#ace twst
ashipiko · 3 days
when the tsum
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TSUMSHI IS A LITTLE……. TOO TRANSPARENT W ITS EMOTIONS especially regarding it’s feelings towards ace and ace tsum is the peak rizzler. both pairs get along but one survives a little better than the other
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mxlustreless · 2 days
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Ace yelled out 'Your mom' as an answer while Riddle was trying to help them, it so did not end up good 😭
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demon-lover-669 · 5 months
Y/n’s into nerdy freaks
Idia: *talking about nerdy shit*
Y/n: mmmm fucking nerd~
Idia: W-what?
Y/n: keep explaining I’m gonna get undressed
Idia: 0o0
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theolivetree123 · 13 days
Sugar Rush Deuce SSR card! 🫐
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They are not beating the couple allegations lol
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Twisted wonderland incorrect Quotes #46 "Dating's communal"
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Ace: hey guys have you seen my- are you serious right now
F!mc: *wearing ace’s sweater* um..well dating is communal so this is our stuff too
Deuce: *wearing ace’s hoodie* yup, totally agree
Ace: fine but when I come walking in wearing your  *points at Mc* fuzzy socks and your *points at deuce* old delinquent jacket I don’t wanna hear shit
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tsukii0002 · 4 months
A young adult Yuu
Yuu is isekaied into twisted wonnderlar, but they are a "independent" adult in their 20's, college ended and who is fighting for finding a job and survive.
Next part
Crowley: ...
Yuu: ...
Crowley: ...
Yuu: Dude
Crowley: I can explain
Yuu: I left the washing machine on.
Crowley: Is that the problem?
Yuu: Are you going to pay my electricity bill?
Crowley: So you will stay here until we find a way to return you home.
Yuu: For free?
Crowley: Well, you'll have to be a janitor and take care of Grim *holding the creature*
Yuu: *gently picking him up* Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight... You want me to live here, for free, with housing, food and expenses included? Just to be a janitor?
Crowley: Exactly.
Yuu: And that I also have to take care of this cat?
Grim: I'm not a cat!!!!!!
Crowley: That is.
Yuu: Where do i have to sign to stay here for life?
Crowley: It's a bit rickety, but with a little effort and a smile, it will be livable… I think
Grim: It's in ruins!!!!
Yuu: *smiling* This is no worse than my last apartment.
Grim: And It have ghosts!!!
Yuu: *smiling even more* They are no worse than my last roommates.
Ace: *pushing Grim* Ups sorry janitors.
Grim: Watch where you are going!!!
Yuu: What would your mother think if she saw you like this?
Ace: What?
Yuu: So much effort and resources invested for your son to be a bully, what a disappointment.
Ace: Hey.
Yuu: Today's youth is misguided… *shaking their head*
Ace: HEY!!!
Seeing that Ace has tricked them into cleaning the windows.
Yuu: Tricked by a teenager…. wow.
Yuu: *meeting Deuce for the first time* My maternal instinct is awakening?
When they decide to go to the mines.
Ace: For an adult Crowey bullies you any way he wants.
Deuce: Ace!! that's rude.
Yuu: Ha ha, leave it Deuce, he's right.
Deuce: But-
Yuu: That's what the life of an adult is all about, letting yourself get trampled by other adults while trying to survive, as you enter that cycle and eventually become that adult you swore you'd never be when you were young.
Deuce: …
Ace: …
Grim: I think you broke them.
In the mines.
Yuu: Stay behind me.
Ace: Oh come on!
Yuu: I'm the adult!
Ace: You have no magic! Even the furball would be more effective.
Grim: Hey!
Deuce: Ace is right Yuu-san.
Yuu: Let me make myself useful damn it, and don't treat me like a sir, I'm still young!!!!
Grim, Ace, Deuce and Yuu running away from the ghost.
Yuu: Still better than my last roommate!!!!!
After getting the magic stone.
Ace: We survived!
Deuce: We won't get expelled from school!!
Yuu: *putting a hand on each boy's head and ruffling their hair* You guys did amazing.
Ace: *blushing* we couldn't have done it without you…..
Deuce: *blushing ever more* Yeah, Ace is right.
Yuu: *smiling* Still, I have no idea about magic but I think you guys will become great mages.
Grim: What about me?
Yuu: Of course, you too Grim *they heads for the portal*
Ace: *whispering* Didn't that feel too comforting?
Deuce: *whispering too* It's the recognition and validation of an adult.
Ace: What's wrong with Yuu?
Grim: *happy* They has been told that they will start being a student with me!!!
Yuu: *with a dead face* Great, I'm going to fulfill the dream of every recent college graduate… Back to high school
Deuce: They do not seem to be well...
Yuu: Someone please kill me.
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mister-mizu · 1 year
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Didn’t you know? It’s Malleus’ Unbirthday too..
want a commission?
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juno-of-wonderland · 9 months
crow mc/reader
mc/reader is male
Leona Kingscholar
-oh, another crow, he hopes you're not as annoying as the director -something about you fascinated him a lot and he didn't understand why he was fascinated by a boy, he doesn't know but he's getting greedy -he finds you collecting stuff and asks what you're doing and to him your answer of collecting sparkles is really cute -you don't understand why so many glitters are coming your way now, but don't complain -you put a lion in a good mood whenever you add the things he leaves for you to your collection -finds it cute and scary that his unique magic is calling a huge flock of crows and his arms turn into wings to fly with them, he likes to watch
Trey Clover
-he sees wild men all the time, you would be no exception -what catches his attention is the way you make decisions, he always finds himself asking what you would do on certain occasions -he will find you picking up things and will offer help -you take him to his room and show him his collection of coins, stones and other things that shine -he doesn't understand why this happens but he supports his sweet boy and sometimes even brings him shiny things -thinks his unique magic is cool but he wouldn't stay around for long, he can feed his crows, but nothing more than that
Ace Trappola
-Are you a raven man? cool…do you want to go out to eat? -loves your voice and the way you hug him, bonus if you use unique magic and are surrounding him with feathers -you two were together when suddenly you pick up something from the floor in record time and show it to him -he will think it's rubbish and say it to your face, but he won't take it from you, and even if he complains, he plans diamond collection days -ok it's pretty scary…but can you fly with it? please do this, he wants to fly hugging you
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murmurmm00mm · 1 month
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new card looks funny ^^
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yippieitsarvensart · 8 months
"So darken your clothes, and strike a violent pose!"
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notghostboo · 21 days
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cater made him a gift
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demon-lover-669 · 1 year
Ace and Y/n partnered for the robotic baby project
The teacher:*hands y/n a baby with a dark complexion*
Ace: you have some explaining to do.
Y/n: oh I’m so sorry you had to find out this way! Me and my lawyer Jack have been having an affair!
Jack: *holding his and Epel’s doll* what?!
The teacher: please have your family drama out of my classroom….
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celestiaxoxo · 10 months
Biblically accurate Ace after being collared by Riddle in the first book trying to get Yuu to let him in Ramshackle
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Twisted wonderland incorrect Quotes #48 "Put in back on"
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GN!Mc: ok so im crushing on someone but im worried to tell you who cause…i dont think your gonna like it like at all
Trey: Don’t worry mc we won’t judge
Carter: Yea, just rip the bandage off
GN!Mc: It’s ace
Riddle: Put the bandage back on i beg you
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tsukii0002 · 3 months
Ace: Yeah, we first years are very close.
Yuu: Why? you may ask, well...
Ace: There is nothing that unites you more than fighting together against the overblot of your dorm housewarden.
Deuce: ... They are right.
Jack: Yeah
Epel: So... shared traumas?
Sebek: ...
Ortho: It's still curious for me that it has happened more than once.
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etheries1015 · 1 month
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Ortho recording people at random.... Thats so funny to me. And Ace being all tsundere...it makes me so sad everyone is teasing him !!! I think its cute how much of a romantic he really is!!! Maybe the reason why he tries to hide behind this facade of being stone faced or cold is because of stuff like this!! But its genuinely so cute 😭😭 I can honestly really see Ace being ome of the more romantic Bachelor's at NRC
Side note but imagine having your first kiss outside of ramshackle with ur fav being recorded by Ortho, and he thinks you will want to have such a memorable moment on file that you're getting ready for bed and you randomly get a text from an unknown number and its a video of you and your fav kissing 😭
You spend a while freaking out about the incident until Ortho the next day comes up to you and asks if you received the video! You were relieved at first, until this was the moment you realized your every move could be recorded.....
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