In The Dark (BuckTommy Whump)
In The Dark (14,612 words) by NeverlandPoet Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Tommy Kinard, Vincent Gerrard, Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Ravi Panikkar, Maddie Buckley Additional Tags: Whump, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley, Hurt Tommy Kinard, Internalized Homophobia, Racism, Canon-Typical Violence, Firefighter Evan "Buck" Buckley, Firefighters, set after season 7, Character Study, POV Evan "Buck" Buckley, Major Character Injury, Fire, Slurs, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Good Sibling Maddie Buckley
Summary: Working under Captain Gerrard again is a shock for the 118, especially as they are supposed to be present at this year's Pride Parade. Tommy is the only bright spot for Buck that day, but when they suddenly receive an assignment, he realizes that Tommy, of all people, is in the middle of it…
Finished! Chapter 1 is under the cut, full fic on AO3. Come say hi if you liked it ❤️
We will burn in the fire We will be branded in flames We will have to rise from the ashes From the fires of our own mistakes
Getting ready for shift, day 2 under Gerrard, who’s counting? You can do this.
Buck watches Ravi roll up the hoses. His fingers are itching to ever so slightly adjust the other’s angle of work, but with his distracted mind, the moment passes. Bobby will get his clearance soon. He will, he must.
“This is my first Pride,” says Ravi, “I mean, the parade. What to expect?”
Buck checks the equipment for the third time, but even the third time, everything is where it should be.
“Well, it's my first time too,” he replies with a shrug.
“Huh, were you off last year?”
“What? Oh, no.”
Buck slams the flap shut with a jerk. Sheepishly scratching his ear, he adds, “I mean, this year I’m... uh, this will be my first time as a... Anyway, Tommy and I have different shifts, we can't go, but there are still a lot of parties in the evening, maybe we can make it to one of those.”
“Keep the details about your fag lover where they belong – your underpants.”
Gerrard steps around the fire engine, smug grin on his face, provocatively running a finger through his moustache.
“Done checking? We can't wait forever for you guys.”
He looks at the two of them challengingly, but actually, Buck feels, Gerrard’s only looking at him. Ravi straightens up, he doesn't know the man, he’s just the current captain to him. Buck can't blame him, Ravi has learned that it pays to prove yourself, that it pays to make an effort. He’s learned that, like all of the 118, under Bobby. But Bobby’s not here.
“H... hold on, you can't say that.”
Even if the words dance on the tip of his tongue, Buck's gaze is firm. Gerrard stares at him, a gaze like a laser beam; but Buck is equipped with an invisible shield, and he returns the look.
“I can't tell you to do your job, Buckley? Really?”
“No,” Buck replies stubbornly, “I mean the other thing. The slur. You can’t say that, Gerrard.”
“Captain Gerrard,” the man corrects him in a deceptively soft voice. “You want to start with political correct language, do it in every respect. Pajeet here will agree with me, won't he?”
Gerrard shots a gaze at Ravi. Ravi's cheek muscles twitch, Buck knows he’s stifling a reply. He never thought about it, but how many times has Ravi heard things like these? How many times did he have to listen to bigoted, white men hurling insults at him? Buck clenches his fists. Anger is rising in him like an inextinguishable fire, and it's not wise, he knows this. He knows it, but there's Gerrard with his stupid grin, head slightly tilted as if to say, yeah, hit me boy, I'm waiting for it.
Hen appears at the truck, “There's plenty of bandages, Captain,” she says, as if she's read Gerrard's mind.
Gerrard wrinkles his nose as if Hen's appearance is some kind of stench that you just can't get rid of. But for now, he drops it. He slaps the fire engine; to Buck, this looks like he's slapping a woman's butt, and somehow, the analogy suits Gerrard. He's old school, as these guys like to say. They’re calling the vehicle baby, they’re joking about the hoses and involuntarily grab their crotches when a hydrant spurts out before the connection is made. None of this is unusual. A bit on the verge of extinction, and Buck can't exactly boast that he's never done anything like this. It's not great, but also not unusual. Gerrard, however… he’s a special sort of player.
They occupy the truck, and Buck just hopes his last glance at the interims captain is ice cold. Gerrard is sitting in front, now he can only pierce him with his eyes from behind. Hen looks kind of worried, so Buck nudges her.
“Hey, it'll be fine.”
She adjusts her glasses, even though they’re absolutely straight. Following Buck’s gaze to Gerrard, she shakes her head.
“I don't know, just having a feeling,” she says.
Gerrard continues to stare ahead, but his ears are good for an old geezer, Buck thinks, as he interjects, “Feelings have no place in a fire truck.”
Hen ignores him, only giving Buck a warning glance as he frowns, clearly pondering about some fierce retort.
“Because of today’s job?” Ravi interjects.
“Oh, right,” says Buck, “Ravi was asking what to expect from the parade.”
He emphasizes Ravi and parade while carefully watching the back of Gerrard's head. This time, however, the man stays silent, and Hen turns to Ravi.
“It's not that wild,” she replies warmly, “people are generally rather peaceful. Sure, there’s the usual drunks falling into the shards of their own bottles. The odd brawl on the sidelines...”
“One year, a fire-eater accidentally set himself on fire,” Buck interjects, gesturing broadly. “Singed the eyebrows of three people who were standing a little too close.”
“Dumpster fires,” Chimney offers. He was the last to enter the truck, missing their earlier conversation with Gerrard, but he, too, seems kind of tense. They all are, actually. And it’s neither because of the parade nor because they’re missing Eddie, who has called in sick at short notice. Eddie isn't absent because of Gerrard, of course, but Buck wouldn't blame him if that were the reason. He himself had been feeling unwell this morning simply thinking about the captain, and thinking about what he’d done to Tommy. How he made him act. That guilt is still apparent on Tommy’s face, whenever Gerrard manages to creep into their topics.
“Hm,” Ravi replies with a frown, “nothing we couldn't be called in for, should it happen. Still not getting why we're ordered directly at the place, practically like a fire station for the day.”
“It's a madhouse, that's why.” Gerrard, of course.
“Statistics show that the presence of fire departments at the start of major events has a preventative effect,” says Hen, ignoring the captain. “Significant reduction of accidents, actually.”
“27 percent,” Buck throws in, and the other’s astonished looks bore into him. “What?”
“Less fire starters,” Hen nods. “One theory says people are more attentive because the presence of firefighters boosts their sense of community.”
For a moment, a discussion breaks out among Buck, Hen, Ravi and Chimney as everyone seems to have an opinion on this, but Gerrard's sharp voice interrupts them.
“Shut up, chicken coop. We're here for a job, not for your private bullshit.”
His gaze rests on Buck, and he feels his own fingernails clawing into his thigh. Bobby wouldn't want you to do anything rash. It’s his mantra for the rest of the ride.
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tenisperfection · 2 months
"No reason you can't get certified and still stay at the 118" is a hell of a line if you take Buck learning to fly and getting certified as a metaphor for Tommy and feeling free as a queer man who gets to explore, and the 118 as a metaphor for Eddie, for home, for belonging.
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rosetterer · 2 months
We needs more Tevan kisses, we need more Tevan kisses, we need more Tevan kisses, we need-
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duckduckbuckley · 13 days
Okdokie so with the tizzy that one daddy issues joke has caused let’s get some shit in order. First off Buck starts the conversation not Tommy. Like you can not tell me that the smirk that man had was not him goading Tommy. He absolutely knew what he was doing. Aside from that I want to point something out. Buck is a grade A researcher right? So he most definitely did a deep dive on queer history when he discovered he was bisexual. You know what part of the research may have included? Kink. Additionally tho Buck is a grown ass man who has every right to do as he pleases. And for fucks sake, if he was uncomfortable with the comment he would have said so. Also I’m pro buck has been pegged before cause the man has no shame.
“So maybe be both have daddy issues” aka we can take turns but like me first.
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I love this little part here idk why😃😃
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lettis · 2 months
I was thinking about some people being upset that Buck’s bi awakening wasn’t with Eddie but this makes perfect sense to me. After meeting Tommy and the kiss, Buck is also discovering he’s attracted to men. While their relationship flourishes and he explores his sexuality internally, I’m thinking that this will allow him to question his feelings for Eddie. Buck and Eddie have been best friends for years and without that kiss and future relationship with Tommy, I feel like he wouldn’t think about Eddie romantically on his own.
That being said, I’m REALLY excited for this new relationship with Tommy!!!
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boredrxm · 2 months
I’m so done with people on ao3 tagging Buck/Tommy in every single Buddie fic🧍🏻‍♀️sometimes my man Tommy is not even there??? Leave either ship alone ffs.
Did you all forget how to tag fics or what??
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roboctopus · 2 months
Based off that sneak peak, I 100% believe that if we do get Tommy/Buck, they’re both going into that relationship wishing they were with Eddie Diaz instead.
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What is with all the fighting?
BuckTommy vs Buddie is going to be a pay per view octagon situation if this continues.
How is everyone fighting about things that have not happened? Why is there a budding ship war?
This is why fandom can't have nice things.
Can anyone provide a reasonable and rational explanation for this madness? Can both sides not see the writers have set this up to go one of a million different ways and no one except the people working on the show know where it is going?
I could argue how both sides could be probable and even support the most farfetched "tinhat theories" with actual canonical scenes, lines, and hints.
How the hell are fans arguing over which "endgame" is the right one? We don't get a say. Minear and his crew are firmly in control and unless you are going to argue with him, what is the point? (BTW, don't do that! For the love everything, if you are one of those who goes after the producers, writers, and actors, can I just say you give fandom as a whole a bad name and ask you to stop! Geez!)
A part of me thinks ABC and the showrunners are doing all this to fuel debates and dissent which will increase interest and send the already sky-high ratings through the roof this season and ensure at least several more seasons to come. Guess what? It's working.
Can we all agree that Buck, who didn't just turn bi one day but has been bi all his life and didn't know it, has definitely looked at and flirted with Eddie, Eddie and women have a weird dynamic, Eddie has definitely eyef****d his best friend more than once, Buck and Tommy are definitely having naked fun times (since Tommy is a beast, I think we know who is getting their back blown out), and no one has a clue about the direction the writers will take Tommy in?
Imho, in some more than platonic way, which we can spend hours debating, Tommy was/is into Eddie, Tommy is into Buck, Buck was/is into Eddie, Buck is into Tommy, and Eddie was/is into Buck. Eddie has canonically stated he is not into Tommy, so I am going to go with it because in six seasons, Tommy is the only person Eddie has stated he is not interested in.
If I were in that writer's room, I would be suggesting so much mess it would make Jerry Springer look like Sunday school. (Sue me. I love drama in my shows and movies. Not in my life, though. Definitely not.)
Now, can we all chill the hell out and see where this FICTIONAL story about FICTIONAL characters goes?
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geekgirl101 · 1 month
Dear Fandom
I don't care what you ship. Genuinely do not, whether that's Eddie/Josh, Buddie, Firefly, or whatever ship name Buck/Tommy has right now, Buck/Taylor, etc. Whatever. STOP SENDING PEOPLE HATE! STOP CALLING PEOPLE NAMES! STOP SENDING HATE TO ACTORS AND SHOWRUNNER!
Just STOP!
Everyone with more than two brain cells.
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Prompt: Tommy angst? 👁👄👁
I didn't know I needed this. But I did. And I loved it, so, thanks! I combined this prompt with one of my personal head canons that one poor soul on Discord agreed to talk with me about 😂 So, have Tommy angst (about Buck, of course) and the idea, that Tommy might not be so confident after all.
Kill the Pain Away
–– I was gonna hope to choke the fire I was gonna face up and let go Oh, I was gonna ally with the golden guising And by the light of dawn, I'd put my brave face on ––
That evening in Buck's loft was etched in Tommy's memory.
Yes, also because of their first kiss that started something Tommy hadn't expected, though he appreciated it all the more. Most of all, he couldn’t forget it because Buck, that inimitable man with his puppy eyes and this smooth face had managed to coax a secret out of him, and he had willingly revealed it. As he’d opened up, Tommy had meant every word: he had been jealous of the bonds the 118 found after his leaving. He still was, actually.
Never as much as now.
As a pilot, Tommy wasn’t able to just cancel his shift, couldn’t ask anybody to take over when he was already in the air. And so, while his thoughts were far, far below, he continued to circle above the city that seemed so much bigger than usual. And although he usually enjoyed escaping the hustle and bustle, would have exchanged the street for the clouds at any day, right now he wanted nothing more to be on solid ground. But right now, he couldn’t, and he had nothing but his thoughts and a text message he’d already stared at for about ten times. It was a tough shift, as it often was when air support was needed; it was hard to control the fire, but even harder to contain the one burning in his chest.
The text was from Hen, and he’d been wondering for half an hour whether she had only written because she felt she owed him. Those were dark thoughts, Tommy knew, but sometimes, they were unstoppable; especially up here, trapped in the cockpit which was meant to be his freedom. The message was terse, unemotional, yet it evoked so many emotions in him.
Buck injured during op. Heading to St Mary’s now.
Contrary to his fondness for Hallmark movies, Tommy wasn't interested in astrology, he didn't believe in fate and thought love at first sight was a beautiful but irrational myth. Meeting Buck, and more so, learning that the cool kid of the 118 was interested in him, had been... strange, and kind of overwhelming. As luck would have it, he made friends with Eddie very quickly, and both he and his boy mentioned Buck remarkably often. From this, Tommy gathered the man had taken his place at the 118 in an extraordinary way. They had only exchanged a few words during the breakneck rescue operation for Athena and Bobby, and when the next opportunity arose, Tommy was prepared to meet some kind of superman. Somehow Hen, Howard and even Bobby and Athena, who were adamant about thanking him personally, managed to weave Buck into every conversation.
Tommy was therefore surprised that the man turned out to be anything but one of the usual powerhouses, brimming with self-confidence; not one of those arrogant types who rush into every burning house but have no respect for their colleagues.
Buck looked like a surfer boy, but Tommy sensed that something was lurking behind this façade of sunshine. Something about Buck was purely Evan, and it was mesmerizing. 
Even more surprising for Tommy was to realize he was head over heels in love.
They had told him the man was a notorious womanizer, ironically they thought this was common ground, "you'll like him, you'll definitely have something to talk about, your exes". It was clear they meant women, because nobody in the 118 knew at this time. But Buck had sent out some very mixed signals in Tommy’s eyes, and yes, maybe he had been his gay awakening or some shit. Buck, at any rate, had been his awakening of sorts. Maybe Tommy was just a romantic deep inside, but this man, this man…
Tommy's radio crackled, and he bit his lower lip until it bled. Thinking of Buck distracted him, and that was irresponsible. How many times had his hand jerked to his phone, ready to answer the message, to ask questions, to beg for information. He hadn't done it because not only would it have been highly unprofessional; he shouldn't even have looked at the phone while he was on the job.
"10-19 for active units on scene, fire under control."
Tommy hastily tapped the intercom button, "Air support dismissed?"
"Copy that, air support dismissed."
Dispatch sounded almost cheerful, and perhaps there was reason to be – the fire was under control, according to the radio reports there were no casualties; these were the good, the satisfying jobs. Tommy, however, was anything but content. For the first time in a long time he wasn’t even interested in how the job had turned out. The cockpit was suddenly tighter than ever before, the ground much further away, and the loop he had to fly seemed to take so much longer. His hand gripped the controls so hard that his knuckles turned white.
That message could mean anything.
Anyone who was not interested in logic, in cool calculations, was not suited to be a pilot. In this respect, it was pointless to get carried away with what ifs. On the other hand, pilots without instinct were just machine operators. But his instincts weren't helping Tommy right now, except to remind him of all the things that could go wrong. Because one thing Buck really was: a fucking daredevil.
Tommy had experienced it once, during one of those dates that simply hadn’t happened because an incident had interrupted it. Every firefighter knew that a day off could very quickly turn into an emergency call-out. Like most in the services, they took it with humor, they collected the incidents and called them their overtime list, hours to make up for later in bed.
This one time, Tommy had happened to drive right past the accident on his way home, catching a glimpse of the 118 in action. Something inside him had struck a chord of wistfulness, but then he’d seen Evan. No, at that moment he had really just been Buck. Buck, who threw himself under a burning vehicle with a child trapped underneath.
Every firefighter suffered injuries at some point. They all had scars, and they were unduly proud of them. But some of them did not boast about the strength of the fire in which they were burned, nor about the weight of the steel that had trapped them. Some scars were rarely shown, and some were internal: all these were from saved lives. And Tommy knew what it was like to be the one to whom this happened. The one who was hurt. No one was really prepared for the pain, and no one liked to remember it. What Tommy hadn't known, however, was what it would be like to be on the other side. Anyone who got injured was afraid; a fact that was often left out of the bragging stories. But that kind of fear was completely different to the one he felt now, this fear was terrifying.
And how did this happen in the first place? A pair of blue eyes and a sunshine face, that wouldn't have been enough to penetrate his façade in the past. But somehow that's what it was all about. To look behind the guise. Making yourself vulnerable without hurting. Because what was really deep inside was beautiful, worth letting out and discovering –but it was still terrifying. He had only known the guy for a few weeks. Buck had stormed into his life, throwing himself into this crazy rescue operation with determination, a look in those pretty eyes that clearly said, you better get on with this, because I will walk through fire for these people.
There was something about him that magnetically attracted other people, and it wasn't just his handsome face or his sometimes awkward charm. Something about him had made a string in Tommy resonate that hadn't been tuned for a while. Something in Buck made people go through the blaze for him, too. Tommy would happily return to the fire that they had already successfully fought, would walk right through the embers if he had to, if only it was clear in the end that nothing had happened to Evan.
As the aircraft sank lower, he tried to relax his hand so as not to jerk the controls, but he couldn't stop his thoughts from wandering to that blank text message again and again. He had no regrets about leaving the 118; changing jobs had been the right decision at the time. But that dark voice inside him whispered that he should never have left, because these people were with Evan now, they had all the information they weren't sharing with him because he wasn't a part of them... That was irrational, after all, he would probably never have met Buck if he had stayed. He would never have met Evan. Evan, who had been hurt out there, probably in some reckless act; who may have been in pain, scared, but who wasn't alone.
Tommy, however, was alone, still high above the city, and as he got closer to the ground and the vehicles and people got bigger, he appeared to shrink. Would Buck even need him? What if everything wasn't so bad, and after all, his friends were with him… and Tommy, the onlooker, would get weird looks because he hadn't just called, hadn't just answered a message, but had rushed to the hospital with this panic in his eyes.
They had not yet given a name to what was between them. Tommy had been Buck's date for a wedding that had taken place unplanned in a hospital; and as they stood there, everyone had seen there was something, but what exactly? They hadn't suddenly turned up together wherever they went, hadn't picked each other up from work or introduced each other as "this is my boyfriend" at random meetings with friends. It was almost as if they had both navigated around this first, invisible cliff in their relationship.
So what if Buck thought it would be odd for him to show up at the hospital? After nothing but a few dates, far too few kisses and even fewer nights that Tommy remembered when the day was long and Evan was across town? Tommy wasn't part of the 118, and maybe not a real part of Buck.
He landed the aircraft mechanically, did the paperwork, answered questions and couldn’t have told how he got into his car. He didn't recall the trip to the hospital either, but he did remember putting on a confident, relaxed face in the elevator mirror.
They were all there, and his heart sank as cold fear crept up and down his spine.
Henrietta and Howard, whom they called Chimney for some inexplicable reason and who had somehow grown close to Tommy’s heart. The captain, Bobby, who made a more than just serious face. Ravi, who was no longer a probie, but was still busy getting coffee to distract himself or the others. Eddie, traces of dirt on his face, constantly scratching his arm, which looked suspiciously singed. Buck’s sister, Maddie, which was the most disturbing sight, because if she had managed to get here, things were serious. 
She was the first to catch sight of him, turning by chance as the elevator door opened, and then there was an expression flickering across her face that confused him, something he couldn't place. Howard's mouth formed a silent oh, as if surprised to see him, and Hen glanced first at Tommy, then at her phone. I shouldn't have come, Tommy thought, but everyone was here, and he wanted to be here, he wanted nothing more than to know what was going on.
He faltered, but started walking slowly towards them. Maddie suddenly approached him, touched his arm like some delicate flower and said, "Oh dear, I'm sorry, I should have called you."
Tommy's false smile of confidence crumbled.
"I assumed you were on call, you didn't answer," Hen said, who had somehow also appeared next to him, "I didn't want to worry you, so I kept it short."
Well, now you've got me worried, Tommy intended to say, because he recognized very well that she was using her first responder voice, the tone reserved for patients and relatives. Now he noticed that they were all surrounding him; it was frightening, but there was nothing but genuine concern on their faces.
"Buck already asked for you," Bobby said, and Tommy finally found his voice again.
"What's going on anyway?" he asked.
All of a sudden, the tension was released. He received encouraging pats on the back, was pushed to a seat, and Hen sat down with him and laid out in concise words a story he had heard many times before.
Tommy had known firefighters who kissed a St. Florian badge before a job, yet it rarely helped – things just went wrong sometimes. Someone stumbled over the hose, jammed the ladder or grabbed the axe at the wrong end. And sometimes a fire could not be contained, with a flame so bright you could no longer see, a roaring so deafening you could no longer hear. Then you were at the mercy of danger, and those were the missions that no one would forget. The ones where no lives could be saved, there were only casualties. It was bad, and it was reflected in every single face around him.
"But he's conscious?" Tommy asked, tuning out the list of injuries he had just heard, concentrating only on Bobby's words. Buck had asked for him.
Bobby and Hen exchanged a look, and Bobby said, "I'll ask the doctor if you can see him."
I'm not a relative, Tommy thought to say, but he could see in the other’s eyes that it didn’t matter. They were family, even if not by blood, and an unwritten law allowed emergency services to be with their wounded in times of need. And all of this screamed that he was a relative after all, at least in spirit. Maybe because he had been part of the 118 before, but maybe mainly because he belonged to Buck.
If that was true. If Buck wanted that, too.
But it seemed that everyone else accepted this, just as they included him in their care and concern. It was almost pleasant if he hadn't been so tense; so full of adrenaline, as if he was about to turn a corner of a building already burning brightly.
And then, again without knowing exactly how he had put one foot in front of the other, he stood in Buck's room. All of a sudden, the strain actually disappeared, as is often the case when reality has overtaken your worst expectations and you can finally focus on the truth. The truth was that Buck looked very young and very vulnerable amidst all the equipment and tubes and bandages, but the truth was also that he was alive; and as bad as everything was, he was going to get better.
Tommy pulled up a chair, sat down and grabbed Buck's hand without thinking. Did it matter if Buck actually wanted him? Perhaps a very selfish thought, because right now Tommy seemed to need this touch much more than Buck, who was asleep. It was a misjudgment, because those beautiful blue eyes opened, and even though his gaze wasn't completely focused, it was directed at Tommy.
"Evan," Tommy said softly, the name flowing from his lips as easily as the weight that was taken from his mind in that moment.
"I was wondering when my boyfriend was gonna show up," Buck mumbled sleepily, but with that inimitable grin that neither a few broken bones nor a bunch of painkillers could seem to take away from him.
Tommy's heart stumbled, but he smiled.
"It's not like I could interrupt a perfectly good job to console you for your lousy one."
"Console me now, think I need it."
"Call me your boyfriend again, and I might," Tommy said, while his mind kept repeating the truth: Evan wanted him.
"I've already bragged to all the nurses about my handsome boyfriend."
Buck’s voice got softer, his words choppier, but Tommy held his hand long after he fell asleep.
He had no intention of letting go of it anytime soon.
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rosetterer · 2 months
something, everything (bucktommy)
After, when they have cleaned up and are in each other’s arms, Buck leans closer to him. ”I’m ready for everything,” he says.
(Basically, they get together, go on dates, fall in love, get in accidents, renovate their home, get cats, and eventually, they get engaged. Buck gets everything he has ever wanted.)
Link: something, everything - rosetterer - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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edsdiazz · 2 months
I’m kissing abc on the mouth because they really saw this beautiful blue eyed hunk of a man that is Oliver Stark and said we must have this man kissing another beautiful man IMMEDIATLY okay there is no time to waste!!!
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angryangeldreamsalad · 2 months
You guys do realize this time period will eventually become a tik tok along the lines of "You HAD to be there to experience it" type of moment like us all collectively losing it for Tuck😂😂
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911 7×05 content !
Like yeah it was awkward and it was bad, but I hope that everyone else also understands that Tommy did nothing wrong and in fact was probably right to break things off with Buck before they even got started, after that interaction with Eddie. They are in different places and Tommy is not going to shove himself back in the closet because Buck isn't ready, nor is he going to drag Buck out before Buck wants to be.
Even with the coffee at the end, Tommy straight up says he isn't upset with or blaming Buck. It's a complex situation, and Tommy dealt with it quite well. And so did Buck!!! He took that moment and talked to his important people and then y'know, pulled a bit of a Buck and rushed in, but a reasonable amount. Very excited to see how this all pans out <3
Edit: Tommy did nothing wrong by ending things, not just blanket statement he did nothing wrong. He did behave a bit poorly when Eddie and Marisol were there, same as Buck
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 2 months
Looking back... The irony of Buck laughing so hard at that car wash emergency guy in 1x05??
C'mon. Tell me that scene isn't basically a parody of Buck's first kiss with Tommy 😂??
It's Buck, flirting brazenly with danger, and then to his great surprise, being promptly engulfed by this hurricane...
As he gets his bearings he finds that his head is spinning like mad, but he's fine, and finally... He's free! Though still a bit bewildered.
(Oh. And right next to that surveillance tape screen is a poster that says "Items". And a clock. Conspiracy goggles on!)
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