meowwwwt · 10 months
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Slightly older Pav (over 18) w/ some ink 🌸🕸
Might do Hobie next 🤔
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meowwwwt · 10 months
hey so for those who for some reason didnt read the "gender nihilist" in my bio, DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF YOU'RE A FUCKING TERF.
me not believing in gender/sexuality doesnt mean i am dumb enough to deny the existence of trans people.
terfs are fucking stupid, you are NOT welcome here, trans people exist and love and deserve to be able to do that without weirdo ass people failing at being feminists by attacking them.
i just got followed by a terf and i could not tell you what about my profile lead them to do that but i have gotta snuff out that trend real fucking quick.
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meowwwwt · 10 months
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meowwwwt · 10 months
i need to follow more people
im currently following 2 people and theyre both called remy its a little odd
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meowwwwt · 10 months
"i'm not triggered or upset by or even ideologically opposed to it, i just associate it with something so bad that i can't enjoy it anymore" is such a frustrating relationship to have with a piece of media
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meowwwwt · 10 months
this person who im talking to that i have a gay crush on just like. bought me this book i rly wanted but couldnt get cause i needed gas money til i get my job 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
its mermaid x human and queer and has fat rep and is on sale rn and its gonna be here wednesday and RAGHH
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this one this book guys im so excited
they didnt ask to buy it either i was just telling them ab it and they just ordered it to my house 😭😭 /pos
im gushing. i like them lots and this was v sweet to me
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meowwwwt · 10 months
the idea that the sims 4 can program in horses and not fucking wheelchairs is absurd
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meowwwwt · 10 months
guys i really like reptiles
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meowwwwt · 10 months
cause i live in this dumbass hick ass area as a queer person with an eccentric fashion taste so you BET ive had my fair share of complete assholes but on my knees begging when any of them treats me half decently.
there is nothing in the entire world that i find more attractive and terrifying than a country accent.
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meowwwwt · 10 months
there is nothing in the entire world that i find more attractive and terrifying than a country accent.
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meowwwwt · 10 months
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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meowwwwt · 10 months
lately ive been realizing how the quality of those little things really just impacts you.
ive been buying my own clothes, ones that don't come from thrift stores or second handed, ones that aren't a compromise on what i want but instead exactly what i want. buying tissues when im sick instead of toilet paper. buying the snacks that i love. making accommodations to my life to make things happier and easier for me to live happily, even if they're not always necessary purchases.
growing up poor gives you such a weird relationship with money. it also made me a communist but it made me able to spend money in ways that i wish it were spent on me when it wasn't my money. it is literally self care in the way that i am caring for myself by deciding i deserve these things.
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meowwwwt · 10 months
i like my long text posts bc they have the same style as to how i would write about ethics and philosophy. they're really dramatic but that's cause they're important to me and i have lots of words to say and i want to convey how they feel to me.
this kind of familiarity is very beautiful to my heart.
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meowwwwt · 10 months
i have trouble with mental health stuff as a subject.
i feel like there's always a person telling you what's wrong, what methods are unhealthy because they create xyz patterns in your brain. and then sometimes they give you other habits instead.
but then there's also another person telling you the complete opposite because they create xyd patterns in your brain. and then sometimes they tell you the habits you've already been told to avoid.
and then multiply that by however many millions of people use the internet, every single person's opinion all at once and you're constantly right and wrong all at the same time and no one benefits from telling you factual evidence as to who's REALLY right so you never know.
like, freud thought of memory repression relative to trauma. ive been taught that memory repression is impossible by my AP psych teacher. but i and other people in the class know full well that we have memories of trauma that have been repressed. so what is it? is freudian thought correct or is it the years of research that came after? is repression a placebo effect? does that then deny it's validity?
i couldn't tell you. i also couldn't tell you if my teacher was going off script in that moment, teaching something that he himself decided was true instead of going by the curriculum. that came with upsides and flaws.
anyways, that's only an example.
i find it very difficult to tell who's *correct.* this used to be a skill set i was very confident in but not really anymore.
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meowwwwt · 10 months
can someone give me a textbook as to how to feel more secure in relationships thnx <3
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meowwwwt · 10 months
just saw someone say xitter. i am liking this development
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meowwwwt · 10 months
i am a fan of paladin danse, but only post character arc paladin danse, then not only is he sexy but hes also a little autistic and a communist
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