#violence against children
intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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violottie · 1 month
...i begging yall do not get desensitised to reading these. this is horrific. this is evil. children... were shredded... SHREDDED. do you understand what that means? do you get how evil someone has to be to do that to another person? can you process that sheer malevolence and wickedness it would take to do that??!! to a child?!?!!!
"Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud from Rafah, southern Gaza: About seven people, a mother and her children were killed earlier today. We’ve seen video from the hospital where their bodies were taken. The children’s bodies arrived in plastic bags. They were shredded in the air strike on the home. The only survivor of the attack is the father. ⁠
"This pattern of killing entire families is nothing new after nearly seven months of war. Entire families have been obliterated in Israeli air strikes. Just in the past 30 minutes, there was a strike at the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. We’re trying to get more updates on that attack." from Al Jazeera English, 03/May/2024:
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aronarchy · 5 months
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
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There have been reports after reports of gas poisoning at girls schools in mostly Qom, a religious city that is important to the regime. The weird thing is that the poisoning is only happening in girls schools (students are separated by gender at school). Many believe it might be intentional and the regime is trying to keep girls from coming to school by making it unsafe for them.
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justsomeunsurefancat · 3 months
Rape, murder, and disappearance! This is the reality women and girl are facing in Gaza in the hands of the Israeli occupation!
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
From The Telegraph:
Gaza’s displaced women and girls face severe danger of physical and sexual violence, the UN has warned. Overcrowding in shelters, coupled with “increased stress levels” among refugees due to a lack of food, water and privacy, has “created increased gender based violence (GBV) risks,” a spokesperson for the United Nations Population Fund said. Women and girls are also vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence “while travelling to and lining up for hours to use wash facilities including water points, water distribution sites, and sanitation facilities that are limited in number, and located far from where they are seeking shelter,” the spokesperson added. Outside of war, Gaza has long suffered from high rates of gender-based violence. In March 2022, the UN said that 37.5 per cent of married (or previously married) women in Gaza between the ages of 18 and 64 had experienced violence in the previous 12 months. And according to 2019 data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 41 per cent of women in Gaza had been subjected to domestic violence.
This is a problem throughout the Arab world. In Egypt, for example, 99.3% of girls and women surveyed reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime.  82.6% did not feel safe or secure in the street. 86.5% don't feel safe on public transportation.
But when it happens in neighboring Gaza, suddenly the Jews are at fault. The Lancet has blamed Israel for Gaza men beating their wives, using a very flawed methodology.  UNRWA has made that same claim, as has the UN.
Yet violence in Palestinian society is endemic. Here are results from 2019 about how prevalent violence against children under 12 is.
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The Telegraph didn't quite blame Israel for gender-based violence that is expected or already happening in Gaza, but it is setting the stage. 
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Since October 7, more than 1,000 children have had one or both legs amputated, according to UNICEF.
Many of these operations on children were done without anaesthetic...
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Wadea's life was brutally taken away on Saturday, when he was stabbed 26 times with a military-style knife at his unincorporated Plainfield home just before 11:40 a.m. Chopper 7 was over the scene in the 16200 block of South Lincoln Highway near Lily Cache Road. Will County investigators said on Sunday that Wadea and his mother were attacked by their landlord, Joseph M. Czuba. The 71-year-old is now charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, and two counts of committing a hate crime. "What we have is a murdered Palestinian child by someone who is radicalized by the environment in which we live right now, that casts Palestinians as human animals," said Ahmed Rehab, president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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Children as young as 6, working 12 hour days digging by hand, receiving $1 a day…think about it before you purchase your next laptop/electric vehicle
Free Congo🇨🇩 & end consumerism and wasteful consumption.
Apple Hub (not affiliated with Apple Official, but their account is influencial/popular among Apple users-adding this for context [01/07/24.]. They posted this a few days ago -it's about 2 different phone models (for fucking display changes).
Apple has been hyper-exploiting people in the Global South to mine for resources to make their products for YEARS, and I need more people to stop buying (unless necessity requires it -I waited 7-8 years before I had to change my phone, and next time I do it'll be a refurbished one) -until these entire systems are dismantled and made to be be ethical in every aspect of their businesses and not just on paper, boycott them.
I also know that Apple will change one spec and advertise like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, so to speak -and this cult-following just eats this up time and again. If you're not already informed about this inherently violent and corrupt industry -then get to know. And stop supporting these companies.
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violottie · 29 days
"At least 12 killed, including a mother with a baby strapped to her back, in twin bomb blasts that hit two camps for displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo on Friday 2nd May." from African Stream, 04/May/2024:
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This brave brother allegedly took the baby away from his dead mother's corpse; effectively, saving the baby's life, according to local reports.
The United Nations condemned the attack that targeted the camps in Lac Vert and Mugunga, near the city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, the UN said in a statement.
The attacks, in which at least 20 people were injured, were a "flagrant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law and may constitute a war crime”, it said.
Many of the victims were sleeping in their tents when the area was attacked.
The United States has accused the military in neighbouring Rwanda and the M23 rebel group of being behind the attacks. Yet the U.S. remains a staunch ally of Rwanda despite its many violations of human rights in DRC and its support for M23.
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the-peruvian-whovian · 3 months
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There's no coming back from this. There is no justification. This will always be their legacy. The world will never forget this and I won't let it.
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aronarchy · 4 months
Uri Misgav May 30, 2014
… It’s Judeo-Nazis. Scions of a unique group which Yeshayahu Leibowitz prophesized so well immediately after the great victory of 1967. Racism, murderousness and profound hatred originating in a religious-messianic worldview that is fueled by the occupation and settlement enterprise.
Of course at this stage, they’re on the margins. But history has proven that the question is how the center responds to the margins. In the wake of the most recent outbreaks of Kristallnacht-inspired rioting, the settler right hastened to label the rioters disdainfully as “graffiti-scribbling youth.” In the buses, more and more stickers are cropping up in Hebrew and Arabic with the warning: “Don’t even dare think about a Jewish woman!” Posters and articles warn not only against “assimilation” but also against Arab employment and housing. Behind this perception there are people, arbiters of halakha or Jewish religious law, organizations, and political movements. Is anyone bothering to investigate, to arrest, to judge? …
Nazism began as a marginal and disturbed ideology that at a certain stage suited the interests of Prussian militarism, the political right and wealthy businessmen, who were horrified at the blossoming of socialism. At first they snickered in secret at the Nazis, afterwards they aspired to exploit them for their own purposes, in the end it was too late.
In the state of the Jewish people it’s already too late. There is no place where we can take the shame and the terror. The center is apathetic. The left is defeated and afraid, in despair, emigrating, fighting among itself, just as in Germany of the early 1930s. Meanwhile generations of Israelis, incited and consumed with hatred, are flooding the public space, and there is nobody to confront them.
Salvation won’t come from the Tzavta theater. They don’t give a damn about Amos Oz. They’re on YouTube with David the Nahal soldier and on Facebook, where one Israeli, a retired Israel Defense Forces employee, suggested collecting Oz’s books and using them as fuel for the Lag Ba’omer bonfire.
The big story is the atmosphere. Thirty years ago the entire country was in an uproar when Shin Bet security service agents killed two terrorists who were captured during a bus hijacking. Today anything goes. When there’s no border there are no limits. That is the price of the occupation and the rite of victimization.
A boy emerges from a known opening in the separation barrier in order to pick herbs, and is shot to death. Little girls return from school walking through a settlers’ orchard, and are detained for hours by Judea and Samaria District police after the owner of the estate complained that a few cherries were picked. A security guard at a border crossing kills a judge as a result of an angry exchange, and suddenly it turns out that the cameras weren’t working. When the cameras work from the Palestinian side, we [question the] quality of the film instead of asking how two boys were killed at a demonstration.
Only the accursed poetics works overtime. For example, when it turns out that a soldier from the well-oiled IDF “communications division” decided to join the firing at demonstrators for the fun of it. Or when an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, one of the “living witnesses” that the government is so eager to have accompany trips to the extermination camps, slips and is seriously injured at the end of a visit to the Majdanek camp. The Education Ministry rejects all responsibility, responding to a lawsuit by saying she “freely chose to join the trip to Poland… and if the supposed accident really did take place, it happened due to the negligence of the plaintiff, who didn’t pay attention to where she was going.” Here you have it, bloodcurdling bureaucracy and the banality of evil, here in the land of milk and honey.
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roserumbles · 1 year
Invisible No More: Bringing Attention to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls in the U.S.
The disappearance and murder of Native American females in the United States is a complex and ongoing issue that has received increased attention in recent years. According to data from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), Native American women and girls are disproportionately affected by violent crime, including homicide and abduction.
The exact number of missing and murdered Native American women and girls is difficult to determine, as many cases go unreported or are not properly documented. However, a study by the Urban Indian Health Institute found that in 2016, there were 5,712 cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls reported in the United States. Additionally, a report from the National Institute of Justice found that Native American women are 2.5 times more likely to experience sexual assault and rape compared to other women in the United States.
There are several contributing factors to the disappearance of Native American females, including poverty, lack of access to resources, and systemic racism. Many Native American communities are located in remote or rural areas with limited resources and law enforcement presence. This can make it difficult to investigate and solve cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
Additionally, there is a long history of systemic racism and discrimination against Native Americans in the United States, which has led to distrust of law enforcement and government institutions. This can make it difficult for Native American women and girls to come forward and report crimes, and can also result in cases being mishandled or ignored.
Efforts are being made to address the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, including increased funding for law enforcement and victim services, as well as community-led initiatives aimed at raising awareness and preventing violence. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Native American females in the United States.
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
I hope someone punches him in his smug fucking face
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pricklypear1997 · 11 months
Women are the ones who get to chose which men to procreate with and which bloodlines to end… think about that.
It’s the reason why throughout history man has controlled the woman’s body and her rights.
Men know that if we’re given ultimate freedom, their bloodlines could die.
We (women) have the power to choose who’s bloodline lives and dies… let that sink in.
All the sadboi incels and the manosphere MLM cult crying and coping because women don’t want to procreate with them.
The men have infiltrated our private vulnerable spaces… they’re trying to erase women as a whole, because they view us as a threat.
They causally talk about wanting to have transplanted uteruses nonchalantly on their TikToks while injecting themselves with artificial hormones… they want a world where they don’t need us, just our organ that has the power to grow life…
We get dehumanized as “birthing persons”, “chest feeders, etc while having our privacy and rights completely invaded.
We literally get silenced as “bigots” and are put in unsafe situations with predatory males pretending to be women, and we can’t even defend ourselves verbally or else we’re the “bad guy”.
The “queer”/trans community and their defenders deny everything, despite there being ample proof all over the internet… even google will filter out any searches that go against the trans community (you have to find articles on your own or use key word searches to get any legitimate information).
There is so much “information” that even the American government has approved of, despite it being severely under researched and neglected.
Literal doctors are either being bought out or forced to say anti scientific nonsense such as “we make an estimate on a baby’s gender”. Since when have humans ever been anything other than male or female??? We are not fish, we are not lizards. We’re humans with 2 types of gametes. Being intersex is a biological abnormality, but it doesn’t suddenly mean that male and female don’t exist. Also, stop using intersex people to argue your horrible opinions and behavior.
Stop telling children that their trans. Children don’t even understand what gender/sex is until they’ve reached puberty. It’s ridiculous to assume a child understands these things. They’re obviously being coached by their narcissistic and/or homophobic parents.
Giving children hormone blockers is dangerous and irreversible. Giving anyone hormone blockers and hormones is irreversible. Stop with the lies.
Stop telling girls (and boys) to mutilate their bodies and make themselves infertile.
Stop glorifying mental illness and dangerous medical procedures.
We need to stop supporting this anti-scientific nonsense that literally goes against human biology.
Also, big pharma wants your wallets.
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