#west end newsies
Here We Go Again…🫣
Well. I don’t know if you’ve heard. I don’t know if you’re ready. But boy, are we here. Again.
✨The 2024 Newsies Fanfic Challenge and Exchange✨
Sign up is LIVE. Right now. In this moment. Time is a’wastin’. So grab a buddy, a pal, a bestie, and RUN- don’t walk- to get signed up! Let’s get this party going!
Click Me!!!!
It’s going to be a great time, y’all. Your moderator is very excited. See you on June 29th.
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puppyvenom · 7 months
“dumb crip’s just too damn slow” not matthew’s crutchie. NEVER matthews’s crutchie. he was barrelling across the stage with purpose at all times. he could fucking MOVE. he did NOT come to fuck around he came to be speedy as shit and i love him so dearly
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one lovely boy <3
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megz-rose · 11 months
Today is the 124th anniversary of the beginning of the Newsies strike, So put on your Newsies' caps and tap dance on tables in honor of the young boys who paved the way for child labor laws
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wekiaam · 11 months
May I request some uk sprace or javid?????
You may!! Here they are celebrating their win with a dance party at Jacobi's <3
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I don't usually draw West End Newsies, but let's give them some love xx Also can we talk about how Ryan Kopel has the sweetest smile ever
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the-cryptid-finch · 10 months
Okay newsies fans time to cry. Okay so I love Santa Fe as a song so much. But I have a suggestion that makes the song 10 times more emotional.
Changing "let me go far away somewhere they won't ever find me"
To "Let me go, far away, somewhere *he* wont ever find me"
Who's he? Is it Davey? Is it Snyder? WHO KNOWS. But it makes the song more emotional because it's more personal.
If you look at it as "he" being Davey, then you have the element of guilt in Jack. He didn't want to run away, he has to run away. Even if that means leaving the strike. He can't bear to stay and fight anymore, because he's tired of fighting, and he doesn't want Davey to convince him to stay.
If you look at it as "he" being Snyder, than you have the element of exhaustion in Jack. He's tired of running. He wants to get to Santa Fe to have a final destination where he doesn't have run anymore, where he's at home. And the part of him that wants to stay wants Snyder gone, so he can feel safe enough to stay with his family, the newsies, with Davey and katherine and Crutchie. He ultimately wants to be somewhere where he's safe and Snyder can never find him.
Anyway time to cry about Santa Fe
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sonseulsoleil · 2 months
I keep replaying that video of Ryan Kopel singing the Truth About the Moon I am so unwell
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theplushiefox · 8 months
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so my bestie and I had the absolute pleasure to watch Newsies at London at the end of july and while I was crying and laughing and singing along, she noticed how every time there was an intimate scene between Jack and Katherine, Davey would burst into their bubble and touch/hug Jack and I thought that was just the funniest thing
Thank you Ryan Kopel for making Davey the gayest he could be
This comic was also my bestie's idea I just made it happen
(also yes I do have selfies with Ryan, Michael, Bronté, Matthew and many others, they came to say hi after the show and Michael especially looked so tired and he didn't have to but he still came, he was the last one to come out, and told me how meeting the fans was his favorite part like sjfnsdlkfjvs;dv
and there were a group of girls almost crying beside me and Matthew was like "you know what whatever" and MOVED THE BARRIERS AND WENT TO HUG THEM AND I ALMOST SHAT MYSELF)
(also also Lucy Young, one of the Brooklyn girls was SO FRICKIN NICE like I told her how excited I was and I was kinda shaking and laughing and being nervous and she just touched my arm and smiled at me like "aaaw it's ok" and honestly she made my entire week)
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emmedoesntdomath · 11 months
hi ok so I am well aware that there’s some drama going down right now over some characters and people’s opinions of them, and I want to say first that no, no I will not share my own. if they were that important to me I would have already (guess what- they aren’t). and second, I love you all. I will love you regardless of your opinions on this matter, because guys, at the end of the day, they are really just fictional characters. and I don’t think fictional characters are worth hating each other over. please be nice to each other. thanks.
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spotconln · 2 years
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“the rousing tale of a ragged band of teenage newspaper sellers, who dream of a better life far from the hardship of the streets. these young newsies from across the city come together and fight for justice using the only power they have – solidarity.”
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"Please, Spotty!!" Race begged. Spot went blank. 'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Did he just call me Spotty?' Spots mind raced with thoughts, but his expression showed no emotion despite the growing red flush on his face. "Hey, you good?" Race asked after a beat, not fully snapping Spot out of his trance but enough to speak. "Yeah, jus' thinkin'." " Well ya done thinkin'? We gotta go." Spots heart speed up. "Sure." He said. Race instantly grabbed his arm and tugged him to Medda's theater. But Spot wasn't thinking. He wasn't thinking of the long walk back to Brooklyn. He wasn't considering how fast the night was approaching. He didn't remember the few moments before the interaction and how he yawn three times in the past minute. But how could he? Race called him Spotty.
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newsiesficchallenges · 3 months
Day Three of Crutchie Supremacy!
Happy Day Three! We are celebrating today with an incorrect quotes!
davey, sprinting into the room: CRUTCHIE CRUTCHIE
crutchie, nearly falling off of his bed in surprise: WHAT
davey, stopping right in front of him: JACK LIKES ME BACK. HE LIKES LIKES ME TOO
crutchie, over this shit: you come into MY room, screaming at ME, for THIS BULLSHIT. ARE YOU STUPID, MAN? WE ALREADY KNEW THAT. I TOLD YOU THAT. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU-
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hellosammy19 · 2 years
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London’s Newsies - Katherine and Jack
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top: Newsies 1992 (L), Newsies Bway/Newsies Live (R) bottom: Newsies UK (L), The Theatre Under the Stars Newsies (R)
(alternate picture of tuts Jack Kelly under the cut for those of y'all who are unfamiliar)
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TUTS Newsies is a production currently running at the Houston Musical Theatre, The Theatre Under the Stars in Houston, Texas. Starring: Pierre Marais as “Jack Kelly,” Cailen Fu as “Katherine Plumber,” Ben Diamond as “Davey,” Christina Wells as “Medda Larkin,” Graham Rowat as “Pulitzer,” and Luis-Pablo Garcia as “Crutchie.”
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megz-rose · 9 months
okay but like, modern day Davey goes around diagnosing all of the newsies with various disabilities and mental health issues
(cus like, he's autistic, and his special interest for a while was disabilities and mental health issues (specifically the three A's: autism, adhd and anxiety)
Like in my head he'll point at say... idk... Race and be like "ADHD 100%"
I just have this mental image of him saying "That one's autistic, and him over there... anxiety, and she has serious PTSD"
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puppyvenom · 7 months
crutchie being in the refuge during kony is literally just like. peak The Cripple Experience. ur buddies are all out there having fun , doing something important and ur stuck in pain at home and can’t hang with them. it’s as funny as it is devastating to me like Yeah! that’s the life!!! he’s the real crip rep we needed he is perfect to me.
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