#tw christianity
aimasup · 2 months
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haha what if they were a 2000s DVD 3D-animated children's christian cartoon that got discontinued because the main villain went off script haha unless -
calling this the veggietales au until we have a better name
addendum: guess what ship this AU started out for. you'll never get it right
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zemi-noelle-art · 9 months
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Webcore Angel 💿
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
guys if they have Christmas in the Dream SMP, did they have to nail Jesus on the cross three times, once for every canon life?
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zafyrus-owo · 1 year
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agrebel18 · 11 months
idk if someone else has mentioned this but whatever: in the scene where Ballister and Ambrosius are at the bar and The Director is being live-streamed and claimed that the video was fake, she said something like “the monster can come after us, and could be anyone: your spouse, children, or even the person next to you’’ and that TOTALLY REMINDED ME of conservative “Christian” bigots trying to scare people into believing that queer people are “dangerous” and “grooming your children” 
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saintjosie · 8 months
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i’m gonna cave and say one more thing about demilypyro because it irritates me to no end that people are accusing me of lacking reading comprehension when imo the actual issue is a tremendous lack of historical context and how out of touch people are with how absofuckinglutely devastating christianity has been to the modern world, especially for people of color.
But sure, some christians and weirdos online think trans people are icky so it's not real, probably. lol.
THIS is the part of her post i have tremendous issue with. it’s not her coping with humor. and i hope it’s obvious that i think transphobia is bad.
christians have done SO so much more harm than just thinking that queer people are icky. because before colonization happened, queerness was common and accepted, and in many cultures, even revered.
but then guess what, the roman empire happened. and then after the byzantine empire happened.
and then after that the still very much alive institutionalized catholic church rooted it’s cancer in the world.
and then after that, the british, french, spanish, portugese, german, italian, and yes, dutch (being particularly relevant, demilypyro supposedly being from the netherlands) empires happened.
and of course, we now have america.
and thus through conquest, bloodshed, and genocide, white people spread christianity to literally every corner of the world and with it, christian values of homophobia and transphobia.
as a second generation korean immigrant, first generation american, and the eldest child of a pastor, i am directly impacted and incredibly traumatized from white colonialism.
so yeah, it pissed me off more than a little bit how quick people are to accuse me of lacking reading comprehension and jumping to defend someone who made at best, a carelessly offensive and at worst, horrendously privileged comment.
if you don't have to think at least a little bit everyday how horrendously fucked up things are because of christianity, then that is an immense privilege.
i stand by what i said and i hope that more people seek to actively decolonize themselves instead of reveling in passive ignorance.
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twiyke · 2 months
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highly topical jillion christrider art.
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castielsprostate · 3 months
i think jesus and judas fucked the night before the final supper and jesus swept judas' sweaty hair out of his face, his other hand trailing the small of his back, delicately tracing tiny patterns of stars. judas avoided any eye contact, i think, except for one singular second. one moment where, in jesus his eyes, he could see everything. he could see stars being born and planets dying, the act of creation, the light of heaven and the pull of hell. and he would look away again, cumming on jesus' fat cock as the guilt in his stomach burrowed deep in him.
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lgbtqtext · 2 months
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degasdyke · 8 months
gonna get a little mean here, but yes, even progressive christians need to sit down and shut up sometimes. some of you all will be so quick to go "actually, christianity is inherently progressive and bigoted christians aren't real christians" in response to someone calling out issues with your religion. please just listen and ask how you can help. the US has always had a problem with white christians using their religion to justify racism, enslavement, genocide, colonization, etc. and unfortunately, they are very much "real christians" and also very much in power.
tl;dr - @ progressive christians, it doesn't matter how supportive of minorities you are, so long as you're refusing to acknowledge the systemic bigotry and cruelty of your religion.
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clarinettispaghetti · 2 months
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waow.. easter and tdov on the same day..
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fromgoy2joy · 5 months
i get so angered when ex christians take stories from the "Old Testament' share them without context and say "how can this be a loving G-D?! Checkmate!' When what they should have vexations with is the conditional salvation of the New Testament, not the tales of the Jewish people.
Also, what you were taught about New Testament G-D vs the Old Testament G-D is highly dependent on the christian belief that Jesus redeemed the world. Where through supersessionism teachings, old G-D was a big old meanie and now He's nice and fluffy for us Christians who've accepted him. By mindlessly reiterating this point, you contribute to virile antisemitism, delegitimize the relationship Jewish people have with Hashem, by shaping this around yourself and your own angst.
I say this as a person who no longer practices christianity and whose entire viewpoint collapsed the day I realized I had no faith in the church- deconstruct your faith in a way relevant to the structure you grew up with. Not what you see as witty one liners and in the ridicule of religious texts that belong to a 5,000 year old tribe.
(Heavily inspired by a convo with @daughterofstories. )
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audhdnight · 6 months
Seriously this has opened my eyes to something that I honestly feel like I already suspected because there is SUCH an emphasis on “teaching them while they’re young” and not turning them out into the world until they are “past the point of no return” like this is why Christian fundamentalists hate college so much, because at that age people are still capable of reversing the damage (at least, a hell of a lot easier then they are at say, fifty). The prefrontal cortex doesn’t finish developing until around 25, so if an indoctrinated teenager goes to college at 18 and begins to see reality, they are much more likely to leave the church than someone who is sheltered from the world until they’re 30.
(Side rant: This is also why it’s so frustrating to talk to Christian adults who seem to be genuinely incapable of thinking logically. It explains a phenomenon that I noticed a long time ago: when speaking to relatives, I attempted to show them that they didn’t actually agree with, let’s say for the sake of the example, capitalism. I would bring up all their complaints with our current system and demonstrate how each one is a facet of capitalism. I was able to get them to agree to each individual point, but when I tried to put them all together as a whole, the person (usually my grandpa) would revert back to “okay the system is flawed but it still works” even though we just spent an hour discussing how it doesn’t work, actually. They are incapable of putting multiple pieces together and viewing them as one whole.)
I remember so clearly growing up the sermons on Proverbs 22:6 (Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it) and the pastors stirring up panic about public school and colleges stealing our children’s faith and poisoning their minds. I remember how afterwards all the parents exclaimed how their children would never go to college, that this is why they homeschooled, that this was yet another reason why young men should go straight into the work force and young women should immediately get married and become baby making machines. I vividly remember the panic over statistics of how many people leave the faith in college and how it was so much higher than the numbers of essentially any other group.
Fundamentalists worst fear is reality. They do not want their children to have any exposure to any rhetoric besides their own, unless it is presented disingenuously by apologetics teachers. Everything is filtered and twisted and watered down to keep us “safe” from reality.
This is literally how cults operate. Fundamental Christian evangelicalism IS A CULT
This is also why they target vulnerable groups, because like the OP mentions, people who have damage to their prefrontal cortex are much more likely to fall for indoctrination. This is why you see Christian “outreach groups” in homeless shelters and rehabilitation programs and hospitals. This is targeted and it is malicious. Even the “good Christians” who really do want to actually help people are upholding this system that actively harms vulnerable groups.
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whats-a-human · 2 months
shoutout to everyone forced to go to church, church events and/or interacting with people you don't want to.
you are not "failing to stand up for yourself" if you can't say no. I know how terrible it is to balance the harm of going to church, etc, and the backlash if you don't.
you are not a failure if you are an adult living with a toxic family. Not at 18, not at 19, nor 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 + !!
you are not a failure if you are an adult living on your own but can't go non-contact yet
you are not a failure if you are a minor and are not as "brave" as you wished to be, or believe you won't be able to move out at 18
you are not a failure if you moved out and had to go back. No matter the reason!
whatever your situation is
you are not a failure
don't victim-blame yourself
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finleyforevermore · 10 days
Vent with religious themes, themes of trauma, suicide, assault, abuse, murder, and depression under the cut. Please, I beg of you, do not read if you are sensitive to any of these topics. Thank you.
Dear God (no, for real this time),
If what has happened in my personal life during this month/late last month has told me anything, it's that either:
A.) you are real and are just very bad at your job
or B.) you AREN'T and I've been praying to a wall for most of my existence
If A is the truth, I've got some words for you. Since you see all or whatever the fuck.
I've questioned your existence many times but I think this year is just it for me. Because looking back on it, you've done nothing of use for me or family this year.
I'd already been pretty committed to seeing things realistically but you letting Radio be taken away from me was the kicker I guess.
Radio/Simon, or @5ampuppetshow for those who aren't aware is currently inactive because its mom found their Tumblr and is now monitoring him. I don't know if/when he'll be back.
You really expect me to believe that YOU, the Almighty, allowed two of my dear friends to be taken away from me a month between each other?? Emory's (@wantmeifyouwantme) parents found his account and now I've lost my virtual big brother, and now you've allowed Simon to be taken away from me.
But why stop at just that? No no we've gotta allow 99% of some of the greatest people I've ever met to be traumatized, suicidal, have low self-esteem, or depressed. Because isn't that delightful? Isn't it so fucking wonderful to have people you love so much be traumatized and suffer beyond belief and lead the boy who has nothing but pure love for them to have many a breakdown over this? /sar
My mom and nana watch these crappy videos from "prophets" talking about "the end" and how everything and everyone is secretly wicked and selling their souls to the devil.
Well riddle me this, Big Guy Upstairs. Where the fuck were you to send me a vision or a sign that Liam was going to fucking kill himself? Where were you to send my friends a prophecy before their Tumblrs were taken away from them? Where were you to stop my friends from being assaulted? Where were you to stop my friends from being abused? Where were you to stop 99% of my friends from having such horrible, unbelievably terrifying trauma? Where were you to stop George Floyd's murder? Or Nex Benedict's? Or Ryan Gainer's? Where are you right fucking now to stop the ruthless murders taking place daily in Palestine? Where were you to stop my mother from marrying my father and save her from 14 years of torture? Where were you when my mom got breast cancer (she's cured now, her doctors were amazing)? Where were you when my father was born? You smited firstborn children in Egypt, you couldn't have killed my father?
My father will remain the worst man I've ever known and will ever know. But putting religion and other beings into the equation, that spot goes right to you.
For my entire life you have done nothing for me. You've done nothing for my family. You've done nothing for my friends. You've shown me utter indifference my entire life.
With every fiber of my being, I hate you.
See you in Hell, I guess,
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