0nyx-d0es-crack · 1 year
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Heyyyy y’all I’m alive and well I’m at such a better head space than I was when I started this but ofc I have my down days so I’m not completely done with this account and probably won’t be done with it ever
You’ll be hearing from me soon <3
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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I’m so SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE IM 5??? Yet I have to “act my age” this shit is so backwards I hate it so much it’s so annoying I’m so tired of it I’m so augh one of the main reasons I can’t wait to move out
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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School starts next this Wednesday and I’m so not ready for this
I have to see people that I genuinely hate with all my everything and possibly have classes with them
I’m so AUGH not ready for this
This year is going to be so hard on me I’m terrified
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Today was supposed to be a good day but I guess not
I finally cut my hair short
But my friends decided to joke me of my bangs and that was my breaking point so I got one of my friends on them since they don’t want to listen to me but my friend took it too far and they blamed it all on me when I had not clue what he was going to say
So they kicked me out of all the group chats and blocked me on everything except for one friend so that’s the only way I could get to them 
We did a Group FaceTime so they can “confront” me about it but the thing is I was having a panic attack before they called cause they are basically the only friends I have so I was trying to calm myself down before answering but I guess I didn’t call down enough so when I joined my voice was all shaky because of the attack
We get done with the call and they add me back into the gc where the main two were talking shit about me and one made fun of my shaky voice “voice is quivering”
So basically I did all that apologizing and owning up to shit I didn’t even do for nothing
This whole thing started cause I was tired of them joking me and the second I get kicked they joke me
What should I do?
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Please please please talk to me I need more people to talk to :((
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Update!! IM NOT PREGNANT WOOWOWOWO I’m so happy and THANK YOU for the person who commented (?) on my last post
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Sooo uhh might be pregnant
Recently I had a little linky link and we both agreed on him wearing one but turns out he didn’t and he trusted the pull out method butttt he came in my mouth but then again idk if he left a little in me and I’m scared to tell my parents anything but it is early to tell cause it was just yesterday so I have no clue what to do and my monthly starts in about 13-12 days I’m really hoping it comes
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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So the group of friends I have called me childish and gullible because I’m finally meeting up with one of my friends and they think it’s such a bad idea BUTTT I haven’t talked to my other friend that was causing me problems so that’s good ANNDDD I haven’t talked to the other dude that was messing around with both me and my friend but then again I don’t have much friends again I lost them all again but today I’m supposed to meet with my toy to play with but he got in trouble so idk if he can anymore :/
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Kinda hurt rn cause it turns out the dude I was talking to is messing around with my “best friend” and I figured it out cause he ask if I wanted to have a threesome with him and her I ofc said no and he said “you don’t mind if I’m still sexual with her me amd commitment don’t mix” i ofc said I didn’t care but it’s just fucked up cause she knows how much I like him and now bad I wanna meet him but it’s ok after he said that I almost immediately lost all feelings for him 
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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I hate asking my parents for help on school work the answer I got from them today was “why didn’t you do it today you had no classes” uhh?? I need help on it that’s why and my mom complaining that I’m ignoring her and not answering and that I have to speak up but every single time I answer her she speaks over me and doesn’t let me get a word out I’m talking quietly cause no matter if I speak up a little bit I get yelled at for yelling even though I wasn’t but it’s perfectly fine this will be my first two E’s in the grade book so I’ll still be able to pass but this year has been so hard on me and my parents aren’t understanding it they say they are doing what’s best for me yet them completely forget about me complaining about how hard this year is and how I need a break just a mental break from everything I bet they are thinking about taking my things away to “punish me” I just aughh I’m happy I’m going out of this house on Friday and next Wednesday I slept ALL DAY today cause I’m mentally exhausted from staying up all night for the past weeks to try and get work done
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Hey y’all I’m back again but this time I actually have something to vent on :D so since I’m doing really bad with one of my classes and I’m only doing bad because I don’t understand anything about what we’re learning no matter if I’m paying attention or not I’m not gonna understand it but basically instead of my parents trying to help me or anything they threaten to send me to in person learning because they think that’s what’s gonna help me understand it when in reality it’s just gonna make me more embarrassed about my grades and make me feel worse about everything they just look for what’s best for them and not me IF I were to go to school I would have to ride the bus to my fairly old grandma and what if I get covid?? Huh what then?? Imma end up giving it to my cousin my titi and my grandma plus last year all I did was skip around and be a whore so what do they think is gonna happen this year???
I just really want to be able to stay home first it’s “they are doing really good online so we’re gonna stay online” and once I’m struggling with a class topic they wanna send me straight to school I just hate it but nothing I can do cause I’m a child and my statement is invalid :D <33
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Hiiii I’m back again sorry I’ve been gone school has just been hard on me lately especially math I can’t do math at all but hey at least I’m somewhere passing :P
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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I wish I had more friends that actually talked to me my best friend left and hasn’t really been talking to me plus the two new people I’ve been talking to probably only wants me for nudes but I couldn’t help and fall for one of the guys cause he’s really nice and no matter what he reassures me that I am a guy and nothing would change that he just kinda makes me happy but he doesn’t know this and I’m afraid to say anything cause what if he’s dating someone or doesn’t like me that way and was just talking to me for nudes I don’t really know so I don’t wanna bring it up
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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We love slowly getting replaced by my friend I don’t really think my parents notice but I’m definitely getting replaced
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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‼️tw throw up‼️ I can’t stop throwing up so we’re going to the ER :D totally not scared
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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Update she won’t shut up she’s always loud with almost anything her giggling is loud SHE is loud please just shut up for a second I hate when she speaks out loud to get me to talk to her or anything just to get a reaction out of me I hate it everytime I wish she could just lose her tongue that would solve so many problems just stop over laughing to catch my attention she just sat there laughing and kicking her legs just please stop she just won’t stop OR BE QUIET I have my mom sleeping and getting ready to work soon and she still won’t be quiet
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0nyx-d0es-crack · 3 years
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I want her to go home NOW she is getting on my damn nerves always laughing about things she shouldn’t or always laughing at me like fuck bro nothings funny shut the fuck up stop laughing at every inconvenience I have everytime I get yelled at or me and my parents start yelling she’s just sitting there laughing then she gets mad at me when I don’t wanna talk to her or look at whatever she’s showing me no one need your extra ass noises when we yell or after we yell god damn I’m annoyed I’m so close to just dropping her for a month I’m SO CLOSE then she’s gonna be like “oh you never do this are you ok?” Like do you not know why I’m not talking to you? CAUSE OF HOW ANNOYING YOU ARE AND HOW MUCH YOU PISS ME OFF I really wanna go punch something but I have nothing to punch I can’t go outside and hit the tree I’ll bleed and then get yelled at plus I don’t wanna hurt the tree I just want her gone please let her mom come home early so she can go home
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