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heyitsspaceace · 5 months
“doctor who is too silly now!”
oh you mean the doctor who that has flattened human skin as a character? the doctor who that has the episode love and monsters? the doctor who that says that the english royal family is werewolves? the doctor who that has james corden in it? the doctor who that in the same episode that james corden is in not only does the doctor speak baby, but the baby wants to be named Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All, AND the doctor can also play soccer very well.
doctor who has always been silly
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justmenoworries · 4 months
"Omg! Lucifer said Adam's second wife liked what he had to offer, he and Eve totally fucked!"
Um, no, he's referring to this
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Lucifer and Lilith were the ones who gave Eve the Fruit of Knowledge in Eden.
Lucifer just phrased it like he did to piss Adam off and it worked.
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 2 months
Hey, everybody? Especially performers? This your friendly reminder to respect your stage crew/manager during the process of performing a show.
As somebody who has worked both as an actor and as a stage manager, stage crew have the hardest job in the show. Most of the time, in my experience, we are only brought onto the show about the week beforehand, which means we have maybe 4-6 days to memorise all of the props, set pieces, and sometimes light and sound cues. Do you understand how difficult that is?
We have the full weight of the show on our shoulders sometimes, being the ones who have to remind people their lines, running into the dressing rooms to find people before they're late for their cues, and on a few occasions, having to fix set pieces with minimal supplies moments before they go onstage. Let me tell you, that's fucking stressful.
And then for members of the cast who should definitely know better to disrespect us, sometimes to our faces, like we did nothing all show? Have you ever heard someone say "They're bit useless, aren't they?" after you ran halfway across the theatre to find a prop somebody moved with two minutes until it was needed? I have, and trust me, it seriously sets a downer on you for the rest of the show.
Are we a bit bitchy sometimes? Absolutely. But you would too if you're on the verge of tears from stress and have people constantly talking about how terrible or useless you are. We definitely have an excuse.
TLDR, You do not have the right to bully your stage crew when they are the whole reason your show is still up and running.
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diadotcom · 5 days
rooster and hangman just blatantly checking each other out at the hard deck was insane. like pull yourself together boys.
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macdoodledoo · 1 year
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I am SOBBING at the amount of people that thought Ranboo *actually* died???
Like yes, he purposefully orchestrated their own murder live on twitch. The funeral stream is next week
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lit-in-thy-heart · 1 year
trying to read all of malory and quickly coming to this conclusion:
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(ID in alt)
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lawbreaker13 · 11 months
Flaming hot take, but not every movie or TV show needs to hit every individual diversity mark to be a good movie or show?
Like, please understand, I very much get the concept of intersectionality, and I know the actual statistics of minorities’ presence in the world and there is a whole lot of overlap that would be nice to see realistically portrayed in the media but it’s just like. Sometimes a story is just…A story. It’s one person’s story. And it doesn’t need to hit some specific diversity quota to be a good story.
Accept the movies about Latin people as a movie about Latin people. Accept the queer representation as queer representation. Take the story about the disabled person for what it is. But if it’s a story about a queer couple facing adversity, maybe don’t get up in arms about them not being the “right type” of queer for you. Wild idea? TELL THAT STORY YOURSELF.
Because sometimes that straight couple is dealing with other issues in their universe, and that’s why it’s not gay. Sometimes if you cast a black woman, that makes it a black story. And that Asian storyteller isn’t telling the story of a black woman. They’re telling their story.
So instead of getting mad that this isn’t the story YOU wanted to hear? Tell the story you wanted to hear. Because that one is theirs. And someone deserves to tell yours.
The diversity quota does as much of a disservice to storytelling as a lack of representation does. If you don’t resonate enough, make something we can resonate with more. Let us claim our stories as our own, and leave others to say what they want to say.
If we all tell our stories, I promise. Eventually you’ll find one just for you.
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bewitching-666 · 2 months
y’all know to engage in any kink with someone you need to A) make sure they are into that kink to begin with and B) get consent to engage in said kink with them.
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londondziban · 9 months
byler constantly parallels jancy and jopper and even at times lumax. milevens don't want to talk about the fact that their ship constantly parallels stancy, a canonically failed ship (no season 4 wasn't setting them up to get back together), and the dart and dustin dynamic
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heteromerous-rhyming · 4 months
guys, can - can we stop saying that percy jackson is an unreliable narrator who thinks he's an idiot? bc like. rereading the books.
he's doesn't??? think he's an idiot????
like sure he'll say things like "echidna.... isn't that a type of anteater?" but he doesn't think that he's himself an idiot for that.
let me quote you the book: "Go ahead, call me an idiot for walking into a strange lady’s shop like that just because I was hungry, but I do impulsive stuff sometimes."
HE doesn't think he's an idiot, but he does assume that YOU, THE READER, will think that. and that's true to his life experience, true to his school experience, true to anyone with a learning disability like his.
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tyin-cherry-knots · 16 days
god gives his best romantic chemistry to his least communicative angels
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panpercyjackson · 1 year
I can not believe I haven't seen a blue pill or red pill poll on the transgender website
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Chucky tumblr…
Can we STOP making the BOLDEST CLAIMS KNOWN TO MAN. Listen I’ve been in some fucked up fandoms. Steven Universe, Undertale, Warrior Cats, the MCU… but oh my god I’ve never seen a fandom so like… wish washy. Like one post will be an entirely different brand of WILD than another. Like… The TiffNica DNI’ers! I understand NOT liking the ship, it’s a Hostage situation, not killing stalking. Yknow? But making claims that’s whoever ships it has a fetish for torturing women and that they’re mentally ill is just… erm… AND DON MANCINI. THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS IVE SEEN ABOUT THIS OLD GAY MAN IS BUCK WILD.
Absolutely buck wild. Like YES, as a Nica Pierce enjoyer, she’s been through SO MUCH. BUT SHE’S A FINAL GIRL IN A HORROR MOVIE FRANCHISE. Sydney’s boyfriends in Scream all turned out to be killers, does the creator of scream have a kink for murderous boyfriends???? Like YES Nica’s been through way too fucking much. Her getting her limbs cut off is CRUEL. unnecessary? Possibly, yeah, I could agree with someone who said so. But I think it’s to show that- Despite how LOVEABLE of a character Tiffany is, she’s still a murderer and a monster. Like with Freddy Krueger, you sometimes want to be able to love your slasher, despite the many cruel things they do. Which is why we keep coming back to the Child’s Play franchise again and again.
all I’m saying is… it’s just SO WEIRD to me. Seeing people call Don a fetishizer and all this shit it’s WILD. Like take a step back and genuinely think about what you’re saying about a man you’ve never personally met. And who these actors have and are (to my eyes) comfortable with.
Like does Don Mancini hate women or does he just like torturing his oc’s???? I CAN SAY. Reading everyone’s posts. I do see a bit of a disproportionate level of trauma with the female cast and characters. But also I’m pretty sure in the show there’s just more women I think…. Like Jake and Devon and Chucky. And then Lexy, Nica and Tiffany okay there’s NOT more. But❗️ Devon doesn’t get any screen time let’s be so ffr. Maybe we SHOULD be talking about the lack of attention black characters get in this franchise. The two major ones (the kid in Chucky 3, and Redman) have just been objects of chucky’s attention.
I AM IN N O WAY WITCH-HUNTING OR HATING! You can BE critical of the show! I love reading people’s solid critiques! Which is why I’ve read a lot of these posts, this is just me- pointing out a kind of weird pattern. An ick, I may say. This isn’t against anyone. Please don’t tumblr cancel me
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number1abbasupporter · 2 months
never getting over “tell me a secret”
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tumblezwei · 1 year
I love Summer and Ruby because one of the biggest criticisms that RWBY gets in regards to them is how Summer is just a carbon copy of Ruby and there wasn't enough effort put in to her design to differentiate the two.
And while the counterargument has always been that that choice was deliberate to show how Ruby idolizes Summer, we now have Ruby's emblem, the symbol that represents Ruby Rose, being an heirloom gifted to her by her mother. This girl truly crafted in entire being into being exactly like her hero mother in ways we didn't even notice.
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skeletal-butterflyy · 18 days
Stranger things tumblr is so much better than sttwt, i love you guys 🫶
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