thelikesoffinn · 2 days
Sometimes I wonder why we even have the Internet if all it leads to is me having to watch videos of people asking if they're the only one who didn't know that you can actually just pick fruits from a tree in your garden and eat them before moving on to mention that Spain is the capital of Italy.
Like. What even is this.
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thelikesoffinn · 3 days
wondering what zombie!au Steve might try to do for a sappy romantic surprise.. I feel like he’d get really excited about planning something intimate/small but really meaningful and tooth-rotting sweet.. maybe it’s for a birthday? or just for a spot of cheer?
Before the apocalypse, Steve was desperate to be loved. None of his girlfriends ever seemed that interested in more than sex or popularity, and if they were, they’d realise they wanted more than Steve soon after. He spent years wishing somebody would look at him and find exactly what they wanted. 
And you do. 
You look at him like he’s your everything (when you aren’t complaining, that is). “I’m gonna have to shave you myself,” you say, climbing into his lap, your hand tipping his head back less gently than you mean to, he’s sure. “That’s a wound.” 
“It’s a scratch. It’ll be fine tomorrow.” 
He grabs your waist, surprised but certainly not unhappy with your sudden presence. You’re straddling him. “Does it hurt?” You rub the area surrounding his raw skin. “Does that hurt?” 
“Not really.” He runs his hands up and down your sides. “What’s up?” 
You shrug. He leans back against the headboard as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. “We finally have a bed again.” 
He pulls you in for a hug. “Yeah?” 
“It’s so nice. I missed this.” 
“I missed this too. Clean sheets, a door that locks…” 
You understand what he’s hinting at. He isn’t subtle, but he’s also in no rush, and you know that too. “Maybe you can give me a massage later,” you murmur. “We still have some of that nice lotion.” 
He loves that, the thought of you on your front as his hands push up your shoulders, your skin and his palms warmed by friction. “What about me?” he jokes, hands sliding up your back, tracing the path he’ll make later on. 
“You can have one too,” you say, your face dropping down to his neck, where you kiss him mildly, like you’re thinking of something else. 
Steve wants to give the gift to you before he forgets it. You can be a very distracting person, not just because he’d like to encourage your lips to his for a good kiss, or because you’re the perfect partner for hugging under the covers. Maybe it’s because he loves talking to you, about everything and anything at all.
“Hey, so.” He encourages your head back, his hand on the nape of your neck. “I have something for you.” 
“Do I have to get off of you?” you ask. 
“No, you can stay there.” He reaches into his pocket. 
“Wait, you’re smiling. Are you that excited to give it to me?” 
“Pretty excited.” 
You caress the inside of his elbow. 
It’s probably why you’re so easy to love. Not that you love him, but your propensity for sweetness, and the way you show your own affection. If he didn’t need both hands for this next part he’d twine your fingers together and hold yours all night long. 
He pulls a small plastic bag from his pocket to show you the contents, then changes his mind and opens the bag to take it out instead. “I know you were pretty happy that I found your necklace in my jacket, but I got it for you such a long time ago, I’m not saying you shouldn’t keep it. You should keep it.” 
“I don’t think I could get rid of it,” you say, honest and curious. “You gave it to me to make me feel better. Do you remember?” 
“Yeah, I remember. You had a frown like no one’s business for days.” He finds the charm and lays it over his hand. The chain is slightly tangled, but he can fix that. “There wasn’t a box, but. I don’t know, it reminded me of us, and you need an upgrade, I think I should ask you to get married–”
You smile in surprise, “What?” 
“But I can’t find a ring. So I have to promise to get you one, and you can have this for the interim.” It’s an incredible skinny chain joined by two hearts. Steve knows it’s cheesy, it’s insanely corny, whatever, he’s smiling like a loon. “I figure it’s me and you,” he says, putting it in your open palm. “Linked together.” 
Your gaze moves between him and the necklace slowly. “You want to marry me?” 
Steve curls your hand closed over the necklace. Gentle, he takes your face into both hands. “I get that I haven’t been the best boyfriend, but you can’t really think I don’t want that, right?” 
He’s really asking, but you don’t answer.
“I would’ve married you a long, long time ago, if things were different,” he says, pulling you in for a quick kiss. “I would’ve asked,” he corrects softly, before stealing another kiss. 
You press your screwed up fist to his chest as you kiss him back. 
“Who says we have to have rings?” you mumble. 
The idea of calling you his wife is insanity. It trips him up, flips his heart, but he thinks you deserve the real thing. As real as it can get, considering. 
“I’m gonna keep looking,” Steve says. 
The way your eyes soften as he rubs your cheek sets everything he’s saying to you in stone. Who else could he ever want to be looking at him like this beside you? How lucky he is that you’d bother. 
“Thank you,” you say. 
Your face tilts down and he drops one hand, moving the other to just under your jaw, his pinky and marriage finger sewn behind your ear, middle and index on your cheek. He watches you and you turn your gift in your palm, waiting for you to lift your head.
“Thank you,” you say again. “Will you put it on me?” 
Steve strings it around your neck and clasps it at your chest before twisting it to sit properly. The new necklace is a bit shorter than your simple diamond. You could wear both without issue. 
You look down at them but can’t quite see them. “Does it look good?” 
“Yeah. Looks beautiful.” 
He wraps his arms around you again and looks up in to your face, chests coming together as he straightens his back and the gap between you closes just enough. You look down at him, your smile a mirror of his. Steve thinks being as in love with you as he is makes for its own kind of gift. Much better than a necklace, but he’ll keep trying to bridge the gap. 
He forgets everything else when you’re together. Everything. 
His face falls into your chest and collar against your necklaces. You press your face to his hair and cuddle him nicely. 
“Love you,” you both whisper at the same time. 
Your laugh tickles his scalp, warm breath in his hair. 
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thelikesoffinn · 3 days
I mean. I guess I could survive in Faerûn for a while? But may I request to be dropped in or around Rivington? I think I'd have the best chance of surviving there. I don't think I'd make it in Reithwin or by the Grove.
Well, maybe Reithwin, if I was dropped there after the events of Act 3...then I could go and hang with Halsin. I'm good with kids, so that should be okay... I'd join the spawns - I'm anaemic, so there's nothing to gain from biting me - but I think the Underdark would fire up my depression real quick without that juicy vitamin d. But then again...I'd like to meet the Myconids.
Ah, who knows. All in all, I think I'd survive, and maybe all that time away from my own life and technology could he good for me.
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thelikesoffinn · 3 days
I just saw a video where some dude said that people who like Astarion the best want to be with someone who hates everything but them because they want to be someone's first choice for once and, like...I really wish I could disagree but yeah.
Yeah, it's exactly that.
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thelikesoffinn · 4 days
I love how some hardcore devout people will literally just casually drop lines like: "Jesus is one of my favourite things." and expect you to just...run with it.
But what am I supposed to say to that?
"Good for you, I personally prefer bagels but to each their own." ?
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thelikesoffinn · 4 days
I've spent enough time on here now to actually adopt the common tumblr lingo into my day to day vocabulary.
I'm not sure if that's a good thing, I'm almost thirty for fucks sake, but it's definitely a thing.
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thelikesoffinn · 4 days
Hi friend! I have an question because of your DID post. I read a lot of stuff about DID end I watches something on Youtube to learn more about DID and now I'm agreeing that Astorian really don't have DID. But now after learning I'm thinking that maybe Durge could? What do you say?
Both spoilers and talks of DID symptoms ahead!
Oooooh, hiya babes!
I love that you went and looked up some stuff after reading my post so that you could come to your own conclusion. That's exactly what I want to achieve! I want to encourage people to learn more about the things I mention instead of taking them at face value, so I'm happy to hear that it works for some of you!
Also: Bad anon! Very bad! *posh people "nonono" finger shake* Please do not drag Durge into the DID community. They already have many a homicidal bastard in their rep ranks, and they do not need one more.
(Tone: Humorous but also really, please don't! For those who haven't yet: You can read a rough why here!)
But, as always, let's treat this as the discussion you meant it to be and chat about it!
With Durge - as opposed to that wildy idiotic Astarion tiktok theory we've talked about before - I can actually kind of see why you reached this conclusion.
Now, that doesn't mean I agree with the take that Durge has DID, but alas, I do see where you're coming from.
Durge actually does show some symptoms that we do commonly associate with DID as opposed to Astarion, who doesn't really show any.
There's the ever-present mood swings we see - some of them left to the players' choice - which are a common symptom many DID systems deal with. (As do patients with all sorts of other disorders, but let's stay on topic for the sake of brevity.)
One example of that would be barking at Isobel like a rabid dog and then immediately changing your tune and apologising straight after.
Disordered sleep is another symptom that is rather common in DID and also something we find in Durge. I don't think there's much to be said, we can see how restless their sleep is every long rest and, later on, Astarion even mentions that he hasn't seen them "sleep through the night once in the past days".
Lastly, and probably the most "glaring" symptoms we could potentially find are fainting spells and, mostly connected to those, fugue.
The fugue is most obvious after Durge first slaughters Alfira, seeing as they wake up bloodied and next to a corpse and don't even remember how it got there or what happened to it.
The fainting spells are shown a little later in Act 2, after we fail to kill Isobel and Sceleritas, the little chum!, tasks Durge to kill whoever they love the most. Durge barely manages to wake their beloved and inform them of what is happening before fainting and turning into that rabid beast we see throughout the night.
Oh, and one thing that is definitely there, but I'd still like to kind of push aside is Durge's headaches. I know they mention it A LOT - "I have such a headache." 'nough said. - and that it is a common somatic symptom in DID, but we have to keep in mind that Orin pretty much scrambled Durges' brain AND that they have a tadpole worming around in there.
Both of those are likely to cause headaches, so I'm hesitant to count them.
So now, with all of these symptoms that can serve as potential indicators, would I say that Durge has DID?
I do think that you could easily headcannon that into your own character design if you were so inclined, since there's some bases that are covered.
I won't stand in anyone's way in that regard! It is your game and your creativity, but I don't believe that Durge has DID for multiple reasons.
Firstly, the symptoms are just too lax. They're really spread out, they shift like the tide, they're often untriggered, and they really only revolve around murder and mayhem. Nothing else.
While we have what we could generally mistake for a shift of conscience, it's less an actual shift and more Durge being overcome by their murderous urges. That is a really, really big difference.
Durge has these Urges all the time - often displayed as some sort of intrusive thought. It's just that in the few moments we see, they win.
It's like rice or kitty litter. You walk past those giant bags at the shops on a day to day basis and something in you just WANTS to slap that bag. Just a good smack. You can see yourself do it and that little voice is there every time you see those bags.
You resist most days, but on a random Tuesday, you give in and slap that bag.
With Durge, it's similar. Only instead of slapping a bag of rice, they kick a squirrel against a tree. That's not a shift in conscience. That's simply an Urge winning.
Plainly stated: There's no evil Alter that comes to and randomly goes off to kill innocent Bards and Clerics. It is still all Durge, and, for the most part, Durge can remember what they did.
I say, for the most part, because the Alfira incident seems to be the exception to that. We have no other incident where Durge can't remember what they did. It is only with Alfira, as far as I'm aware. (I suspect this is done for suspense rather than because Durge is plural.)
So there's apparently no amnesic walls between the mad dog and normal Durge and amnesic walls are pretty much why DID even exists since without those, there can be no Alter.
As I said in my other post, DID is the result of intense early childhood trauma. Amnesic walls are the protective measure the brain takes to keep the child alive.
It serves to separate the child from their trauma by basically shoving that trauma into one specific part of the brain and locking it away, which then creates an Alter since the child has yet to develop a set personality.
So the missing of those amnesic walls is pretty much the biggest indicator that there is no DID here.
Then there's the fact that Durge is immediately cured of everything once they are disowned by Bhaal, and that is, unsurprisingly, not how DID works. The creation of Alters becomes a third addition to the natural fight or flight. From then on out, it's fight, flight, or dissociate, which is why people with DID can develop further Alters later in life.
And lastly, my absolute favourite hill: Narratively, it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. DID is a very specific disorder that holds a lot of storytelling potential, tragic as it is. In fact, the tragedy behind that disorder is where the potential often comes from - that and its rarity - since tragedy has always inspired creative minds all throughout history.
No one would go through the trouble of implementing that and then just discard it and never mention it.
So, to sum it up, I would say what Durge suffers from is called "Bhaal" and not DID! But once again, I do see how one could come to that conclusion, so there's no shame there.
(Also, I do hope everyone can now see why I said Astarion really doesn't show any signs of DID. Really none. If Durge doesn't have it, he doesn't either. Stop that tiktok nonsense, please.)
Anyway, babes! You have a lovely day now, and feel free to hit me up whenever you want to chat! Even if you have a different opinion or take on this, I'd be happy to hear all about it!
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
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I want Nyv to learn to turn into a black cat and just chill on Astarion's lap
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
600+ hours of gameplay and I still find new Astarion lines I've never even heard mentioned before.
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
Every time I see Gale shirtless, my mind immediately goes: Ah yes. The shredded cheese abs. It's in the name, that's why he looks like that. It's all...all the shredded cheese.
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
Can someone explain to me why Hogwarts Legacy has such wild specs? Like, what is this. Why is this. I have a brand new pc that runs bg3 on ultra without any fuss but when I run a benchmark check on Hogwarts Legacy it demands to be played on low and nothing but low.
As always, it demands potato graphics, and I really don't get why tf it would.
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
My new Tavs, they're pretty, have a wee peek.
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thelikesoffinn · 5 days
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thelikesoffinn · 7 days
Several times I had my non-gaming friends be something like: woah, I wouldn't even know what to do in this game, it's so much. Don't you need a guide for it? Like, to get around and stuff?
No babes. You know what I need guides for? Coral Island and Stardew Valley, because this bitch can never remember when which fish is catchable where.
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thelikesoffinn · 7 days
omg omg omg pls tell me you've read the new chapters of tcf T.T nobody I know reads that one, you're my last hope T.T
Babes, you saying something like that makes me want to go and read them, but alas - I haven't so far! I haven't read any new chapters in a rather long time, I'm afraid.
The last thing I consciously remember reading was that...chapter in the wuxia world where they walked into that tavern and someone threw chopsticks and Raon "secretly" caught them mid-air which, in turn, led everyone to believe that Cale is some OP martial artist even though his biggest martial talent is breathing.
You know. I really really loved Volume one, and I enjoyed it massively, but - at least up until that chopstick-chapter - I haven't been as fond of volume 2. I know the writer wants to finish it quickly, so is why the story is a bit more concise which is absolutely fine BUT. But.
I feel like they've cut out so much of what makes trash of the counts family trash of the counts family.
There's little banter between Cale and his friends, they basically run from one thing to the next, and Cale - once again - explains nothing to anyone despite already starting to change that habit while they were in the fucking war.
Seriously, while they were rushing through that dead mana world, I sometimes even forgot that Raon and the cats were there because they barely talked, and they had so little to do. It was driving me insane.
And then once they entered that Wuxia world...blegh. I hate that the author decided to make Cale weak once again. That joke has been done a million times by now, and after reading hundreds of chapters where Cale gets stronger and stronger and stronger, it is jarring to have him be the weakest again.
There was so much potential here!
They could actually have made him physically strong for once and shown how difficult it is for his companions to let go of their overprotectiveness towards him. It would have been an amazing point of conflict and have had an interesting influence on the team dynamic. But alas - we're back to mopping Cale off of the floor after a spirited sneeze, just like we've done before.
Add to that the fact that Wuxia isn't really my jam - I like the concept of it, but once you start talking about the "burping cloud dragon step" and the "attack of the ten tailed tiger" you've lost me - and ...well. It doesn't make for a fun read because I'm so frustrated with it.
Buuuuut you could totally tell me all about the new chapters! I don't mind spoilers! If you want to vent - vent. If you want to swoon - swoon. And I'll give my two cents in return!
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