#was reminded the reason why I only read my mutuals fics now
Simon Riley is a provider but he’s not a toxic one let’s be realistic
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Hearts of Justice
Miranda Hilmarson x Secretary!Reader
Hello everyone and happy new year to you all <3 I am back with a new mini-fic.
This fic and illustration (by me) is dedicated to my dear Tumbrl mutual and friend @vivendraws <3 I hope you like it!
Reminder that I have a Taglist now so make sure to use it <3
Also big thanks to @weemssapphicfor beta reading this piece <3
Disclaimer: English is not my first language!
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Kissies, Love confessions
A/N: Y/N is a secretary at the police station where Miranda works. But what happens when y/n has to console Miranda after a rather rough breakup?
Words: 2'100+
AO3 Link
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You have been working at the station for about two years now. 
When you first started, Miranda Hilmarson had been the only friendly face there. The two of you immediately became best friends, spending your breaks and sometimes even free time together. 
Technically, you weren’t a Constable, like Miranda. No, you worked as the station's secretary. You supposed this might have been the reason why they didn’t necessarily welcome you. 
Of course, you have been the topic of many bets and pranks, especially from your male coworkers. You never understood the allure of such childish things but… when you were with Miranda, childish things seemed to just make sense. Listening to her gush about her favourite show or how passionate she was about her work, despite being picked on herself, was the highlight of your day. You supposed that’s why the two of you got along so well. Miranda and you shared the same struggles. Even though the both of you didn’t necessarily have a good connection to your coworkers, you still made it through the day with the help of each other. 
A few months ago, you noticed how your affection towards the blonde Constable has changed. It has… intensified. And, of course, it had to happen right when that stupid Adrian dumped her. You never understood what she saw in him… he was a liar, a cheat, didn’t treat her right. It made your blood boil. Seeing her be so hopeful when you knew all he would do was make her cry, break her… it made you so unbelievably angry. And when the inevitable happened, and he dropped her, you were there. You caught her in your arms, cradled her gently and whispered apologies and soft affirmations as she sobbed in your arms on the couch of your flat. 
“He didn’t deserve you”, “I am so sorry he did this to you”, “You deserve better, Mir”, “I will not leave your side. I promise”, “Never again will I let anyone hurt you like this”
It took you a good hour to have her relax in your arms. Still, you didn’t move. This is when it hit you. This exact, stupid moment was when it hit you. How much you actually admired her. How much you cared for her… how much you loved her. It hit you like a brick, square in the face, and your heart sank. You were in love with her. You couldn’t tell her… never… you were her best friend after all, and you certainly didn’t want her to think you used her in her most vulnerable state, so… you stayed quiet. 
For days
For weeks 
For months
Half a year has passed since that fateful night, and it simply got more and more difficult to hold back your emotions, your feelings, your affections. So, you started distancing yourself. Small things at first like your lunch break, the hours you worked. 
In the end, you only saw her at the station, walking in and out. You have completely detached yourself from her and it… hurt. But you couldn’t tell her… could you? She wouldn’t understand… 
It took all your strength to deny her once more when she asked you, with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes, if you wanted to join her for a beer after work. You hated the defeated look on her face as you declined, coming up with yet another excuse. But this time… something was... different. 
You could swear you saw tears. Miranda was… truly upset. This wasn’t your intention, this wasn’t what you wanted… before you could stop her or say something else, tell her you changed your mind, she walked off. Strong and long legs taking her down the halls and out the door. With a defeated sigh and tears burning in your eyes, you leaned back. That’s it… you’ve done it… Miranda probably hated you now.
“I would go after her if I were you…”
A strong voice spoke from behind, and you jumped, not expecting to be ambushed like that. You quickly turned in your chair to see the small detective standing behind you. A frown laid itself on your face as you looked at her questioningly.
“I- what?”
“Oh, you heard me.”
You looked at the brunette, then turned your face to the exit. Maybe… with a quick move, you stood, making your way out. Robin was right. You couldn’t let this be. You wouldn’t be the reason why Miranda cried. Never. You promised her. 
Panting heavily, you finally caught up with the blonde who sat on a bench outside, frantically smoking a cigarette and wiping tears away. The sight broke your heart.
You said softly, watching as she jumped and her eyes widened. She turned her head away and quickly wiped away her tears.
“Yeah… yeah?”
You took a deep breath and sat down next to her, just looking at her, unsure about what to do. You took a deep breath and pulled her into a hug. She quickly wrapped her arms around you, hiding her face in your neck. You could physically feel her relax in your arms, and it made your heart constrict.
“I’m sorry… I would love to go have a beer with you tonight.”
You spoke softly, running your fingers through her hair. Gods, you missed being this close to her. 
The blonde asked quietly. With a deep breath and a nod, you pulled her even closer.
“Yes, really.”
You whispered and let go of her. Miranda let go reluctantly and smiled at you, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Wanna… meet at my place?” she asked softly and you nodded. Taking her hands and squeezing them gently. Miranda’s cigarette now on the floor, forgotten by the two of you. Her smile brightened a bit and she nodded.
“Then I’ll have some beers cold and ready when you arrive.”
“That sounds wonderful!”
The rest of the day had been strangely uneventful, besides the growing worry and fear of what tonight might bring for you. You almost lost your cool this afternoon, wanting to press sweet kisses to her head and face. But you held yourself back. Miranda wasn’t interested in you like that… 
After work, you quickly rushed home, took a shower and changed into something a bit less formal and more comfortable. You styled your hair and added just a smidge of makeup. Not too much. With one final look in the mirror, you quickly made your way over to Miranda’s place. Standing in front of the door, your nerves started getting the better of you. You can’t do this… this is gonna be too much for you. Before you could decide if you wanted to leave or not, the door in front of you opened. 
“Ah, I thought I had heard something!”
Miranda smiled down at you and stepped aside for you to enter. With a shy smile, you stepped into her flat. It had been weeks since you’d last been here. It smelled like her and you felt slightly dizzy. After taking off your shoes and sitting down on her couch, Miranda quickly followed with two beers, handing you one. 
“I’m glad you’re here. I started to miss your presence.” she said softly and blushed, quickly taking a swig from her beer. You did the same, trying to suppress your blush. She missed you… 
“You’ve been very busy lately… what had you so occupied? Maybe a special someone?”  She asked softly, wiggling with her eyebrows but the way she asked the question… something seemed off.
“Wha- no! Well… not really… not like you think… I’m not…”
A bright blush crept onto your face, and you quickly took another big sip of your beer. Gods, you wouldn’t survive this. Miranda watched you closely, a sad frown on her face.
“Then… why were you avoiding me..?”
The pain you felt in your heart almost made you double over. This is never what you wanted. You never wanted to hurt her. With a sigh, you set the beer down and started fiddling with your fingers.
“It’s not… easy..”
“Tell me! Please! Have… have I done something wrong?”
“Have… have I hurt you? Have I been a bad friend? Y/n please! I must know. What have I done to you? Have I said something that upset you or-“
“NO! No… Miranda… no, you could never…”
You sighed. You couldn’t tell her… 
Looking up you saw her face, pain, fear, worry, sadness. You- you just had yelled at her…
“Oh gods, Miranda, I am so sorry I… I didn’t-“
“No it’s.. It’s okay…”
She spoke softly and set her beer down. She was about to get off the couch, but you grabbed her wrist, holding her in place. You had to tell her. You couldn’t see her so upset any more, it was too painful. The blonde’s icy blues looked at you, confusion written on her face as she waited for you to proceed.
“Miranda I- the reason why I was so distant… I don’t know how to tell you.”
You took a deep breath. Miranda had moved your grip, holding your hand now. Her thumb softly rubbing over your knuckles, trying to help you feel calm. It just made you even more nervous. She cared so much. 
“The reason why I was so distant was… I am in love with you.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for an answer but when none came you pulled your hand from her grip and covered your face.
“I- I have realised that I felt this way the day that asshole broke up with you… it hit me like a brick and… I didn’t want to tell you. You were so broken… you needed a friend not… that. I-I couldn’t be around you any more because it was just eating me up from the inside every time we spent time together. I had to distance myself because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable… I didn’t want to- to take advantage of you I- I care too much… Miranda, I love you…”
Silence. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes but if you had looked up you would have seen Miranda's face. A bright blush had covered her face, ears and chest, eyes wide, staring at you with hope, with longing, with unspoken emotions. You loved her. She could be loved, someone, you really loved her. 
“I-I’m sorry… I’ll see myself out, please just forget-“
You turned to look at her, taking in her features. She was… smiling. Not in a ‘making fun of you’ type of way, no, a genuine smile. Miranda moved closer, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close, running her fingers through your hair as she pulled you against her body. Instinctively, your arms wrapped around the strong blonde, falling into her embrace, her scent, her soft breaths against your shoulder, falling into her. 
“Y-you’re not mad? Uncomfortable? Disgusted?”
Miranda pulled away to cup your face, wiping a tear from your cheek as she looked into your eyes.
“I could never. I love you too much.”
She whispered, smiling softly down at you. Your eyes widened. She… loved you?
“Miranda I-“
“Can I kiss you?”
You looked into her eyes, her icy blue orbs reflecting nothing but love, care and hope. You nodded, cupping her cheeks and gently tucking some hair behind her ear.
She leaned in, you felt her warm breath on your skin and then her soft, warm lips against yours. It was a perfect fit. Like the last piece in a puzzle. She completed you and in that moment all of your worries flew out the window. Miranda was gentle and careful. Her lips moved against yours with soft movements, and she made sure to hold you as if you were about to fall apart. She held you, she protected you. 
After a minute or two, she pulled away and smiled softly at you, pressing a gentle peck to your forehead. You smiled and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of her soft, warm lips against your forehead. You belonged here. In her arms, in her embrace. 
“After that night… I started realising how much you actually mean to me. Of course, it took a while for me to realise that what I felt for you was more than friendship. When you started distancing yourself, I was afraid… I thought you noticed. That I- somehow had shown too much, said too much… scared you off…” Miranda admitted and stroked your cheek gently. Keeping eye contact with you. You pressed a quick peck to her lips and the palm of her hand.
“You could never. I love you, Miranda.”
The blonde Constable smiled and pulled you into another embrace, leaning back against the couch and having you snuggle into her arms. Where you belonged.
“I wouldn’t want to be loved by anyone but you.”
Taglist: @erinyaya @vivendraws @phexyce @aemilia19 @weemssapphic @gela123 @winterfireblond @Xxmecverxx @unicorniusfallapatorious @gwenistheloml @yourgaeyisshowing
As always, Likes, Comments and Reblogs are welcome <3
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
Can you maybe write 2010 toms reaction and hc's for the reader being pregnant?
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synopsis: you have to tell tom some unexpected news, and his reaction isn’t what you had hoped for.
content: angst
a/n: thank you so much for the request, i am so bad at head canons so i just did a fic, i hope that’s okay!!
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my hands shakily clutched at the test, tears rolling down my flushed cheeks as i hoped that somehow, my eyes were deceiving me. positive, the test reads, the eight letters staring back at me, reminding me over and over that they are very real, and i can’t back out of this.
tom and i were always careful, using protection every time we had sex to stop things like this from happening. we were young and foolish, as every 21 year old is, not ready to welcome a child of our own into the world, the thought of it scaring me so much, never thinking that it would become a reality so soon. it wasn’t that we didn’t ever want kids, but tom was constantly on tour, away from home for weeks and though i always went with him, it just wouldn’t be right to take a child with us. we had always discussed starting a family, both of us coming to the mutual conclusion that now just wasn’t the right time.
which is what terrified me even more, tom’s reaction worrying me as i just couldn’t guess what it would be. he was currently at the studio with the band, and he would be home any minute now, evening dawning over us as he had no idea of the news i was about to bring to him.
i sat on the couch, the test stuffed into the back pocket of my jeans, my eyes fixed on whatever was on the tv, but my mind was elsewhere, waiting for the door to open and tom to walk through it, praying that he wouldn’t freak out. there was no time left to just hope, the door handle turning as tom steps through, baggy jacket clad to his figure, reminding me just how cold it is outside. he takes his shoes off, announcing a quick “i’m home my love”, before entering the living room, a smile appearing on his face once he sees me.
he walks towards the sofa, sitting down beside me and embracing me in a hug. my body begins to shake as i can no longer hold back the tears, tom noticing and quickly pulling away, studying my face and the sorrow etched upon it.
“baby, what’s wrong?” he replies, concerned, holding my face and kissing my forehead, attempting to wipe the tears as he awaits my response.
“you promise you won’t get mad?” i manage to let out between sobs, my words almost inaudible, yet he clearly understands what i say, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“what? why would i be mad? you can tell me anything, you know that.” he says, much more composed than i am, his heart aching to see me in this state. “now what’s wrong? please, talk to me schatz.”
my eyes meet his for the first time, bloodshot and glassy, whilst his hurriedly scan my face, the worry only increasing in his own as every second passes that i don’t confess. i can’t bring myself to say the two words “i’m pregnant”, because the second i do, it will truly become real, my mind in some twisted sort of denial, telling myself that if i don’t admit it, it will somehow go away. so, instead of saying what is wrong, i decide to show him, reaching hesitantly into my back pocket and placing the pregnancy test in his hands.
he looks downwards, finally seeing the reason why i am so upset. his body tenses up, his mouth hanging open in shock the only thing he is able to do. i cant tell if he is happy, excited, or completely angry, all i know is that he cannot believe his eyes. the tears continue to spill down my cheeks, praying that he will reassure me that everything will be okay, but the twisting feeling in my stomach provides me with the terrifying realisation that i’m not going to receive that comfort.
“please say something.” i whisper, my voice shaky as he still hasn’t moved or even looked at me, his eyes fixed on the pregnancy test in his palm of his hands.
“is this real?” he mutters, refusing to look at me, his hands trembling a little.
“it’d be a pretty fucked up joke tom.” i reply, angry at his ridiculous question but not in any position to consider causing an argument, knowing that is the last thing i need right now.
“i just- i don’t know what to say. i’m not ready for this.” he confesses, finally looking upwards as his gaze meets mine, his eyes now glazed with tears, yet he isn’t sad - i see a glare within them that cannot be mistaken for anything else but anger.
“i’m not either tom, you know this. i don’t know what to do.” i put my head in my hands, sobbing even more now, my breathing fast and irregular. my mind longs for any sort of comfort from him, even a little reassurance, a half-hearted ‘it’s gonna be okay’, even though it would be a lie, it would be the most perfect one he ever told, because it would give me a million times more consolation than i am receiving right now. but he stays silent, biting his lip, almost as if he is stopping himself from truly speaking his mind.
“i can’t do this.” he finally says, standing up and walking out of the living room, exiting the house as he closes the front door behind him with a slam.
my breathing begins to quicken, my heart rate increasing as the worst possible scenario is suddenly becoming true in front of my eyes. if me finding out that i was pregnant wasn’t enough, tom leaving only placed the cherry on my cake, a sickening sense of guilt now punching me in the gut, stabbing a knife in the wound as i begin to feel nothing but completely stupid for letting this happen, blaming it all on myself. my sobs are muffled within my hands as my head rests there, my entire body trembling as i long to be in his arms, him telling me that it would be okay, that we would get through this. instead, the cold air is my only company, leaving me in it’s icy embrace, giving me the constant reminder that i am alone.
it is this reminder that sticks with me until my eyes begin to feel heavy, my body falling into a deep sleep, providing me with a temporary distraction from reality.
warm hands. two large, warm hands are what wake me from my sleep as they caress my face gently, contrasting with the coldness of the entire house.
“love?” i hear a familiar voice whisper, finally opening my eyes to see tom kneeled beside me, his own bloodshot from crying.
“why are you here?” i ask, anger quickly filling my veins, the reminder of how quickly he left, betrayed me like it was nothing, flooding my memory.
“i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have left like that. i was just so shocked, and i backed out, and i shouldn’t have. we can talk about this, if you’re ready to.” he softly says as i sit up, moving his hands off my face.
“you left me.” i mutter, the tears already threatening to fall. “i wanted your support, and you left me. you fucking left me when i needed you most! do you know how shitty that feels? all day, i’ve felt guilty, and i find the courage to tell you and then you fucking bail on me?”
“i know and i’m so sorry my love. i didn’t expect it, i reacted in the wrong way-”
“what you think i did expect it? you think i’ve been throwing up for the past two weeks and i wanted it to happen? do you know how hard it’s been to hide my suspicions, because i didn’t want to scare you until i knew for sure, and then you run away because you didn’t expect it? the one time, the one time i fucking need you here and you leave me.” i sob, my voice breaking as i shake my head, standing up and walking away, tom quickly following me to the kitchen where i stand, my front against the counter, head in my hands.
he says nothing, but wraps his arms around my waist from behind, his thumbs running along my stomach comfortingly, lips pressing small kisses on my shoulder as i slowly begin to calm down. we both stand in silence, tom never loosening his hold on me, finally speaking up once my breathing has slowed a little.
“i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry. you didn’t deserve that at all. i promise you, i’ll never leave you like that again, not for a second.” he whispers, turning me around so that my chest is flush against his, his arms securely around my waist.
“why did you do that tom? you have no idea how scared i am.” i say, my words slightly muffled as my head is buried into his t-shirt, my arms clinging onto his neck.
“ i’m so sorry. i’m sorry.” he keeps repeating, kissing my forehead over and over between his words, never once letting go of me.
“what are we going to do?” i sigh, appreciating the fact that we have made up, but knowing that it doesn’t change the situation or make the reality any easier to swallow.
“i don’t know baby, i don’t know. but whatever you decide, i’ll be right here, always. i promise, i’ll always be here.” he affirms, and the sincerity of his voice tells me that i can believe every single one of his words.
“i love you tom.” i say, the words slipping from my mouth naturally as they are the only ones that come to mind.
“i love you too.”
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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luvhhannie · 6 months
in every universe | y. jeonghan x reader
𓇢𓆸 synopsis: in every universe, judgement, betrayal and love seem to lead you and jeonghan to be destined to drift away. would there be any universe where destiny finally leads you two together?
𓇢𓆸 genre: romance, angst, mutual pining
𓇢𓆸 cw: major character death, cheating, self harm, suicide, references to nothing new, unrequited love, just angst man (not proof read)
𓇢𓆸 wc: 2.70k
𓇢𓆸 a/n: is this fic kinda related to my break up? who knowsss, get what you get from this fanfic. anyways, reblogs and hearts are very much appreciated! thank you for the support! 🤍
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“let’s break up” you said as you stand firmly in front of your boyfriend, now ex, jeonghan. he looked at you sternly and sighed.
“okay.” he simply said. you gulped as tears suddenly fill up your eyes. you never wanted to break up with him, yet you knew that if he was the one breaking up with you right now, you would go insane. he suddenly opened his mouth.
“i’m sorry, really, i just don’t love you romantically anymore. we’ll still stay best friends, right?” he said. this is a healthy break up. you reminded yourself. you smiled softly at him.
“of course.” that was exactly a week ago before you found out he has been cheating on you behind your back. you were curious to see how he was doing so you looked through his socials when you saw he already had matching icons and bios with another person. you also saw that he has been commenting on the third party’s posts months even before your breakup.
“i just want you to be honest with me, jeonghan. was the reason for the breakup was because you didn’t love me anymore, or because you’ve been going behind my back MONTHS back into our past relationship?” you texted him. you only wanted the truth, you even dmed the other girl as you wanted to make sure that your assumptions weren’t real. yet her ignorant replies just proved your point that he knew what he was doing.
jeonghan denied everything you have said. you always trusted your gut feeling, so you cut him off completely, telling him that you were done with his friendship and lies.
“don’t ever contact me again, starting tonight. whatever happened to us in the past is nothing now. you betrayed my trust and i could never look into your eyes ever again.” you texted him, paragraphs by paragraphs, only for him to reply with two measly sentences.
“i don’t judge you for that but i don’t want to argue with you, proving that i am not a cheater. goodbye, yn.” that was the last thing you have ever heard of your ex. you always wondered if you did the right thing by cutting him off. but then again, he betrayed your trust and lied to you. you would’ve been okay if he said the real reason why he wanted to break up. this is the universe where your soul suffered the most. meeting him, talking to him and developing feelings for him over the years, finally loving him and having him as yours and you as his, then suddenly, ending as strangers all over again, but now with memories.
though, your soul might also think that the universe where you had passed away is the most miserable. in this universe, you had met jeonghan through your brother. you slowly developed a crush on jeonghan and began falling in love with him. from his sweet antics to his playful gestures. you were in love with him, so you decided to confess. the answer you got only got you in your worst state yet. you unfortunately caught a disease where unrequited love could kill you. either you lose the memories of the person you love to survive, or die loving the person you are infatuated with. your love for jeonghan was so strong you wanted to carry the sickness till your death, as long as you don’t forget yoon jeonghan.
in every universe, your love for yoon jeonghan is as powerful as the universal force. in every universe, you have found home in jeonghan, and so did he. in this universe, you and jeonghan were highschool classmates. you both had crushes on each other, yet no one made a move to one another, afraid of the other’s response. you two pined on each other, crushes slowly turning into love. however, on one faithful day, jeonghan finally decided that he will confess to you. unbeknownst to him, that was also the last day of you attending your highschool.
“i like you, yn. i like you a lot.” he confessed. you smiled sadly at him as you hold his hands.
“i’m so glad you do. i like you too. ever since we met.” you confessed back. you and jeonghan started crying and finally held each other’s body.
“i’m sorry, i’m moving away. i should’ve said something earlier.” you cried in his comforting arms. he sniffled and looked into your eyes.
“it’s okay, yn. let’s live this moment for now, okay? let’s love each other one last time here. promise me we’ll still keep in contact?” he asked you as he wipes your tears away. you smiled sadly.
“of course.” in this universe, no one cheated. but a promise was broken again. you and jeonghan never kept contact with each other, even during and after graduation. as time flies by, he already graduated college, and so did you. during one evening, one of his coworkers asked him if he wanted to go to one of his friends’ wedding. jeonghan being a good friend, he agreed.
finally at the wedding, jeonghan and his friend, seungcheol, waited for the bride to walk the aisle. seungcheol told jeonghan that his friend, and also coworker, joshua, was crying before the wedding started. joshua had told seungcheol that he was going to marry the most perfect person on earth and that he would die for her. jeonghan laughed at his story, thinking how silly the statements joshua had made when they finally heard the piano keys playing, indicating that the bride will soon start walking.
hearing the church door open, the guests started standing up and looking at the bride. jeonghan finally realized that joshua’s statement weren’t silly. the bride that joshua is going to marry really is perfect. the bride that joshua is going to marry is the same girl he dreamed of marrying back in highschool. he watched as yn walk down the aisle, trying to stop the tears coming out of his eyes. he silently watch the girl he has always loved smile to the guests, when both of them made eye contact. jeonghan thought that the world stopped spinning and everything was in stop motion. she took a deep breath and smiled sadly at jeonghan, continuing to walk towards her fiancé. jeonghan could only watch the two joyous couple in the background. finally hearing them both say their vows, jeonghan closed his eyes, letting the tears he has been putting up fall down to his cheeks. cheers and shouts erupted from the chapel as the newly wed couple share their first kiss. he knew at that moment, you have never loved him as much as he had loved you. he knew that you were never his. he knew that even if you deserve the love you have right now, he will never, ever, win it.
jeonghan’s soul might say that was the universe he had suffered the most. however, the universe where your mental health took over your body says otherwise. in this universe, you searched for treatments and help from professionals in the mental health field because of depression, and that is where you met yoon jeonghan, a psychotherapist. you were in your early twenties while jeonghan was in his late twenties. he has been your therapist for a couple of months now and has helped you a lot. despite his aid, you were still suffering from depression. the thoughts of you not having a purpose in the world and being a failure took a toll of your mental health. your therapist would always tell you that he’s always going to be there for you whenever you need help. there wasn’t any romantic intentions in his words, but platonic, a hint of wanted friendship. knowing you for a long time, jeonghan has taken a liking to you and thought of becoming friends with you. but of course, he still has to be professional.
“so, how have you been, yn? are there any thoughts that have been lingering in your mind?” he asks you as he usually does.
“i’ve been…alright. i’ve just been thinking of how i’m going to celebrate my birthday these days, since it’s next week.” you said to him. he wrote on his notepad as he listened to you.
“hm, that’s good. i hope you have a wonderful birthday, yn. how does your body feel right now? weak? good?” he asks you. you sit upright and blinked your eyes.
“my body feels okay. it’s just that sometimes i feel nauseous and tired.” you admitted. he suddenly stopped writing on his notepad and looked at you.
“have you been eating?” he asks. you nodded.
“yeah, i usually skip dinner though.” you said. he smiled softly and went back to his notepad.
“you should still try getting three meals a day. doesn’t matter how big or small the portion is, you need to eat.” he said. you looked up at him and smiled.
“yeah, i’ll try.” your check up went on for more minutes. as he finishes up the session, he suddenly looked at you.
“hey, yn?” he called out for you. you were already grabbing your handbag when he called you.
“i…i’m always here for you, you know that right? i’m your therapist, i’m here to help you. don’t be afraid to say everything to me. remember i’m always one call away.” is what jeonghan has said. but what he actually wanted to say was:
“i’m always here for you, yn. even if you only see me as your therapist, i’m also your friend. i’ll always help you no matter what.”
you and jeonghan always have a weekly therapy session, but the week after your last session, you never showed up. jeonghan thought it was probably because you were getting ready for your birthday. he even prepared a gift for you, a necklace with a clover pendant. he called you just in case you have forgotten your therapy session. it was unusual for you to miss a session. it was already 5 pm and you still haven’t answered him, even once. finally going past his “professionalism” agenda, jeonghan decided to go to your home. he drove to your apartment safely and knocked on your door several times.
“yn-ssi?” he asked through the front door. silence. jeonghan’s heartbeat started rattling through his chest. he suddenly twisted the door knob and unbeknownst to him, it wasn’t locked. he went inside your home and looked through every room. you weren’t in the kitchen, bathroom nor living room. finally reaching the last room, he opened the door to your bedroom. he widened his eyes as his mouth gaped open.
there you were, hanging from your ceiling fan. jeonghan could only stare in shock. dropping to his knees, he started breathing heavily.
did he not help you at all?
were all the check ups not helping you?
did he drive you to kill yourself?
was he not worth to be an aid to people?
he called 911 to report the incident and soon the authorities came, interviewing jeonghan.
he wasn’t even able to tell you that he wanted to be friends with you. he knew so much about you yet know so little about how you are. he was too late to tell you that he loved your company. that he loved you as a friend.
in every universe your soul has lived, you and jeonghan are destined to meet, destined to love each other, destined to leave each other. your soul always wondered, if there were such things as soulmates, were you and jeonghan one? destiny has always brought you two together, but also brought you two to fall apart on each other’s arms. were there any universe where you two meet, fall in love, and live your lives together? your soul always question this. in every death your soul has lived, it passes on to another lifetime.
in this lifetime, you’re just living your life as a choreographer. you have worked with countless artists and other dancers in your career. in this new chapter of your life, you were called to choreograph a dance for a kpop group you haven’t worked with yet. you have worked with countless kpop artists, from twice to nct. you were familiar with kpop and the industry of course, but you were excited to meet the group you’re going to work with.
“here’s their practice room, i’ll leave you to it. i’ll have my assistant to come with you in there. again, thank you for accepting our request.” one of the higher ups in hybe ent told you as you bowed to them. you entered the practice room, feeling a sense of familiarity, and saw several guys already stretching, blasting their song in the room. you were given a couple of weeks to create choreography for their new song, but you told them that meeting the group should be done first as creating a bond between the artist and choreographer is as important as creating an amazing piece. one of the males went up to you and bowed.
“oh, hello! are you ln yn-ssi? i’m scoups. i’m the leader of the group. it’s nice to finally meet you.” he introduced himself as you bowed back.
“yeah, it’s nice to meet you too, scoups-ssi. i already listened to the song a couple of times and have ideas for it already, but i really do want to create a bond with the team first, since i’ll be working with you guys for a couple of months.” you smiled at him. he smiled back nodded.
“yeah, for sure. i get what you mean. here, i’ll introduce you to the members.” he said as he gathered the group together. he did a small introduction of you to the group and they instantly welcomed you with warm smiles. you thought that dk, dino and vernon had the sweetest smiles you’ve ever seen. meeting them one by one, you learned that they had units and you instantly clicked with the performance team.
“i’ve been a huge fan ever since i saw you compete with a contemporary piece at swf!” dino geeked over you. you chuckled at him and thanked him. you and hoshi were already familiar with each other, considering that you two were fans of each other. still talking to the performance team, you felt a gaze behind you. you looked back and saw the angel faced male. you smiled softly to him and bid your goodbyes to the performance team. you walked up to jeonghan and watched him stretch his arms. he looked back at you.
you both say at the same time. you two chuckled as you sit down next to him. you nodded your head, telling him to go first.
“oh, well, i was just wondering if we’ve met before? i feel like i’ve known you but i just can’t seem to remember” he asked you. he was thinking the same thing as you. you smiled softly and hummed.
“i don’t think so…but i do feel like we’ve known each other for a long time already.”
“i think so too, do you think we’re soulmates?” he joked. you laughed at his statement and walked away.
“if we were soulmates, i think your fans would go crazy to think that their idol is soulmates with a person like me.”
“hmm, better than a sasaeng!”
in this universe, your soul knew jeonghan’s soul, and so did his. your soul hopes that this universe will be the universe where you and jeonghan finally live your lives together in love. little did your soul know, another soul has been thinking the same thing ever since he has met a familiar warmth in this universe.
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witchofthevale · 8 months
↷ september '23 fave fic recs!⋆☂。☽˚.
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Okay, okay here we go! This nearly killed me to make, so you better read them.
I'm kidding... I think.
Gentle reminder that what I consider 'fave' is by my own personal tastes and preferences, and you might not agree with them and that's okay! These are very lovely authors you can peruse on your own to find the right fic for you, and there are always the tags + algo. Just because your favourite fic isn't here doesn't mean it's not good; it could be potentially for a variety of reasons (I haven't read it yet, I have just not this month, I don't vibe with that character, etc).
That's what I love about the individuality in fandom and writers— there will always be that right fic from that right author that just hits all your good spots.
This is mine. For the month of September. If you find your next favourite fix here— I'm glad! If not, that's still swell! Hope you find it!
To the writers— thank you for writing such brilliant fics! I struggled setting this up because of how many I enjoyed 💝.
More quick reminders!
This is set chronologically; both by character name and by fic title.
If you are familiar with my blog, you will mainly see HOTD, some TLK, then random characters.
There may be smut! There may be dark fiction! I support and consume both! Please read trigger warnings actively! You are responsible for your own person! Community Labels ruin fandom ecosystems, stop snitching! Ignore or block at bloody will!
There are no series parts here. That is in a different display post that is still being processed lol.
If you see repeated author names, it can be numerous things— mostly, they're just that good, okay? Okay.
These are only for September 2023. I've read about 500+ on this account alone, and would die if I tried to go back before then, sorry. You can still check them out through tag navigation here!
I've also added some of my works that I enjoyed writing for the month, because why not.
Now that's fucking over, I hope you enjoy!
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ABRAHAM (Grantchester)
*Untitled Piece by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Ceilings by @sapphire-writes
Lemon Cake To My Tea by @darlingofvalyria
Merciless or Ruthless? by @lovelykhaleesiii
Moan for Me by @st-eve-barnes
A Mutual Feeling of Hate by @fan-goddess
Gelato by @oneeyedvisenya
Hell Hath No Fury @fromforeigntofamiliarity
His Love by @valeskafics
I'm A Fire, And I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm by @randomdragonfires
Revolution by @valeskafics
The Black Stag by @darlingofvalyria
Til Death Do Us Part by @asumofwords
Unnerved by @dulcewrites
*Untitled by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
*Untitled by @missglaskin
Vulnerability by @valeskafics
My Heart by @silens-oro
The Perfect Send Off by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Lonely This Christmas by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Ask, and You Shall Receive by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
A Thousand Words by @arabellasleopardcoat
Capital by @arabellasleopardcoat
Curse of Womanhood by @just-some-random-blogger
*Untitled by @barbiedragon
Valyrian Bride by @cryingforlife
A Political Arrangement by @valeskafics
In Bastards of Blue, Wager in War by @darlingofvalyria
Little Lights by @dreamsofoldvalyria
Lacnunga, Or, Remedy by @assortedseaglass
Little Warrior by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Hours by @valeskafics
It's Urgent Darling by @sihtricfedaraaahvicius
Take No Wife by @valeskafics
A Good Wife by @valeskafics
Rest by @fidelias
*Untitled by @barbiedragon
Conquerors Reborn by @undertheorangetree | Helaena, Aemond x Reader
El Tango De Roxanne by @valeskafics | Jace, Aemond x Reader
Royalty Fucked by @oorhaellaoo | Baelon, Alyssa x Reader
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ladythot · 1 year
Ignore the sudden furry icon, don't worry, it is still me. Your one and only fucked up baki writer and artist but I would also love to remind everyone that I catered for more than one fandom with btg ending as the main reason why I'm still gnashing my teeth into writing porn and whatnot. It baffles me how there is more to complaining than actual writing for this fandom (look who's complaining huh) give me a break.
I just wanna read more perversive fics about a buff man getting destroyed where either the girl fornicates the bone of her hips into him or the writer devalues the good in his character no matter how bad or improper the writing is. Ya feel me? I wanna dig into the idea of my favorite character from another writer's point of view without calling it cringe or bad—call me starved, but I'm creative o7
Here's to my glum mutuals that experienced the point where their writing is called ooc or bad; creating a better body of fanfiction takes time. There's still enough room for a proper version of your writing, but never let an improper criticism destroy your writing confidence.
Have fun for now.
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rosesradio · 2 months
may i ask why ppl hate caleo so much? I'm reading ToA rn so idk if it's based on stuff that happens there, but in HoO I didn't really catch anything that would make it this "don't touch with a ten foot pole" ship, yk?
Hi !! Thanks for sending this in. I feel like I and others have kinda gone through some things in the anti-caleo tag, but I'm gonna go through some of the reasons with as much textual evidence and objectivity as possible. (minus my inevitable unorganized rambles, they're contextually relevant, stop looking at me--)
That being said, this is completely a matter of opinion, as all shipping is. I don't mean to say that you are "allowed" to ship or that you're "stupid" for shipping xyz, I couldn't care less what you ship--let's all just be nice to each other.
That being said, let's start with the two most common reasons why most people dislike caleo:
1.) the age gap
2.) their "bickering to lovers" dynamic is not written well/they seem to dislike each other/etc
The easier one to start with would be the age gap. Now (warnings for rent-lowering gunshots around my blog), I meant what I said when I said I don't care about ships. Most of my beloved mutuals ship the nastiest shit imaginable, and I am very anti-censorship (but that's several other posts). I generally have preferences for healthy ships when it comes to a Fluffy Endgame (dark fics with toxic ships are different to me).
That being said, I don't typically enjoy ships with a large age gap, and most other people find them unappealing as well. I could be persuaded with some (nipollo and rachel/apollo, i'm looking at you), but caleo just kinda grosses me out in this regard, probably due to other aspects of their relationship.
(Some people say she's "mentally fifteen", but I don't really buy that--if she were like a faerie or something, maybe, but I see her more as Edward in Twilight--looks young but has wisdom beyond her years. There's no definitive answer on this so it's not something I would like to debate (none of this is lol) but I thought I would mention it anyways.)
Although your question is about ToA, I'm only going to cover HoH through the first ToA book, because I'm still reading through the ToA books (though I know the big spoilers). I know caleo takes on a bigger role in the second book so i might come back and do a part two to uh...complain about their dynamic more? lol
so, without further ado--
The House of Hades
So, this is the first impression we get of Calypso from Leo's perspective--the highlights to keep this from being 1 million years long (it still will be lol)--
"She looked maybe fifteen, about Leo's age, and, sure, she was pretty; but with that angry expression on herface she reminded Leo of every popular girl in every school he'd ever attended—the ones who made fun of him, gossiped a lot, thought they were so superior, and basically did everything they could tomake his life miserable.Leo disliked her instantly.
The girl clenched her fists. Leo was pretty sure she was going to march down the crater and punch him in the face.
"Show yourself!" the girl yelled at the sky, completely ignoring Leo. "It's not bad enough I am exiled? It's not bad enough you take away the few good heroes I'm allowed to meet? You think it's funny to send me this—this charbroiled runt of a boy to ruin my tranquility? This is NOT FUNNY! Take him back!""
--pg 213 of The House of Hades pdf.
Now, keeping in mind that I read this for the first time at 13 and he was my book boyfriend (Or Whatever), I was not a fan of this, but even now that I've grown out of that, this still rings unfavorable to me.
He compares her to his bullies, the ones who made fun of him and created insecurities within him. And, making no effort to clear her name from this association, what is one of the first things she does? Screams at the gods for sending someone so conventionally unattractive. One of Leo's biggest insecurities in the books is not being as conventionally attractive or built as the other guys in the seven. One of his other insecurities is not having a girlfriend when everyone else is coupled up. So the solution is not to have him learn self-love and/or the love of friends, but to instead give him a girlfriend--the build-up time of which is short and intense. Not only that, but his love interest insults one of his biggest insecurities.
We're off to a great start.
Of course, I can't really blame Calypso for being pissed about the wreckage and about being sent another hero instead of being freed from the island. I would be pretty pissed, too, but she still treats him pretty badly, seemingly because he's not the "right" hero.
(For this next bit I am going through their time together in House of Hades and just noting anything that rings as a red flag to me--which is not a stretch as it's pretty much every other line lol. The brackets [] add context for dialogue, the parentheses () is my commentary, though most of these speak for themselves imo)
""Oh-gee-gee-ah." The girl pronounced it slowly, as if Leo were five years old.
She looked like she was about to answer but stopped herself. "It doesn't matter. You'll be gone soon. You're obviously a mistake."
That was harsh, Leo thought.He'd spent enough time thinking he was a mistake—as a demigod, on this quest, in life in general. He didn't need a random crazy goddess reinforcing the idea
"What am I supposed to do, then? Sit in the sand dunes until I die?" [Leo asked]
"That would be fine...." The girl threw down her trowel and cursed at the sky. "Except I suppose he can't die here, can he? Zeus! This is not funny!"
She looked the same age as him, but he wondered how old she really was. (age gap thing, delicious!)
"Would you be sweet," [Calypso said], "if they laughed at you by sending another hero, but a hero who looked like—like you?"
"Three thousand." Leo's mouth felt tingly, like he'd just eaten Pop Rocks. "Uh, you look good for three thousand."
"And now...the worst insult of all. The gods mock me by sending you." [Calypso said]
Anger bubbled in Leo's stomach.Yeah, typical. If Jason were here, Calypso would fall all over him. She'd beg him to stay, but he'd be all noble about returning to his duties, and he'd leave Calypso brokenhearted. That magic raft would totally arrive for him. (heartbreaking to hear about leo's insecurities but also...he is so gay for jason jdskjfs--)
But Leo? He was the annoying guest she couldn't get rid of. She'd never fall for him, because she was totally out of his league.
Despite the gifts, Calypso obviously didn't want to see him. One time he poked his head inside the cave and she freaked out, yelling and throwing pots at his head. (how to treat an abuse survivor 101)
Yeah, she was definitely on Team Leo. (this honestly just reminds me of the Echo scene and, honestly, I'd ship him with Echo Big Time over calypso)
He ended up pitching a more permanent camp near the footpath, where the beach met the hills.That way he was close enough to pick up his meals, but Calypso didn't have to see him and go into a pot-throwing rage.
"They are completely fireproof," Calypso promised. "They'll stay clean and expand to fit you,should you ever become less scrawny." (the prev part about her repairing the clothes was actually sweet in a platonic way...could have gone without the body-shaming !)
Then he remembered that this annoying fifteen-year-old girl was actually the immortal daughter of a Titan."
--pages 214-227 of The House of Hades pdf
Now, at this point I'll say that their relationship actually becomes quite sweet once they get past the frankly horrible section of time where they want each other to die. They're both lonely, they come to some understanding...I suppose this is a matter of opinion, but the romance aspect does feel forced. Time is different in Ogygia so it's hard to say how long Leo was there, if I were to estimate I'd say 3 weeks, but given that it's like 19 pages (and the text is larger on the pdf copy lol), it does feel rushed. Man do I wish they went for the platonic angle, but Richard could never.
The Blood of Olympus
Everyone's favorite book! lmao.
Now that our lovebirds are in Lovebird Territory (i guess), the amount of toxicity dwindles, but let's bite:
"'Sit tight, Sunshine,' he told Calypso's picture. 'I'll get back to you, just like I promised.'
Leo could imagine her response: 'I am not waiting for you, Leo Valdez. I am not in love with you.And I certainly don't believe your foolish promises!' The thought made him smile. (I guess this is supposed to be sarcastic, but way to reintroduce the concept of her really not liking him?)"
--pg 64 of The Blood of Olympus pdf
So, most of this book has mentions of Calypso from Leo's pov, and I gotta say (forgetting entirely that this doc is supposed to at least try to be subjective)...they neutered my boy. I often don't reread past MoA because of the caleo content, though what glimpses I've seen shows that his pov has experienced a massive shift. I think having so little page time and such an intense relationship buildup causes some readers to dislike how fundamentally she alters Leo's pov.
Additionally, I've seen some posts about Leo's suicide ideation. That is not something I want to go in depth about on this post, but I did want to draw attention to this excerpt I caught:
"Now the Argo II was approaching the end of its voyage. Leo's whole life – his childhood with Tía Callida; his mother's death in that warehouse fire; his years as a foster kid; his months at Camp Half-Blood with Jason and Piper – all of it would culminate tomorrow morning in one final battle.
He opened the access panel. Festus's voice creaked over the intercom.
'Yeah, buddy,' Leo agreed. 'It's time.'
More creaking.
'I know,' Leo said. 'Together till the end?'
Festus squeaked affirmatively.
Leo checked the ancient bronze astrolabe, which was now fitted with the crystal from Ogygia. Leo could only hope it would work.
'I will get back to you, Calypso,' he muttered. 'I promised on the River Styx.'
He flipped a switch and brought the navigation device online. He set the timer for twenty-four hours.
Finally he opened the engine's ventilator line and pushed inside the vial of the physician's cure. It disappeared into the veins of the ship with a decisive thunk.
'Too late to turn back now,' Leo said.
He curled on the floor and closed his eyes, determined to enjoy the familiar hum of the engine for one last night."
--pg 224 of The Blood of Olympus pdf
I'm not going to draw any definitive conclusions on the subtext of this or his plan with the physician's cure, but I will say Leo definitely needs therapy and the support of his friends over his want of a girlfriend. (And I'd say this regardless of ships--even if it were my beloved valdangelo. If Leo's mental health isn't addressed, it just makes it seem like a lazy fix-all)
I'm not going to pretend to be the best writer or understand character arcs better than our good friend Richard, but I think one of the reasons why Leo's character arc failed in this final installment is that Leo got what he wanted instead of what he needed. The best character arcs will display what a character wants, but by the end of the journey, a character will realize what they really need.
For example, in Gravity Falls (great show btw), towards the end of the series, Mabel wants to stay in a magical bubble created as a trick by Bill Cipher so she can stay in Gravity Falls forever. In the end, however, she realizes that what she really needs is to go back home to California with her brother, where they can get through high school with the support of each other.
If Leo had undergone an arc in which he really wants a girlfriend, but later realizes he needs to love himself first, that would have been really great and nice for kids to see that they don't need a significant other to make them whole.
Additionally--surprisingly--there were no glaring red flags for the rest of this book. They have a general vibe of "she doesn't really like him and he's a silly little guy" that I feel like is just rick pulling a "can I copy your homework?" with percabeth but it came out Wrong, but that's a matter of opinion.
ToA: The Hidden Oracle
""Here you go." Leo handed her a glass of lemonade. His expression seemed darker and more anxious, as if...Ah, of course. Leo had rescued Calypso from her prison island. In doing so, Calypso had lost her powers. Leo felt responsible."
--pg 239 of The Hidden Oracle pdf
This seems like something they'd have to work through, which is possible, but also a very intense thing to put on a relationship between an already traumatized 16 year old (and his over 3000 year old girlfriend, etc.) I suppose if this was written through in a thoughtful way I'd understand, but it's kind of one of those things that makes me look at them and go...realistically, at best I see them lasting 6 months to a year.
(tbh a lot of the ships outside of percabeth don't seem to have that...well, percabeth longevity--i mean just look at how jiper broke up. not that Richard would break caleo up atp, of course...unless...)
Final Thoughts (unless I return after finishing ToA but no promises)
And so, we conclude. I think I learned some stuff by revisiting canon instead of just remaining amongst online fandom & my memory of canon. Honestly, I can see why people would like this ship--I still hate it the most out of any pjo ship, but I gotta admit it had its sweet moments. Just as I pointed out red flags and had opinions stated as subjective, other people could point out what they consider green flags and why they think the ship is great.
To conclude (my English teachers quaking in their boots rn), myself and other caleo haters dislike the ship due to the age difference, the rushed nature, and the enemies to lovers dynamic being written in a way that ultimately gives the energy that our love birds do not like each other. I hope this dive into the foundation of their relationship clarifies some of these things for you, and thanks for the ask!
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evans-heaven · 2 years
Scene ; Joseph Quinn
Leave it to me to see one comment asking for a full fic based on one of my Moments drabbles and actually write that shit 😭 I've been working on this piece for weeks and I'm pretty happy with how I left it so here it is for your reading pleasure ;)
Before we start, a couple of things:
This is pre-Feelings (tho reader is very much in love here but doesn't realize it)
The death scene is from the POV of Stacey, your character, and is mostly my dialogue bc i tried watching the actual clip and got less than 10 seconds in before i started crying 🙃 so I'm not gonna torture myself like that y'all sorry lol
Reader is portrayed as having anxiety and overthinks a lot, kinda like in Feelings. I write her like this bc that's pretty much how I am in real life about my own thoughts, feelings, and basically everything else. Aaannnd that's basically it lmao
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x Fem!Actress!Reader
Warnings: Unedited content, strong language, ANGST, description of Eddie's death scene, mentions of blood, mild depictions of anxiety, some fluff, and touching, duh ;)
wc: 3.6k
I already linked the other two fics so read Touch here
Pt 2 here
Prior to this day, you had your assumptions that actors filming a death scene would be pretty tough. 
But, now that you were in a position where you yourself would be at the borderline center of one, ‘tough’ was kind of an understatement. 
‘Tough’ wasn’t nearly a suitable enough word to describe having to cradle your co-star who was covered in prosthetic wounds and fake blood as he sputtered out I love you’s and goodbye’s, and then ‘died’ in your arms. 
Maybe ‘tough’ would be the appropriate term here, if said co-star wasn’t your best fucking friend and the person you were undoubtably closest with on set. Him dying in your arms, even if it was just for the screen, was still an experience that would feel way too real-even if you tried to remind yourself that, at the end of the day, it wasn’t. No matter how true to life it would seem. No matter how damn realistic those wounds looked (why the fuck did Amy and her team have to be so talented?), and no matter how fucking incredible Joe Quinn was at pretending to die. 
The words ‘calm down’ echoed in your head like a broken record all day. They had blended into one, to the point where they were incoherent and didn’t seem to make sense. Thus, they did very little to offer comfort. 
The day had been frustrating, to put it lightly. But, at least you had Joe.
That morning, during your daily-or hourly-sanctioned bear hug, your heartbeat was so strong he practically heard it pulsing in his ears. That alone told him your anxiety would be working double time that day. It was a serious pain in the agss sometimes.
You and Joe had always been attached at the hip over the last year and some, always hanging off of each other in some way or another. And today, it was with good reason attached to it-not that (consensual) physical touch ever had to have a purpose other than wanting to be close. Having that gentle contact, even if it was just a hand on your shoulder-was more than enough to ground you and halt the overactive thoughts-even if for a couple of minutes.
Although he’d say he was only trying to comfort you, it was obvious your embraces and touches held mutual benefit. Just as he was able to sense your anxiety, you could sense his. The sweaty palms when your fingers laced together during breakfast and lunch weren’t from you, nor were the goosebumps you felt against your collarbones when he held you from behind after you got your makeup done for the scene. This showed you that, despite acting his ass off during rehearsals, it didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous.
But, in typical heartthrob-from-a-90s-novel-written-by-a-woman fashion, all his energy was put into making you feel better, comforted, and assured that everything would be okay. Even if he had no idea what the true driving force was behind your anxiousness.
You couldn’t have asked for a better on screen boyfriend. Stacey Miller-Rhodes was a damn lucky gal. Well, up until her boyfriend got chunks of his flesh ripped from his body by demobats. Meaning he died. Meaning Eddie was gone.
Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
A sharp knock on your trailer door interrupted your useless mantra, as you jolted, just a little, before giving permission for whoever to enter.
In walked Matt and Ross, warm smiles on their faces. It didn’t do much to ease you, because you knew why they were here. 
“Hey, Y/N, you ready?” Ross asked. Matt stood by the door keeping it open, since it was time to go. 
You nodded. “Yep,” your voice was even, masking the heavy feeling in your throat. You were not ready.
“Figured we’d come get you ourselves, Joe’s busy with makeup on set, for, you know-”
“I know. Thanks,” you said quickly, cutting Matt off. “Let’s get going, then,” you said, standing up and walking past Matt, exiting your trailer. You heard the door shut softly and their footsteps following behind you.
You were being short with them, but that was because you really only wanted Joe at this moment. Unfortunately, he was currently being ‘deadified’ on set, which is where you were now headed. You two had a little cuddle session in your trailer, where he held you tight and layed kiss after kiss on your forehead, cooing that it would be okay and that you would both be fine. After that, he had to go to the makeup trailer to get his prosthetic wounds applied. The process had taken hours, and then he had to film the scene where Eddie actually got attacked by the bats. This meant it had been a while since you saw him last. So, his mamed and mangled appearance awaited you, when the last time you saw him, he was totally unharmed and at ease.
You entered the building, in which there were only a chosen few people. It was a closed set, just you, Joe, and the necessary crew members. The Duffers believed that because a death scene with a couple was so intimate, you and Joe were the only actors that should be on set. 
That, you were thankful for. You were your best self when it was just you and Joe, so you could be your best ‘acting self’, when it was just the two of you as well.
Your eyes were immediately drawn to the ‘Upside Down’, a set made to look like the particular spot in the alternate universe where everything would go down. It was tinted blue and almost sent a chill down your spine to look at, from how cold uninviting, and eerie the general vibe of the scenery was. And a little depressing, which was pretty fitting. The backdrop was a blue screen, which would be used to add the background of the setting, to make everything look as real as possible.
You spotted Joe in the middle of the set, the makeup team applying fake blood to his very real looking wounds. 
“C’mon, we wanna talk to you and Joe for a second before we start,” Matt told you, and as much as that made sense, you wished Joe was more than just a few feet away so you could prepare a little more for seeing him….like that, outside of the context of the scene. 
“Okay,” you said as you three began walking towards him just as makeup finished up their job. When you got to him, you felt yourself tense up at his appearance as you lingered back, just a little bit. He stood awkwardly with his arms slightly hovering away from his body, clearly not wanting to disrupt the fake damage. You could tell from the sight before you that with how much fake blood the team used, those demobats would really do a number on Eddie.
You hated those little CGI bastards.
“Hey,” Joe said, gaining your attention, though his tone was light. You met his eyes, narrowly avoiding the blood streaking the lower half of his face.
“Hi,” you said back, feeling just a little bit of air release from your lungs, not even remembering when you took a breath in. You wanted to make a sarcastic quip to lighten the mood, but words failed you. You didn’t really feel like being funny right now.
“So, you guys remember how the scene goes, Eddie just sacrificed himself and got attacked by the bats, and Stacey runs up to him afterward and sees his body laying there, barely alive, covered in blood and wounds,” Matt began.
You curled your lips in and nodded stiffly, feeling the slightest of shocks run through your body. Calm down.
“I know you two are gonna kill this scene,” Matt continued. “No one understands or could have brought to life Eddie and Stacey better than the two of you,” he said warmly, clamping hands down on both your shoulders. Yours was tense under his touch and Stacey’s clothing.
You had to admit, though, he was right. You had a lot of input into Stacey’s character, taking her from Eddie’s shy girlfriend who was just a tool to enhance how eccentric he was, to a girl with a backstory and reasons for her reserved nature. Knowing Stacey’s history would make the scene even more gut wrenching to film. A girl raised in a household with a domineering step-father who believed women should be seen and not heard, who made her life a living hell under the watchful eye of her mother who did nothing to stop it. Upon turning 18 she left him and his toxicity behind, but carried the burden of years of being forced to subdue herself. Eddie got her to open up to him, but she still carried herself quietly around others. The fear of judgment was damaging.
Because of how much you put into Stacey and the influence you had on her storyline, you knew none of your nervousness had to do with how you’d perform in the scene. You were confident in your abilities as an actress and knew you could carry this scene with the help of Joe perfectly. 
“Thanks, guys, that means a lot,” you said to them, gripping the moto jacket you wore, canonically taken by Stacey from Eddie’s closet. 
“Yeah, truly, we’ve come a long way from me thinking I would completely ruin the show,” Joe chuckled, the smile on his face juxtaposed by the blood caking it. It was actually kind of off putting.
“Alright, well, let’s get this show on the road!” Mat clapped his hands and walked with his brother offset.
More like let’s get this over with. You were about to walk off to get in your spot, when Joe grabbed your hand gently, stopping you. You turned to face him, brows raised expectantly.
“You good?” he asked.
Deciding to keep this short and sweet, you settled for a quick nod, and a soft ‘yeah’. Satisfied, he released your hand so you could go to your place, just as one of the Duffers yelled “Places!” 
When you got to your mark, you looked over to Joe one more time, who was already looking your way. You could feel the intensity of his stare from where you stood, those gorgeous brown eyes and the way they sparkled no matter the lighting or setting. He gave you a smile, and you returned one, unable to ever not do so. It managed to give you a new found confidence you lacked just seconds prior. He took his position on the ground, and then, it was time.
There was no turning back once it began. Unless you swiveled on your heels and ran in the opposite direction, which was tempting. 
Once it happened, everything you were worried about could become a possibility to follow suit.
You sucked in an unstable breath and closed your eyes, savoring a final moment of calm before those two little word were uttered-
You took off.
Stacey’s heart was ramming against her ribcage the moment she re-entered the upside down, but when she saw her boyfriend lying limp on the cold, wet ground, she swore her legs would give out as her heart seemed to cease in its entirety. 
He had gone back. He wanted to be a hero. He didn’t want to run anymore, but God, she wished he did.
“Eddie!” Stacey called out, voice unstable and legs threatening to give out from underneath her as she sprinted towards him. Somewhere in the corner of her mind that was swarming with fears of what would happen to him, she began to pray to whoever there was that could hear her and help him.
Please let him be okay. Please. Please. Please.
“Ed, babe, oh my God,” Stacey whispered, and fell to her knees before his broken down form. His torso was torn to shreds, his Hellfire shirt almost completely soaked with blood from his wounds. She took hold of him and pulled the upper half of his body into her lap, feeling the red substance begin to seep through her jeans.
The demo bats surrounded the two of them, incapacitated, laying limp on the floor of the upside down-taunting you. Blissfully unaware that they had probably just taken the love of Stacey's life away from her, brutally, with no remorse, as he tried so desperately to be the hero, not the coward he convinced himself he was.
“Ed, are you with me? Can you hear me?” Stacey asked him softly, not wanting to scare him. She brushed his hair from his face and tried to meet his eyes, his gaze unfocused and teary.
Eddie’s voice came out shaky and weak from his blood coated mouth, his cheeks smeared with it. “I did it,” he choked out. “I didn’t run anymore,”
There was no denying he felt some semblance of pride at what he did, and because of that, Stacey couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, though the tension in the noise was palpable. “Yeah, yeah baby, you’re so brave,” she told him.
The proud smile he bore was distorted by a look of pain as he shifted slightly. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” he groaned, in clear discomfort.
One of her hands applied pressure to one of the many wounds that marred his torso as he shivered in her arms. “No, no babe, it’s fine, you're gonna be okay,” she stumbled out, trying to sound as confident in her words as possible, when everything about the situation told her that her words were not the truth. “We just….we just need to get to you to a hospital and everything’s gonna be okay, Ed, don’t worry,”
“No. I think this was it, baby,” he met his girlfriend’s gaze, his jaw trembling as more blood dribbled out the sides of his mouth as he took in barely there, labored breaths. “This was finally my year,”
Stacey choked out helpless cries, caressing his face, and shaking her head. This couldn’t be his year, this couldn’t be the way it ended. He was supposed to finally graduate and the two of them were supposed to get the hell out of Hawkins together, away from all the bullshit media propaganda and pearl clutching PTA moms. They were going to get out of there and be happy together. That was how it was supposed to fucking be, goddammit.
“No,” Stacey gritted.“This isn’t over yet, you’re gonna be okay, Ed,” she nodded stiffly, lips trembling as salty tears flowed into the seam. “We’re just gonna wait a little until the others get here, then we’re gonna carry you out of this hellhole and take you to a hospital, and the doctors there are going to fix you, baby, they’re going to make the bleeding go away, and stitch you up and give you some meds, and then you’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay,” she chanted weakly as her cheeks became soaked with tears. She wanted to speak it into existence, even as reality clawed and fought its way to the front of her mind.
“Baby,” he cooed. He placed a cold hand on hers, the one that still pressed against one of his wounds, gripping it weakly. Always the one who wanted to comfort her, even if he needed it way more in this situation. “I’ve fulfilled my duty as Eddie the Banished, I didn’t run, and I saved the town,” he told her. 
“That town doesn’t deserve your sacrifice, Eddie,” Stacey argued pathetically.
“I saved you,” he stressed, making it known that this act was with only one person at the forefront as motivation, the rest of the town behind her. “And you’re worth it, Stacey. You’re so. Fucking. Worth it,” he said to her, lacing their fingers together, pulling the back of her hand up to his lips, and pressing a bloodied kiss to the cold, dirty skin. 
“I love you so much,” he said as firmly as his shutting down body would let him.
It hurt her to not say those words back, but she knew why he said them, and she didn’t want to accept this as the end.
“Ed, don't you dare say goodbye,” she told him through her tears, trying to sound strong and sure, but it wasn’t possible. “This isn’t the end for you, this isn’t the end for us,” she said.
“Stacey, baby, I want you to listen to me,” Eddie began, the wobble in his voice impossible to ignore now as he tried to raise his head as much as he could, wanting her to truly take in his next words. “When you go back, I want you to go home and pack all of your shit, as much as you can carry, and I want you to get on the next bus out, because you’re gonna leave that shithole Hawkins. You’re gonna tell that place to kiss your ass and you’re gonna run like hell out of there without so much as a single glance back,”
Stacey shook her head, understanding where this was headed, not wanting to hear a word more. “Ed, no-”
“You’re gonna find some place for the both of us, somewhere where the people aren’t shallow minded assholes, where we can be whoever the fuck we want to be with each other, and I want you to live your life everyday as you would have if I was there,’
“Eddie, I can’t-”
“Yes, you can. I don’t want you to cave back into yourself, baby. You’re the most beautiful, brilliant, incredible human being I’ve ever met and everyone deserves to know you and appreciate you as you are. Do you hear me?”His proclamation to her ended with that simple question, and he left no room for argument. 
She absorbed all his words, every letter, every syllable, struggling to accept that the life they wanted to have together, would have to continue on without him. The life she wanted with him would totally and completely absolve her from the one she had growing up. Could she do it? Could she move on?
Those answers remained to be determined, but the one thing she absolutely couldn’t do was argue with him anymore. She just didn’t have it in her to deny him his dying wish, or keep fighting what he had already accepted.
Closing her eyes, more droplets fell, mixing with his blood. She felt herself nodding before she could even consider another response in her mind. “Yeah,” she whispered in a watered down voice. “Yeah, baby, I hear you,” she opened her eyes and met his own once more. 
“Good,” he replied. “Good,” his voice was noticeably more floaty that time.
They fell silent. They just looked into one another’s eyes, exchanging so many words and feelings that would completely consume what little time they had left together. His hand was still laced with hers, pressed against his chest, where she could feel his weakening heart beat.
“I love you so much,” he repeated his words from earlier, breaking the hauntingly peaceful quiet. It was barely above a whisper practically mouthed, but she heard him, loud and clear. And as soon as those words came out, he looked ahead blankly, his eyes slowly beginning to lose the light in them Stacey loved so much.
“Eddie, no, please,” she gritted, tears dripping from her eyes uncontrollably. “Stay with me, baby, please,” she pleaded urgently, brushing more of his damp hair out of the way and patting his cheek lightly, trying to get him to remain alert….alive. She just wanted one more moment with him. Just one. 
But then, she felt it.
His body stilled.
His grip on her hand went limp.
His eyes lost any life left in them.
“Eddie,” she whimpered, hand remaining on his cheek. Her body shook uncontrollably as she let the tears fall freely onto him, her agony and pain taking over as she held his lifeless form close to hers. She repeated his name through her cries, trying to wake him, trying to make this nightmare end. She leaned down and pressed her forehead to his, wanting to feel him as close as possible, for what was the very last time.
“I love you, too,” Stacey whispered, her lips touching the skin between his eyebrows. If those words meant anything anymore, she wanted it to be at this moment. 
Because she truthfully didn’t know when-or if- she would ever say them again.
It was like a switch went off in you, as reality made its presence known once more. 
The scene was done, the Duffers yelled cut, it was over.
However, the moment fully sank in when Joe rose up and took your hands in his, pulling you upright and bringing you into a warm embrace. You didn’t care about the fake blood that would get all over your front or the fact that his back was soggy and caked with damp dirt, you threw your arms around him and held on tightly, rivaling the hold he had on you.
“You did so incredible, babes, I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in your ear, his long fingers running up and down your sides lightly, almost tickling, but you reveled in it and his touch. You closed your eyes blissfully as you came down from your high, feeling the tears drying on your face, thankful makeup used waterproof eye makeup. 
“Yeah, you too,” you said back for his ears only, as the Duffers and the rest of the crew approached you both. You let each other go, though his arm remained on the small of your back, as everyone began delivering their praise. The voices became so jumbled you could barely register who said what. So, you just smiled and nodded and gave your gratitude along with Joe, whose hand rubbed soothing circles against your waist.
Now, to face reality.
Part 2 where Joe and reader discuss why she was so nervous coming Saturday 🥰 it was originally part of this fic, but it was getting way too damn long, so a split was needed lol. Stay tuned Joe girlies 😘
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yorsgirl · 2 months
I just read through both chapters of your Gojo fic and I’m OBSESSED! So many thoughts right now, you’re so talented 😭
Y/N has given us a bit of insight as to why she dislikes Kazumi and I can honestly say that IF what she’s telling us is true (since we’re really only getting her perspective) then I don’t blame her for her feelings. Your rich friend that can accomplish anything they want because they were born into wealth constantly reminding you that YOU can’t always get what you want? Nah, I wouldn’t let a friend shit on my hopes and dreams whenever I spoke of them. Then continuing to call someone a nickname they’ve clearly said they didn’t like is also pretty disrespectful too, I wonder if there’s any more though because… Y/N GIRLIE why not just stop being friends with her if you didn’t like her 😭 she’s been inconsiderate of your feelings enough for you to just drop her but… None of this is an excuse to have an affair with the man your “best friend” loves though like??
I wonder if Y/N has actually developed feelings for Satoru. I’m sure their affair has started out of mutual attraction and revenge on Y/N’s part, but given her reaction when Satoru promptly reminded her of her place of not being on Kazumi’s level (which I wonder if he’s said because he most likely knows she’s insecure about it) then she might have without realizing it.
There’s so many questions racking through my brain, has Kazumi really not suspected a thing even through their blatant flirting in front of her on their first meeting? Why did Y/N stick with someone she clearly can’t stand? Is there more to Y/N and Kazumi’s relationship that we have yet to see or is Y/N just that awful of a person to Kazumi? As of right now my mind is just racing!
I can’t wait to see the aftermath of this situation, Y/N babe let’s get some therapy maybe 😌 Kazumi, I’m so sorry you were betrayed by the two people you probably loved most omg 😭 Satoru, you can go to hell (need you so bad tbh)
THANK YOU FOR THE CHAPTER and I’m so sorry for the essay message 😭 looking forward to part three! Have a good one ❤️
First, I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING ME THIS AND READING MY WORK!! ❤️ ✨️ and your character study is awesome dearie!!
Secondly, I love how you left messages for everyone, here's there answers for you:
Y/N: I am sure I can use a bit of therapy after all that, thank you.
Kazumi: I still can't... it's so hard to even believe but... I guess, I knew bits and pieces about it... Still it doesn't help but thank you for your concern.
Satoru: Would you accompany me on the road to hell, m'lady? *winks*
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Now, to answer your questions, I won't answer about Kazumi and y/n's relationship and why didn't Kazumi suspect much cause anything it'll spoil the next part.
As for, why Y/N didn't leave Kazumi:
Its kind of an attachment issues. I have incorporated this trait in y/n recalling my behaviour with some of my former(toxic) friends. Idk if anyone relates with it or not but in this issue, you can't just let go of people who have done wrong to you.
There's a tendency to just stay with them even though you absolutely hate them. But the reason for the stay is because you want to witness and revel whenever the other person's suffering. And as we saw, y/n is a two-faced bitch – she'd provide fake support while laughing internally.
But this attachment issue also makes her suffer as she is not really "leaving" even though she might say that she doesn't care for Kazumi, she is actively present in her life and in a way does care (for her suffering). It is making her suffer too which kind of gives the feel of an internal masochism.
This brings me to my second answer:
I guess I have mentioned it that y/n does harbour feelings for Satoru even though she knows he is an asshole. And yes, the affair was mainly a revenge but then think about it, you are actively flirting, sleeping, meeting someone but all in secret. It gives you the - Us against the world vibe which is thrilling in itself and you don't know when you overstep the threshold of love even after knowing that your partner is a Dick.
Y/n knows that her feelings can be one sided and its causing her to suffer (internal masochism), still she can't stop this affair (attachment issues at play again).
That's just it!! And thank you for reading and writing to me. It really means a lot !! 💗 😭
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
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PAIRING: Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sebek has taken notice of his friend's recent unusual behaviour, and when he saw them crying one night, he took it upon himself to try to comfort them, only later realizing that the reason for their tears was because of a book they've recently read.
CONTAINS: gender neutral reader, mutual pining, 2nd Person POV, SFW, Fluff with a hint of crack
Authors Note: Ah my first (published) fic! hope y'all like it! I'm having a bit of a Sebek brainrot atm and I thought this would be a funny concept to write :D
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Pacing through the halls of Diasomnia, Sebek had been pondering about your recent strange behaviour.
You appeared to be more...what was the word?
for lack of a better term, he thought. You'd always space out during your hangouts and was generally more...quiet, than usual, eerily so.
He'd never admit it out loud but- he missed your old self, he was worried for your wellbeing- as much as he's embarrassed to admit it.
Never would the young knight in training would have thought that he would ever befriend you, the magicless prefect, let alone be worried about you out of all people.
He grumbled under his breath, how dare you? A human- a magicless one at that- make him so distracted from his duties as a knight? Make him feel so, so-
A voice interrupted his train of thoughts, chuckling in amusement.
Startled by the sudden presence, he fumbled, but quickly regained his sense of composure upon realizing who the voice belonged to. Stiffening, his face reddened.
"M-master Lilia!!!" He bowed, attempting to hide his flustered state, he coughed. "W-worried by what, exactly?" he asked, confused by the sudden question his master brought upon him.
"Why, worried for the ramshackle prefect obviously!" The old fae replied smiling, as if stating the most obvious thing in the world.
His voice yelled out all throughout the dorm, causing Lilia to be startled by his sudden loudness, even startling himself from how loud he had been infront of his master. Lowering his head in shame he mumbled an apology for his behaviour, even more embarrassed than before
Oh great sevens end him now
Lilia merely laughed it off, patting his back like how a father would when talking with his son. "Oh! It's quite alright Sebek!" The shorter fae replied laughing, heavily amused by how flustered you made him. 'Ah young love!' He thought, reminiscing on the days where he'd been younger.
Shaking his head, he quickly came back to the topic at hand, you.
"But anyways, I take it you're worried for y/n?" He asked, glancing at the expression the knight in training was currently making.
The boy in question averted his gaze, replying with a curt nod. "....Yes...They've been...More quiet? They seem to be more lost in thought often..I...Worry for them." He said quietly, furrowing his eyebrows at the thought of you being so miserable.
Lilia stroked his chin, closing his eyes as if deep in thought. "I see..They must miss their home a lot." The old fae added, taking account in how you technically had no family here with you, no photographs to hold close to and cherish, nothing to remind you of home, nothing.
There was a brief silence after his master's statement,
Huh. He never did put much thought into that.
It must be awfully lonely being surrounded by people who already know each other- ....
As he let the thought sink in more and more, he felt immense sympathy and, furthermore, guilt.
feeling conflicted. He did want to comfort you, but-
what would he even say? he never was the type to spew out flowery compliments, let alone comfort. He was still...Fairly new to all of it.
Lilia, who had been watching him silently sulk in sorrow, had finally decided to break the silence.
"Go to them"
He urged the boy, who was now staring at him with wide eyes.
"N-now-????" he asked, "B-but master Lilia! wouldn't it be improper to visit at such a-" He was promptly shushed by the older fae, who simply smiled at him in approval. "I'm sure they'd appreciate it Sebek, they need a friend to cheer them up after all!" He said, encouraging him even more.
Huffing out, the young knight nodded, determination flodding him suddenly, as he ran towards ramshackle.
Watching as the boy ran, Lilia simply snickered.
"Hmm..I think I forgot to tell him they were simply getting emotional at the book I gave the prefect...hm..Welp! Oh well!"
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There he stood, finally reaching your dorm. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. Shuffling could be heard behind the door as your footsteps grew louder and louder, until finally the door had been opened.
"Crowley for the last time IF YOU- Sebek????" You turned to him, confused by his sudden visit. Stepping closer he inspected your face, your eyes were all red and puffy and faint tear stains could be seen. Dear sevens, you were this upset?
His eyebrows furrowed as his frown deepened. "Human....Have you been...crying?" He said, deciding to be direct, voice laced with (very badly) hidden worry and concern.
Your eyes widened in embarrassment, not expecting him to notice. Let's just say you've been binge reading a certain book series Lilia had given you and you may or may not have gotten attached to the characters, who, as predicted, had died. It was to be expected but you were still feeling bitter about the whole ordeal. You were gonna have to get back at Lilia for lying about it being a "happy story".
Snapping out of your thoughts you focused your attention on your (boy) friend who stood in front of you, arms crossed as he huffed, impatiently waiting for your answer.
"W-well,,, aha- yessss,????" You answered awkwardly, gesturing your hands into finger guns as you smiled nervously. "B-but uh! It's not a big deal reall-"
He interrupted seemingly embarrassed by what he's about to say next. "L-listen up you hear me!! I-I'm only gonna say this once!!!" He yelled out, his usual loud voice wavered.
You simply nodded, anticipating for what he was about to say, the determined face he held intriguing you.
"I..I know it must be- wait no that's- not right." he shook his head, correcting himself. "I- I may not know exactly how you may feel- nor have I gone through the same experience as you, Human- but.." He paused, carefully choosing his words.
"I want you to know that you will always have a home here, at NRC, and that we-..."
"I...Care for you."
Your eyes widened, taken aback by his genuine care and fondness he had declared to have for you. Smiling, you decided to hug him, while he was surprised, he can't say he didnt like the warmth you radiated, nor the smile that illuminated your features.
"Thanks Sebek, you can be unexpectedly sweet when you want to be can you?" You teased. He simply huffed and hugged you tighter in response, muttering a quiet 'shut up'. Giggling, you burried your head in the crook of his neck.
"Thanks for this, Sebek, It means a lot."
"...Anytime...Y/n.." he muttered quietly, playing with your hair. Gasping, you looked up to see his blush tinted cheeks.
"You actually said my name!"
"D-Don't get used to it Human!!!!"
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featuring: Grim ruining the peace because he can
Grim, who saw it all, snickering: PFT ya DO know that the reason my henchman was crying was because of a book they read right? Ya think it was because of somethin deep???
Sebek, eyes widening in horror: Human what is he implying
Y/n, sweating: uhh yeaaah- I wanted to tell you but you kindaa- interrupted before I could...Sebek? SEBEK-
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(Additional) Author's Note: Did I, semi speedrun this because I just found out it's Leona's birthday and I wanted to write something for him? Maybe But! That having said, I hope you enjoyed reading!
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witchmd13 · 2 months
Remember when @arthursalbion match made us into becoming mutuals by going LOOK here is someone else who ships uther/gaius 😆 Good times. but also now that I am reminded of this glorious crack ship, do you have...recs? Has anyone made moodboards wrote fics etc that you saw and liked? 👀
lmao I almost forgot about that!! I love that bonding over uthus is what made us mutuals 😭❤ now I have one more reason why this ship is my favorite crack ship!
I haven't read any uthus crack fics in so long though and I didn't bookmark any from before 💔 it's been a long time since I thought about them but listen half of me does see the ship as pure crack and it's the best crack ship out there but the other half KNOWS the fandom would've ATE IT UP if we had flashbacks to the older camelot generation as young people.
JUST IMAGINE uther still a young warrior who just conquered camelot and gaius the young physician with this curious scientific mind just exploring magic and then he becomes court physician somehow? and cut to a few years later we have uther trusting him to send him to the isle of the blessed to ask for a son? And THEN when everything blows up and uther literally burns anyone who breathed near a sorcerer, he just spares gaius? the man he knows for sure was not only a sorcerer but someone who studied and taught magic? DO YOU SEE MY VISION? CAN YOU IMAGINE THE ANGST AND THE TOXIC VIBES??? gaius literally stopped doing magic and stayed in camelot functioning as a magic expert/physician???
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writersmorgue · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 8 - "why won't it stop"
In an effort to not get this banned I didn't use great tags, but just so you know this fic does contain brief su1cidal ideation as well as a reference to a su1cide off screen!! Please be careful!
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 1,220
Keigo sighs as he stares down at the alley below him. 
Tall enough to break his neck, short enough to avoid his instincts of saving himself. He’d been looking passively on his patrol route for weeks. 
His back aches from the discipline he received earlier that day. It had been nearly 48 hours without sleep and he’d begun to slip. Almost let a villain get away during a run with Tokoyami. 
They’d sent the kid home early and dragged him into the basement of Headquarters by his tail feathers. 
Four hours and an adrenaline shot later, he was back on patrol. 
The ledge looks… good. 
Standing so close doesn’t usually give him these butterflies. He can fly, the height wouldn’t matter. But something in his chest tells him that, if pushed now, he wouldn’t unleash them. 
There’s some broken glass strewn about; It shines in the moonlight, reminding him of the solo flights he’d take over the ocean in his earliest days of Heroics. Stopping on ship masts and buoys to rest. He’d been freer then, though not by much. 
The commission dug their talons into him once he’d been significantly broken. The urge to split off on his own thoroughly beat out of him by then. 
He’d been feeling some of that same freedom recently. The mission to infiltrate the League of Villians has been only successful. The villains had been kind to them, in their own way. Keigo thinks they see past his hero smile, maybe to the part of him that yearns to have their mobility. 
Dabi especially, much to Keigo’s surprise, has warmed up to him. The S-Rank villain had started opening up to the hero.
Some fuckin’ hero scum like you would only use us. Shigaraki trusting you at all is a mistake that will cost his life. 
After… a while. 
They’d grown a mutual understanding. The past was a prison they wished to move on from, and their home at the League’s base was an escape. Dabi himself didn’t seem fond of Shigaraki or AFO, but Toga seems to have carved her way into his heart. 
Keigo thinks that in another life he would’ve made a great big brother. Maybe he even was. 
The hero sighs, scuffing his boot on the dirty rooftop. 
The Commission was wearing him thin. His body and mind were feeling the weight of his sins. 
He knows this can’t continue for much longer. Either he abandons his position and is killed, or he does it himself. 
At least an obvious suicide would be harder for them to cover. The note he slipped in Rumi’s bag would likely not be found for another week, giving him time to finally decide. 
He thinks of his friends, the few that had stuck with him through his struggles. He’s sure they’ll miss him, but they’ll understand. The note- well, they’ll know why this had to be done. 
The air behind him shifts, and he barely registers the presence before a figure steps up on the ledge with him. 
“I’d warn you about the fall risk but… well.” The man grumbles, sticking his hands in his pockets. 
There’s a white scarf-looking thing wound around his neck, and his costume seems to consist of just a black jumpsuit. Long black hair is pulled half-up into a bun. 
“Eraserhead.” Keigo nods in acknowledgment, “Am I infringing on your route?”
Eraser huffs, looking out at the rooftops. Keigo wonders briefly how he’s not afraid of the fall. 
“You taking out a villain for me is the least of my worries,” he replies. 
Keigo nods, shifting his weight. Suddenly he feels vulnerable up here. 
“Any pressing reason why you’re brooding on this ledge? Usually more of my job.” Eraser jabs at him.
Keigo can’t find it in him to laugh in response, so he doesn’t. “Just thinking.”
The other hero nods, and they stand in silence for a moment. 
“You know,” Eraser starts, and Keigo could’ve sworn Rumi said this guy was quiet, “I saw a guy jump off this ledge a few months ago.”
Keigo stiffens, which probably gave him away if Eraser didn’t know already. 
“I was too late to save him,” the hero drones on, “it happens. But it was hard, watching his sister identify his body at the hospital.”
“Why are you telling me this,” Keigo grits, quickly losing patience. 
“I know you don’t have a sister, Hawks.” Eraser continues quickly, “No living family. I’ve read your file. The Commission owns you.”
“I’m… aware.”
Eraser turns to him, cocking his head, “So you’ve chosen this as an alternative?” 
Keigo officially loses his patience. 
“It’s not as though I have another option!” He throws his hands up, “they control everything I do. They make me do terrible, terrible things. Things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. There is innocent blood on my hands, and I am done being their lackey. I would rather die than hurt one more person, I don’t care if they’re legally villains, it’s wrong.” 
Eraser assesses him, “That’s not all.”
Keigo rolls his eyes, “Of course that’s not fucking all. I could go on for hours about all the terrible shit they make me do, that they do to me. Half of my body has been fixed by them. I don’t even recognize myself anymore! They won’t stop until I’m some braindead lackey who will act on their word.” 
“It will never stop.” Keigo breathes shakily, looking down at the alley to hide his tears. The light reflecting off the glass begins to fuzz and he blinks hard, trying to calm himself down before this turns into a panic attack. 
“Why won’t it stop?” He whispers, reaching up and tugging at his hair, where soft downy feathers used to grow. 
Eraser sighs heavily, startling Keigo out of his daze. “I’m sorry that you’ve been put through this shit. The Commission has taken interest in a few of my students, and I’ve done my best to keep them out of this.” He turns and looks Keigo directly in his eyes, “I want to bring them down.”
“They’ll kill you!” Keigo shakes his head, looking around them in a panic, “You have no idea how bad that idea is-”
“I have some idea. Like I said, I’ve read your file.” Eraser places a heavy hand on Keigo’s shoulder, “They’ve put you through hell and it’s death in every direction. I want to get you out, and all the other kids they’ve got their teeth in.”
“But I-”
“That man,” He interrupts, “that I couldn’t save. That was one of Gang Orca’s former sidekicks. The fall was clean, broke his neck, and killed him quickly. Both of his arms had been recently broken and healed with a quirk, he had numerous lacerations and welts on his torso, and all the fingernails on his right hand were gone. The gills on his ribs came from his quirk had been medically sewn shut. Does that sound familiar?”
And shit… it does. Keigo inhales sharply, “Initiation.”
Eraser’s mouth presses into a thin line, as though Keigo confirmed everything with one word. 
“I want to save you, Hawks.” He says, “I have UA and All Might at my back, we are going to get you out.”
And for once, Keigo thinks there might be a third option. 
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you most definitely do not need to answer this if you're not comfortable (or just don't want to), but i saw you say you had grown somewhat resentful of the same mistakes universe and i was curious as to why. i am not personally a writer, but i have a fair amount of friends who are and i have seen similar things happen to them with stories they had put tons of time and effort into, for a variety of different reasons. i know a lot of authors struggle with not getting much interaction on fics, and i can imagine putting something out there that you are proud of and spent a lot of time on and then not hearing anything can feel super disappointing, and also a bit like just chucking your stuff into a void??? i know some other friends of mine have stopped writing because the fandom itself sucked and they were getting weird pointless hate for no reason.
I am definitely sad you've ended/taken a long break from the series, because it's clear you put a ton of time, effort, and care into the same mistakes series, and you developed a character that was deeply nuanced and unique, but also youre doing it all for free and for fun (ideally) so you don't owe anyone anything. I'm for sure rambling at this point but basically i have loved reading the series and i hope somewhere down the line you can start writing again for fun and for yourself!
hey!! i am more than happy to talk about this and the only reason I haven't until now because I wasn't sure anyone really cared and I didn't want it to be misconstrued as whining or ungratefulness. this is probably more of an answer than you were looking for but here we go...
before i came into the top gun fandom, I was very used to chucking my things into the void, as you said. some of my umbrella academy stuff got attention, but aside from a few key mutuals, there wasn't a whole lot. and I was okay with it because I was writing for me and no one else.
and then the og same mistakes trilogy caused my blog to blow up and I was very overwhelmed with the extraordinary overnight attention everything was getting. i went from nothing to so much scrutiny I didn't know what to do. I've gotten to meet and talk to wonderful people because of it, but I've also been subject to some pretty awful hate because of it too. and it never stopped. it just kept getting worse. there was a lot of pressure to deliver consistently and constantly and I felt like no matter what I wrote, I was never appeasing someone. there was always someone who didn't like it and wasn't afraid to tell me so.
ultimately i became resentful because if i never wrote same mistakes, then my blog never would've blown up and i'd never have gotten so much hate. i'd still be writing for me and not judging everything i write before it gets out onto the page. i try to remind myself that i never would've met so many amazing people but that stopped being enough after a little while. when I saw others writing amazing things and get the responses they absolutely deserved while I was being tagged in specific posts for writing things that had overused tropes, I started to wonder what I was doing wrong that I couldn't seem to appease anyone. why it wasn't good enough.
i sort of thought that if i took a step back and focused on other projects, like storm warning and flight risk, things would figure themselves out and the hate would die down and I could come back to same mistakes-verse. uhm, things didn't calm down. the hate didn't stop, as people started taking shots at these other projects (specifically flight risk) and my lack of faith in my writing started extending into my academics.
i've always been pretty proud of my academic writing, and as a historian, it's all I have. but when everyone online is telling you it's shit, and has been telling you that since June, it's hard not to view that for all of your writing. i already feel insecure in my field because I'm still new and honestly this was the last thing I needed.
so i decided to take a step back from all creative writing because it stopped being fun and it stopped being for me and I started hating everything I wrote because I knew no one would like it anyways. i hope it starts being fun again because I miss it and I want to come back to Rebel and Sunshine and Cowgirl and Carolina and all the characters that I love deeply but I don't know when or if that will happen.
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halothenthehorns · 2 years
You only post about wolfstar but first you wrote the whole books with remadora and I’d like some headcannons for them please, or even a  whole one shot
 Anons Request is below, I’ll even post a oneshot for them by the end of the month, but I should clarify I don’t ship remadora. I wrote a cannon compliant reading the books fic because I always wanted a completed one and there isn’t a good one that exists so I wrote my own. 
I always got the feeling they were written together to get Teddy to exist, otherwise they have zero chemistry, I can literally count their scenes on one hand, especially in comparison to Wolfstar. I don’t hate them together, I just don’t prefer it, I’m median to it.
The Life and Lies of Remus Lupin and Tonks:
She admits her crush to him after Arthur’s attack, and that scene where Harry sees them arguing in OCCLUMENCY is him explaining to her that he’s to old to be with her. 
Which is why she disguises herself as an elder woman and is very stern and serious (not you Sirius!) getting them on the bus.
Neither of them had ever come out and said it but Tonks realized on her own wolfstar was a thing so she quietly accepted it and moved on very soon
Andromeda had foolishly believed Sirius had committed the same crime as everybody else, even after Tonks began to subtly begin hinting otherwise by digging into the case to show her mother otherwise. Dumbledore had plans to try and show Sirius’s innocence before his discrediting but Tonks was still after it for the innocent man who still called her cousin
It causes a rift between them when her mother pretends she never even had other family and Tonks doesn't tell her mother anything, just like Moody and the Order had cautioned her since the beginning
After Sirius dies she tries to come to Remus as just a friend to be there for him, but before she can get a word out he explodes at her. It gets quite foul, he’s really awful to her and says some horrible things about how he’d never love her and she runs to Molly, not her own mother, because Molly knows the truth and Andromeda had yet to apologize to Tonks about Sirius’s fate in the first war even when it was blasted across the papers
Harry shows up before she can get the majority of it out though and only says she admitted her feelings and Remus had brushed her off
Remus goes on pretending like nothing had happened until that Christmas, when Harry reminds him so much of James. How Prongs and Evans used to have the worst fights even after they fell in love, they were so different and loved each other so much…but how could anybody ever look past his furry little problem? Only one person ever had and look what happened…Tonks was to young to know what she was asking for…
When Remus finds out she’s been asking after him to other members of the Order after the Montgomery attack, that she’s actively acknowledging his werewolf side, he goes to confront her again and have a proper talk with her. He apologizes for his temper before but again explains all the reasons they shouldn’t be together, his sickness, his age...
She doesn't accept his apology, but they leave on a semi mutual company. It’s awkward and stilted, but neither are prepared to give ground now
Especially as Remus has never said he didn’t love her back, he just needed time to grieve…
They sleep together for the first time after Dumbledore's death. Tired of being alone, tired of losing people, tired of the world and the last first, and greatest wizard he’d ever known falling, Remus goes to her place. 
She makes him tea just the way he had made it for himself a million times, like she’d been watching how he did it all those months at Grimmauld place. She brings him a tray of chocolate biscuits and just sits quietly so he can say whatever he’s come here to say and he kisses her gently, just a question.
She answers very enthusiastically and for just that little while after Dumbledore's funeral he believes somebody other than Padfoot could love him
Then she tells him she’s pregnant. She’s so thrilled and already glowing with the news and he’s just, destroyed. Dead inside. All he can hear in his head is his own screams that night he was bitten and he wants to cry but he won’t hurt her like that again so he buries it all and forces a smile and does the proper thing, asks her to marry him on the spot and she hugs him so tight, it’s the only thing holding him together in that moment from jumping off the astronomy tower himself after what he’s done.
Haha, whoopsies, only half done and needs a part 2
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ikigaitsuki · 2 years
so i usually try to keep positive on this blog (for the most part) but something has really been bothering me lately and i feel i would be stupid not to express it.
buckle up, this might get long. or leave this post, there’s no need to read if you don’t wish to!
there’s always been peoples problems with likes vs reblogs vs actually giving feedback, but it’s honestly really held me back more in my writing than i’d like to admit. i’ve wanted to give up writing for here for such a long time because of it. i was waiting for this stupid feeling to catch up to me.
however. i’m NOT going to leave, i just want to express issues and how it makes me feel
i, personally, spend such a long time working on my writing. some of my works have taken months to complete, with regular writing intervals. (see saving face, approximately 3-4 months) some have taken weeks. (besotted, room with a view) some might have taken less than an hour. (admission)
i’ve got requests that i’ve been working on for months from my inbox because i want to write substantial things that are worthwhile and enjoyable to read.
the thing that’s so sad abojt the comparison between these aforementioned fics is that people care more about writing that makes them feel horny and that they can reblog to come back to rather than anything beyond that. that’s just not what im about anymore. i love to write smut, i do, but i like to write believable characters and realistic worlds and i just feel like there’s such a niche group of people on tumblr that would actually read that. one of my most recent fics that took weeks (were abojt to lose each other and im frightened) may only be short but it took me weeks. it couldn’t even reach 50 notes. there couldn’t even be a word about what was good or bad. what’s wrong with it?
people only see the end result, never the work and tome that goes into something created.
the issue, and the reason why people are leaving, is because they just don’t know how you readers feel. they don’t know what you want to see, they don’t know what you don’t like.
i’m watching some of my favourite writers and mutuals leave this place and it’s so sad.
there’s only so long that receiving 300+ notes on a fic can incentivise you to keep going. once you realise that all people ever do is like, you quickly run out of inspiration. which is sad. i’ve written for years, and i love it, and this is one of the first times i’ve felt completely down abojt my writing and what i’m putting out. i love to write, but now i feel no reason to. i feel like i’ve really lost momentum and enjoyment in it. i put out work to receive little, as do many other writers, and they tell you this over and over and nobody ever listens.
we all do this for free. i have a job, a family, i’m a student, i live in a flat that i need to pay for. i have so little time and i spend it on writing and sometimes i hear a lot back, and i have feedback that i’ve kept to this day, but sometimes i hear so little i wonder the point. people can argue “do it for yourself, not for others” but writing takes time, takes effort, you’re making yourself vulnerable by posting things you’ve created, it’s so much more than “well you chose to do this as a hobby”. we do this for you, as much as ourselves, we do not ask for much.
i feel this offers some explanation as to why my writing has slowed. im in such a slump and im in two minds and i hate this feeling. people will probably read this and just *eye roll* because these posts are common — but that’s the point.
but a reminder: im not going anywhere, not yet! there’s just some things that have been on my mind.
anyway, i’ll probably feel embarrassed about this once i’ve slept on it and woken up but for now — i love and leave you
— gai
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thaleleah · 12 days
awe yeah your mom was vulnerable and stepshit took advantage of that 😭 dw tal, your person will come at the right time 🩷
ikrrr his dick needs to be snipped 😂 man is almost 80 years old, it's nastyyy
my stepmom is a literal child, she actually throws tantrums it's actually so fucking embarrassing. a literal slipper 😂 now i'm worried cause are you gonna hit your 2 year old like that if he acts up or doesn't listen to you? LOL tal ilyyy for not liking my dad either cause he doesn't deserve it! too little too late
omg you write for avatar too? 👀 look at you go girl! what's the avatar fandom like? it seems like it's chill and drama free. the reason i starting watching avatar was because of jack 😂 i'm a huge scream fan so i needed to see what else this man has been in and was so surprised he was in avatar 2, i actually didn't recognize him because of the hair but he still looked so fine! i need to rewatch avatar 1 and 2 because i actually really enjoyed it! and the cgi is amazinggg (much better than marvel) - and yes ghostface is so fucking hot, especially in the new one, i think cause it was more serious and the mask was like decayed. ughh i have a predator/prey kink too it's just so so hot! getting chased and hunted by those two was soooo ughhh! can you tell i only have a thing for villains? the heros barely capture my heart 😂 look and you and both simping for tom and jack; we have amazing taste in men 🩷
i'm so glad you got some writing done and it didn't feel forced, never force yourself, tal 🥰 you got this babe 🩷
Babes, the way I tried to respond to your ask TWICE with a rant about how my stepdad must want me to hit him with my car because of how he treated my mom this weekend on her birthday weekend, and Tumblr closed out on me both times without saving my long af rant. SOOOOO maybe that's the universe trying to tell me to let that shit go. Which, like, okay. But . . . OOOOO THAT SHIT MADE ME SO MAD. So, anyway - thanks for listening to me tell you about a rant I would have made you read had Tumblr not told me no twice lmaooo
I feel so sorry for the two year old. Hopefully your stepmom will refrain from being a vile evil bitch to him. At least I hope. And yes, nothing your dad does could ever make me like him. Fuck that man lol
I doooooo write for Avatar! Avatar is the only fandom that I've consistently been in for nearly my whole life and I can't ever see it going away. I have such huge respect for James Cameron cause the world that he's created is just so amazing and beautiful and the detail and meaning of it all has me in constant awe. I could literally watch the movies over and over again and never get tired of them. December 2025 can't come soon enough for A3, I'm practically vibratingggggg. The fandom is def not chill and drama free though, especially on the smuttier side. It's actually been super toxic recently which is really disappointing cause I feel like Avatar is one of the fandoms that should be the least problematic but...here we are. My mutuals get tons of anon hate messages daily and sometimes there's even drama between accounts. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with as much bullshit as they have since I'm a smaller blog, but I have gotten my fair share too. I know it really doesn't matter what fandom you're in, all fandoms have haters and most writers or artists get nasty messages, but it still sucks. All my mutuals are great though and they remind me of why I started being active in the fandom in the first place when things get a little too rough. Some people write some good Spider fics since you're a Jack Champion fan 👀
Love youuuuu 🥰
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