#actually feminist
meowwwwt · 10 months
hey so for those who for some reason didnt read the "gender nihilist" in my bio, DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF YOU'RE A FUCKING TERF.
me not believing in gender/sexuality doesnt mean i am dumb enough to deny the existence of trans people.
terfs are fucking stupid, you are NOT welcome here, trans people exist and love and deserve to be able to do that without weirdo ass people failing at being feminists by attacking them.
i just got followed by a terf and i could not tell you what about my profile lead them to do that but i have gotta snuff out that trend real fucking quick.
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elf-punk · 3 months
Jessica spending half the movie scheming with her unborn fetus is the feminist revival Hollywood needed
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figthefruitfaeth · 4 months
obsessed with the way that Lisa Frankenstein answers the question of “how will Lisa overcome her trauma” not with “by putting her morbid tendencies aside and rejoining society as a normal girl” but having her relive it as the perpetrator instead and being rewarded with a messy codependent husband
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therandomfandomme · 3 months
TERF has become so synonymous with bad person (which is true btw, not claiming it isn't) that people stopped thinking critically about what TERF actually means. Like I just blocked a blog that had TERFs and lesbian men in their DNI. You are still vulnerable for falling into TERF thinking if you keep a strict binary thinking about sexuality and can't imagine multigender people IDing in contractionary ways or trans people having a different relationship with sexuality than you think they should have based on their gender. Just saying TERFs DNI does not make you immune for their thinking or automatically right about your opinions about trans people. Yes, TERFs are bad people, but people have to start thinking critically about what it means to be a TERF...
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shesmanic · 3 months
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I'm crying again
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m0thmancore · 7 months
hot take that should be much more lukewarm than it is: if your feminism doesn't have room for piercings and tattoos and dyed hair and collars and animal ear headbands and stuff like that, it's not really all that feminist.
people can just do what they want. if they want to get cosmetic surgeries or use different names or pronouns or dress "weird" those things are just allowed. cringe is dead. doing things that don't affect others in any meaningful way but make you feel good is good.
people can decorate their mobility aids. wear clothes with metal studs on them. go out in horrendously loud tie-dye mess clothes. we love that. that's bodily autonomy for you.
being loudly queer and gay and trans and a feminist and disabled and a legitimate animal and a furry is cool as fuck actually it's 2023.
use whatever swear words you want. the weird old WASPs giving you stares are because they're not as cool as you.
this also goes for kinks and those who (safely and consensually) practice them btw, even that one you find weird.
"bodily autonomy but only for people who make the same decisions as me about how to decorate and use theirs" isn't good feminism practices.
go forth and be safe ofc but above all be yourself
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anti-terf-posts · 24 days
I hate hate HATE when radfems are like "drag is a misogynistic caricature of women!" so close ❤️ it's a silly caricature of femininity and how women are *expected* to act by society. large breasts, lots of pink, heavy makeup? that is not the definition of woman. that is exactly how the patriarchy expects women to act. if you think drag is a caricature of women, boy do I have something to tell you.
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eve-was-framed · 9 months
whoever created the term SWERF (sex work exclusive radical feminist) to be used to shame and insult any woman who doesn’t worship the sex trade should be charged with terrorism and im not kidding
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whereserpentswalk · 15 days
Twenty four year olds are adults.
Twenty one year olds are adults.
Eighteen year olds are adults.
Petite or 'smol' young adults are adults.
Transmasc young adults are adults.
Asexual young adults are adults.
Autisitc young adults are adults.
Young adults you find cute or wholesome are adults.
These people consume media as adults.
These people make life choices as adults.
These people have sex as adults.
Reblog if you agree.
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blackpilljesus · 3 months
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I saw this from the female separatism subreddit & the responses are some of the biggest reasons for separatism et al (or extinction if I'm being candid here). Moids cant be reformed they are fully aware of the hell they force women to live in. MaIe achievement & happiness is rooted in female exploitation & life. Their glory days are based on our horrific days. No amount of love, kindness or facts will change maIes and we cannot happily or even neutrally coexist with them.
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Main points across answers:
Many want to experiment but not permanently be women
They dont want to be in constant danger or lose their autonomy at the hands of maIes for merely existing
They dont want to deal with childbirth (& periods)
They dont want to have to share spaces with species much stronger than them with ulterior motives
It makes me go crazy seeing people give moids benefit of doubt for their evil like "maIes just dont understand", "we need to teach maIes", or claiming that maIe violence is a result of maIes struggling with (expressing) their feelings. I get that women love maIes and it can be hard to imagine that people can intentionally be so evil but it is what it is. MaIes have no problems expressing themselves, abusing women is what maIes choose to do because they enjoy & benefit from it - that is their expression.
MaIes see the same news of women being abused, raped, and killed like we do except rather than be disheartened or alarmed they're either apathetic or satisfied. It isn't aliens that's committing GBV it's maIes & maIes have no problem reminding women of this when women anger them (such as rape threats & threatening women they'll end up on the news/true crime). The victim blaming, denial, and derailment of misogyny is part of the game to keep the system alive, they know the events occured & are a systemic occurence they just dont care. Hell not only do they not care, they rejoice in it or get off on it.
MaIes set up environments that work in their favour which simultaneously ensures that women will lose. They know women are set up to live in damn near impossible conditions for us. It's normalised for women to defenselessly share personal & private spaces with beings much more stronger than them with ulterior motives for us, it's trap. It's interesting how these moids aren't saying that they'll just cover up and *poof* harrassment gone, or they'll just pick a nice guy & they'll be okay. MaIes know the net negative they are towards women.
MaIes know that childbirth is a painful process & what do they do? Demand it happens and make it even MORE painful for women. MaIes that impregnate women do not love or care for them. Pregnancy itself is dangerous & sometimes lethal, often comes with a range of health issues, to cause someone to be in that condition especially in a environment where abortions are illegal is reckless & unloving. Now imagine how sinister & full of hatred one has to be to impregnate someone and abuse them on top of that. Many women risk their health & lives to reproduce with a Y and they get abused by said Y instead of being taken care of. Deranged.
Realising that maIes are aware of the evil they inflict is one of the things that radicalised me. It isn't a miscommunication or ignorance issue, their violence is intended. They want control. The cruelty is the point. Instead of wasting time & energy trying to change maIes or hope that they "understand" one day, focus on yourself & other women (who prioritise women). Moids aren't oblivious to female pain they enjoy it. A lot of women treat maIe evil like it's a mistake on maIes part but it's calculated terrorism. I know that this will go over many womens heads as they refuse to hold strong negative sentiments about moids as a collective so if you're not a woman like that, take this post as a sanity check. You aren't crazy, it isn't all in your head.
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magpie-rat-king · 5 months
look I love the "Hozier is possessed by the ghost of a lesbian" jokes as much as the next person, but also, men are Actually Capable of being that romantic and we should absolutely be holding them to that standard
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bsof-maarav · 2 months
Elica Le Bon
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redditreceipts · 8 months
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straight man goes into a gay bar and gets upset when a gay man flirts with him, but no lesbian woman
also funny that he gives a trigger warning for the NHS
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stardust-falling · 1 month
*taps microphone*
Shen Jiu isn’t a feminist, he just hates men.
*drops mic and runs*
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pinkcarabiner · 3 months
misandry isn't a real form of systemic oppression. women don't owe you kindness when expressing frustration with how men treat them. you're just misogynistic and uncomfortable when called out on your own behavior❤️
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eve-was-framed · 9 months
I used to think the “schools are transitioning kids” thing was just your average right-wing moral panic but recently a young girl in virginia was led to transition by her school without her parents knowing, was sexually harassed and threatened while using the boy’s facilities (per the schools suggestion even though they knew she was getting rape threats), ran away from home because of the bullying and harassment at school and then was sex trafficked.
at what point are the prominent activists of the trans movement going to just acknowledge that they’ve gone too far and they are hurting girls? will they ever? do they seriously not realize that this shit is causing an unbelievable amount of backlash against not just them, but gay and lesbian people as well who have nothing to do with this?
the only people calling it out are deranged right-wing media outlets because everyone else is terrified of being called a nazi and losing their job due to pressure from activists. we need more normal, level-headed people talking about this. no more endangering girls and women for the sake of a political agenda.
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