#the desolation
pisscentral · 2 months
haven’t posted any art in a bit sooo
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(btw yes the dice is purposefully all snake eyes, just clarifying)
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vickozone · 4 months
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Audio. Opperior. Vigilo.
A list of The 14 Fears + Extinction [this was a school project]
(It got a little messed up. Oh well)
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ian0key · 7 months
TMA ART (HeadCanons/FanCast) P.1
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my headcanon of some TMA characters, there are also some Fan cast for reference.
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TMA FAN CAST-> Part 2 , Part 3
TMA AU -> Part 1(Desolation!Tim) -> End!Sasha
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jordankennedy · 6 months
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i saw someone assigning characters from the saw movies to the entities on twitter and they were so incorrect it made me mad enough to do my own
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kald-dal-art · 2 years
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All the entities of the Magnus archives in one place because i learnt that the Tumblr photo limit was higher than I thought.
Anyways this has been a fun series to draw for and have enjoyed seeing you guys feedback for it
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hypnogogyc · 6 months
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coming up ashes and flames.
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murderandcoffee · 7 months
thinking about avatars in pre-modern times…
a royal food tester (eats food to see if it poisoned or safe) who, after years of fearing that every meal will be their last, becomes an avatar of the end
a “witch” whose entire life was shattered and who was burned at the stake, who returns in a gout of flame as an avatar of the desolation
roving bands of trackers who slowly grew more bestial and separated from their villages, chasing ever bigger prey as avatars of the hunt
children branded as changelings who become avatars of the stranger
shunned bastard children who beguile their ways into the good graces of their rich parent’s family and gracefully claw their way to the top as avatars of the web
just… avatars in eras long passed. shaped by the world around them
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uptheantares · 9 months
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Banners for each of the 14 Entities in The Magnus Archives
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cult-of-the-eye · 3 months
Why You Should Date Each of the Entities:
The Dark:
You can't see the things that are so plainly wrong in the dark, everything is softer, more blurred at the edges. your secrets will always be safe.
The Corruption:
You will never be alone again, loved unconditionally, blindly, wildly by something that lives within you. Something that has marked you. Something that will never leave.
The Lonely:
Isn't it so peaceful? So calm? Being given your own space, living, loving in silence together. How can you be hurt if there's no one to hurt you?
The Eye:
What would you give to fully be Seen? To be understood? In your deliriously human entirety. A complex puzzle of experience and nature, dissected and pieced back together.
The Vast:
You want to be drawn in, magnetised by something larger than life, bigger than you could ever imagine. You want it to overwhelm you, the indifference in which it reacts to your all-encompassing desire. The best part of love is the falling.
The Flesh:
Meat is meat is meat. Why romanticise what is so plainly human? You are a person, made of flesh and bones, you would like to be with another person, made of flesh and bones. Simple as.
The Web:
Love me, love me not. You pull off each of the spider's legs to understand your romantic fate. It's infinitely complex, ineffable to you and your human machinations. You just want to follow the red string, hopefully finding someone on the other end.
The Slaughter:
It's me and you. You and me. Why should anyone else get in the way? I'll dig through your ribcage and curl up aside your beating heart, holding it as it ceases to beat.
The Spiral:
You don't want to understand. You just want to your hand to be taken, pulled along to dizzying adventures. Chug the slushee and relish the feeling of the brain freeze.
The End:
Everything ends. At least this way, you have more control. The relief that washes over you is no longer tinged with guilt.
The Buried:
You're surrounded on all sides by your lover, encompassed and safe. The pressure condenses your fizzing veins into hard candy and for the first time, you feel solid.
The Desolation:
Burn it down and only we are left. We are the most important people to each other and it shall stay that way, until the both of us perish. It will end as it started, with a rush of flame.
The Hunt:
You're constantly chasing the pounding, breathless feeling in your chest, craving the twist of the neck to check if I'm still watching, still five paces behind. It's presence is comforting, mingled with torturous.
The Stranger:
Fuck man I don't know how to make this one sound romantic.
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iamtheeggsnake · 1 year
“I never understood the phrase; ‘Like a deer in the headlights’, until she looked me in the eyes for the first time.”
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Agnes Montague.
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theboombutton · 3 months
The interesting thing about tmagp episode 9 is that, from one perspective, it's about a pair of dice that kill you if you roll a crit fail. And in TMA that would be very End-coded. Games of chance were End-coded, and death is obviously The End. Open and shut case.
Except it's not, here. The statement giver had never seen anyone roll a 2 before he ran into Gary in that coffee shop, even after thousands of rolls. That's not an End artifact. Those dice are going out of their way not to kill anyone, save those who try to part with them.
The compulsion to roll feels like the Web, but is it? Certainly games of chance can become addicting, but I don't think that's the whole story. The Web is about the fear of the loss of control, yes, but it's also about something else controlling you instead. Here that something else is an embodiment of "random" chance - although again, it's not properly-random, not even pseudorandom. I have thoughts on that but they're best addressed further on.
Weirdly, of all the manifestations of Fear from TMA, this statement seems most akin to Jude Perry's - rolling the dice with other people's lives and fortunes, for the thrill of sometimes devastating them.
Which brings me back to the possibility of AU Fears.
In the Protocolverse, why shouldn't there be a Fear associated with chance and luck and fate and misfortune that happens for no good reason? A fear of lacking control and losing everything, without anyone else necessarily having that control.
This is where the way the dice are rigged becomes possibly meaningful. Their outcomes aren't random - they're what humans expect random to look like. They operate according to the gambler's fallacy, where the longer a chain of bad luck you have the more you're due for a good roll, and vice versa. Snake eyes aren't just a normal outcome of the 1-in-36 chance of rolling 2d6 - they're reserved for when someone is cursed with truly rotten luck. Notably that isn't true of boxcars: those just happen sometimes, without prerequisite.
Logically, a Fear of Misfortune wouldn't operate on the actual rules of probability, would it? It would be shaped by the superstitions of those that feared it.
(Also, I hope this statement puts the "they're not fears they're desires!" theory to bed. This guy didn't want the dice, and didn't especially want to roll them, but seemed compelled to anyway.)
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laughable-umbrella · 10 months
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vickozone · 4 months
Are these YOUR avatars?
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ian0key · 6 months
TMA AU ( TimSasha Lives) P.1
Desolation!Tim / & / P.2 -> END!SASHA??
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( Fancast -> Manny Jacinto) -> FIRST DESING
P.3 -> S3 final
P.4 -> Jon's kidnapping
P.6 -> Eye-apocalypse
So.... I created an au in which Tim and Sasha survived their respective deaths, but with big consequences.
They turnerd into fears avatars.
Tim became part of desolation after the circus explosion.
He ended up in coma for 4 months, bc at first he refused to be one of the monsters who killed his brother.
But he stayed for Sasha.
Unlike Jon, his body suffered many more damage, doctors said he would definitely die from his wounds, but he didn't.
An extra detail that I would like to add, is that after waking up, someone (Anabelle) sends to him a prosthetic mask, which was clearly inspired by the circus.
Tim set it on fire.
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I will publish the design and history of Sasha later, (which gives more context to Tim's history)
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(Also,many of his wounds are recovering little by little, thanks to his regeneration and surgeries.)
Extra: ->->-> JONATHAN SIMS
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qc-wiggles · 10 months
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the messiah of the desolation // click in for details :-)
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masao-micchi · 1 year
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keeping up w the bouchard-lukas household isnt easy
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