they put their band logo (the heart one) on the left side of the shirt where people's hearts normally are.
After exams I would definitely like to try to make some designs and just limit myself with this 5 pictures and play with typography and photoshoop to make something interesting.
Another I want to mentioned is how in my humble opinion if you are gonna sell limited edition either make it really pretty or good quality or really cursed and funny with inside jokes.
I think people (and me first) would eat tshirts (but also other merch designs) with some cursed designs or just texts that say "sparklative" or "slay pose" or "I feel SloveNACE" (this 3 were suggested by amazing people in tumblr discord server) or even let Jan photoshoop their faces on most random picture. This 5 guys with their gen z humour could make and do some hilarious merch like how amazing idea the condoms are.
Last thing I want to say is how many amazingly talented fans are. I mean even Damon was so shocked and moved by amount of talent and art made in this community. Furthermore I know (some of them as online friends and mutuals, others as just artists from same fandom) who are also either graphic design students or they work in art/graphic design/entertainment fields and some of them (including myself) would be so happy to even make few merch designs or art for them for freee or for a ticket for their show. Personally I would die from happiness if I get a chance to work with my favorite band that inspires me so much everyday to the point people at my uni think I am from Slovenia and know slovenian because of how much I include them in my uni work and how much fanart and designs I made because of them in last 6 months.
I just think there is so much potential guys might not be aware of (Idk honestly because who knows what is going on backstage in their lives). But yeah they could have even asked Damon to help them with composition of the pictures on that shirt or even hire Racik to make some pretty art or any fanartist honestly. Here is just few links of my favorite fanartists who also do a lot of graphic design related stuff (and also some of them sell their products on their own websites/redbubble/etsy/inprint/etc) :
Tia <3
jo.kam_ (previously mentioned her design)
Racik (ofc)
There is probably more but my brain for hell of it won't remember any names so feel free to add in the comments or tags more artists <3
I could probably go more in depth and give more ideas how to improve merch designs the cheapest and best way as possible but still trying to keep the quality good as it needs to be. I know there is still gonna be people fighting for this shirts and people are still gonna buy their merch but just it hurts my art/designer soul seeing this bad designs when there is so much potential and they have amazing fans and amazing crew and they work with so many talnted people and they themselves are so talented and their music inspired so many and so much.
Thanks everyone for coming to my TedTalk. <3
Actually now I am thinking and from just talking about jo work from design and semiotics perspective for that semiotics seminar I could just focus on their merch design and go more in detail about it and if yall want when it is done and I translate it in english I could share it here for people who want to read about it. Let me know I guess.
Also if someone is interested my art and design insta is lucia.without.j and my redbubble is lucia-without-j and my dms are always open if someone wants to chat or complain about anything art, design, joker out or any other fandom I am in related.
P. S. I am so sorry for any spelling mistakes and if what I said doesn't make sense. English isn't my first language.
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 days
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The roughie and the racer
Part one
Daniel Ricciardo x male!oc
Word count 4k
I don’t know how I feel about this honestly let me know what you think I had to break up with the last 2k words 😭😭😭😭
Caden arched an eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest. "You want me to accompany you where?" he inquired. His sister let out a sigh. "To the Austin Grand Prix," she repeated. Caden's expression turned sour. "What happened to your date?" he probed. His sister glanced down at the ground and murmured, "He bailed." "And why do you assume I'm free that weekend? Perhaps I already have plans," Caden retorted sarcastically. His sister gazed at him doubtfully. "So, do you have plans?" she asked, fully aware that her loner of a brother likely had no prior commitments for the weekend.
Caden let out a deep sigh and slowly uncrossed his arms. "No, I don't have any plans that weekend," he said, his voice tinged with defeat. His sister's face lit up with a smile. "See, I knew it! And who knows, maybe you'll end up having a great time," she teased, playfully punching her brother in the arm.
Caden rolled his eyes, but a faint smile played at the corners of his lips. "I doubt it," he muttered, rubbing his arm where his sister had made contact. "But I'll go," he conceded, knowing full well he had little choice in the matter. "But don't expect me to enjoy myself. I don't get why you're so into this F1 junk." His sister beamed with excitement. “You're lucky I love” Caden says to his sister rolling his eyes. His sister grinned widely as she ruffled Caden's hair, playfully teasing him. "Awww, Caden, you're such a softie deep down," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Look at how easily you're being corrupted by my influence. Soon you'll be begging me to take you to every race." Caden grumbled as he attempted to fix his disheveled hair. "I'm only doing this because it's important to you," he muttered, his voice tinged with feigned annoyance. Deep down, he couldn't deny the fondness he had for his sister.
"And I won't beg for anything!" he added defiantly. His sister couldn't help but chuckle, clearly enjoying teasing her brother. "Oh, I know you won't beg," she replied with a smirk. "You're too stubborn for that. But mark my words, by the end of the weekend, you'll be a racing enthusiast just like me." Caden scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "In your dreams," he muttered, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'll tolerate the races, but I'll never become a fan like you. It's just not my thing, and it never will be."
Their banter continued as they joked and teased one another playfully. Despite Caden's reluctance, he secretly couldn't help feeling a hint of anticipation for the upcoming weekend and the chance to spend some quality time with his sister. "Just promise me one thing," Caden said, interrupting their playful banter momentarily. His expression turned serious, and he looked at his sister with sincerity. "Promise me you'll make sure we get the best view of the race. If I'm going to suffer through this, I might as well have a comfortable seat."
His sister raised an eyebrow, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "Oh, don't worry, Caden," she said with a sly smirk. "I already have it all figured out. We'll be sitting in the front row, practically on top of the action. You might even forget you hate F1 by the end of it." Caden rolled his eyes again, his irritation mingled with a hint of reluctant curiosity. He didn't want to admit it, but his sister's enthusiasm was beginning to rub off on him...just a little.
"Just don't expect me to root for any of those drivers or anything," he grumbled, trying to maintain his grumpy facade. His sister laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of asking you to root for anyone," she replied playfully. "You can just sit there and judge them in your head. That's what you do best, right?"
Caden huffed, pretending to be annoyed but unable to suppress the corners of his lips from twitching into a slight smile. "You know me too well," he conceded, a hint of affection in his voice. "Besides, you might discover you find one of those drivers surprisingly attractive," his sister teased, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.
Caden's eyes widened in mock horror. "Oh, please, don't say things like that! I wouldn't be caught dead crushing on some rich, arrogant racer."
His sister laughed wholeheartedly, thoroughly enjoying Caden's sarcastic reactions. "Relax, Caden, I'm just messing with you," she giggled. "But you never know, stranger things have happened. And if you do end up crushing on a racer, you'll owe me a year's supply of ice cream."
Caden playfully shoved her, trying to feign annoyance, but it was evident he was enjoying their banter. "You're insufferable," he muttered, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "But fine, if I end up hopelessly swooning over a racer, I'll treat you to a year's worth of ice cream. However, I highly doubt that's ever going to happen." His sister grinned widely, clearly pleased with his response. "Deal. But beware, Caden, life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it," she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. With the deal struck and the banter still flowing, they continued their playful banter, their laughter echoing through the room.
As the conversation continued, Caden found himself slowly becoming more at ease. Despite his initial reluctance, the idea of attending the race with his sister no longer seemed entirely unbearable. Who knows? Maybe, just maybe, this could turn out to be a memorable weekend. But for now, he would continue grumbling and eye-rolling, maintaining his grumpy exterior as much as possible. After all, he needed to uphold his reputation as a tough, no-nonsense guy.
The weekend finally arrived, and Caden found himself standing outside the entrance to Circuit of The Americas, surrounded by a boisterous crowd of racing fans. His sister stood beside him, bubbling with excitement, while Caden tried to maintain his indifferent facade.
As they made their way through the bustling crowd, Caden couldn't help feeling out of his element. The noise, the energy, the excitement - it was all so foreign to him.
But there was something oddly captivating about the atmosphere. The colorful team jerseys, the enthusiastic chants, the intoxicating scent of engine oil and gasoline. It was a different world completely, a world that his sister seemed completely enthralled by.
“Here,” Cadens sister said, handing him something. “What’s this? " he asked looking at the lanyard. “It’s a paddock pass” his sister says. Caden raised an eyebrow, his tone filled with skepticism. "A paddock pass? Seriously? I thought we were just going to watch the race like normal people."
His sister shot him a teasing smile. "Oh, come on, Caden. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, how could I possibly ask you to accompany me to the race and not give you the full experience?"
Caden rolled his eyes, but a hint of curiosity piqued his interest. He had to admit, being in the paddock and getting up close with the race cars did sound somewhat intriguing, even though he tried hard to hide it.
“So what team hospitality will we be in?” Caden asked his sister. His sister's eyes lit up with excitement as she replied, "We'll be in the Red Bull hospitality. It's one of the best teams in the league right now, and their hospitality is legendary. We might even get a chance to meet some of the drivers!"
Caden couldn't help rolling his eyes once again. "Meet the drivers? Yeah, because that's what I want, to spend my day chatting with a bunch of pompous, adrenaline junkie billionaires." His sister laughed and playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Lighten up, Caden! You might find that these drivers are not as pompous as you think. They're human beings like us, dedicated to their passion and craft."
“Oh yeah like you and your bull riding? his sister says. Caden's expression hardened at the mention of his own profession. "Bull riding is a true test of skill and courage. Those bulls are unpredictable. It's a lot more than just sitting in a car and pressing pedals." His sister raised her hands in surrender, realizing she had inadvertently struck a nerve. "Alright, alright, I get it. Your bull riding is hardcore, no question. But you have to admit, those race car drivers have some serious skills too. It's not just about the speed, it's about precision, strategy, and the ability to handle these machines at insane speeds." Caden grumbled, still not entirely convinced. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Fine, maybe those drivers do have some talent or whatever. But I'll still stick to my horses and bulls, thank you very much."
As Caden stood among the crowd, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "You ride bulls?" The question came from behind him. Turning around, Caden was met by the sight of a man slightly shorter than himself. The man stood confidently, wearing a crisp Ferrari polo. However, it wasn't the polo that grabbed Caden's attention. What stood out was the curious fashion choice of the man - his jeans were tucked into his boots, making for an interesting appearance.
Caden couldn't help but stare in disbelief at the man's attire. He had certainly seen some unique fashion choices in his life, but jeans stuffed into boots inside boots – a cowboy style – was definitely not something he had come across before. It was a stark contrast to the formal dress code he had grown up with thanks to his father's strict ways.
"Yeah, I do ride bulls now and then," Caden replied, trying to compose himself and look away from the man's unusual boot situation.Caden’s sister gasped, tapping him on the shoulder trying to get his attention but she had no luck because he was still staring down at the man’s boots.
As Caden looked down at the man's boots, he could feel his sister nudge him on the shoulder, trying to get his attention. But his focus remained on the unusual boot situation before him. Feeling a sense of obligation, Caden kneeled down and swiftly fixed the man's jeans, ensuring they were properly positioned outside the boots.
"Jeans go on the outside of your boots," he advised, trying to keep his tone neutral but unable to resist a subtle hint of amusement in his voice.
The man looked utterly bewildered, clearly stunned by Caden's unexpected act. He glanced down at his boots and back up at Caden, as if trying to comprehend what had just happened. "You... you fixed my boots?" he stammered, still processing the situation. Caden stood up, casually adjusting his own attire. "Yeah, sorry, man, but jeans stuffed into boots is just wrong," he replied with a shrug. "You gotta do it right if you're going to be in Texas and I’m surprised that everybody just let you walk around like that”
The man looked down at his boots once again, a hint of embarrassment creeping onto his face. He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I got carried away with the look," he admitted, unable to hide a sheepish smile. "Thanks for the correction, man." “I’m Charles” the man says introducing himself. Caden glanced up and met Charles eye-to-eye, offering a firm handshake. "Caden," he responded simply, his voice carrying a subtle hint of curiosity. There was something oddly magnetic about Charles' presence that intrigued him. "Are you a racing fan or just really into boot fashion?"
Charles grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "A bit of both, I suppose," he replied, his tone laced with a touch of playfulness. "Racing is my profession, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to rock this fashion statement."
Caden raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "Racing? as in F1?" he asked, his skepticism evident in his tone as he gestured towards the Ferrari emblem on Charles' polo. Charles nodded enthusiastically, a mixture of orgullo and enthusiasm evident in his expression. "Yeah, Formula 1, to be precise. I drive for Ferrari."
Caden's eyes widened slightly as he took in this newfound information. He had a feeling he was speaking with someone of significance within the racing world, but he hadn't anticipated just how significant. "Well, I'll be damned," Caden muttered, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I never thought I'd be fixing some posh Formula 1 driver's fashion faux pas."
Charles laughed heartily, clearly amused by Caden's remark. "Posh, huh? I guess you could say that," he replied with a light-hearted shrug. "But hey, fashion faux pas can happen to anyone, even F1 drivers." Caden rolled his eyes, not entirely convinced by Charles' self-deprecating remark. "Yeah, well, it's a good thing someone was around to fix it," he retorted, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Imagine if you had been filmed walking around like that."
Charles nodded, his expression turning sheepish once again. "Yeah, I wouldn't have heard the end of it," he said with a chuckle. "Thanks for saving me there, Caden. I owe you one."
Caden waved a dismissive hand, trying to brush off the gratitude. "No biggie. Just doing my Texan duty to spread proper boot style." Charles' eyes widened with interest as he processed Caden's words. "You're a Texan, huh? That explains the boots. And the bulls, I assume?" he asked, a spark of curiosity in his eyes.
Caden chuckled, a subtle hint of pride in his voice. "Guilty as charged. Born and raised in Texas, where cowboys and bulls coexist. Though the bulls might have the upper hand sometimes." Charles let out a hearty laugh, clearly amused by Caden's remark. "Sounds like an interesting life you lead, Caden. Bulls and cowboys, huh? Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about handling those bulls. And I can teach you a thing or two about F1."
Caden raised an eyebrow, feigning indifference. "Oh, so you're offering lessons now, Mr. Fancy Formula 1 Driver? I'll consider it, but only if you promise not to bring back the boot fashion blunders."
Charles grinned, clearly enjoying the banter between them. "Deal. No more boot blunders from me, I promise," he agreed, holding out his hand for a mock handshake that Caden reluctantly returned. "And who knows? Maybe you'll end up enjoying the racing world more than you think.”
Caden playfully rolled his eyes, masking his intrigue. "Right, sure. I'm sure the racing world and I will become fast friends. Just as soon as you convince me it's not just a bunch of millionaires driving in circles." Charles couldn't help but chuckle at Caden's remark. "No worries, I won't force you into a racing suit. But I do hope you'll enjoy your day and the race," he said, his voice tinged with sincerity.
Suddenly, someone called out to Charles from a distance, drawing his attention away. "I have to go, but it was great meeting you, Caden. Maybe we'll see each other later." Caden nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Likewise, Charles. Take care of those boots, and yourself. And try not to crash in the race, alright?" "I'll do my best,” Charles replied with a wink, offering a playful salute as he turned to leave. As he walked away, Caden found himself stealing a quick glance at the shortened jeans, still feeling the lingering impact of the brief encounter.
As Caden watched Charles walk away, his sister appeared at his side, a knowing smile on her face. "Making friends already, huh?" she teased playfully, nudging him with her elbow. Caden rolled his eyes, trying to feign nonchalance, but a faint blush creeped over his cheeks. "Don't be ridiculous. I just fixed the guy's boots. It's not like we're best friends now." His sister laughed, seeing right through his attempt to play it cool. "Right, right. Fixing someone's boots is the classic Texan move for making friends," she jested, a mischievous twinkle in her eye."Oh, shut it,” Caden grumbled, feeling a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. "I just didn't want him walking around like a fashion disaster, alright? That's all there was to it." His sister just grinned wider, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "Whatever you say, big brother.“
Caden scowled at her, knowing he had inadvertently given her ammunition to tease him about for the rest of the weekend. "Just great. Now I'll never hear the end of this" he muttered under his breath. His sister laughed, clearly amused by her brother's annoyance. "Oh, don't worry, Caden. I'll make sure to keep reminding you of this little boot-fixing episode. It's not every day you get to impress a Formula 1 driver with your Texas manners." Caden let out a long-suffering sigh, resigning himself to the fact that his sister would always be there to remind him of his embarrassing moments. "I should have known better than to step foot in this racing-crazed world. It's like a magnet for embarrassing situations" he grumbled.
As Caden and his sister made their way towards the stands, the atmosphere grew more intense. Cheerleaders performed acrobatic routines, bands played upbeat music, and fans wore colorful shirts and hats representing their favorite teams. The energy was palpable, and Caden couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Remind me again why I agreed to come to this madness," he groaned to his sister as the two of them walked to the red bull hospitality and garage.
"Because you secretly love it," his sister teased with a knowing grin. "You’re just too stubborn to admit it."Caden huffed in playful annoyance but couldn't keep the corner of his lips from curving into a small smile. He secretly enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere, despite his initial reluctance. As they entered the Red Bull Hospitality, Caden's eyes darted around, taking in the luxurious interior adorned with the team's signature bulls and crimson red colors. The atmosphere was a whirlwind of chatter and laughter as fans mingled and enjoyed food from various catering tables.
Caden's sister seemed to be in her element, effortlessly striking up conversations with fellow fans and basking in the buzz of excitement. Caden, on the other hand, found himself feeling a bit out of place. He stuck to the sidelines and observed the scene unfolding before him in silence. As they made their way through the bustling crowd, a sudden change in the atmosphere caught Caden's attention. The fans around them erupted into cheers and applause, their gazes fixed on something or someone behind him. Curiosity piqued, Caden turned around to see what had caused the commotion. Standing amidst the whirlwind of commotion was Daniel Ricciardo, the charming Australian driver with a contagious smile. His presence commanded the attention of everyone around him, and the crowd seemed to gravitate towards him like moths to a flame.
Caden's heart skipped a beat as he laid eyes on Daniel's captivating presence. There was something magnetic about him, an undeniable charisma that drew people in, and Caden found himself strangely drawn to it. His sister noticed the way Caden's gaze lingered on Daniel, and a sly smile curved her lips. "Seems like you've found someone interesting," she teased, nudging him gently with her elbow. Caden snapped out of his momentary trance and quickly composed himself, trying to mask his interest in Daniel. "What? No, I was just observing," he replied, trying to maintain a nonchalant demeanor but failing miserably.
His sister arched an eyebrow, clearly amused by his reaction. "Observing, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?" She teased softly, her eyes twinkling with playfulness. Caden grumbled under his breath and turned away, trying to hide the faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "I was just admiring the whole circus, that's all," he muttered, but his sister saw right through his denial.
She laughed softly, clearly amused by her brother's subtle interest. "Whatever you say, Caden. Just don't deny that you're intrigued by the charm of that Aussie driver and besides he’s your type.” His sister rolled her eyes, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Oh, come on, Caden. Don't act like you can hide it. All those guys you've had little flings with over the years, tall, charming, and charismatic. Seems like Daniel Ricciardo ticks all those boxes for you." Caden shot her a glare, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment at her astute observation. "Shut it," he muttered between gritted teeth. "I'm not interested in him. And even if I were, there's a zero percent chance he'd look my way."
His sister shrugged nonchalantly, clearly enjoying teasing her older brother. "Who knows? People surprise you sometimes. And who says you're not his type?" Her mischievous grin seemed to suggest that she had a few ideas up her sleeve. Caden gritted his teeth, feeling the familiar frustration and annoyance that always surfaced whenever his sister played matchmaker in his life. "Leave it, alright? We're here to enjoy the race, not discuss my non-existent love life," he huffed, hoping to put an end to the conversation. His sister chuckled, sensing her brother's discomfort. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it for now. But just remember, life's too short to hold back from what you want," she said, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder before sauntering off to explore the hospitality area.
As his sister vanished into the crowd, Caden let out a frustrated sigh, feeling a mix of relief and irritation. He cast a quick glance around, his eyes landing on Daniel once again, who was engrossed in conversation with a group of fans a few feet away. Despite his best efforts to remain aloof, Caden couldn't resist stealing discreet glances at Daniel. There was an inexplicable allure about him that drew Caden in, a magnetic charm that transcended the realm of racing. He couldn't shake off the subtle flutter in his chest every time he laid eyes on him. It was a confusing mix of intrigue and unease, and Caden couldn't help but question the strange pull he felt towards the captivating Australian driver. As he continued to observe Daniel, Caden couldn’t help but notice the effortless way he interacted with fans. Daniel's smile was genuine, and he engaged with each person with warmth and enthusiasm. Caden's heart thumped against his chest as he watched, and the thought that he could ever even approach such a vibrant and charming individual seemed far-fetched. He silently chastised himself for allowing his imagination to run wild.
Just when Caden was lost in his thoughts, Daniel glanced in his direction, their eyes locking for a brief moment before Caden swiftly averted his gaze. His heart raced, and a wave of nerves washed over him, silently cursing his awkward demeanor. It was in that fleeting glance that Caden felt a connection, a strange recognition that sent a shiver down his spine. He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to this encounter than just a casual glance. The moment was brief, but it left an indelible mark on Caden's mind. He couldn’t help but wonder if Daniel had felt it too. The thought tormented him, making him question everything he thought he knew about his own feelings and desires. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation swirling within him, Caden knew that this chance encounter had stirred something deep within him, a flame that refused to be extinguished.
The rest of the time at the hospitality area went by in a blur for Caden as they mingled with fans and enjoyed the pre-race festivities. He tried to keep his mind occupied, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the brief connection he had felt with Daniel. As the race grew closer and the crowd became more hyped, Caden's anticipation to witness Daniel in action slowly replaced his initial apprehension.
As they made their way to their seats, Caden found himself torn between excitement and anxiety. Every time Daniel's name was announced over the loudspeaker, Caden's heart raced, and a mixture of nerves and anticipation swirled within his stomach. He had never felt such a strong connection to someone, especially someone he barely knew, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to this inexplicable pull he felt towards the captivating driver.
The race started, and Caden was immediately immersed in the frenzy of engines revving and tires screeching against the track. The energy of the crowd was infectious, and he found himself caught up in the excitement of the competition. His sister leaned over, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know, Daniel Ricciardo is leading the race so far. He's quite the skilled driver," she remarked, subtly trying to gauge Caden's reaction. Caden's heart skipped a beat as he heard the news, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety swirling within him. He tried to play it off coolly, shrugging nonchalantly. "Yeah, he's not bad," he replied, trying to keep his emotions in check. "But it's a long race, anything can happen," he added, hoping his sister wouldn't pick up on the newfound interest in his voice.
As the race continued, Caden found himself glued to every move Daniel made, his heart racing with every pass and overtake. He couldn't help but admire the confidence and skill with which Daniel navigated the track, seemingly unfazed by the intense competition. Caden's sister noticed his unwavering attention and let out a soft chuckle.
"Looks like you have a favorite driver now," she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "He's quite captivating, isn't he?" Caden playfully shoved her shoulder, trying to lighten the situation. "Shut it, you. I just appreciate good racing," he protested, though he couldn't deny the undeniable charm that Daniel exuded both on and off the track. The race continued to unfold, and Caden watched with a mixture of anticipation and dread as the leading positions changed hands numerous times. The race was on a knife's edge, with Daniel still firmly in contention. As the laps neared their end, Caden felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. He couldn't help but feel invested in Daniel's performance, his heart racing with each turn and overtake.
As the final lap commenced, Caden's heart pounded against his ribcage, the tension palpable in the air. His eyes were fixated on Daniel's car, watching as it navigated through the curves and bends of the track. The race was nearing its climax, and the suspense was unbearable. Caden found himself involuntarily clenching his fists, silently cheering Daniel on.
The final minutes were a flurry of excitement and anticipation, and Caden's heart skipped a beat as Daniel took the checkered flag, securing first place. The crowd erupted into a roaring applause, and Caden found himself smiling despite his earlier reservations. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for the captivating driver who had managed to capture his attention like no one else had before. As Daniel's car slowed to a stop and he climbed out, waving to the cheering crowd, Caden's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help but stare, captivated by the magnetic aura that surrounded Daniel. There was something about him that transcended the realm of racing he was charismatic, talented, and undeniably charming.Caden felt that strange pull towards him, a connection that he couldn't explain but couldn't ignore.
His sister, who had observed his reactions throughout the race, gently nudged him once again. "Looks like you're hopelessly smitten with the race winner," she teased, her eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Caden snapped out of his temporary stupor, quickly regaining his composure. "Smitten? Hardly. I just appreciate good driving," he retorted, dismissing her statement with a casual wave of his hand. However, the faint blush on his cheeks betrayed his attempts to downplay his true feelings. His sister smirked, clearly not buying his denial. "Sure, just ‘appreciating' his driving skills, right?" she teased, her words dripping with playful sarcasm. Caden rolled his eyes, secretly flustered by her teasing yet unable to deny the magnetic pull he felt towards the charismatic race winner.
As the crowd started to thin out and the excitement began to subside, Caden found himself feeling a mix of emotions. There was a strange combination of anticipation and dread building within him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen. Despite his best efforts to push the thought away, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever cross paths with Daniel again. He was pulled out of his reverie by his sister's soft voice. "You know, you've been watching him like a hawk. I never thought you'd be this interested in a race," she commented, a teasing lilt in her words. Caden shrugged nonchalantly, trying to play it cool. "I just appreciate good driving, that's all. He's a talented driver." But he couldn't hide the fact that his heart was beating erratically in his chest at the mere mention of Daniel.
As they made their way out of the hospitality and towards the parking lot, Caden's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the charming race winner. He tried to dismiss the persistent flutter in his heart as mere adrenaline, but deep down, he knew there was more to it. Little did he know that the night had a surprise in store for him
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jeons-catalyst · 12 hours
People often speculate about Jungkook being jealous or possessive, sharing edits that portray him in such a light. I've observed those instances where he appears visibly uncomfortable—whether Jimin is interacting with another idol, interviewer, Park Bo-gum, Taemin, or even Namjoon. However, I don't interpret these as signs of jealousy. Jungkook seems to embody a profound and all-encompassing love. All or nothing type of love. He wears his heart on his sleeve, in the open for everyone to see. While Jimin, more grounded, safeguards his emotions, valuing and protecting them deeply. Putting his wee lil pocket. Both of them love so deeply. They are two different individuals with distinct emotional expressions. In those so-called "jeonlous" moments, I see a man who, in a sudden moment of clarity, comprehends the depth of his love for Jimin and the potential pain of losing that love. To lose HIM. It's a visceral, gut-wrenching realization—the thought of your beloved finding happiness with someone else. A fleeting, yet intensely human reaction. Most of the things we see online are heavily edited and manipulated but there are instances where I felt just like I described above .
Hi anon,
I have to say that imo, most of those Jeonlous edits or other videos potraying Jk as some jealous insecure lover are bullshit.
However, I think Jk does get jealous and possessive and not only with Jimin but with all his hyungs. He told us himself that he used to be very selfish and possessive and the kind of person who thought “what is yours is mine and what is mine is mine”. Ofcourse he has grown so much and has learned how to share but that jealousy and possessiveness are part and parcel of him. That is who Jungkook is lol. He has learned how to possess a healthy dose of jealousy and possessiveness (which is present in almost every relationship tbh) so i believe that he still feels a certain way when he sees Jimin interacting with certain people and also when he feels his members or friends giving other people the attention he wants.
Tae did say that Jk sulks when he isn’t given attention. We know him and Jimin were salty and jealous af when Tae started getting too close to his hwarang hyungs and they felt like his attention was divided, and there is that one mimimoni clip where Jk was clearly bothered by mimimoni up to the point where he pretended like he couldn’t hear Jimin who was seated right next to him with a mic, calling him lol.
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Just watch this. My man was salty and it wasn’t a joke at all. I don’t know if he felt left out or if he got a little jealous because of the way Namjoon hugged Jimin but seeing how he himself has spoken about how possessive he used to be and knowing that he does get jealous, (the perilla leaves discussion) it isn’t unreasonable to say that is what was going on here.
Look at his face y’all 😂😂😂😂😂😂. My man was pissed!!!
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This one i wouldn’t really say is jealousy but Jungkook’s reaction is always so funny to me. I guess it is possible that something about Taemin and Jimin’s friendship probably ticks him off too.
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This is another moment where i genuinely feel like Jk got a little jealous. Not necessarily because he felt insecure but maybe just because he felt some way seeing Jimin give someone else that much attention plus taemin and jimin were really giggly and touchy and i noticed that Jk kept looking in their direction.
I did notice that Jk seems to be the type who looks away when he is jealous. Most times he just quickly looks at what is happening and looks away almost immediately lol. He is cute.
So while i get what you are saying about the jeonlous moments, i think Jk does actually get jealous and little possesive but not nearly as bad as people make it to seem. Jealousy and possessiveness aren’t necessarily bad qualities in human beings. When you love and care about something or someone, you tend to want to guard it jealousy and that is onlu because you love it. Can jealousy also be a negative trait? Absolutely but this is when it is excessive shown in moments when it isn’t necessary like the way some shippers (mostly tkkrs) make Jk out to be this insecure and dangerously jealous person who gets jealous at members simply putting an arm on Tae. That is ridiculous and doesn’t paint Jk in a good light at all.
There is a saying that You rarely know the value of what you have till you lose it or at the risk of losing it so i can jk looking at Jimin in those moments and realizing how valuable he is to him and not really wanting to share that amazingness with others, you know because of his perilla leaves personality, but at the end of the day, my man does get jealous and possessive and he isn’t even afraid to admit it.
I remember this clip from years ago when Jimin was the only one who could tell Jk’s jealous face. He must have seen Jk make that face way too many times to be the only one out of all the members to recognize it (i’m still salty they didn’t show us the face tho🙄)
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In the Wings
Past =-= Next
Author's note: Next Part of Claude in Husbandry. Thanks for @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Ash'val and Cedric.
Summary: Claude gets settled into the Imperial Fist and Salamander Base.
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add more
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Claude had told them that Cedric had left confinment to find and bring him back, and that he'd accept punishment on Cedric's behalf. Because it was due to him that Cedric had left the confined to base punishment to one of the Officers in Charge of Cedric's punishment. Captain Ash'val had a neutral expression on his face and had said, "Thank you for telling me Claude. You and Cedric will share some tasks for a month, after you finish healing."
"Yes sir," Claude said with a nod. He left after Ash'val had dismissed him.
Salamanders really are soft, at least compared to how the Mechanicum would have reacted to what Cedric had done. Or how he'd heard that the Black Templars would have responded to Cedric pulling what he did, especially for a cousin instead of a brother. He isn't going to complain. He is continuing to move when he spots something that his ice trace down his spine. He spots teal and silver and the twin heads of the Hydra serpent. He shifts his path to go in a different direction back to Cedric. While also keeping watch on the Hydra. Who- from the ways the others are interacting with him didn't realize his true colors.
Claude had quietly told Cedric what he'd spotted, he knows from what he told about the Alliance between the larger War bands, and the Companies, but it still filled him with dread to spot Hydra interacting with others. They were not to be trusted. Tricksters, face-stealing, duplicitious and two faced are the Traitor Hydra. Who's claws are eyes are every where and apparently everywhen. Cedric had taken his warning with due seriousness and has asked him if he knew the name that the Hydra used that wasn't "Alpharius".
"Luitenant something," Claude said with a self deprecating shrug, "I didn't want him to know that I realized what he was."
"Makes sense," Cedric says as he continues to count inventory of the medbay. Claude helping by putting back the items in the places that his brother- no, cousin indicated they should be put.
He was on light duty, whatever that meant, even though he's fully healed, only needing some minor surgery and his own rapid healing rate helping to patch him up. The rations were of better quality and taste than he remembers them being. Claude continues to help Cedric when he can, not being an Apothecary there isn't much he can do other than hold this or that, and keeping out of the way. His eyes flick from one side of the room to another, and he spots yet more teal. This one acting, and having the equipment of an Apothecary.
"Zariel" is the name the Hydra was being called by and fondly so by some of the visiting Ultramarines. Claude relaxes his vision and the teals changes to Ultramarine blue and gold heraldry for a moment, beforing going back to Teal. he's tried to teach Cedric and the other Primaris Marines that don't have his True Sight ability, not that it seems to work. And none of them know why.
"Claude," Cedric says suddenly, having glanced at his face for a moment before deliberately looking away, "eyes."
Claude closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath as he keeps a clear image of what he's supposed to look like, dark eyed, light skinned and dark haired. He opens his eyes again and lightly taps Cedric with one of his feet carefully who looks at him.
"Better," Cedric hums as they continue to work on medbay inventory. "See something."
"More Teal," Claude says almost silently, making sure not to move his lips as much as possible as he turns his face away from where the Hydra Apothecary pretending to be an Ultramarine is at. "Apothecary Zariel."
"Ah," Cedric replies, trying not to scowl in the direction of Apothecary Zariel of the 'ultramarines'. "We are finished with doing inventory in this med bay, lets go to the next one on the other side of the base Claude."
"Yes Cedric." Claude said with a nod following after his broher.
While most bases built by Imperial Fists followed the same standardized format, it was still a new base to Claude and he didn't want to get lost. He'd missed Cedric a lot once they'd been seperated into their different Chapters and had grieved when he'd heard that the other had gone missing. Slowly, one by one plenty of his brother Primaris Marines had fallen, in battle or have gone missing in the void. Perhaps they might be found one day on Ancient Terra? That would be nice, if that was the case, but the Galaxy was rarely so kind to a creature such as them. They continue to do their duty tasks, pausing to take breaks occasionally, lunch break, which was an indulgent hour long affair, had been nice.
"Do you know if they do Vespers?" Claude asks Cedric.
While the First Born Raven Guard weren't as religious as Black Templars, it was seen as good fortune and to be considered pious to hold Vespers at least once a week. Cedric shifts a little and says, "The First Born don't do Vespers in this base."
"Oh," Claude says struggling a little with that revelation, "Not at all?"
"No, but there are some places that… once my punishment is over," Cedric explains, "We can go to, in order to attend Vespers."
Claude nods at that, while he was allowed to leave the base for missions and for his leisure time, he tended to stay in the base to stay with Cedric more often than not. He… was trying to be friendly with other Scouts, but nearly all of them are First Born Scouts and tended to be… Odd, and very noisy and Boisterous. And they tended to cause Mischief and would complain that he was too much of a 'quiet stick in the mud about harmless pranks.' His face soured at that. If he hadn't stopped them, the prank would have, could have, hit the highest-ranking Chaplain on the base and he did not want to suffer the group punishment that would have doled out.
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anxious-witch · 3 days
Dead boy detectives characters as their big three in Astrology-Charles
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Text in the pictures and more explanation under the cut
So, this, unlike Edwin's, aren't canon, just my hcs, although Charles is imo implied to be a Taurus in a scene where Edwin says Taurus and Aries are highly incompatible. Because I refuse to believe this boy is Aries and even less so that Crystal is a Taurus so.
~ Strong will & aesthetic sense, very tactile
~ Loyal & great at taking care of what they love
~ Patient & present, drinks in life with no rush
~ Wide-eyed truth seeker, lives life as a quest
- Spontaneous, adventurous, philosophical soul
~ Inclusive & generous, magnet for opportunity
~ Soulful & deep, needs emotional security
~ Sympathetic, extra sensitive & very protective
~ Sentimental, strong ties to the past & family
So, he'd be a perfect balance of earth, fire and water in his big three. Taurus Sun, aka he is grounded enough to have a stable base people he cares about can lean on. Fiercely loyal, once you have his affection, he'd anything for you(cough like fight a demon or go to Hell cough). As a Venus sign, he cares about his apperance, but still keeps it comfortable. Hence why he looks so effortless cool throughout the series. Also Tauruses often love to indulde in little pleasures, such as food, so it's no wonder Charles complains about missing spaghetti. He is a creature of comforts.
His down to earth attitude balances well with Edwin's Capricorn qualities. Both are grounded, but when Edwin focused solely on the goal, Charles is there ti be present in the moment and notice what happens around them and react accordingly. Like with the Night Nurse, where Edwin froze, because he had no idea how to face this kind of threat. Charles was present and his protective instincts kicked in immediately. 
Then we have Sagittarius Rising. I knew he had to be some sort of fire sign, because that boy has so much inner fire to keep him going. And Sagittarius is exactly that. Rising signs are all about how one is perceived, and Sagittariuses are positive and friendly, with boundless energy. One could say that Charles' statement of being "aces with people" fits perfectly here. They are always here for the new adventure and experiences, especially when they are surrounded by people they love to be around.
Last but not least is Cancer Moon. Cancers are known for having many emotions, even having a reputation for crying often, although that's not necessarily true. Having it as his Moon, that represets emotions, especially hidden ones, does mean Charles has lots of feelings. He is sensitive to feelings of others, and in normal circumstances, should be of his own. However, he, similarly to Edwin, isn't a fully realized Cancer Moon at the beginning of the series. He bottles up his feelings, hiding behind his more "desirable" Rising. But eventually, the dam breaks, and he cries and/or lashes out.
Also, interestingly, Cancer Moons are known to be very possessive, which we see when Edwin is spending time with Monty or the Cat King. 
With his full potential realized(which I think, he has more work to do than Edwin does as things stand rn) he'll be a wonderful friend, attentive partner and somehow who freely expresses his emotions, both good and bad.
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