#yandere red robin
hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Okay but like (Yandere but at this point also canon) Tim Drake with forgetful reader/ reader w/adhd.
He’s practically your PA. Keeps track of everything for you and keeps you in check, if not does your work for you if you really aren’t able to.
Messes with your accounts so you think you’re spending a small amount of money, but in reality he refills your pockets a crap ton.
You give him your schedule, report to him what you’ve done for the day — basically making the stalking infinitely easier — and in exchange he eases both the physical and mental workload you have.
Slowly but surely convinces you that the two of you should live together. That you should completely rely on him for all things in your life.
Because you can forget everything, but he’ll always be there. Etched into your skull.
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myerssimp21 · 2 months
Batcave Meeting (YAN!Pt.3)
Romantic!Yandere!Batfam Part 3. Part 1, Part 2 here (context: Tim Drake purposefully got aphrodisiac'd when fighting Ivy and then went over to Darling's apartment to smash. This is a batfamily meeting about that and how to move forward.).
As you obliviously drifted to sleep, the live feed of you doing so was being projected onto a big screen in the BatCave while members joined together at a table, casually watching you as you yawned and readjusted against your pillow. The imposing man situated at the end of the table clasped his hands together, regarding the young men in front of him. Once everyone was seated, the imposing man began speaking to them, noticing how many of them had their eyes glued to the screen.
"We're going to discuss what happened the other day and plan for next week," he announced, and the pouty brunette who had had a frown on his face now crossed his arms.
"Allow me to explain it from my perspective first, Father," he said, sporting a moody expression, "You and Drake were unexpectedly out of commission during your patrol, which, while not typical, is understandable given our line of work."
His eyes flicker over to Tim and Jason, narrowing in contempt and disgust.
"Todd and Drake both know how important our duty to Gotham is," Damian continued while making eye contact with Jason, "But instead of prioritizing that, they let their impulses get the better of them. Drake especially for instigating the situation. Using Ivy's aphrodisiac to... indulge with our darling? It's selfish, reckless, and disrespectful."
"Damian, hold on a second," Jason interjected, "I had no idea about the aphrodisiac. It was my night off so I was sleeping in and missed Bruce's calls when he and Tim got doused in it. I only woke up because the audio feed from her apartment was turned up and I heard them together. I blew up Tim's phone and went over when he left because I was pissed, and I didn't realize that was why she couldn't get enough. I feel really bad about it now that I know."
Damian's expression softened subtly as he absorbed Jason's explanation. Despite his composed demeanor, the tension still lingered in his features.
"I appreciate your honesty, Todd," Damian conceded, his tone slightly softer, "It's still not acceptable that she was acting strangely and this was not analyzed, but I understand that the situation was...unconventional."
As Jason and Damian had a moment of newfound comradery, Tim finally spoke up, "I understand your frustrations, but you need to know that I researched Ivy's aphrodisiac extensively before I ever considered using it. I made sure it wouldn't have any adverse health effects on anybody and appropriately calculated the risks."
Damian's expression darkened further, his negative feelings towards Drake beginning to truly show. "This isn't just about general safety or the safety of some substance!" he exclaimed, "It's about respect and her consent. You had no right to manipulate her like that, whether or not it posed a physical risk."
"Come on, Damian," Tim retorted, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his voice. "She didn't find out about the aphrodisiac, did she? So what's the big deal? It's not like we hurt her or anything. She's fine, and she doesn't even know what happened. In fact, she likes us even more because I made a move for us. Why are you making a big deal out of nothing?"
Jason scoffed, his distaste in Tim at this point evident. "Seriously, Tim? You're gonna act like a douchebag just because she didn't find out? That's messed up, even for you."
"It's not just about the immediate consequences," Damian shot back, his voice angrier. "It's about the long-term impact on her. I bet you didn't even stop to consider how your actions could affect her, or how they could undermine the trust she has in us. And what about the ripple effect it could have on her relationships with all of us? He's playing with fire, Father, and he needs to be held accountable."
"Let's not overlook the bigger issue here," Tim said, his voice defensive, "What I did was perverted, I admit that. But let's not pretend that bugging and wiring her apartment is any less invasive. That's hardly consensual either."
"Don't you dare deflect the issue!" Damian's voice rose, and he was now yelling, "We implemented those measures for her safety, not for our own entertainment! It's a gross violation of her privacy, but at least we did it to protect her!"
"Oh? And having two separate cameras staring at her bed is going to what, protect her from bad dreams?"
"Dami, Tim, let's try to keep our cool here," Dick interjected gently, easing in to defuse the tension, "We're all on the same team, remember? We need to work together to figure this out."
Damian turned to Dick with a measured gaze, "I want to hear your perspective on this matter, Grayson."
Dick sighed, solemnly addressing Drake. “Tim, what you did wasn't just a mistake. It was a deliberate breach of trust. She relies on us to keep her safe and instead of focusing on that, you exploited her vulnerability.”
"Also," and Dick seemed more pained at this part, "You betrayed our trust. We all care about her and you influenced her desires for your own gain."
Tim sat in silence, his expression filled with shame as he began to realize the gravity of his actions. He knew he had acted irresponsibly, and the weight of their words hung heavy in the air. Jason and Dick exchanged silent glances, their disappointment evident in their expressions.
Damian took a deep centering breath before focusing his attention back on Tim.
"This isn't about whether she found out or not, Drake. If you still don't understand that, then we need to take more drastic measures to address and punish this behavior. Father, I appeal to you to implement anything you deem necessary to prevent such behavior in the future. We cannot allow such indecent actions against her to to be repeated."
Bruce, understanding the severity of the situation and having now heard everyone's perspective, nodded solemnly at Damian.
"Tim, in light of your actions, there are going to be some consequences," Bruce stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You need to schedule therapy with Dr. Thompkins to address the troubling attitude that led to this situation. While we have taken invasive measures to monitor her, as Damian pointed out, your actions went beyond that."
He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing. "Until you've attended and Dr. Thompkins deems it appropriate, you will be restricted from having any contact with _____."
Finally, Bruce's gaze softened slightly as he looked at both Damian and Tim. "And Tim, it's imperative that you and Damian eventually reconcile. We're a team, and we need to remain united in our goals and overall behavior. I expect both of you to work towards rebuilding your relationship for the sake of the team and our darling."
"Damian," Bruce addressed his son, "since Tim will no longer be able to have contact with her, I'm assigning you a new responsibility. You will substitute him as her school friend and be someone she can rely on for assistance with homework and company. I want you to pick a class of hers that sounds interesting to you and make sure you're there to support her. It's important that she has someone she can trust and rely on, especially now. It's an opportunity for you to show her that she can count on us."
As the meeting continued, Damian spoke up, "I'll join her art class. It will allow me to assist her with her assignments and ensure she receives the academic support she needs."
Bruce nodded in approval. "Good choice, Damian. Make sure to approach this responsibility with care and dedication."
Turning to Jason, Bruce's expression grew serious. "Jason, I need you to be especially understanding and supportive towards her. If she feels troubled or has any lingering negative thoughts about what happened, I expect you to be there for her."
"Of course, Bruce," Jason says, eyes fixated on the now-sleeping figure of their darling on the cameras, "I'll do whatever it takes."
Dick now spoke up, "Can we talk about introducing me as Jason's roommate?"
Bruce shook his head, "Not yet; I want to make sure Damian successfully integrates first. You can still frequent around her job but no more interactions than that."
"Except for as a vigilante?" Dick replies hopefully, and Bruce gives him a measured gaze similar to his son's.
"Yes, although I expect you to exercise patience and primarily work in Blüdhaven for now."
Damian cuts in, "And don't be like Drake and fabricate a reason for her to need you."
"Damian," Bruce says in a tired voice, "I've made myself clear."
Damian looks down with an expression like he's biting his tongue and contempt is bright in his eyes, "Sorry, Father."
With that, the meeting concluded, each member of the Batfamily knowing the roles they had to play in ensuring their darling's well-being and trust remained intact.
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bluetooththereptile · 6 months
Father in law (part one)
(Potential yandere Bruce Wayne x reader)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: I use a gender neutral name, Angel, for Bruce's child.
Summary: Your life with your partner isn't going well, you have to do something about it.
Tw: mentions of abuse, harm and unaliving.
The sound of the TV echoed in the living room of the Manor, the atmosphere of the room tense, it had been like that since whenever you visited your partner. You rolled your eyes as you heard the chuckles of the presenters on the screen, a picture of you taken by paparazzi when you were in a hurry plastered on the corner of the screen. Angel tried to distract you by offering you a cup of tea but you declined, making them worry even more for you, but you were too lost in your misery to care.
Since your relationship became serious with Angel your life had become a literal hell, every date had ended up in some form of misery for you, Angel didn't get any of the side effects of your situation though and you didn't know how it had happened. How you had ended up on the paparazzi news, your life displayed as the worst version of what it could be, belittled and bullied, you had lost your job because of your tarnished image and you had lived in your car since your landlady had thrown you out because you were a "sexually deviant, arrogant and abuser" person and she didn't want you close to her own home. Speaking of the car, you had to refill its tank, but you didn't have the money for it. Damn it!
You groaned under your breath as you looked At angel who had tilted their head to the side, calling your name to catch your attention. God, how much you both hated and loved them at the same time. It was easy to love them, they were kind and caring, beautiful in every sense, perfect in every way, no wonder they were so popular, but, that also was the reason that you hated them as well, they had everything you did not, and since the time you had started dating, your life had become a literal hell.
"Angel..." you spoke, a little surprised by your tone, it sounded...weak "I wanted to talk about something..." Their body turned towards you so they could give you their whole attention, you wanted to wince at the gleam in their eyes, they looked at you as if you were the most precious thing in the world, at first it was pleasant to have someone like that but now it was sort of like a hex, giving you the chills. Shivering slightly you cleared your throat and shifted on your seat "I've been thinking about breaking up..."
"What?! Why?!" Angel's hurt voice made you recoil in your seat, you wanted to tell them everything, to tell them all that happened to you had made you miserable, but you only sighed in their response "Something has been bothering you?" Angel's question made you wince, Angel was perfect but had a mortal flaw, they were delusional, you didn't know but it ran in their family. In their eyes you weren't dirty or miserable, you were simply tired, bored, or perhaps a little sick. What was on TV was just a joke, and perhaps you didn't have the humor to laugh at it, you were just a little rusty, that's all, right? Then why you wanted to break up? Was the date you had not good enough? Your dates were so much fun, they always ended up with a funny scene, you had so much fun together, and you were perfect together, why now you were talking about breaking up?
You palmed your face, sighing, looking away from Angel, only to see their father standing in the corner with an interested look on his face, Bruce Wayne, oh God you hated that man to your core, whenever you met him he'd roast you so hard that you'd end up like a lump of burnt coal, the look in his eyes showed that he looked down on you, not to mention his fucking family, ugh, you just wanted to get away from all of this, after all, you got into that mess just for the sake of dating Angel Wayne.
You turned to your partner "Look, I just want to break up okay?" Angel paused, the look on their face darkening, oh dear God here we go. "Am I not enough? Y/N, I have done everything I could to make you happy! What is wrong? Don't you love me anymore?" "No! I don't love you anymore!" You said harshly, wanting to push them away, even if it meant they'd be hurt emotionally, but to your frustration, Angel took in a deep breath before speaking "I know I have been busy with my work and you've been under so much pressure lately, I understand that you feel burnt out and want to take some time apart but breaking up is just overreacting to our situation!"
You felt like you'd want to roll your eyes so hard that they'd come out of the other side of your head, they didn't want to understand, they didn't take no by its literal meaning. You sighed, rubbing your eyes, if it was with someone else you'd feel thrilled that someone was so understanding and considerate, so hell-bent on keeping you by their side but this wasn't that, you felt like you were suffocating under the pressure. Your phone rang, making you flinch, as you looked down at its screen you let out a scoff, it was another call from another unknown number, how your phone number had ended up on the internet for people to bully, you didn't know. You were sick of this, sick of life itself!
No job, no house, your own family hated you for just existing after fabricated evidence of your various offenses had been published, you couldn't hurt a fly, and yet you have assaulted an old lady...sexually?!?! Angel touched your arm to pull you out of your thoughts but then you slapped their hand away. standing up, you didn't even turn to look back at them for the last time, ignoring their pleas "Y/N, you're being ridiculous please stay-" Angel paused as Bruce talked "Let them leave darling..." you rolled your eyes once more before walking away, not looking back to see the smirk on Bruce's face as he held his child
down by their shoulders on their seat; stopping them from following you.
You didn't know why all of this had happened, you didn't know that it was all because of Bruce Wayne, the bastard himself. He had paid people to tarnish your image, ruin your livelihood, and push you into depression so you'd let go of his child, you were never perfect for his Angel, his Angel deserved someone so much better than you. Barging out of the Manor you walked your way outside the yard and the gates, of course, you didn't have the money to pay for a taxi, so you started a walk into the night, too frustrated and angry to think of your safety.
Before you could figure out where you were heading you found yourself in front of the drugstore your mother used to take you to, the cashier was still the same old lady with those large eyeglasses. Without thinking you headed into the store, perhaps some nostalgia would help? The smell of lavender filled your nostrils, you walked to the second isle to avoid eye contact with the cashier, sighing as you looked at the different things for sale, until your eyes landed on the familiar brown bottle, something that your mother used to call her little helpers...Xanax.
You reached out for the bottle and looked at it, whenever your mother took one of these everything seemed better since she'd end up more relaxed, perhaps if you were to take some you'd feel better too? But you didn't have the money to buy it, and clearly, you didn't want to embarrass yourself by asking to borrow it, so you looked around, and since the only camera in the old store was way away from you, you quickly put the bottle in your pocket, walking out of the store as if nothing had happened, you'd finally have some resemblance of relaxation soon.
Angel's cries echoed in the Manor as they banged their fists on the door, pleading for their father to be let out, they had to see you, they had to touch your body, even if it meant it was cold already. Bruce closed his eyes, leaning to the door of their room as he tried to think of something else, something other the fact that your suicide had ended up messing his child so much that they had gotten into a maniac episode. Dick had found your body in the car, motionless with the empty bottle of pills, you had given up on everything.
But what bothered Bruce was not your death or Angel's distress, it was the fact that he felt...pain. surely it wasn't because he deep down had softened up a little for you, right? He had told himself those lies for about a week, and it was driving him mad, he had to do something about it to save both his sanity and Angel's, and he'd do anything in his power to make things right.
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yan-batgirl · 5 months
I don't know why Tumblr keeps forbidding me from editing requests! Why do you hate me, Tumblr?! 😭
Request: Hi! I love your one shots, and I was wondering if you could maybe do a clingy!yandere!batfamily (with all the family members) please and thank you!
Warning: Clingy behavior, forced cuddling, mentions of manipulation, they were cudding with her so much that batgirl reader was suffocating
The reader is going to be referred to as 'Batgirl'
In those nights of Gotham, the night where there aren't a lot of crimes. People would wonder what Batman and his small family are up to.
Watching a movie is what they're doing.
While cuddling with their little batgirl at the same time.
"Guys, can you stop talking? I can't hear," she tells them as she munch on her popcorn.
Currently, Batgirl was being held by her siblings at the point where she was going to be breathless. She was trying to focus on the screen, but she couldn't because of the weight on her siblings onto her.
"Shhhh... Just focus, my dear baby sister," Stephanie reassures her as she strokes her sister's head.
"Don't touch her, Brown!" Damian scolds her as he swats her hand away.
"Be careful with her head!" Tim said as he tries to make one of them hold the back of her head.
"Calm down, Tim. I got her," Duke reassures him as Cassandra is just hugging her sister's small body.
"All of you are touching her," Barbara corrects him as she munched onto her candy.
"We have to make sure that she's safe, Babs!" Dick said as he clutched onto Batgirl tightly in his arms.
"Stop pulling her so close to you, bastard," Jason said in a harsh tone that made her jolt.
Then, the two oldest children began to argue. That's when the others joined in as well, which made the movie audio unheard. Meanwhile, Batgirl is just munching on her popcorn as she tries to focus on the movie.
As she was watching, she was suddenly picked up out of her seat by someone. She looks up to see Bruce lifting her up.
"Hey, the movie is not done," she said as she pointed at the big screen as she watched Bruce pick up his bowl of popcorn.
"I couldn't hear. Well, you may now why," he said as he glanced at the rest of his children.
With that, he walks out of the theater, leaving the arguing batsiblings behind.
After a long argument, the others saw that their little sister is gone.
They were silent before gave each other glances before they quickly departed ways.
As they were looking around the mansion, they heard Jason make a signal that made everyone quickly run upstairs where they see him next to the smiling Alfred.
They were wondering what was happening before they saw the scene in front of them.
Bruce was holding onto Batgirl as she was underneath his covers, asleep while holding onto her stuffed animal, Batsie. The TV in his room was playing the same movie and the parts that they couldn't watch because of the other children's arguing in the theater.
They were just exchanging looks as they stared at their father and mentor cuddling with their sister. A pit of jealously rose inside them, but at the same time, they knew who won.
Bruce then gets up and turns off the TV before he walks out of his bedroom and gently closes the door.
"We have to go and patrol for tonight. Duke, Tim, Stephanie. You three will come with me. Alfred, prepare the guest room for me when I get back."
He orders with his Batman demeanor before he walks off. When he walked off, the others turned to each other.
"Looks like we know the winner of this whole thing, but not for long," Dick said as some of the others groaned out of defeat.
However, at the same time, they couldn't help but adore the sleeping Batgirl on the bed.
Please do NOT steal my art!
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yandereorg · 1 year
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Early mornings with them
@saltyplank helped me out with ideas because I got stuck and she is very clever
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𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝
Jason is tender and achy from the night before, though he feels better after you traced over his wounds and littered his chest with kisses. He’s warm, and he holds you tight, still afraid you’ll flee in the night. He knows you probably won't, but scars from his past are continuously bleeding. He has to tear himself away from you; Atticus' meows alert Jason that he's late putting out breakfast. Jason walks carefully as Atticus weaves between his legs. He pounces when Jason places his bowl down. Now the stove flickers on, and Jason begins making breakfast. After a while, he hears you approach and feels you wrap your arms around him. Your lips press against his jaw as you, in-between butterfly kisses, ask what's on the menu. Much to Jason’s chagrin Atticus rubs his head against your leg, demanding attention your attention. You laugh and scratch his ears, and Jason adores how you brighten up the gloomy Gotham mornings.
𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞
Tim is exhausted, but lying next to you is like lying beside sunshine. You're warm and comforting and perfect. Tim wishes to live in the serenity of this moment forever. Love no longer feels fleeting, but he feels a sense of permanence settling over him, especially when you wake up, tucking yourself further into his neck, placing kisses that travel up until his lips taste the honeyed heaven of yours. The two of you together in euphoric harmony, you're like the much-needed sugar to his coffee; his life is too bitter without you. On a day like this, leaving his bed before 4 PM would feel like a punishment, but when you speak about breakfast, blossoms bloom in his soul and he doesn't want to waste time sleeping.
𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞
Damian wakes up first, with you sprawled out on top of him. His head is heavy with responsibility, but the familiar sound of your sweet breath grounds him. He should get up; he had dreamt of your warmth for so long and now it is his reality. He hates leaving the paradise you provide him with. He is transfixed by the way your back rises and falls. The weight of his responsibilities, the league, and everything in between can be overwhelming. However, having you by his side makes it all bearable. It reminds him why he’s here. In these sweet moments, he silently vows to protect you as he plants soft kisses on your forehead.
𝐑𝐨𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐫
Roy hears Lian's tiny pitter-patter footsteps getting closer. When she climbs onto the bed to let him know that breakfast is ready, he is overcome with emotion. His nose is flooded with the smells of breakfast, warm and sweet, but he's so full of love he doesn't have much room in him for more. A brainless smile spreads across his face. Soon, he wraps his arm around your waist, hands traveling up the hem of your shirt, invading your warmth, and buries his face in the crook of your neck. He breathes in your scent and starts to leave kisses, which turn into bites when you don't give him enough attention.
𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭
Jon wakes up first every morning, feeling like it's Christmas. Excitement and anticipation bubble within him. He likes to listen to your heart, your chest his perfect pillow, allowing him to be fully encased by your pulse. He likes to trace over your veins, using his supervision to watch your blood flow before simply holding your hand, he has to make sure you're healthy. For a while, he daydreams, his face blushed with joy at the thought of you and the future. He whispers sweet nothings, hoping they sink into your subconscious. He shifts his position so he can pepper your face with kisses. As he continues to shower you with affection, you slowly begin to stir awake. Genuine bliss is written across his face, and his eyes glimmer with stars as you smile up at him and he finally gets a kiss back.
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yandereunsolved · 1 month
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✧ Yandere Tim Drake ✧
"Tim, what the hell?"
"W-Was stalking the wrong thing to do? I have done everything for you. I got rid of all your friends, enemies, and possible lovers. I hacked into your bank account and supplied you with money. I made sure you got the perfect job and an even better salary. I was there for you. I have been there through every hardship in your life. I-I have done so much. I have done everything. I not it's wrong but—
"Is it not enough?"
"Am I not enough?"
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imshii-kin · 1 month
Good Luck
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
I made this a bit ago so have mercy :,)
Summary : Y/n, who recently taken an interest in the DC universe, finds themself in that very universe after a little roadkill accident.
Prologue (you are here), Chapter #1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection. - Voltaire
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
A white void was what greeted her. No matter where she turned, where she looked, it was just a constant endless void. A pounding headache accompanied her, only aiding in her confusion.
"Wake up."
She looks around, still seeing nothing.
"You need to wake up."
She opened her mouth to ask who was there, but found she couldn't speak. She tried again, only getting a similar result.
"Y/n, it's time to wake up."
Y/n...? Was that her name? It sounds so familiar, but so distant at the same time. She squinted her eyes, was the void getting brighter?
She covered her eyes as the void around her grew brighter, almost blinding.
"Welcome back Y/n."
Jon sighed as he struggled to shake his sister awake. She was always such a deep sleeper, which made it a chore to wake her up.
"Come on," he groaned, "dad has a surprise for you, but he can't give it to you if you dead asleep all day!" Jon shakes her shoulder, hoping to get her awake.
"You're turning 14 today, you should be grown out of this by now." The older boy grumbles as he grabs her wrist, yanking her out of bed. "Let's go-"
There's a gasp, and the girl rips her wrist out of Jon's hands causing him to fall. "Hey! What the hell Y/n-"
"Who the hell are you!? Where the hell am I!?"
It's short but the actual chapters will be A LOT longer.
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cheriecelestial · 2 months
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Pray tell, why dost the scarcity persist of fine romantic yandere tales within the realm of the batfam ? Verily, would that I could find myself ensconced in the affections of the entire family and be the only sun, moon and star in their firmament. For all the bat progeny (save young Damian, for he is but a stripling) and the esteemed Bat patriarch, consumed with a fervent obsession for my humble self, engaging in fierce contention for my favor.
Oh, to revel in the tender ministrations of each. Picture, if thou wilt, with a designated day of the week allotted to dote upon me with unparalleled devotion. Alas, the lamentations of a heart yearning for such ardour ! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
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tl;dr I need more romantic yan!batfam recs. Please tag me.
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Hello, love your blog. What are your thoughts about Yandere Batfam with an civilian s/o who’s very optimistic and sweet?
[Oh hell yes. ]
Batman/Bruce Wayne:
The play boy billionaire doesn't try to interfere with your life all to much. He does occasionally, "check in" with you when he's Batman. Watching you get home from getting groceries when on patrol so no one is suspicious.
But you notice.
"Hi Batman," you say with a smile. Watching the superhero/vigilante eyes widen from the dark shadows of Gotham. Rummaging through one of your bags, pulling out a box of store bought cupcakes.
"Thanks, for looking after me and all!" You say politely, nodding at him as he cautiously takes the dessert. His mind barking at him.
You noticed him.
His efforts.
You shouldn't have.
Nightwing/Dick Grayson:
The eldest of former Robin's would easily spot you from the crowd of pedestrians. Often showing off when a villian approaches and beating them to a pulp when they ruined your normal schedule.
Nightwing would talk to you without the mask frequently. Wanting you to love him for him, without the black and blue costume. Bringing out all his charm and some that Bruce taught him. Sure your friends and all, but he wants, no, expects more.
"Hiya Dick!" You greet him warmly, your cup of coffee burning your hands as you wait for the train. "I didn't know you would be taking the train today?"
"Yeah, cars in the shop." He said with a bashful grin. You scoff, but laugh at him. "Isn't it always?" You say with a eye roll, sipping your coffee as Dick scoots closer to you.
Red Hood/Jason Todd:
Jason was one for romance, but in stories. Color him suprised when he met you. To him, you make him belive there's hope for normalcy in his odd life. He wants to protect you from the blood and screaming in the streets of Gotham. Knowing that this city will chew you up and make you someone you wish you weren't.
Sure, he's not the hero-ing type, not much, anymore. But he'd rather kill villains and even innocent people to make sure your safe.
"WOW, that looks ruff buddy. You doin' okay?"
You ask Jason, noticing the splotches of red coloring his clothes. A simple book in his hand as he chuckles. "I'm good, don't worry. Fell on some paint earlier in the day."
Red Robin/Time Drake:
The Red Robin has you on his phone page, laptop, whatever device, has you on it. Definitely the creepy shy guy next door kinda vibe. In his normal attire, he's vying for your attention whenever he has a chance. As Red Robin, he flaunts himself like Dick and Jason. Only of you are around.
"Hmh?" You hear the shutter of clicks from above, looking up from the street road. You see a black mask and white dots stare down at you. You raise a hand and wave as more clicks follow after.
You shrug it off and continue your way. Knowing the boy wonder was probably taking photos of the streets for super hero purposes.
Ronin/Damien Wayne:
Much like his father. He watches over you constantly and has started fights over you like Jason. To which your non-the-wiser. Damien is pretty much all of the batfam yandere tendencies, he did learn for them and it is inherented
"Damien, you and I know both know that was dumb." You mutter, Damien scoffs at you. "They dishonored you, they should've gotten a worser punishment." "You and your chivalry.."
[Hope you like it!]
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blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
Dating Yandere Tim Drake Would Include:
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Tim would be the kind of yandere that's possessive, but not obsessive. He doesn't like to share you, but he's not going to act like a lunatic about it. When it comes to making you his, his methods will not involve violence unless you don't submit to him willingly. He prefers to manipulate you and deceive you into thinking that he's a better option than other people. He does have patience, but his possessiveness and controlling behavior can become overbearing at times.
He wants you all to himself and will do anything to make sure you're his. He can also get jealous if he thinks someone else is trying to compete for your love and attention. He'll likely see this rival as a threat and may even get rid of them. Tim prefers to have complete control over you and will do whatever it takes to keep you to himself. He wants you to be obedient and submissive to him, willing to do whatever he says.
Tim loves getting attention from his beloved, be it physical or emotional. However, his possessive nature can cause him to get clingy as well, and become jealous when someone else takes your attention away from him. When it comes to making moves, if you aren't giving him enough attention, he may resort to acting jealous in front of other people in order to make you feel jealous as well. This can lead to arguments, and if these arguments do not result in you giving him the attention he seeks, things may get unpleasant.
Tim would also be manipulative, using any means necessary to make you love him and be loyal to him. He's intelligent and knows how to use this to his advantage, often coming up with ways to lure you in. Once you're in his hands, it'll be difficult to leave him as he'll use every manipulation tactic in the book to make you feel guilty for trying to leave. He's persistent and will never stop pursuing you. He's also very easily threatened by anyone who shows even the slightest amount of interest in you. This can cause him to act irrationally.
He would also display behaviors such as constantly questioning you on your whereabouts and who you're with, being overly jealous whenever you interact with others, wanting to know where you are and what you are doing at all times, and becoming aggressive and argumentative if you refuse to tell him or lie.
Tim wouldn't immediately come out as obsessive once you started dating him. Instead, it would slowly unravel itself over time, and he would progressively become more and more overbearing. He would start by being overly affectionate and attentive, then slowly escalate into controlling and manipulative behavior. He would never get physically violent towards you, but he would definitely try to isolate you from other potential suitors and people that he feels are a threat towards his goal of making you his.
Tim would also go to great lengths to make sure you do not leave him or cheat. He would constantly keep track of you, and he would probably place some form of tracking device on your phone or other personal belongings.
Despite his possessiveness and controlling behavior, Tim would still want to keep you happy and comfortable. He would be caring and considerate in his own twisted way, spoiling you with gifts and trying to make you feel like you're the most important person in the world. It's not all bad with Tim, he has his good traits, and some people would even consider him romantic in his own twisted way.
His obsessive possessiveness can manifest itself as a sense of ownership over you. He will not let anybody else near you, or else he won't hesitate to use any means necessary to keep you all to himself. Including using violence to scare away others and to hurt them horribly if they try to make a move on you.
He's a rather charming person, so when you go out with him, he would make sure you have a great time. Despite the date being a manipulation tool for him, he also understands that the process should at least be enjoyable for you as well. He wouldn't deliberately go on a bad date just to keep the facade that he is a "great option" for you.
In private with you alone, he will show affection and his softer side towards you. He is someone after all that wants you to reciprocate his feelings. So he wouldn't hesitate to hold your hand, cuddle with you, give you kisses, etc. He prefers to show more affection in private instead of publicly, which is where his possessive side will be more apparent towards any interested individuals.
The Batfamily is unaware of his yandere characteristics. He’s quite good at hiding it, after all. Though they do notice his overprotective and overbearing behaviors towards you at times, but other than that, nothing else of notice. On the rare occasions that his family does catch a glimpse of his possessive tendencies, they would be shocked and horrified at Tim’s obsessive behavior.
If someone tried to physically stop him or interfere with your relationship together, it would not end too well for them. Tim would threaten them at first and try to persuade them to back off. But if they persist, or they make a move on you, he will lash out, and he wouldn't be hesitant in hurting them. If they try to hurt you, well, let’s just say his methods would be much more gruesome.
He will go to any length to prevent you from leaving him. If you don't want to stay willingly, he'll make sure that he gets what he wants one way or another, whether it's by physical force or emotional manipulation. That is not something Tim would allow. For you two, there is no such thing as a breakup, only a relationship that is being put on pause.
When it comes to arguments with just the two of you, he would prefer to argue it out, and if he ever thinks that you're not seeing his point of view, he'll become manipulative and use emotional blackmail to get you to give in.
In general, Tim can be a pretty nice guy when he isn't being a yandere. He would be considerate, charming, and friendly when you're hanging out with him. He's a bit of a flirt, but it's never too overboard. When he's not being a yandere, he's pretty approachable and friendly towards people. He doesn't seek trouble, and he prefers to avoid conflicts when he can.
While Tim's secret identity is Red Robin, it doesn't change who he is as a person deep down. Though his persona as Red Robin is more confident and cocky, he is still a yandere. However, his possessive behavior is definitely toned down a bit while he is in the suit. He is still protective and controlling over you, but he isn't as much of a yandere as he would be as himself.
Tim would not hesitate to strike down a villain if they were to try and make their move on you right in front of him. He would use physical force and any means necessary to protect you. In the case of a hero, it depends on the situation. If he thinks they are just friendly and not going to make a move, then he would just be wary. However, if they give any indication that they want to make a move on you, he’ll be on them in a snap.
Tim would be pretty open to having children with you. He wouldn't necessarily want a lot of children, but he would want at least one or two. He would be a bit overprotective towards them and quite possessive, like how he is with you. If someone was to come up and try to get near them, he'll be on their ass immediately.
Tim would absolutely want to marry you. In his eyes, it would make your relationship official and more "real". He would be pretty serious about it and wouldn't want to get married just to get divorced further down the line. He would be a bit eager to take you down the aisle, always looking to seal the deal.
Power play - making you submit completely to him. He especially enjoys using his size and strength to dominate you physically while also teasing and taunting you mentally. And when you finally give in to the desires and let go completely, it's a rush like no other for him.
Toys and tools – there's just something so thrilling about having a variety of toys on hand to use on you whenever he feels like it. He loves using vibrators, dildos, anal beads, and other fun toys to tease and stimulate different parts of your body, and then eventually combining them all at once for an intense sensory overload experience.
Impact play - such as flogging, caning, and whipping, into spanking sessions to create a truly immersive experience for you both.
Physical intimacy - into your encounters, like kissing, cuddling, and gentle massages, to create a sense of balance and connection between the more extreme aspects of your time together.
Oral sex – giving and receiving. There's something so intimate and personal about taking another person's cock or pussy into his mouth, and he loves the feeling of total submission and power exchange that comes with it.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Ohh I got soooo many ideas, like CV reader got kidnapped by black mask (I think it's red hood nemesis, am not that deep in DC comics but I know the basics) so he could have a deal or take information out of red hood using CV reader. And when Jason found out about it he was pissed but when he got there the bad guys already down because CV reader took them down.
P.s I don't mind if you use this as a reference to make a headcanon or story on contrary i would love to read it, but it's up to you!!
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🎧ྀི » [ what a catastrophy ! ] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
tw/cw: yandere, jason being horny/implied noncon, cat villain! reader being an absolute menace and a whore as always.
pairings: yan! batfam x cat villain/vigilante! reader
note: this happens after conflict between jason and other members of batfam are resolved and at that point cat villain! is more solidly on the cat vigilante! side
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“How long is this going to take exactly? I’m about to take an involuntary cat nap with how utterly slow you all are being.”
The Court of Owls were a group of people you’ve absolutely despised on every era you’ve had under your cat mask. Whether it was your wild years as Cat Woman’s protégé or when you were basically assimilated as the Batfam’s shared s/o. You could never bring yourself to like absurdly rich people that well. Much less rich people who do bad things.
For legal and safety reasons, you have to say that the Batfamily are an exception.
You don’t know how on Earth they managed to get their hands on equipment that prevented your powers from working, but it was proving to be quite the annoying conundrum.
“I’m sorry but I’m feline a little too underwhelmed by this whole kidnapping thing. Why don’t we hurry things up a little?”
“Where the hell did you take them?!”
Jason slammed Black Mask unto the wall, using the backside of his arm and pressing it against the man’s chest.
The latter’s men took a defensive, alert stance. Ready to pounce on command.
But Black Mask only gestured them to stand down.
“You have to understand, the fact that I even thought of informing you of my deal is a huge risk. I could lose my biggest benefactors.” He replied, calm and polite. In contrast to the harsh kick he deals to his assailant, making Jason back off. “I’m doing you all a favor. I’m doing [Cat Villain Name] a favor.”
“They’re currently on a private island to the south. I can’t give you the exact coordinates but here’s the general location.” He tossed a flashdrive, one swiftly caught and skimmed through by Tim.
“Why are you helping us?” Damian’s mind was already calculating the best way to get rid of everyone in this room. The grip on his katana tightening by the second. He had full faith that you were capable of taking care of yourself, but it did not help with the fear of disappearance whatsoever.
He was sure that the sight of you getting hurt would lead to him going on a rampage.
“Maybe the fact that even with my help, you kids being too late would open their mind and make them come back to our side. They’d finally learn that you’re only as good for them as Batman was to —“ Damian couldn’t stop himself anymore, knocking the man unconscious as the rest of the crew took down his goons with ease. Their worry over your current condition giving them a surprising amount of efficiency as a team.
“It’ll take several hours to even get to those islands much less even find which one . . .” Tim bit his lip. He wasn’t concerned at all. He knows you inside and out. In fact, he already knew where you were exactly. All of this info gathering was just his plan to delay things so that your patience would run out and he’d get front row seats to the carnage you’d inevitably cause. After all, there was something he can always predict when it came to you.
Your unending thirst for fun and chaos.
It took about a week for them to find you. Just about enough time for you to get antsy about not seeing your beloved pets and home.
And plenty of time for you to have your fun, pretending to be hurt, crying out in feigned agony, before you finally took down your prey.
“Red Hood! Come back! We can’t just barge in—“ Dick called out to Jason.
But all Jason could think of was the way you screamed in terror. The footage of your ‘torture’ was something he had nightmares about.
“Kitty! Are you—“ He kicked the door off its hinges, guns ready to fire.
But his sights only landed on a singular breathing being in the middle of a room. Covered in the blood of your victims. Grooming yourself clean.
Each lick sending shivers down his spine.
He sighed in relief. “You really have to stop playing with your food, Kitty.”
His lips envelopes yours as the world disappears from your vision.
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୨ ©️ ୧⸝⸝﹕hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024﹐⊂☁️⊃ ‹𝟹
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knullanon · 1 year
Might I ask for the yandere batboys (+ stephanie maybe, so all robins 👉👈) discovering that they are all behind the same shy!reader (fem or gn) (romantic)?
sure! also everyone is aged up because yknow. but I hope you guys enjoy this, because I did when I was writing it!
words: 1101
warnings: mentions of stalking, possessiveness, lmk if I missed any!
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dick doesn't notice anything about the others at all, until either you point it out or they do. he might even figure it out on his own just through his stalking problem.
when he does find out, though, he's trying his absolute hardest to make you like him more. gifts, helping you without hesitation, hell he might even just admit his feelings to you.
however, this is short lived because everybody notices and gets pissed off. since they aren't doing anything about their feelings, neither should he. I think that's how the whole thing would play out, nobody admitting anything, or if they did, they retract it immediately.
anyways, his relationship doesn't change much after he finds out about everyone else. he just seems a bit too close for everyone's comfort, even yours.
he likes to bring you out to different places, and while it's usually set in a platonic setting, he likes to pretend to himself that you two are together, and that there's no one else who wants to take you.
gets very jealous easily, and even though he tries not to show it, he gets upset every time you talk about your romantic interests. even if they're fictional, you can feel his mood drop just from mentioning anyone.
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jason, on the other hand, could tell immediately that some of his siblings had the same crush. really just damian and dick, but that's still something.
he doesn't go about it the way that everyone else does, however: he instead tries to hang out with you, doing things that seem more brotherly, and sometimes more fatherly.
doesn't care about the others unless they start acting romantically. he puts a stop to that real fast, under the guise of brotherly protection.
he's come to terms that he'll never get to have you as a partner, so hes more passive whenever you talk about things like that. he wants you to be the happiest you can be while also still being in your life.
his favorite thing to do with you is showing you how to do things. you've never changed a tire? you don't know how to fix a washer? unlike dick, who simply wants to help you to seem more desirable to you, jason genuinely wants to teach you and show you how to do things.
while he mainly does it so that you know what to do, he also partially does it so that you won't be asking anyone else for help.
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tim is also very shy, so for a while you think he's the odd one out of his family. he doesn't talk to you much, he excuses himself a lot if you're in the room, and every time you do talk to him, he avoids eye contact and doesn't say more than 3 words.
while tim doesn't always act this way, you've found that if you just corner him and try to engage in a conversation he becomes much more comfortable, and eventually, he only becomes shy if his siblings are talking to you.
he has mixed feelings about the whole situation. on one hand, he's sad that he can't explore anything with you and that it might be someone else. on the other hand, he knows that it might be inevitable and that he should be worrying about who you might choose.
he knows that you view them more platonically, so he's not worried about them, but more rather the people around you. while he doesn't get worried or possessive around his family, he will get that way in front of people who he thinks have a chance with you.
he likes to just hang out with you. whatever you want to do, he'll do it, even if he doesn't have any interest in it. he'll pay for a lot, too. food, trinkets, clothes, anything you want you can just ask him.
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damian instantly notices everyone else's attraction, how could he not. he doesn't confront anyone at first, just giving everyone the meanest side eye until they all sit down after someone (dick) almost tells you about their crush. They tell each other that none of their feelings can be revealed, as it would create conflict between all of them.
damian doesn't really change how he acts around you, since he's basically just being nice to you, while passive aggressive with everyone else. there's not a lot of change there.
he likes to take you around on hikes, usually trails or paths that aren't known very well, but have a beautiful payout at the end of them. he brings your favorite food, and you both sit and talk about whatever.
out of all of them, however, he has the biggest reaction to seeing other people who aren't his siblings try to ask you out. he gets in their face, acting like he has a problem with them, being more aggressive than with everyone else.
he's the only one out of the five who actively doesn't want you to get in a relationship with someone else. this isn't because he's secretly planning something, but he doesn't think anyone besides him or his siblings should get to have that chance. the only reason he isn't really doing anything about his siblings is because while he might semi hate them, they're still his siblings, and they're still his family.
--cannot find one for stephanie I'm sorry :(--
stephanie originally wasn't included in their talk about keeping their feelings to themselves. so she does actually try something, but is quickly stopped by the rest of the group.
when it's explained to her why she shouldn't do anything about her feelings, shes originally going to completely disregard the whole thing and continue trying to pursue you, tim somehow convinces her to just let her feelings sit.
while she originally didn't want you to be with anyone else, she drops it just as quickly since she finds that it's actually fun to act as matchmaker, which she also drops quickly since she got tired of being hunted by damian.
she likes bringing you out of the manor, really anywhere. since you're the introvert, she's your extrovert friend who drags you everywhere, even if you're unenthusiastic. sometimes, she won't even bring you to crowded places, instead she'll bring you in the city, but on skyscrapers and show you different areas of the city.
while she sometimes feels sad about how she will never be able to tell you the truth, she always gets over it quickly. she likes seeing you happy, even if it's not with her, which for her, is all she needs.
sorry this took so long :( ily guys sm, tho!!
if you like this work, reblog or like it! thank you! <3
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bluetooththereptile · 6 months
Black Robin
(Yandere Tim drake x twin brother reader x yandere Bruce Wayne)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: I couldn't resist making this, Tim's personality and also Bruce's possessiveness to his adoptive children and sometimes his cold indifference are ripe for making agnst and a good fic!
Summary: Your stubbornness ends tonight, and Bruce will make sure of that.
Tw: mentions of abuse
"Are you out of your mind?!"  you were taken aback by Tim's shout, your eyes widening behind your mask slightly. The always composed and nervous Tim was now yelling at you, well, this was new. You shifted on your feet in the dark place, sighing as you crossed your arms on your chest, trying to not groan since the bruise on your chest hurt to the touch. "Please just spare these words" you grunted, but your response only made Tim more livid, and he took a hold of your jacket, pulling you closer to him "You will come home with me!" He hissed "And that's final!"
You pushed Tim away with a scoff "Woha...easy right there bro, slow down, I'm not coming back, not after finally finding the place I deserve!" Tim couldn't help but let out a forced bitter chuckle "Deserve? Look at you! You're all bruised and battered, wearing a cheap leather jacket and military pants, and your only gadget is probably comms, you are dragging yourself around without proper care and you call it a deserving place?! Is your hatred for me that strong?"
You rolled your eyes, groaning, dear God how many of these conversations you've had already with him? Probably close to a thousand times. "Look, bro, I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions-" "Don't bro me!" Tim's voice echoed in the dark empty alleyway, after the joint mission of Batman and Midnighter, Tim finally after a whole year of not facing you had dragged you away so you could talk.
"I could understand your frustration and anger, I could have tried to make things right, I knew you were by the fact that you were not chosen as the Robin, I can understand that you didn't get enough attention and you wanted to be a hero yourself, but you couldn't leave just like that!" Pushing Tim away from you, you finally snapped "Wait a damn minute!" You took your mask off so you could talk to him properly. Approaching him you looked deep into his eyes, looking at your reflection in them and Tim winced a little at the hint of smoke on your lips, his brows furrowing as he realized what you had been smoking before the mission. You then sighed and looked away, looking down at the puddle of water on the ground. Damn, you were indeed bruised up, you were still a rookie and the hero responsible for you, Midnighter truthfully didn't have many rules for you to follow, just do the things and get them done by any means necessary, I don't care, which meant you had to do everything yourself, ending up as an official mess. In the past year, you had strained yourself so much that you couldn't recognize yourself in the mirror anymore.
Sure you were Tim's identical twin, you looked nearly the same, minus the eyes of course, but you had changed from that, your body had bulked up under the pressure of constant training under Midnighter's eyes and the diet of protein bars, you didn't have time to eat so you had to resort to those, you had forgotten the taste of normal food, yet you refused to complain. The only reason that Midnighter had taken you in was your stubbornness and willpower, no one wanted to take Batman's boy in when the old bat didn't like the idea of it, you had to prove him you were worth taking in. You had to cut your hair short to cut out the water bills, oh right, he didn't pay for you either, you had to work your ass off to make some money for yourself, you just hated working at fast food joints, sometimes you wanted to serve some Karens some of those knuckle sandwiches Midnighter gave you when you messed up. Around your eyes were still smudged with the smoky eye makeup your new friends had put on you for last night's concert, personal hygiene was sort of out of the window for you, but you still kept pushing. You were a mess, but still an independent mess out of Tim's shadow.
"I chose this path and I'm happy with it! It's none of your business anymore!" You finally spoke, "Oh so all of a sudden when you are 18 you can do whatever the hell you want?" Tim sighed as he crossed his arms "Yeah?" You answered, "We both know Bruce had only let you go just to make you realize your place is with the family!" Tim's response wasn't that farfetched, you knew Bruce was capable enough to drag your sulking ass back to the Manor but he had chosen not to, why? You weren't sure, perhaps it was because he wanted to punish you for being too rebellious, the thought made you shudder.
"Whatever..." you waved your hand in the air "You know that I don't want to go back from this path" Tim scoffed "Oh? Being the "Black Robin" is that good?" He teased you about your name, making you let out a soft groan in irritation. Midnighter was mistaken as Batman and now you, as his sidekick, was the black Robin, another mistaken identity, well you did look like Tim, just larger in muscle mass. "Yes, it's better than being compared to you all the time!" You snapped at your twin, making his lips turn into a frown. You had hit a nerve, well it was progress.
"You were always the one that was better, you were the Robin and then the Red Robin, while I had to train harder and harder, watching you get all the attention while I was just there!" You continued "You know it's not true, Bruce adopted you as well, you are still his son! You were not chosen as Robin because he wanted someone more...smart..." You rolled your eyes at that, you had heard all of those excuses so many times, you wanted something more out of your life, and you had decided to get something out of it one way or another.
When Tim was adopted you had dragged along him, but since Bruce needed help, he examined you both but he found Tim more fitting for the role. At first, you were happy for your brother, but as time progressed on, that feeling turned into resentment, Tim was the nervous smart brother, always getting the attention of others, especially Bruce, while you pushed yourself to your limits, yet since you were more capable than your brother, Bruce thought of you more of a pillar of trust for Tim while he wasn't there, but you wanted more, you wanted his attention, his fucking love, you wanted to feel like a true son, so if he didn't want to pay you attention, you'd rebel, and you did it on your 18th birthday, and your life had become a hellish arena after that, but you still kept pushing, unknowingly digging your own grave.
Your bickering with Tim was interrupted by a loud bang, and before you could react Midnighter had been thrown over two buildings, his landing making a hole into the wall close to you and your twin. Who... who had done that?! Who could do that to the superhuman clad in black? Oh no...The soft thud onto the ground and that familiar presence...oh no no no no...it was the big bat himself.
"Shit," you and Tim said in union "language" Bruce's stern voice made you clamp your lips close, you hadn't seen him like that before, his gaze burying deep into your wide eyes as he approached you with that imposing figure. "Black Robin" your hero's name rolled onto his tongue with a dark tone. "How fitting" he continued before he suddenly reached out and grabbed you by your jaws, making your mouth open.
You were too afraid to talk, you knew he wouldn't listen even if you wanted to talk "Three teeth..." Bruce hummed, before tightening his grip, making you let out a soft groan of pain "Cracked jaw..." he added "Muscle tissue of your left eyelid is hurt, your ear is broken and this is just for the head..." he hissed "I had warned him before to not touch any of my boys..." he let go of you but his hand moved to take a hold of your jacket as he looked down at you.
"Malnourished and still high on drugs, what was he thinking?!" He growled before looking up at you again, he leaned closer as he took a sniff of you, his grip tightening even more "And you've been smoking...it's the same brand as he does..."
"B-bat-" "Silence..." Bruce snapped at you, "Being mistaken for me is one thing I can sort of tolerate, but stealing my boy from me is something I can not overlook...look at you Y/N!..." he pulled you closer to him "You are on the path of self-destruction! You are no superhuman, you are a young one in need of care!" Your throat dried up as he spoke, you knew the consequences of your actions were creeping to get closer to you.
Bruce's heart ached at your sight, he shouldn't have let you go, he had thought no one would take you in and within a month you'd be back into his arms, begging for forgiveness and he'd punish you lightly. You reminded him so much of himself, that was why he didn't want you to get into the world of heroes, yet his worst nightmare had happened and you had plunged into the worst scenario head first like a mad bull.
"You're coming home with us" Bruce's words were final as he took you in "H-hey!" You wanted to pull away but his hold was too strong, he didn't bat an eye at your struggles "You need stitches and a new set of teeth, and when you are ready enough, I'll whip you into the right shape of the Black Robin..." his last words made your shudder in fear, he was angry, but deep down, a small part of you was happy that your dad had finally come for you.
You were strapped into the Batmobile and Tim sat close to you, holding onto your arm tightly, you felt something tug on your heart, that look in his eyes, you knew that too well, you were just minutes older than him but he still looked up at you as his older brother, perhaps you'd reconsider your decision and give in...perhaps...only time could tell. 
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unicreamuwu · 10 months
Batgirl! Reader Info
(This is for my new yandere batfam series!)
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(DO NOT steal my art!)
Full Name: Y/N Wayne (Because Bruce legally adopted)
Main Alias: Batgirl
Other Aliases:
Devil Child
200 IQ
Batsie Baby (By Harley)
Deceased Father
Deceased Mother
Deceased Unborn Brother
Unknown 4 aunts
Unknown Grandmother
Deceased Unknown Grandfather
Bruce Wayne (Adoptive Father)
Damian Wayne (Adoptive Older Brother)
"Close Allies"
Alfred Pennyworth
Dick Grayson
Barbara Gordon
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Cassandra Cain
Stephanie Brown
Batman Family
Base of Operations: Gotham City
Alignment: Good
Identity: Secret Identity
Citizenship: (Your Nationality)
Test Subject
Gender: Female
Age: 6-7
Height: Slightly shorter than an average child
Weight: (Your weight)
Batsie (Her bat plush)
Dress Ups
Family Trips
Slumber Parties
Tea Parties
Alfred's Sweets
"Business Meetings"
Romance Stories
Reading and writing in her secret diary
Uncomfortable clothes
Bruce's lectures
Her mother's side of the family
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yandereorg · 1 year
Arranged marriage for Damian and Tim if you could. Please and thank you.
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
Separate headcannons with yandere!Damian Wayne with an arranged marriage and a love letter from yandere!Tim Drake with an arranged marriage
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𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞
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Fresh crimson drips down upon you and a sword pokes out from his chest. He's soon ripped away from you, and the vile attacker reveals himself.
Damian Al Ghul, your betrothed
He's going to kill you. Like he butchered your beloved. Your lover is underneath him, Damian brings his fist down, and again and again, you think you can see his brain matter but crimson stains and tints everything. He has had this affections for violence and cruelty since he was a boy.
You begged them, for anyone else, but they had denied it, it was your duty and Damian hadn't fought the match, and now he'd kill you.
You sob reaching out for your sweet love who lays discarded, blood pooling around him, his pretty face bashed in , but before you can get to him, Damian comes over stepping on the hand of your beloved as if it were a stick. The two of you sit on the edge of the bed.
He sees your longing stare, unbreaking from the imposter's limb body. This disgusting betrayal, Damian has dreamt of you since he was a boy and this demon tries to steal his rightful place in your bed.
"I'm not a monster, you know" his own a sharp inhale interrupts him, almost like he's fearful, grandson of the demon, afraid? "please I'm just asking for a chance." his hand draws little circles on your knee, his eyes burn into you, waiting for you to turn and face him.
but you don't, you can't, you're still afraid after all these years apart and he still strikes fear. his callous hands do little to comfort you, tears continue to roll down your face. He just wishes to hold you yet you swat him away like a pest and when he lands a touch, you react like it stings.
How can he deny his nature? He just killed your beloved, slaughtered him as though he had an enemy, you stare down, praying he wakes, but the sword though his heart tells you he's not going to awake and the gods had never listened to your desperate cries before, why should they start now.
"There is no one more monstrous than you" a sob breaks your speech as damian clasps your jaw, forcing you to look at him, the sadness he wears almost feels genuine. "you have executed my beloved-"
You're cut off by a blaring outburst, "I am your beloved, me, I am your betrothed. That vile filth lays dead because of his crime, treason. Treason against his king, he has violated my sweet princess, the future queen, in their very own bed." His nails dig into your leg, breaking the soft skin of your thigh.
Damian calls one of his subjects in, telling them to get rid of it. His arms wrap around you and you want to vomit, all you see is your sweet love destroyed, his body lifeless.
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𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞
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To my dearest petal,
I hope your heart is just as happy as mine to hear about our future union. I'm glad your family has finally accepted my offer, I feel as though I have won the perfect prize and all my work has been fruitful.
I wish for them to let us marry sooner, everything is prepared, just one missing piece, you. They're also against our cohabitation, it seems as though they're against us. I do plan to visit you though, soon, its been so long since I've seen you in person, I sometimes feel like a simple observer in the life of my betrothed, I was, for a long time. But I'm not any longer, and I don't want to feel invisible to you anymore, especially since I've been trying to capture your attention which are rarely reciprocated which was fine before but things have changed, I expect thank yous for the gifts I send now, I expect you to unblock me, I expect you to wear the ring as I do. I hope to see you soon.
Yours faithfully, Tim Drake
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yan-batgirl · 6 months
~ Welcome to the Masterlist Manor ~
Main Account: @unicreamuwu
Disclaimer: This account does contain dark themes because it is a yandere tumblr account, so anyone who feels uncomfortable or has any sort of fear of any of the things that are contained in this story should not interact here.
This account will NOT contain any romance, so anything like "Any Batfam member x Batgirl Reader" will not be allowed. If I see a request that is related to any sort of romance, I will automatically delete it.
I will also post my own art on this account, and please do NOT steal my art. I work very hard on those drawings that I wanted to show you guys, so please do not steal and copy the art that I drew. If you see anyone doing this, please let me know!
Thank you ~ !
💟 ~ The Little Batgirl ~ 💟
Prologue (On my main account)
1 (On my main account)
2 (On my main account)
🩷 ~ Batgirl Reader ~ 🩷
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Banner by FoiocianoeuVii on Pinterest
Information about her! (Update!)
Random Batgirl Reader Art
Batgirl Reader sketches (on a yellow notepad)
Who is Matcha?
🩶 ~ Bruce Wayne (Batman) ~ 🩶
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Banner by @feiticeirascarlate
💙 ~ Richard "Dick" Grayson (Nightwing) ~ 💙
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Banner by @iconsgeek
❤️ ~ Jason Todd (Red Hood) ~ ❤️
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Banner by @wadewicons
🤎 ~ Timothy "Tim" Drake (Red Robin) ~ 🤎
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Banner by @elvenarcher
💚 ~ Damian Wayne (Robin) ~ 💚
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Banner by @iconsgeek
💛 ~ Duke Thomas (The Signal) ~ 💛
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Banner by unknown
🖤 ~ Cassandra Cain (Orphan) ~ 🖤
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Banner by unknown
🧡 ~ Barbara Gordon (Oracle) ~ 🧡
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Banner by @dickgraysno
💜 ~ Stephaine Brown (Spolier) ~ 💜
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Banner by unknown
Random Batgirl Reader Art
Batgirl Reader sketches (on a yellow notepad)
Reader wants to move out of the house
Reader being forced to cuddle with the batfamily
Other Things
Art Request Rules
Leaving so soon?
Don't go yet... please.
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