#yes ive had to redo this post three times. for all the times i posted it to the wrong blog.
notsoprocreations · 4 months
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The show really reignited my childhood pjo fixation at the worst possible time <3
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Ya'll... I think I might start a new story, I have a... basic concept of what I want it to be like, and I already have a name (under the impression that I don't suddenly do a 180), I just need to do like... all the writing and make the characters LMFAO It's gonna be a little on the dreary side and dark (which is the kind of writing/genre i aspire to write about, also means I'm gonna have to redo my personal reshade that ive been cooking for like... 3 or 4 months... 😭)-
in the meantime, I might start working on gussying up my navi post (and by gussy up, i mean completely redo) because as nice as it is, it's, idk, a little outdated (i guess), I have an idea for a new theme except i'm either going to a) put it in the drafts and wait til I start the new story to post it so the info is all there or b) make it and then post it and when i start the new story, edit it and put the tags and stuff in for the story.
ALSO might do a name change cuz... this name came from WAYYY before i joined simblr, and its got a charm to it, but i dont rlly like it anymore,, it just dont sit with me the same way that it used to lmao
*(writing this after i posted cuz i forgot to say this - its under the cut and in regards to NSB with the new story - it also kinda turned into a rant lmfao) TL:DR for ppl who don't wanna read my stupid fucking rant: NSB is prob gonna go on a hiatus regardless of if i start a new story, cuz as much as I love it, it's started to feel like a chore and less of smth i enjoy (even tho, like I said, I rlly enjoy/love it) Sorry to my NSB enjoyers out there.
regarding NSB, yes it will probably go on hiatus when making this story bec writing is already kinda exhausting for me as well as editing and NSB has progressively became more and more story-driven than gameplay-driven, and especially after these three days, im kinda burnt out from NSB, i know i just left it off on a cliffhanger with the new baby, but to be honest, I don't wanna deal with another child, i barely get by dealing with the four, and dealing with toddlers> are so fucking annoying cuz of the Sim AI, which in and of itself is just demotivating, i do REALLY love not so berry, i love the story ive created with it, but i guess im just tired of playing the same generation for so long, not to mention the fact that i made it a rags to riches challenge, i know i didnt have to but i prefer to, and bc of that, i havent been able to properly decorate, and i dont really wanna go back on myself, if i decide to continue NSB, i will probably take the RTR rules away since its so annoying to deal with having like, 1000 simoleans all the damn time. Also, i've been planning what to do for generation 3 since catty gave birth, but i had to put NSB on a hiatus bc of a stupid glitch and was only recently able to start it up again, and I still havent moved onto the next gen. I kinda lost the plot with that rant, but basically, NSB will probably go on hiatus, regardless of the new story, I've been wanting to dwell more on Roo and his whole story and the people in his universe and after a bit, NSB has started to, as much as I love it and the storytelling and whatever, feel like a chore, which kinda hurts to say, but its true. Sorry to any of my not so berry enjoyers out there
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autisticmob · 4 years
HELLO everyone i am now ten days out from my tiddy surgery so i think while everything is still fresh-ish in my mind I should get a rough timeline of how things went for me, just so anyone having similar stuff done in the future can have it as reference?? 
so under the cut is how shit went down, warning we are gonna be tmi about it for Max Information Dissemination, i will be talking about IV placement, Needles, Bleeding, Bruising, Bathroom Stuff In General, etc. so like. Be Warned.
OKAY SO what did i have done and how did i get it:
- i got a bilateral breast reduction with a “T,” “keyhole,” or “anchor-shaped” incision. this procedure, unlike double-incision top surgery, does not detach your nipples at all, but it DOES leave a decent hunk of breast tissue behind to avoid the nip graft. this connecting tissue keeps your nip attached and supplied with enough blood to survive. that means with this one, theres basically a limit to how much they can take off, and it depends on how big you are to start off with. 
- i went with the T-incisions because as a NB person, I wanted to sidestep the “gender-confirming surgery” route with my insurance. technically, I believe it would have been covered if i had gone through the process of talking to a therapist and getting a note that the surgery WOULD help confirm my gender, but i suspect it would have taken much longer, and I was afraid that my doctor and community resources would not have ended up approving me FOR the surgery since I don’t exactly fit the typical trans narrative. and luckily for me i had Massive, Spine-Bending G Cup Tiddies to contend with. so every doc that took a look at me said “yeah, you need those taken care of for medical reasons.” so i thought hey, let’s see how far this will get me!
- i talked to my primary care doc about my back pain and mentioned i’d like to look into a breast reduction, and she referred me to a local surgeon who could do the procedure. at the time i was still entertaining the idea of double-incision, but as it turned out, this surgeon just didnt do that. but i knew for certain my insurance would cover him, his results were good, and he was local, so i said yes to the T-incisions, which he said would likely get me down from a G to at least a C. it wasnt my ideal scenario admittedly, but frankly the back pain was getting to be too much, and i needed it to be addressed sooner rather than later.
- i had a consultation with the surgeon in early december, and they took pictures and measurements to send to my insurance so they could confirm the tits WERE in fact Too Bomb To Live. Doc said that it varies between insurance companies, but most will have a minimum amount of tissue that needs to be taken off, in grams, from each breast. he was like, “your insurance needs at least 1000g total removed, which’ll leave you on the small side, is that cool?” and i was like “My Man, take AS MUCH as you possibly can, im sick of these” and he was like “cool, makes my job easy then.” 
- it took my insurance like 1.5 to 2 months to get back to me, but late january the surgery place called me and we set a date for february 5th, 2020!!
- before i went into surgery, the hospital made me go over my medical history with them over the phone, informed me of all the risks, and gave me a special scrub kit to shower with at home for the last 2 days before the surgery
- fun fact this soap will make your whole bathroom and body smell strongly and exactly like a hospital and it is gross as hell if you hate hospital smell
- i also had to go to my primary care doc to get the OK that i was healthy enough to go under general anesthesia, and also get some blood tests and a urinalysis done. i fucked up the urinalysis tho (which is a whole other story) so i had to redo that the morning of the surgery when i got to the hospital anyway. 
- when i scheduled my surgery they also gave me a list of things i had to NOT DO before i went in. this included stuff like avoiding herbal medications and non-prescription supplements and not drinking any alcohol for like 2 weeks prior to surgery, and not eating anything after midnight the night before surgery.
- then it was SURGERY DAY!!!
- i went in with uhhh a LOT of anxiety about what everything would entail, ngl. i knew i had to do it because staring down the barrel of life with tiddies forever was way scarier than surgery, but yknow whenever you go under general anesthesia they legally do have to let you know that you could die and thats just a lot to consider, PLUS the whole thing involves just, really mangling your torso so like. its a lot! its okay to be scared!
- both my parents went with me for moral support which i appreciated a lot, but i didnt actually see them much since they had to spend a lot of it in the waiting room.
- when i went back with the doc they had me Wash The Tiddy Off with some antiseptic and change into a gown. i got some grippy socks out of the deal which is probably not a universal experience, but this hospital did it so shoutout to them for the socks i guess
- then they asked me all my medical history stuff again and checked me for any like, rashes or open sores or anything. i had some Tit Zits but they did not seem to be worried about that.
- then the surgeon came in and drew lines on me for the incisions. bro when i saw how high up my nips were gonna be i was losing my damn mind. this is one of the really exciting parts, because you finally get to really visualize what your end size is gonna be!! 
- once he was satisfied with how everything looked, they started really Prepping Me For Surgery.
- they hooked me up to a blood pressure cuff, a heart monitor, and some compression leg thingies that would inflate and deflate intermittently around my calves to help me not get blood clots. this felt weird but tbh also like kind of a nice massage
- then the iv placement. bro im not lying when i tell you this is the worst part. the nurse numbed me with some lidocaine before placing the needle and let me tell you that shit HURTED. lidocaine Stings and Burns when it hits and this was arguably the most painful part. but the good news about that is it means nothing else after that is all that bad. and i got THREE lidocaine shots because these two nurses could NOT find my blood anywhere. they finally called in their ringer (an EMT named kirk, s/o to kirk) who got that sucker in my arm with NO numbing and NO pain in like, 2 fucking seconds. i pray you all have a kirk. kirk knows where your fucking blood is and hes not gonna fuck around getting to it because he JUST wrestled a drunk dude into an ambulance like an hour ago and compared to that this is nothing. kirk had sleeveless scrubs. im obsessed. anyway.
- then they put a plastic, inflatable, heated blanket over me? it was between two regular blankets so it wasnt as uncomfortable as you might imagine, but it was strange. warm tho so that was nice.
- THEN they wheeled my bed down to surgery. i was having so much anxiety at this point it was like... dreamlike. getting wheeled into the OR was just surreal. i was like, no thoughts head empty, just taking everything in.
- once i got there the surgical team was very cool about keeping me calm tho. they were playing their like, pump-up music and one of the guys was like “hey fyi about halfway thru the surgery we will be turning the lights off and having a rave, just in the interest of full disclosure. promise not to leave any glowsticks in there tho” and i was like what no i would LOVE glowstick tiddies
- i had to kinda roll from my bed onto the operating table, which was significantly harder and smaller. that kinda made things feel real, so i got a little more anxious at that point.
- to help me calm down they had me breathe in some straightup oxygen thru a mask while they hooked my iv to the fluids and such, and the guy was like “WHOA you got some lungs on you dude” and i was like yeah thanks im recovering from hyperventilating
- then they let the anesthesia into the iv, letting me know the whole time what was happening, talking to me until i was just OUT, which was not a lot of conversation time because i was out in like 5 seconds or less. they didnt make me count down or anything, but i promise you it was nigh instantaneous.
- it really was instantaneous. i know everyone says that but it really is the truth, it feels like the whole thing takes seconds. like one moment youre laying there in the OR feeling the drugs Hit, and the next youre waking up in the little wake-up room feelin kinda groggy with a nurse talking to you, and youre still druggy so youre just rambling to her about how fucked your voice sounds right now and as soon as shes contented that youre basically lucid they start wheeling you to your room where youll ACTUALLY stay while you recover.
- your throat will Hurt afterwards, but even more than that, you will be producing So Much Mucus. my surgery took about 2 hours and during that time, all my muscles were paralyzed by the anesthesia, including my lungs, so i was on a breathing tube. my throat, understandably, hated this, and started producing Gallons Of Fucking Mucus to protect itself. it then continued to do this for the next two days or so. the nurses were encouraging me to breathe deep and cough Hard to combat this, and avoid getting pneumonia, so i did. but THAT hurt the tiddies. it was really a vicious cycle. but its necessary because god if i had to have pneumonia on top of all the other recovery shit?? god. 0/10 wouldnt recommend. so it might hurt but dont worry your tiddies wont bust open or anything.
- i spent basically the rest of the day still hooked up to all the machines i listed earlier, PLUS a thing that would beep at me if my heart rate went too high, which it did a lot because i have anxiety, but luckily the nurses didnt seem too concerned. it really kept my breathing on track though because if i didnt breathe deep enough my heart would shoot up super fast and it’d beep and god that was just annoying and im pretty sure that was The Point. you kinda have to get used to breathing again, and the beeping trained me.
- they gave me like a bunch of crackers and a huge mug of water to work on at my leisure. i actually had lunch pretty quick after waking up? i know a lot of people have nausea issues from anesthesia but i didnt experience any of that. i DID move like a fucking sloth while i was eating tho. the pain meds and general grogginess of recovery slowed my whole body down sooooo much. my mom was actually like “are you okay??? like neurologically??????” and i was, totally, i was just. on slo-mo.
- anyway i didnt have to get catheterized for this procedure thankfully but they DID make me measure my pee every time i went to the bathroom. like i had to pee in a little bucket attached to the toilet and the nurse had to come check it every time and i felt really weird about that. so idk just be prepared for that i guess lmao
- also idk if it was the pain meds or the anesthesia itself but post-op, i couldnt shit for like a week. the constipation is real so get u some fucking laxatives asap when you get home, this is not a joke lmao
- they also had me put on a belt every time i got up so the nurse could hold onto me in case i decided to fucking biff it. they got me up a couple times throughout the day/night to walk up and down the hallway outside and get my body used to being upright again
- oh speaking of i never got to lie down completely flat, they had my bed locked at like a 30 degree angle minimum to help with... something. im not quite sure what, but im not gonna question it
- when i got up the next morning they had a couple nurses come in and help me un-bandage so i could shower and finally look at what the tiddies looked like for the first time!! and it was exciting but i didnt cry like i expected lmao i think i was too drained and too distracted by the bleeding
- the bleeding wasnt too bad actually, just little beads kinda coming out of parts of the incisions between the stitches. but once i got in the shower obviously stuff started getting diluted in the water and it looked like a lot more than there actually was, so dont be alarmed by that! 
- SHOWERING: its a little complicated. youre not supposed to soak the incisions, and youre not supposed to apply direct water pressure or actually touch them at this point. so what i had to do was get a washcloth wet and soapy (with antibacterial soap, i think it was hand soap honestly. hand soap’s what ive been using at home so........) and then just kinda. squeeze it at your collarbone and let it drip down over everything kinda minimally. its kind of a process but it works fine. washing your hair and like, tbh literally everything else is gonna be hard. reaching over your head is hard and scary at this point. i will admit my hair care Suffered the first week. 
- then i got bandaged back up and they got me back into my own clothes and ready to go home! they also put a bra on me over the bandages in my new size. i was only there for about 24 hours total, since i didnt really have any complications. 
- on the ride home i had to make sure the cross-chest part of the seat belt was NOT touching me. if whoevers driving you hits a pothole, your soul WILL exit your body tits-first for a moment. im sorry if you live somewhere like here in nebraska where the roads are garbage but its not gonna be fun.
- i live at home with my mom and sister and if you live alone, id try to have a friend basically move in for the first week. you will need Help with things. basic things. you’ll mostly want to sleep because of the pain meds but those made me pretty dizzy so it was cool having my mom around in case i like. fell on the way to the bathroom and died or anything like that.
- changing bandages is really kind of a 2-person affair too, and youll have to do it at least once a day post-shower, so keep that in mind. 
- the bleeding is like, not that bad after that first day honestly. i never had to change the bandages more than just the once per day. 
- basically from here the procedure is just to take it easy, get up every few hours and walk around a little to keep the blood clots at bay, and enjoy yr new silhouette basically
- worst thing about recovery honestly? im a stomach/side sleeper, and i cant manage anything other than laying flat on my back with my arms at my sides right now, and thats just like.... idk i really cant sleep like that. its not comfy. ive had to set up kind of a pillow fort around me to keep me from rolling over in my sleep bc im afraid i might hurt myself accidentally like that, but idk how well-founded that fear is.
- i will say as someone who did have back problems before this, the difference is IMMEDIATE. i literally had better posture like Day 1. im still a little hunched over because the stitches create a bit of tension in your chest, but like literally it was instantaneous. god. once i got healed to a point that i could like, kinda relax and not be so fucking tense all the time? back pain has basically just been GONE. 
- other fun things to notice: i had some pretty significant stretch marks before, and now they are running in a completely different direction. i crossed my arms over my chest the other day and they actually touched my torso for the first time in like, well over a decade. if i close my eyes and try to grab my tiddy from muscle memory, i stop like a full 3 inches from where my tit actually starts now. the size i am now, just like, freeballing it? this is how i looked when i wore a binder before. if i wore a binder now i imagine id be completely flat, and honestly if i layer up at this point you cant really tell that i have anything more than the average chubby dude’s moobs, which as a kinda chubby person is totally fine. 
its a trip relearning what i look like and what im supposed to feel like but its just. such a fucking improvement over where i was. absolutely no regrets, regardless of how hard recovery has felt at times. anyway i hope this information is at least interesting and maybe helpful to anybody considering anything similar!!
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cdelphiki · 5 years
Hello! Could you do "I'm not leaving you here!" with Tim and Damian? Can't wait to see what all you do!
There was no time.  
Normally, Tim could form half a dozen plans, and then five more for every outcome of the first six whenever anything happened to them.  But this time—there wasn’t time.  
They had really gotten themselves into quite a pickle.
Damian had gotten them into said pickle.  
He was too brash sometimes.
Maybe if he stoped to think more often, Tim would have more time to think now.  
But instead, he found himself collapsed on the floor, trying his best to hold all his insides in where they belonged, while Damian subtly panicked by his side, similarly applying pressure to the massive gash in Tim’s abdomen.  
It’d been a lucky hit, honestly.  Tim had been distracted by trying to disarm the moron with the gun and wrongfully assumed Damian was handling the idiot with the knife.  He hadn’t been.  And that guy managed to slash out at Tim and get him, right in the side.  
At least Damian took him out immediately after.  What he’d been doing before Tim nearly lost more of his organs, he isn’t sure.  But at least he pulled through in the end…
Now, though.  Now they were royally screwed.  
They were in a room, deep inside the compound they’d infiltrated, essentially trapped.  There were two unconscious guys handcuffed to the radiator pipes, and about three hundred more outside.  
Looking for them.  
Tim could hear gunfire down the hall.  The periodic bang bang of a trained gunman, walking through rooms, and shooting at whatever he saw.  It was setting Tim on edge, because he knew they were looking for them. 
And Tim couldn’t walk.
He could do nothing to defend Robin.  To defend himself.  He’d just be a passive observer to Robin’s death.
“Robin,” he wheezed, causing Damian to look up from his wound, the whites of his lenses not revealing anything the boy was feeling, “Go.”  
There was nothing Tim could do.  He wouldn’t be able to follow Damian.  Wouldn’t be able to even make it out of this room, much less follow the complicated path they’d taken to get in this far.  And Damian most certainly couldn’t carry him.  Sure, he was strong, but Tim weighed more than him, and at this point he’d be pretty much dead weight.
“What?” he demanded, “and what, you’ll just cartwheel your way out behind me?  Don’t be ridiculous.”  
After pushing himself into a sitting position, Tim tried to shove Damian away from him, but all he succeeded in doing was groaning as his side protested at the movement.
“Drake,” Damian snapped, “do not be stupid.  You are in danger of bleeding out if we don’t staunch the blood.”  
“You,” Tim said, his breathing labored as he tried to get his body to obey him, tried to keep his strength in check, “need to leave.” 
Instead of respond, Damian pushed Tim back down into a laying position and started rifling through his pockets.  He pulled out an emergency suture kit, and Tim just reached out and grabbed his hand.  
The gunshots were getting closer, and each double tap filled Tim with more dread.  Because if they entered this room, there was absolutely nothing he could do.  He’d be helpless, just laying here.  As he calculated, he only had a few more minutes of consciousness before the blood loss got him, and then not much longer beyond of actual…. Aliveness.  And Damian would likely get himself shot trying to defend Tim, and he did not want his last minutes on this earth to be crying over the death of Robin.  
No thank you.
He’d much rather Robin leave and get away.  Go find help, maybe. It didn’t really matter what he did, as long as he had a chance.  
“No.  There isn’t time.  You have to get out of here.”  
Damian scowled and pushed Tim’s hand away from the wound, after he’d threaded the needle and stuck a flashlight in his own mouth, to point directly at the wound.  
Tim grimaced as the needle went into his skin, then clenched his teeth so hard he thought he might crack the crown in there when Damian pulled it through.  
“Damian,” he plead, between stitches, “Please.  You have to go.”
“No,” Damian snapped, pausing just long enough to hold the flashlight so he could talk, “I am not leaving you.  So shut up.” 
The gunfire paused for a moment, and Damian took it as an opportunity to get three more stitches in, each one making Tim suppress a groan.  Because, damn, Damian was not being gentle. 
“Sorry,” Damian mumbled, around the flashlight, “we’ll have to redo…”
“If you don’t get leave,” Tim whispered, just as the gunfire started up again, now more constant than before, “they’re gonna catch us.  The sutures won’t matter.”  
Scowling harder, Damian picked up the speed and put four more stitches in before finally cutting the thread.  He spat the flashlight off onto the ground and snapped, “Do you want to die?”
“I want you to not die,” Tim replied, echoing Damian’s tone.  
“Right,” he said, aggressively ripping open a clean pack of gauze before he placed it over the fresh stitches and started wrapping Tim’s entire abdomen, “Great.  I live, you die.  Just how everyone would want it, right?  Is that what you think?”
The next gunshot happened not even 30 feet away, outside the locked door they were hiding behind.  It made Damian jump, just slightly, before his scowl deepened. 
Tim closed his eyes and put a hand to his forehead. “You bought us time,” he mumbled, trying to think through the haze that had started to set in, “You can get away and go get help. Then come back for me.”  
“I’m not leaving you,” he whispered harshly.
“We don’t have much of a choice,” he shot back, succeeded this time at sitting himself up, Damian now done wrapping the wound.  It was still bleeding, ever so slightly, but it wasn’t a danger of bleeding out anytime soon.  
Kill him with infection? Sure. But that required he lived long enough for it to get infected. Either he’d be shot in about 64 seconds, or they’d escape and Alfred would fix it.  
He was kind of counting on the getting shot option.  
Damian looked around frantically and locked eyes on a pipe, laying on the ground among a pile of random repair pieces.  He grabbed it, then tip toed to the door, positioning himself just beside it, waiting for their hunter to bust in the door. 
“Damian,” Tim pleaded, whispering as loudly as he dared with someone just outside. 
“Shut up, Tim,” Damian whispered back.  
Just a second later, the door knob jiggled, and Tim sucked in a breath.  Damian gripped the pipe tighter and lifted it high, ready to bring it down on the head of whoever broke in.  
A gunshot went off, blasting the lock into a dozen tiny pieces, and then the door was kicked open, faster than a strike of lightning.  
Tim was unable to suppress the pained cry he made when he jumped, possibly tearing one of the already shitty stitches.  
At the same time, Damian swung the pipe and connected solidly with the helmet of their hunter, causing a crack to form right at the crown of it.  
“The fuck,” Jason cursed, snatching the pipe from a stunned Damian and throwing it across the room, away from both Tim and the unconscious thugs, “Watch where you’re swinging shit, brat.  You’re lucky I wear a helmet, unlike you dumbasses.”
“Hood,” Damian sighed, the relief in his voice so palpable, it made even Jason freeze.  
“Yeah, kid,” he said, awkwardly patting Damian on the head, “I’m here.”
“Was that you shooting?” Tim asked, pausing in the middle to take a breath.  His side was hurting about fifty times more, now.  With the definitely popped stitch.  
“Uh huh.”  Jason crossed the room in three long strides and knelt beside Tim.  Damian retrieved his pipe and took up position by the door, but considering how relaxed Jason was acting, Tim doubted there were anymore men outside to post threats to them.
He just hoped Jason hadn’t killed everyone in the building…
“Heard you two were infiltrating this place tonight.  You should have talked to me first, I’ve been watching this operation for months.  You were woefully unprepared.”
“Yeah,” Tim laughed, moving his hands so Jason could look at the quickly bleeding through bandages, “Figured that out.”  
“Seriously, you brats taking on an entire gang’s main operation?  By yourself?  Idiots.”  
“Tt,” Damian huffed, “We were fine until Red got himself stabbed.”
“It was your guy,” Tim protested, “Your guy stabbed me.”  
“And then he wanted me to abandon him to die,” Damian continued, completely ignoring Tim. 
Jason added another layer of gauze to the wrap, then pat Tim on the shoulder.  “I know teaming up with the demon is difficult,” he said, slipping one arm behind Tim’s back and the other under his knees, “but really, there are much better ways to be rid of him than dying. Trust me.  Been there.  Done that.  0/10 would not do again.”  
“Shut up,” Tim whined, trying his best not to cry a little as Jason jostled him.  He wrapped one arm around Jason’s neck and closed his eyes tight.  “I didn’t know you were the idiot shooting everyone.”  
“Yes,” Damian drawled, falling in step just before Jason as they began making their way out of the compound, “I was not aware you were in Gotham tonight.”  
“This idiot just saved your hide, you ungrateful little brats.  And I lied about going on a mission.  I wanted a break.  But nooooooo, you morons had to go on a suicide mission instead.”  
“Tt.  It was not-”
“Red is actively dying,” Jason interrupted, “So zip it.”  
Surprisingly, Damian did zip it.  And he kept it zipped, at least as long as Tim could remember.  Because he did eventually fall asleep, lulled there by the gentle swaying motion caused by Jason’s gait.  If Jay tried to wake him, it didn’t work, and in retrospect, Tim was glad for that.
Because the next thing he knew, he was waking up in the Batcave, his torso properly cleaned and sewn up, an IV in his hand, delivering what Tim was sure to be heavy antibiotics to stave off whatever infection the crappy field suturing probably caused.  
When he looked around, he was mildly surprised to find no Bruce sitting at his side.  Usually Bruce was all over these sorts of things.  His guilt complex awesome at making him be comforting after nearly dying.  
Honestly, there was nothing like a ‘I’m glad you didn’t die, Tim,’ hug from Bruce.  
But Bruce wasn’t there. Instead, Damian was sitting in the chair, his legs thrown up over the side as he watched something on his tablet, completely oblivious to the world.  
“Where’s Bruce?” Tim croaked, then paused to clear his throat, because wow.  He hadn’t used his voice in a while, had he?  “How long was I out?”
Damian looked at his watch and said, almost uninterested, “About 17 hours.  Pennyworth made Father go to bed a couple hours ago.”
Tim wanted to ask Damian why he was there, then, but he had the feeling doing so would just make Damian leave. And Tim didn’t really want to be alone.  He always hated being alone, trapped in the medbay in the cave.  It was dark and spooky down there, honestly.  When alone and unable to work on anything.  The screeching of the bats was just creepy.  Sometimes.  
So instead, he asked, “What are you watching?” as he sat his bed up some.  
“A documentary series I found on youtube.  It’s about royal families in Europe and how they’re all related.”  
“Uh,” Tim said, scrunching his eyebrows, “That’s interesting.”  
“Hardly,” Damian dismissed, waving a hand at Tim, as if asking him to stop talking.  
And maybe being alone down here wouldn’t be so bad, after all.  “What are you doing down here?” 
Annoyance flickered on Damian’s face before he clicked the tablet off and stood.  “If you ever,” he said darkly, taking the few steps to Tim’s bedside to point a finger at him, “ever ask me to leave you to die again, I’ll…” 
Damian paused, and narrowed his eyes.  Tim couldn’t help it, he had to ask, “You’ll what?  Kill me?”
“Tt,” Damian huffed, scowling now, “Obviously not.  That would be counterproductive.”
“Then what?”
“I’ll tell on you,” Damian decided, nodding to himself.  
“You’ll tell on me? What are we, five?” 
“Yes. I’ll tell Father and Grayson about your recklessness and—”
“I wasn’t being reckless,” Tim said, “Your guy stabbed me. Not! Reckless!”  
“Whatever,” Damian said, rolling his eyes, “Just don’t do it again.” 
Tim wanted to keep arguing. He wanted to tell Damian there was nothing he could threaten Tim with to make him value his own life above that of a literal child’s, especially when that child was kind of technically his little brother. But instead he could see the underlying anxiety forcing this entire encounter, so he couldn’t help himself saying, “Aww, you were worried about me.”  
And instead of snap back and deny it, as Tim was expecting, Damian just scowled harder and said, “Of course I was. You were trying make me let you die.”  
“Damian,” he sighed, rubbing at his face with his free hand. He was honestly so exhausted.  Which was weird, sleeping 17 hours and all. “I was just trying to save you.”  
“We’re family,” Damian said slowly, looking away from Tim as he did and crossing his arms, “I can’t….”
“Damian,” Tim interrupted, reaching out and latching onto Damian’s sleeve.
“Tim.  Don’t ask me to do that again.”  
All Tim could do was nod.  Because he was afraid if he tried to say anything, he might just cry.  Or say something stupid and ruin the entire moment.  
But Damian spoke up, holding his tablet up for Tim to see. “I have movies on this.”  
With a smile, Tim scooted over the best he could and let Damian climb up next to him. About an hour into The Incredibles, when Damian’s eyes keep drooping more and more with ever blink, and Tim was just about as close to falling back asleep, Tim whispered, “Sorry.”  
And when Damian just nodded and leaned his head against Tim’s shoulder to fully fall asleep, he took it as forgiveness.  
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braincoins · 5 years
Hiya Socks ~ Sorry I couldn't message sooner, but I hope the biopsy and scans go smoothly today (did go smoothly? what are timezones). Sending lots of love, hugs and virtual cookies your way ♡♡
Ducky, my Ducky! Not only am I grateful to you for your love, support, and prayers, but thank you for sending me this message so that I could springboard off of it into a recap of yesterday’s hospital adventures! :D
Is there anything you can’t do?! It’s amazing.
So, there were three items on yesterday’s agenda:
Liver biopsy: Went well. The actual procedure took 9 minutes, I was awake through the whole thing, albeit on some fun, head-swimmy drugs. Lots of ouchie afterwards though. I’m okay at this point: there’s a band-aid on my abdomen, and most of the time I forget that I just had a procedure. ...which is bad, because I do have post-procedure limitations (like, for example, no picking up whiny princesses who want attention because she is chonk). Gotta remember that. Anyway, liver biopsy went smooth like buttah. No problemo.
MRI: And here’s where our troubles began. We went down to MRI reception early because... well, we had nowhere else to be. They had to put another IV in. (We tried to keep the IV from the biopsy, but... oh well.) I got the new kid, clearly, because she was incapable of finding a vein. And I’ve been poked and poked and poked before, but what she did was poke and then go ahead and inject. Cue me feeling hot, flushed, and sick; I threw up a little bit (not that there was much in my stomach to throw up, since all I’d had to eat was crackers and apple juice in recovery), and had to go lay down with a cool washcloth on my forehead. I could go on and on about that particular person’s incompetence, but they got me someone else, she found a vein and got my IV in, and we were all good after that. The MRI took a bit longer than usual because I kept falling asleep in the machine, and I would twitch a little and you have to KEEP STILL, so they’d have to redo pictures.
PET scan: CANCELED because our insurance still hasn’t authorized it. Technically, I could have had the scan last night and if our insurance authorized it, it would apply retroactively. (Note that not all insurers do this; we’re fortunate enough that ours does.) HOWEVER, if I had the scan and the insurance decided not to authorize it? We’d be on the hook for $9,300. Let me repeat that: NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS. That was not a gamble we wanted to take. Sooooooo they’ll call and let me know if it gets authorized and we can reschedule it at that point.
After that, we headed home. We stopped to get some McD’s and gas up the car, but then it was home, feed the whiny princess who was upset at us for being gone all day, and then I went to bed and fell asleep. 
Like I mentioned above, I feel fine. Every now and then there’s a twinge or an ache or something from the biopsy site. And I have this huge band-aid on my hand from where Nurse Incompetent tried to start my IV, so it’s kind of a reminder that Yes, I Was At The Hospital Yesterday. 
But right now I’m hungry and looking forward to today’s Galavant (and Mitz’s stream tonight!) and everything’s good. We won’t have results until early next week, so more than that I cannot say. 
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xaeneron · 7 years
On Path of Fire
I haven’t done one of these in a while (or rather I wrote them and then forgot to post them lel), so maybe I’ll actually post this one for the new GW2 expansion after spending the week running around.
Overall, I found the expansion to be pretty solid; the maps are beautiful, the mounts are hilarious and well-implemented, the story was interesting and decently paced, and I’m still experimenting with the new elite specs.  Massive spoilers below the cut!
Questions on anything I wrote, thoughts of your own?  Feel free to boop me; I know I wrote a lot.  
But really, don’t say I didn’t warn you.  There are a LOT of bullet points beneath that cut.  xD
On the maps
Obligatory: they are huge.  It’s fitting since they were designed against HoT’s verticality and more geared towards the use of mounts, so it’s more of an observation, less of a complaint.  There’s a lot of detail and a lot of little things here and there, and it’s incredibly fun to see what you can get away with using mounts to get around the terrain.
That being said I do miss the verticality of HoT maps.  Maybe a combination of both pls? :3
I kind of wish there were more large obvious meta events, but I haven’t gotten to see all of the sort of meta events that go on in the PoF zones. I do think the large metas add replay value, but again a balance is a good thing.
We spur-of-the-moment yolo’ed the Ruptured Heart meta with 11 people.  It was actually pretty fun.  Also so many cannonades ;-;
Hearts feel like they take just a little bit too long.  Some of them are amusing, but when trekking through zones doing map comp (or redoing hearts to get collection items) they drag on a bit.  Guild chatter about hearts was fantastic though:
“These nobles are useless.  What should I do with the chamber pot, throw it off the side or throw it at one of them?”
“I’m throwing flowers at people and making them happy?”
“Matchmaker heart best heart.”
Bounties are hilariously fun?  Sometimes you get unfortunate bullshit combinations of modifiers (anti-stacking fleas + pls stack in the bubble to actually be able to hit the boss mob, I’m looking at you), but overall they’re quite fun.  We spent a good few hours trekking through all five zones murdering things and getting murdered.
These actually look super promising for replayability; our goal/challenge as a group has always been to optimize and work together, so it should be fun to go track down bounties and see what kind of dumb shenanigans we can get up to.
I actually find these really fun in small groups of 5-10.  Zergs sound...unfun.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The caffeinated skritt is...kind of annoying.  Mostly because it doesn’t operate like the treasure mushroom in HoT and you have to be on the class you want the collection item on, and the maps are so large someone could trigger a chest and no one would be the wiser.
A tip though for people wanting to complete multiple collections: you only need to loot the last bag it drops.  If you’re wandering around with friends and they’re nice enough to chill at the bag, you can reload with other characters and grab the bag again for another collection item (until it despawns).  I have no idea if this was intended, but I burned a few TP to friends on this for the lulz.
I had a lot of GW1 feels running through these maps, especially going down to the Desolation and Vabbi.  I appreciate that these places still exist but have changed with the years, and it’s nice to see what happened.  
Although Vabbi is one weird-ass place now.
BUUUUUUT Zomoros’ lair was hilarious.
I haven’t explored for the sake of exploring in a very long time and it was really, really nice.
On the elite specializations
I haven’t actually gotten to try all of them yet, but I’m also not super enthused about all of them (Spellbreaker, I’m looking at you).  Also a gentle reminder that my opinions are mainly based on my background as a PvE player and moreso as a raider.  Also they’re just initial opinions.  Opinions change.  
I started with thief (duh), and proceeded to do the entire story with Daredevil.  I’m not particularly a fan of Deadeye; I appreciate the archetype but I don’t really see rifle having a place with a game designed more around active response in combat.  Also as someone who still can’t shake the seaweed salad dance, rifle just feels really static and dull to me.  But we’ll see.  Maybe I’ll have to make the Predator hue. D/D Deadeye also felt strange, so idk.  But we’ll keep fiddling with it.
Mirage still feels kind of odd but I need to get poor Naois the spec since he’s actually specced for condi, unlike Eet.  It seems like an upgrade to condi mesmer, and the triple blink is hilarious.
I really hope Scourge ends up with some sort of place.  Initial benchmarks look hilarious (but then, so did Soulbeast/Weaver/Firebrand ones), but I took out Richter again for Scourge and I’m actually really happy to play him again.  It’s been so long ;-;
My brother told me, “do yourself a favor and put down a sand shade near some enemies, then press F4.”  I tried it.  I laughed pretty hard.
Weaver is so much button-pressing but it’s really fun?  I’m still getting the hang of it but I do like it a lot.  At least it’s more challenging than condi tempest. *grumbles eternally*
Soulbeast looks promising, although I hope it doesn’t lead to another “let’s use condi ranger/thief on absolutely everything” situation again.  The new pets are also...interesting.  
Although when it comes to ranger I’m a druid at heart, so we’ll see.  Not that I’m usually conscripted for DPS roles anyway
Firebrand looks silly.  And broken.  I’m all for alternative sources of quickness (and alacrity in the case of other specs), but I don’t really want to see raid meta go to 2x PS 2x druid 2x chrono 2x firebrand (or something like that) with only 2 flex spots.  That doesn’t sound fun at all.
Also I’m guessing Firebrand will be the first to get the nerfbat.  The damage numbers people are getting are bonkers.
And hey look, they got the nerfbat.  Down to 33-35k.  At least that’s better than 50k? Ugh.
Renegade feels pretty decent.  Revenant has always been in a weird “built around elite specs” class, and that hasn’t changed.  I’m not sure how I feel about condi rev being more of a thing and less of a meme, but ayyy
Holosmith seems like it would be a lot more relevant if the transform wasn’t currently borked.  Scaling damage to a level 76 fine weapon is...sad.  If it’s fixed power Holosmith could be something legit?  Maybe?  Overall though I like the theme and look of it.  Also lol lightsaber.
Spellbreaker I...idk.  Thematically I like it a lot; I was a big fan of mesmer and shut down mechanics in GW1 and I like the idea of Spellbreaker, but from a mostly PvE perspective, it’s just kind of...eh? WvW and PvP I see it being incredibly useful but with limited boons to nom in PvE it doesn’t really look particularly great (especially with condi berserker getting tuned through the roof).
On mounts
I keep dyeing them funny colors.  Yes Quill’s are all some shade of yellow.
I honestly think they were well done.  I was never a supporter of adding them to the game (not against, but not for them either), but now that they’re here, I’m pretty okay with them.  
I like that each mount is useful in some specific capacity - raptor for flat open stretches, springer for verticality, skimmer for no touchy floor, jackal for portals and evasion through high mob density areas, and griffon for the absolute lulz of flying.  
I keep getting the “mount doesn’t render so your character model is riding away sunk in the ground while your camera remains in place” bug (I think it’s attached to trying to mount up before things are completely loaded), and while it’s funny, it’s kind of frustrating.
Mount swapping is a bit awkward, although binding each mount to its own key helps a lot.
I appreciate that the starting mount (the raptor) is still relevant even when you pick up the other three (four), as it’s definitely the fastest mount on flat ground and it’s improved leap is hilariously long.
Also it’s a giant scaly puppy so I have no problems with this.
The springer is hilarious.  And super terrain-breaking.  High cliff?  No problem, bunny hop.  Core and HoT map comp probably just got much, much simpler.  Also JPs that don’t have mount restrictions.
The skimmer is adorable, and riding it around is strangely...calming?  idk.  Also as one of my guildies put it: “maybe this is Anet’s answer to underwater combat: glide right over it.”  rip.
Of the four core mounts I think the jackal (blink doge) is my favorite.  It has a gorgeous design and the blink/portals are super cool.  Although the blink can get a bit titchy if you’re trigger happy with the jump button.
Of course I have the griffon.
I think it handles a little strangely (esp when you can’t dismount quickly, although you can divebomb), but it’s pretty solid.  And adorable.
250g was entirely worth it.
Also that Tahlkora cameo hit me right in the feels.
On the story
I’d get here eventually!  Eventually...;-;
All salad-shaped biases aside, the male sylvari VO is still my favorite and no one can convince me otherwise.  There was a good amount of sass, seriousness, and everything inbetween.  Ive is one to take everything with a “hahahaha you’re kidding what am I doing here help,” so overall the voice acting and dialogue fit him fairly well.
I’m a little disappointed by the lack of race-specific dialogue.  Humans don’t seem to have any special dialogue with or concerning Balthazar, and everyone else doesn’t really have a chance to comment as an outsider.  I know it’s more work and I still enjoyed the story as is, but it would have been a nice touch.
Like Ive would literally not give a shit about half of the things brought up.  Not because he doesn’t care about others, but because he has no clue what anyone is talking about.
This was particularly funny with Joko in the Domain of the Lost, because his whole tirade about the PC not knowing who he is could quickly be shut down with “I’m a salad, I have no idea who the fuck you are.”
The “decisions” were interesting, although unsurprisingly they had very little impact on the game as a whole (maybe in the future?  Doubt it).  I did appreciate that depending on the order the “decide on Amnoon’s independence” steps are done in, the dialogue changes.
I admit that I’ve gotten a little less partial to Taimi as she’s edged closer to Deus Ex Machina territory, but her dialogue and conversations (both with the PC and with others like Phlunt later on) are quite funny.
I wish there were more Vlast/Gleam before he died.  It’s sad that he showed up and just...died, but I can understand why they chose that path as well.  
Although some of that was my own fault; the chapter with the Exalted and Vlast’s upbringing I got supremely distracted by the jumping puzzle and spinning around on my new skimmer.
Still.  More Vlast!
RYTLOCK.  RYTLOCK WHY.  Nice job breaking it hero.  Surely you would know better than to accept help in the Mists from a random shackled man who CONVENIENTLY knows how to relight your magic sword.  Sigh.
I thought a lot about the Herald of Balthazar after finding the notes in Night of Fires.  I went back to it after talking to my brother and came to a very similar conclusion as a theorizer on the GW2 subreddit.  If that theory is true, that makes me very sad.
Pls say it’s true I like gut-punch feels.
Speaking of gut-punch feels, The Departing was amazing.  It was super disorienting not having access to the inventory or the minimap, but it was a very well-done instance and I enjoyed it immensely.  I appreciated that they stuck to the “you lost your name and purpose” thing to the point of replacing your character name (including in the hero panel) with Lost Spirit.
Balthazar murdering the PC was pretty neat. 
Also Aurene showing up exactly on time was both cliche and NO BALTHAZAR BAD STAY AWAY FROM BABY DRAGON. 
This, like a few other story missions later on, is super awkward to do as a group.  It’s supposed to be rather personal, and so the not-instance owners are reduced to buffing wisps (like later on in the thrall party instance, not-instance owners are just awakened thralls), and idk I was lucky I was instance owner but that seems rather :|
Ive had a lot of feels hearing everyone’s voices again.  Also the feels of him not exactly remembering everything and having to follow his purpose through his own memories and not quite remembering everything.  Including Trahearne.  
Also tfw the story mission is essentially Full Circle (as a sub-section of Closure) with a bit of bonus Balthazar.
Joko is being very obviously set up as a “you left me in a cage I swear vengeance rahhhhhh” villain.  Or Anet is going to pull a fast one and he will never show up again, which would be hilarious.
Bonus feels for everyone else surviving and Ive being the only one dead (think Eet).
Backtracking slightly, I’ve never liked Kormir.  I still don’t like Kormir.  And the human gods are miserably terrible people.  At this point there’s not much questioning as to whether or not they exist, but with the extent of their influence, their decision to just kind of peace is...rather appropriately god-like, for better or for worse.
Seriously though, gods pls.  I can see some of the logic of “world will be destroyed anyway if god attempts to fight god,” but surely there are other things that need be maintained.  
Also I like how Kormir notes that Balthazar had been stripped of his powers, and yet he still curbstomps the PC (unless it was entirely the imprisonment in the Mists that just locked his powers away, but Kormir’s dialogue suggests otherwise).
I would kill for a library like that.  Seriously.  So jelly.
The “let’s disguise ourselves as the Archon and go and convince Palawa Joko’s army to fight for us” part was so incredibly stupid that of course it worked.  We spent the entire time laughing at how incredulous it was.
The battle at Kodash Bazaar was actually kind of awesome?  There was stuff everywhere and my only inclination for the first part of the instance was “go hit things.”  
It was incredibly weird to just have Sohothin for the entire instance.  Yes I’m aware I could have dropped it.  But it was hilarious in a Caladbolg sort of way.  With less idiotic knockback, and more 300s cooldown skills.  
AURENE.  Balthazar stop hurting my dragon >:(
Also because he just yolo killed her other brother before she had a chance to meet him in person?  rip.
Although now that I think about it, how would that meeting even go?  Talking to the Exalted indicates that Vlast was isolated and not well-acclimated to the world around him, so by the time they realized he should be interacting with other races it was too late for him to form any empathy for anyone.  His dialogue seems to imply that his motivation was simply the fulfillment of a goal; he seemed far more interested in fulfilling his legacy as Glint’s son than the reason why she needed him and Aurene to do anything in particular.  He doesn’t really have a reason for what he’s doing, he just does.
Aurene is implied to have an empathic link with Vlast similar to her connection to the PC, but idk, it just seems like any actual meeting between the two of them would just be incredibly awkward.
I very much enjoyed both the penultimate and ultimate fight against Balthazar.  Also because if you turned around, you could see Kralkatorrik’s massive face just chilling in the sky because oh shit angry elder dragon.  It was...quite something.
I understand the PC’s current caution about killing elder dragons because of magic imbalance, and I also understand the need to stop Balthazar from being a total moron.  I also understand that there’s not much you can do to stop a mad god besides killing him (since those with the means to imprison him decided to float on).  But uh.  I’m not sure what anyone expected would happen if you kill the god who absorbed two dragons’ worth of magic with another dragon just chilling nearby.  Surely Kralkatorrik absorbing everything and flying off into the sunset while extending the Brand wasn’t a surprise.  
Seriously though what did you think was going to happen.
Baby dragon absorb magik and is not quite so baby anymore.  Aurene come back I miss you already ;-;
I commend you if you actually read all of that.  xD
Overall, a solid expansion with quite a bit of content.  We’ll see how replayable it ends up being as time goes on, but I am still quite amused by it and have plenty to do as it stands.  The story was fairly solid (although sometimes strange with questionable logic, as always), and I’m looking forward to where they take it with LWS4.  
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freddieos-mum · 7 years
When it rains...
My last entry I posted whilst on the drive back from Coventry. I had attempted to post it over the weekend but was too tired and not thinking straight. Sadly our situation had already started changing.
Once we were back at the hotel we tried to give Freddie a feed but 34ml in he was sick so we stopped it immediately. James and I had a decision to make; either get him back to Coventry Hospital or get him home so he's nearer his team. Rightly or wrong we opted for the latter. We kept his tummy empty to make the 2 hour journey. I knew he'd sleep for part/all of it as he'd been so lethargic- and he did.
I called CAU and we drove straight to the hospital to get the correct sets (to use with his pump) and dioralyte so we could give him dome whilst he slept. James did a fab job of staying up whilst the pump was on and he was getting fluid.
Monday morning he seemed okay. He'd slept well and had a morning dioralyte almost to the volume his feeds usually are but over a slower time. He then slept. During the day I was liaising with his medical team, updating them and seeking guidance on what his regime should be in terms of dioralyte, then weaning back on feeds. It seemed what we were already doing was correct. When it came to his lunch time fluids he managed to spit out a mouthful of dioralyte, then towards the end started gagging. We thought he would be sick but wasn't.
After a brief call with CAU we decided to take him in. I'm so relieved we did. After giving him pain relief and anti-sickness medication they took a blood gas. This show he was dehydrated so we spent the next two hours giving him small amounts of dioralyte ever five minutes (to see if he could keep it down & hydrate him). The repeat bloods were run afterwards and it should he had dehydrated further, not regained anything. He was then admitted to continue the process over night then redo his blood work in the morning.
Morning came and I had noticed he was doing - what James and I call - his 'sleep breathing' (shorter, shallower breaths than usual) but I didn't say anything, just figured he was tired. The next time his blood gas was done it showed he had dehydrated even further still so the decision was made to fight a cannula so IV fluids could be given. The ward Sister asked me if he was breathing differently, I said yes, she confirmed they could tell by his blood results.
I've not been feeling well myself today. I think a mixture of exhaustion and perhaps fighting off Freddie's nasties too. I had to helplessly watch him scream whilst there were three attempts to fit a cannula as I felt too weak to be the one holding him. He screamed to the point he gave up. He was so tired and he couldn't do it anymore. I did shed a tear feeling so helpless. I felt so dreadful the nurses made me a bed so I could get some sleep. Apparently, James and the nurses couldn't agree whether I look white or green but they all thought I looked dreadful regardless. James and Freddie cuddled up and slept too.
Yet again my little boy has reminded me how hard his body finds it to cope with germs or bacteria the rest of us can get rid of in 24 hours. It's so hard on him. When he's happy I can cope, when he appears to be a shadow of himself I really struggle because life seems unfair. I thought the summer had been hard on him, all of us I suppose, but now I'm scared about what the winter has in store. I can understand how these children give in, I can understand how the relentless fighting for a decent quality of life gets too much for them. It's cruel and it's gruelling. No parent should have to witness the thing we have, I already feel like this and I know, sadly, our darkest days are still yet to come...
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Do all the odd numbers! :)
1. First things first, did you have a good year?
Overall, yes.
3. Do you feel your age?
Oh hell no in less than 2 months I will no longer be a teenager and I don’t feel like that should be real or true
5. Post your favorite selfie.
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7. Which fashion trends did you love?
Tbh I’m not up in hip fashion trends but I really like shawls? I got into pretty and light shawls this year.
9. What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
Probably my blue shawl!!!
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11. What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then?
Pray for the Wicked by Panic! at the Disco and Ye by Kanye West are the two I haven’t stopped listening to. Also Reputation by Taylor Swift. Those three.
13. Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year?
I got so into John Mulaney this year this was a big year for him.
15. Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears?
Ive watched so much Bojack Horseman and Brooklyn 99 and gotten into those fandoms some, I absolutely love peraltiago from b99.
17. Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
This year I decided to start being more open with my parents and unapologetic for things I don’t need to be sorry for, so I’m hoping that’s a permanent change.
19. What was one nice thing you did for yourself?
I started treating myself kinder this year and it’s been very good for me, I’ve been so much happier.
21. Did you vote?
I did, via absentee ballot!
23. Did you get a job?
I did and I was super lucky to get it at a place that treats its employees really well.
25. Do you regret not doing anything?
Honestly, no. Thinking back, I’ve been the most bold version of myself this year and I’m super thankful for that and proud of it.
27. Have you done anything that scared you?
Oh hell yes. The build up to the relationship I’m in right now was super scary and involved me putting myself out there so many times. Also telling my friend that I’m dating her ex was terrifying because of how she reacted.
29. Did you lose anyone close to you?
I lost a lot of people, mostly because they were unhappy with me dating my friend’s ex. It’s been super hard, I feel like half the people I know at school and at home have stopped acknowledging my existence.
31. Did you fall out of love?
I definitely did. But then fell in love with someone new.
33. Did you go through a breakup?
Yes, see above.
35. Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?
A lot of people have an increased level of importance, but I met one of my best friends in February and it feels like we’ve known each other forever and it hasn’t even been a year yet. Love her to pieces.
37. If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it?
My initial response is yes but the thing I would redo had some important benefits so I don’t know (see below).
39. What was the worst?
My parents found out I smoke over the summer and as a result took away all my electronics and would only let me use the car to go to and from work and I had to call them from the work phone before I left and when I arrived. It was like living in a prison, I had near no contact with my friends except for a few numbers I was able to write down. My now-boyfriend was incredible though and called me on our house phone every night he could so I wouldn’t feel alone, and he would play music on his laptop over the phone so I could have music because all my music was taken away.
41. Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did?
My realup was a huge thing. I didn’t realize how much he had held me back, and when he broke up with me in February I was sure it wouldn’t change much but I’ve grown so much because he wasn’t there and I’m so thankful.
43. What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior?
I’ve learned a lot about how my upbringing has built my anxieties and fears which has been very difficult at times.
45. Did your opinion of anyone change for worse?
Oh yes, I had some people really close to me show me that they don’t want to put in the effort to understand things I go through.
47. If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year?
I don’t really make resolutions, but my goal is to continue my upward climb that I’ve started this year!
49. What do you wish for others for the coming year?
I wish every one of my followers a wonderful new year full of personal growth and happiness.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!! Feel free to send more numbers!
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