fallenstarcat · 14 days
its really upsetting that most mlm rep in animated shows are just side characters dads that barely show up and i feel like people dont complain about that enough. like its better than nothing sure but. it really just feels like "oh we need gays, make them their dads"
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fallenstarcat · 1 month
I think the invention of the term "traumadump" has done discussion of mental health a lot of harm. I keep seeing discourse vs whether or not it's okay to talk about heavy topics with your friends, and like... I feel like there is a very big and important difference between my definition of traumadumping (ie. Frequently and habitually diverting your conversations with others towards your own misery, often with the goal of focusing attention and sympathy towards yourself at the expense of those around you, and without recognizable effort to reciprocate your empathy towards those you are speaking to or to ensure their comfort) VS the mere act of having heavier conversations with those around you. I've seen a lot of backlash to the idea of traumadumping as a concept lately (they paywalled human connection etc etc) but I think it's worth recognizing there is absolutely a kind of behavior that can create a negative feedback loop with this stuff. Especially if you navigate a lot of spaces in social media, it's not uncommon to find people dropping really heavy stuff on complete strangers unprompted. Idk, I think there's a degree of nuance to be had that's maybe getting a bit lost due to everyone having different definitions of what it means to "trauma dump."
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fallenstarcat · 1 month
i feel like the disabled community hears a lot from abled people about how we must all be so sad and we need a cure, so we reversed that and said no, we actually are all very happy with our disabilities and no one wishes they were abled. when often, most of us lie in the middle, and our opinion changes as we do. so heres your reminder youre allowed to be in the middle. its your body, and your life. you get to dictate how you feel about it
id say this is a common thing in EVERY marginalized community! ive at least noticed it in every community ive been in. it causes the notion there are only two opposing ideas, and forgets the middle room where most people are. life is complex and so are humans, its rarely black-and-white like this
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fallenstarcat · 1 month
shout out to every trans person who wants to bind but cannot, whether not as often as you wish or not at all. i myself have gone from binding 5 days a week to once every few months due to asthma and chronic pain. i see you. i feel you. dysphoria is hard, but sometimes physical health needs priority too and thats okay
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fallenstarcat · 2 months
Trans man vent rant incoming but its bothering the fuck out of me and I don't have anyone else to say this to.
I am so very very tired of being told to protect cis women. Don't make them uncomfortable in the bathroom or the locker room thats a "safe space," don't talk about how reproductive rights being stripped affects us too because "its a women's movement, don't derail," don't talk about how we are also victims of violence from cis men because "You're men, that doesn't happen to you, don't forget your privilege."
I'm so tired of it. Because you know what, I have been protecting cis women my entire life. I was that friend! I was the friend who stood up to cis men that made them uncomfortable, I'm the one they went to when they didn't feel safe, I was the one who slapped and punched and screamed at and reported every single fucking creep that made cis women uncomfortable and afraid. I was that person. And whether it was my masculine energy and look, or the fact that I'm ugly or the fact that I'm on the heavier side, you can blame it on whatever you want, but I was the person that cis women friends, classmates, and coworkers came to when they were uncomfortable. I was the person protecting them! Me!
But now that I'm a man? Now that I'm no longer a masculine women? Now that I've stepped over the smallest fucking line by daring to call myself a different word (I don't pass, before you get your panties in a bunch. Not you op, people in general) now suddenly I'm so scary?
When is it my fucking turn to be protected? Okay? When is it my turn? Because this has bothered me since I was a girl! Since I was that butch that everyone flocked to to stand up to cis men. When do I get to be protected? Because it is fucking radio silence from cis women. Now that I'm not a girl, what I don't matter anymore? Now that I'm the one who needs protecting LIKE IVE ALWAYS NEEDED no one is going to stand up for me? None of them.
When is it my turn to be afraid? When is it my turn to be comforted? When is it my turn to be protected? Why do they never, ever care?
I love my queer siblings, my trans siblings, and they've been nothing but wonderful, but it is still something I see even within the queer community, people that have done no or minimal work deconstructing gender, they are so quick to turn coat on trans men for the crime of being men. I'm so tired of being a man only when I've done something wrong, to have them call me a man as an insult. To project all their anger at cis men at me, who, surprise surprise is also treated like shit by cis het men. I'm a gay trans man. My passing goal is to be called a faggot instead of a tranny, so fuck, even passing isn't going to get me into their good graces.
Im just so tired. Cis women. Cis HET women especially, God, fucking do better.
(And yes I'm making generalizations based on my own experience, fucking sue me, I'm upset)
it reallly does seem like the terf and general rad fem movement is more concerned with feeling comfortable within the bounds of gender as they know it than our safety. it always seems to come second- a weird mix of “we’re not harming you, we’re defending ourselves” and “well, you deserve it for being a gender traitor”.
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fallenstarcat · 2 months
it’s also so. weird? seeing this sentiment from queer people. this sentiment is anti-queer. there is no way around that. you are pushing men back into the closet. i’m a trans man but i denied it for years because of this.
you are not a feminist, nor for queer liberation. you are a fake activist who only cares about being seen as superior instead of caring about the wellbeing of people, and you’re lying about it.
hot take but “kill all men” and similar proclamations that all men are evil and inherently bad is not feminist and is only making things worse, pushing men to become like Andrew Tate. it is also removing accountability from men who are actually bad; “you can’t get mad at me, it’s in my nature!”
you are not helping anyone. not yourself, not women, not men. you are just hurting actual good people while the people you are trying to hurt are enabled. you are not turning people away from misogyny, you are pushing them towards it.
hating all men is not cool. it is not feminist. no issue is solved by simply reversing who is being affected.
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fallenstarcat · 2 months
hot take but “kill all men” and similar proclamations that all men are evil and inherently bad is not feminist and is only making things worse, pushing men to become like Andrew Tate. it is also removing accountability from men who are actually bad; “you can’t get mad at me, it’s in my nature!”
you are not helping anyone. not yourself, not women, not men. you are just hurting actual good people while the people you are trying to hurt are enabled. you are not turning people away from misogyny, you are pushing them towards it.
hating all men is not cool. it is not feminist. no issue is solved by simply reversing who is being affected.
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fallenstarcat · 2 months
sometimes i feel like people forget autism is a disability. and that’s not a bad thing! i’m all for disability acceptance, im proud of my disabilities. but i feel like we forget autism can hurt.
it hurts that i have to put more time and energy into socializing than others.
it hurts when i need to move so bad, usually cause im overwhelmed by either my surroundings or emotions, that i thrash and hurt myself.
it hurts that i cant be in places that are too loud or too bright, which on bad days can be as simple as a small, quiet noise or dim lights.
it hurts that i struggle to tell when im hungry, thirsty, tired, etc. so i can’t properly take care of myself. it doesn’t help my insomnia and i get very nauseas and get UTIs.
i 100% believe in autism acceptance. i don’t want a cure. but i also want us the acknowledge that it can hurt. it doesn’t mean my entire life will hurt, but some parts will. and i want a community where we can see both sides, see the hurt, and celebrate it anyway.
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fallenstarcat · 3 months
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went to one of the malls few days ago cause they had a cool thing to look at :D don’t be fooled by expression i had fun
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fallenstarcat · 3 months
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fallenstarcat · 4 months
this is even funnier now im diagnosed with asthma
im autistic and have albinism / am albino ❌
assigned AA battery at birth ✔️
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fallenstarcat · 4 months
i see my disabilities like i see my transgender-ness.
they both have disadvantages.
socially: transphobia, ableism.
in yourself: dysphoria, the disability itself needing you to adapt to do things, or not being able to do some things at all.
both have pros and cons. some people dont want to be trans. some people dont want to be disabled.
yet, i like being both. theyre part of my identity, big ones at that. and thats okay.
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fallenstarcat · 4 months
im autistic and have albinism / am albino ❌
assigned AA battery at birth ✔️
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fallenstarcat · 6 months
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fallenstarcat · 6 months
some of y'all really be like "you wouldn't do [thing] to [group of people with a history of [thing] happening to them]!!!
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fallenstarcat · 6 months
problems with executive functioning is like a sim who is unable to complete a task because there’s a plate blocking the path that they can’t step over
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fallenstarcat · 7 months
i love when you look at an animal and can clearly tell theyve never had a thought in their life
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