#they expected to find a villain tho
nelkcats · 11 months
Multiverse in Gotham (again)
Danny could admit that since he discovered he could open portals on his own he had been a bit excited, and maybe he didn't think through the consequences.
After the third time he failed to close a portal in his own dimension and had to call Wulf, he thought maybe the scenario wasn't helping him, so he switched dimensions. The DC universe was weird enough to accept random portals opening and Clockwork seemed to agree with his reasoning, despite the obvious reproachful look he was sending him.
But it seemed that the Master of Time was letting him make his own mistakes, Danny hoped that was a good sign.
The problem was that he forgot the fact that Wulf was on vacation (his friend had warned him not to practice his power until he was back, but the halfa wanted to get better and surprise him) so he had no idea how to close all the portals he had opened.
That would be fine, if the other dimensions hadn't noticed the portals. Danny glanced nervously at the dinosaur, before shifting his gaze to the overgrown Batman and the female Joker. He grimaced, he was pretty sure they weren't from the dimension he was in.
Gotham had never had such a strange afternoon. Bruce was going crazy at all the signs of danger appearing in his city, though his system couldn't seem to find the source. He really hoped it wasn't a repeat of the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
For his part, Danny was still trying to close the portals when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. The halfa slowly turned to find Red Hood and Nightwing looking at him, both had their arms crossed and a look of disappointment on their faces (how did he know despite the masks? Danny had no idea).
"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't me?" Danny asked, hiding his glowing hands behind his back with a nervous laugh.
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dammarchy211 · 2 years
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Not the most exciting post, but I reallllllyyyy need to stop putting off posting these so! Ant and Minerva from C.R.I.M.E! U wont really see them much but they’re still there! The main three are really just Batty, Dex, n Wanda plot wise
All of the CRIME agents have voice claims, so I’m probably compile that all into one post eventually but
Here’s these two for now
And some funny Ant info. I think I’ve talked about them here before like Once. Never really got the chance to talk about Minerva anywhere tho bc she never rlly piqued anyone’s interest lol.
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Aaaaaaand finally a wip I’ll never finish—
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | vi. (with someone you shouldn’t’ve)
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 2.2k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, hobie hating you (sort of), you hating hobie, angry hobie, death, there’s a murder, SORT OF GRAPHIC death scene, injuries, ANGST, a plot twist!, sort of allusions to s*icide
a/n: ok y’all. this one’s a lil shorter, but this is where it starts getting whacky. the way i’m writing this is sort of like if i was writing a comic book, so this is a WHOLE ASS PLOTLINE that i could see being illustrated in my brain. i hope you enjoy, bc it’s about to get WILD. don’t worry tho the fluff will come bc i’m soft(ish)
previous chapter: v. ever fallen in love
now reading: vi. (with someone you shouldn’t’ve)
next chapter: vii. i wanna be sedated
First thing’s first, Hobie needs to find out where the Prowler of your world might be. He could always call Miles and ask him where his Uncle Aaron lived, but that seems a little… insensitive. If there’s anything he knows about the Prowler, he knows that he’s a thief. So, Hobie snatches your police dispatcher and listens for some burglaries being reported. Getting any type of assistance from the police pains him to his very core, but he’s not about to wake you up and let you know what he’s about to do. He crouches on the railing of your balcony and stares out at your city. He hears calls about someone robbing a Bloodega, not the Prowler. Some kids snuck into a club, also not what he needs. “Come on, pigs,” he mumbles, “give me somethin’ useful here.”
That’s when his ears perk up.
“Reports of someone lurking around of Oscorp Labs, suspicions that it might be the Prowler. Units on standby for Spider-Goth, do not engage with the Prowler.”
Do not engage? What the hell? Isn’t he a villain? Hobie quickly understands what’s going on.
He works with the cops.
Fuck this assshole.
He leaps off your balcony, webbing his way through your city. It may not be his style, necessarily, but it’s a nice place. He can see why you like it so much. He’s actually been webbing through it more than he ever expected to with how much he visits you. He knows deep down that he’s visiting so much only to see you, but outwardly he likes to pretend it’s just to see Shadow. He knows more about your world than Miles, Pav, or Gwen’s which is interesting considering he’s known you only about 3 and a half months. Luckily, you live only a short web swing away from Oscorp, so he can’t get too lost in his thoughts about you and can end this guy faster. He lands on the top of the building and glances around. He notices a perfectly cut hole in the glass a few floors down, so he crawls down and through into the building. It’s dark. He tries to stay as quiet as he possibly can because he knows that’s how you would do it, but damn. He just isn’t good at stealth. And this is factual apparently, because he gets the feeling someone is watching him and just barely jumps out of the way from what looks like a whip covered in spikes. He lands on the ground in a crouched position when he hears a somewhat familiar sounding voice. “Who the hell are you?”
“Can ask you the same question, mate,” Hobie says, “The answer will make this whole thing so much easier.”
“You one of that freak’s friends?”
“Something like that,” Hobie responds. “I take it you’re the Prowler?”
“The one and only,” he says, and Hobie rolls his eyes under his mask. “Mate, do I have some news for you,” he snorts, and the Prowler flicks his wrist. His whip makes some mechanical noise and green and purple light starts shining through it in little places where the metal isn’t completely welded together. Hobie motions to it. “Bet you’re proud a’ that. What are you? A cybergoth? cyborgoth?”
“I’ll ask this one more time. Who are you?”
“Name’s Spider-Man, also known as Spider-Punk,” Hobie says, and the Prowler groans. “There’s another one? You’ve got to be kidding.”
“There’s a lot more than just me and them, mate,” Hobie crouches down, ready to leap out of the way if need be. “Why are you here? Where’s my insect at?”
Hobie doesn’t like the way he called you his. “They’re not yours,” he hisses at him. The Prowler is quiet for a moment before laughing. “Oh. I see. Didn’t know they had a boyfriend,” he says, before whipping towards Hobie. He jumps out of the way in time, but almost doesn’t because boyfriend? Excuse me? “Not their boyfriend!” he yells, landing on the ceiling and glaring down at the Prowler. “No? Then why are you here? I figured it was because of how badly I beat them. Their screams were so entertaining.” Hobie hates this man. He clenches his jaw. “Nowhere near as entertainin’ as yours’ll be, dickhead,” he grunts, jumping down and shooting a web at the Prowlers legs. Luckily, the Prowler wasn’t expecting that, and Hobie is able to yank his legs out from underneath him. He falls hard, and Hobie smirks. “Oh sorry, did that hurt?” Hobie says, and the Prowler growls, standing up faster than Hobie anticipated. “I’ll kill you.”
“Not if I kill you first, mate,” Hobie says, anger seeping out of his words. “A spider that willingly kills, huh? Is that why you came to find me?” he chuckles, “I feel like you and I could be good friends,” the Prowler’s chuckle turns into a laugh, and it pisses Hobie off even more. “I’d rather die than be friends with someone like you,” Hobie shoots another web at him, but this time the prowler dodges it. He flicks his wrist, and Hobie feels the whip make contact with his side. He grunts in pain. This must be what got you earlier today. “That can be arranged. You’re even worse than your little partner,” the Prowler says, and Hobie can hear the smirk. He wants to punch that fucking smirk off his stupid face. Hobie stands again, grabbing his guitar. If it’s a fight to the death this fucker wants, it’s a fight he’ll get. And Hobie will not be dying tonight. “Oh, what are you gonna do? Power chord me out of existence?”
“More like beat your ass until you kick it,” Hobie growls, “but if ya want me to do it with style, I’ll play ya a song over your dead body.”
“Bold of you to assume I’ll be the one dying tonight,” the Prowler says and uses his whip again. Hobie jumps out of the way, and his eyes widen as he dodges two bullets in midair. He lands on the ground and sees that the Prowler’s gauntlets are guns as well. He scoffs. “How much that suit cost ya?”
“Would have cost a lot if I didn’t steal it or invent it myself, but I did,” Hobie dodges two more bullets, but lands directly on the Prowlers whip, causing him to slip and fall. “Luckily my agreement with the police got me the state-of-the-art tech that I needed,” the Prowler confesses. “Fuck,” Hobie grunts, jumping up as quickly as he can. “I’m gonna love telling Spider-Goth I took down their boyfriend.”
“Not their boyfriend!” Hobie yells, jumping out of the way of his whip, and more bullets.
“I find that very hard to believe.”
“Look, how ‘bout we settle this without any gadgets, eh? See who wins then?” Hobie says, and the Prowler scoffs. “If you can’t beat me at my best, you can’t beat me at my worst.”
“Actually, yeah I can. Dunno if you’re realizin’, but I’m still alive and breathin’,” Hobie says, jumping out of the way of his whip yet again. This time, though, Hobie was prepared. He webs the whip and yanks it as hard as he can. The Prowler is airborne as Hobie swings him to the other side of the room. He lands with a thud, and Hobie webs over to him, doing a flip to land a kick directly to the face. The Prowler manages to get his whip wrapped around Hobie’s ankle and flings him back across the room. He crashes into some glass wall and groans. “As much as I fuck with your ‘fuck the establishment attitude,’ Spider-Goth ain’t gonna be too happy with me if I destroy another buildin’,” Hobie says, shaking his head, hearing some glass fall down next to him. Then, the alarms start blaring. ‘Great, probably broke somethin’ important,’ he thinks before noticing a piece of glass stuck in his arm. ‘Gotta make this quick,’ he thinks, grunting as he pulls the glass out of his arm. “Like I give a fuck what makes them mad,” the Prowler says, running towards Hobie. He leaps out of the way, webbing his leg again and causing him to slip and fall. Hobie then delivers a blow to the side of his face with his guitar, but thanks to his armor, it just hurts him more than anything.
Then Hobie hears hissing. He leaps up onto the ceiling just before a mechanical snake was about to sink its stupid metal fangs into him. “Made yourself friends ‘cause ya ain’t got any? I’d be gutted for you if ya weren’t such a dick,” Hobie says, webbing the snake and jumping off of the ceiling. He does a flip in midair, swinging the snake with him and throwing it at the Prowler. He dodges just in time, but Hobie is able to deliver another blow to him. This time, Hobie goes for his leg. And he hears a crack. Just as he wanted. The Prowler shrieks out in pain. 
Hobie lands next to him and bends down. “Hope that hurt, fucker,” he spits, striking his other leg in the same fashion. He dodges the mechanical snake again, grabbing it and using his strength to break it in one squeeze. He throws it to the side and dodges more bullets from the Prowler’s gauntlets. Unsurprisingly, Hobie goes for both arms next. He stops when the man is rendered completely useless, rolling the Prowler over on his back. “I win,” Hobie says, and even he is taken aback at how menacing his voice sounds. The Prowler grunts, “You sure you’re a good guy?” Hobie ignores him and stands beside his head. “I do what I want. Any last words?”
The Prowler is silent for a moment before speaking. “Tell them that their boyfriend would have been able to save–”
Hobie doesn’t let him finish.
In fact, Hobie has trouble stopping even after he knows the deed is done. He didn’t even give Osborn this kind of disrespect. But this guy is different. All Hobie has to do is think about the state of your back, how you still blame yourself for what this motherfucker did to someone you cared so much about, and he’s swinging his guitar again.
He only stops when there’s nothing left to hit.
He breathes heavily, observing what he’s done in the flashing red lights as the alarm blares in the background. He walks back to the window, glancing back at what he’s done before leaping out and webbing away as fast as possible. He hopes no one saw him. Doesn’t want anyone confusing you for him.
He lands on your balcony and sees Shadow waiting for him inside the doors. He opens them and hears the cat meow at him. He leans down, giving him a few scratches, before opening a portal to his world. He goes home, falling on his bed. He groans, feeling the injuries he got for the first time. The adrenaline was keeping him going that entire fight. He gets up, and begins mending his injuries. Halfway through the last set of stitches he has to give himself, he gets a call on his watch from Miguel. He rolls his eyes, ready to get yelled at for, ‘interfering with the fate of the multiverse, yaddah yaddah yaddah blah blah blah boring boring boring.’
“Yeah, what d’ya want?” he answers, finishing up his stitches. “Get to Spider Society immediately.”
“I’m a little busy here, mate can it–”
“NO! It can’t wait, Hobie! Get here now!” Miguel screams, hanging up. Hobie groans. He was supposed to go back to your world so when you wake up, he would be there and explain why he did what he did. He could just go back… but then Miguel might show up in your world. And he sure as hell doesn’t want that. Sighing, he opens a portal to earth-2099, walking through and ending up in Miguel’s multi-screened research room. “Do you know what you did.”
“Killed a bloody villain, what of it?” Hobie asks, already annoyed. Miguel pounds his fist on the desk. “You interfered with (Y/n)’s timeline, Hobart!”
“I was protecting them!”
“YOU CREATED AN ANOMALY!” Miguel screams, and Hobie frowns. “How did I–”
“You killed a villain not a part of your own world, a villain who played a role in a major canon event of (Y/n)’s and now–”
“Would you come off it with the fuckin’ canon events?! Whatever it is will be resolved in one way or another!”
“Hobie you don’t understand–”
“He hurt them! Was I just supposed to stand around and let it happen?!”
“YES! We’re Spider-People it’s part of the job,” Miguel screams, and Hobie rolls his eyes. “I thought you hated them anyways, why did you want to protect them so bad?!” Miguel asks, and Hobie freezes. That… is actually a good question. He sees your injuries in his mind again and his frown deepens. Why did he want to protect you? Surely, he doesn’t… like you? No, he wouldn’t have done what he just did for a just a friend, though he would have still hunted the Prowler down. But the thought of him hurting you drove him to do unspeakable things… which he did. Is it… does he like you romantically?
His eyes widen. It would make sense if he felt that way. He was around you 24/7. These past two days were torture. He likes the way you challenge him. He likes the way you look, he likes the way you speak, he likes– “Hobie. Answer me.” His thoughts get cut off by Miguel, and he swallows hard. “I… I actually can’t answer that right now,” he says, and Miguel frustratedly runs his hand through his hair. “Hobie. What you just did…”
“Is bad, I know–”
“It’s not just bad. It’s detrimental.”
“What do you–”
“Do you know who you killed?” Miguel asks, and Hobie scoffs. “Obviously. I killed the Prowler, probably some variant of Aaron Davis or–”
“The Prowler on Earth-666 is not Aaron Davis,” Miguel says, frowning at him. “Did I kill Miles? You know his voice did sound kind of familiar…” Hobie asks, feeling a little worse about the way he handled the situation. “No. It wasn’t Miles, either.” Hobie looks up at Miguel, who takes a deep breath. “The Prowler on Earth-666 was Hobart Brown.”
Hobie feels like he just got hit with a pound of bricks. This is too much for him to process in one night. “I… what?”
“You just killed yourself.” Hobie shakes his head. “I–”
“He sounded familiar because he was you. Just without the English accent,” Miguel says. “Did (Y/n) know?” he asks, less concerned with the fact that he technically killed himself, and more concerned with the fact that he did all of those things to you. Miguel shakes his head no. “They didn’t. They were never supposed to know,” Miguel affirms, and Hobie lets out a shaky breath. He unclenches the fists he didn’t realize he formed. He feels the indents his nails made on his palms, but he doesn’t care. He was genuinely scared for a minute there. How would you react towards him if you know he was the one torturing you for so long? He nods. “Good.”
“There’s something else I need to tell you, Hobie,” Miguel says, and Hobie looks at him. “You changed a canon event. So far, the world seems stable… but you’re not going to like what will happen next,” Miguel says, turning away from him. Hobie jumps up to the platform Miguel is standing on. “Will (Y/n) be okay?” he sounds a little too frantic, and Miguel glances over at him. “You care too much for them.”
“Bollocks,” Hobie retorts, and Miguel sighs. “I knew you would like them,” he mumbles before pulling up information on your Earth onto the monitors. Hobie sees the Venom symbiote pop up and frowns. You haven’t had to deal with that yet. “The Venom symbiote was meant to bond to Hobart Brown on (Y/n)’s Earth. Now, the symbiote is going to bond to (Y/n), which is bad. This symbiote is unlike the other Venoms. It’s angrier. Deadlier. He would have been the worst enemy they ever had to face. I’ve been mentoring them as a secret way to help them train to be able to defeat him because… well…”
“Cause what?”
“Hobie Brown with the Venom symbiote would have been unstoppable,” Miguel says, turning to Hobie and delivering information that makes a chill run down his spine.
“Hobart Brown was meant to kill (Y/n) (L/n).”
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
hawks, miruko, fatgum, midnight and eraserhead x vigilante reader
REPOST the original one got flagged as s3xu4l content even tho it's just fluff :(
vigilante reader is tame basically acting as a pro hero just without the license, mainly focusing on saving people, and therefore none of the heros reallu care. no warnings just pure fluff
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hawks/keigo takami:
-keigo would be a vigilante if he wasn't taken in by the commission. 100% he would not have stopped saving lives even if he got in trouble for it. he might even fuck around and manage to get you an actual hero license if you want one, even a fake one to get out of trouble if you need it
-basically. even as the number two hero he's no snitch and in fact really respects what you do. you guys probably met trying to save the same civilian or something and hit it off immediately
-he lets you follow him on patrols, absolutely no fucks. almost everyone thinks you're just one of his sidekicks and you basically act as one without the hero license. would just use his feathers to carry you away from any particularly hard ass heros (cough endeavor cough) if he needs to
-doesn't have a lot of friends but the ones he does have know all about you (including everything keigo gushes to them about you ugh) and they also don't care, they trust him as a person and a hero so by default they trust you
-probably also insists on training you but most of your spars end up in making out because he has no self control when it comes to you but you're not complaining
-end of day routine with keigo would def start with you two dancing in keigos living room, he just sweeps you up and starts dancing out of no where, doesn't even need music, the sound of you laughing at his antics is music enough for him, you've come to expect it every day when he comes home and it's one of the things you miss most when he's gone on a longer mission
-your rough days always end with you flying, even if you can fly using your own quirk, there's something about being held to the chest of the man you love while he flys through the night sky, placing unwavering trust in him to not let you fall while you admire the stars always makes your heart full, and for keigos rough days, you always preen his feathers, he's not used to anyone touching them besides his fans grabbing at him, so nothing relaxes him more than the feeling of your fingers in his feathers, straightening and adjusting them for him as you go
miruko/rumi usagiyama:
-is so aggressively supportive of the vigilante thing she'd see you out beating the shit out of a villain and be like BEAT THEIR ASS BABE GET EM
-insists on you training with her. if you want to be a vigilante you gotta be in shape enough to go toe to toe with the number 5 pro hero
-absolutely kicks your ass in training but it's okay bc she gives you kisses every time you win a match <3
-if you're not immediately recognizable as a vigilante she Will take you to the boring hero shit she has to go with. no one's willing to get close enough to you besides hawks, because if you're with her she'll glare down anyone who tries to approach her and hawks is the only one brave enough to get closer (she also trusts hawks the most out of all of them and knows hes no snitch)
-has a sixth sense for when you're in trouble, so if you're ever in over your head in the same city as her ur opponent better start praying
-on especially hard days for you, rumi gives a mean back massage that leaves you putty in her hands, on rumis hard days you always do her hair. she finds it so relaxing and loves the styles you do on her and will proudly wear whatever you did as long as she can
fatgum/taishiro toyomitsu:
-taishiro is just That Guy yk u guys probably met because he picked you up by your scruff during a fight you were losing and he jumped in all heroic like *swoons*
-him being That Guy /pos and all his only reaction after dealing with the villain is to put you down and be like woah. hello person i have never seen in my life before this very second right now. you should hurry along i don't want any civilians caught in the cross hairs when the police arrive. anyway random stranger i've never seen ever you should totally come by my hero agency and train in case you know. you get caught close to another villain attack
-guys got a heart proportional to the rest of him how could you not do anything for him he's sunshine personified. if he said jump you'd ask how high he's just got that affect
-he's probably the most chill pro hero aside from like. aizawa. you know how like the bigger the dog the more chill they get (usually). yeah same affect with him he minds his business stays in his lane does heroic deeds on the reg yk
- his favorite thing to do with you is spend time with you laying on top of him <33 he usually takes up all the space on wherever he's lying but no complaints can be heard when you get to cuddle on top of him all night
-end of day routine with taishiro would pretty much be him coming home from work, flopping on the couch, and dragging you to lay on top of him to doze until the food he ordered arrives (even if you wanted to there's no way you could cook for tai after work, you'd have a hard enough time cooking for Any pro hero let alone one who's quirk is dependent on food)
-your rough days usually entail you crawling inside his shirts to be closer to him (in my mind his clothes are probably usually baggy because they need to be able to withstand his full size and after a day at work he'd probably be at least somewhat smaller) and him allowing you to curl up on him like a cat (he probably also pets ur hair like a cat but we don't need to mention that), his rough days probably entail something like baking treats together!! he seems like the kind of guy who really really enjoys quality time with a s/o and combining that with food? his bad day melts away immediately
midnight/nemuri kayama:
-honestly you're probably not even the first vigilante she's dated, if there's one thing nemuri is gonna do it's whatever the fuck she wants lmao
-she's def the type of person to be like rules are meant to be broken
-nemuri LOVES going out with you, you better pray you don't have a recognizable face because there's no way you're getting out of going out to dinner and her dragging you shopping and her showing you off any chance she gets(not that you'd want to get out of that stuff i mean. it's nemuri)
-nemuri prefers working night shifts even when not working at ua so she can force you to take a break when she takes hers and she always packs you food <3
-she also prefers night shifts so you both can protect each other, shadowing one another in case one of you gets over your heads, the other one never being too far
-she probably has a lot of cats and by default they're your cats so usually while nemuris gone at ua you're playing with her cats. (nemuri probably has hundreds of pictures of you with a cat on top of you after you fell asleep)
-her favorite time of day is when you're both home and sweaty from fighting, your end of day routine always starts with taking a bath together, washing grime off the other, using the tenderness to reset your minds after a long day
-she loves to pamper you, do your nails, face masks, anything you want ,and uses her quirk slightly on you after a particularly rough day, and for her rough days you always make sure she gets a foot massage and glass of wine with a book <3
eraserhead/shouta aizawa:
-same shit different day yeah? he probably mostly has vigilante friends if we're honest (aside from hizashi and nemuri of course)
-is definitely used to dealing with vigilantes both a professional and unprofessional sense, nothing you can do will shock him, and you can always count on him to save your ass when things go south, it's like he has a second quirk with the way he's able to sense when you're either about to do something stupid or about to die. usually both.
-you guys patrol at night together, you both prefer working when you know the other is somewhere nearby in case things go south, and more often than not you take cases on together (although Technically it's just him on the paperwork)
-omg what if you guys meet because he saw you feeding a cat and snuck up on you only for you to. notice him? holy shit?? you could sense his presence?? he was flabbergasted. that like never fucking happens
-end of day routine is you bullying him into a shower with you and him making you wash his hair as payment. literally a fucking cat. we both know he wouldn't shower after patrol alone he'd just go to sleep.
-your rough days always end up with you in a caterpillar looking ass sleeping bag with shouta but you'd have it no other way. his rough days are full of cat cafes. they just relax him like nothing else
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saltydumplings · 10 months
Hi, I’m not really sure how this works but I was wondering if you could write a lil short story/snippet of villain x reporter were villain find reporter following then after a big battle?
thank you in advance!! 💙
Oh my god I did it. I wrote a request for the first time in months, oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god--
Request #29
There was blood on their left shoulder. The villain huffed in annoyance, wiping at the stain with one hand and grimacing when it smudged.
That fight had been unnecessary.
The hero had instigated it - the villain giving them ample opportunity to stand down but their enemy was stubborn. Almost stupidly so. They took one look at the villain and decided that they couldn't possibly go one second longer without punching them in the face.
And, of course, the media would paint it as their fault. Because if the villain so much as breathed anywhere near the city centre then obviously their intentions were nothing short of nefarious. No, the villain didn't need to go grocery shopping at all: those bananas were clearly going to be the foundation for their next evil scheme - crucial some might say.
The villain groaned to themself as they walked down the alleyway, using their clean hand to pinch the bridge of their nose.
So much food had been wasted.
So much damage had been caused and for what?
If they were being honest, they weren't entirely sure if it was worth it anymore. If the cause that had led them to where they were still held out strong enough to reason days like this - destruction like this. Common destruction; everyday, needless, a mere swipe upon the hero's page but an ugly blot upon their own. The villain was supposed to be fighting for change but it seemed that everything they did only made the walls they were trying to tear down stronger. They were enabling the very thing they stood against and all the while they were hurting the people they were trying to save - trying to free from a society that never thought of them twice.
At this point, it was better to simply retire and let things return to the way they were. And, if in their misery they figured out a better way then perhaps they could try again...
The villain came to a sudden stop, wondering if they would truly give in right there and then, only to freeze at the sound of movement behind them. A short, scuffling noise - someone attempting to hide and not doing a very good job of it.
Surely the hero hadn't followed them?
The villain turned about, surveying the empty alley behind them, their gaze quickly honing in on a stack of crates. They waited patiently, silent, watching as their would-be stalker peered out from behind their cover and ducked down twice as fast - a small squeak of realisation echoing off the walls. Even if the villain hadn't seen them, they certainly would have heard that.
They let themself relax somewhat, rationalising that their pursuer was either a civilian or a moron. Perhaps even both...
"You realise that you're not exactly discreet, right?" they said.
There was a pause. A long one.
"I'm going to give you to the count of three," the villain pushed. "Either you come out, or I drag you out. One--"
"No, no! N-No need for dragging!"
The villain felt their brows raising as their stalker revealed themself, quickly springing out from their hiding spot like a startled rabbit. They had been right: civilian and a moron. Though, when it came to members of the press, the villain couldn't really expect much else.
"I-I, um," the reporter stumbled on their words as the villain approached them, hands clutching onto their notepad shakily. "I just had a, er - a f-few questions. I-If that's alright with you, of course..."
Perhaps stubborn was a better word. Tenacious.
The villain had seen the way these people practically hovered around the hero. Had even seen one or two get punched by the crime-fighter out of pure annoyance and yet, still, more persisted to harass them.
None had ever attempted to approach the villain before though. None had ever dared...until now.
They stopped just centimetres away from the other, amused by the way the reporter held their ground even when they were clearly scared out of their mind.
"You get three questions," the villain allowed. "But I won't promise any answers."
The reporter's eyes widened. "W-Wait, only three?" they asked.
"Two now," the villain answered.
A beat.
The reporter floundered, opening and closing their mouth multiple times before hurriedly flicking through their notepad. Clearly they'd had their questions planned out - pages upon pages of them - but now they were having to choose only two.
The villain quirked a brow as they watched, foot starting to tap upon the ground while the seconds ticked by.
"Okay, I- no, no, h-hold on."
The reporter flicked back through their notes again, the villain tolerating it all of about five more seconds before snatching the pad from their hands and holding it out of their reach - the reporter giving a startled squeak before looking up at them with horror.
"G-Give that back," they said.
The villain smirked. "No."
"But what?"
"I..." the reporter flushed, fingers twitching at their sides. "Could you please just give it back?"
The villain's grin grew sharper. "No. And you have one question left - better choose wisely."
"Wait, but that wasn't- I didn't- i-it--!"
"One question~" the villain chimed.
The reporter settled back into silence. Their gaze flicked between their notepad and the villain that held it, something surprisingly similar to a glare lining their expression. Were they about to...?
They did.
The reporter jumped up and snatched the notepad right from the villain's fingers, darting back immediately and flicking through it with frantic urgency.
Cheeky little--
Where the hell did these people get their courage from?
The villain went to snatch it back but the reporter raised their hand, reading out from the final page in an incomprehensible rush:
The villain stopped. Blinked. "What did you just say to me?"
The reporter swallowed, taking in one steady breath before trying again more slowly. "Do you think that Hero should be held accountable for the damage they cause when fighting you, a-and do you believe that this damage is necessary when thwarting your plans?"
Of all the questions they could have asked, the villain had not expected it to be that. It stunned them: they were so used to people always taking the hero's side that they'd almost forgotten the rush of relief that came with being believed - that little thrill of confidence when you found out you weren't alone.
They paused, eyes wide as they studied the other in a new light. "No," they whispered.
"No?" the reporter questioned. They let themself relax a little - no longer cautious but rather curious.
"No," the villain clarified more strongly. "No: that damage is not necessary. And yes they should be held accountable for it - they shouldn't be allowed to use me as an escape goat for the destruction that they actively cause."
For a moment, the reporter's jaw went slack, fully engrossed in what they were saying. The second the villain stopped though they fumbled about their pockets, quickly fishing out a pen and clicking the lid off - taking a few scribbled notes before staring back up at the villain with shining eyes.
"Anything else?" they asked eagerly.
The villain flushed a little under the attention, and not in a bad way. The more they talked to the reporter the more likeable they became: the villain still thought they were stubborn - foolishly so - but they were beginning to recognise that it was more in a puppy-like way than anything truly annoying; the reporter was cute.
"They'll look for any excuse to attack me," they said, each word a small weight off their chest. "The papers will say that I was the one to initiate but I rarely am - that's just what the government wants you to believe. In fact, I'm sure Hero is instructed to be more reckless purposefully just to paint me in a worse light but that's never been my intention: never has been, never will be."
"I knew it!" the reporter said. Then they blushed when the villain raised a brow at them, ducking their head in a vague attempt to hide behind that tiny notebook of theirs. "I mean, I - I had some, er, speculations..."
The villain hummed. "Good speculations I'd hope."
The red of the reporter's cheeks darkened. "A-Any more comments you'd like to add?" they asked, changing the topic.
The villain had to resist the urge to sigh. Because yes; yes, they did. So many...but they didn't want to dump it all on the reporter at once and run the risk of losing the one person that they'd spoken openly to in years.
"What do you intend to do with this information?" they questioned back. "Do you plan to publish it?"
"W-Well, yes. If that's alright, o-of course." The reporter shuffled a little on their feet, suddenly shy. "Not in any of the major papers though - obviously. I mean, they would never let me... It's for a blog I write online. It's small but I-I like to think that it could grow to something bigger. Something that could, y-you know..."
"Change things?" the villain finished, watching as the reporter gave a small nod. "You want things to change?"
The reporter huffed. "Who doesn't?" they said.
The villain considered that a while. Considered it with a hesitation that they'd never had to deal with before. It was one thing to put themself at risk, it was a whole other thing entirely to then insert someone else into that same mess - to tangle them up in something that they could never get out of.
"How much?" the villain challenged. "How much do you want it?"
A pause.
The reporter swallowed, eyes glancing over the villain's frame in a studious way. "Why do I feel like you're giving me a massive, life-altering choice?"
"Because I am," the villain said simply.
The reporter fell silent again. Their gaze drifted away - focused back on the entrance of the alleyway that they'd followed the villain down before falling once more to stare at the notepad in their hands. They held it just a little tighter, lower lip caught between their teeth as they thought it through.
The villain waited patiently, a small excitement sparking within their chest when the reporter's attention drew back to them.
"More than anything," the other said, finally. "More than I can openly admit."
The other followed their direction without question. "O-Oh, right, yes I-- o-of course!"
The villain nodded. Smiled.
"Alright, then. So be it," they said. "You'll want to put that somewhere safe," they added as an afterthought, gesturing to the notepad in the reporter's hands.
They fumbled to put it away into a bag at their side, the villain watching them carefully as they did it.
"Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" they asked.
The reporter waved a hand dismissively whilst they struggled with the zip. "What, me? No, no, it - it's all work, work, work. I never really find the time for much else."
"So no one to expect you then?" the villain pursued. "No one you're meant to be seeing?"
"No, I--" The reporter paused, their eyebrows drawing down ever so slightly. "Why are you asking me that?"
The villain took a step forward then, hands reaching out to catch onto their shoulders. They pulled the reporter closer, the civilian's face flushing at the sudden contact - the sudden strong contact.
"I'm planning to enact my first official kidnapping," the villain said, "and I want everything to go as smoothly as possible."
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sweet-honey-tears · 4 months
▪️I am Your Safety▪️
Villain Deku x Quikless!Fem!Reader
OverView: Villain Deku with a quirkless reader who ends up calling on him for help.
Warning: Swearing, kidnapping if you squint
Inspiration: I recommend watching this short! Give them some love! It’s very good.
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It was a mistake, a rookie, quirkless mistake. One that could leave you dead, hurt, or worse. To leave the safety of your home for a pointless ingredient for dinner, one you could easily go without but stubbornly won't. Ginger root, a simple ingredient for stir fry, had led you here. Barely 5 minutes from your home, yet in a completely new area.
Hidden behind your cozie apparent laid a maze of buildings, dark alleys weaving between their roads. It wasn't the best part of the city. But with what you could afford, it was the best for you and closest to your work. It was lucky you even found housing in the bustling city of Musutafu. Tho, with the constant casualties, maybe not so much. It seemed the city took an odd turn when pro-heroes DynaMight and Deku left hero society. Intern, causing considerable other heroes from their graduating year to also leave. The news turning many of the streets, especially yours, into less-than-stellar areas.
"You shouldn't live there; I could pay for you to be where the stars are." Izuku had told you, his green eyes shining against his dark circle.
"I'll be fine Izuku! Plus, I know you'll be there to protect me!" you had cooed. It was dangerous, both to live in that area but talk to the leader of the 'New Age' with such a teasing tone. Anyone else would be dead, but not you. Izuku signed, placing his hands on your sides and looking down at you. He searched your face, trying to find any possible crack he could talk you into his idea.
You'll be the death of me, doll." he groaned dramacitly. His wild green eyes glanced back down at you. "Just don't leave the house at night, okay, doll? Promise me." "I promise ZooZoo!" you had so gleefully said, finger fixing his red suit tie.
The old conversation rang in your head; that was before you both got into a heated fight. One that caused you to leave the house in despair.
He had called you weak, and a joking argument turned heated quickly. "I'm not helpless, Izuku!" "buy you are!" It'd been a lonely few days at your small apartment. Sitting on the decrepit couch that had begun to seem too big. Maybe it was your depressed stupor that led to this rooky mistake.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" you whispered. What was the point of getting an ingredient for a dish if you'd never get to even make it back home? You had been too stubborn, and it was only dusk at the time. You had time to run down to the store and grab it before it turned dark, you debated. You had managed to grab the ginger, quickly cashing out and beginning your trek to your apartment. “Come on… come on…” you whispered, begging the sun to go slower. "C'mon!" your feet picked up their base.
"Hey, pretty!" a voice called from the ally.
"Crap". Your feet picked up their pace.
"Come on! We just wanna talk." you waited for the sound of Izuku's voice to help you, to tell them you're both busy, and flash his neon eyes, but there was only silence. Right, he was gone.
"Sorry, I need to go. Have someone waiting for me." it was a lie, but a hopeful one. Maybe if they knew you were expected somewhere they leave, you'd have someone looking for you; you weren't worth the trouble. You were wrong.
"Oh, cmon I'm sure they can wait a bit."
Your eyes squeezed shut as you pressed your hand to the brick wall. In your panic, you had lost track of where you were, instead ending up in a place you knew nothing about, in an ally with a dead end. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" you cried, palm slamming on the wall as you slowly slid down. Tears burned your eyes as you sat on the ground, watching the predators creep ever closer to its prey.
The scruffy ally light above you barely made the two men visbale. You watched one's arms turn sharp as skin-colored blades as he inched closed with a sickening grin. The others, you couldn't tell what their quirk was, if they had one at all, but he held a gun tightly. That was deadly enough to a quirkless user civilian like you.
"Now come on pretty, just come with us peacefully, and ya won't get hurt. I'm sure your family will pay to get you back." "and if they don't, well, take great care of you." you had long dropped your canvas bag and, ironically, the ginger root you ventured out for. Yet they hadn't stopped for the bag, and considering neither held it, their intentions had never been to get the bag. Your body shook, and Li quivered, face becoming hot with fear and horror. You watched as they inched to you, your body caving in more. "Izuku…" you whispered as though a small prayer.b "Izuku!"
You screamed, your throat raw from tears and its pitch. The men seemed to pause at your sudden outburst before appearing to become angered at your choice to yell. "Fucking whore- shut it!" "Izuku!" you wailed, body caving as you waited for pain. "IZUKU," you flinched as you heard a loud pop and felt something small shower your body. The dingy ally light shattering as something sharp and quick hit it. Another boom sounded, a shriek leaving your lips at his proximity to your head. Green light slammed into the wall behind you, sending cracks up the foundation. "Doll…" "Zoo-coo" you rasped out. You opened your eyes, staring at the ground below you, watching it light up with the lumination of green flicker lighting. Slowly, your body sat up, your tears blurring the gory sight before you. He stood there, dressed in a suit vest and shoes, green hair not even out of place. He seemed more displeased and worried than angered.
"I-km sorry! You were right!" you shuffled, body caving again as tears raked your body. Fear still gripping every bone. "I should have listened! I'm sorry I left! I'm sorry I yelled!" you cried. The realization of how helpless you were fully settled itself upon you.
"Sh shh, Dolly, it's okay."
His body bent forward as he effortlessly picked you up. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you squished yourself closer. "I've got you." he calmly coded, kicking a limp arm out of his path as he walked you both out of the ally. "You're moving in with me tonight." it was firm, a demand, no room to argue, not that you could or would. Your tearful state leaving you in hiccups. "I need to keep my doll safe, and you're only safe with me."
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coralinnii · 2 years
Is it okay to ask for riddle isekaid villainess part 2? You can ignore if you want^^
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"If you are a villain, then let me be your accomplice"
feat: Riddle
genre: romance
note: sequel to “being reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy”, roughly 1.2k word count,
series masterlist
y'all really requested it, I'm here for it tho cuz yes to Riddle <3 There's a request for a fluffier Riddle fic so stay tune for that.
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Since your imprisonment, Riddle has been trying to appeal for your release ever since, but his mother was adamant in her decision. So, Riddle instead made it his goal to convince his mother for him to inherit the throne as soon as possible so that he could revoke your sentence and you could return to the kingdom, and to him. 
Thus, he worked to prove himself to his mother. He led conquests of other lands to expand the Rosehearts reign. He busied himself in establishing trading routes with other kingdoms, increasing the flow of valuable materials and talented individuals coming into the kingdom. Through his efforts, the kingdom became bigger and richer.
He was an unbending force that yielded to no one, not even to his own mother as he kept pushing to create a utopia of a kingdom and prove himself a worthy ruler. He needed to be the perfect emperor and to an extent he succeeded as he was an amazing leader with keen senses and foresight but he can come across as somewhat tyrannical to others due to his lack of sympathy for others who delayed his plans.
He couldn’t afford incompetence and laziness. If others cannot perform to his expectations, how can he inherit the throne at this rate and have you waiting longer. 
The final push to his already short patience was when he received your last letter. You were planning to escape from your tower, and he may never see you again. He made you wait too long and you planned to disappear, likely lead a new life, meet new people... find someone to love and marry...
In desperation, Riddle marched to his mother in the throne room with his army and the nobility on his side, demanding that she step down. Without a reason against it, the royal power has switched and Riddle was the official king. His first order was for his men to bring you to the palace.  
“Well, that explained the lack of letters, I supposed” you murmur as you walked down the halls of the palace, your new home. You questioned the legitimacy of Chenya’s words when he mentioned how busy Riddle had been, but you realized he truly wasn’t exaggerating.
You thought about softening Riddle’s rule, but the situation was trickier than you expected as Riddle’s actions teeter between tyranny and necessary as his laws were for the greater good, if not a little strict. 
“No! It is unacceptable!” your train of thought was disrupted as you heard a familiar voice coming from one of the larger rooms, you recognized it as the kitchen. “Common etiquette dictates that tea is served after 2 minutes has passed after being steeped in water heated at 325 degrees, letting it cool. You have ruined this batch of tea with your incompetence!” 
Today, he happens to be in a tyrannical mood.
You cautiously walked in and saw a precarious situation. Riddle was the center of the commotion, angrily reprimanding a young woman you assumed was a new maid who was hysterically apologizing again and again to your husband.
“I’m sorry, your highness!” the maid cried, kneeling before Riddle with her hands on the floor and head down, her tears dripping endlessly.
“Do you intend to harm the royal family, serving my beloved with this disgusting, boiling mess? Leave this palace at once!” Riddle furiously yelled to which the maid further sobbed in apology. Working in the imperial palace is the highest honor but being fired from the royal family is akin to social annihilation as no other family would dare to hire such a worker. Your heart went out to the poor woman.
“Riddle?” your voice catches Riddle’s attention and he turned to see you by the door.
“Rosie” he whispered which made you shy at first, having others know that old nickname is a little embarrassing. Nonetheless, you continued to walk towards him.
“Isn’t this too harsh? It seems to be an honest mistake” you defended the woman, but Riddle was firm in his stance. 
“You cannot be serious” Riddle sighed. “Anyone associated with high society knows this basic practice. How can you be so forgiving?” 
“Because…I don’t know it” 
Silence filled the room as Riddle stared at you while you continued to confess your incompetence, as Riddle would put it. 
“I don’t know the right temperature to steep tea. I can't tell what's good tea or bad tea, hot or cold” you profess your ignorance, a little ashamed. You started your training as a future member of the royal family at a young age but when you were sent into your tower, you were cut off from social interaction and obligations. You restarted your etiquette training but with everyone comparing you to the prodigy that is your husband, you understand how disheartening criticisms can be. 
You reach out to clasp Riddle’s hands which seems to have a calming effect as his reddening face cooled down, although a faded blush was still present.
“People have their own pace to perfect something, Riddle. Us included” you said as you softly rubbed Riddle’s knuckles in a soothing manner. “I think we should give people the chance to learn and redeemed themselves. What do you say?”
Riddle let out a sigh before turning to the maid kneeling down before him. His stare was piercing, like a sharp sword cutting through one's soul.
“You have one more chance” he declares sternly. “If you fail to improve yourself, consider your time here over”
You felt relieved, grateful that your childhood friend is still willing to listen to others, a sign that he could change for the better, away from the original story. Seeing your smile brought out a subtle one on Riddle’s lips as he revels in your soft hold, in bliss to be in your warm presence after so long. He was in such a hurry to gain the throne that he would strike down those that stand between his goal, but with you finally standing beside him, his mad need for perfection seems less insistent.
The new servants, however, were astonished. Seeing their ruthless master known for his temper and unforgiving nature, rescind his order. The servants thought what an odd couple you two were but were grateful for your intervention regardless.
 — Bonus —
“How can you still not remember proper tea etiquette?” Riddle gently reprimands you, though he recalls how nonchalant you were with your lessons even during your younger years “You need to start taking your lessons more seriously and not just skim through the books”
“You know me too well, Riddy” You giggled despite his scolding, before looking at him teasingly “You could always teach me, you know? We can make it a special lesson, just the two of us”
Riddle’s face flushed red at the idea, imagining a whole session with just him and you without the intervention of his advisors or your guards, especially those two new rookie knights that has gotten close to you lately. It would be just him that holds your attention, only he would hold your gaze as you smile and laugh with him, perhaps even sharing treats with him along with your tea.
“Hmph, I suppose if you need someone who can show you proper technique, I could find the time for it”
You let out a laugh as you thanked him, not noticing the flabbergasted looks of your audience. The older servants who knew your relationship with Riddle are not the most surprised by Riddle's leniency with you but for others...
"Your highness...making tea..."
"Pinch me...I must be dreaming"
"That tyrannical maniac...is blushing?!"
You have your work cut out for you but nobody else has sway with Riddle as you do.
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luffyvace · 4 months
katsuki x male reader hcs
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Yeah because yeah. Just yeah. I said I’d do them because yeah, so yeah :)
You being a male doesn’t really difference him he prob never thought of relationships in the first place
he didn’t even remember his classmate’s names at first
so he didn’t expect to come to UA and find a boyfriend at all
His only goal was to become the no. 1 hero
and still is
but now he has you to get to the top with him :)
and yes he will force and push you to do your best because he cares for you and wants you at the top next to him
no matter how lazy you are you’d best get up before he drags you
he prioritizes himself, always
but that doesn’t mean he cares about nothing else!
if someone says smth negative about your relationship……actualIy I highly doubt they’d say smth to his face 😂
this is a world where clock app and powers exist. I doubt people care about what sexuality you are
but for that one jerk that does-
your gonna have to physically stop kats from pummeling them
only joking
but seriously he’ll chew them out about it
it mostly consistent of (empty, but they don’t know that) threats and “mind your own business (calls out feature of theirs that look strange)”
anyway anyway
the “Baku squad” (it’s so strange to say now but let’s roll with it👌) is on your side
mina will also chew them out
denki is recording-
so is sero
kirishima is the one who gets Katsuki to finally walk away
and I mean he has to physically pull him
But outside of that the “baku squad” is very supportive and teasing towards you two
they mostly tease Kats, not you, because
they know he’ll get annoyed
they have to do it then run tho because he threats to blow them up
sero and denki are the main victims of this
sometimes kiri joins in
mina mostly records- LOL
your either not there and Mina shows you the video (you tell her to send it to you so you can make fun of him forever)
or your there laughing in the background
if your friends with izuku it ticks him off
he doesn’t want you talking to his competition lol
it’s not him being possessive or anything he doesn’t care who you talk to
it’s just that the topic of izuku in general gets on his nerves
but that’s in like season 1-3 ish
by season 4 and up he’s pretty cool with it or whatever because now he just sees izuku as a person he has to exceed
not a insult punching bag
training together is……there needs to be a new word for brutality because that is NOT enough
seriously he’s not easing up for a second
if you don’t watch your back your getting FRIED
you switch between what training grounds you go to and he always chooses 🤦‍♀️
you have to have like a million water breaks because you always get so tired from how he relentlessly attacks you
no matter what approach you take 8.5 times out of 10 he wins
unless your on izuku, Todoroki, tokoyami level
or if your intelligent enough to outsmart him (bro you gotta get creative because don’t think for one second he’s too stupid to catch on)
at this point always assume he knows your plan/next move
because 70% of the time? He does.
it doesn’t matter what your quirk is or what you can physically do (as far as fighting and flexibility) you train in every aspect
so like rescue, fighting, timed bomb, etc
and yes you do get scolded by him
if your better than him tho!
He loves you and your his boyfriend butttt…
he low key sees you as competition too..
he’s proud of you and confident in your abilities
he’ll even rely on you to go separate ways to defeat villains
but he still need to surpass you bro..
he’s not settling for 2nd place just because he loves you 😬🤷‍♀️
cooking together is fun if your good at it !!
if your skilled in cooking you have your portion and he has his that he needs to cook
whoever finishes first does the plating
he likes cooking with you cuz you know what your doing
he doesn’t have to yell instructions
but if you don’t know..
yeah like I just said he’s yelling instructions
i sincerely hope you don’t burn the food
he’s kicking you out the kitchen 😐
your permanently banned💗 (you and denki twinning- joking!!)
spicy foods is definitely a thing
like 80% of his dishes have spice
so I sure hope you like that
otherwise I hope you can cook because you making your own meals
I mean he can make some without spice for you
but don’t bug him too much (asking for too many things like “oh and peppers, oh and onion, oh and garlic oh and-“)
studying together is like him studying with kirishima but 0.20% gentler
if you have a messy dorm he scolds you and refuses to go in your dorm until you clean it
he’s germaphobic so he acts like your entire room is diseased 😀
if he can’t convince you to clean it he’ll get in there one day and do it himself
only if he has free time
and only because he can’t stand the thought that those germs exist
it bothers him even if he never sets foot in there🧍‍♀️
like seriously he gets the creepy crawlies just knowing they exist
He’s for sure not letting you in his dorm
if that’s the way you leave your own dorm….what’ll you’ll do to his??
how you present yourself shows who you are
so if he sees that when you first start dating??
yeah he’s going to reconsider dating you
if your relationship were to get serious he’d have to live with that !!
ain’t no way
he’d rather find out now and either nip it in the bun or end it😬🥲
if you keep your dorm clean he’s way more likely to go in there with you
to like chill you feel me?
him texting you/how he texts :3
”we need more spices for dinner can you pick up some”
”where’s dofus he left my dorm disgusting.” (dofus is denki)
“What movie are we watching” (it’s time for movie night—it was a surprise)
”I’m going to the store do you need anything?”
”text me the grocery list”
”I told you to stop asking me for homework answers. If you’d do it yourself you wouldn’t fail your tests.”
“tell weird hair to answer my text”
”meet me at _____” (either a surprise date or to train, depends on location)
”do you want some ____” — “are your sure because I’m not giving you any if you ask for mine” — “I got you your own don’t ask me for nothing”
he texts really straight forward
also, a period at the end means he’s mad 👍
he uses abbreviations when needed but prefers to type it out because he’s not lazy
These were fun!! Enjoy!!
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kamisama1kiss · 11 days
I know that I keep requesting, and I’m sorry but I have a head full of ideas which I have to get out somehow- 😭
The ninjas reaction to their Lover (A ninja) flirting with them at any given point? Like one day they start to flirt with them all day, during training, during battle even them doing the most mundane things-
But this is just like a prank from the readers side where they start to flirt all day and they wanna see their reaction. (The ninja can flirt back, obviously for someone who loves red that is a go-to 🤭)
Please don't apologise 😭🙏 I love getting asks even tho i can maybe be a tad bit slow at times!! 🤭🤭
Their reactions of the lover being a massive flirt as a prank {Ninjago Headcanons}
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~Lloyd Garmadon~
Genuinely, in a more general setting, he'd stop dead in his tracks with a light blush on his face, having not expected to hear your flirty comments. Would eventually loosen up and give in with a shy smile with avoiding eye contact. When he tried to flirt back, he wasn't exactly good at flirting at all. At least he tried.
Let's say mid battle against a villain and hiding, planning. He'd ignore it at first, but his heart would speed up lightly, tumbling on his words.
~Kai Smith~
His head would be within a flash turned to look over at you, a smug grin on his lips right before he bit his lip. Laughing to himself slightly before walking over to flirt back with no hesitation. Even planting a few short kisses on your neck, face, and maybe hand.
Now, let's place it in more of a fighting scenario? Yeah. He would most likely flirt back as a response if we know him right, winking back at you when the opportunity gives him time. Feeling a little giddy to be flirted with rather than the flirter.
~Cole Brookstone~
Believe he tried to be serious, but would instantly crack with laughter. No matter how many times his lover was flirty, he just stood their with a big grin on his face. Simply giving in with a simple peck on the cheek.
Yet again, if this was in a training way, he'd stop for a second. The warmth grew on his face but could be denied within seconds, shaking it off to train again. It definitely got his pulse up a few notches.
~Zane Julian~
Didn't get much of the memo of flirting, more specifically when you already had been dating for a while. Either way, he gained a smile depending on how intense the flirting could be his software could heat up a little.
Let's say everyone stood at the ship and tried to find where the villain had gone, and you pulling up with your flirting of the day, he'd simply pat your shoulders and tell you that the time isn't now. His emotions we're easily controlled when the time was needed.
~Jay Walker~
Simply would melt. His heart and soul makes a hard-core lover boy out of him. Tilting his head while watching you do your best work, the smile slowly grows while his feelings double, if that even is possible.
Shaking his if it happened mid battle, he would recreat the flirting when and if the time was given. For the time being, it had to be silent from his side, he needed to focused now.
~Nya Smith~
Her blush was set ablaze almost instantly, never having received that kind of attention. She simply did shy away at times in the start and did not even answer half the time. But now? Simply scoff and try to one up your lines, it's not a fun little game.
You know the drill by now. The training meant a lot to her, which meant you'll most likely be ignored by her. No hard feelings, she feels the need to be tip top shape to be respected by others since she is a girl.
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ratsofarsonunite · 2 months
i thought of a yummy au you could draw:
the laser hits ballister instead of the queen and he "dies" but he doesnt die tho, Hes been in hiding for months trying to figure out who did it. imagine ambrosius's reaction to him being alive HEHEEHHEH
What a lovely day to traumatize ambrosius 👍
@puddlestheduck1 😈‼️ (i think this is puddle's au? 🤔)
Sorry this took so long 😭 under line break is added fan lore and the sketches 😈 ⬇️
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*laughs hysterically*
either beginning I'm fine with- 🤠 (help i feel like i need to stop with the emojis 💀)
Then the chandelier falls and everyone thinks he died, (including ambrosius) but... just like in the movie, there was a space below where he could escape and run into the forest to the random ass tower he has in the movie 🤓
Ballister stays there for a bit trying to figure out who tried to kill him with the 'murder wall'. While Ambrosius is...uh-
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Nimona found the tower... (completely by chance i swear)
Not expecting to find Ballister trying to figure out who "murdered" him-
they become friends and stuff like in the movie 😦 (I'm lazy)
Maybe Nimona thinks he's a villain due to...well...the 'evil lair' and his *cough* emo clothes-- *cough* (thats just an idea tho :>)
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Nimona: NO! You are not going to risk your life just to tell your boyfriend you're okay! Heck, for all we know, he could have been the one that tried to kill you!
Context: Ballister wanting to make sure Ambrosius is alright, and Nimona not wanting to risk Ballister actually getting killed this time (sorry I'm kinda rushing this i have to go somewhere soon 😭)
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Random unrelated Ambrosius headcanon 👺 (atleast for this au- 😔)
ANNNNDDDDDDDDD back to the golden knight...and the bald bitch:
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The Director: *wondering why the direct Descendant of Gloreth is in his room having a mental breakdown*
Also The Director: *'murdered' the love of his life*
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Ambrosius' POV (sorry for the pov thing 😅): i miss him so much...it's like i can still hear him...
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ah yes the lore here is made out of lore (TYSM to the person that asked this, i enjoyed making it 🐀)
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Happy ending :D (...or is it...they still haven't found out that the director tried to kill bal-- 😈)
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full picture :>
(Also i'm planning to do some fanart of a spicy au soon...heheheheheh....)
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toons-boop-boop · 2 months
Hero gets abducted by other villain
When the villain heard that their hero had been upducted by someone other than them, they were severily offended. Everyone knew that a hero and villain would be exclusive once they fought eachother enough times.
Seems like the newbie didn't get the memo - or they are ignoring it on purpose.
When the villain turned up to the newbies lair the hero actually came running out, beaming when they saw the villain.
“I'm so glad to see you! I just barely managed to escape!”, the hero rasped in a hurried voice.
After a quick check-in the villain turned to the newbies lair again, to which the hero asked starteled : “What are you doing? We should leave! Quick!”
The villain shook their head, replying : “They broke the mutal code of cooperative Villainy and Heroism!”, and stormed in.
Reluctantly the hero followed. In the sanctum the villain stood arms crossed with one of the most menacing looks on their face, anyone had ever witnessed.
The newbie was sitting in a luscious, clishee chair, hands folded, with elbows resting on the wide armrests - a textbook-villain-pose.
They were looking down on the villain as if they had the upper hand.
“I see, so you did come to your heroes rescue..”
The villain sighed silently, an annoyed expression they glared at the newbie.
“Our parents will be so dissapointed in you”
The hero gaped at that, looking from one to the other with an open mouth.
The newbie, who turned out to be the villains younger sibling, ground their teeth, before grinning again.
“Like they were in you, before I helped you out a bit?”, they bit back, not happy with the villains reaction.
“So it was you, huh? It only proves how new you are to the buisness. No villain with a pinch of pride would commit such things.”
With the momentum of anger, the newbie stood up, hands gripping the end of the armrests with force. It was visible in their face that they were searching for a fitting comeback.
The villain continued their speech with a stern face : “It is abundantly clear how you never listened to our parents, when they tought you about the rules of being and becoming a villain. Since you clearly didn't respect the exclusivity clause, which states that when a hero and villain keep clashing and neither of them has an exclusive counterpart they are now their obligated counters.”
“Those rules are dumb and outdated!”, the newbie screamed, slamming their hands on the desk before them.
Suddenly, when they glaced over to the hero, they regained their composure, a grin splitting their lips again.
“It seems you don't know your hero as well as you thought, though! You didn't even know that they have been replaced!”
And yet again the villains reaction wasn't as expected. They had only raised an eyebrow - no shock or surprise on their face.
The newbies grin faltered, face becoming angry again. Their mood swings resembling a spoiled toddler.
“You don't seriously think, just because a shapeshifter, that looks like my hero, gave me a certain token, that I'd trust them?”
Now the "hero" was shocked as well, their form faltering slightly.
The villain turned their head slightly in the direction of the shapeshifter, giving a slight himt of a smile.
“No, no, don't worry. You're doing a great job. I would advise you to find a different boss tho.”
With a change of attitude they whipped their head back around to their fuming sibling.
“Now.. Back to you.
You seriously thought, you could trick me with one of the oldest tricks, perfectly recreated by book?
You seriously underestimate me.
Or.. You overestimate yourself.
Because all your friends thought you were cool, because you used our parents status to making up for your lack of skills in this field.”
Shaking their head, they sighed, just before their sibling lunged at them.
They didn't waver. Not even a bit.
Only a moment later they showed why - their siblings attacks went right through their form.
“You have so much to learn..
The actual token is equipped with GPS and I'm not even here.”
The villain grinned victorious, as their projection vanished with the end of their sentence, at the same time a distant explosion was heard.
The shapeshifter finally slipped back into their comfort form, as their boss was absolutely loosing their shit, throwing a screaming fit.
But that didn't concern them anymore, since it was the end of their shift.
Somewhere distant the villain and the real hero, who comically was a shapeshifter themselves, reunited.
Later that day, the newbie was dragged out their parent-sponsored lair by their ear by their parents, berating them after a call and video by a certain villain.
They were obviously mad, how a spawn of the people who implemented most of the villainy and heroism rules, could break them so easily and think their parents would be proud..
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Cat, my ask is inspired by 'care- @yourheartonfire' I really hope you like it!
Please write a married!! villain who religiously indulges in their skin care, and a hero who really can't care less what they put on their skin. One night after them spending 2 rounds in horny jail, they're both up at 4am and after cleaning themselves, hero observes the villain indulging in their skin care routines, and upon spotting their lovely spouse the hero, they find their new target to perform skin care at.
Just when they remove hero's bath gown to apply body lotion (after much convincing ofc) they notice the array of hickies covering their entire body after 2 religious rounds of them in horny jail. Villain now needs to resist the hero, and take care of the hickeys and their hero's poor skin, but notising the way hero melts when they get their face massaged, and the little shivers passing thru them even after being for hours in hot shower, villain cant help but go for round 3 in horny jail!! and tho hero makes them promise no more hickies, they happily let themselves get carried away with their villain.
Well I hope ur comfortable writing this, absolutely no pressure :D I read @yourheartonfire 's care so many times its actually one of my fav!! But I would love to see a bit of your touch to it, really hope you don't mind and write a snippet like this one (with all your own touches obv)
Original :)
“I’ll be sore in the morning.”
“That’s the goal.” The villain’s smirk was undoubtedly of vicious nature. They could be quite sweet with all their big date plans and expensive vacations but the hero knew them by heart, knew their darkest sides and usually, the hero was the one in charge.
However, today, the villain seemed to be yearning for more than usual. Which wasn’t a bad thing, obviously.
But it made the hero wonder.
“Is this some new scheme of yours?” the hero asked as they got pushed back into the sheets. The villain found their neck and tried gentle nibs which, despite the carefulness, made the hero squeak in pain. The villain drew back and tried another spot, choosing kisses over teeth.
“Love, believe me. I would find kinder methods to stop you from working. I know you love this job,” they mumbled. “I can’t take that away from you, I’ve learnt that a long time ago.”
For a moment, they just stared at the hero and the hero really, really felt lucky to have married someone so diligent. The villain was always eager to do more than was expected of them. Their goals were beyond reachable which was exactly why it could be quite frustrating to face them in battle.
The villain’s fingers ghosted over the hero’s collarbone and then, very sweetly, they kissed the hero. It reminded them of their first kiss. Very innocent. And it intensified the feelings they’d had for this entire evening — not only lust but also gripping love.
“You tell me when it’s too much, alright?” the villain whispered. The hero recognised guilt in the question and it squeezed their heart a little too hard.
“Of course,” they answered. They let their thumb brush over the villain’s bottom lip and then added this just to tease them. “I’m not someone who comes home injured and bleeding all over my spouse during sex.”
“Oh, come on. That was one time,” the villain said and let their hand slide down to their thigh.
“It wasn’t fun.”
“I know, I apologised.” The villain had already reached their destination with their hand and the hero was truly astonished that their spouse was doing so much today. It felt like heaven, sure, but the hero couldn’t help but ask themselves if everything was alright.
Growing up in a…troubling household had left them anxious of every micro change in their spouse’s mood which, no matter how hard both of them tried, wouldn’t go away.
“I’m just worried about you,” the hero said. “I’m really worried sometimes.”
They went through the villain’s hair several times, letting their fingers comb through it carefully as the villain’s kisses travelled lower and lower.
“It’s okay, I can take care of myself, love.”
“Yeah, but that’s the thing. You don’t…” They wanted to say more but the villain had found a sensitive spot. They breathed in, breathed out and tried to concentrate. “…you don’t have to.”
The villain started to use their tongue and the hero’s mind couldn’t comprehend their surroundings anymore. But they wanted to make a point, they remembered. They pulled the villain’s face up and guided them back to their mouth.
“Sometimes…I just wish you could talk more with me. We’re a team. Maybe not at work but…at least at home.” What a cruel sentence to say but the villain seemed to understand. “You don’t have to carry around everything.”
“Yes, you’re totally right. I’m sorry, I just don’t want to be a burden,” the villain said. They tried to get back down but the hero’s grip on their jaw held them in place.
“You’re not a burden,” they clarified. “You never have been, okay?”
“Okay,” the villain whispered and for the first time today, their shoulders seemed to relax. “Okay.”
They kissed the hero yet again very softly but the hero knew this wasn’t it.
“They’re sending me on a mission next week,” the villain said softly. “Some say it’ll be suicide.”
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haunted-xander · 5 months
Finished the 6.55 MSQ so here's my (very positive) thoughts:
‌Love love LOVE Wuk Lamat she's so fun and her dynamic with Erenville is hilarious. Very excited to see more of her in Dawntrail.
‌Krile is already getting some nice scenes and I'm very happy she's finally gonna get the spotlight in dt. My girls been side-lined for 4 expacs it's about damn time she gets to shine.
‌The inventor of Pictomancy is literally Relm. Like they name drop her. Obv not the same Relm as in VI but still! Relm is real! And she was an Archon! tbh them naming an important character related to this type of magic after her isn't surprising- I just expected it to be something in the job quests rather than the MSQ.
‌Zero made super-spicy dishes popular in Thavnair lol. Wuk Lamat trying to toughen it out was hilarious. God I love her.
‌Wuk Lamat & Erenville being childhood friends was not something I expected! Very fun.
‌The catboy from the dawntrail promotional artwork is probably Wuk Lamat's brother, Koana(Was that his name? tbh I forgot. But she has a Miqo brother that's what's important). He looks smart, and it's possible he's gonna be another candidate claiming for the throne.
‌Based on the artwork, I had figured our main group was gonna be WoL, Krile, Thancred and Urianger, as they are the only Scions featured, but based on the quest it'll probably be Wol, Krile, Alphinaud and Alisaie. G'raha is allegedly staying behind, but since he's shown in Tural in the trailer I think he'll find an excuse to come along anyway lol.
‌Thancred and Urianger are going to be competing against us, which will be interesting. I think it'll be fun to see some of the Scions take on a more rival-y role, if only for a bit. It looks like they were petitioned by someone else participating in the Rite of Succession, so maybe they're working for Miqo boy? They're on his side of the artwork after all 🤔
‌(Also I think the writers know how popular those two have gotten together lol they're like making it a point to have them with each other at all times)
‌Estinien is going to Tural just for the hell of it which I think is hilariously in character. Literally going there at the same time as us purely by coincidence. He really can't escape us can he.
‌Y'shtola is neither seen nor heard of which tbh I think is fair given how much screentime and focus she got during the whole Zero arc. I do wonder why she's going to Tural tho, she's in the trailer too so I'm certain she will be there.
‌(Also, since G'raha, Estinien and Y'shtola aren't aligned with any particular side as of now, I think they'll be a neutral third party in the Succession rivalries going on. That, or they'll end up siding with the 3rd sibling that isn't the Obvious Villain (based on Wuk Lamat and Erenville's accounts) somehow. Will be fun to see in any case.)
‌The little memory dialogue from Emet was nice :) just a reminder of the adventures yet to be had. Also he's finally in the unending codex which I think is nice (ngl I kinda forgot about the codex until he got added to it)
ALSO I almost forgot to include it BUT we have a nice heart-to-heart scene with G'raha alone on a bridge and if the writers weren't COWARDS (and/or worried about romance ambiguity, at least for those relating to the WoL) he could've proposed to us then and there. You know he wants you. Do not hold him back writers let him do what he wants. (I'd have said yes ofc)
‌Backpack :)
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daisymylove · 4 months
Right, so, I'm an acotar hater with all my heart 😍 and don't care for the other sjm books in the least.In fact, it came as no surprise at all that she's a zionist, considering that her beloved ruler not only hoards copious amounts of wealth while his people is segregated, most of them living in poverty, and the marginalized /brown folks being portrayed as inferior, backward brutes and arseholes unworthy of their precious city and time.Did I mention that over half of his people hates him? Fantastic leader 😍👏🏻☺️🥰😘
Anyway I found out recently that there's a crossover between the series, got the context about what nesta did and went to read the extra chapter online to see bat lord's hissy fit first-hand.
Bryce's mom is low key shitty btw, my own mom is far from perfect, but even if she did want to obliterate me, she would never stand by and let some random fucker say that, let alone bad mouth me to said random fucker.Its odd that she seems to stand up more for a boy that she has known for weeks and a woman she just met than her own kid, also I would file for fucking divorce on the spot if my husband had decided to be complicit on a sexist joke about me and our daughter with aforementioned fucker, but I digress
What I did like about her tho was how she handed lavender eyes' ass to him.Someone has to since apparently feyre has been lobotomized and those cult members of the ic murdered Nesta's fighting spirit
And tbh I feel so bad for her, she seems so subdued for nesta's standarts. I wanted to reach for her hand and tell her that 1 if her husband loves counterfeit Batman so much he can go gag on his cock all day, she'll find something better in no time and 2 she'll do it sooner rather than later bc her sister and her are coming with me.If feyrug wants to bring the devilspawn along its fine too
The thing is the average acotar fan is pretty much Sjms trained dog.They'll go along with everything the narrative says, no reading comprehension skills whatsoever.But apparently all characters from CC who have met Rice bowl dislike him and like Nesta, so I am now wondering if she's not planning to reveal later on that Batfae was the villain all along and completely fried Feyre's brain.Again, I don't expect much from a zionist, but its undeniable that it doesn't add up, to the point that I'm wondering if it's the sake person writing the books.I would like someone who actually read the Cc books I would rather lick a McDonald's slider than subject myself to that togive their opinions
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petratherrock · 3 months
Watched Kung Fu Panda 4
I have...feelings...
Spoilers ahead
I didn't like it.
I can't believe there comes a day when I say that I don't like a Kung Fu Panda movie. The previous three have been amazing, all three of them imo
This one tho....
1. It irked me that the Furious Five didn't make an appearance, like, they're friends??? I understand it's probably budgeting issue, Beyonce and Jackie Chan, Ian McShane and Gary Oldman all in one movie is probably not affordable
But come on???
2. When Tai Lung appeared in the first 5minutes I was hyped that they might be redeeming him and Po will be choosing him as the Dragon Warrior
I know, it's not possible because he's literally been sent to the other realm but c'mon
For the sake of the plot i would've accepted any twist if it means he gets to be the Dragon Warrior
It would've been delicious, but nope my hope was dashed.
My bad i guess lol
3. Look, introducing a new character to be The Dragon Warrior just doesn't sit right with me. The story was uber cliche
I could smell the "i was taken in by villain and so I'm leading you to your doom and now i regret it we're friends again and I get to be the chosen one" from the moment Zhen pulled the 'was taken in by someone' thing
Call it misogyny. Maybe it is.
But I'm really sure i won't have any problem with it if they wrote Tigress or Snake as the Dragon Warrior
It's not about Zhen's gender.
It's about how it's written
4. It just felt like they wanted to cram as much as possible in a movie resulting in a chaotic but predictable storyline
I was bored. It didn't interest me as much as I always did with the previous movies
A lot of jokes also kinda fell flat which is sad because I always find the jokes in Kung Fu Panda really funny
5. I miss the Furious Five friendships with Po.
Esp Po and Tigress.
Viola Davis as The Kameleon tho? 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 I adore her voice. 💯/💯
I wish there's more time to develop her story because The Kameleon was terrifying--quite possibly the most terrifying KP villain. Totally overpowered at the end, but even before that when she could turn into just anything she wanted, she was already terrifying af imo
If they'd just use other characters in the franchise that we already know, they wouldn't have to waste sm time introducing Zhen and making us empathize and like her, thus giving more time for us to feel for the villainess or elaborate her story like Tai Lung, Lord Shen, Kai
Maybe it was just me tho. Maybe I'm too old for KP and it's catered for children so now it falls flat for me
She just came outta nowhere, little lore, introduces herself in a few sentences and we're expected to take Po and Zhen's side because she's the villain. There! Is! Not! Enough! Material! To go on with!
Too many redundant scenes
Once again, I blame the writing and introduction of a whole new character just to make her the Dragon Warrior
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CW: child whumper (sidekick), mentions of previous abuse. (If you find any more CWs I’ve missed, please tell me!)
Villain was feeling great. Todays plan had gone perfectly and now hero’s own sidekick was tied to a chair in front of them. Poor sidekick probably had no idea where they were, Villain smirked.
‘I bet your praying hero is going to show up and save you. I assure you they won’t. They don’t even know where my lair is; besides, do you really think they’ll go through all the effort just to save their stupid little sidekick who got themselves kidnapped?’
Sidekick was shaking. Terrified. Now completely at the villains mercy, their identity was going to be revealed, they just knew it. And then it wouldn’t just be sidekick that will die, but their loved ones too. Hero has told sidekick about villain. Sidekick knew villain was a ruthless killer. Their fear mixed with their guilt for having endangering not only themselves but their friends too. Hero would be so disappointed in sidekick. Villain was right, hero would never bother to save them. It was their own fault that they had messed up and gotten themselves kidnapped.
Villain crouched down and reached out to sidekicks face-
‘Let’s see who’s under this disguise- which I must say, is rather pathetic. Could you not have come up with a better costume for yourself?’, villain joked.
-Sidekick flinched away, but villain swiftly grabbed sidekicks mask and roughly pulled it off their face.
‘I bet you’re-‘,
The villains grin dropped along with their stomach. This was not what they were expecting. Rage shook through villain. Sidekicks face showed nothing but absolute fear.
‘A child. You’re just a child’
Villains face softened as they tried to hide their anger from the kid that sat before them. Hero had sent a child to fight them. A child. How could hero do this? And who was responsible for sidekicks black eye? Villain knew it wasn’t them. Was it hero? When villain got their hands on them-
But that could be dealt with later. Villain needed to focus on the terrified face in front of them.
‘I’m not a child. I’m 15’
‘Who told you that was old? Was it hero? You can’t even drink yet, darling. You’re a child.
And to be clear, I am not going to hurt you. I know hero’s probably told you horrible lies about me, but I can assure you, they’re not true… at least most of them aren’t true. But I would never intentionally hurt a child’
Sidekick was shocked by the softness of villains voice, which was completely different from the roughness it had been filled with 2 seconds ago. It was just an act. It had to be. Sure, hero could be harsh to sidekick, but sidekick deserved it right? Hero was just training sidekick.
‘Are you hungry? Injured? Let me patch you up’
Villain gently brushed sidekicks hair out their face to get a better look at the purple bruises forming on their forehead. Sidekick flinched away from the hand, letting out a small whimper.
That was it. Villain vowed they would destroy hero next time they saw them. But first, they have got to help the poor kid.
This was my first time writing something like this, so any feedback and help would be appreciated. In fact, it think this is the first time I’ve written a story outside an English lesson (which I haven’t done as a subject since GCSE’s) since I wrote a short Harry Potter headcanon when I was 12 lol. I still remember that headcanon tho, and I’m pretty sure it might still be on tumblr somewhere 🫡
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