#abo headcanons
suzloo · 1 month
Omega Ghost- Puppy Fever Headcanons
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- Simon doesn’t think he can have pups. Not because he doesn’t want them. But because he thinks he physically can’t. His body has been through so much damage that doctors told him that it would be nearly impossible for him to carry pups of his own.
- He hasn’t sought out fertility treatments, even if he’s mated or otherwise. He has a mindset of “If it’s meant to be it’s meant to be, if not, oh well.” even thought it kind of stings.
- That being said he still gets the occasional puppy fever. It’s not as intense as most omegas but there’s subtle changes in his behavior since he’ll never in a million years admit that he wants one.
- Like for instance, when he has down time, sometimes he can be caught watching videos of pups teething, learning how to walk and crawl and things like that. He’ll claim he fell down a rabbit hole and just got caught up in it if you catch him though.
- His eyes will linger on a visibly expecting omega. There’s a sense of sadness and envy in his eyes but it motivates him to keep on fighting to make the world just a little safer for pups who are new to the world and gives him the slightest chance of hope that one day things will be safe enough to where he could get treatment and have his very own pup brought into the world.
- If he does end up having a pup of his very own in the future, he’d retire the mask for good. After fighting for so long he deserves to reap the benefits and spend time with his pup.
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intolerable-sushi · 6 months
There is not discussion nor fanfiction about the negative affects of being considered the "forgettable gender" has on betas in the omegaverse. I see so many discussions on how omegas are oppressed, how they handle it, and ways they over come it, and talks about how alpha often have to deal with the constant fear and distrust they face, but what about the betas?!
Imagine having society constantly rely on you to keep things running (going off the headcannon that they don't experience heats or ruts) only to be ignored and looked over. You are never wanted by omegas or alphas and this is even worse for female betas. Male betas and alphas are always talking about omegas and giving them gifts and attention while they have to sit there and smiling. And then having to listen to omegas complain about the attention. The betas understand the issues that omegas face but at the same time they get no attention or love. Its gotta be heart breaking.
For male betas they are in constant competition with alphas even if they will never be acknowledged. Even if they manage to be really good at something, even better than alphas, it wont matter. Why are you trying so hard you're not an alpha. They are bigger, stronger, and smarter than you, just let them do it.
To be a beta is to be the some of the most important unnecessary members of society. I haven't even gotten into other popular headcanons like the low fertility. I just think there could be so much more exploration to betas, and I might just have to do it myself.
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theywhoshantbenamed · 3 months
ABO Headcanons
California being a dormant omega. He doesn't quite look like a classic omega, being taller than even many alphas, but he has the nurturing tendencies (wanting to adopt Austin and wanting to care for him when he's cold). He's also unafraid of most Alphas - which is a quality considered undesirable in old society - and has often argued against them. An Alphas Voice works on him, still, but using their Voice has been made illegal in many states(not yet federal law).
New York as a dormant Alpha. He doesn't look much like one of his gender either, being of medium build, and he's shorter than some omegas like Mississippi or Florida. He has the aggressiveness of a stereotypical Alpha, but it's still nothing like a dominant's. He's not as territorial, but a majority of the Northeastern states are also Alphas of varying rank, and he grew up thinking it's what he's supposed to do
Alaska is a dominant alpha. It's surprising to many - not that he’s an alpha(he certainly has the build of one), but that he is a dominant one - because he's remarkably laid back. When people tell him this, he gets a little bothered, but refuses to show it. Being an alpha doesn't mean he has to be loud and aggressive all the time. However, his chill attitude also probably derives from a lineage of strong A genes, making him a higher rank than many.
Texas is a dominant alpha, the biggest stereotype. He's loud, proud, and loves to argue. California's got spunk, but he's raised to believe omegas are weaker, and that creates conflict in him. Also, internalized homophobia time, he is attracted to other Alphas
Florida is a recessive omega. He doesn't show any of the qualities typical omegas do, and his heats tend to be irregular. When it comes to recessive omegas, I think the Voice does work on them, but only when used by someone of strong A lineage, like Alaska(not that he would ever use it). The only real indicator that he's an omega is his medical records, if you can even find them. Otherwise, people just have to believe him. When it comes to pheromones, he can smell the scents, but they have little to no effect on him
Louisiana is another case of a dominant alpha with a lack of aggression/territoriality. He's heard it all, from every gender, about how he should act. He, frankly, doesn't care. He's confident in himself, and he's never felt more understood than by Florida, someone who knows what it's like to not fit in with people of your secondary gender. At the same time, however, he finds himself feeling more like a dominant Alpha around Florida than he ever did before. He wants to protect him and scent him and even make him submit at times. It scares him, especially since Florida isn't affected like he is, and he doesn't know how to allow himself to express these desires. They're normal to other dominant alphas, but not him.
Georgia is a dominant omega(wooo first one!) who very much fits in with his secondary gender, with a tendency to care for others and bring a sense of calm to those around him with his scent. His attraction is strictly towards other Omegas and Betas He loves Florida very much and the same is true vice versa. He is nervous around Alphas, though, for some reason.
Nevada is a dominant Omega; definitely lives up to the standard. His confidence as a Queen is a given, with an ability to make Alphas submit to him. Despite his status, his preferences lie most commonly in Betas. He has on-and-off relationships with Connecticut, Colorado, New Jersey, and even Gov.
Gov has no secondary gender. It's one of the things that's always separated him from the States. It’s never stopped him from keeping order between them, but hes never surprised when someone decides to challenge his authority. Thankfully, he’s got enough dirt on everyone to keep him cushy in his position.
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omegaverse624 · 2 years
Alpha headcanons
Alphas usually the tallest one among other dynamics, and they enjoy being big spoons using their height.
Alphas are very aggressive, but they are also less sensitive to personal space. However, they don't allow approach to what they claim to be their own.
Alphas value exterior design more than interior one and are obsessed with the idea of having their own house. It originates from their desire to have a den.
Alphas are very creative. That's why there's a saying 'Betas discover, Alphas invent'.
Young Alphas' desire for exploration is not great, but they often follow their friends to protect them, Betas and Omegas.
Alphas' ideal body type is tall and muscular body.
Alpha women don't experience chest pain when exercising because they have small breasts and their cooper ligaments are more developed than other dynamics, so their breasts are not easily shaken.
Alphas' canine is very smooth. It is more for making marks than for offensive use.
Most of Gym users are Alphas. They like to show off their bodies while exercising and often enjoy taking off their top.
Alphas' sense of smell is good at smelling threat, fear, and pain, so they are good at finding injured people at the disaster site.
etc etc
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izus-doll · 2 years
Beta Headcanons
• Okay so with my beta characters because omegas are the top of society the persons who are more omega aligned or Omega passing will be more favored in society but this is more of a reach when it comes to arguments in as once you’re not an alpha you aren’t screwed 😌
• Betas scents have one core smell, so think of perfumes and how they are described, so with alphas and omegas will have topnotes, heart notes and base notes to their smell while betas will just have top notes alone. Their scents lean between sweet and more musky depending on how they biologically present eg. feminine betas tend to be more sweet and masculine more musky.
• Some Betas may have the alpha voice trait but these only work when an alpha is absent in an emergency
• They have an innate need to serve and perform acts of service towards their packmates / people who are close or familiar to them.
• Most beta end up in mediating type professions: judges, advisors, principals, secretarial positions even lawyers in some cases.
• Can easily have command of the room with their voices alone, a natural type of sensuality or husky tone in their voice due to them having a natural calmness to their temperament that is a direct link to their dynamic. It is rare to see a raging beta as they are planners can will charm or talk their way out of any sticky situation.
• When it comes to their version of nesting they find comfort in tall open area where they can overlook their surroundings and be seen by their mates. So think tall hammocks or loft areas in houses
• Genital wise it’s either or in this AU. so like I said in my alpha head canons list; babies will get the assigned male or female at birth then get a hormone test to see if they’ll be more fem or masc presenting .
• In most cases it’s funny for people to show their baby photos just to compare how right or wrong their parents may have been if in the off chance they decide to not do the hormone test to be 100 percent sure how their child may physically present. Literally think of the most masculine looking beta I’m talking bodybuilding type body only to show their baby and childhood photos of them in frilly dresses and pastels . I honestly think this was the case for Sero and Sato and depending on how I feel Kirishima 🧐
• While I don’t like writing angst and implementing heavy triggering themes in my literature, my friend pointed out that it would be easy to interweave the painful aspects of a person discovering that they could be trans and while that is a possibility, I won’t be doing that under the sole premise of me viewing fiction as an escape from reality and I just want people to be happy reading and not be triggered with body dismorpia. So I’ll focus the sadness in other areas respectfully.
• Betas tend to have fertility issues within both parties. Compared to omegas and alphas who would have a wide window of fertility with heats and ruts that build in intensity as the days pass , betas have shorter periods and have the highest risk to go completely primal in that window as it happens so sudden. In other words, the most “pre-heat/rut” they would get is a solid two hour warning at least and 24 hours at the very most.
• This would give reason for betas to have a lower fertility rate compared to other dynamics. This also in some societies leave them to be infantilized to an extent as their sudden heat or rut occurring, consent in most cases tend to have some dubious factors.
• Therefore when betas go into their cycle in public its almost an unspoken law for an them to be escorted to the nearest hospital or rut/heat house if they happed to be unaccompanied. However as expected this is embarrassing to them so this is a very rare occurrence
• In some countries, unmated / bonded partners of betas need actual written and signed consent in order for them to spend a heat together
• Female betas have periods which is a massive contribution to their low fertility issues as omegas bodies absorb their un-fertilized eggs like every other mammal that walks this god forsaken planet. However to balance out this natural nuisance the most they feel is a mild discomfort.
• This also can be the source of devastating angst, imagine a beta couple trying their absolute hardest to conceive only for Aunt Flo to visit .
• Alphas have physical strength , omegas are fast as hell and betas can almost predict when danger is near. Everyone would sense the threat but will look to the beta to know whether or not to let the alphas stay and fight or make the omegas gather the pups and disappear into the night.
• Omegas are long term strategists but betas know how to react in the moment. It’s a good idea to have both dynamics in competitive fields. The omega lays out the plan and the beta makes sure it stays on track, by any means necessary.
• With that being said, betas and omegas tend to have a different type of dependence with one another. Alphas have to earn their respect among the dynamics. Betas will automatically refer to the closest omega for anytype of assistance an unknown alpha will always be asked last and even then most betas would rather navigate their problem themselves.
• When I said alphas have to work hard socially,I seriously meant it.
• Betas are considered to be nomads until they find a pack or person they wish to bond with and stay with forever. So its seen as a huge flex if you are seen in public with a beta with a mating mark of any kind.
• Adding on to the previous point omega/beta relationships are common and both parties are widely accepted while alpha/beta monotonous relationships are strange and people will actively ask where their omega is or will try to set the couple up with an omega they may know.
• I want to make it clear that betas also have a place in society compared to other universes that basically describe them as regular humans opposed to an established dynamic
That’s all i can think of for the betas for the time being 🤷🏻‍♀️ i want to have a decently balanced amount of ideas for all the dynamic in order for any potential fic i write not to focus on the main two omegas and alphas, especially how im placing omegas at the top of the social hierarchy
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wimble-warcrime · 2 years
A/B/O headcanons
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In my fic 'Call Me Alpha' the way the omegaverse works it a bit different than how it usually does. At least in the fics/hcs I've read.
I'll break it down into each second gender to make it easier, starting with;
Omegas-- Have sweet scents or either fruit or flowers, with a hint of something else. usually two key scents can be detected; primary, either fruit or flower, and secondary, which is dependent on the interpretation of whoever is scenting them. Generally, it's just a variation of seet, like honey.
An omegas first heat is not sexual at all in nature. It is the most painful heat they will ever experience, and lasts between one to two hours. This heat is present during their presentation, and presentation happens between ages 11-13, with some exceptions.
The second heat is the more sexual, but relatively tame. If the omega has been sexual, or engaged in intercourse, than their partner, if they have one, will be able to help them through it. These heats happen between ages 16-18, and can be medically induced if it doesn't happen by age 19.
Omegas are not limited to the submissive and weak personality, but can be string and independent as well. Older generations believe that an omegas purpose is to serve their alpha, this is not true. Omegas can be independent,  on their own, and carry on being single.
Omegas can also bond with each other, but cannot mate. Yes there is a difference, I will explain later. Omegas can only procreate with betas or alphas, but can adopt as long as there is two or more of age omegas in one household. Omegas are territorial over their nests, but get along well with every second gender.
Omegas are incredibly creative creatures; they are the artists, chefs, interior designers, and gardeners of the working force.
Betas-- I've seen a lot of people saying that betas are like the normal humans. This is not true in my fic. When a beta presents, they tend to get sick like a normal fever, and will either pass out or puke from pai  I  their head and neck. Their scents are mild and calming, like the smell of the ocean or fire, or rain.
Betas are natural caregivers, providers and peacemakers. They make up the largest portion of doctors, judges, teachers and politicians.
While they do have to most level headed and neutral approach to problems and conflicts, they are not immune to pheromones. They also release their own. These pheromones are used to suppress and subdue any pheromones getting in the way of thinking.
Betas don't have heats or ruts, but can help out where needed in those cases. Betas also nest, but not to the degree that omegas do. Betas can bond with both alphas and omegas, but can only be mated by the others. Again I will explain this. Beta and beta relationships are most common when it comes to second genders pairing off with each other.
Alphas-- alphas are the most aggressive and territorial, but are able to cull these instincts if taught properly. Alphas scents are sweet, but not as sweet as an omegas. Still distinct in their own way; the primary scent is sweet like spices or herbs, and the second is the same as an omega.
Alphas are the leaders, but not the asshole kind. At least less assholeish than certain fics I've read. They are the presidents and prime minister, managers, ceos. But they are also strong and stubborn, so they are also the heroes, and laborers of society. An alphas job is to protect and provide, and these instincts are harder to cull than others.
And alphas first run is similar to an omegas in the sense that it is not sexual. They usually get agitated, aggressive and sometimes possessive over friends if they feel threatened. This lasts one to two hours. The second rut is tame and less painful, but will be more intense if they had any sexual encounters before.
Alphas also nest, but in the sense that their whole room or sometimes house is their nest/den. An alphas den is their safe space, and they are the most territorial when it comes to things that belong to them.
They can bond with all other second gender, but can only mate with omegas or betas. Alpha and alpha relationships are less common, but are still seen. These relationships are when alphas don't find omegas or betas attractive.
Bonding vs. Mating
Bonding-- a bite mark that symbolizes an active and ongoing relationship with one or more partners. These are temporary, lasting only a few weeks to a month, and need to be 'renewed' when they fade. These marks are always beside neck scent glands. These tell any and all other people that this person is off limits, but doesn't decrease the allure.
Mating-- can only be done between; omega and alpha; alpha and beta; and beta and omega. Omegas can't mate omegas, and alphas can't mate alphas. Betas dont mate, they get mated.
Mating is like staking a permanent claim on another. This can only be don't if both parties are consenting, but can only be don't by alphas or omegas. These marks are bite marks on the scent glands, and these decrease the scent and allure of both parties.
Additional info-- when a person first presents, they get their individual scent, before that, they smell like their family members and friends. Only presented people can smell other people scents, so an unpretentious child cannot smell rheir alpha parents scent.
A child's behavior is indicative of what their second gender will be, but this is not always the case.
Family members cannot be 'turned on' by pheromones released during heats or ruts.
Most families have a large nest where they all sleep in until the child is around 5-7 years old, then they are taught how to make their own nest.
Omegas, both genders, and betas, only female, can bear children. Alphas, bothe genders and betas, male, all have males aligned reproductive organs.
Classes in schools usually have a pack dynamic, but can also have smaller packs like friend goups; friend groups outside of classes are packs, and families are also packs.
Lonely people, if alone for long enough, will suffer from a deepset depression. These will become fatal if left to develop long enough.
Fated ones are people who's scents are similar in their secondary scent, so for example: alphas scent is cinnamon and maple, and omegas scent is roses and honey. These scents are unique to the individual though. There is also the feeling of want and desire which transcends mating and bonds.
If a mate or bonded dies, the mark will be nullified, but the pain is excruciating.
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All Right Reserved
Let me know if you want to be my beta reader!
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otomeomegaverse · 2 years
Hi It's me again!! I'm sure we've all read,seen or heard of preheats/heats but what about ruts? Pre ruts? Like I'm sure that there are right? Since preheats are signs of the heat begining surely alphas have there own too. But what do you think?
I think there would be a pre-rut feeling for Alphas. They would be more easily agitated than normal, find themselves with heightened energy and better agility than normal. Basically they are a lot more alert and have a constant adrenaline rush until their Rut finally hits.
Alphas who are more seasoned will often set up exercises and routines for younger Alphas in order to prepare them for their upcoming rut and get out all their pent-up energy. It is especially helpful for parents to prepare their young Alpha and set up the necessary precautions for them.
Of course that's my take on it, other blogs may have their own opinions.
@omeganronpa what do you think?
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abo-guy · 2 years
Any headcannons for Alpha female/Alpha male couples?
I'm wanna say im coming back but I am sorry I am an adult with ADHD so I forget and put things off alot but imma try.
....two words power couple
people don't think they're soft but they're very affectionately soft.
perfected communications. I feel like they're the type to just laydown and talk. problems arise talk. happy days talk. sad days talk.
never fight these two. they've got duo combos planned and ARE JUST WAITING FOR THE MOMENT.
even if people see male alphas as the pinnacle of masculinity m!alpha wears a dress or a skirt for fun. life is too short to be caught up in second gender politics. F!alpha supports and is ready to throw down.
if these two had a kid they are the pto and principal's problem if their child is having issues.
alphaxalpha can come with child conceiving issues. they had to do fertility treatment. happiest day when pregnancy was confirmed.
when these two rut its a loud house. they are yell talking at eachother.
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sylviawitch · 2 years
If you don’t see A/B/O fics as a critique of Gender Critical views, you’re reading (or writing) it wrong.
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cannellee · 3 months
omg, i giggle like a schoolgirl whenever i read your abo hcs🤭
can i have bestfriend! mikey who comes over to the reader’s house (not realizing she’s in heat) and ends up mating & claiming her?
ty for all the juicy fics btw 😋
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୨୧ alpha! mikey x omega! reader
— mikey claiming omega! reader
my masterlist : ☆
cw: sex, cockwarming, breeding kink
(it's only my third time writing full smut like this, so I hope it's not too bad!!)
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you knew mikey since primary school, when innocent friendships bloomed easily. none of you knew your second gender yet, and you actually never gave it too much thought.
you grew up pretty close, the proximity of your houses making it easier for you to bond. mikey was carefree and seemed always sure of himself, these traits of his kept your future omega-self nearby.
being with him felt great. he was a kind friend despite his overly direct behaviour, he always got your back whenever school kids were being mean to you.
you guys were with each other through every stages of life. when you turned out an omega, mikey was quick to drive away students who wanted to have a taste of their freshly presented schoolmate. he was protective, never going overboard either.
it was safe to say you thought you guys would remain in a special relationship all your life. and mikey thought so too. for years, he had never seen you as something more than a friend, qualifying the protective position he took as nothing more than an amicable worry.
but lately, something had begun to shift within mikey. a subtle change that he quite couldn't put his finger on. at first, he brushed it off as nothing more than a passing phase, but days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months and he soon began to realise that his feelings for you were changing in ways he had yet to understand.
it started with small things — the way his heart skipped a bit whenever you laughed, the way his gaze lingered longer than before when you smiled - has your smile always been this bright ? he slowly came to crave your scent, unconsciously leaning towards you and watching the way your soft lips would move each time you talked.
mikey felt a pull at his chest just by thinking of his dear friend with someone else. will they be able to treat you right, and keep you safe ? mikey was just worried. he wanted to hear your voice, to hear your secrets and make sure you were not seeing anyone.
it was a week off, so mikey called you. it wasn't unusual for you to talk over the phone, even if you had a house at a five minutes walk away from the other.
but you didn't pick up your phone. and mikey noted how uncommon it was, you always did. he tried a second time and when he was denied again, he just gave up, giving you some time. upon seeing his missed calls, you'll call him back.
but you didn't, and not even a text was sent his way. he tried multiple times after a while and grew worried. you never were this silent online, not answering him for a whole day was strange, to say the least.
so he went out, took a few brownies emma cooked with him to give him a reason to come over, and crossed the street to your home.
he didn't bother making his arrival announced ; none of you ever bothered for such formalities.
clenching the doorknob, he frowned at how it actually opened, half expecting it to be locked. still, he came in, quietly making his way into your house. it was silent and dark, with the windows all wide opened, a cold breeze hitting his skin.
confused at first, mikey softly called out your name, putting the snacks on the kitchen table and getting rid of his jacket, leaving him in his plain white tshirt. "y/n ? are you in there ?"
the absence of response pushed him to keep going, dangerously approaching your room. he stopped mid way, when a few noises came out from the end of the hallway. "y/n ? is that you, everything fine?"
as he stood right behind the door, mikey could now decipher the said noises. soft desperate cries, erratic breaths and an intoxicating smell embalming the air, seemingly seeping from every hole under your door.
mikey took a deep breath, connecting the dots and cursing himself for coming this far to you —you were in heat. the omega he grew obsessed with, was right in front of him, the wall, the only thing keeping him away from his growing urge to just burst in.
"m-mikey ? is it you ?" despite your weakened state, your friend was close enough for you to recognize a foreign smell inside your house. mikey probably didn't even notice his own pheromones started to spread, instinctively reacting to your erotic ones. fuck you smelled so good.
"I'm sorry I'll leave, I didn't know you were in heat". as overwhelming as his need to claim you was, mikey didn't want to risk your trust.
"n-no please mikey stay!" you were in a haze, too high off of your wish to to be taken to actually have any clear thoughts. and mikey knew that, but he didn't want to take advantage of you.
"I just came here to make sure you were doing fine, and give you some snacks emma made. I'll leave and lock your door, this isn't safe in your state. beside, I don't want you to regret anything, you're not thinking straight" it took a great reasoning for him to actually ignore his instincts screaming at him to just barge into your room and take you right here. breeding you until you're full of cum and exhausted to the point you can't walk straight. dirty thoughts are flooding his mind, the whole situation sending blood to his cock.
"no please, I know I won't ! I'm still clear enough to know what I want, they barely just started today. please mikey". pleas fell out from your mouth. and too overwhelmed by the consuming need for release, you can't even get up to pull him to your nest.
"or is it that you don't want to do it with me ?" mikey sighs heavily, body all tensed up. this sent a growl down his throat, you only whined in response, scared at the prospect of the alpha you desire not wanting to mate with me.
but, of course he does, that's the only thing he can think about right now. and whenever his own ruts hit, he's ashamed to admit your body is the image he pictures each time.
"please mikey, I just really need you right now. I wouldn't do it with anyone else if not you" you begged once more, voice growing even more desperate. a few salty tears rolled down your face at the frustration mikey was submitting you to.
and just like that, mikey was right in front of you. he took in your whole form, shaking and sensitive, desperately awaiting a touch.
you wore only your underwear, the heated room feeling too much. despite your opened windows, some hair stucked to your damp forehead, and the blankets were since then long gone, thrown out of your nest.
you looked heavenly in mikey's eyes. actually, you always looked perfect, not a day passed without mikey admiring your dreamy features secretly. but today particularly, something seemed different.
it was the way your eyes slowly looked up at him, lust and envy clouding your vision, and the way your body seemed to immediately attract him to you, legs spreading as if they had a mind of their own, your heartbeats quickening and scent getting progressively sweeter to tempt him even more.
there was no turning back. after witnessing such a delightful scene, mikey would never be able to turn around, close the door and act like nothing happened. you had him right where you wanted and he was more than willing to comply to your wishes now.
"please mikey, it hurts"
by now, mikey's instincts had fully taken over and an ardent desire burned inside of him, praying him to just take care of the delicate omega laying in front him.
"yes I know baby, and you did really great on your own, waiting for me to find you, all spread out and pretty". you reached out for him instantly when mikey came to join you, you emitted a satisfied purr, happy to finally have the alpha you longed for give in to your demands.
he didn't wait long before starting a short foreplay, kissing, licking and sucking every inch of your skin, leaving tiny bite marks all along your neck, insisting on your scent gland.
he brought his fingers to your entrance while continuing his assault on your neck and collarbone. he massaged it slowly, observing your reactions to know exactly where it felt good. he kept going for a few minutes before stopping, throwing away your bra and finally pushing aside your panty, giving more access to his hands.
and you felt one finger entering you, his mouth now sealed to your nipple. his tongue rolled against it, lapping expertly while drinking in your moans of pleasure. he kept bullying your heterogeneous zones, in hope to hear more of you, to see you completely break under him, just like he always wanted to see you.
"that's it baby, moan for me, let me hear your pretty voice"
and moan you did, especially with how three of his fingers were now sliding in and out of you with a sweet speed you couldn't get enough of. you had tears building up in your eyes and you watched as a string of saliva connected mikey's mouth to yours. his finger felt so great, and his mouth, now attached to your lips, turned you absolutely breathless. but still, it wasn't enough, you needed more.
"please mikey. I want you in me, please I want more" the friction of mikey's fingers felt good, but you were too far into your heat to actually need foreplay. the slick you produced was enough for mikey to just fuck you without any prep.
"I know I know baby, I'll make you feel so good don't worry" he stopped his movements, your fluids coating his fingers. he licked them, looking at your droopy eyelids.
you waited patiently for mikey to undress himself, throwing both his tshirt and your panty aside, before finally getting rid of his bottom. you watched eagerly his length revealing itself to you, a sight which only made you drool. and you could only wait for mikey to give you what you wished for, completely at his mercy.
you were now fully naked, squirming in front of mikey. he contemplated you again, your honeyed scent driving him crazy by the minute, and the way your pulsating core seemed to call out to him was very much a sight mikey could get used to if you let him.
"I've wanted this for so long, God you're so beautiful"
he let his hands travel all around your body, kissing you passionately while whispering praises of how pretty you looked.
"that's it baby, lay nice and still for me. you're doing so good". and you did, waiting expectantly, hungry for his touch and affection. you couldn't care less about your dignity, it just felt great to want him, obey him, beg him. whatever he had to offer your body, you would accept it with a smile on your face.
and with all his restraint, mikey entered you in one painfully slow thrust. you moaned louder, eyes shutting by themselves with the intrusion, and "yes, yes, yes" flowed out from your lips.
he didn't let you any time to adjust, he knew you didn't need any, and immediately started rocking his hips. he let out low growls of pleasure, mouth right next to your ear. you drank them in, feeling pleasure building up inside not only from the relentless pace he was going at, but the satisfaction that your omega had succeeded in making her alpha feel good too.
you were desperate for validation and release, clawing at his back with weak hands, legs spread wide open for your alpha. your tits bounced with each slap and mikey's hips connected with yours in a excruciatingly delightful manner.
with the way your brain was clouded with pleasure, you could only chant his name. if only you knew what your desirous pleas did to him.. knowing you'd let him to anything to you was a major turn on that kept mikey yearning for more.
"you're doing perfect, that feels incredible baby". reassuring you, he maintained his pace, capturing your mouth for a heated kiss before sucking on your skin, whishing for it to leave deep red marks.
fuck, mikey wanted to mark you, claim you and breed you in every way possible. he didn't think he would be satisfied with just one round now that he finally had you under him. he was going to take such good care of his precious omega, fucking you dumb until you can't think of anything else but him.
he felt you clenching around him, your tight hole pushing him closer to the edge. "just like that, good girl, you're gonna make me cum". and you so wished for him to cum inside you, filling you up to the brim with the seeds you desperately wanted.
slapping thighs, wet noises and erratic breaths were the only thing you could here. and the pleasure mikey granted you, the way his strong scent enveloped you and how his fingers found your clit again to help you chase your release made you see stars. not a single thought could make their way into your brain, all you could think about was the heavenly sensations you were experiencing right now and mikey's strong chest on top of you.
you begged for him as soon as you felt it come closer, scratching his back, mouth wide opened and tongue lolled out. your eyes rolled to the back of your skull and you thanked mikey for giving you this much pleasure. "that's right baby, take all of it". his thrusts were getting sloppier with each passing second, announcing your coming climax.
you both came at the same time, with a high pitched moan for you and a deep growl for mikey, which always managed to send shivers down your spine. you felt his cum flow inside of you, painting your insides with a white fluid.
and you took it all, just like he told you, hoping for more praises but too high off of his cock to do anything else. he kissed your temple, looking into your exhausted eyes while slowly going in and out of you. you both tried to catch your breath after bliss took over you.
"you did so good for me angel, such a perfect omega". you chirped happily in response, content about his satisfaction with you. you couldn't talk, heat turned you into a submissive mess.
you let him cuddle you from behind, cockwarming him to make sure you didn't spill any drops of cum, and you stayed put for him to do anything. he kissed your shoulder softly, whispering about how good and obedient you were.
he liked the calming feeling of his cock plugging your wet pussy, taking you like this felt so good and heightened his already possessive thoughts about you.
you were so perfect, you took your alpha so well and now you're staying still for him to pour his cum into you. he wanted to keep you all to himself, fuck you throughout all your heats and never let you go after someone else. the claim he put on you wasn't just out of sexual interest, but genuine love he had for you. and now that he had fucked you, it felt like everything was falling into place, his sense of purpose reaffirmed.
he had you, his lovely and delicate omega, waiting for her alpha to wreck her and turn her into a sobbing mess.
he looked forward to the rest of the day.
"now were not finished baby, we'll need a lot more if we want to go through your heat smoothly, right?"
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suzloo · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering what you're personal headcannons are for Bruce Wayne?
(and wondering if you'd write anything for the Call of Duty modern warfare characters?)
Bruce Wayne Headcanons:
- In my eyes, he's an omega because despite what others would think, he has more traits of an omega than an alpha.
- Despite being on scent blockers and heat suppressants because he wants no one to know his secondary gender, most people assume that he's an Alpha, even those on the Justice League who don't know his secondary gender.
- He has constant puppy fever. Whenever he sees a sad pup on the streets, he has the intense need to bring them in. As he gets older, Alfred has to stop him because it gets out of control. It's mostly due to him losing his parents. If Alfred won't let him adopt said pup, then he'll put them through one of his many organizations to help wayward pups without parents, paying for their schooling and meals.
- At first, the puppy fever was brought on because of his parents dying. It got worse when Dick left when he was older, which is why he took on Jason. Then it got to catastrophic levels once Jason died and he literally had to have a pup around him so that he didn't succumb to omega devastation.
- He was the one who gave birth to Damien. He was under the affect of a heat inducing drug and thalia was conveniently the only Alpha nearby. He didn't hate being pregnant as much as he thought he would and actually considered it a 9 month vacation while Dick took over. After that, his puppy fever was severe. Like he genuinely doesn't mind being pregnant again but theres only so many times Batman can "mysteriously disappear" for 9 months. Although Gotham citizens are kinda dumb so he might be able to get away with it.
- His nest consists of mostly clothes that still have his kids "puppy smell" on them.
- Loves it when his kids lay in his nest with him, even if they're not pups anymore. It just brings him comfort to have them close to him.
- The older he gets, when his heats are far and few in between, his puppy fever gets stronger. If you've ever seen That 70s Show where Kitty was going through menopause, he's like that. Constantly staring at babies, constantly looking at baby things, reminiscing about when his pups were younger, it's just "baby baby baby, must be pupped, want pups." On the brain constantly. Alfred has to reel him in and remind him that he already has 8 pups, 9 if Terry Silver pops up.
- Speaking of Terry, Bruce would be devastated to find out he has a pup, who's, well, not really a pup anymore, that he didn't get to raise.
- Went through severe devastation when Dick left and it nearly killed him when Jason died. Losing a pup is the worst pain any omega can feel.
- Adopting Tim got him out of that devastation. It might have looked like he was "replacing" Jason but it was for the betterment of his health, he would have succumb to his devastation if he didn't.
- Has only been pregnant once but he still lactates, even before his pregnancy. Dr Leslie thinks that it's just his body's abnormal way of responding to his puppy fever, even if his pups are way too old to nurse or if they're not even pups anymore.
(Also, yes I'll write for the COD Men)
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intolerable-sushi · 5 months
Beta vs scent
I don't really like the headcanon that betas have zero scent. Having no scent at all isn't really possible, from what I understand. It would also cause other issues in the long hall. Like if a beta goes missing and they need a dog to sniff them out. If they are literally odorless, even the dog couldn't find them.
I think it would be better if their scent was weaker to everyone else but other betas. It also goes along with the headcanon that betas have a strong sense of smell. To others, they are scentless, or they'd have to get really close to scent them. But to other betas they can pick each others scent easily.
I also think that if they had a alpha or omega mate when they scent their beta to them the scent fades. It does, to an extent, but only to the point where only betas can really catch it.
I think this would also go well with the betas being hunters headcanons. Sending out members with stronger odors would get found easily.
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omegaverse624 · 2 years
Omega headcanons
Omegas are usually smaller than other dynamics, so they are generally little spoons.
In general, Omegas take the role of caregiver and caretaker.
Omegas are picky about interior design, and prefer a soft and round design.
Even if Omegas don't have pups, they use edge guards sometimes.
People think that Omega is the smartest one, but it isn't true. It only seems because of the vagabond tendency of Beta and the inability to concentrate of Alpha, and Omegas have a high concentration.
Beta focuse on the whole, and Omegas focuse on one.
If Omegas is on the ropes, they can become more aggressive than Alphas.
Omegas have the most closed and introverted personality compared to other dynamics.
Omegas' ideal body type is chubby and ruddy.
Omegas' sense of smell is good at smelling nature, so when they are young, they like to go out and collect grasses and flowers.
Omegas tend to do yoga at home, when they have to excercise.
Omegas are possesive and territorial like Alphas, but unlike them, Omegas express indirectly and subtly.
Omegas' canine is the smallest one among all dynamics, still, theirs are sharp.
Omega women have the largest bust and Omega men have the largest bust among men with different secondary genders.
When Omega men are pregnant, their breasts grow as their mammary glands develop.
Omegas have a submissive instinct, but that doesn't mean they're born slaves. They can always be selfish for their own benefit.
etc etc
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[fic rec mlist] ot8 x reader | multi x reader
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🩶 favourites
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into the aurora | @honeyhotteoks 🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: idol!ateez x non-idol!reader, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 35/35 chapters [completed] - 208.6k
you didn’t expect to run into choi san outside of the venue, especially when your phone was dead and you were stranded in a random city. a kind offer for a phone charger turns into so much more, and you end up falling into a relationship with all eight members of ateez.
murphy's law | @atzfilm
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: alien!ateez, soulmate au, angst, fluff, smut, trigger warnings
length: 5/5 chapters [completed] - 98k
according to murphy’s law, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. black holes circle each other until they collide and merge, a cataclysm so fierce, sends ripples soaring through the fabric, crossing thousands of kilometers within a fraction of a second, leaving behind a wave on the space-time continuum. that’s the simplest way you can describe meeting him. and yet, even that is an understatement.
dewdrops at dawn | @sunmoonjune 🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: demon!au, fluff, angst, heavy suggestive content, trigger warnings
length: oneshot - 17.2k
you’ve never really believed in angels, or anything of the sort, but in a last ditch effort to escape a grave situation – you find yourself to praying for someone - anyone - to come help you.  “wow, you would not believe how fast angels are! I had to fight like six of them to answer your call!” 
oh my *** | @ohmyamor
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: guardian angel!au, fluff, angst, comfort, near death experiences
length: oneshot - 10.2k
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like the moon | @sunmoonjune 🩶🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, heavy themes, trigger warnings
length: 17/? chapters [ongoing] - 160k
it’s finally the day of your trial. you’ve been waiting for this day for years. will you succeed and become a warrior your clan can finally be proud of? or will you fail, and be banished from the village forever? 
the rainbow thief | @bluehwale
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: demigods!ateez, fluff, crack, angst
length: 2/3 chapters [indefinite hiatus] - 5.1k
camp half blood introduces you to a new life — new routines, a goddess as a mom, siblings you've only recently knew about, and of course, the eight friends (or lovers?) you made along the way.
first flight to hongkong | @byuntrash101
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: flight attendant!reader, smut
length: oneshot - 18.3k
yes, you’re suprised when your company offers you a vacant spot in the vip crew. but “surprised” doesn’t cut it when you discover what kind of service your company provides the vips
front row angel au | @bobateastay
pairing: ot8 x reader, some parts ot8-focused
genre: emo rock band!ateez x fangirl!reader, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, trigger warnings
length: 6/? parts [status unknown] - 17.9k
nil author synopsis
[new chapter added] misfits | @tainsan
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: college!au, fluff, angst, smut
length: 13/? chapters [ongoing] - 113.3k
when your world comes crashing down, the only people who are able to comfort you are the notorious group, ateez. you’ve heard rumours after rumours about the eight males who are as cold as ice, yet for some reason, they are the warmest people you know. when they offer you a place to live after your housing is destroyed by a fire, you end up finding out dark secrets that have been hidden for years.
without a trace | @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l 🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: vigilante!au, action, angst, slight crack, heavy themes
length: 11/11 chapters + 10/10 podcast transcripts [completed] - 98.6k
vigilante work has been outlawed, thus sending nine prominent vigilantes either into retirement or into lower ground and, while some abide by the law, a few continue on. then, one day, a greater threat forces these vigilantes to come together once again, regardless of the law.
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pirate king | @chaseatinydream 🩶
pairing: hongjoong x reader, wooyoung x reader
genre: pirate!au, fantasy, romance
length: 90/90 chapters [completed] - 251.8k
life as an amnesiac on board a pirate ship ruled by the one and only pirate king doesn’t seem very promising, but hey, anything’s better than becoming shark food.
this night together | @honeyhotteoks 🩶
pairing: yunho x mingi x reader, ft. seonghwa x san x wooyoung x reader
genre: a/b/o/omegaverse, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 14/? chapters [ongoing] - 126.5k
you’re finally getting your dream job, working with some of the best dancers in the business, but a job change means a break in your healthcare coverage and suppressants these days are expensive. going into heat at the studio pretty much seems like the worst case scenario, but you find yourself in the care of two alphas who won’t let you go through it alone.
not all that glitters is gold | @the7thcrow
pairing: seonghwa x san x wooyoung x reader
genre: action, adventure, fantasy, romance, angst, fluff, suggestive
length: 11/? chapters [ongoing] - 146.4k
as a princess fleeing a royal assassination attempt, you have no choice but to put your trust in a band of three thieves in order to reach the kingdom of kuroku alive. however, amongst magic, deceit, and the bounty hunters that are hot on your trail, you realize that you might have stumbled upon a relationship far more complicated than what meets the eye.
making wishes | @hwaightme
pairing: seonghwa x wooyoung x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship to poly, smut
length: oneshot - 7.0k
making wishes on shooting stars, on burning candles, you wanted one thing to come true. seonghwa and wooyoung are more than willing to celebrate the birthday girl.
outlaw miniseries | @hongism
pairing: yunho x jongho x reader (part iii), san x wooyoung x reader (part vi - coming soon)
genre: outlaw!ateez, dystopian futurism, lore, angst, fluff, smut
length: 3/6 standalone parts [ongoing] - 14.8k
(part iii) ‘two for the price of one!’ the sign outside the shop had read, and well, you’ve never been one to pass up on a good deal.
(part vi) author synopsis coming soon
we ransacked the city | @tenelkadjowrites
pairing: hongjoong x seonghwa x reader
genre: richsnobs!hongjoong and seonghwa, badgirl!reader, angst, smut
length: 5/5 chapters [completed] - 31.4k
five years ago, torn between losing your wealth or remaining friends with hongjoong and seonghwa, you chose money. working on leaving your life of bad behaviour behind you, your days are now spent obeying your parents and playing the good girl in order to keep your inheritance. but when hongjoong and seonghwa suddenly return, everything is thrown upside down…and old habits die hard.
letters to a ruined king | @setsugekka (nb: links to ao3 as fic is no longer available on tumblr. author permission to share received)
pairing: hongjoong x reader, seonghwa x reader, yunho x reader, san x reader
genre: pirate!au, royalty!au, fantasy, romance, action, angst, smut
length: 20/20 chapters [completed] - 150.8k
if there’s one thing you remember as a mantra from growing up in a street thief guild, it’s ‘trust no one but your own, don’t get wrapped up with the wrong crowd.’ unfortunately, these seven pirates and their irate captain have left you with little choice.
as the world caves in (to eden) | @atzfilm (nb: links to ao3 as fic is no longer available on tumblr. author permission to share received)
pairing: hongjoong x reader, san x reader, wooyoung x reader, ? x reader
genre: apocalypse!au, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 11/? chapters [hiatus] - 55.2k
a mysterious virus has taken over the world, resulting in the undead and the new ‘eden race’ of humans. desperately trying to find your brother jongho with your friends, you stumble across another group in an abandoned hospital tent. strangely, they’re looking for him as well.
better than me? | @beahae
pairing: san x reader, ft. seonghwa x yunho x wooyoung x reader
genre: bf!san x reader x bf's best friends!seonghwa yunho wooyoung, smut
length: twoshot - 10.4k
it’s always been just a harmless game, flirting with your boyfriend, san’s, good friends. he’s even in on it. but one night, he starts pushing things further than ever before. 
last updated: 01 april 2024
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superbat-love · 7 months
When Clark came of age, his parents urged him to find a mate quickly. It was not good for an Alpha like him to remain single for too long, they said. Unmated Alphas were often seen to be aggressive and unruly. So although he was reluctant, he accepted the dates that his parents had set up for him.
The potential marriage prospects that he met came from good families and they were sweet and good-looking, but unfortunately Clark did not feel any attraction towards them. After the eighth fruitless arranged meeting, Clark left the cafe feeling rather dejected.
As he walked down the pathway, he heard a commotion. He turned and saw a young Alpha, who was honestly one of the prettiest Alphas Clark had ever seen, arguing with a large burly Alpha outside a butcher shop. The larger man was apparently unhappy with his purchase, gesturing wildly at the plastic bag he was holding.
“Oh, it’s the ugly Omega’s son.” Clark heard someone snickering behind him. The large Alpha shoved the younger man and he nearly fell. Before Clark could decide if he should step in to break up the impending fight, another man stepped out of the shop.
This man was as large as the aggressive Alpha. He was wearing a bloody apron and his sleeves were rolled up, showing off his rather impressive muscles. He was a handsome man, but with the terrifying look he had on his face and the scent of raw meat wafting off him, he seemed like someone you’d meet in your worst nightmare. He got up in the Alpha’s face, snarling at him. The burly Alpha looked slightly uncertain but he continued ranting at the older man.
Seeing that the butcher did not seem to be intimidated, the Alpha decided that he had enough and barked out an order.
The butcher shuddered as the order passed through him, but what Clark did not expect was for the man to pull back his fist and sock the Alpha in his jaw, hard. The Alpha fell facefirst onto the ground, knocked out cold with just one punch. The younger Alpha who was arguing with him earlier looked shocked, but the butcher quickly pulled him into the shop, away from the eyes of the gathering crowd around them.
“Disgraceful! Not only is he an unwedded Omega, he’s also a violent one. He’s setting a bad example to his kids.” Clark heard one of the onlookers say to her companion. Clark was stunned. The man was an Omega? If he did not know any better, he would have pegged the man to be an Alpha. He certainly carried himself like one, and he had the physique as well.
It was an unexpected end to his day, but Clark could not help but feel intrigued by this peculiar Omega that he had just met.
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otomeomegaverse · 2 years
Oooo can you do nesting head cannons for vil?
I have been prepared for this~!
Vil Schoenheit:
🪞~ His nest contains many fine silks and cashmere, cheap fabrics will not do for him!
🪞~ He often finds himself nesting mostly when he is reading over a script or even looking at reviews from his last works.
🪞~ When he was younger though, he made nests wherever he could in his house. They were small so that he could fit them almost anywhere and he could be comfortable.
🪞~ When he came to NRC, he tried not to nest as often, though always seemed to find himself nesting for one reason or another, be it stress, just needing a moment to relax, or for comfort.
🪞~ Even though I stated he has high quality fabrics in his nest, Epel gave him some fabrics from home. They smelled sweet and comforting, mostly like apples and cinnamon, and he couldn't say no. So he has a small quilt from Epel's family.
🪞~ The only ones allowed in his nest are himself, Rook, and Epel. Rook because he trusts him (Alpha or otherwise stated), and Epel because he sees Epel as his "pup" in a sense.
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