#Nazi apologists
odinsblog · 6 months
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FLASHBACK: Nazi apologia - Benjamin Netanyahu said that “Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews.”
According to Netanyahu, Adolph Hitler did not want to kill Jewish people, it was Palestinians who convinced and coerced him. (source)
Fortunately, Germany did not allow his lie of Holocaust revisionism to go unchallenged. Germany accepted full responsibility for the Holocaust and would not absolve themselves from the responsibility for the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazis.
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Holocaust experts also publicly condemned Netanyahu’s Holocaust revisionism and Nazi apologia. (source)
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And just because this isn’t crazy enough, Benjamin Netanyahu’s son, Yair—who also espouses white supremacy and Nazi apologia—has long been the darling of Germany’s rightwing AfD Party and known white supremacist websites like the Daily Stormer. (source) (source)
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Just putting this back up front because it is imperative that people understand how much Netanyahu and Likud hate Palestinians — enough to claim that “Palestinians are the real Nazis,” and enough to absolve Adolph Hitler of agency for his heinous crimes against humanity. Worse still, Netanyahu is using his Holocaust revisionism as a basis for leading Israel to commit collective punishment and genocide against all Palestinians.
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victoriadallonfan · 1 month
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“Local Moron Who Denies Nazi War Crimes and Associates with Nazi Apologists Upset that People Call Her a Nazi Apologist.”
Remember who JKRowlings friends (aka homophobes, transphobes, and fascists) are:
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redditantisemitism · 7 months
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Found on tumblr, not Reddit obviously. At least they comfortably file it as antisemitism for me
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immaculatasknight · 2 months
In Goebel's footsteps
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laughingmagpye · 8 months
Wait, did I miss something? People are defending the fucking SS for some reason?
It's not a moral judgement on *you* if your grandparents joined the War Crimes & Genocide Brigade of the 1940s... until you start defending their actions, at which point you're letting everyone around you know that you would have happily been a fucking nazi.
Fucking hell. 2023, when "nazis are bad" is apparently a controversial statement.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
for no fucking reason: real life dictatorships in the 20th and 21th centuries are almost always allowed to thrive because of some empire's interests. If not, they get heavily demonized then dismantled by said empire over a relatively short period of time (unless exceptional circumstances, tho it's almost always applicable). the examples are countless; please read declassified reports and interviews from the CIA/KGB/other intelligence agencies across the world to lose your mind about it, especially those involving what happened during the Cold War and what happened in the Middle East (and still does).
characters like ganondorf are the epitomy of the fantasy that colonized/"exotic" countries naturally spawn evil incarnate and must be controlled/stumped/imprisoned/destroyed by the "responsible ones" while the perfect good place is perfect and utterly blameless about what went down and how the local population suffered (which, in real life, the empires of the world are most definitively not that --the amount of dictators that were ushered into power by western interests is staggering and we fucking love to see it don't we). And also, a blameless victim to whichever retribution eventually comes back their way.
It is a rethoric that denies interconnectivity and historical responsibility.
this is what I criticize about the narrative choices of a fictional conflict that *does not exist in real life* and has been entirely made up by human beings: the cowardice of blamelessness, and what little this kind of narrative brings to the table --especially today when we should be looking at the root cause of broken systems of violence instead of endlessly scapegoating minorities.
and well, especially given how effective this narrative apparently seems to be.
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pacificgasandelectric · 4 months
it would just be very very cool. if more ppl would be capable of being anti-israel, anti-genocide, anti-colonization and anti-human-rights-violations, and ofc pro-palestinians without also being anti-jewish about it.
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petercushing · 2 years
The way western leftists react and discuss Ukraine and the war made me realize that sometimes exposure is not useful and helpful at all. Sometimes it’s better to just shut the fuck up, in fact. If someone is unable to admit that Russia is commiting war crimes and genocide without mentioning all the other wars, NATO or the USA (to somehow downplay the seriousness of it) such voice is annoying/useless at best and incredibly harmful at worst. People who until february couldn’t even point where Ukraine lies on the map are trying to drop some hot takes that just make them sound like the most tonedeaf and ignorant pieces of shit. If you are unable to understand nuances and the reality of eastern/central Europe just stay quiet about it. Nobody needs your voice, thank you. Best thing such people can do is repost fundraisers (preferably with support for the Ukrainian army) and listen to others.
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uwuthrad · 3 months
I'm just shooting the shit because it's one am and I can't sleep but sometimes I'm a little bit sad that the Thalmor are written as cartoonishly evil nazi stand-ins because it preemptively de-claws their gripe against Talos worship, which is actually very valid when you think about it in terms of the literal deification of The Guy who was known as a killer of mer.
And it's weird how reoccuring of a theme it is in the Nords' self-mythology, too, because that's something Talos shares with Ysgramor, who went on a bloody genocide spree, ultimately, because the nords claimed a right to Skyrim they felt superseded that of the snow elves, which is just weird, when you think about it, because as far as I know there's nothing to indicate they had even been there before Ysgramor's time.
You find Ysgramor in Sovngarde. There's no reason to believe Talos isn't a real god, in-universe, either. But fuck, man, if I was an elf and I saw a dude who hunted my people for sport and wasn't ever sorry about it ascend to divinity, I would be mad, too. Mad enough to tear the world to ribbons, too, if I could.
In TES lore, belief maketh gods, sorta. And sometimes I wonder if the Thalmor want to stop Talos worship not because of the whole tower theory, but merely because - imagine it - Talos being a god means there is a god above that hates you, not for who you are, but what you are. And that's terrifying.
The Thalmor are not nice. They're not sympathetic. They do horrible thing. But shit, man, who wouldn't, when faced with the threat of divine annihilation? One that you know half the world endorsed with a smile, out of pride, even when it meant deifying your murderer? I would be ugly, too. I would be petty and mean and cruel, because that's how scared people behave. That's what happens to people you tell you don't think they really are people.
Anyway I have a lot of feelings about the god-emperor-conquerer narrative in TES and its narrative perspective. Probably will delete later
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odinsblog · 4 months
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For someone who supposedly wants to “denazify”Ukraine, Putin sure does a lot of Hitler apologia.
This isn't the first time Vladimir Putin has been repeating this Nazi propaganda that Poland somehow forced Hitler to invade other countries. Putin has been regurgitating this same old Nazi rhetoric for years, but thanks to one of history's biggest useful idiots, Tucker Carlson, an untold number of tankies + other assorted ignoramuses will believe Putin’s revisionist Hitler apologia.
SN: Strangely enough, Benjamin Netanyahu also engages in the same Holocaust revisionism and Nazi apologia
Anyway, if you’re still dumb + gullible enough to believe that Putin invaded Ukraine to denazify it, or because of NATO, then please send me your full name, phone number, email address, home address, birthdate, ssn, credit card numbers and all of your bank details and social media passwords. I just want to help you out with something. Believe me. The same way you believe Putin :)
👉🏿 https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/2020/06/20/putin-blames-poland-for-the-invasion-of-poland
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bawfulio · 7 months
Hello and welcome back to another episode of "I think too much on how both Steven Universe and Star vs were influenced by their creator's backgrounds and how it respectively helped and hindered their messages"
Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe, is a Jewish nonbinary woman. Steven Universe not only contains themes of queer love and acceptance but it's two most well known themes (change and forgiveness) are heavily rooted in the Jewish concepts of there being no point where change is impossible and in teshuvah
Teshuvah, meaning "repent"/"return", involves performing self-examination, engaging with the person they've wronged, confessing to them and expressing regret for their action, doing everything they can to right the wrong they did and actively abstaining from doing that wrong again when presented with the opportunity
This is best shown with the Diamonds arc in Change your Mind. They each are confronted by how their actions hurt both Pink/her son Steven/the Gems: Blue on how she and the other Diamonds were treating Steven the exact same way that they treated Pink, eventually driving her away. Yellow on how she and the other Gems on Homeworld are chafing under the pressure of conforming to White Diamond's laws. White herself on how she is just as flawed and infallible as everyone else and that the rules she set up based on her past view of herself are wrong
They each work to fix the damage they caused: healing the corrupted gems, restoring the shattered/gem clusters back to their original states, disbanding their armies, liberating their colonies, using their powers to help Gems instead of punishing them, up to outright dismantling their own empire and allowing a democracy to take it's place. And they each refuse to go back to their old ways, even when it's clear that Steven won't live with them or go full contact because he is still uncomfortable with them. Even when he and many of their former subjects will likely and understandably never forgive them
Star vs the Forces of Evil was created by Daron Nefcy, a white woman from Los Angeles. Star vs starts out as an episodic comedy about a rebel princess, her best friend and their wacky inter-dimensional adventures fighting monsters. As the show goes on, Star realizes that the monsters are actually victims of the systemic racism that her family had been implementing and benefiting from for years. The show then transitions to focus on the themes of fighting against racism, implementing systemic change and fixing the damage done by those in power in the past
These themes in Star vs are shown by Star, the princess from another dimension that looks exactly like a white girl, being one of the only advocates for ending the oppression against the monsters. They are not shown to have their own culture or history to give credence to them as a species instead of a vague monolith. None of them even get a chance to speak out for themselves on how poorly they are treated. They are just by the show as passive victims for Star to "save".
There are only a handful of prominent monster characters. Buff Frog is the first monster that Star befriends and is shown to have to only be able to afford food for his family by getting jobs that are considered evil because of the oppression he lives under but he never once brings up this issue to Star. He is appointed as the Royal Monster Expert but never gets an episode focusing on his new role before he is written out of Season 3. Even after he returns in Season 4, he only appears as a minor character with no role in the anti-racism plot
Toffee is a major villain starting from Season 1 who's plans and motivations are never fully revealed even after the show ended. He is hinted to have a connection to Moon and an agenda against magic, likely because of how the Butterfly's use it to oppress monsters. All this amounts to is him apparently killing Moon's mother Comet before the signing of a peace treaty (the exact terms of the treat are never revealed, Comet has referred to monsters as "beasts of the forest" over them not savoring food, referred to then-monster king Batwin as a soft and made multiple other condescending remarks regarding monsters in her chapter) and him being graphically killed off as a villain for trying to drain magic only for Star to decide at the end of the series to destroy magic with it being as her doing "the right thing"
Glogbor is Eclipsa's infamous monster husband who is confirmed to have eaten people in the past only to stop because Eclipsa "redeemed" him. After he is released from his crystal, he is a major character in one episode before being shifted to the background as Eclipsa's loving wife and nothing more. His daughter Meteora, who half mewman but her monster traits were never hinted at or shown until after the reveal, gets a tragic backstory and a chance to start over as an infant with a happier life despite her having abused children and worked to uphold the racist-status quo as Miss Heinous.
Solaria, the Butterfly who is responsible for the racist status-quo, who actively wants to kill out all monsters and created an army of unstable super soldiers to do so, who genuinely thinks that they would be happier DEAD, gets a quick moment in the series finale to look disapprovingly at Mina (one of said unstable super soldiers and is only still around due to Solaria's spells) and smile approvingly at her half-monster-but-mostly-looks-mewman grandaughter. Hekapoo, the most mewman looking of the Magic High Commission, gets a moment to "redeem" herself despite not only having no regret for her actions up to that very moment but also being actively complicit in Solaria's plans as shown in The Magic Book of Spells
Steven Universe works because Sugar's background allowed them to tell their story to it's fullest even with CN executives sabotaging it
Star vs failed because Nefcy's background influenced her tell her story at it's weakest even with Disney executives giving it every opportunity to succeed
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dw-flagler · 14 days
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philsmeatylegss · 3 months
The hardest lesson you will learn if you are interested in learning about Nazi Germany: so may people posting content about it are actual Nazis
No seriously if anyone is starting to get into WWII/Third Reich history, it is so easy to be indoctrinated because the main message a lot of Nazis spit now is that Hitler was bad and the SS were bad, but everyone else was chill.
And it’s hard to realize the narrative they’re spitting is wrong unless you know a lot going into it.
I have been watching a dude called “TIKhistory” the last few days on youtube and something felt off about his takes, but a lot of them had at least some plausible deniability and enough factual information that I thought it was still worthwhile.
I just start watching another video from this dude with the title “The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to start WW2” which is an insane title and caught my attention. And then my answer was given by the first five mins of his video when I realized this dude was, at the least, a wehraboo, and at most, an actual Nazi.
Pretty much any non-Nazi historian agrees that Hitler started WWII because 1) he wanted to conquer Europe 2) he wanted “Lebensraum,” aka living space for “Aryans.” Where German people, with no Jewish or Roma people present, can have ample space to live.
You know why most non-Nazi historians agree on this? Because Hitler fucking said this. In his literal book. That everyone read.
WWII was declared by the Allies when Germany invaded Poland for LeBeNsRaUm. Yes, Germany never wanted to fight Britain. You know why? 1) they were white enough 2) a fucking ocean kept them apart. They wanted all of Europe + Soviet Union. That is why WWII started.
See how quick it was to get to that point? Fucking TIKhistory’s video is forty five minutes long. That’ll happen when your point is horeshit and also not true.
Hitler started WWII. All of the generals and higher ups at least knew of the Holocaust and most perpetrated their own massacres for shits and giggles. The Nazi army wasn’t really that great, they just knew how to play the cards in the circumstances they were in (they used horses a fuck ton. You don’t see it because a lot of documentaries use footage from Nazi propaganda in which they weren’t recorded). These are all basic facts for non-Nazis. So warning that if anyone you meet challenges those three facts, they probably are a Nazi
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unavaatu · 12 days
Okay so real talk (I know nobody reads these)
But I fell for so much propaganda its wild. I didn't even think about it. Like as much as I hated that guy who was all up in my inbox it made me rethink who I follow and stuff like... I think I really straight up had a warped idea of the world when it comes to israel and palestine, I was never for the genocide, but I felt off about calling people zionist or even saying the word cause I thought it was just a tool for antisemitism and lack of solidarity. That and denial, like I was straight up in denial about the stuff I was seeing, and I failed to literally view it from another perspective and that was stupid of me. What I think is worse is that I feel like I chose denial, it just felt more comfortable to ignore the evil things zionists were saying. I still deeply believe in solidarity, but I think a way of achieving that will never be denial but acknowledgment and humility. None of us are immune to propaganda.
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bumblebeerror · 5 months
Your sporadic reminder that if you go into a fandom space and tell people engaging in made up fiction to die, I don’t want you following me.
Yes that includes whoever you’re thinking “but not that guy” about.
Yea it includes that guy. In fact it extra includes that guy.
If you tell someone to die over fandom, I dislike you, personally, and you are not welcome in my space. Full stop.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Imagine having no life to the point of going around people's inboxes and sending multiple anon hate messages at length out of undying love for a mediocrely written kids' series produced by a Nazi bitch. Can't help showing off how pathetic they are, can't they. 🤣
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