#uk schools
inkcoveredpoet · 5 months
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Winter school season>>
All images are from pinterest
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northern-punk-lad · 9 months
I just got reminded of heads down thumbs up I loved that game in primary school
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an-theduckin · 6 months
Couldn't fit all 15 poems in this soo yeah ill make a part 2 of this. Also if u don't know what I'm talking about (if u don't live in the uk) please just ignore this poll and DONT vote in it cuz like. I don't want the results 2 be messed up
Part 2 here
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Anti-Bullying Week
I just found out that apparently it's anti-bullying week and I wanted to say something now, because I know full well that my secondary school will have made a big song and dance about how wonderful their safeguarding system is and how few bullying cases there are in their school. 
It's a lie. Bullying is an issue that so few people take as seriously as it should be taken. People die because of this, and I know for certain that I am only alive due to a tiny, tiny coincidence. Bullying is normalised and widespread and not enough is done to stop it.
I lived in fear for five years. I was hated, unanimously, to the point at which I believed - wrongly - that I wouldn't be able to make friends at college. My name was turned into an insult. I was followed home. They would scream at me for their entertainment, both in school and out of it. I was targeted while I was in the Remembrance Parade. They hurt me at prom. I lost friends - two of my oldest friends laughed as I cried. I lost my name. I lost any semblance of safety I ever had. Even now I am living a lie to hide from them, so that they cannot hurt me again. Most of the school joined in. Everyone knew my name, everyone knew that it was ok to be horrible to me and that it didn't make them a worse person, because I didn't count. They would go out of their way to distress me, and then prolong it, "because it's funny" (direct quote), and then gossip about it afterwards. People younger than me, in different year groups, people who didn't even know me would join in. They would invade my privacy wherever possible - a music video I made as coursework was found and spread about, simply because it was mine. They'd hurt my friends, almost like “collateral damage”. They targeted my brother, and I'm scared they'll hurt my sister, too. They'd remind me that they could do whatever they wanted to me. That I had no privacy, where they were concerned. They made fun of my illness. My grades. Anything and everything I did or had or said, no matter how ridiculous. Nobody treated me with any sort of respect, because why should they? It was only me. They would explicitly use terms associated with bullying lightly - once I heard someone say that they wouldn't directly say anything to me, they'd rather "just be a bystander", and that wasn't an isolated incident. By the time I was thirteen I'd realised that if I killed myself, they'd stand and point and laugh at the way I'd died. 
Bullying is horrible. When I tried to report what was happening to me, I was ignored, even when I could describe it. By the time I gave up, I just didn't have the words to describe what they were doing anymore, because they were sneaky, they were subtle. I was so terrified that at twelve years old, I taught myself to fight, to defend myself, I taught myself not to react to anything, because at least if I didn't react, it ended quicker. It didn't stop, but it ended quicker - and that was all I could do. Even now, I can remain poker-faced through just about anything - any amount of pain, people screaming in my ear, throwing things at me, shoving me - anything. I learned how to avoid people and stick to the shadows, because that way I was safe. I became cold and violent and vengeful, so that I wouldn't break. I WAS TWELVE. I was twelve years old, and, that summer, I looked at myself in the mirror and realised, “I can't do this anymore. I have to become someone else if I'm going to survive this.”
For a long time, I hated her - I still can't see her as someone who was once me. And now I'm starting to understand that she was so young, and she did the only thing she could, and that she is the reason I am alive today. But I hated her for making me into a monster. I went insane. I hear screaming in my head. I want to burn the people who hurt me - make them fear me, make them feel the pain they put inside me, so that they never hurt me again. But most of all, I'm terrified. I'm terrified of it happening again. My own birth name is a trigger. I can't say it, nor the name of the one who started it all, without having a panic attack. I have flashbacks. I have nightmares. I hide my face in college so that nobody recognises me. And at some point this week, in an assembly, my old headteacher will have stood up and talked about how amazing the anti-bullying system at that school is. 
I survived because of one, tiny coincidence. Others weren't, and won't be, so lucky. Because not everyone can switch schools. The other kid in my year who was treated like that did, but I couldn't, and there will be others like me. Please, if there is a “weird kid” in your year, please, please don't make fun of them. The one kid who everyone makes fun of, and hates? Please give them a chance. Their “weird” behaviour is most likely a defence mechanism - I was hostile and cold towards anyone who I didn't explicitly know and trust, because I was afraid. And to everyone who claims to care about victims of bullying, but does shit like this, or condones it, or ignores it - to everyone at my old school, to the teachers who brushed me off, to the people who tortured me because they found it funny - you do not deserve to call yourself human. You are cruel. And if I ever see anyone being treated the way I was, I will not hesitate to hurt you. 
Please, please look out for things like this. This is how kids get killed - either by suicide, or killed by bullies. All that bullshit about “what doesn't kill you makes you stronger”, “abuse makes you kind”, “ignore the haters!” - it's a LIE. What doesn't kill you makes you vulnerable and frightened. Abuse makes you harsh and vengeful and furious, and there's no way to ignore people who find delight in your pain. 
Not enough people understand this, so please share it - for me, for the kid I was when it all started, for my little sister, who's essentially walking into a lion's den blindfolded soon, for every other kid like me who was ignored and brushed off, for all the kids who died because of bullies - please raise aware of what bullying really is, and how it destroys people. 
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acnews · 28 days
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brsb4hls · 8 months
Binging Sex Education and was wondering why it was such a big deal in general, so I researched and I need some UK folks to fact check please:
I read RSHE was only established as compulsory in 2020.
Is that true? Like, where there schools that did not teach sex ed before 2020?
Info is highly appreciated, thanks.
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itgetsbetter888 · 11 months
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lets fucking gooooooo
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cringengl · 10 months
If you went to multiple schools and were placed in different coloured houses each time, which house was your favourite/the one you spent the most time in
Reblog for a bigger sample size :))
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inkcoveredpoet · 8 months
I have a photoshoot I need to do linking to the theme of Identity and emotions/feelings.
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Not an ex-ofsted inspector appearing to admit small primary schools can't get outstanding?
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northern-punk-lad · 8 months
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ladymazzy · 2 years
Afro hair: School bans probably illegal, says watchdog - BBC News
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tanoroe · 7 months
psychology is making me need psychological help
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an-theduckin · 6 months
If u don't know what I'm talking about (if u don't live in the uk) please just ignore this poll and DONT vote in it cuz like. I don't want the results 2 be messed up
Part 1 here cuz I couldn't fit it all in one poll
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stargazostli · 6 months
my old school's on a hill and at the bottom of the hill the ground floor is the first floor and theres two different height floors named first floor and three different height floors names second floor and also the canadians used it as a hospital in world war one and the boiler broke yesterday and theres a forbidden floor and gargoyles
and the field backs onto some houses' gardens, and theres a n0nce that watches girls doing PE that they FINALLY noticed and made us go inside, and an old lady that kicks her dog outside and comes and yells at kids if her dog starts barking who a kid got in a (verbal) fight with once and also it backs onto a graveyard and has a gate to the graveyard that is usually unlocked so yeah haha
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I'm looking forward to going in today, if only to see the shit show that is the aftermath of the Friday protests, apparently there's more planned for today so we shall see
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