#tma season four
current ep: MAG 124
i CANNOT take it anymore why are we just absolutely dogging on jon?? you all have met the super scary kinda flamboyant and slightly too dramatic elias, you all have been hired by him, you all made that choice yourself. YOU KNEW FIGHTING. THE. FREAKING. UNKNOWING. risked each and every one of your lives why is it jons fault that tim and daisy are dead??! i’m just frustrated bc jon may be a little bitch but he is NOT responsible for their deaths. AND THEY KNOW HES A BITCH- like jon has little to half backbone, he records everywhere he goes and monologues abt how he’s spooked. i just feel like i’m losing my mind hearing abt he’s been knocked unconscious for 6 months from a plan that they all participated in to stop the unknowing and no one is showing him any sympathy.
speaking of- MARTIN. the fuck are you doing, this ‘tude is not giving we’re getting married by episode 130 okay, i’m tired
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momokarp · 4 months
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I need more people to tease the Archivist in a friendly manner
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crows-and-crumbs · 9 months
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Wanted to take a stab at Jon and Martin now that I’ve reached an absolutely devastating point in this fucking dumb ass podcast… I just want them to be happy is that too much to fucking ask for? (It’s TMA of cause it’s too much, I’m not stupid, this is why I like it)
Anyways, here’s a little drawing of the antichrist and his +1, escaping their boss’ ex(?)-husband!
And also a little lonely matin I drew very quickly but is quite cute
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lostenzz · 10 months
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I swear if some people point out some details i have as headcanons i WILL implode, this is a threat /pos
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toasterslime · 10 months
I have so many thoughts about Jon and Daisy’s s4 relationship. I know the fandom is very “look guys they’re besties” or “Jon deserves better Daisy is horrid” and like honestly,,, I don’t think either of those things are accurate. I’m not trying to say them being friends is healthy or even plausible it’s just a really fucking interesting dynamic to look at.
You take a man who’s turning into a monster who NOBODY believes can be redeemed (like… outwardly. He doesn’t know Martin even still cares about him) and the literal embodiment of an irredeemable monster whose hunger for the hunt made up everything she was… and you put them together. Jon saved her life. Jon saved her life after she tried to kill him, after he could know things about her that would probably make most people want to vomit. Why? Because if there’s hope for her, maybe there’s hope for him. And he doesn’t see his life as worth anything any more. When he went into that coffin he didn’t know if he was going to come back out. And Daisy knows this. On some level, Daisy doesn’t believe she deserves this second chance either. That’s why she doesn’t give into the hunger like Jon does. Because she literally believes she deserves to starve. But she thinks Jon *can* be redeemed. She recognizes that she was wrong to treat him like a monster. The person who wanted so badly to kill him recognizes this. And tries in her own way to support him and cheer him up. I think about that sometimes and foam at the mouth.
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ghosty-bat-enthusiast · 8 months
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Yeah, sorry, I can’t hang out. Yeah, the guy I have a crush on threw himself into the physical manifestation of depression and now I have to save him. Sorry again.
[ID: A digital fan art of Jon and Martin from the Magnus archives, they're separated by a cloud of fog.
• Jon is a brown man with long messy hair with strands of gray. He has a short beard and a bunch of small circular scars on his face. He's frowning. He's wearing a purple jacket. There are three eyes doodled in the left corner over his head.
• Martin is a brown man with white hair that fades into light blue. He's wearing a white shirt with a dark gray blazer and glasses. His colours are desaturated and his eyes unfocussed. There's a pair of brown scared hands holding his face. End ID.]
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Look at the sky
Its looking back 👁
Obligatory mag160 fanart because its simply iconic 😮‍💨 my wrist really hurts after drawing this, oops I drew it in one sitting! 🫠
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zivikel · 1 month
Silly tma icons!!
I got bored and doodled some matching Teaholding pfps
Free to use with credit fr
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lavender-wiitch · 4 months
don’t have the words to elaborate it so well rn but it’s so ironic that the cult of the lightless flame relied so much on their hope on agnes, their hope that their ritual would succeed, the hope that their sacrifices would pay off. they clung to that almost desperately, whilst the desolation is about the loss of that and having nothing left. in a way they ended up like their victims because this is what they cared about and they lost it. they lost whilst clinging to the thing they swore to take from everyone and everything, and got surprised that bit them in the ass.
i know this is more complicated and more related to fear of loss, and that rituals wouldn’t work either way — plus this is me at 3AM thinking about this — but still. i still like thinking about the ironic tragedy of their entire concept. it’s personally fascinating. idk
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momokarp · 4 months
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Doing the same work, trying to save the other
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Pov: you are an angry smol man because the love of your life would rather work for your evil boss’s ex-husband than talk to you.
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ambystomas · 1 year
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Some old s4 doodles I never did anything w
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faiell · 8 months
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lonely, yearning
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skltart · 9 months
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on season four rn
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thekintsugi-adult · 1 year
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jon accidentally eating the trauma of random london civilians
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I’ve been messing around with brushes and colours and overlays :3 more below the cut but might delete them.
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