#we are worth it
heymacy · 2 months
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IAN GALLAGHER + his journey with bipolar disorder
╰┈➤ “At times, being bipolar can be an all-consuming challenge, requiring a lot of stamina and even more courage, so if you’re living with this illness and functioning at all, it’s something to be proud of, not ashamed of." - Carrie Fisher
#happy world bipolar day to all my bp babies#(more thoughts at the end of the tags)#shameless#shamelessnet#shamelessedit#ian gallagher#cameron monaghan#*macygifs#bipolar disorder#hello pals how are we doin#i made this gif set in july of 2023 and never posted it because 1) i was terrified to share it and potentially see Bad Takes in the tags#and 2) because my hyperfixation was waning. and while both of those things are still mostly true (the fixation comes and goes)#i feel like it's really important to share as ian's bipolar storyline was not only so vital to his character it was a bit of representation#that isn't often given to the disorder and those (like myself) who live with it every single day#world bipolar day is a day where we can both celebrate ourselves and our resilience and also raise awareness of the reality of the disorder#which is both terrifying and beautiful at its core. this disease is not a death sentence or a sentence to an unfulfilled and miserable life#while there are challenges galore when it comes to balancing life with this disorder it IS possible to live a full and productive life#and i think it's really important to have representation of that in media - and while shameless dropped the ball on a LOT of storylines#over the years THIS is the one they really fucking nailed and i am incredibly grateful#i first started watching shameless while in the midst of a major depressive episode and i was later (finally) diagnosed during an extended#hypo/manic episode - this show and ian's storyline got me through so much and made me feel so seen and validated in my struggles#world bipolar day is also vincent van gogh's birthday (happy birthday buddy) who was posthumously diagnosed with bipolar disorder#and who experienced both depressive and hypo/manic episodes during his lifetime (and was regularly institutionalized)#it takes a lot of help and support to keep us going. it takes the support of our family and friends and *most* of all#it takes patience and kindness and understanding - which is so so so easy to give if you are willing to love and listen#so please. be willing. listen to our stories. be patient with us. show us love without conditions. support us in any way you can.#we are worth it#i promise#anyway. that's really all i wanted to say. happy world bipolar day to those who celebrate (me) and may all of us living with this disorder#go on to live happy fulfilling beautiful magical lives
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flourishing-over-time · 9 months
we are worth saving!! so many of us are good!! so many people wake up every single day and drag themselves through their difficult lives, and still make room for kindness and compassion!!!
last week i worked 80 hours, and i couldn’t get an assignment done for school, and my prof gave me a 6 day extension and told me to get some rest - that is how i know people are still good.
because of the hurricane, so many people lost everything, but the first question i have been getting from so many people is “if i file a claim, that won’t stop someone else from getting help will it? if someone has more damage than me i want them to be helped first” that is how i know people are still good!!! that is compassion and that is empathy all for a stranger who might be having a worse time than you!!
because of the hurricane, i have heard dozens of stories of entire neighborhoods being flooded, homes all destroyed and unlivable, only for the next neighborhood over to come it with trucks, food and supplies, and just help the strangers in need. THAT IS HOW I KNOW PEOPLE ARE STILL GOOD AND THAT IS HOW I KNOW PEOPLE ARE WORTH SAVING.
i am reminded EVERY SINGLE DAY of the goodness that so many people cherish in their hearts, and share with their friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, and STRANGERS IN THEIR LIVES.
i am so grateful that i am alive at the same time as all of this goodness.
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qiinamii · 9 months
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we'll do fine.
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
I didn’t realise this until adulthood but handmade birthday piñatas are the apex of parental devotion. I spent the week cooking for my ravenous teenage cousins and felt a bit crestfallen at times that I was spending so long making something that was going to disappear within minutes—but with piñatas it’s so much worse, they exist to be savagely maimed. Year after year my father asked his kids what shape they wanted this year’s piñatas to be and he spent weeks painstakingly making them in the basement after work, only to watch a bunch of oversugared bat-wielding kids gleefully destroy them in less than 10 minutes. 
I mentioned this to him and he said he remembered researching tarantula anatomy for the giant spider piñata I asked for when I was 4, trying to make the fangs the right shape and to cut the crepe paper into very thin ribbons so the thing would look appropriately fuzzy, and I was like “and I don’t even remember it because I was four!! spending so long building a beautiful object only so your kids will have fun destroying it, knowing they won’t even remember it, is such a selfless endeavour” and he said “my other motivation was that you said you wanted the spider to look real & scary so the kids at your birthday party would be terrified of it and you’d get to scoop up all the candy and I wanted to support your slyness & ambition”
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helpwhatsthis · 2 months
steven lim: we actually need more money for higher production value so that you guys have the best! and we're bringing back a super expensive show! for you guys, the fans!
the fans:
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egophiliac · 18 days
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bring your son to work day
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2wo-knav3s · 1 year
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best notification possible
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sometimes i stalk fancy bakery instagram and
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chongoblog · 1 year
Wanna give a quick shoutout to the federal judge last week who struck down the Arkansas law that tried to outlaw gender-affirming care for minors, not only ruling it unconstitutional, but including 311 statements of fact all going against the gender-affirming care ban in a ruling that was 80 pages long. Especially since these statements make it harder for transphobes to appeal and iirc this is considered precedent.
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
people are acting like we’re saying creators shouldn’t be paid for their work; they absolutely should. and watcher already is. they have a patreon, they get sponsors, their videos regularly get millions of views which gives them ad revenue, they sell merch; they are getting paid. feeling indignant and disappointed that they’re asking us to pay for content we were already getting for free isn’t entitlement, it’s expected. ​they wanted to make bigger produced shows and now their budget can’t sustain it, that’s not on the viewer to make up for
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I truly, TRULY do not know how to say this, because the fact that I have to say it makes me feel like I am losing my grip on reality. But no, in the post-capitalistic anarchist utopia, I will not be relying on “autistic minecraft girlies” to be building inspectors because - and this may shock you - one of those occupations takes years of education in how to read and interpret hundreds of thousands of lines of regulations based on complicated math and physics that were the result of decades of tragedy and death, and the other one involves playing a children’s video game.
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 2 months
You know the plan is going great when the DM does this :
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empanadazul · 2 months
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In the first picture Zagreus is shorter than Persephone because he is standing one step below, he is still the youngest member of the family and barely stepping into his role on the house as Prince. He is supperposed with the image of his parents gazing lovingly into each other, he is integrated with his figures but still feels like slightly distanced from them, like a teenager trying to find the way they present themselves. After seeing him the whole game with other clothes it feels weird to see him wearing that tunic and his lance is comically big.
In the second picture he is taller than his mom and almost at the same level as his father, he is being embraced by him but his head points out from Hades's shoulder, he is fully integrated into the family but is also respected and acknowledged by all the gods as the one who reunited them. He mimics the posture of both his mother and father, leaning over Melinoë (bathing in her light) and embracing her with his hand (ready to protect her). His elegant clothes fit him and resemble the style of the Palace, even without his crown you recognise him as a Prince of Hades.
He grew up so much between this games. Probably embraced his role as a protector of the underworld population. Seems comfortable wearing his father clothes, he holds himself with authority, he earned respect in his realm. He became an adult. He loved his little sister, look at how his gazed is fixed on her, his smile might be even bigger than the one on his mother.
Hades looks peaceful and calm, he is probably smiling too. Persephone is wearing a light dress, similar to the ones she wore on the surface, without obligations. She wrapped her daughter with a shawl like the ones she used to wear. They are all dressed without their "royal" outfits. Before being the underworld rulers, they are a family welcoming a baby. They loved Melinoë so much. They would have devoted their lives to her until she was old enough to stand on her own. They would have given her all of the time of the day. They were ready to do things right this time.
Death to Cronos.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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bienmoreau · 2 months
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“What you hold onto is less important than the act of holding on itself. It’s so easy to get lost in ourselves and this world. Sometimes you need to find your way back one tiny miracle at a time.” - The Sunshine Court
Please please excuse the disgusting things my iPad camera has done to this photo. This is the first time in years I’ve done something like this fully traditional and it has stretched so many rusty parts of my brain but I’m SO GLAD I got this done in time for release day! This book is WONDERFUL and I’m so happy it’s now out in the world!
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celebrate-lesbianism · 2 months
Dear butches,
You are not second place to a man. You are not an experiment, a backup plan, or a shameful secret. You are someone's first choice and she will love you, all of you, as you are. She will treat you like a serious and equal partner, she will be proud to be with you, and your love will see the light of day 🧡
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