#toh theory
elsa-fogen · 2 years
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he didn’t even try to move
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i know, smart people could get this from the 1st ep of s2, but now this was for those who didn’t catch this earlier! Now the only way to say this clearer - to say that out loud.
also, here
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little sceared, but unharmed!
good for him, good for him.
damn i love him so much.
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amozon28 · 2 years
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I know it was speculation at the end of S2 that Gus learned Hunter was a clone after reading Belos mind, but i think this kind of confirms that Gus already knows about Hunter being a Grimmwalker clone and is trying to be silently supportive of Hunter and let him open up at his own pace and its a really sweet detail happening in the background of this episode
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anthurak · 1 year
Okay so I haven’t really seen any discussion on this topic but...
The Owl Beast was/is DEFINITELY supposed to be another Titan, right?
Like we know they were captured by another Archivist, and we learn from the Collector that the Archivists were ESPECIALLY interested in the Titans.
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And most notably, does anyone else get the sense that there are meant to be MAJOR similarities between King and Eda when they both go berserk after Luz is disintegrated?
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Like the way they’re drawn here CLEARLY feels like this is meant to be King’s and Eda’s own versions of the same ‘rage-mode’. Essentially, Eda/the Owl Beast is a different KIND of Titan, but still A Titan.
Finally, like I discussed in my ‘Luz keeping her Titan form’ post, Eda turning out to be part-Titan herself works as a perfect symbolic affirmation of how she’s become King’s mom.
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jelly-belly-fish · 2 years
So… I have a theory about these two.
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People keep talking about how Flapjack and this yellow cardinal are both Caleb and Evelyn’s palismen. Some say yellow belonged to Caleb, and Flapjack belonged to Evelyn. Well, I think it’s the other way around in my opinion. For it was hinted at in “Thanks to Them” Flapjack was a gift to Caleb from Evelyn. So my proposal is this:
The yellow cardinal was Caleb’s gift to Evelyn. He made them as as either a “wedding proposal” gift (instead of a ring), or just as a thank you gift for her being so kind to him. Either way, if this is true, notice this:
Caleb was gold/yellow color coordinated.
The cardinal he gifted to Evelyn was yellow.
Evelyn was red color coordinated.
Flapjack is a red cardinal.
The two had palismen that reflected each other’s partner.
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Caleb’s gift was a thank you to Evelyn for letting him be a witch.
Evelyn’s gift was to show how much she cared for him.
And to really hit the point home.
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Cardinals mate for life.
The two were soulmates.
And their palismen reflected each other’s love for one another.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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meltingchaos · 1 year
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That same look. Disbelief, disgust, betrayal. Both human residents of the boiling isles ultimately couldn't forgive Belos, and with good reason. His efforts to 'save' humanity only resulted in his fellow humans hating him.
His responses to both of them are the same. Deflecting blame, twisting it to be on the witches, still ever evading the consequences of his own actions. He acts like both a victim and a hero, contradicting himself and desperately grasping at any excuse to believe that he's the good guy in this story. "I tried to save your soul, it's your fault this all happened" and "We're human, we're better than this". Masterful manipulation that's now easy for these two to spot. His facade is broken. 👏
Belos is a phenomenal villain and seeing the people he's hurt not say anything to him but instead give him this look is so powerful.
They didn't need to say anything. The glare was enough to make him squirm, panic and frantically scramble to defend himself. He doesn't have power over them anymore, nor can he hide from his actions. He's faced with a look that acknowledges his wrongdoings, forcing him to come face to face with them despite doing all he could to avoid them. Despite destroying the fonder memories of his brother, burning out his face to justify killing him. ('Hollowing' out his mind, if you will.) Despite every instance of him running from his past. All that comes back with this look.
He can't control his fellow humans anymore, he can't convince them and he certainly cant be seen positively or loved by them. In one look, he's lost.
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With the revelation of the Collector being just one out of a whole species and the whole “Collector creed” as in the book King read, it really has me thinking on the mural in King’s tower and the name of the Titan Trappers as a group. What if the big battle between the Titan Trapper and Titan was not about slaying the Titan, but rather about the Titan Trapper trying to subdue the Titan long enough for the Collectors to collect and preserve it?
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After all, the comet IS headed towards the Titan’s face, and as we saw in this episode, well…
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But given the established fact that Titan magic cancels out Collector magic this episode, as well as the mystery of how that battle ended, I feel the story of the Collectors and Titans may have gone in a direction like this:
Countless eons ago, the Collector (who shall be referred to as Cole for ease) came into existence to a group of Collectors. At some point, he was brought along to observe and participate in the collecting of a new planet as part of his training to be a proper Collector...
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Amongst the creatures they set out to collect, they came across huge, powerful beings known as the titans whose magic, curiously, made them resistant to the Collectors’ magic. Desiring to collect such powerful creatures, they empowered and created the Titan Trappers, who would ideally trap and pin down the Titans long enough to actually collect them.
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Practically though, the Titan’s magic proved too strong of a counter to the attempt to collect them, so while the adult Collectors tried to figure out how to preserve the adult Titans, Cole was sent out with the task of collecting the much weaker - and thus easier to collect - baby Titans.
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However, instead of preserving them, Cole wound up playing and having so much fun with his unexpected new friends that he went to the other Collectors to argue for his new friends to stay UNcollected and UNpreserved. Aka going going directly against the “Collector creed.”
But rather than punishing Cole for deviating from their book of conduct and beliefs, the adult Collectors took outrage at the Titans who had “meddled” in their affairs and “corrupted” their poor, innocent, rule-following child.
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To the adult Collectors, their precious Cole could not have come up with such heretical ideas on his own. Surely he could not have fallen into such a transgression against everything the group is meant to stand for out of his own free will.
No, it must have been the influence of the Titans and their horrific magic, and as decreed in the book of the Collectors, these meddlers in personal affairs MUST be eradicated. Thank goodness they caught this in time and prevented their precious Cole from forsaking their family and everything they believed in.
As for the demons who dared try to “corrupt” their child and by extension the rest of the Collectors, the the stars would descend from the heavens above to strike the world below in fiery judgement - a world which would be immolated as part of the efforts to prevent any swaying away from the truth that they all follow and have been teaching Cole to follow.
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In other words, sounds an awful lot like a Puritan colonist getting so swept up in the fervor of burning witches at the stake as their interpretation of the Bible decreed - so swept up that they cannot accept a loved one’s true self could deviate so far from the norms of society and blames such deviancy on witches and demons, amiright?
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kindestegg · 1 year
"Maybe if I ask her real nice, I won't have to turn her into a puppet!"
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So... this line has been puzzling me for a WHILE because it feels like it goes against the idea Collector's go-to default is to just puppet-ify everything.
UNTIL someone in a server I was a part of pointed out that hey, doesn't it seem like Collector is also actively trying to nudge King to play something else? That they're tired of this game?
And I thought about the capture the flag game suggestion.
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"What if we switch it up? We could play capture the flag! Us versus... everyone on the Isles!"
Okay, aside from the obvious commentary that Collector sees himself and King against the world (which is. another thing. I need to write up on *biting down on my arm*), it's interesting this implies the people would probably not be puppets anymore, since you'd probably need people who are conscious to actively play in the game, and the whole "people breathing on the moon" discussion doesn't seem like it would happen if they were considering the people as puppets.
It's also worth noting that Collector turning Lilith and Hooty into puppets happens immediately after King tells him The Owl House Game is like playing pretend...
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And also, after Collector asks King what role he gets to play, and King presumably tells him, he uh, does this...
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Which I'm guessing means he was pretty happy to hear he's going to be the main character. And then immediately after...
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... Do you think there's a possibility Collector's go-to isn't in fact to just capture people as puppets, but interpreted this immediately from King's talk of the Owl House Game?
He also lashes out at King for criticizing him over turning Terra into a puppet, claiming he's just "playing pretend".
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And considering how, from King's talk with Eda and Lilith, he's only losing his fear of making Collector mad NOW...
It's possible most of this was born out of a misunderstanding. Collector interpreted the game as having "lots of players" as puppets, the whole Isles as King put it, and King was too scared to tell him that wasn't it. No wonder Collector lashes out when told not to do so, to him it makes no sense because this is how the game is played in his view.
If he's getting tired of this game though, it also explains why he suggested not turning Eda into a puppet first, why he wanted to play something that would keep people free from such a spell, and even why he seemed slightly disappointed that he ended up turning Terra into a puppet too by the end, which is another sentient playmate lost, even if she made him angry.
So... if all of this could have been avoided if King had told Collector that this game shouldn't entail turning people into puppets, I think I have a hunch of the narrative purpose of all this.
It's telling the truth. King has to tell the truth. That there was no Owl House game, that he made it all up, that he was a scared kid desperate to save the people he loved and the Isles and that yes, he did use Collector.
King wasn't in the wrong for lying of course, because it was this or losing everything he loves. But things have been regardless severely more complicated because of this lie.
And I suspect he knows this, as he says he wants to talk to Collector to solve things. Maybe this talking is him telling the truth after all. He does say this directly after communicating that he's losing his fear of making Collector mad. Maybe he's finally gotten courage to confess the truth.
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It's also worth noting again that Collector... doesn't care that King is lying about some things? He barely reacts with anger or shock at him talking to Eda and Lilith and seeing that they're keeping this as secret from him, he only cares when it sounds like King might want to hurt him.
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It sounds silly when you put it this way, but the biggest obstacle keeping their relationship from fully realizing and them resolving things is just a misunderstanding. King wrongfully believing Collector might hurt him and Collector wrongfully believing King is happy playing pretend with him.
Once they actually talk this out, they can finally resolve things.
... the only problem is that I think if King approaches Collector saying he wants to tell him something now...
Collector might just think it has to do with King getting rid of him, and things might turn for the worst.
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
predictions for rest of Owl House season 3
I can't see an ending to this show not somehow creating a permanent bridge between the Human and Demon Realms, but how are they gonna get there? I think the answer is in...
✨The Stars✨
One of the first things that brought this to my attention was in Reaching Out, when Luz & Amity send a flower into the sky, and it's directly paralleled by Camila's flower vase:
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Amity: Do you think they'll reach the Human Realm? Luz: Probably doesn't work that way, but... it's a nice thought, right?
Now, in Thanks to Them, we have TWO scenes where Luz literally reaches for the stars (the sun a clear reference to the Collector), MULTIPLE shots of light spells floating upwards (into the sky), Gus and Hunter discussing space travel, and the very last shot of the special itself panning up from the cemetery portal to the night sky.
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But, how DO they reach the stars? I highly doubt this show would go towards a literal space travel route. I think, obviously, the Collector is a part of it, but I think it's also a matter of someone getting high enough to reach.
Perhaps maybe.... as tall as a titan?
Clearly, there's a lot of shared history between titans and the Collector. And titans themselves have their own fair share of celestial imagery:
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Perhaps this is why the titans and the Collector have been at odds. Maybe, the titans could use the stars to travel, and for whatever reason, the Collector didn't like that.
And if titans can travel through the stars, it might also solve the mystery of King's mother's whereabouts.
We know the Boiling Isles titan is King's father. And the Boiling Isles is OLD. The Hecktaceous Period is a really vaguely ancient era that doesn't directly parallel one specific era on Earth, so it's hard to put a time frame on it. Either way, all life on the Boiling Isles evolved FROM the Boiling Isles, and did not exist prior.
But..... Bill saw a titan somehow? Bill isn't from the Boiling Isles, and he's old, but it seems unlikely that he's older than literally all life on the Boiling Isles. And King HEARD a titan, who roared, "son". King is about 8 years old, but we don't know how long he was in his egg before he hatched.
It SEEMS implied that "the last titan" the trappers were after was supposed to be King, but that might not necessarily be the case...
Bill: But if you think Belos is evil, you've never seen a live Titan. The children out there haven't either. [The trio looks outside the window, but Hooty notices something to his right and stretches towards that direction. Cut to the King lookalike demons cheering at him as he stands in front of a waterfall.] Bill: Don't know a thing about their ravenous appetites, or their terrible cries! Even their babies act like little monarchs. The last living Titan, I saw it once before it disappeared. Its hateful roar blew out my eardrums. How did it go? "Weh!"
Bill: [Rolls up his sleeve.] You like our disguises? [Takes off his glove to reveal a hand.] You gotta look like a Titan to trap one. [Puts on his glove back.] But if I ever find that missing Titan, I'd hunt it down, tear it limb from limb, and mount its head in pride as we release the Huntsman! Then... we can finally go from being Titan Trappers to Titan Slayers! Say, who's your buddy's tailor? His costume looks so real!
it sounds to me like there's a titan Bill saw that isn't the Boiling Isles or King.
And if you look back at the mural of the trapper fighting a titan, the titan is depicted with a longer face than what the Boiling Isles actually has. Maybe.... *that's* King's mother?
So, where did she go? The stars? But if they connect to the Human Realm, where would she be?
Funnily enough, in Connecticut (you know, the state Luz is from), there's geological structure called The Sleeping Giant.
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Just a thought.
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phoenixparadox · 5 months
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Guys I realized something
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When I saw what the Collector had done with the place, I thought first, as I’m sure many of y’all did, of Mabeland from Gravity Falls. That brought my mind to the theme from that Gravity Falls episode of using fantasy as a means to refuse to face reality. And y’know what that made me think of next?
“Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends? Real ones? Not imagined, or drawn, or reptilian?”
Camila’s line from the very first episode of The Owl House, spoken not even two minutes into the start of the show. What Camila is accusing Luz of here is very similar to what the Collector is actually doing. He’s created a fantasy world for himself to live in, and the friends he has in it are not real. They may as well be imaginary, given that the Collector has complete control over them. 
And now, Luz has to fight against the Collector! In a way, isn’t she fighting against this misguided perception of herself? Is she proving once and for all that she is not denying reality by choosing to also engage in the fantastical? And she’s going to do that with friends standing by her side, showing that she can have real friends without changing who she is!
This idea needs some more fleshing out, but I’m very excited about it. It’s all coming full circle now.
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captainmera · 7 months
Wait a damn minute.
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IS KING A GOD DAMN GRIMWALKER?? I MEAN I KNOW HE WAS IN AN EGG BUT.. I mean...... aren't Titans technically already all the ingredients? KIND OF??? Maybe that's why Hooty couldn't determine what he was because he dips into all of them? Titans are a breed of their own after all.
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And I mean, Titans went extinct too- so--- don't get me started on the Titan hunters and all the gigantic skeletons around their island. HOW BIG IS THE DEMON REALM FOR THAT TO EVEN WORK?! there must be..... other islands... with knowledge....
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I MEAN WHAT DID BELOS KNOW? HE CLEARLY KNEW *THINGS.* HE KNEW THE COLLECTOR BY NAME WHEN HE FOUND THEM. He clearly knew things about B.I. history that wasn't common knowledge.
Maybe he found out about Titan hunters and stole books from them about... things? Like historical things. And grimwalker stuff. And Titan glyphs. And- and-
I'm going insane with this damn show. I want to throw my brains against the wall. Help.
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I'm probably clawing at the walls here, and this theory makes no sense but WOULDN'T THAT BE A FUN SPRINGBOARD OF POSSIBILITIES AND PLOT. HUH?
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regular-gnome · 2 months
Could you possibly do an Archivist height chart against eachother and maybe other things such as humans/witches or titans? Those mfs are TALL!
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going with "funtional" height, so the one they usually keep. I think both titans and archivists have some degree of control on how large or small they can be, this is whats the baseline is
About how tall the titan of isles would be - my theory is here, but I think a lot of height came from their magic post mortem, and they werent exacly this height their whole life. Their magic deals with healing, creating life. After receiving fatal wounds, it tries to overcompensate by generating many new cells and extending itself in a desperate attempt to cling to life, but ultimately fails. Skin splitting, bones extending causing the magic to extend to it as well, until the entire body becomes much larger and collapses, creating a large area that forms an island. During their lives, they were tall, but probably not Mount Everest tall
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at least thats my theory on it and I dont really have a better explanation that would make sense to me
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skelestonkss · 2 years
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it won't
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I don’t know if anyone's mentioned this before, but Raine's titan badge after the time skip looks a bit different than the others:
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They have this red piece of cloth attached to their badge that I haven't seen on anybody else.
Now, theorising time: I think they might be part of the new government, maybe even the president of the Boiling Isles. Hear me out, I have good reasons to believe so (and it's not just because they're my favourite character and I'm biased, shush):
1) As the former head of the Bard Coven, they'd certainly be qualified for the job: Raine has been part of the government before (as much as you can be when you're not the monarch in a monarchy lol) and knows how to lead.
2) They're probably more respected/trusted by the population of the Boiling Isles than most other public figures at this point - working together with the wannabe genocidal former emperor tends to ruin your reputation, so someone who led a rebellion against Belos (and fought against him personally in the final fight, though the question is if anyone except the people who were there knows about that) and has ties to other known rebels aka Eda should be quite well-liked.
3) They have already proven that they're able to make sacrifices for the sake of the whole Isles (for example: risking their own life and that of the woman they love to stop the Day of Unity in Eda's Requiem). Most of the other characters, like Eda and Luz, in comparison, have proven again and again that they would never be able to sacrifice someone they care about - which is an admirable trait, don't get me wrong, but you want a political leader to be able to consider what choices are best for everyone and compromise, if necessary.
4) It would be a great conclusion to their character arc: Raine spent half of their life trying to destroy the coven system from the inside and has witnessed its worst sides first-hand, let them be the one to build something new and better for the future of the Boiling Isled.
So in conclusion: Raine has the potential to be a great president....... as long as nobody forces them to make public speeches regularly.
Them being a member of the government would also explain why they are present when that coven sigil was removed: Why would someone who specialises in Bard magic be needed for something that seems to be based on Healing and Abomination magic? Because they're a representative of the government/the Boiling Isles!
Give me power couple Raeda as president of the Boiling Isles and Headmistress of the University of Wild Magic!!
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smindibindi · 2 years
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Like how Luz’s track colors match villainous Lucy clothes.
AND Lucy’s staff is round with eyes and spikes and Luz’s palisman is an egg. MAYBE LUZ’S EGG WILL NEVER HATCH AND BECOMES LUCY’S MAGICAL STAFF!
This is something I see no one talking about.
Feel free to share this with others. Just don’t forgot to credit ;)
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
so. When I was at New York comic con, someone asked Dana about hooty backstory, right? She said that they were originally going to explore that in s3, but they had to cut it and just hint at it in the finale.
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And then we got this. The supposed hint. A small hooty poking out of papa titans eye.
so what does it all mean? No fucking clue. But I hope one of you guys has a theory about it.
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