#thinking about them again
eviltomb · 22 hours
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you do feel familiar,
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Like a happy dream I can't remember.
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birdperselias · 5 months
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"You kinda wasted your 30's, though, with that whole bird-watching phase."
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nevermeyers · 16 days
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aedesalbopictus · 2 months
I think the best thing thats ever happened ever was bdubs randomly going up to etho and asking him what he wishes for and etho answering with the most random response, “i wish you had bigger eyes”
Like there is so much that was absolutely out of pocket with this and i love it, the interaction itself and the fact that the bigger eyes actually suits bdubs’ character so well, somehow
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diazsdimples · 12 days
I think the first time Tommy gets sick, he'll try hide it from Buck but Buck's got this creepy 6th sense where he can tell something is wrong based off text messages and he turns up at Tommy's doorstep like "right, what's going on" and Tommy's just standing there dishevelled as hell, with a tissue hanging out one nostril because it won't stop fucking dripping, and he looks absolutely miserable, so Buck barrels in, ushers Tommy into bed and starts making him soup from the stuff he can find in Tommy's cupboards. And Tommy just lies in bed with a stuffy nose and a pounding headache, listening to muffled bangs and quiet swear words as Buck drops a pot on his toe, and realises that fuck, he could be falling in love with this guy. Buck comes in with a bowl of soup and spoon feeds it to Tommy, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin and kissing his nose after Tommy sneezes cause he finds it so cute the way it scrunches up, and when Tommy is done Buck pulls his head into his lap and brushes his fingers through Tommy's hair while he tells him about how first responders used to function before 9-1-1 was set up and Tommy slowly starts to fall asleep and for the first time in his life, he feels surrounded by love and feels cared for and seen and he doesn't hate being sick anymore because his Evan is here to take care of him and he vows that some day, he's going to marry that man.
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Batgirl x Robin??? omggg I love batgirl x robin
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day-sketches · 5 months
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hellfire-fist · 7 months
The zolu fever is crazy because you wake up and assume you're having a normal day, but then suddenly- you think about Luffy bribing Zoro with lunch just so they can explore the island together; or Zoro 100% willing to dive in and save Luffy in Arlong Park when he was LITERALLY DYING I—
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the intimacy of wearing each others numbers.
roy obviously doesn’t play anymore, but that doesn’t stop jamie from wearing his kent jersey all the time. at home, going grocery shopping, walking in the park, literally anywhere you can think of jamie will wear roy’s name and number. he loves it. loves having roys name in any way he can. he wants everyone to know that he is roy’s. and of course roy absolutely loves it. goes insane every time he sees his name and number on jamie. he kind of wishes jamie would stop doing it in public (it’s not like roy can stop to fuck him every time jamie does literally anything with that jersey on) but he’d never in a million years actually want jamie to stop.
jamie, on the other hand, is still playing. during international break when roy isn’t coaching jamie, he wears his tartt jersey every day. he goes to jamie’s games with Tartt written across his back. back at richmond, though, roy has to keep it professional. he cant just go around wearing one of his players jerseys. instead, roy wears a tartt jersey under his jacket so no one else knows (yet). it’s just for him. because jamie is his, yes, but he is completely and fully jamie’s, too. roy doesn’t take off the jacket until he and jamie get home (and of course he’d be so dramatic about it). and when jamie sees what roy’s wearing, when he realizes he wore it at his game, he goes absolutely insane. jumps on roy and kisses him until both of their lips are swollen. and also he fucks him.
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fairer-tales · 7 days
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priceless one... lost things... *crying*
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maxillo · 3 months
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minsmerre · 2 years
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autumn, four million years ago
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ty-the-trainwreck · 8 months
sometimes i wake up and i think about how it’s canon that robin sought out NANCY’S comfort and grabbed NANCY’S hand in the upside down when she could’ve done so with her best friend
but no, she chooses nancy wheeler instead and nancy provides it all for robin in a heartbeat
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little-blurry-stars5 · 2 months
what if...... oda and ango were dogs... and so was akutagawa and chuuya....and say......dazai....was betting on losing dogs...... because.....everything he never wants to lose...............is always lost.......
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cowboylikejesper · 2 months
every time i think about wesper i fall to my knees in agony
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whoneedsgenderanyway · 8 months
the amazing devil really said "I will wait and hope / Your eyes aren't rivers there to weep / But a place for crows to rest their feet" and expect me to be normal
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