#angsty dialouge prompts
urfriendlywriter · 8 months
How to write angst ?
@urfriendlywriter | req by @everynowandthenihaveacrisis @aidyaiden :)
know your character. from their deepest fears to what they cherish the most. know your deepest fear, ask yourself how you will react and feel at that moment. "oh shit, if this happened to me I'll lose my mind" what's that type of scenario for you? write it. :)
decide on the type of angst you are going for!
major, minor, physical, emotional, paranormal, spiritual, verbal, abusive, quarrel, misunderstanding, etc.
and then, decide on--what reaction you can take out of your character by doing what to them.
are they gonna be, held at a gunpoint to give something up? or have their soul wrecked by whom they thought were close to them? or is it going be horror, or etctec, decide on it.
moving on to actually writing it-
Tip 1 - Use sensory details.
her eyes brimmed with tears
his chest heaved
pain clawed at his heart, as his face twisted with hurt
his scream pierced my heart
her lips quivered
she dug her nails into her palms (to distract herself, to stop it from shaking, etc)
show what is happening to ur MC, instead of telling it.
Tip 2 - how to actually write it.
If they're panicking, make them notice too many things at once, show every detail that they're seeing, feeling, from touch, to that burning sensation on their eyes, the blood on the ground, that dryness of their throat, the buzzing in their head and their parted lips unable to trust their own sight, and--and, boom! have them register that they're really really in trouble. and that they've to act fast.
use short, very minimal type of writing for this. make it long, but not long enough that it feels like it's being dragged.
the readers should hold themselves back from skimming the page out of curiousity, they should be in their toes to find out what happens next.
what does your MC do in times of panic? do they chant calm down to themselves, do they get angry, or start crying.. or?? what makes your character genuinely feel an emotion so hard that they'll burst?
there's always something, someone that'll always give them love and easily can be that something or someone to take it away. yk.
Tip 3 - crying.
what is close to your character that u can deprive them of? will it make them cry? beg for it?
what will make ur character cry so hard, that their scream fills everyone's ear, stays in their minds like ghosts and always haunts them?
make a character who never cries, burst out with tears.
while writing crying, focus on the 5 senses, one after the other.
focus it on their breath, make them run out of breath, gasp for air, feel like they're being choked, cry so scrutinizingly. it shud punch the reader's gut.
have them replay what had just happened over and over again in their head
best books and writing styles (for angst) to analyse and learn from (in my opinion);
3rd book in the AGGTM series (yk it hit hard like a truck. it got me depressed in bed the entire time lmao)
Five Survive by Holly Jackson. The moments of red outside of the truck, and moments leading to it.
there's this book called " Warm by @untalentedwriter127 " in wattpad. the author served angst for breakfast, lunch anddd dinner.
and if there's more angsty ones, drop em in the comments! :)
Hope this helps, tag me when yall write a masterpiece! ;)
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writersloveroe · 11 months
argument dialogue prompts
•”what the hell were you thinking?”
•”god, it just feels like i’m constantly talking to a wall,”
•”are you even listening?”
•”that’s your problem- you don’t know how to listen,”
•”have you ever stopped to think about what i had to say?”
•”you don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
•”go ahead, leave. i don’t care anymore just leave,”
•”wow, so it’s my fault?”
•”i hate when you get like this,”
•”i literally can’t stand you,”
•”did you lie to me?”
•”even after everything we been through?”
•”i’m so sick of being used by you,”
•”could you shut up me listen to me?”
•”are you even listening to yourself speak?”
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
i would like to request action prompt 34 & 4 wirh dialouge 80 & 22 for riki pls🫶🏻
"i'm all yours"
a/n. thank you!! <3 it’s a bit longish and i do feel like the fight scene is cringey but i hope you enjoy it :D
warnings. it gets a bit angsty, lots of reader crying and riki being an asshole >:(
Tumblr media
"that’s just ridiculous, riki!" you poked his chest and crossed your arms.
"it’s not! why didn’t you tell me then?" he furrowed his brows and you sighed.
"i did tell you! god!" you whined and turned around, pinching the bridge of your nose.
it’s not how you wanted to spend your evening. having a fight with riki was the last thing you ever wanted, actually. and especially about–
"well, you should have texted me at least. who is he anyway to hug you–" he started and you snapped your head back at him, eyes wide.
"he’s my childhood friend, riki! i haven’t seen him in ages! i can’t hug my friends now?" you asked, voice growing slightly louder subconsciously.
"i didn’t say that–"
you looked him in the eye, feeling your whole body shaking.
"yeah? it seems like that. are you jealous or what?" you shook your head.
"no i’m not! why should i be?" he growled, making it crystal clear that he is.
"because he’s a friend!" you let out a deep sigh "you’re acting like thousands of girls don’t leave messages for you declaring how much they love you! or how your old classmates of yours message you with tons of hearts in their messages. that’s a different thing, clearly trying to get a shot, but i don’t get jealous"
"but i’m an idol, y/n. that’s normal people love me and want me to acknowledge it. i don’t hug them so passionately" he snarled, leaning back on his bed.
"oh, so now people can flirt with you because you’re famous and i can’t meet my old friend and just chat with him?" you rose your eyebrows and grabbed the doorknob "i’m tired of this conversation"
"me too, actually. call me once you’ve calmed down!" he yelled from his dorm, not even standing up from his bed. your mouth fell ajar at his words and you didn’t even realise that all of his members saw your reaction.
"you’re an asshole!" you said through your teeth and stormed out of their place, forgetting to take your coat. you slammed the door a bit too harshly but right now you didn’t really care.
when you stepped out you were greeted by heavy rain. just when you walked into it, it felt like all of your tears you were holding back finally poured down your cheeks. you really didn’t want to make the fight into a big deal but riki was acting so… harsh. you just wanted to meet with an old friend who’s leaving soon and you won’t probably see him face to face in a while. niki saw you and what? did he think you’re cheating?
you didn’t turn around. your heart hoped it’s him but your mind wasn’t so sure.
"y/n, i’ll drop you off!"
you stopped and quickly tried to dry your tears and stained cheeks from your mascara. you felt a large hand on your shoulder.
"hey, i know you had a fight but it’s absolutely not necessary for you to walk home in this rain– wait, are you crying?" heeseung was your guardian angel, really. you just nodded, not able to form words. once the seal of tears broke, you couldn’t stop it – so even after trying to hold them back, you found yourself crying now as well "oh, you poor thing… come on"
heeseung called a taxi and whilst you waited for it, he hugged you. you sure needed that hug.
"he messed up. he knows it. but… he’s too prideful. give him time, okay?" hee’s voice rung out in the taxi making you look up at him, eyes glossy "should i talk to him?"
"no" you said, voice at the verge of cracking "but thank you… for everything"
heeseung just nodded. the ride home was quite fast. he insisted on walking you to your door but you refused, saying that he already helped you a lot.
once you entered your place, you felt powerless. the will to wash off your makeup or change your clothes flew out of the window. you just silenced your phone and threw yourself on the bed, eyes closing the second you wrapped yourself in a blanket.
you didn’t remember when you found yourself in a coffee shop, sitting in front of riki. he was looking as cute as always, although with a weird expression on his face.
"look, y/n, i thought about it. i don’t think… i don’t think i love you" he said calmly. your eyes widened and you looked around. you saw some familiar faces, like riki’s old classmates or your friend. behind the window there was thousands of paparazzis. your heart skipped a beat. what’s going on…?
"what?" you whispered, barely looking away from the flashing lights of the cameras behind the window. you gulped.
"i’m serious. it has been fun and stuff but i don’t love you. i… have to focus on my career plus there’s… there’s someone else" riki said seriously, looking around. tears prickled at your eyes.
"is it because i hung out with–" you started and the flash of lights almost blinded you as niki stood up.
"no. it’s you, in general" he sighed "look, i’m sure you’ll look at it back once you’ve settled down with someone else and just… think that it was a good memory"
"riki but– i don’t want someone else…" you sobbed, throat going dry. you heard the clicks of cameras as the door opened and suddenly they were all around you.
"y/n, tell us did he break up with you–"
"did you cheat?"
"look, he’s leaving with someone else!"
you couldn’t breathe. the pressure of bodies getting pushed onto you making you shake in fear they’ll crush you and–
someone shook you. you opened your eyes slowly, in fear the cameras will blind you.
but you saw darkness. only soft light illuminating from the moon peeking outside the window. and riki. you saw riki on your bed.
so it was a nightmare. but is it another one? how did he get in?
"leave me alone! you have to break my heart even in my dreams?" you hissed, squirming away from his grip. you almost fell from the bed as you did so but you managed to catch balance. you started pinching your cheek, closing your eyes again "wake up, idiot. wake up, wake up, wake–!"
"y/n, calm down" riki’s voice was hinted with panic "i promise you that whatever you saw was just a nightmare. it’s not real, i’m here now"
you turned around, facing the moon and turning his back at him. your heart was beating like crazy, hard for you to calm down.
"can i hug you?" he asked softly. you nodded slowly, not ready to look him in the eye yet.
"are you real? like… how did you even get in?" you whispered, voice cracking. niki’s arm wrapped around your waist, his chest pressed against your back. he placed his chin on your arm, his hand reaching for yours.
"i’m real, y/n. you… i… well i felt stupid. when heeseung left to get you home safely i realised that it should have been me. no matter if we fought or not i should always make sure you’re safe. and i didn’t. i let you go. i… i messed up" he mumbled and interlocked his fingers with yours.
"i’m sorry too. i shouldn’t overreact like this…" you said quietly.
"i– i was jealous, okay?" he mumbled, barely audible. you smiled softly, letting out a shaky breath "let’s just never fight again. i hated every second of it"
"me too… but… you’re here. you won’t leave? i don’t really want to talk about the nightmare i had but–" you started, gulping and riki softly turned you around, making you face him. you mentally sighed with relief that your face isn’t in the moonlight right now because he would notice the state of your face.
"i’m all yours. not going anywhere" riki smiled tenderly and cupped your cheek, shaking his head "although we could use some sleep, hm?"
"i don’t know if i’m able to fall asleep again…" you whispered.
"you will, trust me. now just lay down, i’ll wash off your makeup first" he said and placed a quick kiss on the top of your nose. the fact he cared so much made you blush.
soon enough you were back in bed with riki leaning over you and gently pressing the cotton pad against your skin. this feeling was so soothing it made your eyelids heavy in no time, falling asleep quicker than you thought.
once niki noticed your steady breathing, he halted his movements for a while to stare lovingly at your sleeping face. you looked tired after bawling your eyes out but yet, in the moonlight on your face, you looked like an ethereal fairy to him.
"i love you so much" he whisper, or thought; he didn’t know himself. then he leaned in to press a feather-light kiss on your forehead and went back to removing your makeup.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi
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zephyrme · 3 years
50 Angst Prompt List
“And that makes it okay?”
“Are you afraid to die?”
“What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
“Do you know what it’s like?”
“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
“Why are your eyes so red?”
“How do you think it ends?”
“Why would I ever want to be with you?”
“Is that what you think of me?”
“Do you know what a gunshot wound feels like?”
“How am I supposed to go on?”
“Can’t you see how fucked up this is?”
“If I told you I hate you, what would you do?”
“Shouldn’t you be drinking that much?”
“What if we just crash this car and make it all stop?”
“Do the drugs still get you high?”
“Am I the reason you cry every night?”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
“How did things go so wrong?”
“When did things fall apart?”
“Which part of me wasn’t enough?”
“How do I make you love me again?”
“How much does it hurt knowing you lost me?”
“Why’re you trying to destroy us?”
“How do you want to die?”
“Is the weight of it all finally too heavy?”
“Are you okay with having blood on your hands?”
“How do you sleep at night?”
“Can you still sleep at night?”
“Is being high all the time worth losing everything?”
“Can you feel the blood draining from your body?”
“Do you know how it feels to wish for death everyday?”
“Will you miss me at all?”
“Can I have one last kiss?”
“Do you understand what you’ve done?”
“Is this how you thought your life would be?”
Did you expect this to turn out better?”
“Can you really blame me?”
“How could you do this?”
“Can you be the one to do it?”
“Does this mean what I think it means?”
“Are you leaving?”
“How do we fix this?”
“Would you hate me?”
“Do you want to die?”
“How many more innocent people have to die?”
“Can you promise me no one else has to get hurt?”
“Are you satisfied now?”
“Do you even know what love feels like?”
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writing-shrimp · 3 years
“They’ll never know what you did for them... what you endured and sacrificed for them...”
“They don’t need to... as long as they enjoy the life ahead of them... that’s good enough for me.”
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pixie-cocaine · 5 years
Dialogue Prompts
Just a bunch of dialogue prompts. More than half of them are original, only like, three or four are some other person’s (I couldn’t find their user, credit to the original owner anyways tho)
“You’re just not the same person...”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“You were always a coward, I don’t know why I ever thought you’d grow up”
“You know we can’t keep this up forever”
“You’re a monster... You hear me!?”
“Thanks for nothing”
“Don’t leave me, I’ll do anythingーPlease!”
“I never meant to hurt you”
“Don’t call this number again”
“Do me a favor and lose my number”
“Walk out that door and we’re over!”
“I always knew I’d never be able to keep you”
“I want a fucking answer, goddamnit!”
“I can’t keep doing this... I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you...”
“I don’t give a fuck about you. Nobody does, if we’re being honest”
“Sometimes I wonder why I even try anymore”
“Get over it, you can’t cry over spilled milk if you’re living this life”
“You can’t really blame me now, can you? It was all your fault, to begin with”
“Am I just another fucking joke to you? A game you play and get bored of?”
“God, just shut up! You whine over everything you can’t get, don’t you? The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“You’re joking, right? Please... Please just say you’re joking”
“You fucked up”
“You can’t run from your problems forever.” “Watch me.”
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you?”
"I always wondered why you were everything I could never have... pathetic, isn't it?"
"You broke her/him, don't you understand?"
"I don't feel anything anymore after the shit you put me through. It's all a mess of lies and manipulation"
"It's hard to tell someone you love them when you know it's not true"
"This is the real world. Grow up, already.”
"Hopefully you'll find someone calm enough to deal with your bullshit because it sure as hell isn't me"
"I’m gonna burn this fucking place down, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, babe.”
“It’s really not that complicated...”
“I thought I told you to leave me alone”
“It’s three in the morning, ______”
“Forget it. Just forget it”
“If you love me so much then you should be able to say it, right?”
“Exactly, don’t try and act like you do when you know you don’t”
“I need help. Please...”
“Shut your fucking mouth before I force you to”
“Aww, don’t be shy~”
“See? You can be a good girl/boy, you just needed daddy/oppa/mommy/noona to put you in your place”
“Do you really want it that bad?”
“Hush, you’re being too loud, angel”
“Taste so good...”
“YeahーFuckーJust like that”
“What happened to that confidence you had just now, huh?”
“Keep talking like that and I’ll make you eat your words”
“So good for oppa/daddy/mommy/noona”
“That’s my girl. F-fuck, that’s my girl”
“Look at you, begging for it like an animal starved”
“You just can’t keep your legs closed, can you?”
“Act like a slut and you’ll be treated like one”
“Come on, you can do better than that”
“Fuck, do that again!”
“You look so good like this, you know that?”
“Keep that up and you’ll definitely get what you deserve”
“Shut up and take it”
“You fucking brat!”
“Over my knee. Now.”
“See? I told you you’d like it”
“Do what I tell you”
"You look so precious with my cock stuffed down your throat"
"Fuck, it's like you were born to take cock"
"Did you just fucking say no? That's it, you're not gonna be walking for a week when I'm done with you"
"You talked such big game and now you can't even back your shit up because you know you have to face your consequences"
"You just don't know when to quit, so you?"
"Do it, why can't you just fucking do it!? Oh right, you lost that privilege"
"What a fucking whore you are. Just look at the way you whine at the faintest touch"
"Tell oppa/daddy/mommy/noona you're sorry and I'll let you cum"
"That wasn’t so hard, was it?"
“Make me”
“So, I read your diary”
“Didn’t you read the fucking sign!?”
“Obey Oppa/Daddy/Noona/Mommy”
“So sensitive~”
“Don’t give me that look unless you’re willing to be sore for the next two weeks”
“Shut your filthy mouth, whore”
“You want to cum so bad, hm? Yes? I wanna hear you say it, angel”
“You’re willing to do everything I say, yeah?”
“My good little boy/girl/doll”
“So pretty... Just for me, right?”
“You think I didn’t see you trying to stick your small little fingers where only daddy/mommy/oppa/noona can touch? Oh, baby, you’re in for a long lesson”
“Good, spread your legs like a good girl/boy/*insert gender-neutral nickname*”
“I- um... Is it ok if I hold your hand?”
“I love your body, it’s gorgeous in every sense of the word”
“Are you crazy? Of course, I love you”
“Duh. Even when you annoy the fuck out of me, I still love you”
“You know I’ll always be here for you, right?”
“My little babyyy~”
“Shut up, you’re acting like a two-year-old. It is kinda cute, though...”
“God, you’re perfect”
“Good morning, sunshine!”
“I made you breakfast!”
“Just let me love you, already”
“Look at that beautiful smile, so pretty~”
“Aww, you’re absolutely adorable”
“My little cupcake!”
“I don’t care if you’re sick, give me a kiss”
“You’re so warm~”
“I love you, I love you, I love you!”
“I wanna show you how much you mean to me”
“My gorgeous little prince/ss”
“Look at youuuu!”
I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
“But I don’t wanna do that anymore! I want you!”
“You WHAT!?”
“I did a thing”
“So you just, lost all of your shit?”
“Dude, I just realized that I can lay eggs”
“Excuse me, what the fuck?”
“Now listen here, fuck face”
“Do you know where my vibrator went- HOLY SHIT!”
“I don’t sleep”
“Soooo... how was the pull-out?”
“Sorry, the wind must’ve blown away all my fucks”
“I kinda pissed myself a’lil bit”
“I tried to steal everything in the thrift store”
“I kind of sold the house on accident”
“Daddy, NO!”
“I fucked the pizza delivery guy”
“I’m losing brain cells just listening to you breathe”
“Suddenly, I have to go”
“I want to go home...” “And I want to go to Mars. Sorry, sweetpea, it’s never gonna happen. Accept it and move on.”
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pingponggal · 3 years
Hey uh,, if you guys could send in some oneshot requests that would be very helpful
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asexyclown · 3 years
List of my favorite prompts, not in any particular order
“You lied to me!” “Don’t take it personally, I lie to everyone”
“You actually thought it would be that easy?”
“Stay safe for me, please?”
“Stay back, I mean it! Get away!”
“Thanks, but I can walk just fine on my own.”
“Everything hurts”
“Please wake up”
“I’m so tired”
“This cant be happening”
“This is all my fault”
“I’m so, so sorry”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this”
“I won’t let you do this alone”
“I know you’re hurt, (name)”
“I told you to stay safe! Getting stabbed isn’t safe!”
“I’m dying, and there’s nothing you can do about it”
“Their blood is on my hands”
“This is my last fight”
“You can’t go on like this, it’s not safe”
~Chaotic energy~
“Hey wanna see me do a backflip?” 
“So uhhh on my way to work I may or may not have adopted a stray cat” “You what”
“Who the fuck ate all the cookies?!”
“You do know that’s a plastic plant, right?”
“Stop jumping on the bed, I’m trying to sleep”
A is self-sacrificial and doesn’t care about getting hurt, and B always worries about them. (Bonus dialogue: “You’re clearly hurt, A. Please rest.” “How many times do I need to tell you to stop worrying?”)
A is a vigilante, and B is their best friend, but also a criminal.
A is slowly dying from an illness, and B, to no avail, is trying to slow down it’s progression.
Hero dies fighting Villain, but no one knows until a few days later.
A’s sibling dies, and B is the only one who can see ghosts.
A has a habit of blaming themselves when something bad happens, so how do they react when B is severely injured/killed?
The usually calm and stoic A breaks down in tears, and B has no clue how to comfort them. (Bonus dialogue: “Whoa, are you okay? What happened?”)
A is a criminal who gets injured and has to go to the hospital. B is a doctor and childhood friend who recognizes them.
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ironwoman359 · 3 years
25 and Destiel (supernatural) with cas asking it to dean-? sorry i just- aaah i saw you had posted the number thing recently so i wanted to send something in djfbf sorry- if not destiel then maybe loceit asking janus-
ksjfbf sorry im just- i love your writing so this is a bit terrifying in all honesty- jdbfb but yeah the number is the hurt/comfort dialouge prompts.
“I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly.”
(I was going to make this a more angsty loceit thing completely unrelated to spn but then @sanders-sides-thuri gave me this idea and...I couldn’t just not write it, I’m so sorry)
Logan, despite what some people thought about him, was not completely inept when it came to emotional awareness. Just because he was admittedly a bit stilted when it came to recognizing and expressing his own emotions didn’t mean he wasn’t aware when someone who he cared for was experiencing distress. 
For instance, Logan would have to be literally blind to not realize that right now, Janus was exceedingly upset. He was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and staring at the screen with an unreadable expression, though if Logan had to hazard a guess he’d say something between despair and unbridled fury. 
“Janus, darling?” he asked, sitting gingerly on the couch next to his boyfriend. Janus didn’t react, and Logan sighed. “I’m going to ask how you are, and I would like you to answer me honestly.” 
Janus looked up at that, frowning slightly. “I...I’m fine,” he said slowly, and Logan raised an eyebrow at him. “I am!” Janus insisted. “It’s not like I was expecting anything good, I knew it was going off the rails, but...”
He trailed off, looking back to the screen where credits were still rolling, and Logan sighed.
“But considering the events of the past few episodes, you suddenly had a glimmer of hope that it would end in a more satisfying way.”
“Exactly!” Janus exlaimed, and Logan forced himself to keep from smiling. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” 
Janus immediately launched into a rant, arms gesturing wildly as he poured out all of his frustration. Logan simply sat and listened, chiming in with sounds of agreement here and there.
“-it’s like the writers don’t even know what the themes of their own show are! Even if you ignore the bury-your-gays-speedrun-edition, none of the characters’ arcs had a conclusion that matched up with the rest of their character development!” 
Logan knew that Janus wouldn’t be worked up forever. Eventually he’d wear himself out, or he’d take to tumblr to write a ten paragraph essay outlining all the flaws of the ending of his once-favorite show’s ending, but then he’d be back to blatantly ignoring canon in favor of what the fans were writing on ao3. 
Logan smiled, leaning his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder, and Janus paused glancing down at him. 
“Don’t stop on my account,” Logan said. “I like listening to you talk.” 
“Good, because I’ve got at least another half hour of this in me,” Janus grumbled, and Logan laughed. 
“I know, dear,” he said, closing his eyes. “I know.”
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
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faerykingdom · 2 years
new additions
so, i decided to add some new things to my bloooog!
starting this saturday, i will be introducing Smutty Saturdays; where you can send in smutty blurbs and i will add to it!
tuesday, i will be introducing Thotty Tuesday; where you can send in more smuttyness, and i will write a blurb, dialouge, or headcannon!
on monday, Mopey Monday; send in the most angsty of all angst, and i will either cry, or add to it, or both!
friday, it will be Fluffy Friday, since we need some happiness in our lives; send in some prompts and i will write a blurb!!!
for Thotty Tuesday, and Smutty Saturday, you have to be 15+ to send in prompts (unless you are one of my mutuals).
also, i would like to remind you all that my inbox is always open to dialogues!!
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Hi Everyone, one of your resident writers here deciding to finally host one of these things. I have a few milestones I passed, and it feels like time to celebrate. What better way then to let everyone write and let me rage my love for your stories. Since you all are mad talented epic fucking writers. 
As you all know, Im a softy angsty dark smutty random ass fan, so honestly write whatever your little heart desires. It can be drabbles, epic long as hell, can be set in a series your working on (in this case be sure to let me know thats your plan so I can get an understanding of your story) Head Canons, etc etc etc. anything really. Im also going to throw out, if your thing is making moodboards, feel free. I honestly think that they are stunning. 
There is a reason its called Any-FUCKING-Fandom FIC CHALLENGE. Any fandom goes. Im not going to limit anyone to just one thing. The ones im familiar with is Marvel and Supernatural.If you choose some other one, be sure to let me know so if im not familiar, I can look it up. Thats all I ask.  
Have a great time with this, I look forward to everyones submits. Any questions, do not hesitate to send me a message or ask. Please Reblog.
Much Love always. 
Can be anything you want to submit, writing or art work. 
Non Con and Dub Con is allowed
Underage, Messing with animals, toilet play is a hard NO for me. I dont think this should really have to be added, but Ive seen many challenges include this. 
All that being said, Properly label your work for anything thats needed. 
Please send your request in a ask, with the number, category and whom you want to write for, and if its anything other then marvel, most Evans films and supernatural, what fandom they are a part of. 
AU, OC, Y/N, etc is allowed. 
There will be no date to have it submitted by, I know people have lives and cant always get to stuff ASAP. Or the muse has stepped out. No worries, I got you. Submit when you can. 
Anything thats over 500 words, please use a ‘KEEP READING’ Lets not clutter our friends blogs up. (if your on mobile, i understand its not easy to use, no worries.) 
If there is a prompt you REALLY want thats taken, let me know. Im pretty freaking flexible. 
Please Reblog this for people to see, I appreciate it. 
You dont have to follow me, although be cool if you did
When you tag this, please use #sweatersanyficchallenge and tag me in the fic
Also probably send me a message if I dont respond in a timely manner. Im around most the time, so if thats the case, I didnt get the notification. 
HAVE FUN with this. 
Dialouge Prompts- 
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.” @official-and-unstable-satan​ @nekoannie-chan​ with steve or brock @kitkatd7​ with cowboy!steve
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.” @kitkatd7​ with steve
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no? @buckeroonie323
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.” @yespolkadotkitty​ with geralt and jaskier @iwritethingstoo with gambit
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” @averyrogers83​
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” @stuckonjbbarnes​ with steve @constantaking​ with bucky/natasha
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?” @nekoannie-chan with Steve or Brock
“Why are you awake right now?” 💕anon with Chris
“Wake up! Please wake up.” @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ with andy
“woah, don’t pass out on me.” @xoxabs88xox​
“you really can’t take care of yourself." @voila-tout with steve
“You don’t get to say anything to me!” @lielullabye with steve x 10!percent
“You’re such a dork.” @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ with andy
“Try to keep quiet.. we wouldn’t want to get caught.” @shield-agent78​ with bucky @hoseokchild​
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” @just-the-hiddles with sir thomas sharpe
“Did you BITE me?!” @mandywholock1980​ with loki or steve
“Untie me already- I want to touch you!” @happygowriting​ with curtis
“Wow… you’re easy to rile up.” @simsadventures​ with alpha!steve
“I got a WHOOOOLE collection of toys- let’s try em!”
“Hey… do you think we could switch positions this time?” @deboryanne​ with (18+) Peter Parker
Song Prompts-
Sam Smith- Fire on Fire @shellbilee with Chris or Andy
Bad Company- Ready For Love
Alex Clare- Too Close
NoMBe- Freak Like Me
Saving Abel- Addicted @official-and-unstable-satan
Kaleo- Break My Baby
Lana Del Rey- You Can Be The Boss @inforapound​ with javier pena
Jace Everett- Bad Things @nellblazer​ with grey!bucky
Eminem- Not Afraid
Imagine Dragons- Im So Sorry
Picture Aesthetics Prompts- 
1. @donutloverxo​
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2. @celticheart72 with logan and oc
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4. @mr-skyline-r34​ with Noel Miller
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5. @celticheart72 with logan and oc.
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6. @what-is-your-plan-today​ and @icanfeelastormbrewing​ with jake jensen and oc.
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8. @that-damn-girl​ with Bucky (fic and moodboard)
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urfriendlywriter · 5 months
things me and my bestfriends have said to each other that would make a list of heartbreaking prompts:
(found family trope but irl haha, feel free to use <3 tag me when yall writee, 1,9,11,13,24 has a spcl place in my heart)
"i don't feel seen at times." "it's not true. i see you, [name], i always have."
"thank you for listening to me, thank you for being here for me."
"i love the family we've found for ourselves :( "
"i want to hug you.."
"you, you can always come to me when you're happy and when you're sad."
"you make me become the best of me." <333
"i can never forget when you did ___, God i almost fell in love with you then."
"no, i don't want to rant-" "no, no, hey, it's okay. rant. I'm here to listen."
"whenever i ask you, you say I'm ok, but whenever you ask me i bare my heart open to you. i just want you to tell me if you're having a hard time so i can lend you a shoulder in silence!"
"just--just come with me, please ! I'll take care of you, please leave that hell hole you call home !"
"it hurts, [name]." in a weak murmur and they just rest their face on your shoulder, leaning on one another as they whisper, "it's okay to hurt. cry if u have to."
"should we just run away from home and live together?"
"you are a good person, [nickname]." ✯
"rant, love, go ahead."
"i was very proud of you. i still am."
"you're the positive blueprint/sunshine to my fucked up life, [name]" (ok but they said this to me while we were both in our LOWEST)
"we were enemies before weren't we?" "yeah, haha, if you were a boy we'd have become lovers!!"
^ "[nickname], are you GAY?? YOU ARE GAY- OMG" "stop it lmao" (all in texts lol)
"i wonder what good i did to deserve you " </3
"how lovely of you :)" "ilysm" "shut up, dude, you're so adorable."
"you are devastatingly beautiful, [name]."
"i can never forget what you looked like at your happiest... you glowed. " :((
"hugs, please :/"
"I'd love to nom nom you TT" (we were acting cute and actually melting)
"we'll become the parents we never had."
"we are walking through this life together, aren't we? let's do so till we are together in the paradise, too."
"you mean a lot to me."
"together, in this world and in the here-after too."
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writersloveroe · 1 year
unrequited love dialogue prompts
•”why won’t you date me?”
•”what makes them so much better than me?”
•”i should’ve never confessed,”
•”i want you more than anyone else,”
•”i know we can’t be together, but i still love you,”
•”you’ve rejected me a thousand times but i still can’t get over you,”
•”am i not attractive enough for you?”
•”rejection hurts coming from you,”
•”i wish i were your lover,”
•”no one told me unrequited love could hurt so much,”
•”they will never look at me how i look at them,”
•”i’ll never have a chance,”
•”it’s so embarrassing, but whenever i fall asleep its like all i dream about is them,”
•”if i could go back in time, i would’ve saved myself the troubles and never met them,”
•”i know it’ll never be me, but i so badly wish it could be,”
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count-woe-laf · 4 years
I want the truth
Prompt 33 - "I want the truth." - Roceit - @thefingergunsgirl
(Sorry I made it platonic roceit, but I didn't make it angsty so you don't have to pick your broken heart off the ground.)
I was planning angst but then it turned soft and then I edited it and completely changed it again.There might be a part where their conversation changes suddenly, I’ve never written this much dialouge, sorry. Also this this is the longest thing I’ve posted, 1 279 words.
Fifty shades of grey is mentioned because I was trying to be funny, I’m not funny.
June 1st, 2019.
It had been almost a month since the wedding. In that time Roman had talked to each side, he'd rewatched and theorized over the videos, Roman searched for the truth. He did it because he needed to know if he was good, if Thomas was a good person. He learned that good and bad barely meant anything, but that didn't mean he was bad. Roman just didn't want to make the wrong decision again. He was scared about this interaction, but he needed to talk to one last side.
Roman took a deep breath to steel himself, and sunk down into Janus' room.
Replacing the TV was an expensive old-fashioned radio, to his right hung thick black velvet curtains, a few posters and a lamp resided where the stairs were supposed to be, and there, next to the nonexistent stairs, stood Janus.
He looked like he was expecting Roman, and of course he was, he was Deceit, he seemed to know everything that was happening. Although, for knowing he was coming, Janus looked suprisingly awkward. His abandoned gloves could be to blame, Roman recently had learned about his attachment to them.
"Roman, to what do I owe you the pleasure?" Janus smiled, it was small and apologetic and a smile. It was interesting to see such a smile on someone like Janus, Roman instantly wanted to run away. He forced himself to remember that every side was changing and evolving, a hero would have a civil conversation with him.
His previous talks with Virgil had helped him realize that good people can make bad choices without them being bad, and another conversation with Remus taught him that there were no heroes or villains in real life. Roman hoped he was a hero nonetheless.
The silence after Janus spoke continued to stretch out, willing to be broken. "I'm trying to learn stuff from every side, talk to them,” Roman took a deep breath. “You're the only one left to talk to."
Janus adjusted his hat. "Ah, talking, I'm horrible at that."
"These past weeks have made it clear that I am too." Janus snorted. "I just- I want to know the truth. Your opinions on everything too. I know we've all been thinking about… everything that has happened."
Janus shifted, "The truth? I don't think there's one definite truth here, Roman. I do know I was wrong to manipulate you. I suppose it was my way to change Thomas' mind without having to deal with you all. Sometimes I forget that us sides are an aspect of him and he relies on you, I have to convince all of you too. I still haven't learned how exactly to work with everyone," he gave a small laugh. "I do know I need to be more clear with you, and the others. You gave up a lot going to the wedding just under the name of being good, and truly, I respect that.
"I know I haven't had the pleasure to get to know you closely, Roman, but I know that you, and Thomas, need to come to terms with the fact that the world is made up of varying shades of gray."
"I'm not going to read Fifty Shades of Grey, if that's what you're asking of me" They both laughed softly, awkwardly. "I've talked to the other sides a lot recently, and they all have helped me understand some things better. It's surprising, but Remus has some pretty good morals and opinions."
"He does, you just have to ignore the other… comments." Roman nodded in agreement. "I'm glad you're not still setting yourself to the 'hero' standard." Roman pointedly looked down. "Seriously?"
"I'm a prince, I have to! I help people, I have to be good and make the right decisions."
"Sometimes there isn't a right or wrong decision. Going to the callback and lying about where we were wouldn't necessarily be good, but it also wouldn't be bad. At times you just need to pick what's best for you.
"I know you don't do that, you forget about yourself, sometimes. You care so deeply about everyone that you ignore yourself just to give them more room. You're so terrified of being wrong, of being bad, that you don't realize how impossible that standard is to reach."
There was so much truth in what Janus was saying, Roman wanted so badly to believe it. "I just want to be good," Roman said, finally. "I want to be a hero, they're loved and never wrong. Heros care about the people, not him- themself." He hoped that Janus wouldn't notice Roman speaking about himself rather than a general hero, but he was Deceit, of course he heard it.
"But real-world heros care about themselves too." Roman let out a small hum. "Thomas trusts you to make a decision to the best of your abilities, Roman. Trust him too, it's a good choice to trust you."
"No, he-"
"Trust him. You give him his love of acting and his creativity. You are his hero."
Roman bit his lip, suddenly looking scared. ".... Really?"
"Yes, even though there's no heroes or villains, you'll always be Thomas' hero, ask him yourself. And I know choices aren't going to get easier for us or Thomas, but we can all do it, together." Roman nodded, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "And by 'all of us' I mean all of us. Thomas needs us all to guide him."
"I know, and I'm coming to terms with that. All this change is just- it's so much."
"Growing up and learning is hard, but I think we'll be alright." Janus smiled. Maybe he was right.
"Thank you. I probably should apologize, I shouldn't have made fun of your name, Janus. I know that was a very vulnerable moment for you. I really need to learn to stop lashing out when I feel threatened. I hope you can forgive me, and from here on out, somehow we can try to learn to work together?"
"I would like that, Roman. I know we all just do what we think is best for Thomas. I accept your apology and hopefully you can accept mine. I don't think you're evil and neither is Remus."
Roman nodded, "I know, he just… gets on my nerves at times. I accept your apology, that whole video was a little bit of a trainwreck." Janus hummed in agreement. "I have had lots of free time to talk to everyone and may I ask… What in hell happened between you and Virgil?"
Janus laughed and pulled on his gloves. "That's a story for another time. By which I mean never." Roman rolled his eyes, they sat in their tentative silence for a second, hoping not to ruin everything again.
"I suppose I should go," Roman said finally. "We're filming another video, I… I hope to see you there."
For the embodiment of Deception, he did a bad job at hiding his surprise at the invitation. "I suppose I could show up and cause harmless trouble. Until then, have a good night, Roman."
“You as well, Janus.” And with that Roman slowly sunk out.
The conversation didn't go as bad as Roman expected. It was almost a nice interaction. Roman didn’t know when things would be ok, he just wished it would be soon. None of Thomas' sides truly knew what challenges would make themselves apparent in the future. But they would all keep going, together. They would try to work together, try to understand each other, and try to help each other in the ways they could. Trying was enough for now.
They'll be alright.
Anyways, I tried, I failed, you should go to sleep. Send me a prompt and I’ll write something short-ish and sanders side out of it eventually (you can pick a ship or characters if you like but I might change it). (I have a few in my inbox, sorry if it takes forever.)
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ravens-words · 3 years
Jess’ fic
Thanks, Non:
This fic is a dialouge prompt by @bluenet13 "who did this to you?" And all I can say is it's angsty, whump-y and most likely canon compliant.
WIP Game
Ask Box
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girlwithacrown · 5 years
Wolfstar A03 Fan Fiction Masterlist
for 3K on instagram at wolfstars_
all fan fictions are accessible on AO3
short fluff
For Your Own Good by Miss_Bennet (8k)
One of my fav fluffy fiction of all time- the tenderness of confessions! Hogwarts friends to lovers, a lot of pining and a bit of smut. 
Let Nothing You Dismay by montparnasse (19k)       
post hogwarts, sexual confussion and getting together - and CHRISTMAS. it’s fluff with a bit of angst and a lot of talk about love.
short smut
Built My Dreams Around You by templeg (2k)
short lapdance prompt - fluff, first kiss and smut
Size Matters by REwrites (3.5k)
post hogwarts, first time, size kink smut that is also kind of cute      
The Other Side of the Wall (or Laundry Day is Every Day) by BluBerd (10k)
One of my favourite smut with a plot and feelings fics. The pining and resolvement is amazing - set in a non magical AU -“they were flatmates”- “OMG they were flatmates!”
Impossible Things by accioromulus (14k)
Another flatmate prompt, with a lot of pining and sexual tension - and they care so much for another, comfort and being silly, eventual smut
All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 (530k)
This is my favourite complete long fic. It has everything, it considers not only the dynamics between the major characters but also all details we know about the marauders from the original books (the creations of the map, becoming marauders, jily ... etc.) and for the most parts is canon compliend, but also it has a very specific perspective as it is writen from Remus’ point of view and he has a lot on his plate. One thing I love specifically about it is how being a werewolf is examined.
The Lad That Loved You. by MollyMaryMarie (82k)
Secret relationship fic that is both hilarious and also smutty. It’s tagged “Idiots in Love” and that says it all. Funny and hilarious oblivious James. The narrative shifts between perspectives - really well done and shines a light on the mischief of it all @mollymarymarie
It Was Only A Kiss! by remuslives23 (79k)
One of the best “relationship development” hogwarts fics with a lot of fluff and angst and very smut explicit, and the most sensible and wonderful storyline. The characters and their development is amazing and it’s one of the fics you can go back to and read again.  
Changes by chothocolate (31k)     
“Remus comes back hot” - one of my favourite prompts. This is a Hogwarts slow burn, friends to lovers, cuteness and a LOT of swearing. Also, realy good chapter titles - fluff and angst.
Do I Wanna Know? by shadow_prince (25k)
another “Remus comes back hot” fic, this time by @shadowprince27 + it has Amortentia, a LOT of fluff and some angst on the side - i love the dialouges!
bonding/ soulmate AU
Werewolves and Magic and Dreams, Oh My! by glitterfics (50k)      
AU in which Remus is an outsider, so angsty but also then comes the fluff and the promises. just immensly cute getting together fic that has a bit of bonding magic.
The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss (4k)
This is one of my fav soulmate AUs - one of my favourite prompts. It is cute and also a bit of romantic angst, no smut.
Vampire AU
Taste by jennandblitz (30k)
Vampire Dystopia with amazing worldbuilding - there is a LOT of blood and very explicit smut. I love how Sirius sees Remus and how he loves him for his humanity. Also James/Lily/Regulus is just a fantastic poly mess. @jennandblitz
A Supplementary Story by elixirsoflife (5k)
a cute, fluffy vampire AU, where Sirius is a kind-hearted bloodsucker 
non magic AU
Marauder Ink by jennandblitz (90k)
Tattoo-Shop AU’s - one of the best known non Magic AU and it is perfection - i love a badass Remus and so does Sirius. The visual imagery is just so vivid and dynamic. It is complete and has an sequel that is still updated @jennandblitz
Pray the Gay Away by Amuly (27k)
This is such a special fic - the story idea is awesome and it still does feel a lot like wolfstar. It is very plot driven - strangers to pining idios to boyfriends. TW for internalized homophobia and conversion therapy.      
The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa by SeasOfTrees (21k)
this is such an amazing, ridiculous prompt - winning someone over by being over the top and crazy is just the thing for Sirius. Fluff and smut and a Remus that can’t believe what is happening.
The London Underground Book of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows (5k)  
This is one of my fav non-magic romantic fluff AU’s. It is so tender and cute. Strangers to dating in the best way possible. This should be made into a romantic christmas movie and I would watch it on sunday morning with a big cup of tea and two blanckets.
S and Columbia by Chromat1cs (4k)
the cutest blind-date fic - romance fluff and love at first date @chromat1cs
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