#twst housewardens
i thrive for angst so, if youre comfortable enough could you do a character x gn!reader, catching reader in the act of sh?
preferably vil, riddle, idia, and rook
ocean eyes
masterlist | request rules | ko-fi
characters catching you in the middle of self harm
characters: riddle rosehearts, vil schoenheit, idia shroud
warnings: ⚠️ contains acts of self harm ⚠️ PLEASE do not read this if it'll make you uncomfortable in ANY way i beg, angst, blood, crying, hurt/comfort
a/n: listen i'm sorry but i tried doing rook but i physically could not write about him for the life of me he reminds me too much of white dora and genuinely scares me a little but i hope you like the other parts<3
𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔
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You didn't mean for it to get this bad. You thought today was going to be different, better than the others, but you were wrong.
The weight in your chest just seemed to build as the day went on until you couldn't handle it. You didn't want to deal with anyone today and tried to keep mostly to yourself, but it proved difficult when you couldn't seem to shake off the people who kept coming up to you.
It's when you think no one's looking that you run off into the small clearing in the forest close by. However, you weren't aware of a certain redhead who witnessed you wandering off.
Riddle doesn't mean to follow you; he's just worried about you. He noticed you acting weird all day and wanted to make sure you were okay.
You told yourself it was just supposed to be a couple of cuts, just so you could feel something, but more and more cuts followed after the sting of the first few. You lost control, but before you could stop yourself, you heard the noise of someone coming up behind you.
You're quick to slide the sleeves of your shirt down your arms to cover them, flinching slightly at the feeling of the rough fabric brushing over your fresh wounds, before you see Riddle stop in front of you.
It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what you were doing here, but you're hoping that Riddle wouldn't see the signs. You can tell him you were out for a walk and wanted to get some fresh air. However, all the excuses leave your head when you see his focus turn to the drops of blood on the leaves in front of you, then to the razor you tried, but failed, to inconspicuously hide in your hand.
It's safe to say Riddle is definitely freaking out. He does his best to stay calm on the outside so as not to scare you, but on the inside, he's freaking out completely. He doesn't know why you'd do this, but he's not going to ask you about it. The rational thing in his mind is to walk up to you and gently remove the razor from your grip.
You let him take the razor from you, eyes trained on the ground in front of you as the sleeves of your shirt stick to your skin. He doesn't say anything as he helps you up from your position and takes you to get cleaned up.
He's gentle with the cleaning process, even if his hands are slightly shaking from the nerves in his body from fear of accidentally doing the wrong thing. He's able to clean the cuts as best he can before getting you an extra shirt and letting you rest.
Your movements seem purely robotic as Riddle helps you move around, probably immediately falling to the ground as soon as he lets go of you. The only things you hear are the faint echoes of Riddle saying that he's here for you and him not leaving your side.
𝑽𝒊𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒏𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒕
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Vil sees you rushing off between classes, hood up as if you wanted to go unnoticed, but he notices. He always notices you.
At first, he just figures you forgot something and are rushing to get it before your next class. However, class is just about to start, and he still doesn't see you.
There's a part of him that feels like he should just wait for you to show up, but there's a bigger part of him that feels like he should go look for you because something seems off. He's ahead in the class anyway and shouldn't suffer from missing a day.
He goes straight to your room, knocking on the door when he gets there, just to find it unlocked when he tries the knob. This confuses him. You always make sure to lock your door, being one for privacy and all. Vil walks into the room, making sure to shut the door behind him.
He doesn't see you anywhere in the room but hears rustling coming from the bathroom. The bathroom door is cracked open when he walks up to it. He makes sure to announce his presence to you first, but you don't seem to hear him when he pushes the door open.
His breath catches in his throat at the sight he finds when the door's all the way open. You are sitting on the edge of the bathtub, just staring down at your arms as blood drips from them and onto the floor.
Vil doesn't know how to feel. This is the last thing he thought he'd find when he opened the door, but now that he's seeing you, he feels his heart clench. He doesn't understand why you would want to do this to yourself, and he hates that you would ever feel that you needed to. How long have you felt this way? A million questions fly through his head at once, trying to figure out if there was a chance he could have helped you before if any signs were given to him.
You still haven't noticed him in the doorway, still in a trance staring at your arms. You start to bring the razor back to your arm, the sting you felt earlier leaving a numbness in its wake. When Vil sees this, he takes it as his chance to walk all the way into the bathroom and carefully grab your wrist, preventing you from doing anything else.
Your body jumps, staring up at Vil from your position, not expecting anyone to be here. There are tears gathering in his eyes as he reaches out his hand to place it on your cheek. The gentleness of his touch makes you completely break down into him.
Vil kneels down in front of you, letting you curl into his chest as you sob. He's able to take the razor out of your grasp and throw it into the tub behind you, letting you collapse onto his lap as he holds you.
He's aware of all the blood seeping into his uniform, but at this moment all he can think about is helping you. He only lets you stay in this position for less than a minute more, needing to clean up the still-bleeding wounds on your arms.
He apologizes, saying he needs to clean you up when he hears you whine after he moves you off of him. He lets you lie as close to him as you can as he washes off your arms in the tub, every once in a while whispering praises of how good you're being for him.
He makes a mental note to clean up the bathroom as he lays you down in your bed after he's done helping you, but for now, he just lets you hold him until you fall asleep with the warmth of his body wrapped around you.
𝑰𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝑺𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅
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You told Idia that you were going to the bathroom 15 minutes ago. At first, he didn't realize how long it had been since you said something, being too absorbed in the game in front of him. But soon he notices that you've been there an awfully long time.
He pauses the game and walks over to gently knock on the bathroom door. He gets no immediate response, only hearing quiet shuffling behind the door when he presses his ear up to it.
After calling your name and knocking a few more times with no response, he checks the door handle and is surprised when the door opens; it isn't locked.
You don't expect the door to open, thinking you had locked it behind you when you walked into the bathroom, but you realize you didn't when you see Idia standing in the doorway. You think you turned around fast enough for him not to see what you were doing, but he already saw the streaks of red and drops of blood in the sink before you turned around.
It's the soft way he says your name and the gentle hand on your shoulder that cause you to break down and drop the razor you once clutched in your hand. You fall into his embrace, feeling his arms wrap around you as he lets you sob into his shoulder.
He carefully moves your body closer to the sink, your face remaining buried in his shoulder. Turning the faucet on and wetting a rag he grabs next to the sink, he carefully turns your arms around and starts to wipe the drying blood off. He apologizes, stopping briefly when he feels you wince, and starts again a few seconds later, gentler than he was previously.
He's able to get in touch with Ortho at this time, asking him to bring a couple of bandages to his room. He has to specify that everything's fine and to leave them outside the bathroom, making sure Ortho won't see you like this.
Once he has washed off both your arms and received the message from Ortho that the bandages are outside, he starts to walk with you toward the bathroom exit.
You don't stop clinging to him as he sits you down on his bed, kneeling in front of you to start wrapping the bandages carefully around your arms. He hopes he's doing it well enough, not having had to wrap anything up like this before.
He's tempted to ask Ortho to check if everything's wrapped up okay, but he knows you probably wouldn't feel comfortable with someone else here right now. So, he sets the excess wrappings aside for later and lays you down in his bed.
You grab him instantly, not letting him move far from you. He's careful not to lay on either of your arms as he hugs you close to his chest, letting you fall asleep in his arms.
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buy me a coffee ♡
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cosmonavo · 4 months
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Man is a cowboy now 🤠
I made a little lore for this😭😭☠️
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Asmo: In every seduction exam we had, MC would ace them without a problem~.
Azul, Jamil, and Leona: ...
Azul: Interesting. Do you have any photos to prove that?
Asmo: Photos? We don't have those, dear~.
Leona: *looks a bit disappointed*
Jamil: *gives Leona a side eye*
Asmo: But we have videos~.
Azul: My! How convenient!
MC: *walks into the room, carrying some boxes* What's convenient?
Asmo: Darling~ Can I watch with your besties in my room~?
MC: Sure. But for the love of the whole Devildom, Asmo, don't make them watch anything questionable.
Leona: We're not kids.
Azul: Indeed!
MC: ...
MC: Azul, that face-
Jamil: Mr. Asmodeus wants to show the videos of the seduction exams you took.
MC: ...
MC: Asmo-
Asmo: You have already given your permission, darling~
MC: Why you-
Lucifer: MC, you need to check on Levi and Idia.
MC: Huh? Why?
Lucifer: Levi is on the verge of summoning Lotan.
MC: *facepalm* I'll be there in a second. Asmo-
*Asmo, Azul, Leona, and Jamil have already left.*
MC: ...
Lucifer: MC.
MC: Yes, yes. I will go there now. Luci, keep an eye on Malleus for me, okay?
Lucifer: Oh. Don't worry about him. He's doing well with Beel and Belphie now.
Belphie: I see.
Beel: So you're not a threat at all.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What does that mean?
Lilia: Yes. He's only said that he's a prince and an heir to the throne.
Belphie: Yeah. I mean, we have a prince too back in Devildom.
Beel: Lord Diavolo is his name.
Belphie: He's MC's lover too.
Beel: But he could barely spend time with them.
Belphie: He was too busy.
Lilia: That sounds tough.
Malleus: Even so... How did they become lovers?
Beel and Belphie: ...
Belphie: Because of Lucifer.
Beel: Yes. Because of Lucifer.
Lilia: *understanding it immediately*
Lilia: I didn't know MC also works that way.
Malleus: Huh?
Vil: I don't like how we are separated by sins.
Riddle: Yes. Why was I grouped with Mr. Satan, Grim, and Cater?
MC: ...
MC: I'm not gonna answer that.
MC: Anyway, has anyone seen Mammon and the others-
MC: *received a call from him*
MC: Hello?
Mammon: Yo, MC. Uh. Is it okay if we do a separate party?
MC: ...
MC: What do you mean?
Mammon: I'm jamming with your buddies.
MC: Hmm. Yeah. It's okay-
Ace, Deuce, and Epel: I'M JUST CRAZY FOR YOU!
Kalim: *the sound of him and the others cheering*
MC: ...
MC: Call me again if you need some food or something.
Mammon: Okay~. *hangs up*
Vil: Was that Epel and the other two potatoes?
MC: Yes. How about we enjoy this party too?
Riddle: I walked past Mr. Asmodeus's room earlier.
MC: Right. I almost forgot about THAT.
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tartppola · 7 months
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this took like 3 days but im getting there!!!
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jelsah27 · 1 year
Some rando threatening MC: You're coming with me
MC: *starts cackling*
SR: Why are you laughing? I can and will hurt you!
MC: First off, there is a school-wide bet on how long it would be till I got kidnapped again, now I win the pot, so thank you for that. Second I don't think you'll get very far.
SR: *chuckles* Oh really, why is that?
MC: Because there's also a bet on which house warden can save me first...
SR: *gets smashed by 7 different types of magic*
MC: Did I mention none of them like to lose?
*arguing is heard*
MC: *sneaks away and collects the winnings as the Prefect of Ramshackle technically saved themself* Finally, enough money to eat!
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beowlet · 9 months
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cw: nothing much other than fluff, Gn!Reader, usage of "You" instead of pronouns. NOT proofread.
part 1 part 2 part 3
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R. Rosehearts
His love language is probably Quality Time and Acts of service but he definitely enjoys physical affection in private. However, he is definitely still a little shy. Just give the poor boy a little more time and he'll get used to it.
Probably has a hard time adjusting to physical contact at the start of the relationship. I'm skipping hand-holding stage because this guy can't even bring himself to touch you anywhere. Literally.
Let us jump to a few months into your relationship. Can finally hold your hand without a problem and he even sometimes hugs you! Isn't that cute-
Well, he has gotten used to hugs yes! But he didn't expect you to just bite his shoulder out of nowhere while hugging you?? What are you even doing?? THIS IS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE!!
*attempts to collar you immediately*
Wasn't expecting it at all?? Why would you even bite him?? Did he manage to annoy you somehow..?- He is sure he didn't squeeze you too tight or anything... Did he say something without realizing it??
Please tell this boy that's how you show affection right after otherwise he'll overthink it all week.
Probably doesn't understand anything at all confused about how biting someone could be a way of showing affection. But he doesn't mind if you do it in private.
Always flushes red whenever you do it, Riddle tomato kinnie<3
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L. Kingscholar
Good for you can you guys go back to your nap now?
Probably doesn't care all that much. I think Leona would be a Physical Touch and words of affirmation kinda guy so he really doesn't mind your biting habit just don't bite too hard and wake him up.
First time you did it I don't even think you guys would be dating.
This man drags you into the botanical garden every single day at the exact same time in lunch break JUST to cuddle with you. Doesn't give a fuck if you're dating or not.
It would be a day where you just wanted to watch the lion beastman sleep instead of resting with him because you had too much energy. Your eyes scanning the gorgeous man sleep watching his chest rise and fall... until you notice his exposed neck.
oh no
This is the perfect momment. How can you resist to urge to bite him?? Just a gentle little nibble on his arm-
Wakes up immediately and pushes you back in reflex he is staring at you like (•ー•)
He doesn't mind it but why bite him exactly?
He just sighs and goes back to sleep almost instantly. Probably too tired to deal with your bullshit
But to your suprise he won't push you away anymore when you try to do another small nibble on his arm
Don't expect him to not bite back to tease you though. Bite you where you ask? Don't worry about it.
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A. Ashengrotto
His love language is DEFINETLY Gift giving and Quality time nobody can prove me wrong nor will anybody try to because they know I'm right ☆o☆
The first stages of your relationship I would imagine it to be a bit rocky because Azul would still have a hard time relaxing around you and would be uncomfortable with the idea of physical touch at first.
Once he is comfortable this boy is all over you, hugging and cuddling and kissing and EVERYTHING. He is all. in.
First time you bit him it was probably you two cuddling. Out of nowhere you just casually bit into his shoulder.
My guy YELPS
He is staring at you in shock because why?? Just why?? He doesn't need another Floyd! Why are you biting him??
Is all pouty when you say you do it to show your love.
Out of 7 love languages you chose one THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST??? BITING? WHY???
Eventually gets used to it and (kinda) starts liking it.
The sensations when you bite his neck while cuddling starts to feel comforting. It doesn't even feel sexual.
He only lets you bite him in private. Nothing on this planet could never and I mean NEVER EVER make this boy let you bite him in public. Arm, hand OR LITERALLY ANYWHERE. No. If you do you're getting the silent treatment.
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K. Al-asim
Kalim's love language is definetly Gift giving and Physical touch. He can't help but want to shower you with gifts and cling to you whenever it's possible.
Imagining he's already very friendly I don't think he would even try to tone down the affection at the beginning of your relationship. Hugs, kisses (not on the lips he wants to save that for a special time), hand holding. He doesn't think much of it!
Doesn't mind PDA, would hug and kiss you anywhere with anyone present.
I imagine this would happen early on your relationship too, maybe when you two are studying together.
I imagine Kalim as someone who would boop his lover's nose. Do you people see where I'm going with this?
You two would be in his room, studying peacefully. Before of course Kalim gets bored and starts doing random stuff. Playing with your hair or clothes, and eventually he goes to boop your nose.
You, out of reflex, lean in to gently hold his finger with your teeth. Not biting down.
I don't think Kalim would be too suprised, probably just giggle and kiss your cheek.
So yeah! Doesn't mind it! Don't do it in public or leave marks or Jamil will be on your ass.
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V. Schoenheit
Vil's love language I think would be Quality time and Gift giving I don't know might be wrong on that one I'm not too sure.
Not too big on physical touch but if you wanna hug him for a short while he wouldn't mind. Definetly tries to keep it low in public. In private I feel like he would drown you in kisses.
Imagining you tried sneaking in a bite in public, this man is gonna push you away and spray water on you like you're some damn cat.
Just no.
You can't leave marks on him or do something as stupid as that in public. Will give you a full 2 hour long scolding.
Would he like it? Maybe. But has a reputation to keep. He wears many outfits for photoshoots, ones that are skin showing and ones that cover his body. But he can't exactly always wear clothes that cover his neck or shoulders.
If you wanna do it you will have to do it somewhere that wouldn't be visible. Otherwise you're getting the water spray.
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I. Shroud
Oh this man is def a Quality time and Acts of Service guy. Not saying he wouldn't like physical affection but would probably not be the most comfortable with it. He needs time to get comfortable yanno?
There is no way you are gonna be able to bite this man pre-relationship. No. He isn't even out of his room most of the time how did you bag him? How??
Would have to do it while he's gaming. Maybe playing a pvp game with you or something. If you wanna win you have to distract this man a little bit...
Seated infront of a screen, both of you with controllers in hand... possibly about to break it with how much of a try hard you two are being just to win. And suddenly... an idea strikes you!
Biting Idia!
It definetly worked because my guy jumps back so hard he probably hits something. But hey! You won! Just don't do that ever again.
Just no.
Okay maybe.
Just not out of nowhere like that.
Please do it again.
...He finds it weirdly comforting...
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M. Draconia
I like to think Malleus' love language is physical touch and gift giving. He would probably buy you flowers out of nowhere. I feel like he'd bring you rocks he finds pretty too idk... maybe only I think that way...
I feel like the momment you show this man any physical affection that would be considered even a little more than friendly he would assume you two were in a relationship.
So no, once again. After you two got together.
You could do it at anytime and anywhere, but for the sake of your ear drums not being busted by Sebek's screeching voice yelling about his devotion to Malleus and how disrespectful what you just did was, let's say it was in private.
He would be suprised but probably would allow it without question. Would bring your hand up to his mouth and hold your finger with his teeth while having an expression that said "am I doing this right...?"
In conclusion he doesn't care. Do it. Bite this man anywhere you want. He likes it. Probably comforting in a way.
♡. Requested by beloved @identity-theft-101
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qwakque · 11 months
kalim tries giving leona advice during the housewarden meeting
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randomfandomtwst · 1 month
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I love them, your honor!! They're so funny and I would ABSOLUTELY act the same way if I were in their situation!
Also, I am HERE for the Housewardens + Jamil (Overblot Gang) kicking butt and taking names! I LIVE for it!
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bluesylveon2 · 8 months
F in the chat for Leona....
He didn't die or anything. He's just the only Housewarden to not have a Halloween SSR card
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malleusdraconiasbf · 23 days
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Leona on boblox
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Feel free to reject this, but can you write the housewardens x a reader with self harm scars? Maybe something like them comforting the reader or getting them to open up.
battle scars
masterlist | request rules | ko-fi
housewardens reactions to seeing your self harm scars
characters: leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, vil schoenheit, malleus draconia
warnings: mentions of self harm, please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable, angst to comfort, crying, azul's is extra angsty, i didn't do all the housewardens i hope that's okay anon<3
𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓
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You wake up suddenly to light shining into the room. Slowly opening your eyes, you find the sun shining through the window. You groan and bury your face in Leona's chest, who's peacefully sleeping next to you.
You're about to fall back asleep when you feel the warmth of skin on one of your arms. Your eyes flick back open to see the shirt sleeve you were sleeping in must have ridden up your arm and is lying on top of Leona's.
You quickly bring your arm back and pull the sleeve back down to cover it. Glancing up at Leona, you let out a breath when it doesn't seem he's awake to have seen anything.
Sometimes you wish you could just delete the scars on you. They never bring happy memories, always there as a reminder of the mistakes you made in the past. You hated them and just wish you could erase them permanently. It's the reason why you wear long sleeves all the time. You can't stand for anyone to judge you.
Leona's always teasing you for wearing long sleeves all the time, but you can't bring yourself to stop, just wanting to cover up and stay hidden as long as possible.
You settle back into Leona when you start to feel sleep overtake you, but are startled awake again when you hear a grumble next to you.
"You shouldn't cover up," you stare up at Leona, whose eyes are still closed, wondering if you were hearing things. It's when his eyes flick open that you're sure he said it.
"What are you talking about?" you question him, trying to act like nothing's wrong and you don't know what he's saying. One side of his lips twitches upwards, letting out a small scoff.
"Why do you always wear long sleeves?" you're now fully aware of where the conversation is going, and you would do anything to not be talking about it.
He seems to notice your hesitance in answering the question, and instead of pushing it, he lets out a small sigh and closes his eyes again.
You're left to question exactly what he knows and how he could have found out before you hear him mutter one more thing.
"You shouldn't have to hide who you are; scars tell you what you went through and how you overcame it, it's nothing you should be ashamed of." With those words, he falls back asleep like nothing happened, and you're left to wonder how he found out and how long he's known, but you know he does have a point and as he brings you closer to him in his sleep, you think maybe you don't have to hide anymore. All thanks to the sleepy lion lying next to you.
𝑨𝒛𝒖𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐
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You don't necessarily like big events, but you figured it was only to support Azul, so you let yourself be a part of it. That eventually turns out to be your worst mistake.
The guest list for the event includes everyone Azul could possibly get ahold of. It's obvious there's an elaborate business plan in place, but you don't know the exact details, so you decide to keep to yourself mostly.
It's not until you hear certain voices behind you that your body tenses up and goes rigid. No, it can't be. You slowly move to the other side of the table to get a better look.
One glance at the people and tears start forming in your eyes. You quickly get as far away as possible and eventually find the bathroom, tears clouding your vision.
You look in the mirror, and all your worst insecurities start floating to the surface, making more tears roll down your cheeks. You roll up your sleeves, still staring into the mirror, and can clearly see the deep scars on your arms, even with blurry eyes.
Through the whole ordeal, you don't hear the door being knocked on and the soft voice on the other side. All you can do is stare into the mirror, flashbacks coming back so violently that you would have fallen to the floor if not for the arms you feel around you.
A familiar scent overwhelms you, and you immediately know who it is, but you still don't have the strength to stop crying. You feel yourself slowly brought to the ground, sitting on Azul's lap with his arms around you, practically crushing yourself to his chest.
You don't know how long you stay there on the bathroom floor, but eventually, the warmth of Azul's body and the hands rubbing your back help you calm down. He doesn't force you to say anything, just keeps cradling you, but your voice starts talking before your brain can tell you not to.
You haven't told this to anyone before, but the way he's holding you makes you feel the safest, and you tell him everything. You tell him about how the people you saw at the event used to make fun of how you looked and gave you the deepest insecurities about yourself, which led to the scars covering your arms.
Azul's grip on you tightens at some parts of the story, but then immediately loosens as his hands start to move over the scars on your arms, gently going over them with his thumb.
You don't know how long you stay like that until your mind wanders to the event still going on, and you quickly sit up, accidentally scaring Azul out of the state he was in.
"The event—" You begin to speak, but Azul quickly shakes his head and shushes you.
"Don't worry about it, the event's completely fine. I was more worried about you." You eventually return to the event, Azul not leaving your side once, and you don't see the people that caused your bathroom meltdown… or either of the Leeches for that matter.
𝑽𝒊𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒏𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒕
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You didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. One moment you're sweating your ass off in gym, and then the next thing you know you're in a cool bed, with a concerned Vil hovering over you.
"What happened?" You attempt to sit up when you're hit with a wave of dizziness and are led back to lay down by Vil's hands.
"Don't move, you passed out on the field from heat exhaustion." You visibly see how distraught he is, and can't help but feel guilty by putting him in this position.
You feel yourself shiver slightly from the temperature of the room, and move to put your hands over your arms for some kind of heat. It's when you feel the smoothness of skin instead of the fabric of a shirt that you realize you're not wearing the sweater you usually wore.
You try your best to inconspicuously move your arms under the blanket, but you see the way Vil barely glances down at your arms, and tries his best to try to seem interested in something on the wall in front of him.
It's when he makes eye contact with you that you know. You break the eye contact, staring down at the sheets under you, not wanting to face him. You can't even begin to wonder what he would think about the darkest years of your life, forever a reminder and etched onto your body.
You don't notice the tears running down your cheeks until you feel Vil gently wiping them off your face.
"Please don't cry, pretty." Your heart clenches at the pet name, like it has many times before when he'd use it. The gentle tone in his voice makes more involuntary tears fall and no matter how hard you try, they won't stop.
He shushes you as he climbs into the bed next to you, bringing your body closer to him. The heat of his body starts to calm you, and you get as close to him as you could possibly get, not wanting to let go.
When he doesn't leave your side for the remainder of the day, and gets everything you need and want, you know you found your happy place and you never want to leave.
𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒂
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You don't notice how late it's gotten until you hear rustling next to you, and a familiar figure takes a seat next to you. You didn't mean to stay out here this long, you got too lost in the feeling of the wind across your skin.
You know that Malleus is always here, so it makes sense that he would eventually show up, but you were planning on leaving before he got here. You don't think you can handle him seeing the scars that shown all up your forearms.
You start to stand, muttering something about not wanting to bother him when his arm shoots up to stop you, grabbing your wrist. The grip he holds is so gentle, not even using enough force to harm a butterfly, yet you still find yourself flinching away from his grasp.
He's visibly startled from your reaction as his arm shoots backwards away from you. It breaks you to see his reaction as he moved even further away from you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He starts apologizing, but you stop him before he can get any further.
"Please don't apologize, it's not your fault, it's entirely mine." You see Malleus' expression go from worry to confusion as he listens to you.
His gaze falls onto your arm, and you quickly cross your arms over your chest, wincing slightly at the dull burn you feel. Before you know it he's back in front of you, worry back on his expression.
"You're hurt." You can't stop him from carefully grabbing your arm and turning it around to look at it. "Who hurt you?" You want to cry from the innocence of the question, and can't stop the tears from actually falling.
You end up telling him everything and how you've been feeling like you're just bothering everyone with your problems. He listens intently to you, his thumb rubbing over your hand as he holds your wrist.
"Mortal lives are already so short as they are, please don't make yours any shorter, love." He brings one of his hands up to tilt your chin to face him. "Tell me if you're ever feeling like this, alright?" You nod with watery eyes as he brings you into his chest, engulfing you with his scent and warmth.
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buy me a coffee ♡
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cosmonavo · 4 months
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Bring me to life -
Under the dark blanket of night, a man prepares to commit his crime. He isn't looking for jewels or valuable belongings, this man, whose shadow almost disappears into the mist of the terrifying night, is looking for a soul. Not just any soul, but that of a noble spirit unable to rest, for between him and his undeniable death there is a constant agony that will not allow him to rest for all the eternity that surrounds him. The ghost of a cowboy long forgotten between the land of the living and the world of the dead, and yet the tortures that prowl his mind like a worm devouring his brain are nothing more than the constant reminder that his soul will never have any rest for his sins committed and his failure to protect those who should be protected, such as allowing his brother to be murdered right before his eyes.
The ghost of the cowboy, calloused and bereft of his senses, asks himself and the wind, the only one that accompanies him in his dreaded solitude, if this is the punishment he deserves, and in the background, he can hear the wind whispering "yes, you deserve" in the deep of his mind.
In his tatters, he can't even feel the physical pain of loss, only the agony that runs through his translucent soul, leaving a hole in his intangible chest.
The awakening is near, he feels it, he feels the wind on his cold, pale skin for the first time in a long time. He feels someone's presence, he feels the whining and blasphemy that sully his ancient tomb.
The air changes.
He is free once again.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
MC: I had a dream where Vil was a woman and I literally folded... in my dream. 😭
Epel: Simp.
Rook: Trickster, aren't you an artist? Now draw Roi du Poison as a woman.
MC: I want to, but Vil confiscated my art materials!
Rook: Oh, that's not a problem! I have plenty of them!
Vil: Why is that displayed here?
The housewardens: ...
Leona: Herbivore insisted that it was your counterpart.
Kalim: The Goddess of Poison!
Vil: ...
Azul: It's a masterpiece.
Riddle: I would actually think it's a photo.
Idia: Lol. A shrine for Vil.
Malleus: Didn't they say that the goddess's name is Vilina?
Vil: ...
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yulin-pop · 1 year
⤷ ✧ Tough Fall
Gender neutral
- order 74 | shorts | Housewardens
Just slipping on a banana peel in front of them
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Riddle was about to greet you and then suddenly you’re on the floor. Who left a banana peel on the floor?!? He was going to warn you to not step on it up there you go. Leaving banana peels on the floor is a serious offense! He helps you up and he will get justice for you. He asks around and interrogates everyone that happened to walk in that hall. And somehow he actually finds the culprit. Honestly his lecture was funnier than your fall. “Do you think it’s funny to leave banana peels on the floor?! Because of your laziness, someone got hurt!”
Leona was doing his usual. Just napping in the Botanical Garden. He wakes up from your loud footsteps and then you just— hit the floor. That’s your fault. How did you not see the bright yellow thing on the floor? You’ve never seen him laugh hard before. He needs to thank whoever left that banana there. You fell real hard because you’re just laying there. He helps you off the floor but he’s never letting you live that down.
Azul was waving at you as you pass by and then you scream and slip. He’s fighting back his laughter. He has to cover his mouth and turn the other way for a moment to gain his composure. Then he helps you up with his business man persona. “Oh, that was a.. hard fall.” It’s just humiliating the way he’s giggling at you. At least he helps you up and makes sure you aren’t hurt.
Kalim was skipping down the hallway. He saw that banana peel and didn’t step on it thanks to Jamil warning him about it. Then you see him and come running his way. “Wait! There’s a banana peel—“ You wave your hands all over the place before hitting the ground. While Jamil is losing his shit over this, Kalim is freaking out. He helps you out and probably starts scolding at the banana. How dare it make you fall?
Vil is always aware of his surroundings. He saw that banana peel already but didn’t want to dirty his hands picking it up. He was gonna notify one of the janitors but you come running out of no where. You land face forward, right at his feet. Frankly, he’s embarrassed for you. Why were you running in the halls anyway? If you’re injured anyway he treats it right away. Hopefully you learned a valuable lesson.
Idia was out of his room for once. He almost stepped on it himself but moved away from it before he actually did. He turned around to just stare at it. “People here are so sloppy. The garbage can was right there…” Then you come up running down the hall like it’s track. Luckily that banana peel stopped you. He could’ve sworn he heard that goofy slipping sound effect in the distance. He takes the opportunity to run away but when he’s alone he’s laughing uncontrollably. He really wished he caught that on video. And then he realizes he has access to the security cameras. He’s devious.
Malleus was minding his own business. The hallway was completely empty and there was one thing that stood out to him. The random banana peel on the floor. What a peculiar thing… He saw you running up to him. He really could’ve warned you but that wasn’t the first thing on his mind. He was just happy to see you. Quickly the banana peel wiped that smile off of your face when you hit the floor. Needless to say he obliterated that banana for hurting you.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#516 Lil' Freak~
In a Housewarden Meeting
Lilia*Interacting with The Ramshackle duo*My~You Ramshackle sure are strange!~*Pokes Grim Belly*
Grim*Napping in his lap lets out a squeak*Myaa~
Lilia*Looking at you with a smile*Andd what pray tell~Are you, My dear?~
Yuu*Sipping their tea calmly not blinking*Im just a lil' freak...
Yuu*Wiggles Eyebrow with a smirk at the others in the meeting room*
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twistedminutia · 3 months
Which Housewarden Has the Most Practical Signature Spell?
This question was triggered by my thinking about the signature spells the housewardens have are… not always super useful under most circumstances. As this post will be covering all housewarden signature spells, there will be spoilers for Book 7 parts only available in JP.
Riddle Rosehearts. Signature spell: Off with your head. Creates a collar around the neck of the target(s) which prevents them from using magic.
It was Riddle’s signature spell that got me thinking about this in the first place, honestly. Mostly because his spell seems very practical on its face. He’s actually the housewarden who seems to use his signature spell the most, after Azul, which would make it very practical. Right?
Except his spell is only practical at all because of two specific circumstances. One, he is in a position of authority and able to deal out punishment to rule breakers, and two, he is in a location with a lot of magic users. In Twisted Wonderland, humans who use magic are much less common than humans who do not use magic. Outside of NRC, Riddle’s spell isn’t going to have much more use than a fancy collar about 90% of the time.
In summary, Riddle’s spell appears practical, but only because he’s in the perfect circumstances for it. If he was in different circumstances, it would be much less useful. 5/10
Leona Kingscholar. Signature spell: King’s Roar. Causes anything of Leona’s choosing within a certain radius to crumble into sand.
This is, again, a spell that is only practical under certain circumstances. It’s definitely a powerful spell, but you’re not exactly going to be whipping it out every single day, unless you’re a glassmaker (and even then, you need specific sand to make glass and we don’t know what kind of sand Leona makes).
That being said, it’s not like the spell has no practical uses. It’s an extremely powerful offensive spell and it means people would certainly be cautious about approaching Leona in a combat situation. He’s a prince as well, so we need to consider that he’s more likely to get targeted for political reasons. A powerful spell like his would be a deterrent and a means of protecting himself and defending others.
All in all, it’s another powerful spell, but it’s hardly one you’re going to get much use out of under normal circumstances. 4/10.
Azul Ashengrotto. Signature spell: It’s A Deal. By signing a scroll, Azul can take any power he chooses as part of a contract. If the terms are broken, the contracted party will have to obey Azul.
Okay, so this one’s a weird one. It’s been stated before in canon (I believe Jade and Floyd touch on this right around Azul’s overblot) that Azul does not HAVE to make a contract in order to take a power. He can just do it (he was using his signature spell when he overblotted, for example, without needing the contract). However, this is difficult to control (since he just sucks out ALL a target’s abilities instead of one) and it skirts along the lines of forbidden magic, so he uses the contracts.
Obviously, this limits practicality. To gain the power, he needs to get the target to agree to the contract and he needs to fulfill whatever his end of the bargain is. However, Azul is cunning and good at hiding his motivations to get what he truly wants. He can’t get people who don’t agree, but he can leverage people to get them to do so.
In general? This is the most practical spell we’ve seen so far. It’s got wide applicability (it seems to be implied in his backstory that he’s not limited to taking magic) and it’s something that can be used every day, even making it part of your job (which he does)! 9/10, subtracting a point for the inconvenience of the contracts.
Kalim Al-Asim. (What, were you expecting Jamil? Read the top again- it’s housewardens, not overblotters!) Signature Spell: Oasis Maker. Using only a small amount of magic, Kalim can create a downpour.
This is one of the spells that got me thinking about how practical some spells are, because this spell is discussed as impractical in story. Kalim states that the spell is mostly useless in a time of irrigation and running water. It’s good for some water fun, but not a super useful spell. In some ways, this could be seen as a reflection of Kalim himself, or maybe even how he sees himself: fun and flashy, but not really useful.
This makes it more interesting when, later in the chapter, Azul notes that the spell is incredibly useful in a different context! Go to a land without water and suddenly Kalim is a king. That’s why he’s wealthy in the first place- being able to create water made his family important. And it could be another commentary on Kalim- he’s really only fun and flashy in this setting, but he’s also more capable of being beneficial to those around him than he realizes.
So. Is Kalim’s spell practical? Well, yes and no. Azul’s right in that it’s more practical than Kalim was thinking, but that practicality is context specific. But being able to make clean water no matter what is useful in a lot of survival situations, and could help a lot of people, so… 4/10. Practical under the right circumstances.
Vil Schoenheit. Signature spell: Fairest One of All. Vil is able to curse any item with any condition he chooses.
So, uh. Does anyone else think this is like. Ridiculously overpowered? Might as well just give him the ‘do whatever you want all the time’ spell because that’s basically what this is. He has, in canon, paralyzed people with food, almost put someone into a cursed sleep with food, created acid, and paralyzed someone by getting them to touch lakewater. What. The. Hell. Are there limits on this spell? Is Vil perpetually one mental breakdown away from creating ‘you obey everything I say now’ water and dumping it over a crowd????
Okay. Rambling aside. This is a ridiculously practical spell. Clearly there are limits (I would imagine he can only affect so many people/things or hold it for so long before he can’t keep it up anymore) but it’s pretty damn strong. 10/10.
Idia Shroud. Signature Spell: Gate to the Underworld. Idia can open the gate to the Underworld in the S.T.Y.X. headquarters.
I feel bad but... It's not the world's most practical spell, is it? It's cool, and clearly necessary, don't get me wrong, but like. How often does this come up in day-to-day living? It might be practical for his job, I guess, but it doesn't seem to be useful in most circumstances.
I obviously can't rate this one very highly. Sorry, Idia. One point for its usefulness to his job. 1/10.
Malleus Draconia. Signature Spell: Fae Maleficence. Allows him to put people into ageless sleep while surrounding the area with a wall of briars and thorns.
This one's a harder spell to categorize, because we know what the spell has done so far, but we don't know it that's all it can do. I may be wrong on this, because I've only read the portions of the chapter that have come out in English, but it's not confirmed that this is the only thing his spell can do- like it's never been stated 'Malleus' spell puts people to sleep always.' It could be that this is the extent of his spell, but it could also be more like Vil's spell. If we'd only read Book 5 and he hadn't explained it, we could have assumed that Vil's spell could only be used on food. But it's actually much broader. I'm saying this because I don't want to rule out that Malleus' spell might be even more powerful or flexible than shown.
That being said, I can only judge on what I have. And what I have now is the ageless sleep bit. It's certainly not the most practical spell ever, though it could have its uses. As a defensive spell, it seems pretty good. You could trap an army with it, or create a protective barrier for your people until danger has passed. Still, I don't think this is a spell Malleus could use every day.
It's primarily for defensive purposes, so same as Leona's. 4/10.
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