#sklonda gukgak
beegs-bugs · 5 hours
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Sklonda Gukgak
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becausesure · 3 days
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everywishway · 2 days
Hey, so I'm writing a fanfic about Kalina post FHJY. Mostly her interacting with all the Bad Kids to redeem herself. Question tho, what do you think Kalina could learn from each of the BK's and what could they learn from her?
notes I already have: - Kalina becoming a literal emotional support animal to help Adaine during a panic attack and Adaine talking to her and seeing a lot of herself and Aelwyn, literally doing what you have to, even suffering if it supports others to which Adaine kinda calls this out - Ankarna and Kalina talking about how they both would do anything for Cassandra. Also Ankarna telling Kalina Riz might not resent her as much as she thinks because in the 'do over' thing she offered, Riz never thought about revenge on Kalina. - Kalina and Kristen talk in the church and hash out things, coming together in their care for Cassandra and sacrificing what made them themselves to help their parents when they weren't healthy (Kristen with her parents and Kalina with Cassandra/TNK) - Final chapter: Riz yells at her for how much she took from him (His dad, time with his mom and seeing her overwork herself to support them, etc) but she responds if it was him, he would do the same. He spent all Junior year tying himself in knots to keep the BK's together and really, Kalina was trying to do the same with Cassandra
Esp need ideas for: Gorgug, Sklonda, Fabian, Fig, and extra Riz chapters/vignettes. But any additional comments/notes for the above chapters would be lovely too <3
Also, if you wanna read the fic so far, it's on AO3 called 'What Does A Cat Have To Do To Be Redeemed Around Here?'
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bqrkrocks · 13 hours
happy pride month to raghzayn , sklondalynn , sklydia , lydialynn , and trackerdriel !
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the ballad of an (un)diagnosed private investigator
In junior year, Riz is finally forced to face one of his worst enemies yet—an undiagnosed anxiety disorder threatening to compromise his grades, his relationships, and, most of all, his sanity.
chapter 1 | 2 | ?
Sklonda listens to the sound of Riz chopping fruit and veggies and not uttering a word.
It's eerie, but it's also not surprising considering his workload this year.
She's searching the fridge for something to add to the lunch when the sound of chopping stops.
She turns around and sees Riz standing at the chopping board, hands trembling.
"You okay, hon?" Sklonda asks, walking closer.
"I'm fine," he breathes out shakily, shutting his eyes.
She takes the knife out of his hand and puts it on the cutting board.
Riz's breathing is slightly shallow, and just as he's about to bring his hands up to wipe away his tears, Sklonda grabs them and guides him to the sink. "Wash your hands before you touch your face or your eyes are gonna start burning."
Riz nods and washes his hands with his eyes still shut and shakes his hands out rather than drying them with the towel.
He brings his palms to his eyes, letting his glasses drop to the counter, and his breathing gets louder and shallower.
"Sweetie, hey, what's going on?" Sklonda asks, squeezing his shoulders, despite having an inkling of an idea.
"Feel like 'm gonna pass out," he says breathlessly.
"Okay, it's okay, let's go sit down," Sklonda says softly, guiding him to the couch.
They sit down, and Riz brings his hands away from his face and presses them against his thighs, eyes still shut. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm—why I'm—I—"
Riz cuts himself off, hyperventilating now. "Mom—" he whines, bringing an arm up to wipe his eyes, and reaching out another arm for her.
Sklonda wraps him in a hug, carding her fingers through his hair with one hand and rubbing his back with the other. "It's okay, baby, it's okay."
"Can't breathe," he says with a whine, gasping for air and trembling violently in her embrace. "I can't breathe."
"Riz, honey," she pulls him away from her chest and tilts his head down—god, he's gotten tall—to face her. "Can you look at me, sweetie?"
He opens his eyes, wide, and yellow, and teary, and frightened.
Sklonda cups his cheeks in her hands. Hot, clammy palms cover the backs of her hands in an instant.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," she says, brushing hair out from his face. He crinkles his nose, shuts his eyes once more and lets out a sob, gasping for air even faster.  "Hon, can you take a deep breath for me?" Sklonda asks, fighting back tears of her own.
Riz shakes his head. "I—I—I don'—don't know wha's happening," he forces out between gasps and sobs, digging his claws into her hands.
Sklonda can understand that sentiment, certainly. It's exactly how she felt during Riz's spring break of sophomore year, watching that livestream...
"You're having a panic attack, honey," she says. "It happens when the anxiety gets to be too much, you're not in danger, you're okay, my baby."
She leans forward and kisses him on the forehead, and he nods.
"Like—like Adaine," he says.
Sklonda knows about Adaine's anxiety. She's talked to Jawbone about it briefly, and expressed her own concerns about Riz, though Riz seems just as averse to talking to Jawbone about it as he is with her.
"Yeah, like you're friend Adaine. And she's okay, remember?"
Riz has never had an attack like this. Not to her memory. Sklonda has only known him to spiral in the same way as her, no chance of putting away the clues and going to bed, too wired up to think of anything else, constantly doing everything all at once until he crashes.
Junior year is putting a fucking toll on him.
She had already noticed the dark circles under his eyes getting more and more pronounced with each passing night, and the constant tremours, and the jumpiness, and now panic attacks...
Maybe it's her fault.
She told him he'd have to work harder this year.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
After a brief mental cursing, she steels herself and returns her mind to the situation at hand.
"'M gonna—'m gonna pass out," Riz stutters between gasps, burying his head in his hands again.
Sklonda lets a few tears fall, knowing he won't see them.
"Honey, I need you to breathe," she says, wrapping him in a hug again with his head rested on her shoulder. "I'm gonna do it with you, okay? You just have to try and follow along with me."
Riz continues to hyperventilate and sob, not acknowledging her.
"Oka—okay, okay."
Sklonda runs a hand up his back as she breathes in, and runs a hand down his back as she breathes out.
She keeps doing that with him for what feels like might be an hour, and at the end of it, Riz is breathing slowly again.
"Riz, honey?" Sklonda says, rubbing his back.
He doesn't respond.
And so she pulls him off her shoulder adjusts him into a laying position on the couch, shoving a pillow under his head and draping a blanket over him.
She kisses him on the forehead once more, grabs her crystal off the coffee table and heads to the bedroom to make a call.
When Riz wakes up, it's dark outside. It's dark outside and his mom is sitting on the other side of the couch, texting somebody.
He checks the time, and then he sits up so fast the blood rushes to his head and almost knocks him out.
"Shit, I missed like, three club meetings today," he says, "how long was I out for?"
"As long as you needed, hon," she says, putting a hand on his leg.
Riz frowns, grabbing his glasses off the coffee table so he can read her expression better.
She's frowning too.
But it's a concerned frown.
"Did you sleep okay?"
"I—uh—guess. But my meetings—"
"Jawbone cleared up your absence with all the club leaders. No one's gonna make a fuss about you missing a meeting due to a medical emergency. Well, if they do then they're dicks. Are you hungry?"
Riz stares blankly at her.
"I... no—wait—" he stammers. 
She said that so nonchalantly.
"What?" Riz blurts out.
"Are you hungry?"
"No—the... what medical emergency?"
She sighs, rubbing his leg through the blanket in a soothing motion. "You had a panic attack, remember?"
Riz cringes. "Yeah, but that's—that's not, like, so serious—wait, did you turn off my alarms?" he asks, pulling out his crystal and checking the clock app.
She did.
"An anxiety disorder is a medical condition, Riz," she says, as if it answers anything. "It's serious."
Riz's blood runs cold.
"I don't have anxiety," he says, the words feeling dry and unfamiliar on his tongue. "I mean—I—I get anxious but I don't—I don't have a disorder, Mom. This was a one-off thing, okay?"
She sighs again, that sigh she always does when he tries to assuage her concerns. "I'm really worried about you, kid."
"Mom, I'm fine—"
"Why can't we have one conversation about this that doesn't end with you saying that?"
"Because it's true—"
"I don't like seeing my kid shaking and sobbing and telling me he can't breathe, and then acting like it didn't happen, Riz!" she snaps.
"I'm sorry, okay!?" he yells back, standing up. "But if you don't believe me that I'm fine, then I don't know what else to do. I'm going to my office."
Riz storms out the door and slams it behind him before she can respond, and if he hears sobs on the other side, he pretends he doesn't notice.
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Guess the Fantasy High NPC!
(Part 6)
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thecryptidzenith · 2 months
God, I love the art this season so much. Not just because it's fucking gorgeous, (which it is.) But. like. look at this.
The Trio of Goblin Badasses (otherwise known as the Gukgak family):
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First of all. Pretty. Second of all, look at their facial features. Riz's got his dad's ears, but his mom's nose. Sklonda's jawline and Pok's dark brows. This kid is the spitting image of his parents, a perfect combo of the two. Just like Kalina said in Sophomore Year.
I Just Think It's Neat.
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saturnschoolhouse · 2 months
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Da gukgaks
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purrassicjet · 2 months
Thinking about the Bad Parents this episode because like, imagine your child, who's constantly burdened with the fate of the world, comes to you after school and says it's not enough. That they have to take the Last Stand exam and it's tomorrow. You have no time to take time off work to be with them, to be able to wait for them when they get home.
And then the next day you say goodbye in the morning, you kiss them on the head and tell them you love them. But you know that the next time you see them they will have died. You know that all the day you're at work, your child is fighting for their life in a drastic last stand. How do you focus with that knowledge? How do you move on, wondering if your child is already dead? That while your working or doing chores, your child could be lying on a sandy flood, dead, while all their friends fight for their lives?
How do you move past it? How do you live out that day?
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alfalfairy · 2 months
Just imagine Sklonda Gukgak going to Riz's first bloodrush game, understandably anxious because her son is by no means that athletic and probably the smallest one on the field (and she probably watched him get grabbed and crushed to death on a livestream less than a year ago).
And then she gets there and she sees his friends, that she worried were taking advantage of him, there to shower him with encouragement and cheer and inspiration. Like imagine her sitting with Kristen, who tells her of course we're all going to be here for his first game!
And thanks to them, he does it!
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magicratfingers · 29 days
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family-on-6 · 3 months
Brennan can say that his self-insert OC is the aarakocra agent all he wants but we all know it's Sklonda Gukgak and it always has been.
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becausesure · 20 hours
My poll on who the MOST POWERFUL FANTASY HIGH PARENTS has this as the ranking
Bill Seacaster
Sandra Lynn
The Thistlesprings
The Abernants
The Applebees
And I left both Gilear and Sklonda off the list because they aren't actually powerful but are popular
I have my personal list below
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rrat-king · 5 months
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the milfs of fantasy high are something that can be so so deeply personal
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islandoforder · 3 months
the headmaster at your school using dominate fucking monster on you would fuck you up so bad, man i can’t wait to see what mortals rights activist lawyer sklonda gukgak does when she founds out the principal hatecrimed her son
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bobbieraimondi · 3 months
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relatable, honestly
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