ciinnddinn · 1 day
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Twitter strikes again! This is doing so many things wow
Delicious. Marvelous. Scrumptious.
I love them together 😩 i never want bucktommy to end😭
Original tweet:
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tevanbegins · 14 hours
Do you ever go about your day doing work or other usual stuff and out of nowhere your brain just goes "God I hope so" and you actually hear it in Tommy's (Lou's) deep baritone voice and just become a blushing hot mess at the thought of it? Because I very much do 🥵
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starsforbuckley · 3 days
Buck: Tommy, you know how much I love you…
Tommy: Whaddya want?
• fandom: 9-1-1
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ayo-edebiri · 2 months
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#What a year this week has been
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harlstark · 2 months
my brain every three minutes
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houseofevanbuckley · 2 months
I just need insufferably proud boyfriend Buck
“So this is Tommy, he’s my boyfriend and he’s a pilot”
Queuing at a coffee shop when somebody says the weather is nice and Buck who goes “oh yeah, it would be perfect to fly, my boyfriend, who’s a pilot, love these type of weather”
Buck who’s bandaging somebody’s arm and trying to distract them from it “do you know that the first rescue helicopter in the US was in 1945? My boyfriend is a pilot so he told me about it”
He’s a pilot wife now
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babygirl-diaz · 2 months
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Eddie: You're MY best friend. Don't you forget that. Buck: I don't wanna be Tommy's best friend, Eddie. I want his dick down my throat
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graycious-tea · 1 month
All yall saying Tommy calling Buck Evan is disrespectful and like malicious clearly don’t remember my man, fellow bi icon Magnus Bane calling his pookie Alec Lightwood, Alexander at any given moment despite no one calling him Alexander except his parents who also suck like my man was gone on that shadowhunter and so is Tommy!!!
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meep-meep-richie · 2 months
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´´ You already know that i´m interested. ´´
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humanpotassium · 2 months
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ciinnddinn · 19 days
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The CHOKEHOLD this picture has on me rn
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tevanbegins · 3 days
To think that Buck's always been bisexual without realising it, checking out hot guys' asses because he thought that's normal. He's crossed paths with many hot guys in his life. He works with hot guys, his BFF is a hot guy. He's been in multiple situations where there have been innuendos thrown at him of his being gay/queer.
But he still never thought much about all of that. Until one day, he met Tommy.
It took one hell of a compelling man like Tommy Kinard for Buck to relentlessly pursue this subconscious attraction till he'd finally had a taste of what it was like, and known for sure that he liked it and wanted more of it.
This is the most obvious indicator that Tommy is not just any other guy. Buck had many choices and chances before to question and explore this part of him, but Tommy is the only one who shook something in the core of Buck's being and made him want it so bad, that he had to keep trying till he got it. The attraction is unlike any he's ever felt before, and not because of the gender of the person, but because of the intensity of his feelings towards him.
Buck wanted Tommy's undivided attention, he wanted to keep spending time with him even if that meant making random excuses, getting to know him better. He couldn't get Tommy out of his head. That's how magnetically drawn he was to Tommy. Tommy's gender is not really a big factor here as most people believe it is, because the key takeaway here is that Buck's never felt this drawn to anyone – girls or guys.
Just because Tommy is his first queer experience, doesn't mean that Buck's using him on a trial basis. That boy's down bad. And that has nothing to do with the novelty of dating a man. It's all got to do with who Tommy is as a person, how patient, caring, and understanding he is, and how happy he makes Buck, making him feel safe and loved in all the ways he's never felt before.
That's the whole point of it. In Tommy, Buck's met someone who could very well be the love of his life. It's just that he never thought it would be a man. For Buck, it's so much more about finding lasting love at this stage, than it is about playing around with this newfound aspect to his sexuality. This is more than a coming out arc. This is a romcom as well, where Buck has finally found true love. He's getting off the hamster wheel for good. His father-figure Bobby and everyone around him can see it.
Tommy is clearly being written as Buck's endgame, and I don't see how anyone in their right mind can be blind to the significance of this storyline. I for one am super-thrilled and optimistic about all the possibilities of Buck and Tommy's romance moving forward! 😍🥰❤
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starsforbuckley · 16 days
Tommy: It’s Pride Month, you know what that means!
Buck: I get to eat as many Skittles as I want?
Tommy: What? No! What has Hen been telling you?
Hen, walking in, pouring Skittles into her mouth: Taste the rainbow, bitch.
• fandom: 9-1-1
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911-on-abc · 2 months
okay 911blr gather around. what are we calling Buck/Tommy?
share for a bigger sample size!
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rosetterer · 2 months
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“Sometimes you finally understand something so profoundly life-changing your whole body starts to tingle. It’s like you’re made of vibrations that just jumped an octave or two.”
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houseofevanbuckley · 1 month
I need 911twt to realize that we’re watching the start of a relationship
They’re not going to make out like Tommy just came back from war while Eddie is next to them stealing ice from the champagne bowl
They’re also in their 30s, they’re not college frat boys that can’t act in public
The hug is more than what I did with some of my exes in public after only 2 or so dates
And if I have to read one more tweet about the shirt I will honestly scream so loud Oliver’s dogs will bark
My man is on standby, he’s not going to come wearing a crazy outfit when he may needs to change, a Henley is a lot easier to change from or to even wear under his pilote unform, a full suit is not.
Please I need you to use some critical thinking, I beg on my knees 🧎🧎🧎🧎🧎
Edit : Buck decided to eat his boyfriend’s face and make me eat my words, and I thank him for it 🫡🫡🫡🫡 - Disaster bi Buck, your efforts are appreciated !
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