#Good Omens 2
televised-eyes · 1 day
the implications of crowley talking in a baby voice to the bentley are insane bc he does it while holding the plants meaning either crowley has gone completely soft in season 2 or he’s waging psychological warfare with the plants, making sure they know who is the favorite. both options are absolutely bonkers
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clairedelune-13 · 2 days
I can’t believe there are people who hate Azi.
If Crowley still loves him, so should you.
And yes, Crowley still loves him.
He waited outside.
The love is still very much there.
They’re Just Not Talking Right Now.
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So, reblog if you still love Mr. A.Z. Fell
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Day 303 of posting Good Omens memes Everyday until Season 3
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crawley-fell · 1 day
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the-snek-of-eden · 2 days
Crowley: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives.
Aziraphale: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to read.
Crowley: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
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phoen1xr0se · 1 day
Does anyone else have earworms from S2 that just pop up in your head randomly for no apparent reason?
Loads of Shax's lines for some reason do this to me, but also this absolute gem:
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It's in my head, like, all the time.
What are the ones that have stayed with you?
(Please reblog and distract me with your own ones, my head is loud and annoying tonight).
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illustoryart · 8 hours
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A quiet summer afternoon.
The sun is shining through the foliage, touching the grass, making angel’s hair look like a halo.
Being by your side is the only heaven I ever dreamed of ❤️‍🩹
New summertime artwork for Good Omens Artbook 😇
You can already find it on Kofi! ✨
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badaziraphaletakes · 3 days
im Sick and Tired of everyone hoping that aziraphale experiences the Horrors. i hope aziraphale finds a Really good tea flavor that he hasn’t found prior to that despite being on earth for 6,000 years
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dalliancekay · 2 days
"I think Aziraphale needs to learn a lot more than that..."
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Why do people keep (telling me again and again about this quote) assuming that Neil means Aziraphale needs some moral lessons, get off his high horse, learn some hard truths about Heaven, escape their grasp, finally understand that they are bad etc etc etc.
When the ask is about how Crowley is always forgiven from Aziraphale's point of view and how what (I see) Neil means is that Azi should also be told he's good enough. That he can be loved.
That what he needs to learn is how to believe in himself. To trust his mind, his feelings, to believe he is enough, he always was, that he doesn't have to be perfect or 100% right, that it is not possible and that it's okay. That he's okay. That he was lied to.
I wish we would frame Aziraphale's journey/learning as something else, not morality/awakening of some sort. Not as something he has to overcome. When Crowley changes his mind on something, no one says, oh have a gold star, you went against what Hell wants from you. Well done! Why do we do that to Aziraphale. Crowley is seen in Hell, giving presentations on some half hearted ideas that no one there really gets and getting accolades for things he didn't do at all and everyone is like, oh yay, look at him, so clever. Hahahah. Aziraphale also has to follow rules and do his tasks whether he agrees with them or not or he will be punished. He's not doing it for fun. He breaks rules when he feels he simply must and then everyone is like oh look, he is finally abandoning the rigid thinking that Heaven showed/taught him. But really, the naïve slow angel, he should try even harder.
Why such double standards?
Aziraphale is good and wants to do good. He is not sure of himself, true, but that's hardly his fault. Crowley is also good and tries to do good or at least limit the bad things he needs to do to survive.
They are two sides of the same coin. They both learn and grow. Sometimes the treatment the Ineffables get reminds me of how differently boys and girls are treated when they are learning behaviour. Boys praised for anything and everything even remotely good they do (cos they are expected to be naughty) and girls get the oh you should have already known better treatment. Aziraphale saved Job's kids cos he thought it was a horrible thing to want to do and expected to be punished for it. That's not - he didn't, it didn't change who he is. He did it expecting Falling. That's extremely brave. Yes Crowley has Fallen and people tend to see this as some extra superior move on his behalf, like he had everything figured out, understood how bad Heaven was and tried to bravely fix it. And Aziraphale needs to catch up with him. (If not by Falling himself than by doing some extraordinary learning journey to catch up with Crowley's knowledge). No. That's all HC. We don't even know why Crowley Fell. We don't. We know what he says happened (and we also know that he's not a reliable narrator...) and that's all we know. And even the things he says are not exactly showing him as some truth waving hero only wanting to make Heaven better for everyone and failing. Aziraphale is not breaking rules cos suddenly he used his brain and saw how Heaven is bad. He already knows that. He's risking punishment to help others. Again and again. And that's very kind and admirable and everything but it's not his evolving morality. He's already moral. He's already good. He always was.
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He's also fucking cute. Let's not forget.
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mimisempai · 17 hours
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Aziraphale's to do list…
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 1 : here
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 2 : here
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dee-morris · 3 days
I Promise I'm Not Trying to Start Anything
I know the Golden Rule of Fandom: headcanon and let headcanon, theory and let theory. (Unless you say something ableist or hateful toward Aziraphale, obviously bc fuck you that's why.) So feel free to keep scrolling if this question bothers you.
But I'm a little puzzled, and again this is a good faith question, not passive aggressive, I promise it's not a shit post, *waves hands* ALL THE DISCLAIMERS but anyway why do I keep seeing theories and headcanons that Aziraphale is going to Fall? Or that he should Fall? Like that's a natural next step in his journey, something he needs to do or ought to do so he can be with Crowley.
I considered the possibility myself before seeing season two, but my friends, Falling isn't an option for him. It's off the table. Gabriel's trial made that clear. He WANTED to Fall, and Metatron said, "For one prince of heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story, but if it happens again it suggests an institutional problem."
As a manager of an unsustainable bureaucracy, the Metatron is kind of stuck. If he gives Aziraphale the boot, first of all he'll be giving Hell the nuclear codes, but also he'll have to admit that heaven isn't perfect and angels can make mistakes. That they can change and make choices and become something other than what they were created for. If he admits that, the whole system crumbles and his control is gone baby gone. He CAN'T make Aziraphale fall any more than he could Gabriel, bc then he'll have to admit things that he cannot admit.
What really bothers me is that people think that this is something Aziraphale needs to do in order to be free of heaven. I get the logic, but I do want to point out that Crowley isn't free either. Falling out of the frying pan and into the fire isn't character development. They need to take down the whole system , and that means joining together from opposite sides.
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arrtemos · 3 days
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Church mural, but make it ineffable husbands
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innefableidiot · 3 days
Pun gone wrong
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Worth it
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Day 304 of posting Good Omens memes Everyday until Season 3
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vidavalor · 2 days
Ok, you know Gabriel and the tomatoes at the start of 2.01?
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A lot of great stuff has been written about this scene already and how it's paralleling Adam and Eve but I wanted to throw in something that I haven't seen that I think might interest you. We've spent a lot of time on the question of 'why tomatoes?' but there's also some wordplay involved in the marketplace containing and selling the tomatoes.
The old-school, technical term for a street seller of fruits and vegetables in Britain is a costermonger, which is sometimes shortened to coster or costard. It is a portmanteau comprised of the words costard and monger. A monger is a seller of something but a costard?
That's the name for a medieval variety of apple.
The community market grocery place diagonally across the street from the bookshop that Gabriel walks by is comprised of a different purveyors selling a variety of food items and the like but all of them share an occupational name in costermonger...
Meaning: that all food is, symbolically, an apple (and The Apple), in this story, even if there are also other, additional meanings as well.
No matter what the farmstand owners of the Whickber Street marketplace are actually selling, they all are, in effect, apple sellers...
...or apple cellars...
...if you wanted to get especially punny about the booksellers and their cellar history...
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Making things even funnier? The word costard that describes that medieval cooking apple?
Yeah, it comes from the Old French coste... which means rib...
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It's also an archaic term English term for the human head... ya know, that thing Gabriel had some issues with in S2 and which contains the mind. The apple was named as such based on people feeling it resembled a human head in shape but was also a bit ribbed.
In French, costard is also connected to costume and refers to a suit.
Gabriel rather notably missing his signature suit during his arrival... Our Naked Man Friend turning up to parallel Adam & Eve, down to the birthday suit to start the season...
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...but also the arrival at the bookseller's cellar at end of the season involving an unexpectedly human-looking, (usually floating) head, in a suit...
...and he brought an apple from the shop...
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the-snek-of-eden · 20 hours
Crowley: I love you.
Aziraphale: How many people have you said that to?
Crowley: Everyone.
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley: I told everyone that I love you.
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