#📖.journal entry
propertyofushiwaka · 7 months
nanami is for the oldest daughters who want someone home by 6 and splits chores 50/50
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tricksheart · 2 years
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𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓵 ー send 📖 for a journal entry my muse wrote about yours.
( accepting )
@zhonde​ said: 📖 / from claude.
I may want to have a word with our fearless leader, as he has kept firing arrows that have gone through my hair at least six times since I have joined the golden deers and abandoned my homeland of the blue lions. Yes, my head may be full of coins and treats oddly enough and that he winks every time things fall out of there, saying ‘Haha! Nice!’ and then scurries away, but enough is enough. Specially in the middle of a battle, against the combined forces of Edelgard and these so called mercenaries. Jelly’s or something along those lines. Although, the enemy does get caught off guard when Claude does that so it may be doing some good? Argh! I just wished he would fire arrows normally for once.
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hippolotamus · 9 months
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Seven Sentence Sunday 🖋️📖
Tagged by @wikiangela @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @rmd-writes @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks Thank you loves! 💖(And don't forget to check their snippets!)
Here's Buck's journal entry to Ch 2 of you're where I wanna go (prev snippets here)
To have and to hold. Until death do us part. Those phrases, those vows should mean something, yes? Something deeper than words spoken for an audience. And when they are uttered, the experience should be as if every consonant and vowel are taken from one’s very soul. Written by God himself upon every blood vessel, nerve ending, ligament and bone. Pumping through the heart, waiting for the day they can be shared with another.  Vow is defined as a solemn promise or assertion; specifically one by which a person is bound to as an act, service, or condition. Supposedly the earliest marriage vows can be traced back to the medieval church, originating sometime during the 11th century. In earlier times a bride was negotiated for. When all parties were satisfied the couple was declared married. Simple. I suppose Lucy and I did a bit of both. I always thought, when I formally pledged myself to another, it would be joyous. That I would give part of myself, but still feel fulfilled because I was gaining pieces of my partner, too. As it turns out, all I felt was more of me being lost. Once again offered in service to a greater purpose. The only comfort, if it could be called that, was knowing the fragments I received in return were never mine to keep either…
No pressure tagging @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @apothecarose @vanillahigh00 @disasterbuckdiaz @elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @eddiediaztho @barbiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @chaosandwolves @spaceprincessem @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck absolute loml @lizzie-bennetdarcy @ladydorian05 @statueinthestone @buddierights @911onabc @jesuisici33 @pirrusstuff @eowon @cowboy-buddie @fionaswhvre @steadfastsaturnsrings if you wanna
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the---hermit · 1 year
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5/50 days of productivity
Today was an emotional rollacoaster. I think I realized something about myself that I don't like. After things died out with my ex best friend (it's almost the anniversary of when the shitty situation that was dragged out for months started so I also have that in mind) I found myself with close to none social life. I am introverted I can deal with spending most of my time alone, but losing the one person who I relied on closer to me triggered a moltitude of thinga in me I am still working on. And today I realized that lately for me social situations have become a self imposed duty. I force myself to go to uni, when someone asks to hang out I feel obligated to go. I am not sure whether I am trying to fill a void, or more likely I have a very specific anxiety at the back of my mind reminding me that I am someone in my early twenties only on my id because my life doesn't really feel like it. I have always been very confident in my close friend circle and myself as an introvert, but now it's crumbling a bit. Ever since after covid and lockdown happened my social anxiety has sky rocketed and I am too self aware not to know that without the help of external forces it's almost impossible to me to create new connections. Moreover I am petrified at the idea of making the first move and opening up. In these months I have often said that I feel like I am in a cocoon, in a transitional phase of my lifr in which nothing feels defined or secure. I feel confused and indecisive, and now my emotions seem to be crumbling too. This is not the most positive journal entry to end the week on, but I needed to let out some things and to reflect. I should really get back into journaling daily but my energies are so limited lately that it almost feels impossible, aside from these daily posts.
finished reading the fourth article for my protohistory presentation
read the fifth article
wrote down base notes for all articles to stucture the presentation
started planning how this presentation will be
did a bit of planning for next week
practiced Irish on duolingo
posted my April wrap up
Self care:
read first thing in the morning
a book order I had placed was delivered sooner
my mom randomly bought me a book at the thrift store
📖: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
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e-ziara · 11 months
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I'm temporarily back to plants for the 6th page of my Book 2 naturalist journal. And then back to animals again, haha 🦜 📖 🌺
There was a garden section at the far back of the animal park. I probably should've took more observations here in hindsight. The pennywort was also where I discovered the dragonfly in the last entry! I find that if I wanted to see some insects, I just have to stare real hard into some plants lol 🍀 🐛
This was actually supposed to be for last week's, but now I've actually got a tiny backlog omg. You know when you're doing mentally as an artist if you've got one lol. I'm trying to do various mixed media stuff to refresh myself 💖
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kikismemes · 2 years
𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓵 ー send 📖 for a journal entry my muse wrote about yours.
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msadmiral · 1 year
Would it be possible to write some Frank Frankly headcanons? [If you don't mind, of course!]
As a fictive of yours truely, it makes my day reading what people have to say about me. /:-]
No problem anon! Heads up for our favorite entomologist!
Frank Frankly headcanons
By yours truly, Ms Admiral
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[🦋📖] Frank is the kind of person who’d have a book wherever he goes. Whether it’s sitting out on his porch or going to hang out with Julie. If Frank has his nose with him, he’ll have a book to tag along.
[🦋📖] Frank enjoys gardening! He actually has the best looking yard out of all the neighbors at Home. Frank is always planting new kinds of flowers in his yard in hopes of attracting new kinds of butterflies he can study, so best believe that if his nose isn’t in a book, it’s in a bed of flowers outside.
[🦋📖] NEVER. Put yourself in a position in which you’re helping Frank with his garden. It is a Grueling experience, with a capital G. While his garden may look beautiful on the surface, there is blood, sweat, and tears in that soil, so he expects PERFECTION when you are helping him. At least every neighbor (especially Eddie) can assure you that once you start, you’re going to be there ALL day.
[🦋📖] Frank has a diary that he uses for many things. If you were to ever get your hands on it (by some miracle-), you’d find many of the pages filled with notes on flowers and intricate doodles of butterflies. Only once every 15 pages or so will you actually find a journal entry (and there’s a 50% chance that it’ll just be him complaining about his garden beds).
[🦋📖] Frank has written books! Specifically on insects and entomology. But even though he says it’s one of his greatest achievements getting his books published, he always gets embarrassed or ashamed whenever you find and pull them out of a box collecting dust in his library room. He says he wrote them when he was in high school. And that period of his life was when he, quote, “Unknowing of proper etiquette in poetic expression, especially in that of textbooks.”. Whatever that meant…
[🦋📖] He owns binoculars… And you better believe he puts them to good use with his neighbors. While Frank is the kind of person to respect people’s privacy, you know that big ass squidward-lookin’ nose be snooping. So slide him a new gardening catalog and he will be SPILLING. He knows dirt about everyone. Especially Eddie and Howdy.
[🦋📖] Isn’t on the best of terms with Sally… Frank is a humble and reserved person by nature. So seeing Sally’s over-the-top boisterousness and exuberance doesn’t exactly… sit well with him. However, being best friends with Julie, he’s forced to get along with them regardless…
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So sorry for the wait! Thank you so much for your submission anon! I really enjoyed writing this one!
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strebcr · 30 days
since u did this for me ill do this for you hehe (w/ marco bc thats the most you interacted with) ⭐️🎼😍📖 just like ya did for me ehehe :3 -@thescarecrowmailmanalt
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses.
Yes, even though there may not be much time left in this small world of ours. I want to protect you so for right now hold me in your arms. And I'll even defy my very own fate to help you and everything. I won't stray from my path because for you I would do anything.
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
Streber taught Marco how to sew! Marco does have slightly messy stitch work, Streber finds it charming!
Streber and Marco definitely send out of context memes to each other at weird times! While Marco isn't quite as shitpost savvy as Streber is, he learing well. :^)
Beacuse of Sterber's family recipes Marco got a taste for ube! Everytime Streber goes shopping he picks up Marco some ube extract.
Despite Marco not really watching anime due to Streber's tangents about anime, he knows more then he wants too. :^V
Send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them.
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"Ah, I could dote on Marco for hoooours!!! He's funny, he's kind, he's been reliable ever since I could remember! He's a like big teddy bear. Being around him always makes me happy, I hope I can make him feel the same way! I can't really imagine my life without him."
Send 📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours.
I got Marco to let me dress him today! :^D He looked really happy with the outfit choice I picked. I hope we can do this again sometime, beacuse it was really fun!!! ( ^ w ^ )/ I also may or may not have shown him where the good pins are at hot topic and we maaaaay or may not have taken a few! Shhhhhh! It's always okay to disrespect the hot topic though!!!
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azure-blaze92 · 6 months
Weekly fic update! 🕯📖🪶
AYCF: Chapter 15's first draft is roughly 75 % done, and I started outlining Chapter 16. Thank you all for voting so far in the poll of how the Chapter is going to end ~ also, Chapter 15 got a bit angstier than intended, not including the ending, so I low-key kind of hope the non angst option wins. 😅 Chapter 16 will be much lighter though ~
Secret Thoughts on Parchment: Still working on some of the journal entries, but I am up to where Cecilia comes in.
✨️In other news! I have a Ko-fi now :3 for possible fanfic commissions and other things starting next year once I get everything all figured out ~ ✨️
That's all for this week !!
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propertyofushiwaka · 6 months
CEO!reader x assistant!toji
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gust-jar-simulator · 8 months
Decided to have fun with Vio being a questionably moral researcher. 😊 Written like a journal entry.
[At the top in neat, slightly slanted half-cursive, functional and unadorned: six months since the shattering]
Moon Pearls
There are several methods of gaining access to the dark world, though the term seems to be used for different iterations of the same phenomenon. For ease of understanding, I will use the arcane term “the Twilight” to refer to the dark world otherwise known as the Sacred Realm, and “the upside-down” to refer to the dark world that is a mismatched reflection of our own. How the two connect is something I will devote further study to at a later date.
The Twilight, like the upside-down, is a strange liminal space. My current theory is that the Twilight is something like a crawlspace, or the back of the embroidery- a place where divine forces perhaps had their seat of power, and then from there manipulated their creation. Perhaps it even props up our own dimension, like an easel does a canvas. I do not have enough data, and it is a difficult thing to study, but very entwined with my research into the upside down world the moon pearls gave us access to.
My thoughts wander. I am scattered from lack of sleep, too much tea, and forgetting to eat, but inadvertent fasting and sleep deprivation was apparently the prime and necessary conditions needed for a breakthrough in my research. I do not have access to the Dark Mirror, but I have studied the mechanisms behind it and obtained my own mock up for testing. The simple disc of obsidian glass should be harmless, beyond whatever innate properties of fire and earth it possesses, uncontaminated by any contact with dark artifacts. Based on the words of the Maidens I have reason to believe the power behind Shadow’s summoning in large part came from the Trident of Power, which is currently sealed in the royal vault. Any attempts to experiment with it, despite my eagerness, are perhaps fortunately out of my reach for now. With temptation out of the way I can build the necessary baseline for taking full advantage of any later opportunities. Not that I plan to steal from the royal vault, but Dot has her own research to attend to as a daughter of the royal bloodline and might be amenable to… friendly bonding time over ancient relics, or at least indulging me.
Perhaps I will take a note from Red’s tactics and attend tea with her more often.
I digress. The easiest method of researching transfer between planes at the moment is investigating moon pearls, but with the defeat of Vaati and Ganon it seems the rising pockets of dark mages have either dispersed, gone metaphorically underground, or for all I know destabilized in the wake of their patrons’ destruction. I will have to look into any rumors of strange magic to see if I can confirm what happened. With them apparently gone, however, we have no easy way of purchasing or otherwise locating moon pearls, forcing me to resort to the potential folly of memory and whatever relevant literature I can find.
I want to know what exactly a moon pearl is, and where they come from, and I believe I have a lead.
The moon is symbolically connected to the elements of water, through the tide, and shadow, through its shifting phases of dark and light. While difficult to parse, according to the diaries of a Sheikah priestess all of these aspects fall under the purview of the blue goddess Nayru. Most of this I have deduced from her descriptions of an initiation rite involving an introduction to the mysteries of the water temple. I am sure some of it is lost in translation, but the details of a particular incantation involving conjuring and confronting your own shadow to attain true understanding of the self were noteworthy, and I will enclose the relevant copy in my notes.
There were also mentions of either “dragon tears” or “divine tears”, and a ritual involving them to pass to some sort of shadow world. Whether this is the Twilight or the upside-down remains to be seen, but given the uncommon but not too unusual frequency with which we found moon pearls I doubt they come directly from a goddess. Dragons, however, are widely known to be intensely magical creatures, occasionally aligned with a goddess, and I imagine any dragon born to Nayru’s persuasion would have the blue goddess’s magical affinity for shadows. It is not a widely explored topic outside of Sheikah esoterica, and I am willing to suspect some form of royal propaganda due to Hylia’s presence in their bloodline. I would say theoretical presence, but given my experiences as a hero I can at least verify that Zelda has an unnatural affinity for light magic, shields, and sealing, on par with Shadow’s demon-granted abilities to shapeshift and conjure items. Most mages at least require an incantation, if not an entire book and some sort of object focus.
Hence my interest in the Trident of Power, as Ganon’s focus for manipulating the Mirror of Twilight. For now I must do the necessary research and preparation, as the safety of just picking it up and giving it a wave is questionable at best. I don’t know if Ganon was naturally inclined to darkness or if the Trident did something to him, but I won’t rush into this like a lovestruck fool.
I think the others will be supportive if I express an interest in dragons. They’ve been wanting me to get out of the house more, and the sunlight will do me good.
I wish it didn’t.
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voodoodaaddy · 23 days
𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓵 ー send 📖 for a journal entry my muse wrote about yours.
So, I've come to the decision that I would much better prefer him raw then actually cooking him like a roasted duck. It's what he probably would want. Would he pair well with white or red wine? It's hard to say. From what I tasted of him maybe wine isn't the best thing to eat him with. Could he be better with beer? I'll have to do a bit more research.
Anyway, if you're reading this Lucifer stop reading my fucking private journals. I hope you learned a lesson from this.
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magickkate · 3 months
I am interested in witchcraft, Can you help me understand, Book of Shadows, Shadow work and where do we start exactly for someone who has to practice in secret...and how did you get into witchcraft and where did you start? [If you are okay sharing the second half of the questions]
I will be very grateful if you could answer this and sorry english is not my first language so sorry.
Thank you for asking! Hopefully I can share some insight to your practice in secret. I used to practice in a Christian-based home and then moved out into a dorm at college where most common tools weren’t available or allowed (flames and candles, incense, certain appliances, etc.) so I had to make do with what I had.
Whether you're keeping your practice hidden for personal or safety reasons, there are plenty of ways to embrace your magic while maintaining discretion. Here are some tips and tool alternatives for practicing witchcraft in secret or still in the “broom closet”:
🕯️ Candles: If you can't use traditional candles for rituals and spells, consider alternatives like LED candles, tea lights, or even visualization techniques to represent the element of fire. You can also use candle-shaped objects, such as carved soap or wax melts, to symbolize the flame without the need for an open flame.
🌿 Herbs and Incense: Instead of burning herbs or incense, you can work with herbal sachets, essential oils, or room sprays to infuse your space with magical scents and energies. You can also explore herbal teas or culinary herbs for their magical properties, incorporating them into your daily routine.
🔮 Crystals: Crystals are a versatile tool for magic, but if you can't openly display them, you can work with crystal grids, pocket stones, or even digital representations of crystals in your rituals and spellwork. You can also explore other natural materials, such as seashells or stones from nature, as alternative grounding and focusing tools.
📖 Book of Shadows/Grimoire: Keep your BoS/grimoire discreet by using a digital journal or password-protected app on your phone or computer. You can also use a code or symbol system to encrypt your entries, ensuring your magical writings remain private and secure.
🌑 Altar Setup: Create a portable or hidden altar that you can easily set up and dismantle as needed. Use small, discreet altar tools and decorations that can be easily tucked away when not in use, such as mini statues, symbols, or charms that hold personal significance.
🌟 Intuition and Visualization: Remember that the most powerful tool in your magical arsenal is your own intuition and imagination. You can work magic through visualization, meditation, and intention-setting, harnessing the power of your mind to manifest your desires and connect with the energies of the universe.
Embrace your magic, trust in your intuition, and honor your path as a secret witch. Your practice is valid, powerful, and uniquely yours, no matter where or how you choose to practice. May your journey be filled with wonder, discovery, and endless possibilities!
Learn More:
YT: Witch of Wonderlust - Practicing in Secret
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aelinletters · 1 month
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sunday, 28/04 — 22° 🌙
my favorite app at the moment is 'todo mate', i made a virtual diary where i put everything from to-do list to my journaling entries. it became a habit, tracking my routine.
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today i was productive and im so happy about it.
🧺 — did my laundry
🧹 — decluttered my room
🧼 — did all my household chores
📺 — rested watching fav tv shows
🇰🇷 — studied korean ; reviewed vocab.
📖 — did my devotional ; i read Jeremiah 6 and did a reading from my church, very enlightening about what's going on in my life lately.
| ✶ tracking my habits :
sleep log: 3h40min
water log: 2,000ml
☑️ read my bible
☑️ studied
☑️ journaling
✖️ exercise daily
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Yesterday I spent most of my day reading and it was great. Today didn't start as planned tho. It has snowed from yesterday afternoon to today's late morning, and I was so afraid the bus would cause problems (because they do when the weather is fine, so snow for them is a big deal) I skipped class. I decided to avoid commuting for a two hour lecture and the risk of being stuck in the city. I still woke up at 4:45, because of course it was a last minute decision, so I didn't even get the real benefits of skipping class. I did get some studying done of course. As for how I am feeling, it's definitely slowly going better, I am still not at my best, but I want to be grateful of all small emprovements. At the end of the week I will have my monthly therapy session, and I am very much looking forward to that. On a completly different topic I have almost filled it the journal I am currently using for daily entries, which is making me really excited, because it means I will get to buy new notebook! I am doing my best to stay excited for small things, so here it is a small thing that I look forward to. I might go on the hunt for it tomorrow, I don't know yet, and I don't know yet what type of notebook I am looking for, I think I'll just get the one that calls to me the most.
Posted this updated of the 2023 genre bingo
Did a bit of planning of uni materials I have to study for the classes I am taking at the moment (I just wrote everything down on my bullet journal so I can see everything all at once and break it into smaller steps, this way I have an overview of what I have to do and what I have done already)
Started reading and annotating the second set of protohistory notes provided by the professor (for some reason I am working very slowly on them, I don't know if it's me still being quite tired or just the process of working on those specific notes)
Started reading and annotating the first book I have to study for my history of libraries and reading class
Practiced Irish on duolingo
Continued reading Harrow The Ninth (my brain is melted by this book, I am stuggling to put it down when I read it because I need to know more)
Self care:
Read in the morning
Drank lots of water, and probably even more tea
Face scrub
📖: Harrow The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, How We Read Now by Naomi S. Baron
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e-ziara · 11 months
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Whoops, I fell asleep. Here's the week long delayed 7th page of my naturalist journal, featuring the water buffalo and the lovely peacock! 🦜 📖 🌺
Since last year till when I actually started making this journal entry, I thought I had a cow (or some kinda bovine) instead of a water buffalo lmao! Why did no one correct me on iNaturalist for so long!? It just shows how much of a city folk I am 🐃 ✨
Y'know, I didn't know peahens still had some colourful blues in them. Speaking of them birds, have you seen that Youtube video of a lil girl getting spooked by a peacock's call? That's also how I learnt how they sound like 🦚 🔊
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