#velvette headcanon
helluvapoison · 3 months
how the overlords would put a claim on you
˚✧₊⁎ Carmilla Carmine ⁎⁺˳✧༚
As much as she loves spending her mornings in bed with you, wishfully thinking she could stay there all day, she can only give you 3 more minutes at best. Being an Overlord and a CEO keeps her rather busy. You’re grown, you can handle yourself (you have to in this world) she’s not keeping tabs on your whereabouts. Carmilla isn’t itching for a fight like these new “up and comers”. Giving you something to protect you when she’s not around simultaneously puts a target on your back. A simple ring with her name inscribed would suffice, satisfying any possessive vices she may or may not have
˚✧₊⁎ Zestial ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Abhorrent is jealousy, driving the younger generations to filth like, ugh, hickeys. Although, on a certain level he does understand. Being in Hell for as long as he has and alone the same amount, he knows all too well the primal need to claim what other’s might steal. One must leave their mark as a warning sign for others. Zestial’s exceptionally charming when he wants something, notably not asking when he presents you with the crisply wrapped gifts. There’s no less than twenty. Boxes upon boxes of accessories and clothes that suit you but hold his color palette, spider and web details to boot. He’s utterly thrilled when you wear them, showering you in compliments and declaring himself the luckiest soul in Hell
˚✧₊⁎ Rosie ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Goodness, have you seen how sinners nowadays go about the whole ordeal? What happened to romance!? Call her old fashioned, but Rosie likes a smidge of glamour in her techniques! She’ll walk shoulder to shoulder with you, holding her parasail over the both of you. She’ll accidentally press her painted lips on your cheek and forget, quickly getting swept up into conversation with someone or the other. It’s fine, no one would question her! Not if they wanted to live anyways. Butterflies swarm her stomach when she notices you haven’t wiped her imprint away, a proud smile spreading across her face. It becomes purposeful as the days go on
˚✧₊⁎ Alastor ⁎⁺˳✧༚
While happy to broadcast newsworthy exploits, sharing his private affairs with the world is out of the question. Of course the appeal of it all isn’t lost on him, he merely doesn’t see the point. Why broaden your horizons of potential dangers by claiming you publicly? To calm that unruly, covetous alien in the pit of his chest? He’s not that selfish! Besides, nothing less than something permanent could truly satisfy him anyhow
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
If he doesn’t have eyes on you, he’s working. Those measley hours apart won’t stop him from reminding all of Hell you still belong to him. He doesn’t trust anyone down here. He’ll convince you it’s for your safety that he tightens the collar around your neck. With a hum of approval, Val’s long and slender fingers twist the tag with his name on it. Heart shaped, of course, he loves you after all!
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Only the insecure need to put a claim on their person. That’s not Vox, no way! You’re never really out of his sights anyways, what with today’s power of technology and all! The need to brand you goes a different route. He wants everyone to know you’re spoken for, pulling you on camera every chance he gets. He wants them to stare in awe and envy but cast their eyes down when you walk by in public. A slight on you would be a slight on him personally and no one messes with The Vees
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Truthfully, there isn’t much she wouldn’t do. You’re all over her Sinstagram and that says it all. Every runway show, every red carpet walk, every paparazzi shot you’re always beside her. Vel dresses you left and right to match her OOTD somehow. She snaps a pic every single day (sometimes more) to show her followers their favorite couple is thriving and stylish as always! The description never fails to scream how your all hers
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dallina17 · 2 months
Some Velvette headcanons
Velvette was not her name as a human. But she didn't like her real name, it made her feel week and powerless, so she started to introduce herself as Velvette once in hell.
The only one who knows her real name is Vox. Not even Valentino. Not because she doesn't trust Valentino, but because she didn't want anyone to know her name. Vox finding out was an accident, but he doesn't tell anyone. Not even Val.
Vox only calls her by her real name when she really messes up and he is really mad at her. But that doesn't happen often, is more common to find Velvette mad with Vox or Valentino.
Speaking of mad, Velvette is the only one capable of shutting Valentino up with a scream when she is really angry with him and make Valentino feel in #danger. Like if she screams "VALENTINO" very furious, Valentino knows he really fucked up this time, it's better to shut up, ask for forgiveness and do what she says before she gets angrier.
That is the reason why Angel likes Velvette a little more than the other two Vees. He says, quote "Anyone capable of shutting Valentino up with a scream has my respect". Still, Angel doesn't exactly trust her and wouldn't want to be around her that much, but it's not exactly rude to her.
On the other hand, Velvette thinks that Angel is cool, but she doesn't think too much about him. He is Valentino's business. They are friendly acquaintances.
Velvette is not only the youngest Overlord, but in all the history of Overlords (except maybe for Alastor, but Alastor is weird) she is the one who became an Overlord in the shortest time.
She is very perceptive and knows what to say to make people do as she says and convince them, that's why she got her first soul just 6 months after arriving in hell. The average is five years.
It only took her a year to have a good amount of followers, deals, and starting to have a reputation and getting sinners to know her name. She started to rise to power faster than anyone, but in a normal way, not like Alastor who one day appeared out of nothing and started to kill Overlords and become powerful. Velvette was more progressive and in the shadows. Her turning powerful was pure due to her hard work and easy way to influence others. Still, it was unusual enough so demons and Overlords were wary of her because they experienced Alastor's grab of power not so long ago. They weren't thrilling for an Alastor 2.0. But she is nothing like him.
Vox was the very first to notice her potential and approach her with a proposal to join his team (this was after Alastor refused the same proposal). Velvette wasn't so sure at first, but she knew that, even if she got to the position she wanted, it would take her more time to do it alone than it would with a team, so she said yes.
The first meeting with Valentino was very uncomfortable. Valentino, of course, being Valentino wanted to lick Velvette's arm as he did with Charlie. But Velvette doesn't take shit of anyone and using her weapon, she basically perfored Valentino's shoulder and made him back off.
"If you ever touch me again like that, I will fucking kill you"
But they have left that episode in the past and now they are like siblings who love to annoy each other. Valentino and Vox are his family and the ones she loves the most (for now). She would do anything for them.
She loves to express her love to her loved ones, especially with gifts and pet names.
Her primary love language is giving gifts. The second one is words of affirmation.
Her weapon is like a big needle that she can control with her mind and cross her enemies' chest, hearts, or any part she wants. Picture Yondu's weapon in Guardians of the Galaxy, something like that.
She knows so much about business, enterprises, making deals, being perceptive, and using psychology to convince others to do what she wants because her human family was rich, and made her get involved in the family's business.
Her role in her family's enterprise was marketing, principally through social media, another skill she learned due to her family, and that has helped her in her time in hell.
She is the youngest of three siblings. She had a bad and tense relationship with her sister. But she was very close with her brother (her brother was the member she was the most close with). Maybe that's the reason why she can connect more with Valentino and Vox than, let's say, Carmilla or Rosie. Val and Vox are her new big brothers.
Her sister is also the reason why she hates pussy people so much, especially if said people have power. Her sister had so much power, and she wasted it, being afraid and shy and kind. She hated it.
She is adopted. So she felt she had to earn her place in the family. That's why she got the most involved with the business.
The family business had to do with drugs, both "legal" (medicine that was addictive and killed you slowly but you couldn't stop buying it because of how addictive it was) and illegal (other types of drugs). Even if passively, she is responsible of the death of thousands so yes... That's one of the reasons she is in hell.
Her family had many enemies. One of them hired a hitman to kill them and he succeeded. His whole family is in hell, except his sister, but he only talks to his brother sometimes.
Even if she has some knowledge of drugs thanks to her family business, in hell is something she doesn't want to have anything to do with. Drugs are the business of her parents, she would get to power by her own means.
Her true passion is making clothes. Both design and stitch.
She has two notebooks with clothes designs. One with designs for the regular demons, and one with designs specially made for her loved ones. So Vox and Valentino (and later Emily).
She has a pretty good sleeping schedule, but when for A or B reasons she can't sleep, she doodles clothes designs.
She hates crying. Crying is a weakness.
She loves sweet food, but she loves even more sour ones.
She absolutely can't cook, wash clothes, clean the house. She always had people to do it for her. So yeah, esteriotypical rich kid.
That will be all for today! I hope you like it. I got a little carried away with this but is just because I love Velvette so much 😂♥️
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chiquitafresa · 3 months
model Vox AU??
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Okay hear me out, what if Vox used to be a model for Velvette when they were first starting out her social media empire??? Like please tell me you see the vision
the reference photo was taken from a old magazine/book I found!
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camilaxmartin · 2 months
i headcanon both carmilla and velvette as lesbians.
idk fight me or something🙄🙄
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alexdough · 3 months
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Just my personal opinion
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diurnalvl · 3 months
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vees headcanon: when velvette is bored, she likes to read out thirst veets on vitter to see vox's reaction.
she would bother val, but he doomscrolls his thirst veets mornings and nights, so it isn't nearly as fun as vox's immediate shocking shock at the sheer gall of some of these sinners.
once vox stops glitching, he's usually gathered enough wits to immediately approve more merch.
they made vees body pillows once. he never wants to see one in real life.
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lunameimei · 4 months
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Well, at least they tried
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Random Vox, Valentino and Velvette Headcanons:
-Velvette loves painting Valentino’s nails. Due to his multiple arms she has plenty of blank canvases to experiment with colours and fancy designs. Val will use this time to rant to Velvette about everything irritating him that week.
-Every month or so the three have a treat day where they go to the mall together.
-Satan help any poor retail workers who have to deal with them.
-Vox doesn’t tend to buy much so he’s the designated bag carrier.
-They totally have a line of fashion dolls based on them (like Barbie or Monster High). They’re very hot collectors items.
-Velvette designed outfits for one of Verosika’s tours.
-Vox has totally caused blackouts during his and Val’s bang sessions. Velvette is not impressed.
-“Fucking hell you twats I was in the middle of a movie!”
-The day afterward Vox always has to go on air and publicly apologise. He makes up some bullshit excuse as to why it happens but his flustered expression gives it away. No one is brave enough to call him out.
-Velvette teaches the boys British slang and insults while Val teaches them Spanish curse words.
-Vox occasionally DJs at some of Valentino’s clubs.
-When he’s feeling down or nostalgic Val will sit in his room and listen to 70s music.
-None of them eat well. Vox consumes nothing but takeout and coffee, Velvette lives off sweet treats and Val’s diet mainly consists of cigarettes and alcohol.
-Val loves to leave lipstick marks all over Vox’s screen right before the tv demon goes on air.
-Vox has the worst fashion sense out of the trio. Velvette and Val constantly have to pick out his clothes because they wouldn’t be caught dead with him in the outfits he chooses.
-Going off the fact that Val is canonically a good artist, sometimes he sketches out ideas for Velvette’s fashion collections.
-They have drunk karaoke nights at the studio and it is absolute chaos.
Part 2 Part 3
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mournings-stars · 3 months
Maybe the wrapping wings around heddies but the reader wraps their wings around the characters?
okay i rly like this but what about with characters that don’t have wings?? (lmk if yall want characters w wings cus this is kinda silly funny haha)
she loves when your wings wrap around her — every time she hugs you, she’s waiting for that extra warmth and when it comes she just hugs you even tighter
she wouldn’t ask you to do it, but if you put a wing around her in public she’s trying not to get too excited
cuddling is a must for wings. you’re sitting on the couch? she wants a nice feathery blanket. lying in bed? same thing. watching a scary movie? she’s using your wings as a shield to duck under anytime theres a jump scare
if you asked her if she’d like a wing, she’s the happiest you’ve ever seen her
“im starting to wonder if you’re just dating me for my wings,” you’d joke and she’d laugh and say, “they’re definitely a plus” while running her finger over the top of one (this girl likes to tease i know it)
she loves when you cuddle up to her and wrap your wings around her, like she just melts
she does not let anyone play with them. ever. if niffty tried to go scurrying around them, she’s taking her away faster than she can blink
your wings are hers as much as they are yours, but that’s a silent rule between you two that she doesn’t plan on voicing
she just gives “let me be your wings” from thumbelina vibes like you would have a duet like that
now if you ever need to gossip, he’s clearing his throat and you’re shielding your conversation with your wings while you two laugh and whisper
he does not want anyone touching him but if you put a wing around him he knows you guys have some important business to talk about
sometimes you throw up your wing, whisper, and he has to stop himself from laughing when you quickly put your wing down, alastor batting it with his microphone as you laughed
now if he’s ever hurt, that’s when your wings go around him, making sure no one sees so he can escape to saftey
you’d always come to his rescue even if he got mad at you for it, wings wrapping around him as you struck his attacker faster than he could summon his shadows (and he definitely gets pissed about it but hey what are … friends …. for!)
wings are for shit talking and the occasional life saver when it comes to al
angel dust
he loves the security of your wings
after a long day, you’d just lie in his room, wings wrapped around him as he held you close — he’d either fall asleep or want to sit in silence like that, but either way you were happy to help
sometimes you’d just sit at the bar, wing around him as you talked and laughed together
whenever you went out together, your wings were a strict barrier that no one dared to cross. you put a wing in front of angel when some guy approaches him? he and every other demon are backing off for the rest of the night. you’re walking down the street? wing around him and no one is approaching you
he definitely asks you to do it (in his own very special way) and he likes to tease you when you’re around other people
but you both know he treasures the safety your wings give him
my boy pentious 100% thinks you’ve turned against him the first time you drape your wings over him — you could’ve literally been sleeping and he’d accuse you of trying to smother him
“i was sleeping!” “your subconscious mind plans to kill me, too!”
he warms up to it though because the next time it happens you’re fast asleep and theres no attempt to block his airways, or whatever he thought you’d do, so he snuggles into the warmth
being a snake (i love snakes im gonna b a lil nerdy about this one) pen likes to burrow. especially at night. he’d start to curl up under the warmth of your wings and rest there until you eventually moved
some days you’d wake up and he’d be completely hidden beneath your wings. if you lift one, he’d very quickly tug it back (definitely how he found out about sensitive wings)
he felt very bad :(
wings are for parties!
they give you the best dance numbers — dramatic reveal, awesome poses, super dope flying routine…!
then they’re for comedowns because once you’re home from the club shit hits the fan and you’re wrapping your wings around her so she can even try to sleep
but then the morning comes and you brush it off cus it’s time to blow shit up!
definitely using your wings as a shield though — they’re probably dyed pink and red by now, with all the times you’ve had to cover the two of you from explosives
but she finds it super hot so…
she likes to fuck with you
1000% uses them as her personal armor — you’re basically a body guard
she’ll wrap them around herself while looking in the mirror, modeling your wings like a feather coat
“my wings are not going in your collection,” you’d have to tell her, still pulling her closer with them as you met her eyes in the mirror
“yeah, guess you’re right. can’t have anyone else getting a hold of these, can we?”
she loves being wrapped in them while she sleeps — she loves you sleeping next her, cause then she can lay them however she wants
it’s always best when you’re wings fold in and bring her closer though
definitely been used for a private moment in the office
she says they’re your best asset
now this man is, under no circumstances, letting you wrap your wings around him
in public? absolutely not…
in private? well…. no! totally not!
at least not until you’re asleep and he’s situating himself beneath them. it’s not his fault a feather blanket helps him fall asleep
you’ve definitely waited until he fell asleep, draped you wings over him, and watched him relax into them
he’s not slick
like at all
not even in public
he’ll touch them and the minute one even wraps around him, his screen is buffering
speaking of in public… just wait til you’re at a party. he’s drunk and all over you, touching your wings, handling them like their his own, you have to use them to shield the two of you when he gets too handsy, and he loves it; pushing your buttons until your wings are around him and being more than satisfied by that
girl is crazy
she cleans them, climbs on them, inspects them (almost rips the fuck out of your feathers)
there’s no way you can wrap that girl up, she’s too quick
but she would love petting them and thats why shes here
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Hazbin Hotel Characters React to You Asking for a Hug (PART 2)
Buckle in bitches, its time for some COMFORT
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Guys he’s SO nervous
“Oh really? You, uh, you want a hug from me? Are you sure?”
Nervous laughter 100
Takes a hot minute for him to adjust, but DOES give good hugs
Y’all gotta remember he’s a dad
So good, firm dad hug
His hands are clammy af, but don’t mention that pls
Gives you the opportunity to talk out whatever’s going through your head
Actually has really insightful advice
Like his daughter, honestly so honoured you chose to come to him
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“Must I?”
Begrudging as FUCK
But she’ll do it
If she has to
Stiff, awkward hugs that last for 5 seconds tops
No wing hugs :(
“Human souls are weird”
Tries to teach you how to fight so you can use sparring as a “normal” coping mechanism
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As much as I hate him, would give BANGIN hugs
“Fuck, you wan’ a hug? Fuck yeah bitch, get over here!”
Super enthusiastic about it????
Like, gives you shit, but its still one of the tightest and most excited hugs you’ve ever received
Very very warm
You will probably overheat if you stay there too long
WING HUGS!!!!!!!
Will be extra touchy with you from here on out
Arm around the shoulder, etc
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Is she mom, or mommy? Jury’s still out on that one.
Will never ever refuse you if you need a hug
Will, however, try to pull you aside and make it a private moment
Not a big fan on PDA, but your wellbeing takes priority
Makes you rest your head against her chest, no matter how tall you are
If you tell her what’s going on, will fix it
You don’t even need to ask.
She’s gonna check up on you after at LEAST twice
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Is she mom or mommy part 2: electric boogaloo
Ushers you into a sunroom and brews you a pot of tea to share
And grabs snacks, of course
Definitely forgets if cannibalism makes you queasy
Holds you hand from across the table and encourages you to talk it out with her
A lil bit pushy about it, but its from a place of love
But if you need it, will definitely hug you
Another one with bone shattering hugs
Her hands are cold af tho, so beware
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Tbh doesn’t hear you the first time, he’s super focused on whatever else he’s doing
Once he hears you/it registers to him, he’s pretty confused
“Why do you need a hug?”
Only hugs you if y’all are really close
Generally not a touchy person
He won’t stop whatever he’s doing though
Most likely will just sit you in his lap, so he can cuddle And work
Multitasking, bitch
Don’t do it while he’s actively broadcasting though
Super against PDA (bc he’s embarrassed) and will probably snap at you if you break this boundary
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“Wot. Why?”
Also confused
Like Vox, usually to busy to properly hug you
But will let you stick around and lay all over her while she works
Anyone who questions it dies Very quickly, and Very grotesquely
Very protective
“Babes, do I need to hurt someone? Coz you Know I’ll do it”
Probs takes selfies of you hanging off of her bc she thinks its cute
Will dress you up to try and make you feel better
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Seek psychological help 💕
I know he’s got a sexy voice, but you know I’m right
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angelixrr · 4 months
cw for fem!reader, yan!vees, noncon + dubcon, 4some, electrocution, manipulation, slighttt voxval if u squint REALLY hard
vox !
vox was by far the most insecure of the vees, and thus overcompensated for his insecurity by being overly possessive of you
would oftentimes drag you away from the other vees to take with you to meetings to show you off to shareholders, high ranking sinners and demons alike
his insecurities reared their ugly head whenever someone else happened to talk to you. be it friendly conversation or legitimate flirting, vox wouldn't spare either one, either dragging you away or having his security throw out the unlucky sinner
vox quite literally has eyes on you 24/7, has gifted you numerous pieces of voxtech technology, ranging from a phone, to a voxtech watch, and unbeknownst to you, he had you chipped after the two of you had drinks  he, n he slipped something into your drink to knock you out for a few hours
vox will give you anything you ask for, to not only showcase his wealth, but social standing and power. he's basically telling you through gifts that "no one else could do this for you, or would do this for you. i went through hell and back to get you this, you owe me"
vox is also the first of the vees to tighten his grip on your leash you're on if he feels as if you're getting too wild, too close to other people. he'll force a shock collar onto you, and then keep you confided either to his penthouse, or the vees's tower in his office
vox can be pacified really easy, acting obedient towards him really feeds his ego, and can make him go easier on you
valentino !
valentino is the least possessive of the vees, which isn't saying much, but he has the most confidence out of all of them so he doesn't worry much about you running away
really, he thinks you're lucky to have the attention of someone as powerful as him, the only time he ever really has an outburst is if you deny him
if you tell him no to accompanying him to a club, starring in a show, or being intimate with him behind closed doors, he will take it out on you, telling you that you should be grateful that he's been this nice, cut you so much slack when he's got all his other bitches on tight leashes. you're special to him, and he treats you so well compared to his other whores, so just shut the fuck up and take him
does tend to spoil you when you've been behaving particularly well, takes you out on the town into all the nightclubs that an ordinary sinner like yourself wouldn't dare go into.  takes you to the vip lounge and sits you on his lap to show off to anyone lucky enough to look at his favorite little bitch
absolutely loves to have you as arm candy, if he goes out 9 times out of ten hes begging vox or velvette to let you go with him, and if they tell him no, he gets huffy
loves loves loves to drape his wings over you and hold you close to him
blows smoke in your face. bc he’s mean and he sucks and that’s so hot of him
velvette !
velvette is by far the worst one to land the affections of, for what she lacks in power, she makes up for it in intellect 
she’s extremely cunning, and always makes you play directly into her hand, through manipulating you and others around you
will spread rumors between your staff about you selling someone out to an exorcist, or about you getting someone else fired, when really, it was velvette’s fault
will also manipulate your social media, since that is her specialty. she will boost your social standing if you play nice with her and behave, but if she thinks you’re out of line she will spread rumors and leak compromising images of you just to send you running back to her arms 
"aww, dollie what's got you in a tizzy? someone uploaded some nasty pictures of you? 'm so sorry darling, why doncha c'mere, i'll make you feel allll better" 
dresses you up practically every day, except when she's particularly busy, but even then, the night before she'll lay out clothes for you or organize a whole week’s worth of clothes. however, if she finds out that you didn’t wear anything she picked out for you, she throws a fit, and you’re guaranteed to be manhandled for the next week like her own personal dress up doll, with extra scandalous outfits to boot
if velvette feels like she hasn't gotten enough time with you, she isn't afraid to tussle with vox or val about it because she knows who's really pulling all the strings
loves to have you working for her, because she feels as if you’re the only one who really gets her. oftentimes she’ll have you working as her assistant, and mediating between her and her designers, or fetching her whatever she needs. she’ll also dress you up for the job, so she has some eye candy while she’s busy yelling at her incompetent staff. but, she loves it when you’re incompetent. when you do it, it’s cute.
posts you on her social media 24/7, wants to show you off to her audience. will cover you in black lipstick kiss marks, then take a selfie of the two of you, just to make sure all of hell knows who owns you
will oftentimes blow up on her current models and fire them, just to have you stand in for them, and have you scantily clad in front of her cameras.
vox !
cuz vox is insecure af so he overcompensates for it in the bedroom, barely lets you do anything by yourself, wants to control everything
likes to use his hypnosis to make you do things that usually require a bit of persuasion. if you say that you’re scared of being electrocuted during sex, vox will put you under his mind control, and make you all docile so he can put a shock collar on you and fuck you while he electrocutes you. will remove his mind control halfway through fucking you dumb just so you can feel how good he makes you feel
likes to use sex toys on you, because he can override a lot of their factory settings to make the vibrations more powerful (to almost a painful extent)
can tie you up with his own wires, which will tingle n shock you slightly
valentino !
valentino is an exhibitionist through and through, it’s one of the reasons he runs a porn studio. will sometimes either demand you star in a show for him as a favor for all the nice things he does for you, or he will secretly record the two of you without your consent. just wants to show all of hell his favorite fucktoy
loves to degrade you and call you petnames, you’re his little conejita, his puta tonta, his favorite muñeca to use til he turns you into putty in his hands
is one of the more violent ones in the bedroom if you upset him, will choke you out and slam you against the floor if you tell him you’re tired. will fuck you no matter what you tell him
velvette !
velvette dotes on you in the bedroom, loves to have you all fucked out and teary eyed underneath her
her favorite thing is to eat you out until you’re overstimulated and crying, adores making you feel so good it hurts
uses you as stress relief if she’s having a frustrating day, will drag you into a changing room and make you kneel on the floor as her nails dig into your scalp to eat her cunt
whenever you’ve had a night with velvette it’s incredibly obvious, she will rake her sharp nails all over your body, and leave hickeys, bite marks, and lipstick stains all over you. adores marking you up for vox and valentino, just to remind everyone who’s really in charge
loves to use sex toys on you, from a cute pink n purple strap to a vibrator wand, not as mean as vox with them though. just wants to make you feel good til you’re a dumb mess under her
all !
even though the vees are competitive, vying for your attention 24/7, they do come together sometimes to mutually plan how to get you even more wrapped around their fingers
val n vox share you the most, they know what makes one another feel good, they're kind of a dastardly combo together 
you'll be taking vox's cock n then val will kneel in front of you expecting you to suck him off, but the moment you have his dick in your mouth, vox is pushing you all the way to val's fluffy groin, making you tear up and gag on his length
velvette n vox are also more likely to share you at once, but they work separately to make you feel good. vox will be fingering you, while velvette licks and sucks at your neck and chest, occasionally leaving harsh bites. 
velvette n valentino hardly ever share, but when they do its messy and competitive. they're practically fucking you til you see stars, seeing who can reduce you to tears the fastest and make you squirt the hardest. they're the meanest to you when together, calling you a dumb fucktoy, their useless whore, their favorite cumdump. won't hesitate to yank you away from each other. they just fight over you like two kids fighting over their favorite toy
when they're all together though, you're in for a longgg night. happens occasionally, just bc they're all so busy (andd sometimes they're too jealous to share). but when they're together they love to share you between them all. vox n val will use both your holes at once, while velvette kisses you n pinches your nipples til they turn red. they loveee to indulge themselves in their favorite plaything so they’re prone to overstimulating you. they will still use you even if you pass out, so you’ll be super sore the next day
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helluvapoison · 3 months
I just know Velvet would cling onto Bodyguard!Readers arm while they're escorting her somewhere, but what about the other Vees? Would Vox even consider touching Reader in public? Obviously Val would be touchy, but to what extent?
-Cannibal Anon :)
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
You help her out of cars after opening the door, she hugs your arm and uses her other hand to text, vlog or swipe on her phone. It’s become second nature for Velvette to do so. When you’re not walking beside her, her lips pull to a pout and her eyes scour the area like she’s forgotten something. It feels like something’s missing, like her phone— except she has that?
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
He walks and talks fast, solidifying his authority by taking two steps in front of whoever he’s speaking with. With you it’s… harder to do that. You’re supposed to walk behind him, you’re supposed to be guarding him! But he wants you by his side. Vox settles for a compromise you remain unaware of. He’ll face the front with his hands behind his back and keep you the same distance he would anyone else, but one eye (specifically the left) is peaking through any camera available to keep you in sight
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Personal space? What is that, he has no idea and that’s been evident from day one! Val is touchy with everyone and anyone, even those he just met. He’ll keep you close one way or another. More than happy to drape an arm around your shoulder and your waist at the same time.. or keep a collar and leash on you to strike a certain image of himself. ‘Look at Valentino, he has a pet cannibal. Don’t get too close, it bites’
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rubra-wav · 2 months
(Wearing their clothes anon) Sorry! For Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Carmilla, Rosie, Angel, Alastor and Pentious
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Various! Hazbin x reader stealing their clothes
A/N I ended up only doing them SFW because I just couldn't see most of them being into that. I will probably make a part 2 for Vox, though, because he'd DEFINITELY be into that.
How do you even manage to be smaller then Lucifer, he's like 5'2" LMAO (I am literally an inch taller than him IRL)
CW: SFW, gn!reader, Masc reader for Angel, somewhat suggestive in parts, very slight reference to violence in some, established romantic relationship
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- If you came out of your room dressed in his usual outfit, he'd absolutely squeal upon seeing you.
- He would like it very much and thinks you look absolutely adorable in his getup.
- At home, he'd probably just wanna cuddle up to you and play with your (his technically) long sleeves while you watched something or doomscrolled for a while.
- In public he'd be a blushing mess though. (Assuming you'd be wearing his shirt and jacket - he'd likely ask you to change if you were wearing his whole outfit)
- He'd feel an odd sense of embarrassment but also particularly pride about it in public.
- He's so used to being short that if he was out showing you off it'd kind of be a middle finger to people who called him short in a way.
- And also because it's you in his clothes. Basically cementing yourself as being his partner.
- One of the people who would be NSFW about it.
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- He'd love it.
- Especially if it was ridiculously huge on you - like his suit jacket or his button ups in particular.
- In general a partner who's smaller then him would make him feel much more powerful then one he has to look up to, but in his clothes?
- I'm trying to keep it SFW here but yeah 🤨
- If you were wearing his pants and they were super huge on you he'd probably be annoyed though, they'd be getting messed up due to dragging on the ground which is something that'd bother him.
- In public (assuming your relationship is known of. Would be an absolute no to wearing his clothes out if you weren't known about) he would be beaming with pride about it.
- Like Lucifer, it'd cement you as being his partner.
- He'd probably be protective possessive of you in his clothes. If someone tries to even talk to you while you're in his clothes, he would likely be fuming.
- Vox's hands would also likely be on you at all times if you were out with him and wearing his clothes.
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- If it was anything that was dragging on the floor or getting even slightly crinkled if you wore it she would throw an absolute fit about it.
- She's way too particular about her clothes being treated properly.
- If you're treating her clothes well or if it's something she cares about less? She would probably think you looked very postable like that - which is a good thing in her terms of course.
- Would absolutely want to put photos of you online wearing her stuff. Especially if you both ended up doing an outfit swap with each other due to it.
- Couple stuff gets a ton of likes, and she wants to show you off like the fine arm candy you are to be her partner!
- Probably would not want you wearing her clothes out, though. You would be wearing clothes that fit you or looked perfect for your body type - not hers.
- Most you would get would possibly be her jacket out in public, but even that's unlikely, considering she always picks out every article of clothing and accessory perfectly for her outfits.
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- Carmilla would likely see you wearing her clothes and just chuckle, asking you what you thought you were doing exactly.
- She wouldn't feel much of which way about it, just that you were incredibly cute trying to strut around like she usually would in her shirt.
- May try to dance with you since you "so obviously want to be in her shoes"
- slowly guiding you through steps with her through the tango, carefully leading with a look of pure delight on her face.
- Would kiss you on the forehead afterwards.
- Out in public she wouldn't want you to wear her clothes at all however.
- She's the main weapons dealer in hell, a lot of people want her head on a plate for that.
- She would just not feel comfortable having you possibly be mistaken as her or targeted by those people over that.
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- She wouldn't feel any which way about it either.
- But, she would of course tell you you look absolutely darling.
- Rosie would absolutely be one to pat you on the head about stuff. This included.
- If it's not one of her good dresses or skirts you're wearing.
- She's nowhere near as outright rude about it as Velvette or Vox, but she will firmly ask that you don't wear her good dresses so they don't drag on the ground.
- Outside of clothes, she does like to give you her hat though because it's comically large on your head and it's really cute to her.
- There is absolutely a photo of you with her hat on your head, it falling into your eyes as you smile at the camera.
- In public she wouldn't mind if you wear her clothes out, but she would be scared you would trip over as her skirts are very long.
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- Angel is another one who would love to see you wearing his clothes, not for underlying lewd reasons (surprisingly), but because he thinks you look awesome in his outfits.
- It brings him joy in a way he can't quite describe to see you in his stuff.
- He knows his getups are cool, and to have you, his partner, in his really cool outfits? He loves it.
- Also finds it funny too to see you so small in comparison to clothes and tripping over yourself trying to parade around in some of them.
- Out in public he would probably be encouraging you to wear his stuff because he just likes seeing you wearing his clothes.
- Provided you stay close to him out in public though.
- He's got some insane fanboys and if they saw his boyfriend in his clothes? Shit would hit the fan.
- Without him he wouldn't let you wear his stuff out. Just would put you in danger.
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- If you were wearing his clothes, it would be because he allowed you to. Ie. Leant you his coat if you were cold.
- In the case of him letting you borrow his stuff, he'd likely just laugh at how oversized it was on you.
- He'd likely say you look darling in it as well, similarly to Rosie but inherently teasing rather than loving like her.
- He sees people smaller then him and likes to pick on them for it a bit.
- Also would probably try hold it over your head as his 'kindness' to you later
- If you showed up in his clothes (not an imitation but his clothes) without permission, though, he'd be incredibly unhappy about that.
- This man seems like the type to hate people touching his possessions without permission, so you showing up in his stuff wouldn't be cute or even him laughing at you - he'd be pretty angry about it and straight up tell you to change.
Sir Pentious
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- He'd get all googly eyed about it.
- Would see you swimming in his coat because it's made to fit him as someone with a snake tail instead of legs and just wanna sweep you in close to him.
- He has pretty low self-esteem about himself so seeing you wearing his clothes is pretty much you telling him even more that you don't actually think he's a loser who's kind of gross like a lot of other people in the series think he is.
- Thinks it's just the sweetest thing and likely wants you to wear his clothes often after the first time he sees you in them.
- Somewhat flustered by you wearing them around others and in public because he thinks you two doing PDA/openly expressing you are a couple is somewhat scandalous, but he also does like it very much.
- Would probably try bullshit about him not liking it that much, but it's obvious as it gets.
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Some fluff for today 🙏
My requests are still shut rn but they should be opening soon. I'm gonna be trying to finally get chapter 2 of why So blue out tomorrow or the day after. Likely the day after bc it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm doing stuff 🫶
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
a/n — Literally super bored right now and I need to get content out while I edit so here’s some silly headcanons from drafts.
Basically how the characters act towards the reader when drunk.
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Vox gets very lovey dovey when he’s drunk, in contrast to his usually put together demeanor. Like he will be all over you, practically clinging onto you and showering you in slurred compliments. Obviously he would never in a million years do this sober, but for some reason I think he gets super cuddly when he’s drunk too. Like he will throw himself onto you and practically lean his whole body weight on you. It takes a lot to get him drunk, but when he does it would mess with his wiring. Make sure to get him to bed early and hold him while he sleeps.
Lute, I think, would be a reckless drunk to be honest. She’s usually very in line sober but as soon as she has a little bit of alcohol in her, I think he bites off more than she can chew. Probably challenges some random exorcist angel to a duel. Dear god, please keep her out of trouble, even if you have to literally throw her over your shoulder. She will squirm and whine, all while throwing one sided threats at everyone around her, but she needs to sleep before her drunken ‘knight in shining armed’ mindset goes too far.
Velvette is interesting because I think one, she would get incredibly handsy and two, she would start talking shit like crazy. She’s the kind of drunk that has absolutely no filter and she would be gossiping very loudly no matter the environment. You have to constantly be shushing her but that only makes her snort, run her hand over your arm, and continue talking mad shit. You should probably get her out of a public area before she gets carried away and starts openly judging others around you. You’d try to get her to leave so she doesn’t literally get jumped but she would double down and insult people louder.
Lucifer would, like Vox, be a lovey dovey drunk, but I think he would get surprisingly horny too. Like he would literally get so needy, openly flirt with you in a bar, push your buttons on purpose to try to get you to do something about it. Obviously, you don’t because he’s drunk. He also gets very cuddly and will lie down on your lap and squish your face with his hands. He would definitely get a kick out of that and probably start obnoxiously snorting. You will probably have to pick him up and carry him home because he will beg for one more drink. He doesn’t get drunk often, so when he drinks, it doesn’t take much to get him to this state.
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baldval · 1 month
heyy! You dont have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable it is a little darker…
can i request overlords finding out that reader selfharms? Like they knew she was unstable but they didnt think that much
thank you!!!
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characters: alastor, vox, velvette, valentino, lucifer, adam
warnings: sad reader, slightly ooc adam (that man is so hard to write omg)
a/n: ik i said i'm comfortable w darker asks, i just don't really feel ok w writing about such heavy/negative topics (especially sh), but don't worry anon, should've added that mb. anyways, i give you hazbin characters comforting reader in return 🫶🫶
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ᯓ he’s not exactly a ‘sit down and talk about feelings’ type of person
ᯓ but he can tell when something’s wrong
ᯓ and he wants nothing more but to make you feel like you’re on top of the world
ᯓ he sees your pouty face when you get home
ᯓ “hey, darling, come look,” he says
ᯓ he’d been at work when you’d left
ᯓ so he’s had some time to figure out what to do for you without making it seem like he’s prying
ᯓ he’ll ask you about what’s bothering you once you’ve relaxed
ᯓ he plops down on the couch, dragging you with him
ᯓ your favorite movie is paused on the tv, waiting to be played
ᯓ “i found an extended version. with bloopers and deleted scenes and everything,” he murmurs
ᯓ the entire movie, his hand is rubbing up and down your back
ᯓ his fingers sometimes creep up your neck, playing gently with your hair
ᯓ the entire thing is extremely soothing
ᯓ you know he knows something’s wrong
ᯓ and you also know he’s going to do everything in his power to fix it
ᯓ and you’re so grateful he just loves you
ᯓ he doesn’t need you to say anything, ever
ᯓ he just knows what you need
ᯓ when he comes home and finds you in bed early, he knows you’ve had a difficult day
ᯓ he doesn’t know what happened, but he won’t ask until you’re feeling better
ᯓ he changes out of his work clothes and just gets into bed with you
ᯓ when you don’t say anything either, he pulls you into a cuddle, one hand pressing your head to his chest and the other cupping your hip
ᯓ “hi, vox.”
ᯓ he peppers your face in kisses
ᯓ “feeling off?” he asks
ᯓ you nod
ᯓ his fingers go to stroke your jaw
ᯓ “you can talk to me, you know. i want to make it better,” he tells you
ᯓ so you tell him everything
ᯓ whatever the issue was, the next day, he’s found some way to solve it
ᯓ just for you
ᯓ anything for you
ᯓ the minute you come home from work, exhaustion and misery rolling off of you in waves, she demands to know what’s wrong
ᯓ “is someone bothering you? is it your boss again? because i can get him fired.”
ᯓ you tell her everything
ᯓ she promises to help you with whatever it is that’s causing you trouble
ᯓ she’d tip the earth off it’s axis if you asked
ᯓ “come here, i want a kiss,” she tells you
ᯓ you very happily oblige
ᯓ she spends the entire night just spoiling (and worshiping) you
ᯓ the sheets of your bed are tangled between both your legs
ᯓ you’ve never felt more loved
ᯓ she murmurs about how your aniversary is coming up
ᯓ and tells you to get your nails done and dress pretty
ᯓ you don’t really know how you got here
ᯓ but you’re not upset
ᯓ you smile up at the ceiling, delightedly dazed
ᯓ you don’t even remember why you were upset
ᯓ he feels what you feel
ᯓ and at this point he can never leave you alone
ᯓ he NEEDS to be with you 24/7
ᯓ so naturally it’s like he’s dying when you come home looking upset
ᯓ “hey, no kiss hello?” he whines
ᯓ that manages to get you to laugh
ᯓ he smiles at your smiling
ᯓ you go over to kiss him and he catches your wrist before you walk off
ᯓ “no, c’mere,” he insists
ᯓ he tugs you into his lap and winds his arms around your waist
ᯓ he sets his chin on your shoulder
ᯓ “why’re you upset?”
ᯓ “oh, it’s nothing, val.”
ᯓ “bullshit.”
ᯓ you spill
ᯓ he rubs circles into your hip bone
ᯓ “i’d be upset, too,” he admits
ᯓ he kisses all up your neck
ᯓ “but we don’t have to think about that at all now. can we just spend some time together? i promise, though, if you’re still having problems i’ll gladly fuck up as many lives as you need.”
ᯓ you laugh, making him laugh
ᯓ you spend the rest of the night just sitting there talking to him
ᯓ the two of you are watching your current show, as you do every night, and he notices you’re zoning out
ᯓ he pauses it and looks down at you
ᯓ he dots a couple kisses over your brow
ᯓ “everything okay?”
ᯓ “rough day…”
ᯓ “why didn’t you tell me?”
ᯓ his expression is one of concern now, yet still absolutely laden with affection
ᯓ “i’m sorry, i’m not trying to keeping things from you or anything. i just don’t want to bother you.”
ᯓ “i want you to bother me. say everything that comes into your brain, i want to hear it.”
ᯓ he pulls you closer, palm smoothing over the back of your neck as he sets your head against his chest
ᯓ you tell him about your day, and how you were getting so frustrated
ᯓ frustrated everything was going wrong today, frustrated that the entire week was going wrong
ᯓ he listens intently, stroking your hair the entire time
ᯓ he gives soft “mhms” and “of courses” at your words
ᯓ he peppers warm kisses all over your face
ᯓ he does his best to give you a solution
ᯓ even if what he suggested doesn’t work, he’s sending you flowers to your house for the next week
ᯓ he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit
ᯓ he’s a little nervous to ask what’s wrong
ᯓ he’s afraid he won’t know what to do to make you feel better
ᯓ “hey, uh, everything okay?”
ᯓ you shrug
ᯓ “wanna talk about it?”
ᯓ you tell him everything
ᯓ he nods the entire time, his eyes never leaving your face
ᯓ he’s trying to memorize everything you’re saying
ᯓ he doesn’t really have any great solutions
ᯓ and he kind of hates himself for it
ᯓ he wants to help you, even if he doesn't make it obvious
ᯓ “hey, how about we go out tonight? take your mind off things.”
ᯓ you spend the night at dinner then wandering through a night market
ᯓ you both talk nonstop
ᯓ he gets you a bunch of trinkets
ᯓ just things that remind him of you
ᯓ and a bracelet, too
ᯓ he spends a bit of time fiddling with the clasp, eventually hooking it together and letting it sit on your wrist
ᯓ you don’t take the bracelet off
ᯓ ever
ᯓ at home, he’s worried you’re still upset
ᯓ but you’re not
ᯓ you fall asleep curled up against him, your worries now nonexistent
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hells-wasabii · 4 months
Hi could you pretty please do velvette x reader who is Carmilla youngest daughter and how her family reacts (plus zestial pls I ship him and Carmilla so I feel like he's a step dad)❤️
A/N: I blacked out and wrote this.... but yeeees LISTEN!! I love Velvette so much, its not even funny and i had a lot of fun with this prompt! I didn't realize how much i wrote for it until it was too late, and by that point, i really couldn't stop. but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! ps i honestly ship them too
Part 1 | Part 2
Character: Velvette
Type: Headcanons + Drabble (Velvette x reader who's Carmilla's youngest daughter, General with a bit of Angst and Fluff sprinkled in)
For Velvette, she actually entered into the relationship not really knowing who your parents were. You never brought it up and she never really asked. It didn't really matter to her, since, ya know, you're the one she's dating, not your mum and dad, or step-dad from what you've mentioned.
Honestly, she should've seen the similarities. They were there for sure, but let's face it, there are so many demons in hell that it was probably just a coincidence, right?
Carmilla also knew you were seeing someone as well, though she really figured that you would bring this special demon around when you were ready.
Oh, they were both wrong. So very wrong.
They found out simultaneously, of course, as cliche as it was. You were on an evening out with Velvette with no clear destination in mind, just simply enjoying the evening and each other's company when the next thing you knew you were face to face with your mother.
It... didn't go too well.
What had once been a peaceful evening nearly dissolved into a turf war all in an instant. If you hadn't been able to separate the two with a promise to talk to both separately later there was no doubt that everything in a three-block radius would be collateral.
Zestial and your sisters would find out soon thereafter, Carmilla of course telling them when they see her come home looking quite distraught.
As stated before, to Velvette, it really didn't matter. though it did sweeten the deal. It would give her plenty more opportunities for her to provoke the arms dealer, something that she already took a great deal of pleasure in.
Zestial would be skeptical of the relationship at the start but eventually comes to accept it fully. His patience won out this time. He's seen more than enough relationships like this go up in flames and he'd never want that for you. He considered you a daughter after all.
As for your sisters, both of them were simply happy that you were happy. They were more worried about how y'alls mom would react. And you can't tell me that they didn't already know, either.
Carmilla on the other hand... To her, family is everything. I mean, she killed an angel for you and your sisters. She'd do anything for her kids, and that includes keeping someone like that upstart from breaking your heart. She wholeheartedly believed that Velvette was only dating you to get one over on her. It really comes as no surprise when she goes all the way to Vee Tower to confront the youngest overlord herself.
"You need to stay away from my daughter."
The fashionista bit out a curse as a needle pricked her finger. Velvette doesn't usually startle easily, but shit, between her being completely focused on finishing and the fact that her workshop had previously been silent save for any sounds that she had been making herself, she thought that even the most stone-cold bitch would've jumped.
What good was the security for if those nitwits couldn't keep unauthorized demons out of her workshop? The influencer swore that if any blood got on the material for this dress she'd personally kill the guards and whoever-
Of all the people she expected to see, Carmilla Carmine, the uptight weapons dealer, and apparent mum of her girlfriend, was not one of them. Or actually, scratch that. She was completely expecting this to happen sooner or later.
"Well, it sucks to suck then, wrinkles, I'm not going nowhere." The fashionista bit back, a smirk settling on her lips that quickly fell when the older woman tried to push her point.
"I know what you're trying to do and it-"
"Obviously you don't." All mischief gone from her tone, Velvette set her work to the side, careful not to crumple the fabric. She rose to her feet and began to cross the room to Carmilla, who in turn stood taller, determined not to let this miscreant make a mockery of her, her family, and most importantly her youngest daughter. "I hate to break it to you, but the only way I'll break it off is if SHE wants to."
Velvette paused, her eyes boring into Carmilla's with a conviction and passion that the arms dealer hadn't felt from the influencer before. When the younger woman spoke again, her voice was softer than before, laced with a sincerity that would leave the mother speechless.
"I love her."
Its this singular interaction that leads to a truce between the two (technically five if you include Zestial and the Vee's) Overlords. They would come to some sort of mutual understanding that if both of them were to be in your life, they'd have to play nice. At least in front of you. At Overlord meetings, well, that's a whole different story.
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