whats-a-human · 19 days
Just watched an old Russian cartoon adaptation of The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde and read a summary of the book to get the lore right. Little Virginia is so occultist-coded even if unintentionally!
She talked to the ghost and treated him as she would to the living, physically went to the fucking spirit world and was back by morning. What a Chad! (or, Stacey, y'know, the feminine version of the meme)
The rest of the story is pretty funny.
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"Кентервильское привидение"
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whats-a-human · 1 month
Sometimes people demand you justify being an atheist with a 200 page well-sourced thesis on biblical scholarship but one of the reasons I am not a Christian anymore is so fucking simple. It made my life worse. It made me unhealthy mentally. I’ve grown one thousand times more as a person without it. If it were really the one true wisdom from an all knowing infinite god, it would make my life better. And that’s enough proof for me. And it’s a valid reason.
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whats-a-human · 1 month
Gonna add this meme to my list of 'homophobes unintentionally making us look cooler'
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whats-a-human · 2 months
Just watched Late Night with the Devil. Amazing movie, all actors/actresses were great! Whoever voiced Abraxas had a very attractive voice. Well, uh, here comes my note/complaint. Us satanists can't expect that anyone would do a movie that portrays our gods more realistically... or respectfully... Abraxas isn't even a demon, he's an Archon, he does not dwell in the Infernal realm. Anyways that's all thanks for reading lol
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whats-a-human · 2 months
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whats-a-human · 2 months
me a week ago: i give permission for demons to walk around my home and interact with me freely, so long as they are polite and respectful about it and do not cause me any trouble
every demon known to man: hi how are ya
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whats-a-human · 2 months
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whats-a-human · 2 months
Hey btw, here's a piece of life advice:
If you know what you'd have to do to solve a problem, but you just don't want to do it, your main problem isn't the problem itself. Your problem is figuring out how to get yourself to do the solution.
If your problem is not eating enough vegetables, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make vegetables stop being yucky". If your problem is not getting enough exercise, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make exercise stop sucking ass". You're not supposed to just be doing things that are awful and suck all the time forever, you're supposed to figure out how to make it stop being so awful all the time.
I used to hate wearing sunscreen because it's sticky and slimy and disgusting and it feels bad and it smells bad, so I neglected to wear it even if I needed to. Then I found one that isn't like that, and doesn't smell and feel gross. Problem solved.
There is no correct way to live that's just supposed to suck and feel bad all the time. You're allowed to figure out how to make it not suck so bad.
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whats-a-human · 2 months
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whats-a-human · 2 months
certified occultist moment
"oh so you're spiritual but not religious" no actually I am deeply religious in alarmingly carnal and esoteric ways. If you even care.
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whats-a-human · 2 months
Tips on coping with homicidal ideation, no empathy necessary!
Unrelated to this blog's theme, but this is a very important topic. Everyone is welcome to interact. I wanted to post this long ago; it's hard to but I gotta help others and break the stigma around this too. I hope my wording is good enough.
I have struggled with homicidal ideation years ago, which you might call a type of intrusive thought. I rarely have any homicidal intrusive thoughts anymore and I've dealt with the underlying issue that caused them, so I believe I have overcome that problem.
So, here's a post to anyone struggling with this. Having a licensed therapist is better but I know that just like me, many of you can't have one.
Preparing for an episode
First of all, be neutral about your ideation: you aren't a horrible person and you aren't going to actually murder someone just because of it. Now, and that's really important too: do not normalize those thoughts. You aren't evil for having an illness, but it's still an illness that hurts you above all else, and can hurt others too. I learned this from an acquaintance and that was really helpful.
Now, have a support network. Friends, mental health groups, anything. You should have a safe space to talk about your experiences but you don't need to be "out" to everyone! You can just tell a friend something like "hey, sometimes my mental illnesses act up and I have episodes, when that happens I'll give you a heads up and we could do X" (like talking about a comfort topic, having you/your friend talk about your/their day, etc.) Find a safe way to avoid isolation!
Think of your triggers, make a list so you can avoid them and prepare for when you get triggered. Also list things that soothe you and things that give you a sense of power and control but don't harm you/others. The options are endless, like painting your nails, giving your hair a trim, customizing your phone/blog/etc, cooking, going for a walk, hobbies etc.
2. During an episode
The goal here would be averting your attention to something else, but that can't be forced.
So, you can always talk facts with your brain. If you did act on your urges, you'd be arrested, period. Minor or not. And as a mentally ill person, your time there and after prison would be double hell... compared to just not acting on the thought. If you've been arrested before I doubt you'd want to years on end there (or years on end again). What I also told myself was, "going to prison because of such lowly people isn't worth it". I was right and extra based.
Also why waste your time with murder plans when you can be thinking about Pokemon. Or anything else that brings you joy. Yes, thinking of Pokemon instead of murder plans is part of recovery and based as hell. Like, even if you aren't a fan, some of those critters are cute, right? And just like that, you're slowly averting your attention and the urges are quieting down.
3. Other important things
The biggest victim of my intrusive thoughts was me. Those I wanted to kill were my abusers and I didn't want to have those thoughts, even during episodes I hated that a part of me was into it.
But I would never accept a murderer as a part of myself. I refused to ever accept such path as a valid future for me. Those thoughts were a part of me, but they didn't need to be part of me FOREVER. And I proved myself right. I focused my strength and intelligence on RECOVERING and it was the right choice.
You may feel powerless just like I was. Then, give yourself a haircut, cook something, make art, customize your phone, watch a movie, go do anything that reassures you that YOU are in control of your life, not your abusers. Some things may not appear productive but they are nonetheless carving the way to a beautiful and FREE life. Your episodes will slowly become less and less frequent, and less intense.
Of course recovery isn't linear, it's not always pleasant or easy and you'll still have really bad times, but deciding to thread the path of recovery is a huge step of power in itself. Stay determined.
I still live with my abusers but I have worked so much with myself and whatever I could do within my reach, that the power I consider them to have over me is much, much smaller and that did wonders to me.
An extra reminder: some triggering things may feel kinda good or addictive, like doomscrolling or something that personally entertains your homicidal ideation instead of directing you away from it. For example, directing your violence towards fiction can be helpful but if engaging with/producing violent media entertains these thoughts about real life actions instead of being cathartic, that's a form of self-harm. I know it's addictive but try to look for alternatives! You can do it 💪
Once again, huge virtual hug for everyone 🫂 stay safe!
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whats-a-human · 2 months
Your religious freedom end when the abuse begins.
There is no exception to rule.
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whats-a-human · 2 months
I love his channel though! 😅
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Men will literally study Paracelsus, translate 1600s alchemical texts and distill potions for melancholy before going to therapy
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whats-a-human · 2 months
shoutout to everyone forced to go to church, church events and/or interacting with people you don't want to.
you are not "failing to stand up for yourself" if you can't say no. I know how terrible it is to balance the harm of going to church, etc, and the backlash if you don't.
you are not a failure if you are an adult living with a toxic family. Not at 18, not at 19, nor 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 + !!
you are not a failure if you are an adult living on your own but can't go non-contact yet
you are not a failure if you are a minor and are not as "brave" as you wished to be, or believe you won't be able to move out at 18
you are not a failure if you moved out and had to go back. No matter the reason!
whatever your situation is
you are not a failure
don't victim-blame yourself
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whats-a-human · 2 months
poll ended but yall deserve to hear these <3
Pass it on 💛
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whats-a-human · 3 months
Reminding y'all that I have Demonology PDFs once again in my drive!
I have:
Abremlin 1,2, and 3
Aradia Gospel of the Witches
Three books of Occult Philosophy
A letter by John Dee
Ars Goetia/Lemegeton
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
The Book of the Offices of the Spirits
Book of Oberon
Black Raven
Ars Notoria
A Guide to Grand Jury Men
Forbidden Rites
Faust Tragedy
Grand Grimoire
Grimoirum Verum
Grimoire of Honorius
Grimoire of Turiel
Grimoire Imperium
Livre des Esperitz
Book of Treasure Spirits
Munich Manual of Demonic Magic
Black Pullet
The Demonology of King James 1
Testament of Solomon
Dictionairre Infernal
Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie
Daemoniality or Incubi and Succubi 18+
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology
The Necromantic Rings of Solomon
The Enchiridion of Pope Leo III
The art of drawing spirits into crystals
Compendium Rarissimum
Greater Key of Solomon
+ More!
I also have:
Goetic Common Sense
Paradise Lost
Modern Satanism: A Review
Satanism: A Social History
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whats-a-human · 3 months
I kind of regret making that anti-cosmic userbox on my userboxes post. At that time I didn't know much and was like, that path can't be reduced to bad people and shit, right?
Well, I dunno. The material, the history... if you know, you know. Can anything of value be taken from their material? Maybe. If you find that, will it be worth it then, to call yourself anti-cosmic, follower of the 218/128 current? No, I don't think so.
Not to patronize anyone - you may wish no harm, but labeling yourself anti-cosmic will probably cause that impression on those aware of it.
I've heard that the 218 adepts are of the 'edgy' kind. I've never met one.
I can't lie that I find this word, "anti-cosmic", endearing. I don't think about oblivion, but a dream of a better cosmos. If my dream "is impossible" I'm gonna fight reality itself just to see it in front of me.
But in the end, our priority should be accepting, loving, understanding this world and ourselves; it's the healthier way. How can a god create a world if they don't know what a world is?
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