#I wanted to draw him in drag for awhile now so it’s good I got to it!
londoneh · 3 months
Drag Eddie!!
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(featuring my welcome home oc, Marley!)
Playing dress up!!
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itsmebytch001 · 9 months
Smoking It Away Pt 3:
Summary: After the 6 weeks are up, Aaron comes to pick you up from rehab with Miles in the car, part of him wants to apologise for sending you away, the other knows what he's done is right, while Miles desprately tries to press you to talk to him.
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Miles and Aaron exited the Rehab, Aaron had to fight every thought in his head to not run back in and bail you out while Miles stared into the distance with the growing feeling of regret sitting within him. And as they approach the car Aaron goes to take a final look at facility before riding off.
As they begin to ride off back into the wooden area, Aaron keeps looking back at Miles through the rear view mirror as he keeps looking back at your empty seat, he can see his nephew is struggling, wallowing in his own dilema of if he had done the right thing. They sat in silence through the entire of the trip back to Brooklyn, and once they pulled up outside Mile's home, Aaron dropped him off.
Miles Dragged himself slowly up the fire escape and entered his room, flopping onto his bed, laying their motionless for awhile until he heard his door knob click, and his parents shuffle into the room they looked down at him sadly.
Jeff: "So, how did it go?"
Miles: "What do you mean, 'How did it go?' We dropped her at the rehab and left her there"
Usually Miles parents would scould him for his sass, but all things considered it was reasonable that he would be upset, Rio exchanaged a look with her husband and exited his room.
Jeff: "I didn't think he would actually do it"
Rio: "What do you mean?"
Jeff: "I didn't think he had it in him to send her off to a rehab where he wasn't with her for almost a month, I thought maybe he'd chicken out and just take her home."
Rio: "Well, It's for the best I'm sure"
Meanwhile poor Aaron was sitting in the dark of his empty house back on your phone scrolling through it, scanning over all your personal texts and photos, selfies of you smoking or snorting and all he wanted was to find who ever the hell your dealer was, and he thought to look through your call list.
Aaron: Sun 12:33 missed Miles: Sun 12:09 missed Pluggg: Sat 13:19 -10 mins Miles: Sat 12: 11 -15 mins Auntie Rio: Sat 9:11 -12 mins Stella : Thurs 19:13 -1 hour Stella: Thurs 19:11 missed Pluggg: Thrus 17:19 -12 mins Bloom: Tue 19:11 -9 mins Miles: Tue 13: 11 -18 mins Musa: Tue 11:14 - 12 mins Aaron: Wens 21:23 - 1 min
Honestly if you didn't want him to find your supplier you should have came up with a better contact name, He thought how should he deal with this, this stranger that was posioning you for so long, he could go all Prowler on him and take him out, but he left that life far behind so why not hand this phone over to Jeff, surley he, or the police could sort through it until they found the adress of this 'Pluggg'.
He clicked off your phone and set it on the table, never had he been more aware that he was alone in the house, of course he had been alone before and had also known the feeling of having children and not knowing where they were, the stress and worried pacing calling you again and again with it going to voice mail and having to wait home until he would hear your window creek open and sound of you falling into bed, and now he was so upset with himself for not going into your room to scould you, but now that ne knew you were home, he could sleep.
And now he was alone, but atleast he had the knowledge were you where, that should he a comfort but really it just made him feel weak for having had given you do then.
As he walked down the hall he peered into your room to see how much he had torn it up. The emptied draws, the completely stripped bed, the hollowed out wardrobe and most of all the glaring whole in the floor, the missing floor board that once housed your goodie box of hard drugs.
He got into his lone bed, checking his phone to see a missed call from Jefferson, So he called him back.
calling Jefferson Morales
Aaron: "Hey"
Jeff: "Hey...You good man?"
Aaron: "I'm...I don't know man"
Jeff: "I know. But I think You did the right thing"
Aaron: "Did I?" He ran his hand over his face.
Aaron: "What If it is just teenage shit? what if-"
Jeff: " Aaron...You found MDMA and cocaine in the floor"
Aaron: "I know...I know"
Jeff: "This should teach her, or help atleast...You go through her phone again?"
Aaron: "Yeah actually, I think I found his number"
Jeff: "His number? As in the dealer?"
Aaron: "Yeah I think so, If it's not this 'plug' guy it's this Stella girl"
Jeff: "Stella? Who's she?"
Aaron: "Y/n little friend who's a bit of a star girl, looking through these texts it seems she is the one buying half the time"
Jeff: "That's supplying, I could arrest her"
Aaron: "I don't know, I don't know" He groaned.
Jeff: "Don't go back man"
Aaron: "But wha-"
Jeff: "Aaron if you go back she'll know that she can get away with this type of behaviour, You'll be telling her that it's fine, she has to know their she can't just step on you"
Aaron: "Yeah...Yeah I guess"
After the next six weeks Aaron avoided going back to his apartment as all costs, hanging around the Morales house into late hours, then wondering the streets for hours until sunrise, only returning to the house when he had too, counting down the days until he could bring you home.
Needless to say once the six weeks ran out the whole family were looking forward to your retrun, of course Miles was stressing about you 'not talking to him' as you said you would, but Rio was just glad to get her surrogate daughter back.
The day finally came for Aaron and Miles to pick you up, Aaron felt ealted that he would finally have you home, had had almost no contact with you, only letters, and by the end of the program he had only sent 3, he never got a response and he wasn't sure if it was beacuse you weren't allowed to write back, or that you wouldn't.
So while Miles and Aaron drove off out of Brooklyn to pick you up, Jeff and Rio where in your home setting up a small welcome home party, nothing big, just cake with juice and a banner, yes it was strange that they would do this after a rebab stint, but they just missed you so very much.
Jeff had written out a mildy threatning speech to read to once you got home, and Rio was gleefully icing the cake.
The car ride was long and quite until finally they reached the facility, Aaron rushedly walked in to the reception where be began to sign you out while Miles kept checking you through the glass doors, and oh how happy Arron was to see his girl walking out that hallway, you looked tired.
Miles: "Hey!"
Once you made it through the doors, Miles went to hug you only to be meet with the hand, pushing him away.
Aaron can't help but also try and hug you, and through you tried to push him off, he still took you into a tight embrace.
Aaron: "Its good to see you baby" He holds you for several seconds almost sufficating grasp, finally he would be at ease that he had gotten you back, Miles kept looking for eye contact with you but you refused to meet his gaze.
Aaron took your bags from you forcefully and carried them back to the car, Miles trasped behind you as Aaron put your bags in the back of the car, Miles sat in the front with Aaron while you were in the back, he put on the radio and began to drive.
Aaron kept looking back at you through the rear mirror, he was so happy to have you back.
Aaron: "So baby, how did it go?"
Y/n: "Just drive Aaron" You heard Miles sharply inhale.
Aaron: "Aaron? We doing that now huh?" His hands tighted round the wheel, he had just gotten you back and already you were casusing problems.
Aaron: "Okay then" He mumbeld to himself tensing.
Miles: "We missed you Y/n"
You don't dignify him with any kind of response.Half way through the road trip home, you desprately needed to pee you knew you should have gone before you left the facility, and lucky you saw a gas station up ahead.
Y/n: "Can we pull over? I need to pee"
Radio silecne from both your Dad and you cousin.
Y/n:" Hellllo? Dad Can we pull over I need to pee"
Aaron: "I'm not Dad, I'm Aaron aren't I?"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Aaron: "You wanna call me by my name on your first day back out, and you expected me to pull over for you?"
Y/n: "You are a grown ass man, why are you being so fucking petty?"
Aaron: "Don't swear in my car"
Y/n: "Pull over I need to pee"
Aaron: "You can hold it"
Y/n: "Aaron, what is wrong with you? Let me out this car"
Aaron: "You are thin Ice Y/n"
Miles looked back at you in the rear view mirror, you made a moment of eye contact and you could see in his face he was pleading for you to shut the hell up.
Y/n: "Or what? You don't have anywhere else you can abandon me in"
The car comes to a sudden stop in the middle of this empty road.
Aaron: "Excuse me?"
Y/n: "you heard what the fuck I said"
Aaron: "Get out my car"
Y/n: "Excuse me?"
Aaron: "You heard me"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Aaron: "You heard me, you wanna talk to me like that your first day out you can make your own way home"
Y/n: "This is a motor way sourounded by trees"
Aaron: "Get. Out. The. Car"
And so you did, Miles watched as you got out the car with just one of your bags and walk off the road and onto the side walk, Miles was stunned by his Uncle giving him a stunned look, Aaron picks up on this and returns him a calm unbothered look.
Miles: "What was that?!"
Aaron: "Don't worry man, we'll turn back in 20 minutes and pick her up by the gas station, then maybe she'll shut up"
Miles: "What if she goes off into the woods?"
Aaron: "I dout it"
And just as Aaron said they turned back 20 minutes later to find you sitting with your bag out side the Gas station Aaron knew well enough you wouldn't go walking in the woods and you knew your father wouldn't actually leave you, Your Dad pulled up next to you and rolled down the window and gave you a apethtic look.
Aaron: "You ready to apologise?"
Y/n: "...No" Aaron also predicted that.
Aaron: "Get in the damm car Y/n"
The rest of the drive home was quite and uneventfull, droned out by the radio and once you two finally made it home of course you where relieved to be somewhere familair, but all you really wanted was to sleep in your own bed, Aaron shuttled you into the aparment with Miles and you were greeted with Rio and Jeff smiling at you with a cake, and a banner saying 'welcome home'.
ah crap
Rio Comes in to hug you tightly giving you a kiss on the cheek while Jeff looks on at you unimpressed, some how still mad at you even it's been 6 whole damm weeks since you had been in the home, you took your bags and simply walked past them dissmissivly and dropped them in your room, shutting the door not wanting to engage with them, Rio was clearly hurt by this so Miles went in after you.
He was you laying on your bed face down clearly exhausted.
Miles: "Y/n"
Miles: "Y/n I know you aren't asleep"
Miles: "Y/n!" He yelled shoving you bit.
Miles: "Get your ass up, the whole family put this together for you and you won't even say hello to my Mom?"
Miles: "Get the hell up" He shoved you again.
Miles: "I'm not playing with you get the hell UP!" He pulled off the bed by your shoulders and onto the floor.
Y/n: "What is wrong with you?!"
You picked yourself off from the floor, shoving him away from you.
Y/n: "I just want to sleep in my own bed"
Miles: "It's 11:00?"
Y/n: "Miles, Ive been sleeping in a rock hard bed in a building full of crazy people for six weeks all I want is to sleep in my own room, can you fuck off for god's sake"
Miles: "I honestly don't care, get your ass out there before I drag you down the fucking hall"
Y/n: "Yeah yeah whatever" And so you deafeatedly walked out your room to re greet your family who were already upset at you for dismissing them so quickly sat you down to cut the cake, you kept making eye contact with your Uncle Jeff, unwillingly meeting his cold gaze.
Rio handed you a plate with a slice of cake on it placing a hand on your shoulder, you Dad through clearly still bitter about earlier was also so very glad to have you home.
Rio: "look how thin she's gotten, clearly they didn't feed you right"
She was right, they did feed you, but mostly it was raw veggies and porridge and how much you wanted to fight the dinner lady for feeding you such grule, she said it was to help with with drawls, but it clearly brought her joy to feed you all the worst possible things imagineable.
Miles: "Yeah what they feed you there?"
You roll your eyes at him as the family gathers around you all feeding on the cake and pouring juice in their little cups, as you were bombarded with questions.
Rio: "Where they good to you their?"
Y/n: "Well I guess, They made us go to a funreal home at one point that wasn't great"
Jeff: "They did that to show you what could have happened if we hadn't caught and sent you off"
Y/n: "...okay" You weren't really sure what the correct response to any of these rehab realted questions where, is was rehab it wasn't supposed to be nice.
The family had gone stale due to your unwillingness to make actual conversation, so Jeff took this as the time to whip out is 'speech' which was actually just a fancy written threat.
Jeff stood in front the whole family with his paper in hand.
Jeff: "Ahem..Y/n during you absence in recent weeks we all missed you greatly and are happy for your return, and while you were gone I thought about what might have happened if Miles hadn't alerted us to what you were doing"
'Alerted? You mean snitched the little rat'
Jeff:" Every year thousands die in this city of drug overdoses, it starts with weed, and escaltes into harder things, like Cocaine, or MDMA, like you, and we are all so gratfeul to Miles for choosing to tell us, rather than wait"
Miles smirked at you from across the couch.
Jeff: "I have had the burden of informing familes's that their children had passed due to drug overdoses, and I will not allow you to be another I will not have you in a morgue dead and cold because you wanted to have fun with your 'friends' I, along with the family will not allow you to destroy yourself for your own selfish and frivalous indevours" He folded the paper in his hands and sat back down as the family began to slowly clap since the speech came to such a strange and sudden stop, he wasn't great a public speaking, obviously.
Later into the 'party' Miles was despratley trying to make proper converstation with you, unwillingly giving him short unresponsive answers, Auntie Rio was fawning over your changes in apperance, and she was right to say you looked 'rough', your skin had broken out due to stress, your hair looked like shit, you had lost weight, you nails had been chewed right to the end, truly it had been an unpleasant six weeks.
Rio: "Your hair looks so dry nina, did you not take care of it?"
Y/n: "My Dad only packed me shampoo in bag"
Rio: "Oh...Why?"
Y/n: "I think He's forgotten what it's like to have hair so he though that would be enough, bald little man"
Rio: "Oye, Don't be rude hehe" She giggled under her breath, this is what your usual interactions were like, not the cold stare on the couch when you were finally caught.
Rio: "ah well, we'll get you sorted yeah? Get you some Argon oil...and some face masks for all thisss" She dragged out the 'sss' gesturing to your terrible skin.
Y/n: "Yeah, that would be nice"
Jeff took Aaron into the next room for a little chat regarding your Plug, if he were to dissapear into the system he could no longer supply you, but the other problem came about with Stella, she clearly shown by your texts often was the buyer, and simply shared with you, and It wasn't reasonable to imagen going after her legally since her family had so much damm money they could easily have all this swept under the rug.
Aaron: "So you find him?"
Jeff: "Yep, we skimmed through Y/n's phone and we got him, his adress his name all of it, we should have in custody by next week, until then don't give Y/n any means of contacting him"
Aaron: "Do you know how hard it is to keep a teenager off the internet, and you want me to do it for a week? If you know who the guy is why not do it now?"
Jeff: "Because that's not how it works Aaron"
Aaron: "great" He said through gritted teeth.
Jeff: "What are you going to do about this Stella girl? She seem's to be her drug buddy"
Aaron: "I don't know man, her family's rich as hell it's not like she could be arrested"
Jeff: "I could arrest her, it's a case of it sticking"
Aaron: "I don't know man, but I'll take care of it"
Eventually the family scooted out the house leaving you alone with your Dad, Rio promised to take you out this coming weekend to get your nails done together as you sometimes would, and Miles still recived a cold glare from you, with you in your room unpacking all your stuff, your Dad leaned against the door frame of your room.
Y/n: "I see you put up bars on my window, classy"
Aaron: "It could be temporary, if you keep in line"
Y/n: "Yeah Yeah"
Aaron: "I'm glad to have you back Y/n, really I missed you"
Y/n: "Okay, I guess"
Aaron: "I don't want you hanging round that Stella girl anymore, she's a bad influence"
Y/n: "And how would you know? Youv'e only spoken to her like twice"
Aaron: "I know because you only started acting out like this when you met her, and she's in all your secret little photos on your phone, and she's the one buying you shit when youv'e already spent all your money!"
Y/n: "You went through my phone?"
Aaron: "Of course I went through your phone I found drugs under the floor boards!"
Y/n: "That's an invasion of my privacy!"
Aaron: "HA! Privacy? Y/n I don't think you understand what's happening, You don't have any damm privacy since your brought drugs in my house, no phone, no laptop and if you keep pushing it this way you aren't going to have a door, and if I see Stella or see you talking to her I'll keep those bars up, end of okay?"
Aaron: "Okay?!"
Y/n: "FINE!"
Aaron: "Don't yell at me in my own house!"
Y/n: "My house, My Door My window My daughter, I am 17 you do not own me-!"
Aaron: "You are a minor! and as long as you live under my roof NO STELLA I am your father and WE are family, don't be priortise her over your family"
Y/n: "I'll be out this house soon enough!"
Aaron: "I'd love to see you find a home in this economy!"
Y/n: "Whatever Aaron"
Aaron: "Call me that again, see what happens" He yells as he exits your room, closing the door behind him.
Y/n: "AARON!"
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oftenwantedafton · 2 months
Kismet - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 4
Word Count - 3k
Rating - Explicit
CW - sexual content
Also available on AO3
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Dave Miller is waiting for you in the campus parking lot outside of the building you’ve just had your anatomy exam inside.
You can see him leaning against the driver’s side door, his hands shoved into his pockets. Still dressed in his security guard uniform. It’s hot out. You squint against the glare of the sun as you exit, maneuvering your way down the handicapped ramp using the crutches he’d lent you earlier. They’re awkward, a little tricky to get used to, but they do help. Your ankle was actually a lot better today, but you’d also been resting it for awhile now, so you don’t want to push it and ruin the recovery process.
“How did it go?” He greets you when you reach his car.
You draw in a deep breath, then exhale. “I think I did okay. I hope. That was worth a quarter of my grade.”
”I’m sure you did well.” He opens the rear passenger door and you slide the crutches inside across the back seat, followed by your backpack. The vintage luxury sedan had a spacious interior, hailing from an era where things were built bigger, with the intention of showing off, ignoring things like fuel efficiency and compact sizing. Not what you would have envisioned him driving; it just didn’t suit his aesthetic. So at odds with the bike gear, with the sport motorcycle itself.
“So where do you want to go?” You’ve both settled inside the car. The vinyl seats are warm, clinging to the bare skin on the backs of your thighs. You’d worn denim shorts and a tank top today. You don’t know how the older man can stand being so covered up. Maybe something to do with those strange marks he has on him. You want to ask about them, the query nearly forcing its way past your lips on more than one occassion, but you’re still hesitant, uncertain if it was the right time to ask yet.
“You must be tired.” The smudges beneath his eyes still persist. You wonder when the last time he actually got some decent rest was.
“I took a cat nap while you were taking your test. I’m good for now.”
“Let’s go to your house.” You try to make it sound casual, surprising yourself when the words slip out. A little forward, inviting yourself over.
“My house?” A mixture of his own surprise laced with some amusement as well. “On a day like this I thought you’d want to be outdoors.”
“It’s too hot.”
“It’s summer in Utah. It’s always too hot,” he counters.
“Seriously, though. Where do you want to go?”
You pretend to reconsider, biting your bottom lip, eyes fixing upward. “Mmmm…your house.”
“Okay. If that’s what you really want.” He turns the key in the ignition and the engine roars to life. “Seatbelt on, please.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You drag the nylon strap across your chest, shoving the buckle into place. The material digs into your bare shoulder, pressing between your breasts.
“You’re back to work on Friday, right?” He pulls out of the parking lot, heading north out of the city proper. The opposite direction from where you reside.
“You think you’re going to be okay getting there?”
“I should be good.”
“Ill give you my number just in case. You should have it anyway.”
“Yeah, I should.” He glances over at you, smirking.
You fuss with the radio for a bit, rummaging with the cassette tapes stashed into the console. A lot of music from the eighties. Something else you don’t recognize shoved way in the back. A large plastic cartridge with a faded peeling label that’s water damaged, the paper wrinkled. “What’s this?”
“Eight track. A largely inferior way to listen to music.”
“So why do you keep it?”
“I had no idea that was there, to be honest.” The car rolls to a stop at the next intersection, the traffic light turning red. “Is this what you’re going to do at my house? Snoop through my things?”
“You said to get to know you. So, this is getting to know you.”
“Hmmm.” He doesn’t sound upset, exactly. Mulling the situation over, perhaps. Deciding what he was willing to reveal.
You toss the item back where you found it. “I know what you did.”
Dave’s eyes snap to your face. “What?”
“They got an anonymous donation of an AC unit at the shelter. That was you, wasn’t it?”
Something like relief washes over the guard’s features, the tense shoulders relaxing. “Oh. That. Yes, that was me. Couldn’t have the bun and the others suffering.”
“What did you think I meant?”
He shrugs. “Nothing. I don’t know.”
Another mystery for you to solve. You tentatively lift each leg off the seat. Sticking already. There was no air conditioning in his car. The windows were rolled down, but with the automobile at a standstill there was no air exchange.
“The downside to vinyl,” he murmurs, seeing your struggles. “There really isn’t an upside. In the winter it’s like sitting on ice.”
“You need a new car.”
“It serves its purpose.”
The light turns green and he shifts his foot from the brake to the gas pedal. At least it was an automatic. You didn’t even know how to drive a standard.
His right hand departs the steering wheel and finds its way to your knee once you’ve left the city behind.
Just a casual reach and drop, that long extremity having no trouble stretching until his fingers close over the bare joint, thumb tracing small circles.
Your body is already reacting. You squirm in your seat, shifting down a little, his hand easing further up with the movement. Now half on bare skin, half on the jean covering. Thumb now worrying at the frayed edges of the hole at the front. Tucking inside. Fingers pressing firmly along your inner thigh. You suck in a deep breath.
You can see the profile of a smile on his features. His eyes never leave the road as his hand meanders further along, stopping just shy of your crotch. Your heart is pounding. Waiting for him to touch the seam there, grind it against you clothed sex.
Instead his hand abandons you, reclaiming its position on the steering wheel and you look at him, mouth open in disbelief.
He shoots you a hurried glance. “What?”
“You know what.”
“There are a lot of turns coming up. I’ll need both hands. We’re almost there,” he adds.
You fold your arms. “Fine. Whatever.”
“Don’t pout.”
“Or what? What are you going to do about it?” Whatever retort he’s readied dies off when you reach over to exact revenge, digging your nails into his thigh. Raking along the inside. You have to lean, you don’t have the length that he does.
“You are…”
“I’m what? What am I?”
He brakes at a stop sign and thumbs the arm of the turn signal even though there are no other cars in sight. The neighborhood looks quiet, a good distance between the houses. Large yards. Lots of trees. Shade. Privacy.
“Unexpected.” He surprises you with how fast he moves, cupping the side of your face and kissing you. Your stomach somersaults, your core throbbing in response. “Addictive,” he adds, kissing you again before he returns his attention to driving.
Miller’s house is a three bedroom Garrison with an attached two car garage.
You’re in that garage now, gaining entry once he’d pushed the button on the remote slotted on the sun visor overhead. You see his bike parked inside and a lot of the typical clutter you’d expect. Workbenches. Tools. You’re trying to picture the guard working on a housing project, doing something mundane like mowing the lawn, an expansive front one that rests on an incline, the house set uphill and far back from the road. Finding it impossible to reconcile the image.
There are a few steps into the house. Dave unlocks the door and doesn’t hesitate to scoop you up in his arms again. You laugh, murmuring a little protest that you can manage the task but he persists. You’re carried into a living room and gently deposited onto the nearby couch. It’s dark inside the house. Cooler. A lot of trees surround the property. It’s a relief after the heat outdoors.
“Want something to drink?”
“Yes, that’d be great.” You adjust the pillow beside you, looking around the room while you wait. It’s very modern. Gray and black and white. No pops of color. No personality to reveal what the owner liked. Coffee table devoid of magazines. Bookshelves lacking literature or decor. No pictures on the walls. No plants. It looked like an artist’s unfinished sketch. Waiting to be filled in.
Dave returns with two glasses full of ice submerged in amber liquid. Tea, you realize, taking a sip. “Good,” you say, nodding. He sets a couple of beverage napkins down on the table. There’s already a copious amount of condensation on the side of the glass.
He sits down beside you with a sigh, toeing off his shoes. “You can take yours off if you want. I’m not fussed about where you leave them. And I’m sure you want a break from that bandage.”
You nod, setting your drink down to unlace your shoes, then removing the metal clasps that kept the elastic wrap in place, unwinding the clinging fabric. A little bit of an impression where it had been hugging your skin, but the joint was mostly free of the swelling and redness from before.
You lean back against the cushions, picking up your glass again as you settle back. “Your house is nice. I mean, judging from what I’ve seen of it so far. Empty, though.”
“It’s easier to maintain that way. I don’t need the clutter.” He takes a swallow of his drink. “I’ll give you a more extensive tour when you’ve fully recovered. Unless you want to be carried around,” he adds with a smirk.
“I’m not that crippled. I can limp around pretty well now,” you reply defensively. “What do you do when you’re not working? There’s a lot of stuff in the garage.”
He nods. “Yes. That. I like…building things. I was an engineer once.”
“Really?” You’re surprised. Something else you couldn’t picture him doing. “What do you construct?”
“Oh, this and that. I haven’t completed anything in awhile. I’ve been…occupied.”
“With what?” The cool liquid slips down your throat.
“Some pretty young college girl that came into my path one day.”
You blush at the compliment.
The dark haired man’s drink is already finished. He tucks his thumb and index finger inside of it, tipping it slightly to retrieve one of the melting ice cubes, popping it between his lips.
You can hear him rolling it around on his tongue. The soft click when it collides with his teeth. You can’t stop staring, hypnotized. He sets the glass on the table and rests an elbow on the back of the couch, the fist he makes supporting his head. Watching you. Waiting.
Your half finished drink is back on the table. Your mouth back on his. A little humming noise from him. Satisfaction. Your tongue spears his lips. Chilled from the ice. He offers the remainder to you. Pushing it inside your mouth. That wedge of networked muscles chasing back after it. Relinquishing it. Trading back and forth. You have possession of it now, letting it rest in the curve you create as you offer it back to him. His lips close over your tongue and suck, dragging it back into his own maw.
You’re both breathing heavily. That satisfied smirk is back on his lips again. He’s swallowed whatever remained of the ice, his Adam’s apple shifting with the movement. His eyes are solid black, the rings of gray completely obliterated by the overwhelming dilation of his pupils. There’s a pulse in your sex, beating to match your heart. Every time you’re with him, you find yourself forgetting more and more of the misgivings you’d had earlier. Smothered beneath this layer of desire.
“Ask me something.” His head is propped up on his fist again, back to the casual waiting that you know is a front.
“What’s under this?” You run your fingers over his shirt sleeve. You’re going to ask him now. “The marks. What are they?”
“You want to see them?”
A pause as he considers. Then that lean form lifts from the couch. Fingers working on the buttons sealing the sleeve cuffs and loosening the knot of his tie. Buckle of pants unfastened, making room at the waist to drag the shirt hem from where it’s tucked inside. The row of buttons down the center now released, pulling each arm out of the sleeves, letting the garment fall to the floor.
You stare at this display of undressing, watching raptly. Your eyes lock onto the scars on his forearms. A pair of rings almost like bracelets encircling his wrists. Circles dotted along each scarred bangle. Jagged lines streaking towards the elbows. Another bracelet ring. More streaks. The rest covered by the undershirt.
“What happened?” You lean forward for a better look, running your fingers lightly down his forearms.
“An accident at work years ago.”
“Yeah, but doing what?”
“A failure in one of the…construction projects.”
He’s still being evasive. “What kind of project?”
“A mechanical suit, of sorts.”
“Are there more scars?”
“A lot of them?”
“Yes. Do they bother you?”
You shake your head.
He sits back down and you take another sip of your drink. Dave lifts the glass from your fingers, draining the rest of it. Retrieving another ice cube. Outlining you bottom lip with it as if it was a tube of lipstick. The cold water leaks down your chin, your throat. He licks along that line, pushing you deeper into the cushions at the back of the couch. The fingers holding the ice disappear beneath the neckline of your top, letting it slide down your spine.
“Dave, fuck, that’s cold!” You try to reach the offending object, lifting the bottom of your shirt.
“You’re not, though,” he murmurs, one hand snaking behind to assist you. You can feel the ice drop onto the couch. He doesn’t remove his hand, instead pinching at the hook and eye closures of your brassiere to unfasten it. “You’re so, so hot.” Back at your front now. The ice cube somehow pinched between his fingers again. Slid along your abdomen, making you gasp. He shoves the front of your tank top up, moving the bra with it, exposing your breasts. Now circling your areola, your nipples instantly peaking.
“Dave…” It’s the only coherent word you can form. Your brain is short circuiting, the blood flow shunted elsewhere. There’s water from the melted ice cube all over your torso. Sliding down your ribs and pooling in your umbilicus. You absently try to reach him, any part near his groin you can locate, but he halts you, lapping at your ear before he whispers into it.
“Mmm-mmm. Ladies first.” The waist of your shorts is suddenly looser as he unfastens the button fly and pulls down the zipper. You’re trying to recall what underwear you’re wearing, hoping it’s something cute. You hadn’t really planned on this happening. Not this fast, anyway.
“One of the benefits of riding the bike,” he begins, leaning to retrieve another ice cube, “is that your fingers get a good work out using the brakes, clutch, throttle. A lot of strength built up. Power.” He’s beneath your panties now, his fingers dragging the dissolving frozen object over your clit.
Your spine jerks, your hips lifting up. Bringing him further down the length of your sex. You don’t even recognize the sounds escaping your lips. A calloused thumb circling your clit, middle and ring finger shoving at your entrance, the ice cube tucked firmly between the bridge of his palm. Another spasm. Your wrap your fingers around his forearm, nails digging into the skin. His digits reach so much further than your own. Stretching even more. He massages your g spot with the pads of his fingers. Planting little kisses on your jaw. Watching you with those dark, dark eyes as you writhe and grind against him. The last of the ice gone. The strong pair of fingers inserted into your canal working in earnest, your pussy making obscene noises as it greedily sucks him deeper.
“Is it good?” He knows the answer, of course. He can’t possibly not, with the way your body is responding, the sounds that you’re making, the frantic touches of your hands, your mouth.
“Yes,” you manage to gasp.
“You like my fingers inside this hot cunt of yours?”
“Dave…fuck, yes.”
“Are you going to cum for me like a good girl?”
A whimper. It’s all you can muster. You feel his smile against your neck as his thrusting fingers increase their pace, your unhooded bud flicked mercilessly. Your free hand digs into the pillow now resting against your thigh. It’s so overwhelmingly hot. You’re on fire. Sweating. Spots in front of your eyes, like when you’ve been out in the sun and go indoors, your vision trying to adjust. But it’s all from the man touching you. Burning you. A final searing kiss and touch and you’re there, moaning into his mouth.
His hand remains buried in your sex, resting now, cupping the natural curve, fingers motionless, feeling your walls contract around him, the lingering aftershocks of your orgasm still coursing through you. Softer kisses. Letting you drag air into your lungs in between them. Eventually removing his hand from your panties and you struggle to sit upright.
“That was…um…Jesus, Dave.” He’s got the fingers that invaded you in his mouth now, slowly sucking them clean.
“Delicious.” He grins at you. “Good?”
“Yeah, good. More than good.” You’re still coming down off your high, trying to collect your thoughts. You can still feel the nerves firing in your pussy, in your thighs.
“You want another drink?”
“I don’t know how much ice is left. I’ll have to refill the tray.” He winks at you and you shove at his arm. Your touch gentling, stroking down the length. Sated and yet you still want more of him. “I like having you here,” he says quietly, sensing the shift in mood.
“I like being here.” You kiss him.
He moves as if to stand but you tighten your grip on his arm. “The drinks…”
“Can wait.”
A soft smile before he’s back at your mouth again.
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Your work has been bringing me a lot of comfort so thank you first of all 🩷 I've been going through it and your writing has been helping me stay slightly sane which I can't thank you enough for
Could I request one where cassian helps the reader through a really bad depressive episode? Like she isn't coming to training and she brushes it off as being sick at first but after awhile he gets suspicious and goes to check on her when he notices her skipping on meals as well only to find her buried in her covers surrounded by her stuffed animals trying to deal with the depressive episode on her own. Maybe he drags her out of bed and draws her a bath, makes her her favorite meal and cuddles her to help her feel like herself?
Thank you again, you're doing great!!
Not alone.
Cassian x f!Reader.
Warnings; depression.
Before we begin I want to write a few words about this request. I was in tears when I read your kind words, thank you so much. It means the world to me that in some way I helped you. I've been there too, so I opened this blog and started writing. My fics are a way of escaping the real world, the inner circle has become my family and this blog is a way to live in their world. I want you to know that you are not alone and if this is helping you cope then I will be glad to write as many requests as you want. If you ever want to talk to someone I'm here! I really hope you enjoy this... it might be a little messy because depressive episodes are like that and I wanted to point it out.
Night came… but the sun was out, the darkness around you made it difficult to tell day and night apart. You had been through this multiple times and you dreaded the moment it would happen again. You were right.... this time it was harder, you didn’t want to move but you couldn’t stay into one place for long as you would feel a weight pushing down on you. Breathing became a burden, after two breaths a sigh would escape. There wasn’t an actual reason why you were going through this, it just happened out of nowhere like someone was sucking all the happiness out of you leaving you broken and tired. You were so used to it that with the first sign you blocked the mating bond so Cassian wouldn’t realise what was happening. You didn’t want your mate to see you like this, you knew he would do everything in his power to help you, but you didn’t want to bother him… after all you were used going through this alone. 
The door of your bedroom opened slowly and Cassian walked in, a worried look on his face.
“Hey doll, did you forget about training?” His voice was soft and he took a seat next to you on the bed. You were laying face down, hugging your pillow. Cassian rubbed your back as he waited for you to respond. 
“I don’t feel good, I think I’m catching a cold.” You murmured. 
“Okay... I will get you some tea and then we can go see Madja!” He replied and got up.
“No it’s okay, I’m a bit nauseous so I don’t want to drink anything. You should go to training, the Valkyries need you” 
He stared at your back for a few minutes and then let out a sigh.
“Okay… but pull the bond if you need anything and if you get worse we are going to Madja.” he sighed. 
“Okay” you replied and he left. 
Tears filled your eyes but never escaped, you weren’t holding them back but still they just blurred your vision… maybe your body was so tired that it couldn’t bother to let the tears out. With a sigh you got up and gathered all your stuffed animals and placed them around your bed, creating a small nest and laying in the middle of it. 
Cassian finished his training and headed to the dining room with a smile on his face expecting to see you there having lunch. The smile turned into a frown when he scanned the empty room. He turned around ready to come find you when Rhysand’s voice in his mind stopped him.
Cass I need you in the river house.  Now.
He cursed and headed to the balcony, stretching his wings and shooting up. 
They spent most of the day in Rhysand’s office talking about Keir and his plans, Azriel’s spies had informed him that Keir was acting suspiciously but they didn’t know what was happening. 
Rhysand rubbed his face as they once again fell into a dead end. 
“I will send my shadows” Azriel reassured him.
“We need to find out what he is planning as soon as possible, I won’t risk Nyx getting hurt.” Rhysand sighed. 
Cassian nodded and left the office, he stopped by your favorite bakery and bought some cookies he knew you loved. 
He landed on the balcony of the house of wind and walked inside, grinning as he saw Nyx on the ground playing with some toys. 
“Hey Cass where is y/n?” Feyre asked him and he frowned.
“She is not here?”
“Oh…I don’t know she didn’t come for dinner so I thought she was with you” Feyre furrowed her eyebrows. 
Cassian only nodded and left the room, his long strides taking him to your shared room quickly. He opened the door and his frown deepened at the sight. 
Your small body was curled between your stuff animals, your gaze lost and your breathing uneven.
“Oh baby again?” Was all he said as he approached you. You nodded and he sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I-I didn’t want to bother you” you sniffled and he picked you up. 
“Don’t you even think of that ever again, you could never bother me babygirl” his voice was soft and he left a kiss on your forehead.
He placed you on the edge of the bathtub and lifted his oversized shirt over your head, you stretched your arms and helped him remove it. 
Once you were naked he picked you up and softly placed you into the bathtub, the warm water making you moan. He smirked and hurried off only to return a few minutes later with a tray, you glanced at it and noticed; one plate of your favorite meal, some fresh fruits and your favorite cookies. He steadied the tray on the edge of the bathtub and removed his clothes, slipping in behind you and engulfing you with his strong arms. 
“You need to eat” he whispered in your ear leaving a kiss afterwards. You leaned back against him and closed your eyes an indication that you wanted him to feed you. He chuckled and picked up the fork.
After you were done with your food he picked you up again and carried you to the bed, he helped you in one of his shirts and laid on the bed. The sight was hilarious, Cassian was laying on the bed, his arms wide open waiting for you and your stuffed animals around him, he even picked a few that fell off and placed them on his wings to keep them from falling again. You giggled and crawled into bed, sighing when his strong arms wrapped around you. 
“You forgot this” he whispered and gave you your favourite teddy bear, he had gotten it for you on your first anniversary. 
“Thank you” you mumbled and pressed yourself harder against him. 
“Good night sweetheart” he kissed your head and his hand rubbed soothing circles on your back. 
Maybe you didn’t need to go through this alone this time. 
Requests are open but delayed!
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ya-zz · 1 year
I absolutely love your works! ‘‘Twas wondering if you could do a Rama piece on his approach to seeing his partners SH scars?? Or something similar anyway!! The way you write him is so good, like he’s a lot more caring! Soft Rama is a good Rama!
I won't lie, I've been thinking about something similar to this ask for awhile but never really got around to actually doing it, so here we go!
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Wordcount: - 976
He hadn’t seen you all day again, and normally he wouldn’t mind, but it had been nearly a week since he had last seen you, and a part of him was growing concerned with each passing day. 
Of course, everyone had their own lives and were free to do what they wanted, but to not see your face around for nearly a week troubled him. There was nothing said before you vanished, and nobody else on base seemed to notice either, only when Ramattra asked around for you, did the others realise you were missing.
Although he disliked many humans, he had grown fond of you, and being around you warmed his circuitry more than any other being, which only pained him more when you were absent.
Another day passed and suddenly you were there, talking as if you hadn't been missing for a week. Nothing had changed with you, your smile was the same, your bubbly laugh never changed and nobody else seemed to realise what you were hiding.
Ramattra clocked on almost instantly. While the others didn't realise, he saw the slight shift in your tone, the hesitant movements with your body. He wanted to pull you to the side and ask if things were ok, but he knew that would only draw attention to him and you, so he waited.
The conversation seemed to drag on far more than what Ramattra would've liked, but when you spoke up saying you had something to do and that you had to leave, he saw his chance.
"I will walk with you." He said, voice low, almost comforting as he stood by your side.
You look up at him, a gentle smile on your face as you start walking. "Thank you."
He waited until you both left the room, out of earshot from the others. "You were gone for some time. Is everything ok?"
"Everything's fine."
Ramattra noticed the change in tone instantly, a slight worry washing over him.
"I am here if you need to talk. I know I may not be the best of omnics to talk to, but my offer is there." He cocked his head to the side as he spoke, following behind you.
"I appreciate that." You pull out your key card for your room, the movement pushing your sleeve up, revealing fresh cuts.
As you tap the card against the system, the door unlocks. Ramattra notices your arm, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"What happened?"
"What?" You turn and look at him.
"Your arm."
"It's nothing."
"It does not look like nothing." He squeezed your shoulder, hoping to reassure you. "There is no judgement."
"[y/n]." His tone shifted to something more stern.
You step back, shaking his hand off from your shoulder as you stepped into your room.
"Are you hurting yourself?" He followed you inside. He watched as you moved around room, avoiding him and his question.
"[y/n]. Answer me."
"I don't owe you an answer." You kept your distance from him.
"Do you not trust me?"
"That's not what I said."
"Talk to me." He took a step forward.
"I'm fine."
"You are clearly not fine." He closed the distance and wrapped his arms around your body, embracing you tightly.
You tried to pull away, but he was far stronger than you. Eventually, after a few seconds of struggling, you give in, letting him hold you.
"Talk to me." He repeated, his hand slowly moves up and down your back. "Do not say it is nothing, when it is everything otherwise."
Your body relaxes against him, and he feels this, a silent sigh escaping him.
"I don't want to talk about it right now..." You say, cheek pressed against his chest as your arms slowly move up to hold him.
"Then, at least let me care for your wounds." His tone was gentle as he spoke. "Please."
You nod against him, pulling back.
"Sit." He commanded as he went into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.
You sat on the edge of the bed, arms itching.
Ramattra returned a few seconds later and knelt down in front of you. His hands gently rolled your sleeves up, his head tilting to the side as he grabbed some antiseptic wipes.
You remained silent, not looking at him. He was gentle with you, a starking contrast to his usual demeanour around everyone else.
There was a slight sting as he wiped the cuts from dried blood. He noticed the older scars underneath, tilting his head back up to look at you.
"This has been happening for awhile?" His voice was low as he began wrapping your arm with a bandage.
"Yeah..." You look back at him, a sadness in your eyes. "Way before I joined."
"I am sorry."
His words took you by surprise before you smiled gently at him, shaking your head. "Don't be."
He spoke out as he tied the bandage around your arm. "My offer still stands. Talk to me when you are ready." Ramattra gently rubbed his thumb across your hand.
"Thank you..." You smile at him again before looking at his sloppy attempt in wrapping the bandage. A small laugh escaped your throat.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing... Thank you... For caring about me..." You bring your free hand up to his cheek, gently caressing the purple metal.
"Anytime." Ramattra leaned into the touch, a warmth spreading through his chassis.
The worry still lingered inside of him as he looked at you from under his face plate, his eyes glowing a soft yellow as the lights on his forehead flickered. He wanted nothing more than to see you happy and it pained him deeply to see you hurt. His hand never left yours as his thumb rubbed over the softness of your skin.
"I will always be here."
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
7 - The Waring Battlefield
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Part 8
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons
A Few Weeks Later
The tent flap got pushed opened revealing Chezney coming inside my tent. She was wearing a light blue cloak over a darker blue dress. She had her hair loose and two pieces pinned up. “Haelesa. Let’s go exploring.”
“We’re in a war camp, Chez. I don’t think that’d be a good idea.” Sitting upright on the edge of the bed in the tent. I was in a red lion tunic and trousers having my hair completely loose falling down my shoulders.
She put a hand on her hip scowling at me. “We can’t remain in our tents forever. So I’m going with or without you.” Her hair got thrown once she spun around on her feet leaving me until I briefly decided to follow her regardless.
Jaime and I had only spoken briefly since his father had put him in charge of the Lannister army. I took great appreciation in the fact that he had allowed us to come along with him for whatever reason I wasn’t sure yet. My assumption was to hide the fact that I was still a maiden and not soon to be with child. This concept was a lovely thought, I still had doubts that was his plan. Chezney and I had our cloaks tightly around us walking through the camp until I saw there was an escape hole and most of the camp was busy preparing for the wounded coming in and the new soldiers going out. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and be able to see some of the battle.”
“Haven’t you seen the battle plans?” My best friend asked me.
“Believe me. I’ve attempted but wasn’t allowed in. Now keep your head and voice down and follow me. Quickly now.” I warned her to hurry as quickly as possible. Throwing my cloak hood upwards to shield my head bolting towards the entrance before anyone could catch us and she met up with me.
Stumbling into the side of a large tree slightly on the hill side my vision could see the flat battlefield of Stark and Lannister men running straight towards the other. Weapons drawn from all sides and the red blood scattered across the grass. “This might be a bad idea. What if Jaime gets killed or captured?”
“Aren’t you the same person who told me repeatedly that he’s the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms. He’ll probably be fine.” I glared at my best friend turning my attention back on the battle before us.
We remained watching for awhile sitting on the ground until Chezney heard some twigs snapping behind us. “What was that?”
“It’s probably nothing. Just a squirrel or something.”
She began panicking. “No. I heard something, Hael’s.”
“You’re being ridiculous. We are in the middle of a forest. There’s tons of different noises and things out there.”
Chezney got to her feet frantically looking behind us. “You don’t think they would send out scots to come capture some people from the Lannister camp would you?”
“Do I look like a battlefield expert to you? Now pay attention we don’t want to miss them - seven hells they have Jaime!” I instantly saw some men manage to grab Jaime and manage to shove him into the mud. "Jaime!”
“Haelesa! They’ve got me.” Chezney suddenly screamed with someone dragging her away from me.
“Chezney, let her go - ugh!” Reaching for my sword I attempted to draw it out and attack whoever it was until someone began shoving their rough hands on me. I thrashed around feeling someone shove their hands over my mouth. Whoever my holder was they managed to shove a bag over my head and bound my hands in metal restraints.
The person holding me dropped my body into some mud speaking to whoever was in charge of this. "I found two girls watching the battle from the treeline. One wears the Lannister cloak." The hood is yanked off my head tousling my hair around and in front of my eyes where I have to blink a few times before my vision clears. Another guard dropped Jaime beside me where I see he has cuts of blood and dirt on his hair and in his golden hair.
"By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened." Blinking my eyes a few times I recognized my brother's voice following his movements to see him standing beside my mother wearing full armor. "Haelesa. Chezney, what are you doing here?"
Jaime tilted his head interrupting our conversation before I could reply. "Lady Stark. I'd offer you my sword, but I seem to have lost it." I could hear his breathing was uneven from the fight.
"It's not your sword I want. Give me my daughters back. Give me my husband." Lady Stark spat towards him eyeing me while I was still chained on my knees.
Jaime dropped his gaze to the mud slumping his shoulders. "I've lost them too, I'm afraid."
“We simply wanted to watch the battle, Lady Stark. We never thought we’d get captured even though I told you something was watching us.” Chezney snapped at me on her knees locked in chains just as Jaime and I were in the moment.
Rolling my eyes I met Lady Stark’s eyes. “Not the time, Chezney!”
“My lady wife just couldn’t bear the thought of being away from me.." Jaime teased her with a smirk as I gave him a death glare, he wasn’t helping the situation. Neither of them were.
Robb knitted his brows together looking like he might try and kill the lion right at his feet. He rested a hand tightly on the handle of his sword angered for a reason I couldn’t place. “Robb, please don’t hurt me and Chezney. He asked us to accompany him but we weren’t meaning to spy I swear.” I exclaimed holding up my bond wrists pleading that he would release me.
"What are we going to do with them?” Lady Stark eyed her eldest son.
Theon Greyjoy suggested staring down at him while he still held onto the rope connected to my chains. "Kill him, Robb. Send his head to his father. He cut down 10 of our men...you saw him."
"He's more use to us alive than dead." Robb trailed off drawing his sword walking over and cut the chains off my wrists.
Knitting my brows together I was taken back by what he had just done. I suspected I would have been a prisoner just like the Lannister lion at my side. “You’re letting me go?”
“You and your friend, yes.” Robb moved a step over sliding the restraints off of Chezney too. He offers me his freehand, bright eyes pouring down into mine so gently. "Take my hand. I’m not going to hurt you, Haelesa.”
Lady Stark tugs me away from Jaime looping my arm through hers speaking to the guards holding him. "Take him away and put him in irons."
"We could end this war right now, boy, save thousands of lives. You fight for the Starks, I fight for the Lannisters. Swords or lances, teeth, nails ... choose your weapon and let's end this here and now." Jaime leaned forward attempting to persuade my brother before the men locked him away in chains.
Robb stands beside my side putting his sword back in its holder. "If we do it your way, Kingslayer, you'd win. We're not doing it your way." He snarled down to my husband watching the guards drag him off towards the cells
Chezney asked the young one once his men had dispersed and his mother had gone along with them. “So you aren’t going to put us away in chains?”
“No, this war is not between you and Haelesa.” He explained gesturing his head in the direction of his camp and some tents that they had set up. “Come with me. I’ll show you to my tent and we can have one made up for the two of you to share.”
The three of us walked through the camp stopping outside of a tent before a man with a completely white beard came over in our direction addressing him. “Lord Stark?”
“Lord Umber, please inform some men that I need a new tent to be pitched up for Lady Haelesa and her friend Chezney. They will be staying in our camp now.” Robb gestured between the two of us.
The elderly lord nodded, walking off. “Of course, my lord.”
“Thank, Lord Stark.” I curtseye to the young wolf and Chezney did the same addressing him.
Shifting my attention to the young wolf I sent him a half smile joyed to see him after months of being apart. He was different than the last time. He now was working on growing a nice stubble on his chin and his natural curls were a lot more curly. “I thought we made an arrangement, Haelesa.”
“My apologies, Robb.” I felt my face turning red missing the way my name sounded coming from his lips.
Chezney nudged my arm pulling us from our comfortable silence that had fallen between me and the young lord. “Hey I’m getting hungry. We should look for some food.”
“Uh yes. There should be some food being prepared for the evening.” Robb shakes his head pulling himself from his daze. His gaze lowered down to our still interested hands before he finally separated from me. “I'll see you later, Haelesa.”
Chezney wisseled for my attention seeing as I hadn't moved away from him. There was a comfortable feeling that I could sense between me and Robb. A comfort that I hadn't felt with Jaime since I had met him. “Robb, I…Could I see you later if you've got time?”
“Absolutely.” He answered me back with a half smile. Nodding my head I spun on my feet looping my arm with my best friend, feeling a bright smile grace my lips.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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thestoryden · 2 years
Could you write an Eddie x Hopper!reader where they've been dating for awhile but just told Hopper (he hates Eddie) and they're studying in the reader's room but Eddie gets really flirty with them and Hop flips his shit
Eddie Munson x Hopper!Reader Warning: Yelling, Aggressive Behavior Word Count: 540
A/N: Thank you for your request. I know this is short, but hopefully you find it enjoyable. This has been sitting in my inbox for a while, but I wasn't sure how to capture it quite right. Hopefully, you get a kick out of it. Best wishes.
Masterlist / Request: Open
An Interrupted Study Session
“He hates me!” Eddie complains, “There is no way around that.”
You roll on to your stomach and flip the next page in your textbook. Your eyes go from the page to Eddie who is currently rereading the Hobbit for a book report. He holds the book open with one hand, so he doesn’t loose his place. He is leans back in the old wooden chair he dragged in from the kitchen, his shoes are kicked up on the end of your bed frame. A dark curl falls into his face as he turns to the next page, he blows it back out of his line of sight.
“He does not, he is just concerned for me is all.” You refute his claim.
You think back to why the chair had to be dragged in here in the first place. You weren’t allowed to sit next to him, because you dad, didn’t want you to get up to any mischief. He was certain that you couldn’t get your hands off one another ever since you had announced you were dating each other exclusively.
Eddie’s face contorts with discontent, “Concern, that’s and interesting take. I would call it intent to kill, but sure, concern works too.”
You know your dad would not actually kill him, because despite his temper he didn’t want to hurt anyone. You find it annoying that Eddie keeps pressing the issue. You snap your textbook shut and sit up.
“Sorry, didn’t know this was your last night on earth. Would have tried to make it more memorable if I knew that.” You state with a sarcastic draw.
Eddie places a piece of paper in his book and closes it, “You can still make it memorable if you want.”
Eddie starts to make his way towards your bed. You instinctively scrunch yourself up small near the headboard to give him room to sit on the tiny bed. He puts a hand on your leg. It feels like bits of electricity travel up your spine when his skin makes contact with yours.
“Eddie I-.” You start.
Suddenly, the door is thrown open and your dad is standing in the frame. Eddie pulls back from you instantaneously. Hopper’s face is beet red.   
“Get your hands of my kid you creep!” Hopper shouts.
He grabs Eddie by his jacket collar and halls him out of the room.
“Dad!” You whine after him.
“Don’t Dad me!” He calls out.
He throws Eddie on to the couch. Eddie smiles nervously.
“Listen here you punk drop out. You’re not gonna go around my kid anymore. Now, they’ve got a bright future, and you aren’t gonna mess it up by pulling them into your little drug scheme or by doing anything funny to them. You got that!”
Eddie swallows tightly, “Yes, Hopper, Uh, Sir.”
“They put in hours of hard work every day. Something a kid like you wouldn’t know about. You don’t know nothing about hard work. They are going to do something great. If you ever put on a hand on my kid again one of the great things, they’ll be doing is attending your funeral. You got that boy?”
"Yes, Sir." He says shakily.
"Good, now go on, get out." Hopper commands.
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gegewrites · 2 years
mr.whites daughter Chapter 4- a mistake
your pov
It was 3 when I realized I missed my dads appointment. I forgot to take my phone off silent. I rubbed my face as a voice chimed in.
"Waiting for someone?" He asked, I looked up from my phone which sat on the bar and looked at the man sitting in front of me.
"Just missed my dads appointment where i would've been able to see if his cancer was shrinking or growing." I sighed,"what can I get you?"
"My body just won best bike at sturgus, wanted to get a round of shots and see if you join us for one maybe." He smirked.
"I don't drink on the job, but can gladly get you those shots. How much and what?" I put my phone in my back pocket.
"One shot ain't gonna hurt a women like you." He smiled,"5 shots of Jack, put it on The Lansom tab, I'll go get my guys."
He got up and I watch him leave to the pool table and start talking to three guys, I turned around and grabbed five shot glasses and out them on the bar, they walked over as I grabbed the bottle of Jack.
"Whose the winner?" I asked with a smile.
"That'll me be me." A bigger man said, they all seemed decently young, in their 30s.
"Free shot on the house for you then." I filled a shot glass up and slid it to him, he took it, gave me a cheers and a wink and downed it. He out the glass back and I filled them all Back up again. I put the bottle bavk on the rack and Andy came over to talk.
"The ketter tab is closed." He whispered,"Fuckin assholes."
"What they do?"
"Couple of drunk ass Baffons." He rolled his eyes and walked away. I grabbed the shot glass on the end of the line and we all picked one up.
"To the winner of best bike." I put my glass up.
"For the honor." One said and I giggled.
"To the honor." The youngest said.
"If you can't cum in here!" The one I talked to said.
"Co on her!" The winner boomed and we clinked and shot them back. I gathered all the shots and put them towards the sink.
"Need anything else while you're here?"
"Me and the boys are good for now." He smiled, I walked away and out the five shots on the lansom tab.
"Put two Jack and cokes on the Renalds tab." He said and Pat my shoulder.
"Cool if I take five minutes?" I asked and he nodded. I walked out from Behind the bar and to the back exit, grabbing my cigarette packet as I pushed the door open.
I walked away from the door and I put my cigarette between my lips, shuffling my lighter out of the packet, I lit it, put my lighter back, and put them back in my pocket.i held the cigarette in my fingers as I grabbed my phone out, I turned it off silent and listened to the voicemails.
Hey sweetheart, we're all here. Im guessing you couldn't get the time, that's okay. I'll tell you what happens.
(y/n) where are you? I haven't seen you in awhile was hoping you'd show up, well we'll um...I'll call and tell you the news.
And then a few other random ones just about where I was, hank sent one, so did junior, and so did dad.
Got the report back, it's shrinking! Haha, look we're gonna have a small party at 3:30 if you can come. Everyone Would love to see you.
I flipped my phone back and put it in my pocket, taking a drag from my cigarette. I shook my head, knowing I should go but, I didn't want to. It was more of the fact that I didn't want friends and family to see me like this. I saw Rena walk down the ally to the employee back entrance.
"How bad is it in there?" She asked.
"Bikers taking back road from sturgus, you saw the parking lot." She groaned and reached into her purse.
"Want a line?" She offered as he held up the bag of white power.
"You know it."
Jesses pov-
Jane and I fucked and then we got my new bed set up in the bedroom. She was looking at all of my old drawings.
"Kanga-man?" She asked.
"Ya he's half kangaroo and half man." I chuckled.
"And whose this?" She pointed to Joey.
"That's Joey, his side kick, he sits in that pouch and helps him fight crime." I took a drag.
"So kanga-man is a she?" She looked at me,"only female kangaroos have pouches."
"I was a kid when I made these." I laughed,"it was like 4 years ago."
She flipped through some of the pages and giggled.
"These are all you."
"No they're not."
"Ya, they all look like you." She fixed her position and laid against the wall and me,"I wonder what I shrink would say if saw these."
"Yo you're tellin me you never wanted a super power?"I smiled, sitting up to look at her better. She smiled back at me as someone started knocking at the door. We listened for a few seconds.
"Is that your door, or mine?" She asked and listened for. A few seconds and then jumped out of bed,"that's mine."
She threw her pants on as I got outta bed and put mine on as well.
"Wait!" I walked after her as she went through the back door,"Jane!" She uncooked her door and went in.
I walked down the hall and to the front door and heard her open it and start talking. A few seconds after I opened the door.
"That's your dad?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.
"Dad this is the guy who lives next door." She looked at me,"wanna come inside?"
"Sure." He said.
"Nice seeing you." She walked into the house.
"Nice to meet you." He followed behind her and closed tye door.
"What the fuck was that?" I whispered to myself as I went back into my apartment. I heard my phone ringing in my room so I walked down the hall and back it. I grabbed it off the bed and sat down and answered it, I didn't even check who it was.
"Yo." The other line stayed silent so I checked who it was,"(y/n)? Hey (y/n)!"
"Look guys, it's fine. I was just working the middle day shift." I heard her say and I heard other voices,"I have to go, I've got a family get together." I heard her car door close.
"(y/n)! Yo what's goin on?"
"I fucked up." She said and I heard her car engine start,"I knew shouldn't have and I did and now-now-"
"Yo yo what happened? Where are you going?" I asked.
"I don't know, somewhere far from the bar." She was talking quick,"Pretty sure one of the assholes I was serving out something into the shot I poured and took with them." I heard her car tires screech.
"Don't drive (y/n), aight, yo just park somewhere busy and imma come to get you." I got off my bed.
"I didn't even mean to call you." I heard her voice break,"I was just-just trying to get them to leave me alone but they followed me out the bar, and-and- fuck!"
"Pull over and calm down, where are you?!" I rushed out of my room and grabbed my keys from the counter, she didn't respond,"where are you?"
"The Mobil ya station and car wash by the bar." I knew where she worked and I knew it was a half hour from her house so I didn't want her driving there.
"Aight, look, I'm on my way. Do not leave ur car (y/n), don't Fuckin leave it." I closed and locked my door and ran down the stairs,"I'm on my way, imma send badg to get your car okay?"
"Okay." I could tell she was crying,"okay okay."
"Aight? I'm on my way, I'll be there soon."
I made it there in 20 minutes, I pulled into the gas station and saw her car by the tire fill up station. I pulled over to her and got out quick, she did too. I walked around the back of my car and she ran over to me and hugged me, she was shaking like hell.
"Hey hey it's okay." I held her tightly,"it's okay, aight? I'm right here." Her hands had my shirt balled up into them and I had one hand behind her head. Her face was burried into my neck.
"I'm so Fuckin stupid." She whispered.
"Yo No you're not."
A few minutes later I got her into the car and saw badger and skinny pull up as I pulled out. (y/n) kept her keys in the car, they were gonna bring it to her apartment. I looked over at her, her mascara was smudge under her eyes, her lips were red from cryin. I wasn't gonna leave her alone, I had no clue was she was slipped and I don't even think she did. I could see she was shaking, so my guess was Molly or something.
"Bring me to my apartment." She whispered.
"Hell no." I shook my head as I pulled up to a red light.
"Jesse." I looked over at her,"just bring me to my apartment."
"Like I said, hell no." I pressed on the gas snd started driving as the light turned green,"look whatever they gave you...look I'm not leavin you alone, you're gonna sleep it off at my place."
"I'm supposed to be at my dads cancer free party right now, I missed his appointment to se the results. I full on told them I would be there." I reached over with my right hand and grabbed her hand that sat on her thigh.
"That doesnt matter right now, okay?" I turned left, following the same route I took to get her,"what's important is making sure you're okay."
"Why are you being nice?" I glanced over at her"I've been a Dick to you for the past few days, why are you doing this?"
"Because you can't take what an addict says to heart yo." I shrugged my shoulder,"trust me, I know."
She ended up falling asleep by the time we got to my crib. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side, i unbuckled the seat belt and picked her up making sure to not hit her head on the way out. I carrying her like men do at the end of those movies where they have a wedding so I guess I was carrying her bridal style?
She was lighter then usual, that scared me. I was scared for her. I unlocked the door and pushed it open and closed it with my foot and saw Jane sitting on one of the chairs in the living room.
"Whose that?" She asked standing Ik as I walked last her.
"My best friend." I walked down the hall and to my bedroom.
"What happened to her?" I put (y/n) down on my side of the bed. I unzipped her boots and took them off and threw the blanket her her.
"She got drugged at work." I looked over at her.
"Wow." She answered. And I sat down if the end of the bed,"she gonna be okay?"
"I'm hopin." I rubbed my face,"what was that earlier?"
"What do you mean?" She leaned on the door way.
"The whole I don't know you thing."
"I wasn't gonna be like,'hey dad, this is the stoner guy who lives next door who I'm sleeping with.'" She crossed her arms.
"Is that what you think this is?" I motioned at her and I,"just sleepin together?" I did have feelings for Jane, trust me I did, but (y/n)...she was my Fuckin soul mate.
"Jess." She said stood up off the frame,"I'm not gonna tell him that I'm seeing you, do you know how mad he'd be?"
"I'm not trying to ruin or hurt my relationship with him." She shook her head,"what do you think she was slipped?"
"She shaking, Her jaw was trembling like she was cold..."
"So Molly?" I nodded,"she um...this happen before?"
"She's never been drugged, not that I know of." Jane nodded,"she's...she's had a rough few days."
"Seems like it." I held my head in my hands,"you're guilty about something, arent you?"
"She relapsed and I called her a junkie whore." I admitted.
"Wow." She whispered.
"Mmm." I nodded.
"Is she the person you based the healer off of?" I looked up at her,"drawing has the same Hand tattoo she has."
"Ya." I rubbed the back of my neck,"i um...drew that after we broke up, she went to college."
"You use to date her?" She sat down next to me,"was she the one who came to ur door the first night you moved in? I saw someone out there from my window."
"Ya." I nodded.
"Im gonna go get a makeup wipe or two from my place and clean her eyes up, massacre after it's been wet with tears is a bitch to wake up to." She laughed lightly.
"Jane.." she stood up.
"Girls have to support girls, weather or not they dated your boyfriend. Plus, she seems like my type of gal." She winked at me and my brows furrowed and she whispered,"might steal her."
"Just go get the makeup wipe." With that she walked out. I laid down on the bed and looked over at (y/n).
I heard my front door open and it didn't close but I heard Jane's open and close. Within a few minutes, my door closed and I heard her walk back.
"I'm getting her out of the jacket." She stated walking around the bed,"come on, hold her up for me." And so I did, I moved further up on the bed, and held her uo my her waist as Jane took off her jacket and out it next to her. I laid her back down as she opened the the blue packet of makeup wipes.
"Come on, tell me about her." I watched as she gently rubbed the wipe with her index finger under and over her eyes lightly.
"She's um...she smart as fuck. Her dads a chemist, she definitely got his smarts." I rolled onto my stomach,"she went to college for pharmaceutical chemistry."
"That's interesting." She smiled.
"Then she dropped out just last year." She nodded, using a clean part of the wipe to get the black tear stains on her cheek,"she's the oldest child, her brother is...16? I think, her parents had her before they got married."
"Best people come out of wedlock." She joked.
"She's wicked on the guitar." I laughed,"like it's insane, I don't know if she still plays but she use to play for our band in high school with our other guitarist. We were called Twaüghthämmer." She stopped wiping the makeup and moved her shirt a bit, looking at her shoulder.
"How do you think she got that?" There was a large, red and black bruise on her shoulder, obviously new but definitely from something painful,"looks like she was shoved into something."
"We haven't talked in a few days." Her phone rang from her jacket, so I dug into the pocket and looked at the caller.
"Who is it?" She resumed taking off her mascara.
"Her mom." I put it on her jacket as the ringer quieted sending it to voicemail,"she's supposed to be at a family get together, something about her dads cancer."
"Geez." She whispered,"can't blame her for relapsing with news like that."
"Ya." I nodded.
"She hit her temple? Her lip is busted."
"We ran into some not kind dudes a day or two before her relapse." She hummed.
"You have a type Jesse." She pointed out.
"Ya I guess I do."I chuckled.
She finished wiping away the mascara the way she could with (y/n) being asleep and she sat on the edge of the bed.
"You're worried about her,huh?" I nodded,"she know?"
"Yeah, she um...she doesn't care."
"If she didn't care she wouldn't have called you to come get her."
"She only called me because, well I was the first contact she saw. She's been dodging my calls." I rested my head on my arms as she stared at (y/n), my brows furrowed as she leaned down,"what?"
"Does she use herion?" She asked and looked at me,"cause she had track marks on her arm."
"Are you serious?" I sat up, she held her arm to me and I could see 3 small bruises from the needle,"Jesus. She's-shes been hanging out with some guys, ya know random guys, I thought...fuck man."
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casspurrjoybell-18 · 1 month
Worthless - Chapter 12
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*Warning Adult Content*
It was a beautiful day.
The sky was clear besides a few wisps that slowly traveled across the sky.
The trees were becoming bare, the leaves shriveling up and dropping off until they were almost completely gone.
I spent most of the day just sitting and enjoying the signs of the season changing.
It was by far my favorite time of year.
Lucas and Jasper had spent most of the morning raking leaves, though they kept getting 'distracted'.
It was adorable the way they interacted, as if there was no one else but them.
Needless to say, raking the leaves took awhile but it wasn't all their fault.
Kade, who was supposed to keep a certain little wolf distracted, was given the slip and after a few surprise jumps into the leaf piles, he was deemed unfit.
The task was then passed to me, much to Fallon's excitement.
For awhile he just amused himself with trying to get on my nerves but he soon got bored.
Before he could wander over to the others, I suggested that we play hide and seek.
As a happy Fallon scampered off, he yelled for me to count to thirty, drawing a few laughs from the others as they overheard.
After counting I was soon on his trail, which was a straight shot to the forest.
Unfortunately for Fallon, I was quite good at tracking and finding things but I made sure to take my time so that it was more fun for him.
Farther and farther into the forest I went, following his somewhat twisted trail, once in awhile hearing a giggle in the distance.
I shook my head in amusement.
I'm glad he was having fun.
The giggles had stopped awhile ago and I stopped, my ears pricking up.
I listened for, I don't know what.
For Fallon to laugh or try and jump out and scare me?
I don't know, but something was wrong, seriously wrong.
It was then that I noticed how quiet it was.
The birds didn't chirp, the fallen leaves didn't rustle, I didn't even breathe for fear of missing something.
My heartbeat started to race, the adrenaline began pumping throughout my body.
I strained my ears, trying to pick up the sound again.
I was running now.
My breathes came out in gasps as my paws slapped against the ground, crunching the leaves as I went.
Where was he?
Various scenarios raced through my mind, none of them good.
I had to find him.
If anything happened.
I don't know what I do, what Riley would do.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
I skidded to a stop, immediately sprinting to my left where the scream came from.
Jumping over any and all obstacles, I broke from the tree line, coming to a clearing, the edge dropping suddenly.
As I ran to the middle, the stench of fear clogged my nostrils and my eyes darted back and forth, looking for any sign of Fallon.
I ran to the edge of the cliff, looking down.
My blood froze as I looked into the wide eyes of a terrified Fallon who hung on for dear life.
Tears streamed down his face as he clung to single tree root, his knuckles white.
"A-asher, p-please h-help m-me," he sobbed.
I tried to use the pack link to call for help but my mind was so unfocused that I don't know if it worked.
Even if it did, they wouldn't get here in time.
I didn't know exactly where we were but we were walking for at least an hour.
Fallon was giving it all he had but he couldn't hang on much longer.
Already his hands were slipping.
My mind raced.
What could I do?
He was too far down to drag up by my teeth.
Plus, my wolf body wasn't strong enough to lift him up and over the edge, we would both fall to our deaths.
I felt the tingling then but I barely registered it.
My body knowing what to do before my mind did and I reached down even though it should be impossible and pulled Fallon up.
Then everything went black.
I came to, everything was blurry but I could hear someone crying, others were shouting.
They more scared and worried than angry.
I wanted to reassure them that it was okay but I hurt.
There was a searing pain that seemed to cling to every cell in my body.
Then I noticed them and I couldn't look away.
Why did I have hands?
"Asher baby, are you alright?"
Suddenly a hand touched me.
My body screamed to get away as fast as I could, eyes darting back and forth as I saw a terrifying scene play out.
"No. Please. Don't."
A small boy, not older than ten, begged as he scooted back until hitting a wall.
He pressed himself into a corner, curling into a ball.
The boy trembled as a man approached with a sadistic smile on his face.
There were others in the room, their eyes glowing in sick delight as they stood in the back, watching what unfold.
"Shut up you little shit."
The man took hold of the boy by his hair, tightening his grip at the his shout of pain.
The boy's body scrapped along the floor as the man dragged him to the door and then outside.
He threw the small, quivering form on the ground, sending a grin to his friends who had followed them outside.
The man turned back to the child, his once twisted grin turning into a look of hatred, causing the boy to whimper in fear.
"I'm going to teach you a lesson fucker, one you won't soon forget."
It began with his fists, the hits raining down upon the boy, sometimes throwing in a kick or two, bruises forming almost instantly.
It continued as until the boy was too weak to keep up his flimsy defense.
After awhile the man stopped to roughly flip the boy over onto his stomach.
He tried to crawl, but the man only chuckled at his agonized attempt, pulling him by his ankle.
The sound of pants being unzipped caused the boy to renew his effort in escape.
The man loomed over the small boy, gripping his tiny wrists and jerking them above his head, stopping his efforts.
"Please don't do this, I-I swear I'll listen."
The man didn't speak, answering by tugging the boys dirty, ripped shorts down.
The boy felt as the man lined himself up, trying one last desperate attempt to escape but the man hit him again, dazing the boy.
Ignoring the boy's whimpered plea, the man plunged himself into him.
The forest was quiet except for the boy, whose howls of pain silenced all the animals.
The boy continued to scream, to beg for the man to stop, for someone to help him.
He screamed until his throat was ripped to shreds.
He screamed until he could only lay there as the man used his broken body, for his own twisted pleasure, listening to the slaps that sounded as the man slammed his body into the boy's small form until he finished and something hot shot inside him, dripping down his bruised thighs when the man exited.
"Don't ever let me see your bastard face again."
The man whispered as he got up.
Walking over to the shack, he called over his shoulder before entering.
"He's all yours."
"Just like I like 'em, bloody and broken," one of the men jeered, walking over and slapping the boy's bottom before letting his pants drop.
The other's followed his lead, surrounding the boy, handling him even rougher than the man did.
His already healing scratches were soon replaced as he was pushed down into the gravel, once more being entered.
The boy laid there, no strength left as they did as they pleased.
Tears gathered in his lifeless eyes before spilling to the ground.
No one, not even himself, heard his last words.
"Please, please save me daddy."
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
how many drinks? | one shot (jjk)
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summary: the question is - how many drinks would it take for you to sleep with your bestfriend?
pairing: jjk x reader
genre: (18+) college au, dance group au, bestfriends/bestfriends with some benefits au | fluff, smut, sprinkle of angst
words: ~12.2k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, kind of crack-y, dancer!jk to fulfill my needs, unprotected sex, sprinkle of dirty talk, fingering, sprinkle of a handjob, slight biting, nails digging into skin, oc almost gets taken advantage of/forced into doing things she doesn’t wanna do, rough handling, song kang is in this too because i’m also a hooch for him but he’s an ass here, alcohol consumption, intoxication, mentions of blunts/smoking, house parties, cuddling, kissing/makeout sessions, straddling, breast/nipple play, hickeys, fucking on the edge of the bed, multiple orgasms, fingering, licking/neck kisses, oral (f. receiving)
note: one shot title is taken from miguel's song ‘how many drinks’ + a couple of things--
both hoseok and jimin’s piece mentioned below are inspired by real-life pieces my old dance mentor has choreographed and taught. this is the inspiration behind hoseok’s couple piece; this is the inspiration for jimin’s piece
i’m a hooch for all three of them in this video
enjoy imagining koo and oc dancing part of their couples piece like this 🥺
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"Y/N." You picked up Jungkook's call as you sat at your desk in your dorm room. You had been finishing up your bio homework until the interruption came blaring through on your headphones.
"Can I nap in your room?"
"The fuck I look like? A hotel?" You snorted.
"Yeah, a 5 star at that with how good you take care of me." He tries to butter you up, causing you to roll your eyes.
"You're lucky I like you."
"Yesssssssss!" You hear him faintly exclaim on the other line. "Be there in a sec."
"You know my doors are always unlocked." Which, it was true. So many of your friends had decided to live off campus that you and your other bestfriend [and beloved suitemate] were probably the only few left on campus. And that meant people were constantly in your room, hanging out or using both of your rooms, [with permission] or the couches in the shared living room space of your suite as a place to nap. College, amirite? Why the fuck would you lose your parking spot to go back to your apartment when you have friends who lived right on campus? You weren't just good for smuggling free food from the cafeteria to your broke ass, struggling off-campus friends.
Sooner or later, you're greeted by a fluffy, black-haired Jungkook, looking like his shit must have air-dried with how wavy and voluminous it was. He swings your door open so aggressively that you jump a bit in your seat, swinging off your headphones like you weren't even expecting him. You watch as he flings himself onto your neatly made bed like he hasn't felt a bed in years.
"Ugh, yes." He moans as he belly flops onto your bed and stays in that position.
"When's your next class, you little baby?"
"In like an hour or so, I don't know." He says sleepily. "Wake me up, please?"
"Sure." You realize it's Wednesday, and he definitely has Ecology lab later at 3:00PM. You figured you'd wake him up by 2:30 just to give him enough time to groggily walk his ass back over to the science building.
You and Jungkook weren't really close before college. It was moreso that you knew of each other since high school because of mutual friends. You'd see him at parties and he'd see you, but it was never more than the casual hi and bye and small talk. Maybe the occasional comments on facebook pages and the likes on pictures on instagram. But foreel, other than that, that's as real as your friendship got for awhile. You didn't mind it though, you were good with your set of friends and he was good with his. A lot of your friends attended the same university as you two and then your groups intertwined even more. 
But, it wasn't until the past couple of months or so where you both unexpectedly got really close - simply just by talking more and being around each other more. You both had similar interests and Jungkook wasn't the most vocal in his group, but with you, he seemed to talk endlessly. He loved comics and he loved raving to you about Marvel and DC superheroes. He loved to draw, and he'd draw you things every now and then - his most recent being you as a scientist superhero saving the world from overgrown malaria-infected mosquito monsters. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, and you tacked it against your cork board near your desk. Then, small things like that turned to bringing you food or boba, being stuck at the hip where he'd only go to a certain place on campus if you were there; texting each other inside jokes and funny ass tweets all day turned to facetime sleepover calls and then late hangouts eventually turned to actual sleepovers in your bed, where he'd drape his arm around while you both slept but it never escalated into anything more than that in bed. Although he did fucking hate your medium-sized Olaf plushie that took shelter on your bed - he'd always hike it across the room and talk about how annoying he is and how he's always taking his spot. You never understood it, really.
And then soon, it turned to small displays of affection behind closed doors, where Jungkook would hold you close. Hold your hand if you two were in the room watching a show, or movie. Small kisses exchanged. Big kisses exchanged, making out sessions. But, that was literally it. Nothing else. No sex. No pressure. Lots of unspoken feelings, obviously, but you weren't gonna be the one to bring that up. Because you were comfortable, and if anything, you didn't wanna ruin what you guys already had going.
Like, is this a friends with benefits thing? Maybe? Maybe not? It was hard to label it because it's not like you both determined so, it kind of just fell together that way. And there was really no pressure to fuck every single time you got affectionate. It was cute, sweet. And no one really knew it was like that behind doors - possibly your suitemate Kass and her boyfriend, Jimin, but that's only because you shared the dorm suite with her. Jimin was also one of Jungkook's roommates and his really good friend, so whenever they had slept over on the same night, it was pure and utter chaos. But honestly, if Kass and Jimin hadn't been around you two much, they most certainly wouldn't have the idea.
Whatever it was, it was a comfortable closeness that you both experienced and appreciated. However, the both of you were afraid of discussing what this really was, afraid it'll ruin the dynamic. The atmosphere. Having to come to terms of what it might, or might not be. Neither of you can fully admit that you like the other. Although, it got hard. People did lightly tease you two because you both always looked for each other and were stuck by the hip out on campus.
Oh, well. Bottom line is that you liked your relationship where it was at, but it doesn't mean you haven't thought about the what if's. Jungkook was insanely attractive, and it's no lie that girls swarmed him left and right on campus, but he didn't give a shit [either he didn't give a shit or he was dumb as hell?]. Okay, rewind — to be fair, he would have a fling or two, flirt once or twice. He'd tell you so and so was cute and that they've hung out or texted, but that's it. He just wasn't necessarily looking for anything cause he too enjoyed where he was at with everything.
It doesn't take long before Sleeping Beauty is snoring face down on your bed, looking like Patrick Star with the way he's sprawled out. But, you continue to do your work until it was time to wake him. You gently shake him, his puppy eyes looking back at you after being face down all nap.
"Class time."
"No." He groans. "Can't I just stay here with you?"
"No, dude. Get to class." You chuckle. "You already skipped last week."
"Yeah, but this is a new week Y/N."
"Jungkook." You almost say in a scolding manner.
"Fiiiiiiine." He whines as he shoots up and hops off from your bed. "Are you going to our party on Friday?"
"I said I'd think about it right?"
"Yeah, like on Monday. It's Wednesday."
"And I'm still thinking about it." You snort, making him pout.
"Just come for a little bit."
"Why? You know parties aren't my thing and you'll be too drunk anyways. I'll end up wanting to go right the fuck back home as soon as I step outside."
"I'd like to be drunk and have you there. It'll be more fun!" He pouts as he holds your hand and swings it back and forth.
"I mean, to be completely honest, I'll probably end up going because of Kass anyways."
"Because of Kass." He rolls his eyes. "Oooookay. Not because of you, Jungkook, no." He says sarcastically, brows furrowed.
"Ew. You're such a fucking whiner. Leave." You laugh, throwing an empty water bottle at him.
"I'm kidding." He chuckles. "Wanna grab dinner with me after practice?"
"Sure. If you pay." He groans
"Fine. I'll see you later." He puckers up his lips to blow you a kiss, which you automatically reject by giving him a look before turning your attention back to your homework. You were hoping he'd offer to go to In-n-Out because you were craving that #2 with animal fries and a neapolitan shake, plus there was a Target in the same plaza that you wanted to drag him to for new pens and clearance sale shopping. And you wouldn't even warn him about it. He would tag along, no question.
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Hoseok stands in front of the mirrors in the studio, pacing back and forth as your dance group learned a couple of 8-counts from this new piece he had been brewing up. Apparently, it was supposed to be a couples piece but he wasn't sure if he was going to keep it that way. He watched to see if this would be better as a group, or if he should stick to his original plans.
Your college dance group was a small group formed by people with pure, genuine interest and love for modern hip hop choreography. Hoseok was the dance lead, with Jimin being the back up lead. The group came together, taught each other pieces, taught workshops for those interested on campus and performed at the various talent shows and productions the school had throughout the year. It was just your group's way of showcasing your talents, something you all purely enjoyed, and it was nice to see the love and support given by the audiences.
"Okay, run that from the top one more time please. We'll take break after, swear." Hoseok chuckles and gives Jimin the cue to start the song back at the starting point. Jungkook makes a funny face at you as he huffs and puffs, trying to catch his breath from the last time you went through the counts.
"Ew." You giggle, slightly pushing him aside. Miguel's How Many Drinks begins to blast through the studio speakers, Jungkook doing his best to sing along and match his tone all while focusing on his steps. Once you're done going through the counts, the music continues to play, Jungkook twirling over to you just to sing—
"Cause I ain't leavin' aloneeee, I feel like I could be honest, babe." He spins to your other side. "We both know that we're grown, that's why I wanna knooooow - how many drinks will it take you to leave with meeeeEEeeeE?"
"You can give me all the drinks in the world and I swear I still wouldn't." You snort, making him frown and click his teeth.
"Too bad that's not really how you act when I ask to sleep over, though." Silence as you stick your tongue out at him. Cause, yeah. You really do tell him to sleep over without hesitation. You loved his company, you can’t lie. "Yeah, fraudulent as hell. I never taught you that." He jokes.
"Shut up, Jungkook—"
"Okay!" Hoseok says, clapping his hands. "This'll be a couple piece. I honestly think it'll work better that way, just like I envisioned it. I'll work with the couple to clean this up before the performance, but to whoever isn't casted for this, Jimin still has a piece to teach the rest of you, so don't feel discouraged!" Hoseok chuckles a bit, giving the rest of the group a small smile. "So with that being said - Y/N, Jungkook, I want you two to do this piece."
"Ouuuuuuuu." Jimin teases you from the sidelines, causing you to put up your middle finger.
"We won’t let you down, cap." Jungkook swings his arm around you.
"I'll teach you the rest of the piece next practice so we can start polishing it up and making it clean before the talent show."
"Sounds good with me." You flatly say, even though 100%, you're pretty excited for many reasons. One, you had been wanting to do a solo or couples piece for awhile, and two, your partner was Jungkook. Your best friend, your ride or die, the dude you've spent so much time with and gave your affection to behind closed doors. It made you giddy just thinking about it, even if you'd blatantly lie to his face later on when he'd tease you. And Jungkook felt the same. You missed the way he subtly bit on his bottom lip when you were named his partner, just so he wouldn't smile too big in front of you.
After practice, you egg him on enough to agree to take you to In-N-Out, without hinting at the plan you had drafted out in your head earlier.  The plan that says you're gonna drag his ass to Target afterwards and he had no choice but to come along.
"Y/N, you liar." He groans. "You said you weren't gonna go to Target." He pouts as you follows behind you anyway.
"Kook, I literally just need to get one thing."
"What's the one thing that you couldn't get on your own time?"
"I don't know, I'll have to find out when we get in there." You giggled, causing him to groan again. "Plus, we're here already. Killing two birds with one stone."
"Ah shit, I suppose I can get some bottles for the party."
"Yeah, make yourself useful Jungkook."
"Yeah, make yourself useful Jungkook, aheh." He mocks your tone and does that really weird and ugly ass laugh that dudes always do when they try to mock girls, however, you ignore it because you've just stepped into Target and bitch, this was Disneyland to you. Heaven. Paradise.
"Hm, what are we drinking on Friday?" He says his text outloud as he follows you around the dollar section where you begin to pick up really unnecessary items that you're probably just gonna store away in or around your desk somewhere.
"Should be holy water because you all need it."
"Mmm, I don't know, I don't think they have that but we can check." He responds ever so seriously, causing you to chuckle.
"How many people are you expecting?"
"Honestly, I don't even know. We said we'd keep it to close friends only. I don't really have any friends, so that's all on them."
"Ah, makes sense as to how the entire class was invited." You fire back sarcastically. "Your upstairs neighbors are really gonna have a blast."
"They're invited too."
"You guys are so dumb." He laughs when you hit him against the chest. After walking a bit, the two of you head towards the alcohol aisle, Jungkook grabbing what his arms will allow him to grab since alcohol is a little cheaper here than other grocery stores. "Isn't there a limit as to how much alcohol you can buy?"
"I don't see anything anywhere." He hauls about 4 big bottles back to the cashiers. "Besides, I'm giving them business compared to Safeway and those other grocery stores."
"Grab the coupon at least, genuis. It could save you some money." You take off the coupons from the three bottles.
He looks down at the coupon attached to the 4th bottle. "Sign up today and get 2% cash back on every bottle you buy." He snorts after reading the coupon outloud. "More like sign up today and get 2% cash back turnt." He looks at you. "This doesn't sound like a coupon, miss. Where's the ‘get 5 dollars off’ bullshit?"
"2% cash back turnt? Really?" You furrow your brows at him and hand the coupons to the cashier. "Here. God, maybe you shouldn't be hosting parties with your roommates."
"Maybe not." He holds his bags, even grabbing onto yours as you both walk out to his car. He turns up the radio, the both of you singing along to the songs coming through. When he pulls up to the lot of Edgehill Village, he parks in someone else's marked spot only because it's technically next to your door and he doesn't anticipate to stay long. But honestly, that never goes as planned. He grabs your bag from the trunk, silently following behind you as you unlock your door to an empty suite - just as you expected. Kass was most likely at Jungkook’s, spending the night with Jimin, and you'd be alone for the night. It didn't matter to you though, the peace and quiet was always nice.
"You sure you're gonna be okay here alone?" You nod.
"Yup. It's kind of nice actually." You lean forward onto your bed since it's raised a little higher than usual with bed risers, and open up your laptop. Jungkook sets your Target bag down and wraps his arms around you from behind, planting a kiss on your cheek and on your jawline.
"You sure you don't want me to sleep over? Cuddles sound nice."
"It sounds like you want to."
"Only if you want me to." He nuzzles his head against your neck, waiting for your response.
"Kook, please." You chuckle. "If you wanna sleepover, then go ahead."
"Yesssss! I do."
"Well you need to find parking, or else the person that owns that parking spot will be highly upset."
"You got it, captain. Pull up a movie!" He says, dashing out of your room to move his car. He's most likely going to come back in another 5 minutes, being that the only free parking at this time of night is probably on the other end in the gym's lot, or somewhere on the streets [if he got lucky].
And so that 5 minutes sure does go by before Jungkook is breathing heavily when he walks into your room, duffle bag swung over his shoulder with a big, dorky ass smile on his face.
"I'm back!"
"I see." You snort, still going through the movies.
"Hey, let's run through what Hobi taught us first."
"Ugh, I'm so tired though."
"Cooooome on, just once." He pulls you by the hand, his body pressed against yours as his his other arm wraps around your waist. "Please." His puppy dog eyes look down at you, causing you to push him away because fucking hell, that shit makes you weak. Makes the pussy throb just a lil, you know? Christ.
"Only if you watch 10 Things I Hate About You."
"Sure, I don't mind." He pulls up the song on your laptop. The both of you face the mirror in front of you, careful not to hit each other since you had such limited space to fully move around. Running through it once was a full blown lie, being that you both are doing it for almost 5-6 times before you're laughing at how out of breath you already are. You're so out of it and winded by the last time around that you accidentally hit Jungkook in the face, causing him to whine and stumble off to the side.
"Oh shit!" You laugh. "I'm so sorry, Kookie!" You run over to cup his face. "Are you okay? You good?"
"Shit, Y/N. You have a heavy hand." He keeps his hand against his cheek.
"I'm sorry." You lean in to plant a kiss on his cheek, but Jungkook being Jungkook, he looks to the side to have his lips meet yours instead. He picks you up in one swift motion, your legs wrapped around his torso as he sits you on your bed, your hands still cupping his face. And honestly, you really wanted him. You've always wanted him since this whole thing started. God, he was attractive to you - every little thing about Jungkook was a fucking weakness, but you weren't gonna let up first. Not tonight. The scar on his cheek, his soft, fluffy hair, his toned body, his muscular ass arms, the way he held onto you when you both slept, the way he kissed you.
Lord, he was truly going to be the death of you.
Before the kiss could get any deeper, you smile into it and back away, keeping your gaze on the small, dazed smile Jungkook has on his face.
"Can we watch now?" You ask, subtly biting onto your bottom lip.
"Yeah, good idea."
"Actually, after all that, I need to shower first."
"Can I join?" His eyes light up.
"Sit your ass down. You can go after." You laugh as you hop off the bed, grabbing your pajamas for a quick shower. You literally take 10 minutes, walking back into your room with wet hair and an oversized shirt and shorts underneath. Although you had been completely comfortable with Jungkook, the both of you have never really seen each other fully naked like that. Whenever he slept over, you were both always fully clothed. You've seen him hop out of the shower and come in shirtless, but that's probably about it. You start to brush your teeth as he rummages through his emergency duffle bag full of shit that he holds in the trunk of his car, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes to change into after his shower. You already know his ass is gonna use your shampoo for everything because he loves the smell of it and always talks about how good your hair smells.
While waiting for him, you slip yourself under your covers and pull the laptop closer to you, scrolling through your phone aimlessly to see what's new on instagram. Which, is absolutely nothing, so you let out a dissatisfied sigh.
"Ready!" He comes in, tossing his towel aside and shutting off the lights to crawl into your bed with you.
"You smell just like me." You chuckle.
"It's great, isn't it?"
"Your hair isn't bothering you?" You run your hand through his incredibly wet hair as he shakes his head.
"No, I'll be good."
"Okay." He wraps his arm around you to pull you onto his body, the movie already off to a start. As the movie goes on, you find yourself getting sleep as both of your bodies sink deeper into the sheets, Jungkook still not letting you go. The laptop rests on his belly, while your head is on his chest, his heartbeat the one thing putting you to sleep pretty quickly. He's comfortable, just as you are. He's warm, you're warm. He's content, you're content. You drift off to sleep while he continues to watch, knowing your bodies will be pressed tightly against each other in the morning.
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"Kook there's so many fucking people here. The cops are gonna come and shut this down quick." Jungkook shrugs.
"Oh well, wasn't my idea." He snorts. "Shot?!" He hands you a shot that you take with ease, feeling like you aren't drunk enough for all this shit and all these people. "Atta girl."
"Yuck, though." You slightly make a sour face as you feel the warmth trickle down your throat and into your stomach.
"Heeeey, whyyyyy do you look so FaMiliaR?" This girl asks Jungkook in a weird, flirty tone, where every other consonant goes up and down. She's obviously really fucking drunk and out of her mind because for one, she definitely goes to the same school as you two, and she has definitely been in class with Jungkook before.
"Oh uh, my name's Justin Bieber. I used to sing from time to time." He says nonchalantly with you furrowing your forehead at him because what kind of response did he just give her?! What did he just tell her? You're so embarrassed that you slowly turn on your heel and walk out of the kitchen as you hear him sing One Less Lonely Girl hella out of tune, with the girl completely smitten over his drunk ass.
"Where's Jungkookie?" Kass asks as she sits on Jimin's lap.
"Over there, pretending to be Justin Bieber apparently."
"Oh, nice. You don't come across that often." Jimin says sarcastically. "Are you staying here tonight?"
"Yeah, stay here tonight, with Kookie." Kass wiggles her eyebrows, her cheek resting on top of Jimin's head. "It's not like that's anything new."
"Um, I'd rather much be back in the dorm."
"That cold, lonely place? When you could be here, in such a pretty apartment with such a pretty boy?" You shake your head at her.
"Unbelievable." You mutter. Suddenly, an incredibly tall man walks into the apartment, reaching about 6'1 and almost hitting the ceiling with his tall ass. You've never seen him before, but he walks in with Hoseok and Namjoon and for whatever reason, you can't peel your eyes off of him. "Woah, who's that?"
"Who's what?" Jungkook finally comes to your side after being Justin Bieber for a good minute or so, his eyes following yours. Who was he and why were you looking at him so intensely?
"That's Kang! You've never met him?" Jimin says, doing a slight nod to greet him as he passes by. Kang and his fine self looks up at you, a small smirk creeping up at the corner of his lips as he continues through to the kitchen behind Hoseok and Namjoon. "He's a transfer and on the basketball team."
"He's fiiiiine." You and Kass swoon over him a bit, Jungkook giving you a look.
"He's alriiiight. I've seen better."
"Shut up, no one asked you." You lightly punch him on the side, making him lightly groan while Jimin and Kass laugh. The rest of the party, you suddenly have a goal to find out more about Kang and see what he's about because you and Jungkook weren't official. You both didn't really know what this was, but one thing you knew for sure was that it wasn't anything exclusive. You wouldn't bring it up, so wouldn't Jungkook - so was this really something all that meaningful?
Whatever, you didn't wanna keep going in circles about it.
Jungkook fucking hates it though, and he's honestly really jealous that you're suddenly trying to be all cute and woo the new, tall, handsome [but he's not really that fucking handsome to Jungkook for christ's sake] basketball player. Jungkook almost wants to mock his every move and how suavé he is, almost looking like a try hard with the way he's leaning against the wall and talking to you.
Wait— he's talking to you?! You were literally right next to him 2 seconds ago.
"What the fuck?" He squints, trying to make sure he's actually looking at you.
"You're so full of shit." Jimin laughs.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why don't you just admit that you like her and stop being childish about it?"
"I don't like her. She's just my bestfriend."
"Um, okay?" Jimin snorts. "When you sleep at her place every chance you get and vice versa? When she has a ton of your shirts and hoodies in her own fucking closet? When you always get so affectionate with her in the dorm? Sure, you don't like her."
"How do you know that?"
"I just do, you've done it in front of me and Kass before but you both tried playing it off. I don't understand you two."
"Well, I don't like her. She obviously doesn't either with the way she's trying to be all up on him." Jungkook glares at you, his teeth biting the rim of the cup harshly as he brings it to his lips to take a sip.
"Whatever, I'm just saying dude. Probably better to be straight up about it than not."
"Kaaaaaaay." Jungkook responds sarcastically, trying to play off how butthurt he was right now. Cause yeah, he did fucking like you. He was just scared to admit it though because of reasons like this - the fact that you possibly didn't like him back killed him. The fact that you could possibly be using him to feel wanted, needed. It made his stomach turn.
He just really liked you, and god, did he want to be the one in your bed tonight. Whether or not that ended up in sex, whatever. He just wanted to be the one to touch you, be on you.
Meanwhile, Kang was attractive as hell and ouwee, were you feeling him tonight. You were, you really were - except, you could literally feel the holes Jungkook was burning through you from across the room. You'd occasionally glance over due to how distracting it was, Jungkook literally have no shame with eyeing you, almost glaring at you, from across the apartment.
"Is it too forward if I ask for your number already?" Kang licks his lips, his teeth lightly piercing his bottom lip as he looks down at you.
"No." You smirk at him, taking his phone to put your number in.
"We should kick it soon. I'd love to hang out with you and get to know you better."
"Yeah, just let me know when." You blush, until you're suddenly pulled out of your daze by a loud 'ahem,' the loudest throat-clearing you have ever heard in your life. You turn to see Jungkook making his way back over to the shots, knowing damn well he's calling you over. "See you around?" Kang winks before he tips his cup to you and gives you a single nod.
"Sure thing, cutiepie." You bite onto your bottom lip, making your way over to Jungkook at the shot station, instantly pinching his arm.
"What the fuck?"
"Nobody was calling you over." Jungkook smirks.
"Shut the fuck up, yes you were. I know that was you clearing your throat like that."
"I'm sorry, does it bother you?" He blinks cutely, tilting his head to the side. "Besides, why come over here when you're too busy with your man?"
"Are you jealous?"
"Why in the hell would I be jealous, Y/N? Do you." The words sting you, even though part of you still wants to believe that Jungkook may actually like you. All you can do is sigh and brush it off, placing your cup down in front of him as he pours himself another shot. "You sure?"
"Just give me the damn shot." You say, making it your 7th.
And the 7th turns into 8, 8 turns into 9, 9 turns into 10. And at 10, you're pretty fucking drunk even as the party is starting to die down by the time it's close to 2am. All 10 were a good combination of shots and mixed drinks.
10 drinks.
10 drinks is what it took for you to lay in Jungkook's bed at the end of the night, hands tangled in his fluffy hair as your makeout session intensifies by the minute - all due to this sexual tension, frustration, whatever the hell it was brewing between you two after all this time. The both of you are drunk as hell, and it's pretty evident with the way you can still taste the alcohol on his tongue, both sloppily touching up on each other, kisses getting wetter, clothes coming off like there's no tomorrow.
"Wait, are you sure?" Jungkook says, about to unhook your bra.
"Jungkook, god, just fuck me." You plead drunkily, the room spinning around you. He continues to unhook your bra, tossing it across the room where your other clothes lay, peppering kisses along your neck before licking up a stripe to meet your lips again. He hooks his fingers across the band of your panties, tugging them down and letting them get lost within his sheets. You take this as leverage to tug his boxer briefs down, already stroking his hardened member the moment you come into contact with it. The sad thing is that you both are so fucking drunk, you can't even appreciate the fact that you both are naked in front of each other for the first time ever.
You can't even come to terms with the fact that you both are about to fuck each other and cross that boundary completely.
But, hell, what do you care? You were drunk. You got a cute guy's number. You're getting dick at the end of the night.
"Oh shit, Y/N." He moans into your mouth as he feels you stroking him. "Need to feel you." He quickly runs his finger down your fold, slipping in two digits to pump them in and out, quickly prepping you for his dick.
"Hnnng--Kook." You bite onto your bottom lip as your eyes shut close momentarily, your head digging deeper into the pillow the more he tries to stretch you out. "Want you inside of me."
"I got you." He says. You almost whine at the loss of contact until you feel his tip poking at your entrance. He slowly continues to slip himself inside of you, Kook letting out a small groan while your mouth was left open, a soundless moan releasing before you hiss and take in all of him. He fills you up so well, so completely. He was so big that you felt full, bloated, with him being inside of you the way he was.
"Ohhhhhgod." You whimper as he starts to steady his pace, the lewd noises of his cock slipping in and out of your wet pussy filling his room - god forbid if Jimin or their other roommate Yoongi heard this right now. It would be nothing short of pornographic.
"You're so wet. Is that all for me?" He says, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head as he begins to aggressively thrust into you.
"Y-yes." You whine.
"Say it again."
"All for you, Kook."
"I fucking thought so." He drunkily responds as one hand grips onto your hips tightly, the other in your hair as he digs his head back into the crook of your neck, his tongue messily licking near your jaw before he nibbles onto your earlobe.
"Hmmmmgggh, Jungkook. Fuck." You moan as you start to work your hips upward into his, your clit rubbing against his pelvis, causing the pleasure to pool quickly within the pit of your stomach. It causes goosebumps to pierce through the surface of your skin, your hands gripping tighter on his hair. "You're-you're gonna make me cum. Faster." You plead. He does just so, hammering into you, the sound of his hips slamming into yours bouncing off of the walls.
"Ahhh—Y/N." He groans.
"Just like that, just like that, just like that!" You repeat, your clit feeling incredibly stimulated by the way it rubs against his skin while he fucks into you. "Oh shit! Jungkook!" You moan loudly, biting his shoulder as you feel yourself trembling hard in his grip, your orgasm taking over your entire body.
"Shit, shit, shit—Y/N, Shiiiit." He says into your neck, followed by more curses and groans as you feel him coat your walls warmly. He stays inside of you until the both of you come back down to normalcy, your breathing becoming more regulated. He slowly slips himself out, plopping next to you on the bed, but doesn't welcome you into his arms.
The night goes on, the both of you sleeping on your own sides of Jungkook's bed, not really saying a word to each other. Because the both of you, although still pretty drunk, are more aware by the time it's over and it's become so clear how fucked up this got.
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You were hurt. Completely hurt. Because you didn't expect Jungkook to just fucking ghost you after that night. You wanted to talk about it, maybe come to the conclusion that you two should just distance yourselves from each other to figure this out, even if it would hurt you a lot to do so.
That morning, Jimin and Kass had to take you back to campus because Jungkook had darted out of his room, nowhere to be seen until later that night. The next week or so, there were no texts, no calls. No visiting your dorm, no asking to sleepover.
Just radio silence, white noise, if you will.
The one thing he could come up with was a stupid response to your text when you finally caved and asked what you did wrong mid-week.
Something along the lines of 'what do you want me to say, Y/N? do you want me to force myself to feel a certain way?'
Followed by a 'i'm sorry, fuck. that came out really wrong' even though you thought it came out perfectly fine. You understood loud and clear.
Even though this wasn't really an exclusive thing, or even a 'thing' if we wanna be straight up, you still couldn't help but feel like Jungkook had just dumped your ass with no explanation and you were still waiting for that explanation to come, whether it would or not. And because of this, you started to see Kang, hangout with him more often. He even took you out on a dinner date and you really enjoyed his company. He seemed genuine, caring, supportive - even if a lot of the basketball boys were the complete opposite. He was different, you liked to think.
And so you stand in front of the mirrors in the dance studio, you and Jungkook awkwardly running through the piece with Hoseok watching, confused as to why all of a sudden the two of you have this weird tension going on. It hasn't entirely ruined the couple piece, but it hasn't brought it together, either. The both of you could barely look at each other, barely get into the movements, the emotions behind the motions. Hoseok had to correct a few things, his 'pah pah pah's' echoing in the room constantly with how many times you and Jungkook had to be set straight for your sloppy steps today.
"Okay, I'm not saying it's bad, cause it's not. But can you both please act like you at least like each other or something? What's going on with you two? You aren't normally like this." Hoseok says, coming down to a crouch in front of the mirrors.
"Nothing, we'll do better. Don't worry." You brush off the entire question with your quick response. Jungkook looks at you, his hands on his hips, lightly frowning at how much you're distancing yourself even though he knows its entirely his fault for running from his feelings and not being honest with you.
"Okay, let's do it from the top." The music starts, you getting into the piece without making any eye contact with Jungkook. Even the steps that cause you to be close and near Jungkook, you look anywhere but his eyes, and your touch is light, trying your hardest not to let any feelings pass through the motion. Hoseok is a little more pleased this time around, but it still doesn't sit right with him, so he lets you two take a break while he heads to the other studio to check on Jimin and the rest of the group.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
"Jungkook, you don't get to ask me that." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, not sure if he should continue on or not.
"Save it, and let's just get this over with, okay? I don't wanna be here just as much as you." Your words cut him deep because dear, you have gotten him completely misunderstood and yet, he still can't speak. He still can't talk about his feelings. He still can't save this even though he wants to, even though he loathes seeing you the way you are with Kang.
"I never said—"
"Kay, ready? Let's run this full out and make it a good one so we can call it for today." Hoseok says, clapping his hands to hype you two up somehow. The music starts and you're finally able to get into the steps. The emotions. And god, it's only because you're so hurt by your own bestfriend. You're hurt that he fucked you so good, and then dipped. You're hurt that he couldn't even face you the day after. You're hurt that after all this time, he made it seem like you still didn't matter enough - at least enough for an explanation, for some kind of reasoning, conversation, behind what just went down between the both of you. Between what has been going down between the both of you.
Besides the stupid ass responses he gave you through text.
You get so into your feelings that you don't even realize you're tearing up by the time the piece is over, and Jungkook catches it even though you face away from him as soon as the music cuts out.
"Nice, okay! That was so much better! Let's pick it up next session, yeah? We'll keep cleaning it up. Thanks guys!" Hoseok says. You immediately head towards the wall, grabbing your things to avoid any confrontation from Jungkook, but he grabs your arm as soon as you slip through the door.
"Y/N, wait. Stop."
"Let me go." You yank your arm from his grip.
"Why are you crying?" He stops in front of you, his hands placed on your arms to prevent you from moving any further.
"I'm not." You blatantly lie while you aggressively wipe away the stragglers coming down.
"Really? Just gonna lie like that?"
"Why do you care? You haven't said shit to me all week." You snap back, and Jungkook is taken aback from the tone in your voice. You remove his hands from your arms, and take one last look at him before shaking your head and walking off.
Next mistake? He doesn't come after you.
This was a waste of fucking time. If he truly cared about you, he wouldn't let you hurt like this.
You let out a deep sigh before clutching onto your things and walking back to your dorm. The walk from the gym/fitness center was damn near on the other end of campus compared to your dorm. It would be a good 10 minute walk if you really took your time. A good 10 minutes to ponder on your thoughts.
Yes, you liked Jungkook. You really liked him. Having sex with him solidified those feelings even more. How could you not have feelings for your bestfriend after all the moments you've shared? Was it your fault for assuming that? Was it your fault for walking through that door when it seemed to be completely open for you?
"Sup." Kang comes out of nowhere, pulling you out of your thoughts. He swings his arm around your shoulder, gently pulling you closer to his body.  "Just got out of practice?"
"Sure did." You give him a toothless smile. Yes, he was attractive as hell. He always will be. But, even with the time you spent together, the date he took you on, he still couldn't make you feel the way Jungkook has been able to make you feel.
"How was it?"
"Um, it was alright. Nothing new really, just cleaning up the piece before the show. You're going right?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He smiles down at you. "Listen, I don't know if you've heard, but there's another party tonight."
"A party? It's Wednesday." You snort.
"Yeah, I mean, one of the boys on the Lacrosse team is throwing it at his family house because his parents will be gone. Wanna come? I'll pick you up. We don't have to stay for long." You looked at your watch.
"What time is it at?"
"Like 9ish?" Enough time for you to shower and get a quick dinner in your belly. Why the hell not? You were caught up for the week. You didn't have any pressing assignments that were due asap.
"Sure. I'll come."
"Cool. See you later then?" He says, about to part ways with you. You simply give him a nod before walking deeper into Edgehill village. You hoped you wouldn't regret this tonight, and you really hoped he meant it when he said you two didn't have to stay for long. You drag yourself into your room, seeing Kass' door wide open, revealing her packing up her duffle bag.
"Hey, where are you headed during the middle of the week?"
"My two classes got cancelled for tomorrow so me and Jiminie are heading out for a mini getaway for our anniversary." You cross your arms and smile. "He's just gonna catch up on shit when we get back I guess." She laughs.
"That sounds cute. I hope you have loads of fun this weekend, babe."
"What are you gonna do?" Kass and Jimin were obviously aware of everything happening between you and Jungkook being that they had to be the ones to take you home. They never pressed on it though, knowing you both were still pretty upset about how things were playing out. They figured you two would eventually work it out, but until then, they would just sit back and keep their mouths shut. You two were being completely stubborn, but it wasn't their relationship to fix.
"Well, there's this party Kang wants to take me to tonight."
"The Lacrosse party? Messy." She laughs. "Be careful, but also have fun, yeah? I still don’t know if I trust him.”
"Yeah I know."
"Tell me how it goes!"
"I will." You wave her off as you head into your room and shut the door. You figured you would just grab dinner on campus to avoid spending more money than you should; after all, dinner seemed to be pretty bomb tonight. You didn't mind going alone, sometimes Namjoon would join you, asking for you to bring him a plate of food while he does the hard job of sneaking inside the cafeteria through the back door. He usually waits for you at a free table and ends up staying there to have dinner with you, updating you on how life has been, how school has been. Sometimes Hoseok would join you, too. Either way, you didn't mind if no one joined. It was nice to have dinner by yourself from time to time.
You get there on time to be able to grab some food, eat quietly and head out before the cafeteria gets way too busy for your liking. You slip into the shower and throw on a mini skirt, a crop top and a denim jacket, lightly fluffing your hair in the mirror and adding a dab of lip gloss to your lips before Kang is calling you to tell you he's outside your dorm. He's wearing something similar to your color palette, however, you don't make much out of it since this also wasn't really an exclusive thing and you sure as hell weren't going around telling people you and Kang had a thing going on.
To him, you two might be a thing. You've definitely overheard people talking about you two in passing.
To you though, you two definitely weren't. And it was a big fuck you to Jungkook for that.
The house is packed from end to end already, and you're surprised being that it has barely hit 10 minutes since the party was expected to take off. Kang is having to park down the hill, allowing you to hop onto his back for a quick piggy back ride up until you reach the front of the house. There's people already fucked up out on the lawn [you figured they fucked themselves over during their pre-game session cause that shit really happens from time to time], either laying there drunkily or yacking on a free patch of grass.
Messy, indeed.
Some people are posted, smoking blunts and offering it to people who were passing by. You and Kang both pass up on it, the idea of not knowing where it has been not sitting right with you. You both head straight to the bottles, taking shots and downing mixed drinks to chase it with so that you can catch up with majority of the crowd. Kang has his arm around your shoulder throughout the night, keeping you close to him, even when he's getting pretty drunk. You realize he's a little more handsy than usual, a little more touchy than you expected him to be. It doesn't bother you for a minute, until he really tries to hike up your skirt while you sit on his lap. You gently shoo his hand away, playing it off while he nuzzles his head against your neck.
"Let's go upstairs, babe." He says, the pet name sounding incredibly off coming from him. Maybe you were drunk, maybe you really just weren't in the mood. It just didn't sound cute, if that even makes sense?
"Okay." You respond stupidly, not wanting to cause a scene at a lacrosse party. You intertwine your fingers with his as he leads the way up the stairs, eyeing the doors as they come into view. He leans forward towards each door, making sure it's clear before opening it. You assume he finally finds one that he's satisfied with when you catch the small smirk that grows at the corner of his lips when he turns the door knob and brings you inside. He pulls you into a deep, rough kiss, one that doesn't even allow you to breathe and process what the fuck is even going on. You can't get into it for the life of you, no matter how hard you try to back away. "Wait, wait."
"What's wrong, baby? Isn't this what you wanted?" He says, kissing down your neck as he drops his jacket to the floor. He gently pushes you onto the bed, his hands traveling up your skirt as you lay there trying to push him off.
"Wait, stop." He doesn't listen. He continues until his hands are literally hooking onto your panties, his finger swiping down your clothed folds. You try fighting him off, but he's way stronger than you. He continues to be aggressive, forcefully trying to shove your panties down until you muster up all the energy you have to finally push him off of you completely. "Stop!"
"What the fuck? I thought you wanted this?"
"Who the hell said that?"
"Are you serious? The way that you're dressed and the way that you look at me. The way you approached me at your friend's party - isn't it all because of this? Because you wanted me? Why are you backing out now?"
"Jesus, get over yourself." You stand, fixing your skirt back down. He furrows his brows at you before his hand grips your arm tightly, shoving you against the wall.
"The fuck, you can't just leave without giving me anything. I brought you here to this party."
"Let me go! You're fucking sick. No one even told you I wanted this to go down. I don't know who you think you are, but you need to get yourself together and stop assuming every pussy is yours to take." He attempts to pin you, his hand holding up both of your hands against the wall while the other tries to pull up your skirt. Someone accidentally opens the door, distracting him and giving you leverage to shove him off and get the fuck away. You dart down the steps, fixing your skirt as you head outside and away from the house.
Fuck, you're far from campus. And Kass and Jimin aren't around.
You groan and run your hand through your hair as you continue to walk down the hill and into the neighborhood to get as far away as possible from that house and that gross ass dude. He was literally just like the rest of the basketball team. You've heard stories and they weren't nice. Looks like he was trained well already, and that shit was sad. What a waste. A beautiful human being with such a nasty, sick mindset. You hoped other girls hadn't fallen for his shit.
Ugh, it sends shivers down your spine. Bad shivers.
"Hello? Y/N?"
"Kook, can you come pick me up please?"
"Yeah, yeah. Of course. Where are you?"
"I'll drop my location. Please hurry." You say, looking back to make sure your coast was clear. You drop the pin into your text thread with Jungkook and sit on the curb until his arrival. It's getting pretty chilly out, and the denim jacket you're wearing fails to provide you with the warmth you're looking for. Sooner or later, Jungkook is pulling up, damn near hopping out before he can shift the gear into park.
"You okay? What happened?" He says, opening the door for you before rushing over to the driver's seat.
"Nothing, can we just go back to your place?" He nods silently, and doesn't press any further after hearing your tone. He watches from his peripherals how you fiddle with your fingers and constantly reach to pull your skirt down even though he doesn't think there's any other way you could pull it down even more. He watches as he parks the car on the curb in front of his apartment how you simply undo your seatbelt and hop out to walk straight into his apartment. He watches as you welcome yourself into his closet and pick out some clothes for you to change in.
You were hurt, and his blood boils thinking about who could've done this and what they could have possibly done.
I mean, no. He knows who did this, but the question was what exactly did he try?
He hears the shower turn on, then quickly get turned off after a good 5 minutes. You had stepped in for a quick body shower, using Jungkook's bodywash just to rid yourself of feeling gross. Feeling gross from being shoulder to shoulder all night long, people breathing down your neck. Kang touching you inappropriately. You slip into Jungkook's clothes, his scent wrapping around you entirely. When you head back into the room, Jungkook has his headset back on as he faces his computer, logging back onto his game of League of Legends. You silently toss your dirty clothes to the side of his room, making a mental note to grab it tomorrow morning and toss it straight into the laundry.
Straight into a fire, perhaps. But you loved those clothes so much, it was unfortunate it'd have such a horrible memory to go with it.
Jungkook slowly removes his headset again and removes himself from his game before he heads over and sits on the edge of his bed. You simply look at him, pursing your lips tightly together to prevent yourself from crying.
But he can tell.
"What happened Y/N?" The question triggers you, making you cry into your hands as he sits there, dumbfounded and worried at how he can fix this and make you feel better. "Look, you don't have to tell me all the details but please tell me how I can help. At least tell me if I need to beat Kang's ass." He says, pulling you into his arms.
"He tried to fucking take advantage of me." You mumble as you remove your face from your hands.
"He did what?" He manages to ask even though he has a hard time swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. He already assumed you had placed him in the same category as Kang even though he never intended to take advantage of you. He really took that night as something special [even drunk], and he never meant to make you feel like you were a used object. Not like Kang.
"He-he," You sniffed. "He tried to force me into having sex with him. He took me upstairs at that lacrosse guy's party or whoever the hell it even was, and he started to aggressively kiss me. And then he tried to force my panties down and touch me there, and—"
"Okay, please don't go on or else I'll literally go over there and tear his ass apart right now. I promise you." He says sternly, his jaw clenching tightly. "God, fuck. I'm so sorry Y/N. I can't apologize on his behalf but fuck, you didn't deserve that." He uses his sweater to wipe your tears.
"I don't even know why I'm crying, this shit isn't even worth it." You groaned. "It's just overwhelming to process, I guess."
"That's okay." He says, letting out a sigh as he brushes his hand through your hair and continues to wipe the stragglers falling from your eyes. "Anything I can get you right now?"
"No, I'm probably just gonna go to bed." He nods. "Thank you for picking me up."
"Of course. You know I'll always be there." He says. You slip yourself into his sheets, watching as he makes his way back to his desk. But fuck, the only thing you needed right now was him. You didn't want this distance anymore, and you just wanted to be comforted in true Jungkook fashion.
"Hm?" He hums as he has a hand placed on the  head of his chair while he turns to you.
"Can you just lay with me?"
"Yeah." He says, shutting off his computer before making his way over to you in the dark. You feel him slip in next to you, his arm snaking around your shoulders so he can pull you close and onto his chest. "Better?"
"Yeah." You say, shutting your eyes as you listen to his heart beat.
"I never meant to take advantage of you, or make you feel like I used you that one night." Silence. "It was dumb of me, but I just— I had trouble coming to terms with my feelings. I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same way, but I thought fuck it, at least you would know, right?"
"What are you talking about, Kook?" You ask, close to a whisper.
"I'm saying that I really fucking like you, Y/N. No, that's not right." He curses himself. "I-I uh, I'm in love with you. And I don't know if I messed this up already with the way I acted, god I hope not, but you at least deserve to know that I truly do value you and that you mean alot to me. That night, even though we were pretty plastered, it meant a lot to me. It was more than just sex and I'm sure you felt that too." He waits for your response as his fingers rake through your hair. "Please say something, anything."
"I feel the same way, Jungkook. You're an idiot for running off, but I couldn't even stay mad at you. You just know how to hit my soft spots and I can never say no to it. Can never turn my back on it." He presses a kiss against the top of your head.
"Fuck, I'm really glad to hear that cause I don't know what I would have done besides cry if you rejected me." You playfully hit his chest.
"You're annoying." You jokingly say as you chuckle.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I never wanted to hurt you."
"It's okay." You look up to press your lips against his before laying back down.
"And Kang better be fucking glad you're pressed against my body right now because I'm still looking to beat his ass."
"He's not even worth it." Is the last thing you say before you find yourself drifting into a deep sleep, in the comfort of Jungkook's arms.
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"You two feeling okay? Nervous?" You and Jungkook shake your heads. "Good, you guys got this. You've been looking amazing during practice, the audience will love you two, no doubt. Just remember to show emotions through expressions and hit every beat sharply." Hoseok nods in unison with the both of you.
"Got it, thanks Hobi." You smile at him toothlessly. You and Jungkook patiently waited for your turn backstage, the talent show already off to a wild and fun start. So many students came by to showcase their talents - from beatboxing, open mic, freestyling [like Yoongi did], dancing, singing, you name it. It was always a fun time at the talent show, and it was always nice to see people getting love for the shit they loved to do.
"You're up next." Hoseok says. "I'll be in the front row. Kick ass and have fun!" He says as he rushes off towards the opposite end to head back out to his seat in the theater.
"Ready?" Jungkook holds out his hand for you to take.
"I think so." You playfully respond as the backstage crew is rushing out the previous talent and rushing you two in to take your places on stage. The lights pick up as soon as the music starts, Kang's big ass head already in full view for you. He's definitely not smiling, no, he has a look of pure disgust because he simply couldn't get what he wanted from you.
And boy, who's fault was that? Not yours, no sir. It was his fault for thinking he had it like that.
But anyways, you're feeling the music, you're feeling the piece because you're dancing with your bestfriend and there wasn't this grey area anymore. It was easier to get into the motions, to get into the feeling, especially when things felt right between the two of you.
And God, what else is more attractive than Jeon Jungkook hitting his 8 counts so smoothly, with just enough umph to make it pop but make it pop cleanly.
Yo, please. I beg. Send some help. You could literally melt on stage.
The moments where Jungkook has to be close to you, where he has to touch you - you let him, and you touch him with meaning. You don't stray away this time because you have no reason to. The crowd is cheering, lots of 'ou's' and 'aw's' erupting from various places in the theater.
"Pretty lady." Jungkook whispers in your ear as the move requires his hands to be placed on your hips for a quick moment. You hear him slightly singing along to the song as he parts from you, causing you to blush.
Sooner or later, the couple piece is over and the song is transitioning to Jimin's piece, you and Jungkook rushing off the stage so the next group can take their positions. Jimin wanted to test his limits, creating a piece a little different than his usual taste - Chris Brown's Came to Do begins blaring through the theater speakers. You immediately jump into Jungkook's arms once you both reach backstage, the both of you immensely happy and pumped that you got through the piece without messing up one step or beat. It went so smoothly that Hoseok was standing in the front row, clapping and cheering in typical Hoseok fashion. You intertwine your fingers with his, slipping through the side door to catch Jimin's piece on stage. You and Jungkook are cheering them on, always impressed by the shit your friends can come up with. You both loved dancing, but you couldn't even imagine coming up with your own pieces to teach people.
That night after the show, everyone heads to a nearby restaurant for dinner with everyone. You all take up almost an entire section of the restaurant, splitting two long tables to accommodate the entire group with doubled the waitresses to take your orders. You settle for water, splitting an abnormally huge and filled deep dish pizza with Jimin, Kass and Jungkook. It was a good day, a good night, everyone at the table happily eating and chatting it up over dinner. You turn down any drinks because to be honest, drinks lowkey make you queasy just from the thought of how much you drank at Jungkook's apartment, plus the added bonus of that party Kang took you to. Jungkook declines as well, knowing he has to drive you back safely.
Jimin and Kass head back to the apartment because Yoongi says he's gonna hang out with Joon And Hoseok for a bit, and they warn you and Jungkook that things may get loud so the both of you decide to really stick to the plan of bringing you back to the dorm. Jungkook does his usual routine of dropping you off first before finding parking around campus. You hop in the shower and come out in Jungkook's oversized crewneck that he left in your closet, forgoing the shorts because you certainly thing that at this point, he'd love to see you in his sweater and panties.
And he does. He smiles as he pulls you close, his hands traveling up your sweater, only to find out that you literally don't have shit on besides some cute little boyshorts. He feels himself hardening in his pants quick because he's incredibly attracted to you and everything about you, always has been, always will be.
"You did amazing tonight." He says, gently kissing your forehead.
"You did too, partner." He gives you a slightly shocked look.
"Is that all I am to you? Your dance partner?"
"Yeah, why? Were you expecting more?" You joke as you smile up at him.
"Yeah, I was."
"Oh?" He gently swoops you up into his arms, your legs wrapped tightly around his torso as he sits you on the bed, his hands resting on your thighs while you continued to hold him around the neck. "Care to tell me what you were expecting?"
"Well, you know, my best friend—" He presses a kiss against your lips, thumbs gently rubbing circles against your hips. "My girlfriend."
"Hm, say that again?" Your fingers are gently playing with the ends of his hair, your lips barely grazing his.
"My girlfriend." He says closed to a whisper, kissing you softly. The kiss deepens quick, Jungkook's tongue lining your bottom lip as his way of asking for permission to take it further. You gladly take it and let him in, your tongues instantly fighting for dominance. Your fingers travel up his hair, tugging ever so slightly just to let him know you want more. That you need more.
And he gets that.
His fingers hook onto the band of your boyshorts, tugging them down and letting them fall down your legs and onto the floor. He breaks the kiss momentarily, his brown, puppy dog eyes looking straight into yours.
"Hey." He says, brushing the hair out of your face.
"I know I said the last time was special, and it was. It is." He corrects himself. "But, I wanna do right by you this time around. So, is it okay if I keep going? Are you comfortable?" He asks properly, since the two of you are both sober and perfectly coherent, aware of your surroundings and the fact that you'll be seeing each other fully naked in a few minutes.
"Yes." You respond. "Yes, I want you to keep going. I want you. This." He simply nods, bringing his lips back onto yours. His hands climb up your sweater and gently gives your breasts a good squeeze, earning a small moan from the both of you. His other hand begins to travel down to your pussy, two long fingers slowly probing your entrance and causing your breathing to hitch.
"You okay?" He asks lowly. You nod, biting onto your bottom lip as you tilt your head back and rest on your hands, no longer able to keep up with the kiss due to all the pleasure starting to pile up deep in your core. Jungkook starts of slow, his head now buried into the crook of your neck as he works his digits upward, tickling at the right spot.
"Ohhhh, Kook." You mewl as his tongue swipes across the surface of your neck, biting gently beneath your jaw. He begins to pick up the pace, the sounds of him finger fucking you filling up the room entirely.
"Fuck, you're so wet baby." He groans into your neck.
"I'm gonna cum." You whine, teeth almost piercing through your bottom lip in between your whimpers.
"Need to taste you." He removes his fingers and sinks down in between your thighs, gripping onto them and pulling you just a teensy bit more off the edge of the bed so he can get a good angle. The sight of his eyes looking up at you in between your legs is to die for, and the sight alone is enough to make you cum. But, you hold on, you ride out for a little longer - feeling Jungkook's tongue swipe in and out of your folds before he's sucking endlessly on your clit.
"Ahhh, fuck, wait, Jungkook!" He slightly smiles while eating you out, signaling that he's not stopping even if you beg him to. "Hnnng—shit!" You moan loudly as you feel yourself toppling over the edge, your body shaking in Jungkook's grip. You twitch every time he continues to suck gently on your sensitive nub, letting you ride out the rest of your high. He comes back up to your lips, the taste of your own cum lingering on it as you kiss him deeply.
"You taste so good." He says, back to twirling your nipples in between his fingers.
"Wanna feel you." You fiddle with his jeans, undoing his belt and sliding the rest down as much as you could. Jungkook gets out of his shirt and tosses it aside before helping get the sweater above your head. His eyes glow at the sight of your bare body in front of him, wanting to do nothing but please you and please you well.
"God, you're so perfect." He places kisses down your collarbone, to the surface of your breasts before quickly swirling his tongue around your perked buds. You moan as you tug down onto his boxer briefs, immediately stroking his hardened member while he tended to you. Jungkook was a fucking beauty himself - his soft hair, his perfectly toned body, his long 'thick in all the right places' dick.
"Please." You plead. "I want you inside of me." You whimper, causing Jungkook's breathing to hitch when you slightly tighten your grip at the base of his shaft. He gently pushes your hand aside to take over, lining himself up at your entrance. He inserts the tip, watching your eyes roll to the back of the head as he slowly sinks into you.
"Mmmmmgod." He moans. "So tight for me, baby. So fucking wet and tight." He repeats, close to a growl. Your moaning begins to pick up, matching the pace of his thrusting. You're still on the edge of the bed, Jungkook keeping you steady by gripping your thighs tightly. He marvels at the sight of your titties bouncing up and down with every thrust, hissing and shutting his eyes momentarily to keep himself grounded and to prevent himself from coming too quickly. Cause god, he can literally blow any second now.
"Jungggggkooook, yessssss!" You moan loudly, whining even at this point with how good he feels fucking into you at such a fast pace. You're feeling slightly sore already from him hammering into you, but nonetheless, it builds more pleasure for you and you want nothing but to reach your high again. "I-I'm coming!" Jungkook moans in unison with you when he feels your walls pulsating against his cock.
"Such a good girl for me." He says, slowing his pace. The creamy sounds of Jungkook's cock slipping inside and out is music to the both of your ears. He finally gains the courage to remove himself, sitting next to your spot on the edge of the bed and pulling you onto his lap. You swing a leg over, your hands resting on the nape of his neck while you sink yourself lower onto his length. Your mouth opens to let out a moan, but the best you can do is let out a hiss. It feels too fucking good that you can't even process it thoroughly. Jungkook pushes your lips down onto his by grabbing your neck, his other hand guiding the movement of your hips as you roll into him.
"Mmmggg—Jungkook." You whimper in between kisses. "You feel so fucking good, god. You're gonna make me cum again."
"Yeah, cum for me. Cum all over me. It's yours." He grunts, his hands guiding you to work him faster. Your movements are getting sloppier, and you feel your wetness starting to coat his pelvis. He doesn't give a fuck though, and neither do you. This shit feels too good for you to worry about the mess you're making on him.
"Cum with me please." He moans at the sound of you whispering into his ear.
"Faster, baby." He says, almost making you cry at how awfully close you are to unraveling. You tug onto his hair, your head buried deep into his neck as you try and suck onto the surface, trying to find an outlet, some kind of release, until you let go. You suck harshly as you coat his cock with your cum, leaving a purple mark right at the base of his neck. You continue to ride out your high, rolling your hips sloppily as Jungkook finally lets himself go, his moan bouncing off of your walls as his seed fills you up warmly.
You stay in your position, slowly raising your head to cup his cheeks and kiss him deeply once more.
"Fuck, I love you." He says slightly pulling away.
"I love you too." You giggle.
"Didn't actually need any drinks to do this now, did we?" Jungkook jokes, softly pinching your hip.
"Shut up."
"Damn, you both couldn't even at least try to be quiet?!" Jimin yells from outside the door.
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kshira · 3 years
—filthy rich
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a bet//making you cum//rich boy sakusa//that’s it//that’s the tweet
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18+ content//minors dni
wc: 2,066
18+ content, cursing, f!reader, blushy sakusa, fingering, soft dom sakusa (?), alcohol consumption, mentions of alcohol, reader slightly buzzed, smut in general
+ this is my piece for the rich boy collab, i thank @bakugohoex for letting me join & be sure to check out the rest of the wonderful event!
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//“wanna make a bet, pretty boy?” atsumu grins, raising his glass to his lips, raking his eyes over the crowds of people until he makes you his target.
“the bet being?” sakusa says, meeting eye contact with you then bashfully taking the gaze away.
“well i’m bored, a little horny and that pool girl over there looks pretty fuckin’ hot” atsumu takes the glass gulping the last of the whiskey before slamming it back down.
sakusa shutters when he hears the glass crack at the metal table, his nerves are building but the alcohol soothes it—somewhat.
lavish cars fill his garages, endless expensive clothes pack sakusa’s closets, and the infinity amount of money suffused his bank account.
yet sakusa doesn’t understand why he feels numb, his money attracts everything and anyone—his bed never stays empty neither does his wallet but his soul—hollow.
“lets see who can fuck her first but more importantly who can make her cum first” atsumu wipes the brown liquor from his lips before giving sakusa a little push “you first omi.”
sakusa stumbles forward but takes the stride into your path around the pool, slowly walking in your direction watching you scoop the towels from vacant chairs and wiping down tables as you go.
“you do an exceptional job.. as a pool girl..fuck why did i say that, hi hello” sakusa covers his pink covered cheeks, eyeing the way your hips sway a certain way as you finish wiping down a chair.
“is this your way of hitting on me?” you chuckle, turning around to face the unknown force behind you—unexpectedly he wasn’t an old creep this time.
sakusa was in no doubt a beautiful man but where to start? that was what your eyes kept doing.
you started with his hair, the way he certainly tried to mask the curls in gel but the summer heat brought them spiraling down over his face, his pale skin adorned his muscles carved within and the most catching part you found about him was those beauty marks perfectly placed on his face.
“what time do you get off?” sakusa avoids your eyes when he mutters the words out, of course he knows he’s attractive but rejection never settled well with him.
“mm, well if you rub me just right i usually get off pretty quickly” you try to conceal the smile you have watching sakua’s eyes widen by your bold statement, you notice it doesn’t take much to get a reaction from him—you wonder that with other parts of him.
“j-just give me your number and text me when you get off— off work” sakusa coldly states and turns around as quickly as he got there leaving a confused look from you and a hysterical atsumu in the background.
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you had seen this famous sakusa before, anybody flocked to him at every social event you unfortunately attended for the filthy disgusting rich, cleaning up behind them and taking their harsh coated words just for the sake of a little bit of money.
sakusa was placed in this group by his fame nonetheless and the staggering amount of money he’d collected through his growing career, so fuck it you think, might as well play this game he’d started—eat the rich instead of them devoring you for a change.
your text to sakusa left unanswered for a brief moment to give you some time to unwind and relax including a well deserved bottle of expensive champagne and a hot shower.
but as the alcohol finally started soaking in your phone lit up and the engine of a car in your apartment complex turned off.
kiyoomi sakusa was here, with all that fame and glory.
he was casually leaning on a ferrari, typical you thought for him to pull up in a car more expensive than anything you owned all together—filthy rich with the looks to double the amount.
“come in” you wave him into your apartment, watching him check his phone again and stride to your spot right inside your home.
“interesting..place” sakusa grunts, taking his shoes off and the door and shyly walking closer to the living room before planting his heavy body down on the couch.
“not up to your standards i guess?” you joke, crawling beside him on the couch, your fingers grazing his chest for stability—he’s nervous with a sweat beading around his dark curls and that tint of pink on his cheeks you’ve started to like on him.
“enough of the small talk, you know why i’m here we texted enough to get on first name basis and for you to know i’m not a creep or anything but—“ sakusa pauses to watch your expression, wide eyed and full of curiosity it kind of pains him to explain further.
“go on” you hum, swiping a piece of hair behind your ear scooting closer to him and to add a little bit of spice your hand stays dormant on his thigh.
“it was a bet to sleep with you but that’s something that we don’t have to do or anything like that—the other part of the bet is useless to talk about but i just had to make it look like i was actually doing the bet so i wouldn’t get ragged on by my friend..” sakusa is afraid to look at you, his eyes staying down at the floor memorizing the patterns of the hardwood floor.
“the bet.. what’s the other part?” you’re genuinely curious but if anything the fact that this rich boy is wanting to walk away in shame and defeat has you wondering—tasting for something else.
“to..make you.. c-cum and i was chosen to go first” sakusa leans back on the couch, wanting to melt into it entirely from embarrassment.
“is that so? i did say it didn’t take much to get me off” you smile back, peeling his large palms from his red cheeks to see a sly smile hiding under it.
“it’s been awhile for me so don’t have great expectations” sakusa chuckles interlocking his fingers with yours and moving inches closer till your lips can just almost touch.
there wasn’t time to take in his kiss when his tongue already started gently touching the walls inside your mouth, the sweet liquor still lingered and mixed with the champagne you had drunk; it was a divine taste.
sakusa went first taking his clothes off, starting with his shirt that colored your old wooden floors, his upper body was on display and fuck did it look good.
the ridges that filled his stomach formed remarkable abs, his skin flashed an ivory stain and those beauty marks created mini constellations all over.
an idea had tainted your mind for awhile, his beautiful body so clean and pure— needed something on it.
“do you mind if i pour this champagne on you?” your finger taps on the glass whilst your other hand draws circles on his bare chest.
“if you clean up the mess you’re going to start” sakusa holds his bottom lip between his teeth as you’d already started pouring the golden liquid all over his stomach.
“i planned to” your tongue drags away the champagne, licking all where it flows but never leaving his skin—you can feel sakusa’s body tremble at every lap you place on him and the bulge under your ass keeps growing bigger.
you gaze up to see him and a hazed lustful sakusa groans back at you, his cheeks dusted pink all over again with that growing bulge under you throbbing at this point.
“do you want me to go further? since you haven’t done this in awhile i can—“ you wince when sakusa pulls your face up by your cheeks, his palms practically swallowing your face whole.
“i said i haven’t done this in a while not that i don’t know how to fuck you” he takes you in another kiss, devouring your lips with his own swirling his tongue around the champagne laying shallow in your mouth.
sakusa decided the sweet taste isn’t enough, he’s growing tired of his hardened dick just rubbing under you, he needs release soon.
“tell me, how does a pool girl like you have chardonnay champagne?” sakusa smirks, pulling your flimsy shirt off to reveal your tits; you shake from the exposed air fluttering to your skin leaving your nipples perked to a draw.
“i think compensation like expensive drinks are well deserved after dealing with rich fucking pricks all day” sakusa leans down listening to your reply, kissing your bare skin till he reaches your breasts.
“this rich fucking prick is about to fuck you though, you pretty little thing” his tongue wraps around one nipple sucking so slightly, you dance your fingers through the strands of his curls—the moan that escaped from your throat define that sakusa is in command.
“f-fuck feels good” you squeak, your voice stays rippled in your lungs—you don’t want to feel this good by a lick or a touch but the way sakusa is treating your body it’s a reflex now.
sakusa moves on to the other perked nipple, treating this one with more attention and while you’re caught up in the pulses your pussy is vibrating he slowly slings his hand down to your shorts, slipping them off and sinking one finger in.
“fuck—so wet, wet for me huh?” he groans into your tits, taking action in your messy hole, scissoring and moving with ease he’s already able to slip another one right in.
you want to answer him but you just don’t care too, you’re so caught up feeling his tongue trace a rotation on your perked breasts and his fingers plunging in your velvet walls that whatever you want to say fills right in with the orgasm you’re about to pull out.
sakusa feels you clamping down on his thick fingers, he knows you’re about to cum and he could walk away right afterwards with his winning bet but with your mouth agape, eyes glossy from the pleasure and you moaning for nobody but him—he wants inside of you.
you're reaching the top of your peak fast, your flowing essence tingling down your toes all you think about is him, his thick fingers and when you start to cum all on his fingers now you’re thinking about his dick.
“taste so good, so fucking good” sakusa pulls away from your cunt, his fingers soaked with the tips of them dripping in your cum and going right in his mouth.
god, did he have to do that?
“want you—want you in me now” you plead, palming at his pants and rubbing at his still stiff cock; you’re no one to beg but fuck you’re doing it now.
“such a good girl for me letting me make you cum, this time i’m gonna cum with you, yeah?” sakusa places a kiss on cheek trailing down your neck while he slips the rest of his clothes off and with the last drop of his clothes off you feel his knees dip in on the couch around you and that first stroke in.
of course measured with his height you’d known he’d be big but that soothing burn into your soaking pussy was the pure, uneducated guess he’d be this big.
but fuck did he reach that spot you couldn’t touch with your fingers, the way he’d bend your knees straight to your chest to get right at your cervix and you’d be goddamned if his dick didn’t rub right in your clit for safe measures.
“i’m not going to last when you feel this good but fuck i wanna” sakusa heaves, bringing his chest flushed to your knees, pressing down harder so he’s so balls deep he’s connected one with your soul.
“you gonna cum so soon huh? cum in this pussy” you moan out, digging nails in him and clenching so hard it’s cutting the blood flow down below on him.
“yeah? that what you want? fill this messy hole with my cum? god you’re so something else” sakusa fucks you faster till his balls are slapping at your wet thighs and his breathing matches with his speed.
“i’m gonna cum, i can��t hold it—fuck!” he bites down on your shoulder before stalling to fill you entirely up.
with a bet like this, you wonder how his other friend is going to fuck you//
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 3 years
Okay okay okay
The Marcus, Percy, Penny and Oliver friendship (with appearances from Cedric)
These dumbasses break the rules all the time they just know how to not get caught
They snuck into hogsmeade in their first year by accident and just never stopped going
They have snuck into the hospital wing(?) become of quidditch accidents or Penny and Percy were experimenting with spells and potions
Before Cedric was a prefect they would sneak him into the prefects bathroom because they knew he would absolutely love it
Marcus and Oliver accidentally found the kitchens and now all four of them are great friends with the elves and never stopped going
They all will wonder around past curfew or sneak out of their houses during the summer to meet up
Penny and Percy refuse to just read about spells and potions. These nerds love to experiment and it’s ended up blowing up in their faces so many times
Penny had to wear a wig for months because half her hair got burnt off and she wanted to know if there would be side affects if she let it grow naturally
Percy had glowing eyes for a week once and it was a pain for the four of them to hide it
They have both ended up with so many broken bones
Oliver walked in on an experiment once and both had to tackle him since it was about to explode
Marcus has so many before and after pictures for black mail
Marcus and Oliver are actually great friends when it’s not quidditch season and when it is they have to be separated
Percy out right picked Oliver up and walked away with him because he was about to tackle Marcus
Penny has threatened to spell certain parts of them if they don’t behave
Marcus and Oliver both ended up with detention for weeks and nearly kicked off their teams because the fighting got so bad their 3rd (they had a fight during the summer and the tension was higher during the season because of it)
Oliver and Percy get matching tattoos when they find out Oliver is going to be a professional player and get drunk
Marcus was there and was laughing the whole time
Penny won’t talk to them for three days because they went without her
All three are threatened by Percy to never tell his family
Oliver loves his and starts to get a few more over the years
Penny and Percy always wanted to work at the ministry but other always knew it wasn’t perfect
They actually got into a fight with Oliver and Marcus about in when Voldy first returned
Penny had to sit them down and explain that they don’t trust Dumbledore and they aren’t sure if it’s true
But they won’t completely take it out of the equation but it’s important that they get the ministry to trust them so that they can help those who need it when he really comes back
Percy and Penny both apologize to them when they find out he really is back but they stay working there because it won’t be easy but they have to help where they can
Marcus disappears for awhile and none of them are sure if he’s on the run from his family or became a death eater in a attempt to help them and protect them
Oliver doesn’t work for the Order but instead for a much smaller and quiet group and he sends them information from Penny and Percy
When Percy leaves/is kicked out from his home
He goes to Oliver first and then the others come over
There’s a lot of crying
Then a lot of yelling
And then a lot of hugging
They actually have gotten into some weird and at times dangerous situations
Percy accidentally ends up great friends with Madam Pince and Madam Pomfrey. They let him in on a bunch of old hogwarts secrets and it’s great
Oliver and Percy once set their room on fire and Penny will not let it go
Marcus ‘accidentally’ flooded the prefect bathroom
All four of them taught themselves and Cedric defense against the dark arts because they shed they had terrible teachers until Remus
You know who the stairs move? Well Penny fell through once and Percy barley caught her and both were screaming because the stairs were still moving and they thought she was going to get squished
Percy actually forced Oliver to try out for the quidditch team and dragged him out for them because Oliver was scared
When Penny and Oliver introduced Percy and Marcus to muggle things they always took delight in tricking them. Many soda cans have exploded
One time when Flying Oliver grabbed Percy who was grabbed by Penny and then all three of them were in the air screaming because Oliver had started to slip off from the weight
Marcus had to grab his broom and help Oliver get back on his broom
Cedric was there and laughing the entire time
Percy actually stress bakes and cooks and Marcus loves it
But Marcus didn’t bother to tell anyone he was allergic to strawberries and then they had to take him to the wing because he ate a strawberry cupcake
“It looked good!” Was his defense
As I said, they are dumbasses who are best friends
So Penny and Percy dated before breaking up when they realized they’re better as friends
Marcus and Penny are so tired when they figure out that Percy and Oliver are in love
When Marcus comes back in the middle of the war and finds out they aren’t together he buys Penny a bottle of fire whiskey because she’s had to deal with it alone
Penny can’t cook at all and when she tried she nearly burnt down the kitchen
Oliver once accidentally ate broom polish because he wasn’t paying attention
Marcus becomes a movie nerd once Penny and Oliver show he and Percy movies
Percy ends up quoting yoda a lot because it annoys the rest of them
When they first meet Cedric Penny out right takes one look at him and nods and says “this one is ours”
Percy has to explain that they can’t just claim first years
Oliver was the one who actually helped Cedric train for becoming a seeker
Marcus doesn’t let anyone bully Cedric
None of them can sing at all but that doesn’t mean they don’t try
Percy can actually play a bunch of instruments and Marcus is good at piano
Oliver doesn’t care but he can dance
Penny can do none of that and has broken a toe dancing and snapped a flute in half
The other three are very fearful of her strength
Penny can draw and she makes glass art
Percy is actually good at sports like he’s average but he doesn’t like to do them. Well he does but only one
He likes swimming
Penny was actually a quidditch player (thank you @quidditch-myths for this idea) and she use to do track. Sometimes she still runs but not as much
Marcus is weirdly good at tap dancing and none of the understand why
That’s all for now but I will make more of these
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 (𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐢𝐭)
a/n: so this one took awhile to get out due to me being very behind on well everything. BUT i actually really enjoyed writing this one. even if it is insanely filthy....don't look at me.......
prompt twelve - hand kink/praise kink
summary: late nights in between closing the bar and the early hours of sunrise were your favorites.
word count: 1.5k+
pairing: 1980s!Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
warnings: explicit so MINORS BYE, hand kink, cussing, fingering, cumplay/cum eating, pussy slapping (YEAH i went there), praise, fingersucking, nipple play if you squint. let me know if i missed anything!
Late nights after the bar closes.
You’d say between locking the doors for the night and waiting for the inevitable sunrise, was the best part of the day. For those few hours the world went completely silent - everyone having gone to sleep for the night in order to wake up in the morning. Everyone except the both of you. His arm curled around your waist, keeping you close to him as you listened to the sounds of crickets echo from his open window.
The perfect amount of serenity wrapped up in one place. With you wrapped within the perfect person.
“You’re still awake,” he murmured in your ear, hand splayed against your stomach lightly and drawing mindless circles with his thumb. His way of comfort is what he told you.
When in reality you knew that he simply loved to touch you. In any way he could, whether that be his hand holding yours, his hand on your thigh or even having you pressed up against him like this. It was his way of knowing that you were safe - you were with him.
“I’m just resting,” you whispered, even though your eyes were completely awake. How could you sleep on a night like this? When the world seemed to have created a safe haven between the hours - freezing time for the both of you to relish in the company you found in one another.
“Liar.” His breath fanned across your cheek, hand sliding lower until you were being pressed even further back. “What are you thinking about sweetheart?”
There were thousands of things that you could have been focusing on at that moment. The way his voice sounded ethereal when he wavered between sleeping and staying awake with you. How he looked at you all night as you were the only person in the damn bar - or even his hands. There was quite a bit you could say about his hands. Refraining from answering with words you simply gripped his wrist and dragged his hand up to your mouth.
Licking lightly at his thumb.
A curse fell from his lips so sinfully soft it had your eyes fluttering shut, because this had never happened before. Only on rare occasions were you so brazen about what you wanted with him and right now - you wanted to feel his hands. Watch them splay across your naked skin; his rings glinting in the faint glow of the streetlight that peeked into his room.
“Thinking about my hands?” he asked, pressing two fingers into your mouth and groaning when you immediately began to suck on them. “You just needed something to suck on huh?”
Your body physically seized at his words, pushing back against him - a wanton moan leaving your mouth. Words weren’t good enough at a time like this. No - words were spared for when the day was rushed and neither of you had enough leisure time to steal away moments like this. So you pulled off his fingers, scraping your teeth against them lightly before shoving your underwear down and yanking his shirt up and off your body.
Thankfully he understood exactly what you wanted.
“Din,” you whimpered, tilting your head back until it rested against his shoulder; his hand sliding down to sink into the slick that had been steadily dripping from you the second he pressed his thumb into your mouth.
“I’ve got you sweetheart.” Pressing his lips to your shoulder he slid his spit slicked finger down until they were notched at your entrance. Teasing lightly.
Jolting your leg out and throwing it over his leg you spread yourself out for him as best you could, feeling the anticipation grow in your body to an overwhelming degree. You needed him. Desperately. Only he seemed content to continue your build up; sliding his fingers softly from your entrance to your clit. He wanted to drive you insane. You were sure of it.
Damn him and all his cockiness, but even you knew he wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for you and your neediness.
“Taking your sweet time?” you asked, chest heaving. Fucking rushing, you could hold out for as long as he wanted you to, but thankfully he took mercy.
Sinking his fingers into you up to his knuckle until you were moaning shamelessly into his empty apartment. You would never get tired of this. Any of this.
“What do you like about my hands sweetheart?” he asked the question as if you were merely having a drink together, rather than him having his finger buried within you. His teeth, nipping at your shoulder.
You stuttered, eyes flying open as he immediately found the spot along your walls that would send you over the edge far too quickly. “They’re big,” you whimpered, eyes rolling back. “They fill me so nice - oh fuck baby.”
Rolling onto his back he pulled you with him until you were lying between his spread legs, his fingers pressing deeper into you this way. “Yeah?” he asked, toying with your niple.
Jerking in his hold you felt the rush of ecstasy fill your veins until it was a high you didn’t want to leave. You had to hand it to him. He knew what the fuck he was doing. It only occured to you once he stopped his movements, that he wanted you to continue with your words.
Inhaling you tilted your head back until his eyes met yours. “They’re strong,” you whispered. “Much stronger than mine. Love how they feel against my skin.”
Delirious. He had driven you delirious with the steady pumping of his fingers, the wet sloshing in the room growing louder with every movement. He was enjoying this far too much, but to say you weren’t was an understatement. Actually it would be a straight out lie only you wouldn’t tell him that. Yet.
“You just wanted attention,” he mumbled in your ear. “Didn’t you?”
Nodding you dug your fingers into his thighs in a helpless attempt to ground yourself. The smack came unexpectedly - the jolt of pleasure against your clit was enough to nearly send you tumbling over the edge. It took you a few seconds of trying to catch your breath to realize he had slapped your pussy. Gasping for breath you clenched around nothing as he did again, your slick dripping down your thighs at the sensation.
“I want words sweetheart,” he breathed raggedly against your neck, fingers returning back to where they were, pushing slowly into you.
“Yes!” you cried out, your lower body locking down when he sped up his movements. Fucking you with his fingers ruthlessly and driving you to what you knew would be a debilitating release.
“Good girl.” Sliding his other hand back up he pushed two fingers back into your mouth, the order to suck on them already in your mind. “Look at you,” he said as if in awe of your naked body practically glowing from the thin sheen of sweat that covered you. “You’re such a good girl for me sweetheart. Taking my fingers so well.”
Moaning incoherently your nails dug into his wrist the second he began to toy with your clit. His fingers pressed against your g-spot until it was too much. You were overwhelmed and yet still you would have begged for more if that’s what he wanted you to do. Leaning down he whispered the words you’d been dying to hear against your cheek and you were done for.
Your body tightened to an almost painful degree, locking his fingers within you as your walls pulsed around them. Did you scream his name? You couldn’t recall that happening, because your mind had gone numb. Only echoing the rush of blood in your ears as you came harder than you expected all over his hand. The sound of him moaning broke through the haze and suddenly you could hear him. His words were pressed lightly into your skin as he continued to push you higher.
“My favorite sight,” he said, breathing heavily. “You’re a fucking dream.”
“Din.” Your words were slurred, eyes heavy with exhaustion, but still you fought to stay awake. Tilted your head back in order to feel his lips press softly against yours before he was sliding out from behind you, reaching for the glass of water on your bedside table.
“Drink this.” You nearly choked at the sight of him slipping his fingers into his mouth, licking off your cum with enjoyment. His eyes raised to meet yours, lips tilting into a smile that would be the death of you. “Carefully,” he said, reaching out to wipe at the water that had spilled down your chin. “I really ruined you.”
Where this side of Din was coming from you weren’t sure, but fuck if you didn’t want to hear more.
“Come here and ruin me some more Romeo,” you whispered, dragging him closer by the belt loops on his jeans. “I promise I’ll be a good girl.”
You were yanked down the bed faster than you could react, a laugh spilling from your lips as you settled in for what you knew would be an extremely fun few hours.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
If you’re still taking requests (feel no pressure to do this) 14 with Obi-wan and a knight Anakin because that sounds very much like him
A fluff prompt!! I’m so excited, thank you! 🤍
From this various prompts list.
Requests are currently closed.
Obi-Wan Kenobi had not slept in three nights, and his Lineage was not happy about it.
Ahsoka and Anakin watched with narrowed eyes from a balcony as the Jedi Master mingled with the crowd, smiling softly at anyone who engaged his attention, keeping close to the side of Chancellor Palpatine and Vice Chair Mas Amedda.
For a man who was running on very little sleep and hardly any sustenance, Obi-Wan was managing to maintain the image of the perfect Jedi — civil, humble, charming, wise. Power concealed just below the surface.
Every so often, Palpatine would draw the Jedi deeper into some conversation or other, or pat him on the shoulder in a strangely paternal fashion.
“Why does he keep doing that?” Ahsoka hissed to her Master. “Master Kenobi hates strangers touching him!”
“The Chancellor isn’t a stranger,” Anakin said defensively. But he watched again as Palpatine settled a hand on his former Master’s arm and saw the slight tension creasing Obi-Wan’s forehead, and had to concede that Obi-Wan was feeling uncomfortable. “But yeah. I don’t think the Chancellor knows, he wouldn’t do it if he did. He’s probably just too used to working with me instead. We’re more like friends.”
Ahsoka raised her eyebrows. “And would he have let you go home by now? We were supposed to be able to leave almost two hours ago.”
Anakin sighed. He leaned on the railing, absentmindedly picking at a carved design in the metal with his mech hand, creating a small clicking noise. He scanned the room again, searching for unlikely threats, and then returned his gaze to his Master and his friend, still penned in the center of a colorful crowd all waiting for attention. To see and be seen. Vultures.
Obi-Wan had more patience for this sort of thing, it was true, but it was apparent to those who knew him well — to Anakin — that he was run ragged. That every new face turning in his direction, awed and pettily delighted by meeting both the Supreme Chancellor and a High Jedi General, was another weight on his shoulders.
Anakin glanced over at his Padawan. Ahsoka’s eyes lit up as she saw the look in his eyes.
“How do you wanna do this?” she asked, tapping her fingers excitedly on the banister. “I know you like explosions, but if you set something off, Master Obi-Wan will definitely have to flee with the Chancellor to safety and then he’ll be gone for ages.”
“You’re right, Snips,” Anakin said, and a smirk pulled at his lips. He ruffled his hair proudly, ignoring Ahsoka’s eye roll, and said, “So I’ll take a leaf from Obi-Wan’s book. I’ll just go right down there and use my words.”
Anakin beamed.
Ahsoka looked as if she suddenly preferred an explosion.
“Yes, hi, hello, excuse me, coming through, yep, pardon me, just walking here,” Anakin threw scattered, inane apologies in every direction as he plowed a path right through the entire gala.
Ahsoka trailed in his wake, smiling awkwardly at the people who scattered with startled looks and scowling ferociously at those who dared look cross.
Obi-Wan spotted them first. He was deep in conversation with a representative from the Core, but his blue eyes flickered to them briefly and his smile became slightly taut; he raised one of his hands in what might have passed for a wave but was, to his Padawans, a clear signal to turn around.
Anakin disregarded this subtle warning immediately.
He strolled directly up to Obi-Wan, bowed slightly, and put a hand on the Master’s shoulder, smiling blindingly at the representative. “Good evening. I’m afraid it’s time for Master Kenobi to depart. The Jedi thank you for your time.”
The representative raised her eyebrows but said nothing.
Palpatine, on the other hand, suddenly popped up right beside them, a wide smile on his grandfatherly face. “Anakin, Knight Skywalker, how good to see you! I thought you’d gone home hours ago, why, surely you need your rest after that last campaign.”
Anakin kept a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. Ahsoka shifted to stand behind them, smiling a little too widely, the points of her teeth glinting, at anyone who looked at them askance.
“We had quite the victory,” Anakin agreed. He preened slightly. But — “And you’re right, Chancellor, we do need our rest. General Kenobi has served very well, and we’re all eager to rest and prepare for our next deployment.”
Palpatine’s smile widened still further. “Ah, yes. General Kenobi is an incredible public servant, he’s such a delight to have at events such as these.”
This time it was Anakin who tensed slightly. Ahsoka sidled up surreptitiously and linked her arm with Master Obi-Wan’s, flanking him between them, drawn up as tall as she could make herself.
Anakin looked intently at Palpatine, trying to communicate to his friend that now was not the time for politics. He’d thought this would be easy, but the Chancellor seemed determined to keep Kenobi with him all evening. The crowd had begun to disperse, realizing they weren’t going to be receiving any attention for awhile, but they milled about nearby, clearly listening in.
“I—” Obi-Wan began, but Anakin decided to risk his Master’s wrath and just cut him right off.
“And he and I are always happy to be invited by such gracious hosts!” he blurted out quickly. “But sadly, we will have to wait for another invitation before we get the chance to enjoy one another’s company. We really do have to be going.”
Palpatine studied him for a moment.
Go on, Anakin urged him silently. Please. Come on. You know we want to leave.
The silence dragged.
“Master Kenobi,” Palpatine said warmly, turning to Obi-Wan, and Anakin felt a wave of relief. “What do you say? Shall we… let you out of your duties for the sake of your valiant friends?”
Oh, what the fuck?
It had the ring of a joke but was worded like a trap. And Anakin could see, in slow-motion, the flicker of resignation and bitterness deep in Obi-Wan’s blue eyes, just behind the friendly smile, and knew what was about to happen if he didn’t do something about it.
Anakin let out a loud laugh and clapped Obi-Wan on the shoulder again. “Sorry, everyone. We’re on a time crunch, we have to get back in time for dessert.”
Ahsoka laughed, too, and clung a little tighter to Obi-Wan’s arm.
Obi-Wan looked somewhere between confused and horror struck.
Palpatine’s smile froze.
Anakin chuckled and waved at the surrounding crowd, shrugging in a you-know-how-it-is sort of way. “Hey, he promised us milkshakes. General I may be, but I still demand my old Master fulfill his promises of unhealthy desserts.”
“Hey, I think out of everyone, I deserve milkshakes the most!” Ahsoka interjected, her tone teasing.
A few of the politicians shot her amused smiles. Ordinarily she would have bristled, but in this instance she just shot them knowing, conspiratorial looks, like a child deliberately making mischief. There was a ripple of laughter.
“I don’t know about that,” Anakin said. “I think I definitely took out the most droids.”
“Riiiight,” said Ashoka. “After I took out the battlement. By myself.”
They ribbed back and forth. The gala was eating it up, their faces amused and indulgent, intrigued by the display of youthful frivolity and friendship the Jedi were giving them. Obi-Wan was still pinned between them, rooted helplessly to the spot.
Anakin looked back at the Chancellor, expecting a smile.
Instead he got a blank expression — which quickly turned into a loud bark of laughter and a grandfatherly grin. He clapped his hands to gain the attention of the crowd and said, “Oh, I believe our brave Hero and his friends have earned themselves a night out for something as innocent and delightful as milkshakes, don’t you say?”
The crowd laughed and nodded; there was scattered applause, and it was done.
Anakin winked at the Chancellor and then turned on the spot, he and Ahsoka striding out the room with Obi-Wan trapped in the middle, waving and bowing at anyone who smiled in their direction.
The three of them escaped out of the ballroom, down the flight of stairs, and out onto the grand balcony overlooking the landing platform, where their ship was waiting in the semi-darkness of the Coruscant night.
Anakin and Ahsoka turned at the same time to look at Obi-Wan, each of them still holding on to one of the Master’s arms.
There was a long silence.
Obi-Wan stared tiredly down at the speeder for a very long time.
Anakin looked at his Padawan nervously.
But then Obi-Wan’s lips twitched beneath his beard, and then he chuckled, and then he burst into uproarious laughter. The sound was infectious; relieved and excited, the other two clung to him and laughed, all of them half-leaning on the railing, cackling like idiots.
They laughed until they ran out of breath, and then laughed a little more.
After a long while, Obi-Wan disentangled his arms from their controlling grips but immediately settled them back, one on Anakin’s shoulder and the other resting on Ahsoka’s back. “I think,” he said, “I promised you milkshakes. Dex’s?”
“Oh, I definitely remember you saying that!” Ahsoka said. “Dex’s is great.”
“Yeah, and you also definitely said you’d pay,” Anakin wheedled.
“No,” Obi-Wan said firmly.
“Awww. Worth a shot,” Anakin whispered to his Padawan.
Obi-Wan smiled. “I said I’d pay for Ahsoka’s. You, my Knighted former Padawan, can pay for your own dessert.”
Ahsoka cheered. Anakin groaned. They strolled off into the night, ambling without haste or urgency or fear, connected by light touches of the hands and arms, and by something deeper and unseen and familial.
There would be time for the war and politics later.
Right now, they were late for dessert.
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mypimpademia · 3 years
You know the episode of Spongebob when the Flying Dutchman said to Mr. Krabs: “If you had to choose between Spongebob and all the money I have in my pocket, which do you choose?” And Mr. Krabs was like: “That depends, how much money we talking?” I got this cute idea for when Class 1-A or 3-A are doing truth or dare and Mina/Nejire asks Y/N: “If you had to choose between all the boys in this room, which boy would you pick?”
Y/N: That depends, which boy are we talking about?
Mina: (Their crush’s name)
Y/N: I’ll take the boy! 🥺
I’d love head cannons of Shinsou, Sero, Tamaki, and Shoji (if you don’t write for him, you can do Bakugo) reacting to their crush just picking them with no hesitation and she’s just cuddling them or at least happy to be near them.
Shinso x f!reader, Sero x f!reader, Tamaki x f!reader, Bakugo x f!reader
TW: Swearing
Note: I love this concept, it's literally sooo cute. Sorry for just getting to it tho, this has been in my inbox since forever. Hope you enjoy tho💖 you're in the Bakusquad on sero and bakugos parts btw. I assumed fem reader bc you said she in the ask but if that's not what you wanted I can change it!
Taglist: @myhoodacademia @katsuflossy @minruko @ecao @nnnoya @hawklmaoo @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @myfandemons @lilsparkyswife @mindofess @kqtsukisgf @yuujisbby @angiebug101 @mads-fairy @solar3lunar @miashimaa @asaincy @silkylious @blackweebtrash @mitsumya
"Well it depends on how much money and which boy... so which guy specifically?"
"Hmm... Shinso!"
Hitoshi had already been listening in before, but not paying too much mind to it
But now that his name was in the mix? He was all ears.
"I'll take Shinso!"
You said it with little to know hesitation, and it sent him into a different kind of frenzy he couldn't even describe
He's never gotten butterflies so bad until now
His face was every shade of red at once, and his eyes were widened as he looked at you
Usually Hitoshi would act as if he didn't care, but he hadn't even realized he was looking at you until you flashed a smile at him
He gulped down the lump in his throat and turned away from you
Of course... Hitoshi is usually smooth and chill so you were very confused
"You okay 'Toshi?"
You had your arms around his neck and your chest pressed to his back, and it definitely made it harder for him to calm down😭
He always had a crush on you
Just a "small" one a big one
It was always something he brushed off because 1. He didn't think you'd like him back and 2. He convinced himself he didn't come here for any kind of relationship
But, that crush kept growing and growing, and it's something that irritatingly loomed over him constantly, and my his heart flutter when you were around
But know??? Hitoshi might've fallen in love with you
He told you he was fine, despite being red enough to put Kirishima's hair to complete shame
You ended up staying next to him on the couch till it was time to go to bed, and the whole time he was just praying you couldn't hear him subtly trying to take deep breaths
He was actually participating in the game of truth or dare Mina started
It was the Bakusquad game night anyways, and he didn't wanna be a party pooper since Bakugo had already fallen asleep
Not relevant, but Denki did draw on his face as a dare
When Mina asked you the question, his interest was definitely peaked
"Depends on which one of the boys we're talking about, if it's Bakugo I'd take the money."
Everyone stifled a laugh to keep Bakugo from waking up
"Umm... Sero! Between the money and Sero."
He was surprised to hear his name, but he was even more surprised when you gave your answer with no hesitation
"Well obviously I'd take Hanta!"
You basically flung yourself onto him as you said it
Hanta started blushing instantaneously, but did pull you closer after the initial shock
"I'd choose you too, amor."
Hantas face was dusted red for the rest of the night, and he acted like he brushed it off but it was definitely at the back of his head for a good ass minute
Amajiki was sitting out of the game you, Nejire, and Mirio were having
Sitting quietly as you all did your dares and said your truths
But once Nejire threw a question involving a guy in, his ears were more perked than usual
"Hmmm... well money is nice... but it depends on which guy too."
"Hmm Tamaki!"
Amajiki gulped just barely audibly, and instantly broke out into a cold sweat
He's liked you for awhile, but he wasn't hopeful in your feelings towards him
So of course, he expected you to choose the money
But he was pleasantly surprised by your answer
"I'd take Ama'!"
You looked at him and flashed a bright smile
Something in him malfunctioned and he let out some kind of conflicted noise before his face went cherry red all the way to the pointed tips of his ears
He covered his face with his hands and turned away from you, but it was hard to ignore you when you were right next to him
Nejire and Mirio laughed and teased him, while you rested a hand on his back to calm him down
He was flustered beyond comprehension for the rest of the night, especially with the wa you were always around him to see if he was okay (he was so red, you started to think that boy was sick)
But he absolutely did not mind you being around... his mind was just a little busted up from earlier
But eventually, you did fall asleep on his shoulder, and you'd think he malfunction all over again, but there was something so peaceful about seeing you all relaxed, especially relaxed enough to fall asleep around him
Amajiki basically melted right there, and even fell asleep awhile after
But you best believe he freaked out the next morning when it hit him that you fell asleep on each other!!
Katsuki was sitting frustrated on Minas bed as the rest of you sat on the floor and on bean bags
He wanted to be in bed by now, but it was Bakusquad game night
Normally, he would've gone to sleep anyways, and he did till you came busting in through his door, dragging him out of bed
And he really couldn't say no to you either
Hes liked you for a little while now, and you had this hold on him that he both hated and loved
Katsuki wasn't really invested in the conversation or game, but once guys came into the question he couldn't help but at least listen
"Alright Y/n, between all the money I've got on me right now and a boy, which would you choose?"
"A boy? Which boy?"
"Hmmm... Bakugo!"
He was surprised to hear his name, and it actually made him kind of nervous
His palms started sweating and he wiped them on his joggers to keep them from triggering and explosion
"I'd take Katsu!"
Katsuki really didn't know if it was the fact that you chose him or the nickname that hit him harder
Either way, there were no complaints
But you weren't allowed to know that, so when you latched onto him, he shrugged you off
"Get the hell off me dumbass"
But you just continued latching onto his arm
He scoffed at you as usual, but none of you missed that lil smile on his face
But you value your lives so you said nothing
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mha-princess · 3 years
Hello, I really like your writing, and I was wondering if I could request headcanons of how Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, and Todoroki would react if somebody flirted with their s/o right in front of them, and the boys try to be calm and just tell the other person that they're in a relationship, but the person flirting just doesn't care, and continues to flirt with their s/o
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They get jealous of someone flirting with you
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A/N: I added Shoji to this request just because I love him.I hope you don’t mind (⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Todoroki, and Shoji
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This..... this is the reason he doesn’t like to go shopping
Now katsuki isn’t necessarily one to tell his s/o what to do let alone what to wear
But when your clothes start drawing too much attention is when he has a problem
Here you were checking out at your favorite mall outlet, katsuki behind you patiently waiting
“That’ll be $132 dollars please.” The cashier says looking up at you. You smile and hand hun your card. He takes it in his hand and examine the name on the front of the card.
“Y/N? That’s a pretty name.” He grins swiping the card. You hesitate to respond, you could feel katsuki moving closer to you.
“T-thank you.” The cashier is slow with what he’s doing, clearly trying to get a conversation out of you.
“Do you shop here often? I don’t ever see you around her.”
“She comes here with her boyfriend.” You feel Katsuki’s arm wrap firmly around your waist. The cashier raises and eyebrow, but persistent. He sets the card on the counter.
“You know if you were mine, you wouldn’t be paying for your own stuff it’d be on me.”
“With your fucking mall job? You wish.” Bakugou scoffs. Your mouth parts with sheer embarrassment.
“Katsuki!” You repeemind, “Sir, can I just have my bags?” You question.
“If I can have your num-.” He’s cut off by a concerning crackling. You look down to see Bakugou hands illuminating with bright little flames. Not enough to cause damage, but it was still concerning.
Quickly you reach over the counter and grab your card and your bags. You then drag Katsuki out of the outlet.
“Katsuki!” You reprimand once again.
“You should’ve let me blow his ass to shreds.”
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I feel like Kiri is a territorial guy
What’s his is his
So that being said Kiri is very heavy on PDA
And when someone persistently flirts with you is mind boggling to you both , as he makes it pretty clear that you have a boyfriend
But he also is very aware that his s/o is very attractive and that before are going to flirt with you
It’s only when you tell the person you have a boyfriend and they don’t respect that is when he has a problem.
One day when you were hanging out at the park just spending some quality time with Kiri, he had pointed out that a guy had been eyeing you for quite sometime
You brush him off saying that he’s just imagining things, but its when said guy walks over to you, you panic.
When the guy reaches you he doesn’t say anything, he just grins and hands you a piece of paper.
“I-I have a boyfriend.” You say, handing the sheet of paper with a number sprawled on it back. The boy pushes the paper back towards you.
“But I really think you should keep it. I saw you checking me out.” Kirishima grits his teeth at the accusation.
“Like they said they have a boyfriend. I’m the only only they’re ‘checking’ out.” You then push the paper back toward hun once more, but he still refuses to take it back.
“Keep-” The male stops dead in the middle of his sentence, in awe at the sight of Kirishima tonguing you dead in the mouth.
After he’s finished you fluster as you notice the guy is long gone.
Kirishima takes the paper from your hands and throws it on the ground.
“I hope he learned his lesson.”
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Ok so we all know that Denki has a flirty personality
So when someone is flirting with you he picks up on it VERY quickly
That being said he’d stop it as quickly as it started, already knowing how these things work
But if the person were to keep on hitting on you I’d see Denki getting a bit physical (as a last resort ofc)
“I already told you dude. Their taken.” He says sternly standing toe to toe with the other male.
“And I already told you I want their number.” The boy says shoving at Denkis chest.
Quickly you step in, forcefully shoving the other male to the ground before this gets out of hand and someone is in the ER for electrical burns
“And I said you weren’t fucking getting it.” You respond taking Kaminari by the wrist and walking away
Afterward Kaminari would apologize constantly for not keeping his cool, but you constantly tell him it’s fine
“I didn’t think you’d get physical for me.” He dramatically gasps at your words.
“I’ll always fight for something worth fighting for.”
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Just from looking at todoroki I get scared so how someone is flirting with you while he’s right there is beyond me
I honestly don’t even imagine him saying anything to the person that’s flirting with you that glare is deadly enough to scare anyone away
And when he’s jealous it’s doesn’t necessarily show, due to his personality
He gets hit on all the time and just ignores whoever’s hitting on him and expects you to do the same
But one day when your both at dinner, there’s a waiter who just won’t stop.
When he would come by your table he would BLATANTLY ignore Shouto
“Do you need a refill? Or is there anything I can help you with?” He says smiling at you.
There’s no change in Todorokis expression but you can fell he’s aura go dark, this had to of been the fifth time that waiter has came by and asked that question
“No thank you just the bill please.” You respond .
“Will you be splitting it between you and your friend?”
“Boyfriend.” Shouto corrects, putting a large emphasis on the ‘Boy’ part.
The male doesn’t even glance in Todoroki’s direction.
“I’ll be right back, love.” Your mouth drops as he walks away. You look at Todoroki who is physically calm, but mentally pissed.
The boy returns from the back with the billfold. He hands it to you, but you slide it to Todoroki.
Upon opening it his eyes are met with a number. Not a bill number but a phone number.
You look at Todorki who is now showing signs of being upset. He grips the bill tightly and it begins to freeze.
You look at the waiter who is now visibly scared.
“Y-You know using you q-quirk in public is illeg-.”
“Do I look like I give a damn about what’s illegal?”
You pay for the food and quickly get him out of that restaurant.
After that incident he definitely got more clingy, realizing that some people simply have no respect and he didn’t want anyone to steal you away from him
He has never really been in a relationship so handling these kinds of problems is new for him. He’ll need a lot of verbal and physically validation for awhile
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This boy really doesn’t like being in public so the few times he acommanpies you, you hope everything will go well
But sadly, that’s not always the case
This boy’s a true gentleman and doesn’t like to have any form of dispute
So when someone’s flirting with you he’d try to handle the situation as ‘professional’ as possible
But when his attempts fail he doesn’t get jealous, he gets very insecure.
He’s already unsure of his appearance and seeing someone flirt with you makes him feel bad
It makes him feel as though he isn’t enough
But it’s a good thing that your quick to act in these situations
“Look my boyfriend is right here, so I’d appreciate it if you got the hell on.” You say harshly, shoving the irrelevant male who was hitting on you.
Afterward like Todoroki, Shoji will need a lot of reassurance I mean a lot
So do things like hug him, touch him, kiss him. And let him know that there’s nobody who can take his place
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