#Batman spoilers
nyerusnova · 8 months
yeah... things are pretty yikes right now in the current batfam storyline,
but at least Tim is rocking those thigh-high boots and I just wanted to appreciate that for a sec
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chamiryokuroi · 24 days
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Pretty boy Tim real (Batman #147)
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elirium · 24 days
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Tim robin in training in batman 147
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babygirl-but-a-boy · 8 months
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DC PAY FOR MY FUCKING Therspy bill istg
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wearetheshadows · 23 days
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Batman #147 (2024)
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fortanuvasyama · 8 months
a few things that will now cause Jason extreme fear:
loud noises
bright lights
high temperatures
low temperatures
being excited
and here's a fun fact: adrenaline actually causes the memory-making bits of your brain to be stronger, which means you have a clearer memory of exactly what happened to make you afraid
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oifaaa · 1 year
This one page from batman #136 might have actually healed my dead cold heart
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thepathofthesunflower · 8 months
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Here’s the edit after I read the whole this:
At this point I guess gotham war its the arc that brings the end of the bat family
fuckfuckfuckfuck!!! It breaks my heart to see Jason so broken, what kind of sadistic bullshit is this? Were they like “his death is so overused for the base of his trauma, let just add it psychological warfare to the mix”
Are they gonna use the fact that he’s got that evil devil in the shoulder personality controlling him to deny the fact that deep down, even it they’re warped by his fear, those are bruce thoughts?? Letting his kids to be taken by the police, and the other cowering in the dark, suffocating from the fear of merely existing?
Man this arc deeply disturbing
“Please… im so scared….” Fucking rip my heart out why don’t you
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So you’re telling this isn’t straight up abuse?? And what pisses me off even more it’s that after all this is over, they’re gonna sweep it under the proverbial rug of “bruce-brand-of-fucked-up-pseudo-love/care”
He’s taken everything from him, and still thinks “who’s gonna save you from yourself”
I hate it when he just says “i love you jason” because if abusive relationships have teached me anything, those words fix everything in the abuser mind, the magic wand of justifications
I just know that no matter how they try to fix this im not gonna be satisfied, it’s surely gonna be jason forgiving to easily‘cause you know, abuse or the storyline making light of a really fucked up situation
(Yeah and also i just re-read batman and redhood shattered by rage again, to add fire to the flame)
Also: yeah dick fuck him up!
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killxz · 8 months
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stop i was reading the latest issue and i saw this 😭😭
finding ways to overcome bruce's failsafe lessgo my bby
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koraesrambles · 8 months
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Batman #138
Just kill me now. Throw me into the sun. Rip out my insides. Any of that would be less painful than this panel. I want to die. I want to hug a huge murder man. I want to cry. I want Dick to show up and hug this huge murder man. Someone save him. Someone help him. THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE.
My baby 😭
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hauntthenarrative · 11 months
Haunting the Narrative Round 1
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Haunting the narrative means that the character’s absence heavily impacts the plot. They’re not present when their influence is most strongly felt, whether they’re alive or dead!
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dreamersolacey · 1 year
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Tim and Bernard have joint ownership of that grey hoodie
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galaxymagitech · 3 months
So, I finally read the Gotham War arc from start to finish, and the whole thing was insane, but it has provided even more evidence that Tim has absolutely nonexistent survival instincts.
Early on in the arc, Tim basically says that he’s sympathetic to Catwoman’s ideas. Bruce threatens to arrest him. You’d think Tim would…maybe be more careful? Nope. Later, when Bruce and Jason are fighting, Tim grabs Bruce and attempts to pull him off Jason. Keep in mind, this is a teenager attempting to move a large adult, there is NO way this was going to work, but Tim tries it anyway. And then, Batman throws him off and kicks him hard enough that he flies across the room.
It should be pretty clear at this point that Batman cannot be reasoned with. And yet. And yet. When Nightwing and Batman start fighting, Tim arrives and takes over for Nightwing. But instead of fighting Bruce, Tim says he just wants to talk and they can work this all out. Batman then attacks him and breaks his bo staff with a punch, tells him they can only talk when Tim comes to his senses, and hits Tim hard enough that he, again, goes flying.
You’d think at this point, Tim would’ve long since given up on diplomacy. But nope! Nightwing tags into the fight. And then, as Nightwing is winning, Tim pulls Dick off of Bruce and tells him that fighting isn’t the answer and Bruce “needs help.”
I can’t decide if this is hilarious or horrifying. Like, Tim Drake has the survival instincts of a wet paper bag…but the fact that he’s still defending Batman after this is concerning.
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soleminisanction · 23 days
NGL it bothers me to see Zsdarky's writing described as "out of character" or "the idiot ball" just because -- what, Damian's being written as fallible? Not even evil or malicious, but just capable of making poor decisions based on his own biases and emotional entanglements? And not in a low-key praising, "he's so full of Righteous Anger he just can't help but give into his Passion for Justice," kind of way, but like for real.
Damian's a teenager who feels insecure about his place in the world, and those insecurities are tied strongly to disagreements he has with his father about how they handle their night job. He deals with those insecurities the way a lot of teenagers his age do -- by coming up with reasons why he's actually the specialist and most importantest person who ever lived. It's just that while most kids going through chuunibyo syndrome have to fall back on imaginary ideas of being secretly a wizard or the Chosen One or a magical space princess or a psychic mutant or whatever, Damian clings to his identity as The Son of the Bat, the "Heir Apparent" and, on occasion, the "One True Robin."
So, naturally, when a Batman appears claiming to be his father -- being pretty convincing about it, given that Zur-En-Arrh is essentially Bruce's alter, a fragmented part of his personality -- and starts both agreeing with Damian where they'd clashed before and giving him praise that reinforces that he's the Only One in the family who can be trusted to Do What Needs to Be Done and they Don't Need Anybody Else, of course Damian's going to overlook the obvious red flags and convince himself that everyone else is just Wrong and Jealous and Can't See What He Sees.
He's a kid. He wants his father's praise and attention. He wants to be told that the things he feels are right and just, even when they're not. And Zur-En-Arrh uses all of that to manipulate him, for as long as it can, knowing that, at his heart, Damian is a good enough kid that he will eventually turn against it. And when he did, Zur-En-Arrh was already prepared to discard and replace him.
Falling for that doesn't make Damian stupid, it makes him sympathetic. A lot moreso, to me, than any posturing about his woe-is-me sad childhood that also just happened to make him an unstoppable badass who's good at everything ever could.
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valkyriered · 1 year
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obsessed w bruce acknowledging in his internal monologue that jason is just so unhappy lmao
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chamiryokuroi · 1 year
Tim having to add Joker!Tim to his list of evil future versions of himself to watch out for after having visited the Batman Beyond universe: … why is it always me???
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