#Does this make sense to anyone else??.
gingiekittycat · 8 months
"There must be something I can do for you."
OK so I have been trying for the longest time to make sense of why the fuck they KEPT GOING WITH THE MAGIC ACT when they realized they couldn't do miracles. And I think I've got it.
Once again, it boils down to misunderstanding and miscommunication (surprise surprise):
I fully believe Aziraphale thought he was doing Crowley a favor by offering to do his magic act. Crowley’s in trouble with the theater, the alcohol he was going to sell is ruined because of Aziraphale’s shenanigans at the church. To take some of the pressure off Crowley, he offers to perform.
Here's the thing, though. Aziraphale DOESN'T think he's a very good magician. Just look at how nervous he is! He has zero confidence. Even the coin trick he does for Crowley, he's shocked and delighted when it actually works because he doesn't think it's going to. He's pretending for Crowley's sake because he's trying to get Crowley out of the hot seat with the theater.
That's also why he chooses such a dramatic and dangerous trick for the stage: he has to make it good for Crowley.
Crowley sees Aziraphale's offer to do the magic act purely as another one of Aziraphale’s whimsies. Which of course he is going to indulge, because he's a lovesick fool. He goes into FULL SUPPORTIVE HUSBAND mode, builds up Aziraphale's confidence, agrees to do the highly dangerous trick because Aziraphale wants to, because he thinks Aziraphale thinks he's good at magic, because he thinks Aziraphale really wants to get up on stage and perform, and he just doesn't want to see Aziraphale embarrassed... (Sound familiar???)
So. We get to the stage. Aziraphale doesn’t actually want to be there, but he's doing it for Crowley; Crowley doesn't actually want to be there, but he's doing it for Aziraphale. BOTH of them are complete idiots, because they're so enamored with each other and so fucking COMMITTED that neither of them wants to back down when they find out they can't do miracles. They just really want to make their husband happy--so badly that they're willing to risk discorporation for it.
In conclusion: they are idiots and I love them but THEY NEED TO COMMUNICATE JESUS CHRIST
It's no wonder the season ended like it did...
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
Riz is much too tired to defend his friends to his mom but him saying “NOOO mom Kristen does CrossFit now” to explain how he’s not carrying Kristen was so fucking funny
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lightasthesun · 5 months
thinking about Obi-Wan and Cody's last scene together in revenge of the sith but specifically the NOVELIZATION and how Cody flirted with Obi-Wan in a way that made Obi-Wan Kenobi 'Master of Sass and Trolling', the FAMED Negotiator blush and duck his head!!! and wondering if perhaps the fact that this was potentially their last battle and that Obi-Wan had just killed Grievous and they all could practically FEEL the end of the war brushing against their fingertips had given Cody that spike of courage, hope, peace that had made him pursue the drumming of maybe maybe maybe to his heartbeat that led to Obi-Wan blushing so profoundly he tried to fucking laugh it off and then zoooooomed tf out of there on bogas back.
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
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Jellyfish, specifically JellyNeil has no concept of gender nor does it remotely care about its gender until a very specific series of events
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Find the mer au masterpost here 💕
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akajustmerry · 5 months
my favourite Big Irony of succession is that, with their skills combined, the 4 roy kids would be the perfect ceo. Connor has self-assurance and does what he wants regardless of what Logan or the siblings say, a skill none of the other 3 have. Kendall has all the actual experience and qualifications to run a company that none of his siblings do, but no will to act without Logan's approval. Shiv has a sharp political understanding her siblings don't so sees mass trends and morality in a way the other 3 desperately fail at. Roman hasn't got political experience or great business instincts or a will of his own, but he can reel in people and be liked (when he wants to) in a way his sibs struggle to be. If you could fold the roy siblings into one person with shiv's political sense, connor's willpower, kendall's actual business experience, and roman's ability to be liked (when he needs to) - you'd have the perfect ceo. This is why Logan flip flops between them for successor, not just because he's an abusive dick, but because they do each genuinely have one or two qualities that pull them ahead of one another in different situations. But by making them compete as little individual neoliberal monsters of reganomics, Logan robs them of the ability to learn from one another and dooms them (and therefore himself) to fail and I think that's a truly delicious irony. God I miss that show.
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lazysunset · 2 months
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gulducock · 2 years
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look at this pic i found on twitter
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meaningless-mayhem · 7 months
Being asexual and possibly aromantic but also being a huge shipper and hopeless romantic is such a wild experience ngl. I'm always freaking out about my favorite ships and giggling internally reading ship fics, getting invested in characters finally kissing or reading about their pining and their love and I think "I want what they have!!"
But then sometimes you have a slamming realization that your sweet shipping scenarios you imagine in your head look totally different irl and that you are extremely aspec.
One time I went down a YouTube rabbit hole and stumbled across Vsauce's "Why Do We Kiss?" video and let me tell you. When I saw that stock video footage of two people kissing each other I was a little flabbergasted lmaooo
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I love love love the contrast between first Suvi and then Sworn extending care to Maddy as an untested young Wizard under harrowing circumstances vs. Indri taking on all of these young Witch apprentices with the express purpose of consuming/destroying them once they actually learn any magic.
I love the reminder that for Suvi, the Citadel is her home and school, and also all of the other things.
It's not just the army she's wanted to fight for, it's also the streets and people of her family and community, it's all her teachers, professors, the panel for her Wizard grad school thesis. It's the place where she did a bunch of stupid kid stuff that almost got her killed, and it's where whatever she's going to become with Silver started.
It's also the place that's crushing the life out of her best friend. It's the thing that Morrow was aiming for when he trapped Naram. It's the thing her parents died for instead of coming back to her.
And Indri, by very funny contrast, is just the world's worst Intern supervisor. 0/10 experience, would not get my magic consumed again. Just absolutely the worst.
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crowskullls · 2 months
Thinking about Minute’s insane morals and how he doesn’t have a single genuinely bad bone in his body. He gets confused when he’s betrayed, he begs for explanations when people are cruel. He would rather make amends than hold onto grudges. He forgives and forgets. He teams with the same guy (Wemmbu) that’s betrayed him countless of times, and still trusts him anyways. Even if a bit reluctant at first. Even if he knows he’ll still end up betrayed.
Like this guy has PROBLEMS. He so morally… Good. He can stoop down to other people’s level, he can play dirty, he can be intimidating. He doesn’t really let himself get walked all over. But he’d MUCH rather just hang out and have peace. He gets upset when people are negative because he’s just SO optimistic. He always has to see the Good side of things, even when it’s a horrendous situation.
Even when he has reasons to be angry and upset and spiteful, he still chooses to hold his head high and STICK to his morals. He’s Stubborn. He tries so hard to see Why people are evil and hurtful, but he can’t personally understand. He needs to be the hero. He needs to save others. Because who else is going to do it? Who else has the resources, the strength, the backbone, the reputation? He gives items out to people with no expectation for reimbursement. He’s always saving other server members, even his enemies, from tricky situations.
He tries hard to remain all mysterious and brooding. He tries to seem calm and collected. But he wears his heart on his sleeve. You can hear every emotion in his voice, in the glint in his eyes. The way his smile upturns when he finds something amusing, or how his eyebrows furrow when he’s trying to piece something together. He’s an incredibly emotional guy, and he’s not good at hiding it. He’s notoriously a bad liar. He gives himself away every time he opens his mouth. It’s WHY he’s so genuine, so easy to trust.
It’s easy to get under his skin, but he still holds his ground. Because he has to. Because the world is cruel and brutal, and everyone is out to get him. Killing is second nature on most SMPs, especially on Lifesteal. But he can defend himself. Most other people can’t. He’s paranoid, and watches events from the sidelines (even if it annoys other players.) He always has extra food and fireworks to give out. Despite covering himself in dark colors, and hiding from large groups, he’s still looking out for others. He’s still the beacon of hope people need. He’s so annoyingly optimistic and cheerful that it’s sickening to most. He refuses to let himself become bitter and pessimistic.
Anyways bro thinks he’s Batman.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
I need to take this from last night out of the tags: so like I think the reason cleo intimidates people is that she’s a goose. the thing is, like a goose, she’s not actually that good at fighting compared to a lot of things. however, also like a goose, her response to being threatened is to be entirely unintimidated and start threatening back, with the promise to follow through even if in actuality she’s not that good at fighting in comparison. and all the bigger predators see her refusing to be intimidated and threatening back and go. I don’t know. that’s scary. maybe I should leave. and the goose/the cleo lives another day on the power of refusing to be cowed. goose cleo.
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laura1633 · 7 months
I feel like Lestappen are both the definition of opposites attract and at the same time so similar!
I know that doesn't make any sense but it does in my head. Maybe it's the personas the media likes to push to the front for them that makes them seem 'opposite' but I feel like Max is also sunshine and Charles can also be competitive and aggressive when he needs to be.
Basically Max is every bit as lovely as Charles and Charles is every bit as crazy and competitive as Max.
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polinsated · 11 days
i need to know how many people had the same thought as i did a week ago..
"i don't think i'd like bridgerton, it doesn't seem like my kind of show"
and now, after binge watching and becoming polin-obsessed, you want to punch previous you in the face for that thought
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aether-friskets · 9 months
anyway uh. This was the stupid thing I wanted to share
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strawberrybyers · 2 months
conan gray’s albums explaining the trajectory of byler:
- kid krow is miwi and s1-2 byler
- superache is s3-4 byler
- found heaven is s5 byler and byler in their 20’s hitting up the clubs in new york
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dcvina-claires · 3 months
i wave goodbye to the end
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of beginning
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