#I reread that last one I didn't mean batcest I meant like older brother guarding little siblings and keeping away nightmares
snakeredbirdbatkatana · 8 months
Also got a kinda weird one but I love like chaotic possessive borderline insane nightwing when it comes to his brothers. Like cuddling Tim, Damian or Jason and saying my precious while Bruce slowly backs out of the room.
Black Mask breaks Damian's arm and without hesitation he shouts for Dick and out comes Nightwing ready to strike and end this man's whole career.
Dick who refuses to let Tim go find Bruce fuck Bruce you stay here with me and never leave.
He hunts down Jason like a dog with a bone and keeps track of everyone of his movements because his little wing will never go anywhere he doesn't know about.
Bruce who does not dare touch a Robin because big bird while come and Bruce knows nightwing will kill him.
I want nightwing like a very angry guard dog when it comes to his brothers.
I want him to sleep with his brothers surrounding him and he hears a creak in the hall and he is up standing in front of the bed with sticks that are flowing with electricity because no one will touch his brothers.
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