techutones · 4 hours
I NEED to redraw this
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techutones · 4 hours
Getting asked if I'm straight is so offensive like what'd I do?? Is it my boring clothes??? TELL ME WHAT I DID
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techutones · 4 hours
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Lil me was on sumn istg
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techutones · 1 day
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My phone isn't doing very well
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techutones · 1 day
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Istg everytime.
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techutones · 1 day
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Me checking up on my pookie bcuz she has the worst taste in men
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techutones · 1 day
Having to scroll through my ibis paint x brushes for 30 minutes because I refuse to get premium just to move my most used brushes to the top
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techutones · 1 day
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om nom nom
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techutones · 1 day
Nothing is more homosexual than being stabbed
Hannibal Yapping Session:
It was so clear in Mizumono how disappointed Hannibal was at Will's betrayal, and even seeing Will's own regret later in that episode when he recognizes how hurt Hannibal actually was. I feel like Will didn't fully believe Hannibal's "love"(I'm putting love in quotations because let's be real they have something more complicated then a romantic inclination with each other) until he was stabbed and the events leading up to that moment.
Maybe it's me just wanting to believe in my own AU, but I feel like Hannibal was so ready to open his heart to a family like Abagail and Will. Given it wouldn't be a family in the classical sense nor would they have lots of normalcy; but I don't believe Hannibal always yapping about how he and Will now have a child together when referring to Abagail in season 1 was all for nothing. I do believe it originally started as a manipulation tactic to grow closer to Will but I like to think at some point he did actually find himself seriously wanting parent Abagail along side Will.
Mizumono always pulls my heart strings sooo much because the way it all culminates is so just AGGGGHHH. Like just look at Will's face when Hannibal tells him "we couldn't leave without you"
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THIS IS THE FACE OF A MAN WHO WAS READY TO DROP EVERYTHING AND GO. LIKE CMONNNNNN bro was 10000% expecting a kiss and then a family trip to Italy before Hannibal's own "anger" towards Will took over and fucking stabbed him. But ykw! In his own way I feel the stabbing was just as intimate as a kiss would've been, and I feel Hannibal intended it to be so. Like it's his last kiss goodbye to Will before he departs, no matter how hurt and betrayed Hannibal may feel he still loves him too much to actually go through with killing him(as proven multiple fucking times).
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techutones · 1 day
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techutones · 1 day
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The answer is yes.
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techutones · 1 day
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techutones · 2 days
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I just know that Alastor would buy this and place it in random spots so that when anyone in the hotel walked by, would IMMEDIATELY run away screaming
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techutones · 2 days
*I go up to the counter to finally get my hair dyed*
Me: Hey! I think I finally found the color I want, does this work? *shows him the pink I want*
Him: that's cool but...this is hobby lobby...we can't dye your hair
Me: well I guess I have to do it myself *leaves with a baby pink paint bucket*
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techutones · 2 days
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techutones · 2 days
Hi, I am doing an art project focused on LGBTQ+. I really like your blog an I think you could contribute really well! It's really easy, just a positive message to all the people in our community!
Basically, what I need is a short positive message regarding LGBTQ+, plus additionaly what you identify as (or what part of your LGBTQ+ identity you wrote it about)
Together with messages from other people, it will be made into an art piece / pride flag!
I would really appreciate your support but of course if you don't feel comfortable sharing anything it's fine! I just wanted to get the idea over to more people than my posts would get to.
Wait hol up this is actually dope, heck yeah
I honestly have no clue what my gender is. It's very confusing. Some days, I feel very BOY RAHH BOY !!! Other times I'm just existing, (this makes no sense) so no clue on that front, I am asexual, I also have no clue what my sexuality is (wow, I couldn't be any less helpful) I honestly don't care what my sexuality is,, I'm just vibing,, a lot like my gender, it comes and goes. (Re-reading this, it'll make sense to no one but me, slay.)
Now, my awesome message.
Throughout my years, nothing has meant more than the lgbtq+ community. You can hate it, you can love it, you can hide your hate for it by saying "Well I don't support it because the people are annoying" but one thing is for sure, IT'S HERE AND IT WANTS BLOOD!! Is what the bigots will tell you. It's actually so much more. It also wants your children.
Aaannddd end message.
If you couldn't tell the last bit about wanting your children is a joke ,, I swear it's a joke ,, we don't want your nasty, booger covered children. <3
God this was horrible I'm so sorry
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techutones · 3 days
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I need Alastor nuzzling Lucifer's face like a cat, please.... 🥺👉👈
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