#writer blr
manincaffeine · 2 months
Here I go again, Back into the past, When I was suicidal, Wanting to end it all. I'm trying, trying hard to gain hold of my brain. I don't know if I'll win or lose the battle. What if I'll never be normal?
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thelailasblog · 30 days
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Flowers of study
(See my art blog @waterwallforfriends )
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doriandistortion · 6 months
Why do I feel so dirty?
I can never quite wash off the insanity.
I can never be without this horrifying sickness.
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- Dorian 12/02/23 12:34am
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everythingwritingg · 7 months
Writing Rain
@everything.writing on IG
I live in one of the rainiest cities in the world, and it’s getting to the season where it really is constantly raining. It’s basically raining every single day. Other people live in drier climates, and may not see rain often, so I hope here’s some good tips for you.
• If you’re wearing non-rainboot shoes, your shoes and socks are probably going to get wet pretty quickly. Wet socks are a sensory nightmare, and its even worse when you don’t have a change of socks and shoes. They can take 6+ hours to dry.
• If you wear glasses, the rain is even worse. Wet glasses make it impossible to see 2 feet in front of you. Pro tip: wear a baseball cap to keep the water out of your face.
• Your clothes are also going to get pretty wet unless you have waterproof clothes or an umbrella. This goes without being said.
• There are different types of rain and it varies based on the climate. Some places have a lot of drizzling, others have constant showers, while places have monsoons that flood entire cities. Often cities closer to the coast have a lot more rain because the water evaporates and drops off all the rain there. Drier places often have a flash floods, or a lot of rain at once. Tropical places have more intense bouts of rain while less tropical places have more consistent rain.
• Light rain is considered less than 0.1 in/hr, moderate is 0.1-0.3, and heavy is 0.3 or more. In light rain, you can usually walk with a hood and be fine. Moderate might start to get a little annoying without an umbrella and you can definitely feel yourself getting wet. You can hear heavy rain from the window and sometimes the droplets will hurt when they fall on you.
• Storm rains are much worse. Hail can destroy cars and plants. Rains can also be a part of a hurricane or thunderstorm, and usually will be more intense than regular rain.
• Rain often collects in puddles due to the non-porous sidewalks and roads we have. In addition, these sidewalks often lead to the rain collecting dirt as it goes into the storm drain.
• The cloud is usually long and gray when its about to rain. There’s a dark feeling that comes over the sky when it rains. It can come on suddenly in places where flash floods are common. One minute, it’ll be sunny and the next, the entire sky will be gloomy.
• There are way less people outside during rainy days, but there will always be crazy people who are running outside (like me) or people running to get to cars/houses.
This post was a lot easier mentally to write since I had to do a ton of psych homework and help a friend edit essays. I was a little distracted while doing this, so I apologize if there are some typos. I hope this post helped someone living in the desert.
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mysticallilac · 1 year
Reblog to sate my curiosity for a larger sample size
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filiz-writes · 6 months
He makes flowers bloom out of my wounds.
And in the amidst of chaos I fall,
From high in the sky
without wings.
Because it is not safety I seek within his arms,
It is Cupids arrow
Buried deep, somewhere halfway between our chests.
For I know he’ll make a heaven out of my broken bones,
Its gate forever open,
Gilded with our love,
Even long after our bodies have gone to ashes.
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1ntrvrt-shdw · 2 years
being afraid of both dying and living means you're only existing. isn't it depressing??
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maihonhassan · 2 months
"Kisi de dil kharab hojana"
"is a 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 thing guys it's like things can never be 𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙡 the way it was, even if we 𝙩𝙧𝙮 a lot, you just can't feel the same for that 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘 person, heart is a kind organ but once it fails to recognize 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 again, it's over for them."
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taeonysus8 · 9 months
had another night of "just thought of this amazing plotpoint along with the scene description and dialogue before i go to sleep. i dont need to write it down. i'll remember it when i wake up"
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i did not, in fact, remember when i woke up
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jimuelosity · 3 months
The world around me holds its breath -
they watch me tremble.
There is no earthquake
and yet my body shakes
As I take one step.
It's been a while
since I felt this tall, this high
and yet I'm still minuscule
compared to all those glaring eyes.
Just one step and that's it!
My veins contract to the force
of lifting my foot to the air.
All these eyes will behold
how my wings were never broken
and witness my valor and gallantry
as I launch myself to the clouds.
But I will never reach their piercing gaze
unless I detach my feet from the ground.
And just one step is all it will take
to not let myself and everyone down.
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screamintothevoidd · 8 months
I know your love could never touch where I need it to be touched, where the sunshine doesn't reach, but some nights I just want you, my heart screams for you and I just stare into the darkness and dream of what we could have been if you weren't who you are. All I needed you to be was not him. Not this. Baby ?
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deadlynnightshade · 24 days
sometimes I dance sometimes I feel you crawling around my feet
sometimes I run sometimes my knees get stuck on the street
sometimes I pause sometimes I breathe into your neck
only to feel you alive
lay in a herbarium we can thrive as we are
think in, think out of it
but do not think when I seek your hand under the dining-table
even that sometimes I do think about it
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Il Profeta
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everythingwritingg · 8 months
Brainstorming Techniques
@everything.writing on IG
Often times, the hardest part of writing a story is the brainstorming. After all, how are you supposed to get any further along in the writing process if you can’t even start your story? Here are a couple of brainstorming techniques you can use!
Use writing prompts. Prompts are a terrific way to get your ideas flowing. You can find plot generators online that give you a list of prompts in the genre you want. In addition, there are plenty on social media. The prompts can give you a starting point so that you can start building upon those ideas to make a story.
Think about what you know. Are there any places that you enjoy visiting? Things you enjoy doing? favorite childhood memory? What’s the most interesting that ever happened to you? Reflect on your favorite things and what you know best, perhaps that could spark ideas on things you would like to write about.
Write down all your thoughts. What do you think about on a regular basis? Whenever you have time, write down things that you can think about. Then, create a mind map. See if you can find any patterns in the stuff you think about. Try to see if they connect into a story.
Go people watching. Go to a public place like a supermarket or coffee shop. Watch the conversations from the people around you. Think about what they say and how that can apply to your dialogue. Perhaps you’ll even find that one out of context line can be a great writing prompt.
Pick the words you want to use to describe your story’s vibe. Writing a few words on what you want the story to be like can help with thinking of ideas. This could help you think of the settings and types of characters you want to include, which could then lead to a plot that links them all together.
What lessons have you learned in life, or what is a philosophy you strongly believe in? Starting with the moral of your story can spark ideas. This method can help you brainstorm character development arcs and the events in the plot that can help your character learn a new lesson.
Don’t try too hard to think. Trying too hard can often be counterproductive and make you stress more about thinking of ideas. This can make you stressed and make it even harder to think of ideas of things to write about. Instead, let the inspiration come naturally to you and don’t force it.
Sorry for the short post. I usually queue my posts to be a week ahead of schedule. However, school and college applications have been getting really busy and I wrote this one minutes before posting it. Hope this was helpful advice, and hope you have a great week!
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mysticallilac · 1 year
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