#wonder festival 1999
rotten-otaku · 7 months
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boba-patch · 2 years
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Ayanami Rei & PenPen - Neon genesis evangelion
Hammer 200 with Kamabou
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sonsofks · 8 months
Reverse: 1999 Sorprende a los Fans con el Trailer de Sonetto
:”El RPG de Viaje en el Tiempo del Siglo XX se Asocia con Nendoroid y APEX-TOYS para su Lanzamiento Mundial en Múltiples Plataformas” El RPG estratégico de viaje en el tiempo del siglo XX, Reverse: 1999, tiene su mirada puesta en un lanzamiento mundial el 26 de octubre de 2023 en las plataformas iOS, Android y PC. Los jugadores pueden preinscribirse ahora en el sitio web oficial. Tanto Vertin…
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sachi · 6 months
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☆ Daidouji Tomoyo / Kinomoto Sakura // Cardcaptor Sakura "Neko Version" ☆ Resin kit / 1/6 / T's System ☆ Wonder Festival 1999 [Summer]
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solradguy · 8 months
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Nakayama Eiji (Tekkoryuu circle) Order Sol, Baiken, Ky Kiske, and Testament garage kit sculpts from 1999. Painting and assembly of the kits photographed is unknown.
The Order Sol kit debuted at Wonder Festival Japan 1999 (Winter) and Testament's at Wonder Festival Japan 1999 (Summer). Additional information on the limited-release Ky and Baiken kits is unknown.
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satureja13 · 1 month
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Beltane - Part 4 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
The Boys spend a wonderful day together and it was so good to see Noxee again (and even Greg ;) They'd been on their own in the Otherworld (only with Arturo from time to time) for months now. Time for the fireworks and 'traditional' (says Greg) Beltane Canons before Ji Ho's spell fades!
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Noxee looks so beautiful. (The way Greg looks at her <3)
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And then the 'traditional' Beltane Fire broke out! (We also had a fire at Beltane last year...) The whole Beltane 2023 episodes are -> here
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Greg to Jack: "Is this your fault?" Jack: "What? No!" (of course it is -.-)
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The spell faded slowly and it's time to part. Greg, Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad will stay here, at Hotel Elvis, and Noxee, Jack and Saiwa will spend the night at the Campeggio (campsite), where the Boys had spent their last summer holidays. Before they left, Vlad went over to them to charge the Bond. He felt that Ji Ho will need more than the usual today because he is so exhausted from the ride and the spell. But he wasn't with the others.
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Vlad: "Where is he?"
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Saiwa: "We brought him to your room. He's too tired to make it all the way up to the campeggio. You will care for him. Properly." Vlad: "What? I told you I wont go any further with him! The spell is still affecting me. If I have to be near him, alone with him - I am not that strong. When he tries to kiss me again..." Saiwa: "He's your bonded and you already did anything imaginable with him! Ji Ho did everything so we can spend this day together! You know he's the most sensible of us and how much he suffers because we are apart from each other! We are going to do our best to be together again with the help from Tiny Can and the Therapy Game and until then, Ji Ho's well-being is your concern!"
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Saiwa: "Have a good night!" Vlad to Jack: "Stay with us!" Jack chuckles: "Vlad. I love you - but I won't do that. He needs you." Saiwa: "Let's go, Jack!"
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Vlad sighed and went upstairs to their room. He refuses to get physical with Ji Ho as long as he is not able to love him. But Vlad also knows how much Ji Ho longs for physical intimacy with him. When Vlad entered the room, he found Ji Ho collapsed on the floor. He was so exhausted, he must have been trying to take a shower to hydrate but it wasn't enough. They need to charge the bond. Thoroughly.
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Ji Ho knows that Vlad is only reluctantly charging the Bond and refuses any interaction that involves anything romantic until he's able to love him.
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Vlad approached Ji Ho to embrace him to charge the Bond. Ji Ho: "Vlad. This won't be enough - I tried everything to avoid it but I..." Vlad: "Don't worry. Come."
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Ji Ho: "Forgive me." Vlad: "Shh."
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It's the same room where Jeb and Sai spent their second date!
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Ji Ho: "I will be yours, I promise." Vlad: "I know. Don't worry. Do whatever is necessary for you to heal. I will be fine." Ji Ho: "Wait for me." Vlad: "Always." (They are speaking of Ji Ho's ingame wedding with Caleb.)
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'How many beautiful baths together and alter in the night Close, close I shiver a bit Don't try to deny that tonight, if I insist I will have you So small and fragile you seem to me and I'm making a mistake
So small next to me. And fragile, or not. But you're more strong than I am'
'Quanti bagni mozzafiato insieme e poi di sera vicino vicino a me tremi un pò Non cercare di negare che stasera magari se insisto io ti avrò.
Così piccola e fragile mi sembri tu e sto sbagliando di più. Così piccola accanto a me e fragile o no ma in fondo sei molto più forte di me!'
Piccola e Fragile - Drupi
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Here they laughed together <3
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Until Ji Ho got a message from Leander ^^'
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No festival without chaos...
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Them :3
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
I hate it when I can't use a term that fits me very well because my brain (which processes everything with images) has an image of that term that doesn't look like me.
Like when I think of "transmasc" and all that pops into my head are skinny, white, American boys with very basic styles (which isn't a bad thing, it's just "too basic" for me personally), and of course, who look like cis boys and hate their bodies or prefer other body.
Meanwhile, I'm a POC, fat, Latine person, with questionable style (/joke), who CERTAINLY doesn't look like a cis boy and who really loves their body.
How could I use a term when my brain tells me that term doesn't fit people like me? I hate that. It's just me?
hey anon. i so wish I could reach through this screen and tell you that who you are is perfect and that you have every right to terminology that feels right, but as a fat trans person myself I know it takes more than kind words to deal with a pain like this, and one that’s even more intersectional than mine with your race and culture in the picture.
but that image you have in your head of what transmasc means, that is not the reality. that is what a small part of the community, of the world, WANTS you to think because they would rather throw other members of their community under the bus to gain faux acceptance for themselves, which is NOT your fault, but it’s also not everyone, there are so many people in this community who look like you or who truly stand with you. Transmasculine history is and never has been white or thin or any of that.
I’m going to link a few things you may want to look into if you’re wanting to start accepting your identity a little more, or just to see that you really ARENT alone. trans men/transmascs of color have been part of our history since the beginning. some of these things im sharing may be somewhat nsfw and have the word 'tranny' in them, just as a warning if that stuff bothers you.
newspaper clipping showing three trans men of color at a festival for a film they were part of, the first ever sexual/porn film by and for trans men of color
some pictures showing some fat trans men and trans men of color at marches are here
Bobby Cheung, the Asian and Pacific Islander trans man who won the Mr. Transgender San Francisco Pageant in 2004
trans men of color discuss intersectionality in a film they directed called "Trappings Of Transhood"
a photo showing the attendees of an FTM conference- you can see many non-white people in attendance
a photo of a group of Latino trans men who attended Tranny Fest in 1999
basic info on victor j mukasa, a Black transmasc lesbian active in East African LGBTQ rights scene
an older fat trans gentleman's photo and experience
a post on pauli murray (please look them up. his experience is much more nuanced than this post gives them credit for, and she was a wonderful intersectional activist)
various trans men (many fat and of color) who have contributed to our history
a conference of Indian trans men
the story of a trans man named Ben
one of my personal favorite transmasc historical figures, Amelio Robles Ávila
Zander Keig, the fat Latino trans man who won social worker of the year in 2020
a wonderful read on the intersectionality of transmasculinity and race
a digital archive of trans and queer Latino history
the Instagram page of a popular Black drag king
an article with interviews with various drag kings, including several of color
Florence Hines, the Black drag king once called the most excellent male impersonator in America
more drag kings many of color!
Drag Kings: An Archaeology of Spectacular Masculinities in Latino America
anon, it is so easy to feel like you are alone when your own history has been unfairly erased from you. but when I say “you are not alone”, I am not offering empty words of comfort- YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Transmasc and similar identity has truly NEVER actually been just for white people or thin people. You are WONDERFUL, and you are ABSOLUTELY a part of trans masculinity and transmasculine history is YOUR history and community as much as it is mine and others. You belong.
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enam3l · 2 years
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(hooray!!! tumblr fixed the links so everything should be in working order lmk if there’s any issues - 4th may)
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follow the tag #enam3ls rockstar eddie to get new update alerts! best way of using the tag is to go onto my tumblr then use the search bar and enter the tag. then it shows everything tagged from newest to oldest!
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rockstar eddie munson fucking hates tommy lee (ficlet?)
the story of eddie x readers life-long beef with tommy lee
these days, rockstar eddie doesn’t give a fuck (headcanon story)
in the year 2022, eddie munson is a husband, dad and oh yeah – a rockstar but now he’s in his 50s, he really just doesn’t give a fuck what people think
rockstar eddie does Halloween (headcanon story)
from celebrating his first halloween with you to the present day, all of eddie’s annual Halloween antics
rockstar eddie does Halloween pt.2 (4k / smut)
in 1992 a certain halloween costume gets you in trouble with your boyfriend eddie
rockstar eddie’s purpose in life was becoming a dad (headcanon story)
an intro to dad rockstar eddie and his daughters for the first time ever
rockstar eddie’s friends in the industry (ficlet)
eddie hates tommy lee but he’s also got lots of friends and others he admires – how they meet metallica 
rockstar eddie munson thinks any music is good music if it makes you happy (ficlet)
eddie loves taking you to see your fave gigs and festivals then later your kids too
the big one: how rockstar eddie met his wife (y/n) (11.7k / fluffy love)
in an interview in november 1999, eddie and wife y/n tell a journalist how you met by pure coincidence on February 11th 1989
rockstar eddie’s lipstick stained shirt  (2.6k / smut)
in July 1993 corroded coffin are performing in vegas and a surprise from eddie results in you struggling to keep it in your pants
rockstar eddie has a new member for the band (headcanon story)
as you’re pregnant with your first baby Sloane, you worry how being a dad rockstar will work and how other musicians will react
rockstar eddie munson is gonna get the girl and god help anyone who stops him (9.6k / angst / fluff / slight smut)
direct follow up to how you and eddie met for the first time. after spending all your time together, in august 1989 you take your first holiday together and trouble ensues
the munson kids and their friendships with other rockstar’s kids (blurb) 
rockstar eddie munson and his wife are still hopelessly in love (ficlet / fluff)
your youngest daughter maeve notices not everyone is as in love as you and eddie
steve harrington's happy ending (4.7k / fluff)
our boy steve gets the ending he's always deserved! we meet corey and the other nuggets mom for the first time
half the world away (4k / fluff / smut 18+ / slight angst)
following their first holiday together, eddie goes on corroded coffin's first nationwide tour and you're apart for the first time since meeting
like a rainbow (4k / pure fluff)
you might be heavily pregnant with your first baby but hell will freeze over before you miss an award show that eddie is nominated at
96' awards show bonus: kiss from a rose (ficlet / fluff)
an extra scene to 'like a rainbow'. yours and your baby's favourite song is being performed live and eddie is just... eddie
rockstar eddie learns about the kardashians (ficlet / fluff)
the munsons get a wedding invite - but eddie is wondering who the hell the kardashians are?
the wish (ficlet / fluff)
you want to make sure eddie’s first birthday with you by his side is special so you ask the whole gang for help
driving mrs munson (ficlet / fluff)
now you’ve left the city for hawkins, eddie thinks you might need a new ride
sunday morning (ficlet / fluff / allusion to smut)
a day in the life of you and your boyfriend eddie as you enjoy a cute sunday together
one embarrassing dad to rule them all (ficlet / fun / fluff)
maeve can’t resist capturing her dad eddie’s antics for tiktok
there’s something about marnie (ficlet / fluff / smut)
your daughters have eddie wrapped around their fingers but they just can’t seem to get him to buy a dog
he had it coming (ficlet / fluff / smut / light violence)
not long after having your first baby together, the media is buzzing with pamela anderson and tommy lee drama and eddie is sick of the paparazzi
munson family values (ficlet / fluff / mention of smut)
what’s not to love about being on holiday with your rockstar husband eddie and your three daughters?
this maeve-chine slays dragons (ficlet / fluff / angst)
eddie loves being a dad more than anything but is scared his youngest daughter maeve doesn’t like him
an eddie munson christmas (ficlet / festive fluff)
readers choice! your first ever christmas with eddie is your first real christmas ever
three fucking weeks (3.6k / filthy smut)
it's been three long gruelling weeks without eddie whilst he's been away recording and now you're finally reunited. cliffhanger ending!
the big question (4.6k words / pure fluff) NEW
continuing straight after 'three fucking weeks' eddie is finally prepared to ask you the big question.
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little notes and answered questions 
eddie’s queer daughter Sloane (1) (2)
eddie’s middle daughter iris (1)
eddie deals with season 4 (1)
eddie’s industry pals and views (1) (2) (3)
aftermath of season four (1)
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freesia-writes · 1 year
The Hero We Never Knew We Needed: A Tribute to Bop
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GIF thanks to @skybson
Word Count: 484
Minutes Spent Laughing While Writing: 19
The Clone Wars were a grim time, a galaxy torn apart by opposing ideologies and forceful rulers who sought to unite everyone under their own structure. Clones were created by the millions, raised at twice the speed of a normal life and thrown onto the battlefield as soon as they were able. Battalions would go forth, brother after brother falling under the relentless forces of the Separatists. Replacements were shipped in daily, as though one man could just as easily replace another, as though their entire lives were for one singular, dismal purpose. The heavy weight of conflict crushed the freedom and enthusiasm of the previously free systems, and what little joy there was to be found was fleeting, often followed by despair, death, and defeat. Wave after wave, soul after soul -- some would argue that those who survived had a harder time, somehow spared from the sweet release of death and instead forced to repeat their worst nightmare every day.
And then there was Bop.
A brave and fearless soldier on the battlefield, Bop would mow down droid after droid, dual-wielding his blasters and charging forth alongside his brothers with a fierce battle cry no matter how grisly the odds were. He was unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. He fought hard.
And he played harder.
See, Bop knew how to live. His scarce time off was spent at 79s, where he could be found dancing the night away, a euphoric grin plastered across his face. His joy was infectious, and he didn’t care how many or few were on the dance floor -- he was there to start (and finish) the festivities. There were droids assigned to contribute to the jovial atmosphere, moving in their jerky rhythms to entice others to join, but they had nothing on Bop. He was CT-1999, because that was how he partied***.
He was such a battlefield hero that he was promoted to officer, assigned to a Venator-class Star Destroyer and placed over the ship's weapons systems. He traded in his plastoid armor for a slick uniform with gloves, a belt, and a gray cap, and proudly wore his rank insignia plaque on his chest. Insightful and quick on his feet, Bop was a legend. Droids feared him, fellow clones respected him, and creatures of all species yearned to be the one he would take home at night.
But Bop had only one mission. He did his job with precision and excellence, and when he was finally released to enjoy the temporary illusion of autonomy, he sought out his place of zen. His sanctuary. His place to both rejuvenate himself and restore hope and wonder to the galaxy through the delight of dance. The neon lights of 79s would illuminate every angle of his jive, painting the dance floor with his unbridled groovy enthusiasm.
Bop would die one day, whether by age or by artillery, as we all must fall. But today was not that day.
***(this line was a comment from @nika6q and was so good I had to add it)
@doublesunsets @rosechi @501st-rexster @meshlaxbunny @anxiouspineapple99 @softsunburstlove @starrylothcat @the-bad-batch-baroness @thecoffeelorian 😂😘
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angelzai · 6 months
ADA secret santa . . . .ᐟ
wc: 1.4k
cw: crack, everyone is a menace, no reader included, probably some ooc, language, alcohol, drug mentions, suggestive gifts but nothing strictly nsfw, this is really just silliness
reid: happy christmas to those who celebrate! this was fun to write and think about i hope you guys enjoy and get a kick out of imagining this chaotic group being a dysfunctional family as much as i do
. . . .ᐟ
first things first: who gets who?
just like everything else at the agency, it’s a fucking ordeal.
dazai writes down everyone’s names to draw out of kenji’s hat, but he’s given them all nicknames, some more horrendous than others, and kunikida’s standing at the whiteboard writing down everyone’s favorite colors and t-shirt sizes when naomi pulls a name and asks, “who is ‘bawss bitch’?”
“president fukuzawa, duh,” dazai chirps.
cue face-palms and eye-rolls around the room.
“naomi, draw again. the whole point is that no one else kn-“
“thanks, ranpo, we know the point.” yosano reaches into the hat for herself. “who is . . . ‘tightass’?”
everyone glances to kunikida, who freezes and turns slowly, threateningly, toward the bandaged menace.
dazai tries so hard to contain his laugh, but ends up snorting unceremoniously.
so, commence kunikida choking him out and demanding he write down everyone’s proper goddamn names so they all know what the hell is going on. atsushi’s on it, copying everyone’s legal, government-registered first and last name down onto one sticky note each, and the drawing restarts.
names are distributed. instructions follow. yosano lovingly requests the biggest bottle of tequila the budget will allow.
the office party will start on christmas eve at 6pm.
. . .
naomi’s forcing junichiro into the ugliest, most uncomfortable-looking matching sweater anyone in the office has ever seen in all of their days (it’s got glitter-hot glue balls and messily sown-in sequins all over it. it’s hard to tell if it depicts something festive or if it’s the cover of lil wayne’s 1999 studio album tha block is hot).
yosano has cracked into the bottle of wine she’s kept stashed under her desk all day and is drinking straight from it.
ranpo’s encouraging her to chug while he makes a sizable dent in the huge tray of cookies provided by fukuzawa.
atsushi’s on the verge of tears because he’s never celebrated christmas with anyone who cares about him before, and kenji’s doing a mediocre job at consoling him.
dazai has brought eggnog and announces to everyone, at the exact moment that kunikida finishes off his third glass, that it’s spiked.
kyoka’s dragging haruno toward the group, where she places a reindeer antler-headband atop the older girl’s head. kyoka smiles so purely at her. it puts the fear of god into poor haruno.
it is 6:08pm.
once junichiro’s in his sweater and thoroughly suffering and atsushi’s stopped hiccuping, fukuzawa summons everyone around the tiny office tree for secret santa.
and here’s who got who.
. . .
president fukuzawa has drawn ranpo’s name for the third year in a row. he always goes with some sort of snack, but this year he found these on etsy and couldn’t resist.
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the boss lets out a chuckle. everyone is jazzed. atsushi covers kyoka’s eyes. ranpo sticks his tongue out at fukuzawa (but cracks into the bag immediately).
. . .
ranpo drew yosano.
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yosano lets out an unhinged laugh and puts it on. ranpo, mouth full of gummy dicks, lovingly retrieves a bottle of tequila from hiding. already half a bottle of wine and two glasses of eggnog in, yosano throws her arms around the great detective for a siblingly hug. atsushi is covering kyoka’s eyes again. he wonders if he’ll have to do this for every present.
. . .
yosano got kunikida.
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“sorry, I couldn’t find an actual prescription.” kunikida’s lips are pursed in disappointment, not out of lack of appreciation but for shame in her joke. everyone knows it holds weight. dazai is on his ass laughing. kunikida remarks how he’s been needing a back pillow for his desk chair anyway. atsushi has his head in his hands.
. . .
kunikida got junichiro.
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dazai and ranpo are nodding solemnly. no one is laughing because it’s true other than naomi who insists kunikida really does have a sense of humor. wow!
. . .
junichiro drew dazai’s name.
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“awww!” dazai croons, holding it to his chest before going to place it on his desk next to his nameplate. “tanizaki, I’m so glad you think so.” again, everyone knows it’s true and laughs because of it this time.
. . .
dazai got fukuzawa.
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it’s extra funny to dazai at this point because the boss is such a cat guy and also he and yosano have already snuck off cousins-at-thanksgiving style outside to smoke whatever (all while he’s on his way to being plastered. yosano’s the resident alcoholic, yes, but no one can ever truly contain dazai’s festive substance use). fukuzawa laughs - it has to be an effect of the alcohol on him too, everyone thinks, because no way would the stoic man ever crack a smile at such a gift let alone actually use this fucking mousepad. dazai tells him he’ll cry if he doesn’t see it on his desk next week.
. . .
a break proceeds because kunikida swears something got fucked up in the drawing process now that half of them have looped around. yosano, dazai, and ranpo are doing tequila shots. haruno explains to kunikida that it’s fine - someone had to go first - and they should just pick someone to start the second round of gifts. kunikida’s scribbling in his notebook trying to figure out what they screwed up. kenji insists that they’re already playing the game, there’s no point in trying to rewrite it now as long as everyone has a gift! kunikida looks visibly intoxicated like he’s about to pop a vein in his forehead, so kenji just laughs nervously and takes the reins. he tells kyoka to go next.
. . .
kyoka drew haruno.
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it’s in a pretty purple bag, christmas spirit somewhat lost upon the child. atsushi almost starts crying again (dazai’s been slipping him eggnog). kyoka’s already assembled and glued the flower together. haruno smiles appreciatively. it will go on the front desk.
. . .
haruno got naomi.
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no one expects this from haruno but it’s a huge hit, especially juxtaposed with junichiro’s gift from kunikida. it’s a book cover over a blank notebook and the only thing she apologizes for is that it doesn’t say “sibling.” naomi is red in the face and forcing a laugh. dazai and yosano are a second away from hoisting the girl up on their shoulders like she just made a winning touchdown. atsushi’s head is in his hands again.
. . .
naomi got atsushi.
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it’s him if he was a single-celled organism, kenji remarks. atsushi is wholeheartedly pleased with this gift and gives naomi an extremely awkward hug. he holds onto it like a lifeline for the rest of the night.
. . .
atsushi pulled kenji’s name.
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he wasn’t sure how seriously to take the gift, but he thought these were fitting. kenji beams and jumps up and down and hugs atsushi so tight the older boy starts to go blue in the face.
. . .
and finally, kenji drew kyoka.
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kyoka wants the spiderman one. kenji obliges.
. . .
new and old traditions alike arise; yosano and ranpo each gift each other $20. fukuzawa has given both of them the $20. it's a ritual they refuse to let die. dazai tries to get kunikida to do a shot out of his mouth which leads to shouting and beating. atsushi sits both of them down on the couch and forces them to drink water and be nice to each other. naomi, haruno, and junichiro pick out a christmas movie to project onto the wall as background noise; they settle on a cheesy musical hallmark movie suspiciously similar to the one they put on last year. kyoka and kenji join ranpo in raiding the dessert table. yosano is singing! she is trying to get everyone to sing with her. dazai is the only one who joins. he is wearing the i ♥️ cock(tails) hat. they start with silent night and end with skeeyee by sexyy red.
before long, drunken detectives fall into their chairs and couches with blankets and plates of sweets to get comfy for home alone 2. dazai wants a whole couch to himself but that's unfair, so he settles for stretching his gangly ass legs across kunikida and tanizaki. kyoka and kenji curl up on the floor in a pile of blankets; the girl looks on the verge of sleep. naomi and haruno squeeze into a chair; yosano finds herself flat on the ground, nearly finished bottle of wine in hand; ranpo's feet are kicked up on the nearest desk and he sits in his chair near fukuzawa, who overlooks his employees with tired satisfaction. atsushi glances around at his his colleagues, and for as unhinged as they are, he feels lucky to have a group of people so welcoming to call his friends. all is peaceful and happy, except for ranpo's incessant burping and yosano's eventual snoring. it's fine.
merry fucking christmas.
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cherrylng · 21 hours
100 Albums To Understand Muse - Part 10 [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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THE POLICE Synchronicity (1983) A trio formation, the overwhelming technique of each member, and the coexistence of experimentalism and stadium-rock dynamism that mastered various types of music……. The final album by a band with much in common with Muse. Sting's (vo, b) charisma shines through on such classics as ‘I Wish I Was Staring’, ‘Synchronicity’ and ‘King of Pain’. -S
PRIMUS Pork Soda (1993) One of the bands that the Muse members were crazy about when they first started playing in bands. The trio formed in California and featured a progressive style of playing that could be described as bizarre and perverse. The heart of the band is Les Claypool's bass, which is pushed to the forefront, and his blurred vocals. This album was released in 1993, and was their first album to be released. -K
QUEEN A Night At The Opera (1975) Unique guitar sound, multiple recordings, theatrical elements……. Queen's influence on Muse has been enormous, but the amount of inspiration from this masterpiece is immeasurable. Without the five-part drama ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, ‘United States of Eurasia’ might never have been born. ‘Seaside Rendezvous’ was also the title of their triumphant return to Teignmouth in 2009. -S
QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE Songs For The Deaf (2002) Third album by the band led by Josh Homme, the underground watchdog of the US indie world. The sound of this album is extremely toxic, produced by Josh, who has a wide range of contacts in punk and alternative metal, and has invited a number of strong guests. Matthew was also hit by this poison when he was working on Muse's fourth album, and for a while he listed them as his favourites. - J
RADIOHEAD The Bends (1995) When the band [Muse] debuted in 1999, their predecessors were compared to them in many ways. The reason why I say I prefer this album to OK Computer, which was a masterpiece at the time, is probably because of its emphasis on melody and dynamism. This is Radiohead's most straightforward and intense rock work. Many emo bands in the USA are fans of this album. -K
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE Rage Against The Machine (1992) The first album from the band led by Tom Morello, whom guitarist Matthew worships as a god. Matthew is fascinated by Tom, an idea man who can create strange trick sounds with little more than cheap equipment. He has been open about his influences since the beginning of his career. The second Muse album in particular is full of Rage-derived phrases. -J
RAY CHARLES The Genius Hits The Road (1960) Matthew was first introduced to the piano as a child by listening to Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, and listening to this might certainly make you want to play. This is one of Ray's ‘Genius’ series, which straddles the line between jazz, pop and R&B, and features a wide variety of songs such as ‘Ganbare Jack’ and ‘My Heart's Georgia’. -S
RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) A masterpiece from the band, a deep and muscular refinement of a unique sound that blends funk, hard rock, hip-hop and blues. Overwhelming technique, rich individuality and Anthony's genius as a poet are stunning. Matthew and Dom saw them at the Reading festival in 1994 and were impressed. In 1999, they were chosen to front the band. -S
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sfb123 · 1 year
I Know Places (Happy Birthday Burns!)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Drake x Alyssa
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except for Alyssa Devereaux, who belongs to the birthday girl @burnsoslow
Summary: In a prequel to last year's birthday fic, Riley notices some odd behavior from Drake and is determined to find out what he is hiding.
Song: I Know Places - Taylor Swift
You are the only person on the planet who could get me to drop a Taylor Swift song anywhere. That's how much I love you.
Rating: PG (a couple of swear words)
Word Count: 2,703
A/N: Happy birthday to my wonderful friend @burnsoslow. You are so sweet, and funny, and thoughtful. When I came to Tumblr however long ago, and started obsessively reading your stories, I never, in a million years, thought that I would actually be lucky enough to call you my friend. I'm sitting here trying to put together words about how much having you in my life means to me, but I'm not sure they even exist. I just love you so so much, and hope that you spent today partying like it's 1999! 😘
A/N 2: No pre-reader, so you get what you get. If it sucks, and the grammar is terrible, that's all on me. Godspeed.
Tags: This is my first run with the new tag list, so if you're not on here but would like to be added, just let me know!
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Liam and Riley sat on the couch in his office, reviewing their opening remarks for the Five Kingdoms Festival that would be happening the following day. A knock on the door pulled their attention away, Liam called for the visitor to come in.
“Well, well, well,” Riley said as Drake entered the room. “Look what the cat dragged in.” 
Drake rolled his eyes and approached the pair. “Hello Brooks.” He walked over to Liam, who was now standing. “Hey, Li.”
“Drake,” Liam shook his friend’s hand. “It has been a while.”
“Yeah,” Drake rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve been pretty busy lately.” 
“Why don’t you stay for dinner?” Riley suggested, noticing that something was off with him. “Eleanor has been asking for you, she misses her Uncle Drake.” 
Drake’s expression softened. He hadn’t been spending as much time with Eleanor as he usually would. She had just become a big sister, and he knew how hard it could be going from being an only child to having to share attention with a younger sibling. 
“I really wish I could…” He trailed off, his eyes darting between his friends. “I promised Savannah I’d go up to Ramsford tonight. But I’ll be at the festival tomorrow. I’ll take Eleanor for some cotton candy or something.” 
“Sure, she’d love that.” Riley agreed. 
Drake said his goodbyes and exited the office. Once he was gone, Liam and Riley settled themselves back on the couch, Liam lifted his wife’s legs to rest across his lap. 
“That was weird, right?” Riley asked. 
“Not really,” Liam shrugged as he slipped off her shoes and began rubbing her feet. “Drake and his sister are close, of course he would want to have dinner with her.” 
Riley sighed at her husband’s response. “You know, for someone who was trained to read people, you can be awfully thick sometimes.” 
Liam’s movements stopped as his head snapped in her direction. “Excuse me?”  
“Come on Liam, he was being so dodgy! He couldn’t give us a straight answer about where he’s been.” 
“To be fair,” Liam began. “We never asked him for one. Besides, Drake has always been a pretty private person, if he wanted us to know, he would have told us.” 
She returned her feet to the ground, retrieving her shoes and putting them on. “Ugh! You’re so bad at being nosy!” She groaned. “Let’s go, I miss our babies.” 
Regina had offered to watch Eleanor, and the newest edition to the royal family, Prince David, while Liam and Riley worked on the final preparations for the festival. They left Liam’s office and met up with Regina to pick up the kids before returning to their quarters for the evening. 
After dinner, and a few rounds of Candy Land, it was time for Eleanor to go to bed. In an effort to help her with the transition from only child to big sister, her parents decided to take turns putting her to bed each night ensuring she had some quality one-on-one time with each of them. It was Liam’s turn to tuck her in, so Eleanor said goodnight to her mother and brother and walked hand in hand with her father to her room. 
Liam sat on Eleanor’s bed, his arm wrapped around her, holding a book in front of them. Eleanor was learning how to read, so as they made their way through the story, Liam would pause, pressing his finger against the words, encouraging his daughter to read along, and helping her as she went. 
“... and they,” he pointed to the next word and nodded encouragingly at her. 
“Lived happ… happy…” 
“Almost, princess. Happil…”
“Happily!” She exclaimed, Liam chuckled at her excitement and kissed the side of her head. “Happily ever after!” 
“That’s right! Good work, Eleanor!” Liam pulled her close, kissing the top of her head before closing the book and carrying it to the bookshelf. “Now, I believe we have one more item of business,” he made his way to the collection of stuffed animals that were gathered in the corner of her room. “Who would you like to keep you company tonight?” 
Eleanor’s eyes traveled through the crowd, her index finger tapping against her lips as she contemplated her selection. Her movements halted, and her smile grew upon making her decision, “Hunny Bunny please.” 
“Excellent choice.” Liam turned to the pile searching for the golden rabbit. He moved the other animals around, trying to locate it. “Hmm… she doesn’t seem to be here.” 
“But where is she, Daddy?” Eleanor looked at her father with tired, sad eyes. 
“I’m… well, I’m not sure, princess. Where do you last remember having her?” He made his way around the room, looking anywhere Hunny Bunny could possibly be hiding.
“I… I don’t know.” Eleanor replied through her sniffles. “Daddy, please find her.” 
Liam looked up at his daughter, her eyes were beginning to water, and her chin was trembling. He knew between Eleanor being tired, and wanting her toy, a meltdown would be inevitable if they didn’t find this rabbit. 
“Oh Eleanor, don’t cry.” He rushed to his daughter’s side. “Why don’t we ask Mommy if she has seen Hunny Bunny?” Eleanor rubbed her eyes as she nodded at her father. He kissed her on the forehead before going to the door. “Riley, love, could you come here for a moment?” He called down the hallway. 
Riley entered the room to find Liam consoling a crying Eleanor. “What happened here?” She said as she approached the pair, placing a comforting hand on Eleanor’s back. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” 
“We can’t find Hunny Bunny.” Eleanor cried before falling into her mother’s arms. 
Riley looked up at Liam and she could see the worry in his face. “Okay, it’s all okay. Let’s just calm down here. She has to be somewhere, she didn’t get up and hop away.”
“When do you remember seeing her with it last?” Liam asked Riley as she continued to console her daughter. 
She racked her brain, thinking back over the past couple of days, trying to picture everywhere they went, when it suddenly hit her. “Ramsford! She wanted to show Bartie, so she brought it when we were there for lunch the other day.” Riley put her hands on Eleanor’s shoulders and pulled her back gently. “Eleanor, I’m going to go call Uncle Max to see if Hunny is there, okay?” 
Eleanor nodded as she rubbed her eyes. Riley stood from the bed and pulled her phone out of her back pocket as she stepped into the hallway.
“Hey Riley!” Maxwell greeted her on the second ring.
“Max, thank god! We have a bit of an emergency.” 
“What’s wrong? Who’s coming for the throne now?” 
Riley chuckled at his response, which helped ease her concern about the issue. After everything they had been through, if the worst thing to happen to them is a lost stuffed animal, then everything was going to be just fine. “It’s nothing like that. Eleanor can’t find her Hunny Bunny. I think we may have left it there.” 
“Oh yeah, she’s here. I’ll bring it tomorrow when we come for the festival.” 
“Actually, could you just give it to Drake? I’m sure he won’t mind dropping it off on his way home.” There was silence on the other end of the line. “Max? Are you still there?” 
“I’m here, but Drake’s not.”
“But he said he was having dinner with Savannah tonight.” 
“Nope, he hasn’t been by in a couple of weeks actually.” 
“Man, I knew he was being shady!” 
“Wait, what do you mean? What’s going on?” 
“I’ll fill you in tomorrow. For now, please please bring Hunny Bunny with you tomorrow.” 
“You bet, see you then!” 
Riley hung up the phone and took a deep breath before returning to her daughter’s room. Without Eleanor’s stuffed animal of choice, it was going to be a long night.
The next day, the royal family walked through the crowd greeting people, and exploring everything the festival had to offer. 
“I get what you’re saying,” Riley said to Liam. “But he’s not just not telling us stuff, he’s straight up lying to us. That’s not a Drake thing.” 
Liam looked at his wife thoughtfully. “That’s true. As much as he’s kept to himself, I’ve never known him to lie to me.” 
“So, we can confront him and ask him what’s going on?” 
“Uncle Drake!” Eleanor’s excited shout pulled Liam and Riley’s attention. They looked ahead and saw Drake approaching them. 
“Hey, kiddo.” Drake smiled as he lifted Eleanor into a hug. 
As Eleanor and Drake greeted each other, Liam and Riley had a conversation with their eyes. Liam pleaded with Riley not to confront him, to which she agreed. 
“So Eleanor, how would you like some cotton candy?” Drake asked. 
The princess’s eyes went wide as she turned to her parents for permission. Liam and Riley chuckled at her hopeful expression. “Mommy, Daddy, please?” Eleanor begged. “I’ll bring some back for baby David.” 
“That’s very sweet of you, princess,” Liam leaned in, kissing his daughter on the cheek. “But babies can’t eat cotton candy.” 
“That’s right, baby girl,” Riley added. “So why don’t you just go ahead and eat extra for your brother?” 
Eleanor cheered and jumped up and down in excitement. “Come on, Uncle Drake!” She grabbed his hand and rushed him toward the food vendors. 
A while later, Riley was mercifully pulled away from a conversation with Hakim and Joelle Theron when David started crying from his stroller. She excused herself, and once she was out of their earshot, she thanked her son profusely for his timing. 
“Riley! Riley, wait up!” Maxwell called as he rushed to catch up with his friend. 
“Diaper emergency Max, no time.” She replied, just as he fell into step with her. 
The pair stepped into the palace and into a small sitting area. As Riley set up a makeshift diaper station on a nearby table, Maxwell bounced on his heels behind her. 
“Riley, you’re never going to guess what I saw?”
Riley recoiled back as she opened David’s soiled diaper. “Ugh, it can’t be any worse than this.” 
“I think I know what’s going on with Drake.” 
Riley turned to face Maxwell. “Spill right now, Beaumont.” 
The next day, as the Royal Council meeting let out, Liam caught Drake before he could slip out, and invited him back to his office for a drink. As soon as they walked in the office, Liam’s desk chair slowly turned, revealing Riley, her arms crossed over her chest. 
“Welcome, Drake.” She said as she rested her elbows on the desk, steepling her fingers in front of her.
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. When he and Riley talked about confronting Drake, they agreed that they would speak to him rationally. His wife appeared to have other plans. 
“What’s up with you, weirdo?” Drake asked at Riley’s dramatic display. 
Liam invited Drake to sit before stepping to the bar cart and making two drinks. He handed one to Drake before stepping around the desk and standing beside his wife. “Drake, we wanted to talk to you. To make sure you were alright.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He responded. “Why would you ask?” 
“Because you’re a big fat liar!” Riley blurted out. Liam placed a hand on her shoulder at the outburst as Drake’s brow furrowed in confusion. 
“Drake,” Liam interjected. “The other night, when you told us that you were going to Ramsford, Riley spoke with Maxwell, and he told her you hadn’t been there.” 
“Hold on,” Drake stood from his chair. “You guys are checking up on me?” 
“Not intentionally. We lost one of Eleanor’s toys, and I called Maxwell to find it.” Riley crossed her arms over her chest. “And don’t try to turn this around on us.” 
“Love, stand down.” Liam leaned down, kissing her on the cheek before turning back to Drake. “Drake, we’re just worried about you. You know we don’t mind that you keep to yourself, but it’s not like you to lie.”
Drake let out a deep breath as he fell back into his chair, finishing off the rest of his drink. “I’m sorry you guys. I didn’t mean to worry you, I just needed some time to myself for a while.” 
“Well that’s another lie.” Riley scoffed, Drake arched a brow at her. “You have a girlfriend!” 
Drake’s eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped. “How did you…” 
“Maxwell saw you canoodling at the festival yesterday.” She responded. “What’s wrong with her? Why don’t you want to show her off? Does she have an eyepatch? Pegleg? Hook hand?” 
Liam and Drake both froze and stared at Riley curiously. 
“What the fuck, Brooks?” Drake finally broke the silence. 
“Love, I don’t think Drake is seeing a pirate.” 
“Sorry, Eleanor’s been on a real Peter Pan kick. I’ve got pirates on the brain.” She shrugged. 
“Riley, can you give Drake and I a moment alone?” Liam asked. 
Riley stood from the chair, and moved to leave the office, pausing before she opened the door and turning back to her husband and her friend. “I just want the chance to be there for you the way you always have for me.” Before Drake could respond, she was gone. 
“I’m sorry, Drake.” Liam apologized as he sat in his chair. “I didn’t mean for this to be an attack on you.”
“It’s alright,” Drake shrugged. “And for the record, I’m sorry I lied to you guys.”
The pair sat in comfortable silence for a moment. Liam finished off his drink and stood, tilting his chin toward Drake’s glass. He nodded, affirming that he wanted a refill. Liam took the glasses and took them to the bar cart. 
“So,” Liam began as he refilled their drinks, “What’s her name?” 
“Alyssa, Alyssa Devereaux.” He said. Even with his back to his friend, Liam could hear the smile in his voice. 
“You’re happy?” Liam asked as he handed Drake his drink.
“I am Li, she’s amazing. I never expected to fall as hard as I did.” 
Liam nodded as he returned to his seat, placing his drink down in front of him. “Why wouldn’t you want to share that happiness with your friends?”
Drake shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you, it’s just,” he trailed off, trying to find the best way to explain what he was feeling. “This whole world, the court, nobles, all that, it’s a lot. I know what it can do to an outsider, I wanted to protect her from it.” 
“That’s reasonable, I understand wanting to protect someone you care about, you know that.” Drake nodded in response. “But Drake, if this is something that you see as long term, it’s an inevitability that you will need to start introducing her into this whole world. As much as I know it pains you to admit it, you are a part of the court.” 
“Yeah, you’re right. There are just so many things that could go wrong. I don’t want to lose her, Liam.”
Liam smiled, he had known Drake his whole life, and he had never talked about a girl like this. He had it bad, and it was painfully obvious. “Why don’t you ease her into it. She doesn’t have to dive into it all at once.” 
“What do you mean?” Drake asked. 
“Introduce her to people that will be at court functions ahead of time. That way, she will have allies to turn to if she gets uneasy.”
Drake arched a brow. “Allies like the king and queen?” 
“If you’re going to have allies, it doesn’t hurt for them to be at the top.” Liam grinned sheepishly. 
Drake let out a deep breath. “I guess I can’t keep her hidden forever.”
“Wonderful!” Liam exclaimed. “You should bring her by for dinner this weekend. Just a small, unofficial get together. We’ll do it in our quarters, Riley will cook. Completely informal, just your friends meeting your… girlfriend?” Drake nodded, confirming Alyssa’s title. 
“I guess that sounds alright. I mean, if it’s just you guys, I can’t imagine what could go wrong.” 
@3pawandme @alj4890 @busywoman @charlotteg234 @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @differenttyphoonwerewolf @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @imashybish @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @malblk21 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn
@amandablink @custaroonie @jared2612
@21-wishes @ao719 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @lovingchoices14 @the0afnan @xpandass420x
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Muse performing Sunburn as part of a 3-song acoustic set also comprising Cave and Muscle Museum in HMV in Bristol in 1999 before their debut album tour for Showbiz supporting Skunk Anansie kicked off.
This was part of many in-store signing sessions the band did for Showbiz (it blows my mind what a dedicated fanbase they had built up just from touring the south of England playing live, and the few EPs that were out at the time). They were an extremely hard-working band when it came to touring: they played a stupid amount of gigs that year. I remember an interview from the summer of 2000 where an interviewer mentioned that they had played over 45 festival dates that year, "that's 30 gigs too many", the interviewer opined (cannot remember which interview this was). An insane amount of touring, which really solidified support for the band before Origin of Symmetry came out and Muse inevitably exploded over the mainland and UK. (British media were still lukewarm but that's a different story.)
The day they played this signing session in Bristol, they also crossed over into Wales to do a second session in an HMV in Cardiff. The same day. Absolute beasts and madmen of live playing, no wonder they became who they became: one of the finest live bands on earth. Unfortunately no one recorded the Cardiff set!
This performance just lives permanently in my brain (and in my iPod. Don't ask me what I got out of it on a 4 cm screen but I remember trying to work out Matt's playing on it. Unbelievable what we made do with back in the day!) hence the URL!
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hi jen, I just discovered your blog and I’m sure it’s been asked before but i was wondering how you manage life in the countryside. When I’m older I’d love to move into a rural area but i’m afraid of the costs, loneliness, and possibly not having access to good healthcare.
I bought this house with my first girlfriend in 1999. We were naive and idiots in love and all we knew is we wanted a house in the country.
My suggestion would be the midwest, and not because I am biased but there is a whole lot of "live and let live" attitude. Buy land with existing septic and well if you can. Make sure you are within driving (less than an hour, the closer the better) of a fairly large city. I am 40 minutes from Iowa City and 15 from Cedar Rapids. Those rural areas are far less scary for lesbians than very rural and isolated areas. My county is red but even the county seat is blue (small town).
Talk to the local librarian, they tend to know about the people. Get involved in volunteering whereever you land. Find the Democrats, even if you are NOT one and go to the meetings. You can meet at least friendly faces and make connections.
You will need a job to maintain land. So make sure you can either access good internet for on line work OR can commute to a decent job (this is where proximity to a bigger city is helpful ) But positions within small city governments or with the county can pay decently as well.
Commit to some travel once a year. Figure out who will care for animals/house at least once a year so you can go to women's festivals, other lesbian or women's land or other gathering just to meet other "land dykes" or just other lesbians to then stay connected with on line over the rest of the year.
I am 45 minutes from one of the best hospitals in the USA and 20 minutes from a major medical center in Cedar Rapids. Insurance in Iowa can be affordable if you are lower income OR can get it through a job. Many small hospitals take cash or facilitate payment and are way less than bigger once for smaller procedures or check ups. Having local connections can make all the difference and that is why i suggest volunteering and being "seen" in your community.
I shop at the local feed store, not because I there aren't other options but because he now knows me. I chat with others in the tiny lobby over coffee in styrofoam cups and they in turn see me at the gas station of the farm I work at. A familiar friendly face is way less scary than "that lesbo that lives in that one house".
The magazine Countryside is slightly conservative BUT full of great information about rural life, fixing things, making do with what you have, animal husbandry, food growing etc.
If you can afford this book, check out my article on rural life as an out lesbian. The book as lots of interesting ideas and writings.
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sachi · 6 months
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☆ Dejiko // Di Gi Charat ☆ Resin kit / 1/6 / ONe / B-Club ☆ Wonder Festival 1999 [Winter]
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty Spring: "Simsala Grimm: Sleeping Beauty" (2000 animated series episode)
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Here we find yet another animated fairy tale anthology series. Simsala Grimm, which first aired in Germany and which is also known in English as The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, was a series that initially ran from 1999 through 2000, then was revived for a second season in 2010. It revolves around two small, friendly creatures, an adventurous blue coyote named Yoyo and a nerdy red and pink "bookworm" named Doc Croc. In each episode, they use a magic book to fly to the land of Simsala, "where all the fairy tale characters really lived," and they enter a classic fairy tale, usually from the Grimms' collection, where they serve as audience surrogates and sidekicks to the main characters. The 2006 CGI film Happily N'Ever After was first greenlit as an adaptation of this show – the characters of Mambo and Munk were originally meant to be Yoyo and Doc Croc – but eventually the series' production company withdrew and the film was reworked as a stand-alone project.
Knowing the structure of each episode, I wondered exactly how this series would handle the story of Sleeping Beauty, with its two long time skips. I couldn't imagine Yoyo and Doc Croc staying in one story for more than a hundred years! As it turns out, the solution is simple: Yoyo and Croc enter near the end of the traditional tale. They arrive in Simsala to find the castle under the spell of sleep, with everyone frozen in place like statues and with briars growing all around. Three singing birds explain that the castle has been enchanted for a hundred years, and show Sleeping Beauty herself to the two explorers on her bed in the highest tower. They also tell them that the fairy Bianca can explain further. To find her, Yoyo and Croc shoot themselves out of a canon and land in the nearby forest. There they meet Prince Berthold, a handsome, slightly goofy young romantic who composes bad poetry and is searching for Sleeping Beauty.
The trio soon discovers the hidden lair of the evil fairy Gorgona: an insect-themed fairy in a black bodysuit and cape, who flies on the back of a giant dragonfly. After she leaves, they sneak into her cave, where they find an owl in a cage... who turns out to be the good fairy Bianca under a spell that Gorgona cast. She explains that when Sleeping Beauty was a baby, Gorgona cursed her to prick her finger and die on her seventeenth birthday, but that she, Bianca, softened the curse to a hundred-year sleep. (As in the Rankin/Bass Festival of Family Classics version, there are only two fairies in this retelling, one good and one evil.) Our heroes free her, and after she changes herself back to her true form – a tiny, chubby, winged woman in pink – they head back to the castle.
A pit filled with briars blocks the way into the castle, but Bianca urges Prince Berthold to jump in, because if his love is true, he'll be safe. Sure enough, the briars vanish. But in the castle courtyard, Gorgona attacks, and no weapon is any match for her magic. Yoyo and Croc distract her, however, letting Prince Berthold escape to the tower where Sleeping Beauty lies. When he kisses her, not only is the spell broken, but all of Gorgona's magic fades away, and Bianca transforms the helpless villainess into an owl. As the awakened castle prepares to belatedly celebrate Sleeping Beauty's birthday, and to live happily ever after, Yoyo and Croc fly away on their magic book to find new adventures in other stories.
As fairy tale anthologies go, this series isn't my personal favorite, but I do consider Sleeping Beauty one of the better episodes. The animation style is cartoony and the human (and humanoid) characters tend to look homely, though the animals have more appeal, and children should enjoy the bold, colorful aesthetic. Meanwhile, Yoyo and Doc Croc are likable characters, who manage to fit into the story without distorting it, and the tale is infused with light touches of humor, without becoming a "fractured fairy tale." The choice to begin the story after the hundred years, to tell the earlier parts in flashbacks, and to place the main focus first on solving the mystery of the enchanted castle, then on Prince Berthold's quest to break the spell, is also effective. It brings freshness to the tale, and though it means that Sleeping Beauty herself gets little screen time compared to her prince and the fairies, this is hardly the first adaptation where that happens.
While I slightly prefer Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics and Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child among the list of animated fairy tale series, Simsala Grimm still has enough charm to make it stand out in that genre. If you like fairy tale anthologies, it shouldn't be missed.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @thealmightyemprex, @faintingheroine, @reds-revenge, @paexgo-rosa, @autistic-prince-cinderella, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @fairytaleslive, @thatscarletflycatcher, @comma-after-dearest
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