pumpkinspicedmochi · 25 days
I see this so much so here it is :
just because you don't personally need tone tags/tone indicators doesn't make them 'stupid' , infantilizing, ableist or "making us (autistic people) look 'bad' "
why do y'all think that things that some autistic people need is infantilizing . "we understand sarcasm" well some of us don't and find tone tags useful. You can't erase other autistic people because you somehow think we 'make you look bad' ..man do y'all really not want certain autistic people in the 'autistic community' do you?
this goes for a lot of other things too , honest like some autistic people struggle with more ..how is it ableist to you for people to bring them up..? we exist , why do you want to erase our existence just because you don't struggle with those things..
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
r/systemscringe is now complaining about people with DID experiencing -checks notes- amnesia and dissociation!
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Gee... I wonder...
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Oh, right! It's that incredibly basic part of the criteria that everyone who has done even 2 seconds of research into DID knows about!
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Grace... why are you obsessed with this couch and controller metaphor? This is like the third time I've seen this very specific example from you and it's kind of weird you keep bringing it up.
That aside, the thing you're complaining about here... is dissociation... you're upset someone with a dissociative disorder feels dissociated from their body.
These are some of the most ignorant and ableist takes I've seen from r/systemscringe, and that's saying a lot!
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skull-ishcloud · 1 year
I am sick of Neurotypicals saying they have the solution to your problems bc it works with them.
Despite them saying you are not "normal" and they don't understand you.
Like planners, like having a routine, like leaving stuff always in the same place, trying sports, etc...
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desertwaterwitch · 5 months
You are not “quirky” by pretending to be disabled. You’re just a horrible person.
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alostlittleriverlotus · 10 months
tw ableism, really fucked up thing, mention of violence
not me thinking maybe it's a safe post on my mental health app only to see it's someone saying narcissists deserve to exist so he can have stabbing practice.
What the actual fuck is wrong with anti-narcissists. They really just don't think we're human and we're some evil terrible people who only hurt others.
I only saw the first few words and was excited to see someone say we deserve to exist, but then it turns into that. Then comments just say how they're gonna catch heat for it in a joking manner like "I agree with you but oop you said it." What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Yet if we get upset at ableism and say anything even less harmful than that, we get flack for it. I hate ableists, I hate anti-narcissists, y'all are weird and obsessed with us and disgusting. Actually fuck you, that's so messed up you uneducated ableist ass!!!
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psychopathicnarc · 2 years
Stop diagnosing everyone you dislike as a “narcissist”
NPD is a personality disorder
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spoonful116 · 8 months
If someone ever says something about how they "would unalive themselves if they were disabled like you", hit them with a "yeah, you're a freaking wuss"
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hey, do you know this tarot readers that charmie go to yo confirm their delusions, timmytarot? Well, they are an ableistic pos and have attacked a person who suffers from aspergers, calling them a psychopath, bc they cannot see timmy and harmie like they were "human beings" or some bullshit. That they lack empathy and that they should go back to them once they find it. I knew charmies were despicable, but to the point of targeting and attacking others for their disabilities? Fucking disgusting. I've already reported them. They act like their cannibal fave, and they have the guts to use Timmy's name as their username, absolutely despicable.
Lol, no, I don't keep up with Charmie tarot readers because that's just so ridiculous. But as for any member of that cult to be ableist doesn't surprise me in the least. I mean, their leader Simpi just came out as transphobic. It takes a certain (disgusting) breed of people to violently and vehemently defend a predatory pos like Armie Hammer. Like finds like so no one should be surprised that they are all horrible terrible human beings as well.
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an-illegal-gay · 2 months
there's something soul-crushing about your best friends making ableist jokes, not realizing a mentally ill person who suffers from adhd, autism, depression, and god knows what else is standing right there, listening to every word
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pumpkinspicedmochi · 4 months
I feel like people really need to accept and realize that old people do not have the monopoly (?) on disability , mobility aid usage and chronic illnesses . They expect that since you're young you should be able to do things that abled people can do, whats wild is that I've had that response even from abled people who know I'm physically disabled like my mom going "you're young , you have a young back so you can do -insert random thing here- " or people telling me that walking and standing long is "good for you , you're young its not going to hurt you" bruh I have chronic pain , standing and walking long does in fact hurt me ..shit even just existing hurts because my pain is all the time . Young disabled people aren't just "lazy" or "exaggerating" 😅 , its kind of like when you look up mobility aids in general or anything even related to them at all really you mostly just see pictures of old people with canes, crutches etc and I in my mind go "young people can be disabled too.." .
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isabela-mad-rigal · 2 years
so riddler khu (pokemon leaker) just came out as ableist today
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When people called Khu out on their ableism, they very quickly just gave up and left the situation. This is one of the most common approaches to being called out on ableism towards us autistics; nothing.
Why are NTs so unwilling to learn? To listen to us? To understand why their daily language is harmful to us?
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
The hatesub r/systemscringe are being full-on transphobes again!
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Reminder: a huge number of systems have alters and headmates with completely different genders and sexes from the body.
Anyone who has ever studied any type of multiplicity is aware of this fact.
And not-so-shockingly, this makes gender complicated.
Let's just see the screenshots they're angry at today.
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So the body has transitioned to male but this one headmate identifies as female and identifies as a trans woman.
In another screenshot, the system says they aren't "invading trans spaces." Which is such an absurd thing to have to defend yourselves from accusations of when you're a part of a trans system.
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Even if you do take the position that spaces for transwomen should be exclusionary AFAB people, one would at least expect the male headmates to be able to feel safe in the trans community without being made to feel like they're "invaders."
Unfortunately, many pluralphobes and queer exclusionists have decided the gender identity of headmates in systems is less valid than that of singlets.
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This is another pretty common thing. Especially with introjects who have source memories. It's common to have memories of lives you may not have actually lived but still feel pretty real.
I did a Tumblr poll last year. About half of systems responding had at least one trans headmate with the same gender as the body's AGAB. Nearly all had cis headmates with the opposite gender of the body.
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Of course, if you heard it from r/systemscringe, they must be faking being trans entirely!
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And takes like this throw not just systems under the bus, but also people who are genderfluid or otherwise nonbinary as well.
And if you're thinking, "wow, that comment sounds like something truscum would say," you aren't wrong!
Here are some unrelated posts this same user has authored:
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Back to r/systemscringe, most of the comments were more of the same, stopping just short of calling them transtrenders but clearly very much wanting to!
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By the way, all the censors on the names of the system and alters were mine. u/superthrowawayEEE censored nothing. When a user points this out, moderator u/DizkoLites says they considered taking it down but chose not to, saying their name was common enough that it wouldn't matter.
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To be fair, the mods did end up taking it down... after the system got harassed for their gender and contacted the subreddit directly.
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So congrats on waiting until after the harassment to enforce your own rules!
But don't worry, you're free to make a brand new post mocking someone for their gender identity! r/systemscringe's mod team is totally cool with that! Just gotta hide the name because that's apparently the only problem here!🙄
(You know, unless they're on the mod-approved hit list. Then you can name them too no matter how much harassment they get.)
The other day, someone asked this question on the hatesub:
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Here's the answer:
Stop being bigots.
Stop being ableists.
Stop spreading misinformation.
Stop mocking people for their genders.
Stop harboring truscum and parroting transphobic talking points!
Try to be decent human beings for once in your lives!
And then... well, I guess that wouldn't leave much of a subreddit would it? There's no r/systemscringe without ableism, transphobia and queer exclusionism. It's baked into the DNA of these groups.
But maybe that would be for the best.
Nothing from these cringe communities is salvageable. And nothing should be socially acceptable about groups founded on cyberbullying.
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nando161mando · 5 months
✨ don't be fucking ableist ✨
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vocalsynthluvr · 2 years
Stop acting like you're so brave and amazing for taking care of your disabled child. You're not inspirational for doing the bare minimum.
My autism is not harder for you than it is for me. Their disability is not harder for you than it is for them.
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aspd-culture · 1 year
a little bit of a vent but also a question. someone said i was “collecting disorders” and now i feel like shit. all because i wanted the aspd role in a discord server because i think i have aspd when i already think i have bpd/npd and have those roles. they pretty much lied about me too about other things in order to make me look bad and “call me out”. i was so stressed and paralyzed. my heart started racing and my stomach dropped. i feel like i went into flight mode. i hate confrontation. i didn’t defend myself because i thought that would make me look like a loser who cares. i thought to myself they’re not worth a reaction anyways. i decided that defending myself is not worth the mental hassle. they can think what they want and it doesn’t matter to me. this is just fan behavior. this is how i justified not defending myself and just leaving the server (which i don’t like in the first place).can a person with aspd have this type of a reaction? i feel like the typical reaction would be to fight back but im so tired of fighting and the toll it takes on me. i get such an adrenaline rush and my body starts shaking and i feel the need to fight but these days i just can’t. these fights aren’t worth it to me anymore. these people don’t deserve my effort, even if it’s a fight.
Ooo let's see if I can piss off an ableist today (not you, the people who say bs like "collecting disorders"). I have 8 professionally diagnosed mental health conditions, one I am currently in the process of being assessed for, and a handful of other symptoms we have as of yet been unable to place under a particular diagnosis.
There is no such thing as "collecting diagnoses" and that phrase is arguably one of the most ableist things I have ever been forced to read and hear multiple times since the beginning of my mental health journey. The gall of some people to *make fun* of another person and accusing them of faking because they struggle with more disorders than you think is acceptable? Fuck that. Blatant and obvious ableism. You are valid. Idc how many diagnoses you have, self or otherwise, you are valid to me because I am not a professional and even if I was, I am not your professional.
The DSM-V specifically calls out that multiple cluster b disorders can be diagnosed comorbid. They have similar development criteria so it makes sense that if you have one, there is an increased chance you may have more than one. In fact, if you have been diagnosed with one pd, you are more likely to be diagnosed with a second one than you were to be diagnosed with the first.
What you described from them is some major fan behavior, and I'm proud of you for leaving the server. That is exactly what I would have done for the same reasons. Let them talk, they are just showing everyone who matters how ableist they are anyway. And for the record, the people they are trying to seem cool to (reddit-type ableists) are already going to hate them for being in a mental health server.
They are playground bullies and I'll tell you what I learned about playground bullies very young; the easiest way to ruin their day is to completely ignore what they're saying.
They thrive off the attention and validation they get from your hurt and your anger. The fact that you left ruined their fun, I promise. Maybe they kept talking shit to try and make it fun again, but deep down each of them knows that once the person they attempted to victimize neither shrunk down nor got angry, it was no fun anymore.
So yeah, many pwASPD may have fought back against it, but it is definitely aspd-culture to ruin their fun and get the ultimate revenge of refusing them the dopamine of a reaction.
You did a great job, and you *are* valid. It sucks that you had to deal with them, and anything you feel about it is valid too. There are people who won't treat you that way, I promise.
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alostlittleriverlotus · 8 months
I kinda love to exist unmasked because I can just freak out shitty people. I will force you to see a psychotic antisocial narcissistic person in the wild. I will force you to see me exist as a traumatized individual. I will force you to see the "scary" mentally ill people. Cause we fucking exist and we don't deserve to be fucking demonized.
So yes, I exist out in public unmasked best I can which is usually on the internet since I never leave my house basically and force people to deal with seeing me and filling up spaces when they fear scary disorders or demonize them. And it fuels my narcissism so much to know that people see me and are freaked out by me.
Also doing this to my parents. I will be the fucking freak hugging a jester comfort character plushie that talks to themselves and stims. I will be fucking angry and frustrated and say my disturbing intrusive thoughts or self harm urges. I will force you to have to exist around a scary mental illness because you can't be fucking normal about me. And your fear will fuel my ego to no end.
Also like just be fucking normal about psychotic people and shit. Like. Anyone with a demonized mental disorder or some shit. If you're uncomfortable, that's not my problem. And if you're the type to stigmatize narcissists and antisocials and borderlines and most personality disorders with (disorder) abuse then I love forcing you to see people like me even more. Because you fucking suck and should try to educate yourself and realize most likely traumatized mentally ill people are NOT your enemy and we are not abusers. So yes. I will flood narcissist tags with my narcissistic ass so it is "unsafe" for narc abuse people. I will reclaim the antisocial tags from the asocial introverted people that flooded it. I will exist as someone with a personality disorder in abuse tags when talking about my abuse because guess what, we're fucking victims too. Cause those tags DO apply to us. And I'm sick of having ultra specific personality disorder spaces being the only safe space for us cause even the rest of the neurodivergent/mental illness community has fucking shunned us and many people will continue to demonize us or believe that we are evil or abusive or scary and use our disorders to talk about the absolute worst people ever.
(This is aimed at the people that are ableist towards us and use terms like psychopath, sociopath, and narcissist in derogatory ways or use delusional and psychotic and psycho against people etc. If you aren't willing to learn why that's harmful then yes, I hope you're uncomfortable. And also aimed at my parents and family for finding me odd, weird, creepy, scary, freaky, and other things cause I know the way people look and stare at me.)
This is a mix of internet/in person things so it may go back and forth a bit since I'm thinking of multiple examples of when I've done this to create this post.
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