breannasfluff · 2 days
☆LU Pride DTIYS☆
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- Tag me and use the hashtag! [ #LUPrideDTIYS ] - You can switch out the pride gear for any flags you like! - Please keep the characters as Triple Threat [Wild, Legend, & Hyrule] - Open for the month of June! - Feel free to draw more than one if you want!
Have fun and happy Pride month! Reblog to spread the word!
The flags shown here are Legend: Demiromantic, pansexual Wild: Bisexual, greysexual Hyrule: Asexual, queerplatonic
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ultrainfinitepit · 11 hours
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Queerplatonic Angels (alternate) - final version. Flat colors, transparent background, linework under the cut.
Read the FAQ and follow the campaign: Pride Angels.
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qprconcepts · 2 days
qpp that laughs a lot and too often and too much and too loud x qpp who “i love your laugh, you should laugh (even) more often!)
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kit-the-hetero · 2 days
Hi! Did you know that you can feel love for someone and cherish them without it being romantic or sexual??
Or that you can like someone romantically and not feel any sexual attraction / desire with them?
Or that you can like someone sexually and not feel any romantic attraction / desire towards them?
Or that you can just not like someone at all; Platonically, sexually, or romantically??
And that attraction is not the same as desire??
And that just because someone might do something romantic / sexual with you does not mean that they feel attracted towards you?
Did you know that a relationship is not the same thing for everyone? That one relationship is not the same as any other? Some are platonic, some are queerplatonic, some are romantic, some are sexual, and none of them are better / worse than any others?
All in all, did you know that not everyone is not the same and their attraction / desires are different for each individual and you have no say in what anyone else feels because you are not them?
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cosmicriff · 2 days
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happy pride!
It took me a long time to realize/accept that I’m aroace, because I always felt so left out seeing people talk about their partners, I worried about being alone. I also used to not understand queerplatonic relationships but after looking into them more I realized that sounds more like something I’d want and I became more accepting of myself. I also enjoy shipping, and smut, but it seemed like most aroaces didn’t, but then I discovered aegosexual/romantic and things made sense
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ravenofrevenge · 21 hours
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Whiteboard bagginshield
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Also the whiteboard is pink
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an-albino-pinetree · 7 hours
Could you do Prof Carnival Jax and Canon Jax with the queer platonic pride flag please?
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The og jax one turned out so well, and I have no idea what I did to get the lines that sharp, help- QvQ
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ginzburgjake · 12 hours
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artist’s rendition of a real-life dialogue
happy pride!
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Happy Pride ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
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Happy pride month i'm gonna start thinking about canonical qpr doctor and donna again for the rest of my days it will be my last word I think
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midnightcrisisstuff · 5 months
actually no, we're not "dating". we're bound together for infinity. like the stars. so, fuck you, actually.
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undead-tboy-swag · 15 days
if your weird enough with the homies you can break all boundaries of platonic/romantic love and make a third, more evil thing
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qprconcepts · 2 days
It is now 3 year anniversary for when I started this blog!!! And as the years go by, I grow even more fond of what it has become. I hope everyone who stumbles across this page finds some sort of whimsical joy in what i post. whether its a new found interest in the concept or something they have indulged completely. here’s to many more years celebrating queer love and all the forms it comes in!!!! QUEER PLATONICS FOR THE WIN!!!!!
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romancerepulsed · 8 months
i keep seeing misinformation about this, so: queerplatonic relationships do not have a set definition. the name comes from the idea that it's "queering" the platonic relationship, tailoring it to the individual relationships' own desires. it isn't necessarily romance lite, but it also isn't necessarily whatever definition you want to impose on it. the point of queering the platonic relationship is to break away from strict allonormative views on friendship, romance, and sex, not to make a new categorical box to fit in.
the answer to "what is a qpr?" is "whatever you want it to be." sometimes that is romance lite. sometimes it's a deeply committed friendship. sometimes it's friends who have a sexual relationship. sometimes it's based on an entirely different mode of attraction. sometimes it's fluid and impossible to put into words. it's whatever you want it to be. it's queer.
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cryptar · 5 months
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don't make me tap the sign again.
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not-a-spiderplant · 2 months
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Me literally anytime I go on Ao3
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