#because this fandom is allergic to happiness
Thinking about batboys doing average father-son activities with Bruce.
Dick and Bruce go shopping. Alfred did, does and, probably, will do it until the end of time, but since Dick lives in Blüdhaven he prefers to do it by himself. Sometimes Bruce offers help, sometimes Dick accepts it. At such moments, Dick lets Bruce pay and completely enjoys his nepo baby life. Bruce still doesn't know the value of money and can't estimate the cost of groceries, Dick still likes being wheeled around on a cart. He barely fits in there and the rest of the customers look at them weirdly, but Bruce has been used to close attention and has never been able to turn Dick down. They recklessly rush through the departments while new articles about the eccentric Brucie appear in the newspapers, then both get scolded by Alfred for buying all sorts of useless junk.
Jason and Bruce read together. Wayne's library is one of a few places in the mansion where Jason appears regularly and willingly. They don't even talk, just sit in one room, mostly in silence, punctuated by snorting or brief comments. Bruce has a lot of books he planned to read but always put off, so he uses this time to good advantage. Jason acknowledges his existence with a slight nod and on good days sits closer, almost enough to be in Bruce's space. Jason often rereads books, writes notes on transparent stickers that Alfred gave him and chews a pencil, thinking. Sometimes Bruce finds books on the table in his office, the same transparent sticker invariably says "You would like it" with a postscript in smaller letters at the bottom "or not, I don't care". Bruce always smiles softly, adding it to the top of his list.
Tim and Bruce go to the skate park. They both wear sunglasses and casual clothes, but those few parents who come with children still whisper to each other. For the first few times it's kind of awkward, Bruce is unsure what to do and Tim isn't used to attention from his parents, but they cope. Bruce ruffles Tim's hair, enjoying the way his eyes light up, and tries his best not to jump up every time Tim falls. He wears a protective gear set, Bruce insisted, and they both know that Red Robin has been through the worst, but Bruce has little control over the mother hen regime. In the evening, coming home, they buy ice cream and coffee for the night extracurricular activities, and if Tim pretends to be asleep while Bruce carries him out of the car, no one mentions it.
Damian and Bruce go to the cinema. Damian isn't used to pop-culture, and Dick is convinced that this tragedy should be solved. Damian says it's a senseless waste of time and he has more significant stuff to do, but always looks forward to these days. It's mostly cartoons, ideally with animals in the main roles. Damian loves cartoons, and he is less ashamed of admitting it when Bruce says he loves them too. They eat something that Alfred would disapprove of, stay for a short time after the credits and constantly walk home by foot. Damian doesn't ask for uppies, he would never, Bruce picks him up and puts him on his shoulders anyway. Damian likes to be on high, for Bruce it's not even a workout, just a warm-up weight and he tries not to think bitterly that he isn't able to do this with his other children anymore. Sometimes they talk quietly, sometimes just enjoy each other's company. Sometimes Damian falls asleep, knowing perfectly well his father won't let him fall, and Bruce holds him tightly to not let him down.
It's weirdly cozy for their life, almost normal. It's not better, they would choose vigilante life anyway, they already did, but it's nice to feel from time to time. They appreciate it, even if they don't say it out loud.
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h0ped3lusion · 4 months
I'm such a loser for post-apocalyptic and fallen civilization settings or something similar to that trope
Bonus points if it has something to do with some kind of spreading illness that cursed the land—
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two-ii-tango · 3 months
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faith characters doing Normal People things because i am SICK and TIRED of this fandom being allergic to happiness
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lvnesart · 4 months
someone i know said that crepus was abusive to diluc and kaeya. people are allergic to correct characterisation i guess
I'm gonna be so real. I want gonna answer any asks until later today but the second I saw this notification I needed to respond
My biggest ick with this fandom, specifically when it comes to Crepus or Kaeya's biological father, is how people are sooo quick to slap the abusive title onto them. And I KNOW people like to say Crepus is abusive because he was strict and he expected the best out of Diluc. You know, like SOME parents usually are?? I'd be more surprised if a parent expected nothing? Especially in a family like theirs wherein not only is he training for knighthood but Crepus intends Diluc (maybe even Kaeya) to inherit the wine business. I think its completely fair if Crepus expects the best out of his boys.
Is Diluc taking it all to heart and feeling like his dad wouldn't be happy with his choices a negative consequence of this? Yeah! But do you really think that if Crepus lived and Knew how he made him feel, he would continue to push him to perfection?? We don't KNOW him
Plus, lets be real, Diluc is an unreliable narrator in his own life. He went on fatui murder sprees, badmouths the knights, and is actively butting heads with his brother. Yeah I wouldn't think my dad would be so happy either lmao
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
Thank you so much for debunking the whole "Dick was a super angry child" thing the fandom has been pressing hard for the last few years it's one of my pet peeve characterization for him. (The other him being a Playboy) Does he get angry of course he does he's only human but he's usually very level head and even if he was the "Angry Robin" when he first started he was 8 years old and just lost his parents! I feel like anyone especially a child would be hurt and angry then but he didn't want revenge he wanted justice. He was a sweet child who just wanted to make his parents proud.
og post in question
Actually another anon asked me about this too a while ago - that I'll be getting back to soon - and I began writing right away but then I just couldn't. I had to put it on hold because I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of evidence that Dick was a happy robin. Not A happy robin, THE happy robin. I was exhausted because I didn't know where to begin, there was just too much evidence. I needed to create a separate post first.
It makes me so mad when i see Angry Dick Grayson posts because it's not even an interpretation of events. There's nothing to debate, there's no doubt, there's no question, there's no confusion, there's nothing to contest - HE WASN'T AN ANGRY ROBIN.
Jason says it himself! And unlike people in the fandom who've never read a comic in their life but like running their mouth off, he would actually know because he studied Dick. He watched all of Dick's videos when he was Robin. 11 years worth of videos. And this is what he says about Dick's robin:
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Suicide Squad: Get Joker Issue #1
Jason straight up says that Dick was the happy robin. And that's just Jason. There's still Tim, Damian, Bruce, Alfred, Clark, the Justice League, and the Titans who talk about it.
Frankly it boggles my mind when I hear people who write takes say that Dick was an angry robin because even if they've never read any of the robin comics, they should at least know what he was like from what the adult characters say right? Did they really never stop and wonder why Jason keeps talking about not being Dick when he argues with Bruce? Or why Tim was so obsessed with Dick aside from knowing him from the circus? Or why Bruce writes entire monologues about how Dick saved him? Or why Alfred goes on massive rants about how Dick was the best thing ever to happen to Bruce and him or why he started crying and mourning when Dick merely left as Robin? Did no one stop to consider when they started going around saying he wasn't happy?
Honestly Angry Robin Dick Grayson characterization is a black hole of logic and intelligence.
The reason it became so popular is because it's a logical fallacy and logical fallacies sound convincing. This particular argument is the hasty generalization logical fallacy. Hasty generalization is when a statement is made after one or two examples rather than relying on extensive research to back up a claim.
For example: I got sick after eating pizza from Aleano's. Therefore, I must be allergic to pizza.
Proponents of angry robin dick characterization choose one example from decades of writing to claim that he was angry after his parents died which-seriously? Besides you'll start to notice that people who write those takes will never provide evidence because it's near possible to find something that doesn't exist. Sure one or two out of context photos might be provided but that's the best they can do to support that type of characterization. As much as we wish we were magicians from Hogwarts, no amount of wishing is going to transfigure the hundreds of comics filled with happy robin to him being an angry monster.
Also it's ridiculous that type of character because they're saying that if he's upset that his parents died, then he's an angry character. But if the Joker's happy that random people died, then he's a psycho. What do they want?! And that's not even the whole truth of it either. Dick was massively sad more than he was angry. He was taken away from his circus family and is left alone like all the time now. His life changed in a second - he's depressed. But he was able to work through it and that's how Robin was created.
Dick was not Robin when he went after Tony Zucco. The reason Bruce made him Robin was specifically because he admitted he didn't want Tony Zucco dead.
The problem is people sometimes hyperfocus so much on one detail that they forget the big picture. They centered 11 years of Robin characterization around one moment.
Let's get the facts straight. Robin is a success story. The greatness of Dick wasn't just that he was the smart, the best of the ages, and the greatest athelete - no. His greatness is that he is able to move. ON. He can do what Bruce never could. He could move on and take his parents death and turn it into something positive. He was able to overcome grief and not dwell in the past.
That's why he was able to be happy. That's why Bruce couldn't. And that's why Bruce needed Dick because Dick made him happy.
Alfred says this about Dick as Robin -
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Robin: Year One Issue #1
"The addition of Dick Grayson into the Master's crusade has made a difference in him." "I do believe I saw him smile. There have been occasions in the pantry when I could just discern the muffled sounds of laughter echoeing up from that dreadful cavern beneath the manor."
People don't seem to understand. Alfred never approved Bruce's tenure as Batman. He loathed it so much he punched Bruce for it. It was Dick's light and goodness that changed Bruce's mind because he saw how happy Dick made him and how happy of a child he himself was.
And Dick? He never changed his personality in or out of costume.
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Robin: Year One Issue #2
"He doesn't seem to struggle to lead a normal adolescence." "He's had no need to develop the masquerade that Master Bruce felt necessary." "His personality remains the same with or without the mask and boots. "
He's not the troubled kid some people seem to think he is. He wasn't mean or selfish or cast aside or raging moodily in a corner. Actually in the Batman (1940) and Detective Comics, he was seen as a role model for how helpful and kind he was. He was actually the one who went out of his way to help troubled kids because of his kindness, goodness, and empathy.
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Checkmate (2006) Issue #14
Checkmate is a member of Task Force X under Amanda Waller and an ally of Batman's. She knows him. She knows what Dick was to him and Dick even mourns about the time when Bruce used to be happy. It was his joy and personality that did that.
Of course my argument isn't to be taken one sidedly saying he was constantly happy 24/7, all the time, in every occasion - no. Emotions are a spectrum and no one feels one emotion all the time. Thats silly. But, your personality outlook is based on what you feel most of the time. Dick sometimes got angry, sometimes got sad, etc. But in a dichotomy between happy and angry there is no doubt, no question, that he was overwhelmingly on the happy side.
There's a reason why everyone calls him happy. It's because for an overwhelming majority of the time, he was the happy robin.
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52 Issue #25
Way back in the Batman (1940) comic Dick says, "I became Robin, history's first sidekick. And there I was, the laughing boy daredevil--"
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #9
You can call him crazy, excitable, feral, overexcellent, etc. But never forget that Bruce once went insane after locking himself in a simulator that emulated Robin Dick Grayson's joy.
The incontestable truth - Dick was a happy robin.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
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Niffty Redesign! (3/7)
Holy shit was not expecting to finish in the same day much less in like… under 4 hours??? IDK IM HAPPY WITH HER THOUGH!!!!
My biggest inspiration this time was lovebugs and specifically this LPS lovebug
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Yes im colour picking Niffty from a littlest pet shop. Who is gonna stop me? Hasbro? They don’t even own LPS anymore!
Im making Niffty a bit tanner because while I see it a lot in other fandoms, I don’t ever see tan asian people in the Hazbin fandom, tbh this place seems like its allergic to melanin in general. There’s also a lot of stigmatisation around POC women in Hazbin like I’ve mentioned before. I plan on having Niffty deal with a decent chunk of stuff later on, a lot of it relating to obessions and romance and learning how to manage feelings like that and keep relationships with other people.
I wanted her socks to be cute but also held up by a garter belt so you can gather she’s got something going on. People seem to stray away from the topic of Niffty and sex or romance because they see her as a child or have infantalised her in some way. Yes ik I talk about this all the time but like GOD it pisses me off.
Her maid dress is actually a much darker shade of hot pink to the point its not really hot pink anymore but it is I promise
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Niffty’s main sins are lust, wrath, and envy, seeing as she is a lovebug and also her current backstory is killing a lover out of jealousy. The redder pink parts are supposed to be a mix of lust and wrath so I hope that comes across well?
The same thing can be said about her clothes and all that. With her dress and the reddish hearts it’s supposed to be like “in one sin there’s another” but idk how well I pulled it off. The stitched up heart is also supposed to represent her hopeful/eventually redemption. I’d like to give Niffty more character than just “crazy small lady” so I’ll be trying to balance being somewhat like that with also being a bit sensible. I think it definitely could be done but I have doubts Viv will do much with it.
It really sucks that the POC characters and especially women they just get reduced to one or two traits and then thats it. Viv already is terrible at writing women and I think writing Niffty for her is just boring because, again, she cannot write women. 90% of this rewrite is me saving the women/hj
There will be more indepth Niffty content from me eventually, as of now this is my backbone for her design and overall story. Btw I think her rubber gloves are cute but make really annoying squeaking sounds 24/7. No idea if I’ll pull off another fast design like this, but we shall see!🐐
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nikethestatue · 2 months
Happy birthday to my bestie, my mate, my Elriel sister @tswaney17
I wouldn't have joined this fandom without her. So if anything, blame her! Jokes aside, I hope you have a marvelous year and meet your own stranger in the night. Please enjoy!
One shot
Summary: Elain Archeron is celebrating her birthday and happens to meet an enigmatic and mysterious stranger who upends her world
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She smoothed her black bodysuit over her hips, though it wasn’t wrinkled and then tousled her hair, in what she hoped, was sexy, beachy curls.  
Anyone else would’ve told her that she looked great—well put together, elegant, and not trying too hard. But to her self-critical eye, she saw a slew of imperfections. Hips too wide, breasts too large, stumpy fingers...She could stand here all night and critique herself, but what would be the point? It was what it was, right? Some part of her though, liked what stared back. The black bodysuit hugged her in all the right places, and paired with strappy golden heels and some delicate gold jewelry, she looked...nice. Not quite her 31 years old. Her friends always said that she was a ‘young 30’. She looked about 24. But inside, there were days when she felt 78.  
Oh well. Time to go. That’s not to say that she didn’t want to back out of her solo restaurant trip about 25 times today. Internally, she’s been telling herself that she is too busy, too tired, too poor, and that staying in with a bottle of wine and pizza would be just fine. Another part of her wanted to get out. Even if she looked like a loser, dining alone. At least it was a Wednesday night—not the weekend—so she could theoretically make up a story of being on a business trip. Not that anyone’s going to ask. But she needed that security blanket for herself: “I am eating alone, because I am here on business’. Yeah, that sounded legit. She was a successful, professional woman, determined and confident, and she was on business in Chicago.  
She grabbed her clutch and headed out.  
It was a warm evening by Chicago standards. The middle of April could be blustery or it could be blistering. You never knew. Tonight was lovely, actually. Trees were in full bloom—white, pink, yellow, assertive red, purple, even blue—bursting in flowers of every shape and size along the streets of her neighbourhood.  
Beatrice was a quint restaurant in Fulton Market. Or as ‘quaint’ as a restaurant could be in the bustling, hipster corner of the city. She only knew it because she’d come here before with her stylish, popular co-worker, Morrigan. She recalled how Mor wore a pristine baby blue bodysuit, sky-high heels, and a sparkling silver belt studded with glittery gemstones. Mor’s hair was a waterfall of golden blonde, which cascaded sensually down her back. Her skin was flawless. Her makeup was perfection, and her nails the right shade of pearl. When they were seated, all the girls in the party immediately rattled off a list of things they didn’t eat, were allergic to, and ‘avoided’. Mor announced that she was ‘celiac’ in a tone that implied that obviously she was celiac! And then proceeded to order bread. When the waiter told her that bread has gluten, Mor said that ‘she was allowed to today’.  
Back then, she’d ordered something called the Straight ‘A’ Salad, not wanting to tuck into something juicy and fatty in front of everyone. It ended up being empty and unsatisfying. But she still wanted to go back there, because the other items on the menu looked good, the vibe was nice and not overwhelming, and the drinks were inventive. If nothing else, she’d get her full in alcohol. 
“Follow me, Miss,” the hostess beckoned her and she scurried quickly between tables, wanting to be seated as soon as possible. 
It was nice. The table was by the wall, and she could see inside the restaurant and out the window. She laid her clutch on the table and exhaled. She was here. She was in her place, in her chair.  
She made it. 
“Are we celebrating anything tonight, Miss?” the waiter asked, when he approached with the menu. 
“Oh no,” she laughed, “I am on a business trip.” 
“And do you have any allergies?” 
“No!” she stated decisively. No. She is going to eat what she wanted. No faux allergies for her. 
The drinks menu looked a bit intimidating. Lots of things with Mezcal and Elderflower and words like ‘smoked’ and ‘hibiscus ginger kombucha’. After discreetly googling what kombucha was, she gagged and decided on a Lemond Drop. Safe and sound. 
The waiter wasn’t exactly impressed by her choice, but she didn’t care. Instead, she ordered Cheddar Popovers with bacon butter, and green chili queso for appetizers. It harkened back to her California upbringing, where things were less formal, the food less complicated, and the loneliness less acute. She suddenly and desperately missed her sisters, who lived back home. She missed the sun, tacos, trips to Sacramento and the simpler life she had back home.  
Sighing, she sipped her cocktail and looked around. It was fairly bustling, couples and friends chatting animatedly, drinking their complicated drinks and laughing. But...she felt okay. Not amazing, but okay. It was peaceful.  
It felt peaceful until her eyes fell on a singular, solitaire figure of a man, who sat at the bar, with a drink in front of him. The reason she even paid attention to him was because he was literally breathtakingly beautiful. So handsome, her breath stalled in her chest. Big. So goddamn big, it felt like he was sucking the air into the vortex of a black hole that he’d created just by simply...being. He sat, unmoving, in a sharply cut suit and a white shirt, unbuttoned at his neck. The other reason why she looked at him was because he was staring back at her. Big, bold, unflinching stare. Those incredible, luminescent eyes almost glared at her, and she wished she’d know what colour they were. The man’s face remained impassive, but he continued staring, even once she’s averted her eyes and squirmed in her seat. And now, all she could feel was his stare, following her every move. It was suddenly hot, and she felt her nipples pop like tiny Whack-A-Moles beneath her bodysuit. Served her right for not wearing a bra! Jesus Mary and Joseph. Well, her evening was ruined just like that. Instead of being at peace with her lemon drop and her popovers, she was not being scorched by the gaze of this absurdly handsome man, and all she wanted to do was look his way and see if he was still looking at her. While she didn’t want him to be looking at her. But she wanted to make sure that he was. Oh, god. What. The. Hell. 
She was on the verge of fanning herself, before realising that she’d be looking like she was having hot flashes, and it was too early for that. Her nipples were hard as bullets and she was forced to cover her breasts with her folded arms, just to maintain some sense of decorum. As she ‘busied’ herself with her drink, she snuck a momentary glance at the man. He was still there, but no longer looking at her. Instead, he was on his phone, and a deep sense of regret and longing washed over her at once. 
He was interested in her for 23 seconds.  
That was it. 
But she supposed that for the most handsome man in the world to take notice of her for 23 seconds was sufficient enough. 
“Miss, your popovers,” the waiter stepped up to the table, placing one plate down in front of her, and then the other, “and queso. Please be careful, it’s hot.” 
The food looked fine, but somehow, she no longer felt particularly hungry. She wasn’t sure if it was because the man was no longer looking at her, or because he was looking at her before. Did she want him to look at her? No. No, she didn’t. He was entirely outside her comfort zone, with his piercing gaze and his unnaturally good looks and he was definitely a player, so there was no need for all of this.  
On her birthday, all she wanted was peace and quiet. She didn’t need smouldering men giving her the death stare. Instead, she forced herself to concentrate on her food. The popovers were light and fluffy and crispy on the outside, and the bacon butter was to die for. Sinful, but so, so good. 
She sunk into her seat, enjoying her cocktail and alternating between the popovers and then the rich, spicy queso. She was still deciding on the main course—penne with spicy vodka sauce? Slow cooked short rib?  
Her contemplation was interrupted by the waiter, who was holding a drink. 
“From the gentleman at the bar,” he said and placed the drink in front of her. 
Her mouth fell open. Whaaat... 
Timidly, she allowed her eyes to travel to the bar and sure enough, there he was. Staring. A small, secret smile touched his beautiful mouth and he inclined his head just a bit. She didn’t exactly know how to act in these situations. Was she supposed to drink the drink that he sent? Invite him over? Go over there herself? Ignore him like a total douche? 
Okay, first things first. She raised the pretty coupe glass to her lips and tentatively sipped the drink. Sour and smokey, with a touch of sweetness and heavy on lemon flavour, this was definitely a whiskey drink. And she didn’t like whiskey. But for some reason, she really liked this. She took another sip, a bolder one, and then glanced at the man. He was smiling, as he watched her drink, and when she swallowed, he winked at her. Approving? Enjoying watching her? Smug? Pleased? She wasn’t sure. But she... 
“Ready to order, Miss?” the waiter was back, and she absently said ‘fish tacos’ which isn’t what she even wanted, but she was too scrambled to come up with a better idea. “Very good,” the waiter chirped, and before he disappeared, she said, “can you ask the gentleman who bought the drink to join me?” 
Her throat was dry. Her underarms were sweaty. 
WHAT was she doing?? 
She never did anything like this before? Inviting strange men to eat with her? Never! 
“If he wants to,” she added quickly and the waiter nodded.  
God, please say no. Please. Please god, let him say no. I don’t want it. I don’t. 
There he was. Moving through the restaurant like the Angel of Death. Dark and tall and slim and muscular. Jesus. He was actually coming over! Oh. No. Nononononono. 
And then he was standing at her table, how own drink in hand. 
“I wasn’t sure if Whiskey Sour was the way to go,” he said—his deep, dark, raspy voice matching his appearance to a tee. "But it looks like I did well.” 
She swallowed hard and then muttered, “Is that what it is?” 
Yep, it sounded lame even to her own ears. 
“Indeed,” he confirmed. “First time?” 
Somehow, this made her blush. A simple question, and a correct assumption, but for some reason, it was laced with innuendo. 
Their eyes finally locked.  
Hazel. His eyes are a gorgeous greenish amber colour, spectacular like the rest of him. 
He took a sip of his drink and slowly dragged the tip of his tongue over his lower lip, swiping the droplet and that made her even sweatier than she was before. Soon she was going to be sweating like a sumo wrestler—which of course is the most enticing look a woman could sport.  
“No, I’ve had it before,” she finally managed to answer. 
He smirked a knowing smile. 
“Have you?”  
As he was looming over her and attracting way too much attention from the females of the species, and even some males, she all but ordered him, “you can sit down!” 
He smiled again, that smooth, secret smile, saying, “I thought you’d never ask”. 
She didn’t know what to say to that, so she just watched him in silence as he slid onto a chair across from her.  
“Thanks for the drink,” feeling awfully uncomfortable, knowing she was not great at small talk, and completely out of depth with this man, she thought that this was all a pretty bad idea. What was supposed to have been a quiet and nice evening alone, was turning into...well, she wasn’t sure what it was turning into, but it was something.  
“You aren’t waiting for anyone, are you?” he asked, sounding curious. “I wouldn’t need to fight a boyfriend or something...I mean, I’ll win, but,” 
She huffed, and snorted a laugh. 
“So confident?” 
He shrugged, “pretty confident”. After a pause, he pressed, “so?” 
“No,” she blushed despite her best efforts to appear cool. “I am here alone. On a business trip,” she lied smoothly, grateful for having this little nugget in her pocket.  
He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, lounging comfortably. Suddenly, he said,  
“Nope. Try again.” 
Startled, she glowered at him, not knowing what he meant. All the while, as she squirmed in confusion, he casually drank his whiskey, watching her closely. 
“What,” she brought her glass to her lips and took a generous swig of the drink, “what do you mean?” 
“Only that you are not being exactly truthful,” he shrugged, and then grabbed a popover and swallowed the whole thing easily. “You aren’t here on any business trip.” 
“What?!” she exclaimed with indignation. “Excuse me! How do you know? What do you mean?” 
His eyes slowly slid over her bare arms, her chest, her neck, and again, she blushed like a fool, but there was no stopping her body’s reaction to this strange man. 
He was...enigmatic.  
“A beautiful woman like you, wearing something so elegant and understated,” 
Understated? Did he mean boring? 
“is not in Chicago on any business trip. So, that makes me think—if you aren’t waiting for anyone, and you are dressed up, then you must be,” he cocked his head, considering, “celebrating something? A new job? A birthday?” 
Most of his words rolled right over her head, because all she heard was ‘a beautiful woman like you’. He thought that she was beautiful? He? HE thought that?  
“What?” she asked dumbly. 
He chuckled, amused. “You are a little naughty liar, is what I am saying,” 
“You can’t call me that!” 
“Then don’t lie to me.” 
She bubbled her lips and finished her drink. Finished already? Shit. 
He noticed it too and motioned for the waiter.  
“Another drink for the lady,” he ordered. “And I’ll take another whiskey. And,” he thought for a moment and added, “bring us a bottle of champagne.” He looked at her and asked, “what are you eating?” 
“I think I ordered fish tacos,” she recalled, watching him in confusion.  
“Want to eat them?” 
“I dunno.” 
“Mind if I cancel them and order us steaks?” 
He did just that, telling the waiter that he’d pay for the tacos as well.  
Who the hell was this guy? He flicked his fingers and just got whatever he wanted. The waiter didn’t even question him! ‘Of course, sir’ ‘Whatever you want, sit’ ‘Right away, sir’.  
“So, is it your birthday?” he asked once the waiter ran to fetch the drinks. Literally, ran.  
His brows knitted together and he pursed his lips. 
Something about him and his look made goose bumps rise on her skin and she shifted under the table, crossing her legs. This guy and his unbelievable dominating bossiness were both scary, but also highly sexual. She knew that she was a bit of a submissive at heart, but that was mostly because she read way too many omegaverse books. But now, she was faced with a true Alpha. When they spoke of an Alpha Male, she suddenly became aware that she was in the presence of one. He wasn’t just tall, dark and handsome—even if he was a walking cliche with all of these attributes. But it was his undeniable, almost God-given natural dominance and superiority that she found so fascinating. And yes, so appealing as well.  
“It’s not your birthday?” he repeated. 
“N-no,” she bleated pathetically. 
He didn’t respond immediately, but only drummed his fingers on the table, and she noticed that his hands were scarred. Rather extensively. Burns, from what she could tell. Jesus. How did he get these? And both hands, too.  
“Lie to me again, and I will take you over my knees and spank that perfect bottom until you beg for mercy,” he warned, his voice impassive, his face unchanged.  
Her mouth dropped open and she thought that she was going to slide under the table and dissolve into a puddle. 
Was she supposed to cause a scene and slap him? Was she supposed to storm out of the restaurant? How does one reacted to being threatened by a spanking by a complete stranger? 
Also, he thought that her ass was ‘perfect’? 
“Let’s start anew, beautiful girl,” he proposed then, while she made silent gasping noises like a dying fish. 
The waiter arrived just then, and only that prevented her from fainting or screaming out loud. He popped the champagne bottle with flourish and poured both of them a measure, while also setting their cocktails down before them. 
“Don’t come back until the food is ready,” the stranger warned the waiter and the man nodded and left without saying a word. 
“What is your name?” 
She swallowed, but remembering his warning, she decided to go with the truth this time. 
“Gorgeous name,” he approved. “It suits you. I am Azriel.” 
“Azriel,” an exotic name for an exotic man. “Nice to meet you. I think?” she ventured and extended her hand to him. 
“Pleasure is certainly all mine,” he said, squeezing her hand in his huge, warm, powerful palm, watching her with strange, almost palatable hunger. “Whether you’ll receive pleasure from me or not remains to be seen,” he decided vaguely and she bit her lip, sensing that innuendo again and not knowing how to deal with it. 
The one time a guy was instantly interested in her, and he is a dangerous weirdo. Figures. Just her luck. 
He raised his glass and said, “Happy birthday, Elain! I hope it’s wonderful to you.” 
“Thank you. That remains to be seen, I think,” she said softly and they touched their glasses. She sucked the champagne quickly, and with a sense of foreboding and some kind of desperation. She had no idea where this was going, or what he wanted from her. But she wanted it to continue. At least for the duration of this dinner. 
“What do you do?” he inquired, dipping a chip into the queso, but instead of eating it, he held it out to her. She looked around, in some kind of futile hope that someone would save her from this, but there was no one. Only this stunning, somewhat insane man, who was feeding her chips and dip. 
“Come on, beautiful Elain. Open up,” he urged soft, his voice smooth and husky and so tempting.  
Numb, and only driven by the sound of that sensual voice, she opened her mouth and he gently pushed the chip inside. As she pulled it between her teeth, he brushed his finger over her lower lip and then brought it to his mouth and sucked. 
“More?” he whispered and then concluded, “more.” 
He dipped another chip and fed it to her again. 
“I am in marketing,” she answered, knowing in advance that hers was the most uninspiring answer in history. But she was more preoccupied by the fact that she was being fed chips by a strange man in the middle of a restaurant. 
“And you live in the city?” he asked further. “Please don’t even start with the whole ‘I am here on business’.” 
She sighed and admitted, “Fine, I am from the suburbs. But I work in the city. What do you do?” 
He didn’t seem too thrilled about her question and took his time eating the last of the popovers. 
“Do you really want to know?” he asked finally. 
“Yes, of course. Why not?” 
“You might not like it.” 
“Why wouldn’t I? What do you do? Kill people?” she joked. 
He smiled at her, but the smile was less of a smile, and more just a stretch of his lips. The smile didn’t reach his eyes 
“And if I am?” he wondered at last. 
She frowned and then it dawned on her and she laughed, “what? You kill people?” 
A shiver ran down her spine and she gawked at him in shock. Until she dissolved in a flurry of laughs. 
“You had me there for a sec!” she wiggled her finger at him. “A+ for a perfect deadpan delivery! I am impressed.” 
He didn’t seem to be laughing, but he added, “but they were all bad”. 
She stopped laughing and nervously shifted in her seat. 
“Wait. What?” 
“You wanted to know what I did for a living,” he reminded her. 
As she processed his words, he just sat there, watching her intently. 
“Oh my god,” she exclaimed at last, realisation dawning on her, “it’s a scam, right?! You are one of those guys who pretends to be an assassin, or a millionaire, or in the CIA and then I fall for it, and in two months you’ll start asking me for money and I blow all my savings on you and then never hear from you again.” 
Shaking her head in disbelief she grabbed her napkin and then said, “thank you for the drink, Mr. Azriel. But I am not stupid. I appreciate the gesture—the razzle dazzle—but let’s part ways right here so that no one leaves here too traumatised.” 
He listened to her impassively and in the next moment, the waiter arrived with their steaks.  
She was hungry and upset, but she knew that she couldn’t stay here any longer and remain in his company. The whole thing was too bizarre and she didn’t want to get in trouble. And this man was clearly trouble. Or maybe troubled. Or both. 
“Azriel, I am,” 
“Sit,” he ordered, though his tone was soft. “You are safe with me. Don’t worry. But you did ask me what I did for a living,” he insisted again. 
“Well, when I did ask you, I didn’t expect for you to tell me that you are some kind of a killer!” she snapped, her voice rising. 
“I’d rather you didn’t yell,” he requested. “However, I wanted to tell you,” 
“Why?!” she exclaimed. “Don’t killers usually try and keep their profession,” she made a quotation mark sign with her fingers, “a secret?” 
“Normally, yes,” he agreed. “But, I want you to trust me and I felt that being honest is the best way to earn that trust.” 
“Trust me? Why? And,” 
“Because I want you,” he interrupted her and his tone was blunt, but calm. 
“I want you,” he repeated. “I saw you and you...well, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And now, I am obsessed with the idea of learning what you’d look like when I enter you. What sounds you’d make when you come on my tongue.” 
At that, the big steak knife fell out of her trembling fingers and she wondered if she was having some kind of out of body experience. An ‘episode’? She wasn’t prone to episodes, but hell, there was a first time for everything, right? 
He shrugged, and continued like this was a perfectly sane conversation they were having, “Sorry if this is a bit unorthodox,” 
An understatement of the century! 
“However, I am not one to mince words,” 
Another understatement of the century. 
“And when I want something, I go after it. And right now, I want you.” 
She made a gurgling sound, but he ignored it, then cut into his steak, and chewed slowly.  
“However, you don’t strike me as someone who sleeps around or who is used to the type of man I am,” 
Was any woman? 
“Therefore, I wanted to build a baseline of trust between us. Like I said, you have nothing to fear from me. I am simply a man, interested in a woman.” 
He was anything but, but okay. 
“So,” she finally found her voice which was lost somewhere in the bottom of her stomach, “telling me you are an assassin is your way of establishing a baseline of trust?” 
He looked at her hand, which was clutching a butter knife, her knuckles white, and smiled faintly. 
“I suppose so.” 
She reached for the bottle of champagne, but her hands were shaking so badly, she could barely grasp it. Smoothly, he took the bottle and topped off her glass. This was probably the worst idea—to continue drinking—but she couldn't think of anything else. 
“Why don’t you relax and eat,” he suggested. “The steak is cooked perfectly.” 
“I don’t think I am hungry.” 
“Nonsense. Lay down your weapon of choice, dig into your dish and relax a bit. Have fun. It's your birthday!” 
He then raised his glass and mused, ‘what should we toast to?” 
“Me remaining sane after this dinner,” she muttered under her breath. 
He laughed.  
“How about ‘to the future’? Because tomorrow with you is worth every yesterday I spent without you,” he said and she almost choked.  
He couldn’t be for real.  
No man talked like that. Ever. 
“Listen, I know I could a little blunt, but in my line of work, I have to move quickly and I typically don’t get many second chances. And I don’t want to miss my chance with you,” he drank his champagne and watched her attempt to concentrate on her steak. “And when I said that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, I am being honest. I saw you across the restaurant and you kind of blew my mind. It happens, you know,” 
“No, it doesn’t,” she argued. “Only in romance novels.” 
“Okay,” he shrugged, “so we have a romance novel beginning, so what?” 
“It’s not real,” she insisted.  
“Well, while you think on that, tell me when I can kiss you, because I’d really, really would like to kiss you right now,” 
“Never!” she shrieked. “Stop talking like that!” 
She desperately needed him to stop talking. Stop using that sensual, deep baritone to say deliciously sinful things to her. Because if he continued, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. She kept trying to shield her breasts from him, since her nipples were achingly sharp, threatening to poke through the top of her body suit. And between her legs—disaster. She was flooded. Every glance at his strong, powerful hands made her wonder what they’d feel like between her thighs. What his soft lips would taste like if he did get that kiss from her. And every word he said just made her wetter and wetter. She feared she’d have a stain on her clothes once she got up from her seat, and the thought alone was mortifying.  
“I think you should let me kiss you,” he insisted, watching her intently. 
“No, I am not kissing you!” 
God, this steak was good!  
“How about this then,” he proposed slowly, “I scoot closer to you, and you let me play with your clit, while you eat, and then you come all over my hand. I pay the bill and we go to my place and I’ll continue making you come. Because all I want to do right now is kiss every inch of your porcelain skin, and fuck your soft, lovely mouth and watch my dick disappear between those rosy lips. And then you’ll come on my dick in your perfect pussy and ask for more, while screaming my name. And if you let me, I’ll fuck that gorgeous ass as well and will make you come from that as well. And then you’ll sleep in my arms and in the morning, we’ll go get breakfast.” 
She watched him in dull astonishment, her brain failing to work properly as she attempted to process his words.  
This really couldn’t be real. At all. No man, in the history of mankind, ever said words like these to a woman.  
Yes, he just sat there, with her perfect face and his perfect body, and waited. 
“And then you’ll go and kill some people at work?” was all she managed to say to his explicit monologue.  
She’s never been fucked anywhere, let alone her ass. So yeah. 
“Well, not at work. For work,” he corrected. 
“Uh uh,” she sighed. “And you are okay with me knowing about that then?” 
“Like I told you, I want you to trust me.” 
“Uh uh,” she sighed again. Then she set her napkin aside and told him calmly, 
“Azriel, it certainly has been an interesting evening. I thank you. I am not sure I’ll ever forget it, or you, but...I don’t think that I am the girl you need,” 
“All me to decide that,” he argued sharply. 
She chewed the inside of her cheek, before clarifying, “I suppose I choose not to be that girl for you.” 
“I like my boring little life. It suits me. And you...you don’t suit me or my life.” 
She couldn’t even believe her own assertiveness. She was rarely like this.  
“It’s unfortunate,” he said sadly. “Forgive me if I offended you,” 
“Astonished, more like,” 
“Better than offended.” 
She got up from her chair and her knees felt soft and shaky, and for the first time she understood what ‘jelly legs’ were. She had jelly legs because of him.  
“Thank you for dinner. I better be going.” 
“I’d like to walk you to your car,” he offered. 
“I think it’s a bad idea. Besides, I am getting an Uber. I drank too much. Goodbye, Azriel.” 
She rushed out of the restaurant and onto the bustling Fulton Market, where there were hundreds of people milling around. Her fingers trembling, she got her phone out of her clutch and pressed the Uber button on the verge of hysteria now. She didn’t know where she was going even, so she pressed ‘home’ even though she knew this Uber would host like $60 at least. But she needed to get away. Away from here, away from him, away from making a bad decision. Very bad, terrible decision that she was yearning to make right now. 
3 minutes. 
3 minutes. 
Okay, she just needed to make it for 3 minutes out here, until the car came. 
She glanced at the phone frantically, over and over again, watching the little car move along the street diagram. 
Suddenly, a familiar scarred hand reached over her shoulder and grabbed her phone.  
“Wait! Give it back!” she demanded desperately. 
Azriel smiled at her and then typed something in her phone.  
“Now you have my number.” 
A text chimed, and he added, “and I have yours”. 
“We’ll never see each other again,” she promised. 
“We’ll see,” he said simply. 
Finally, Honda Civic! Blue! There she was!  
She bounced on her heels impatiently, hoping he wouldn’t do anything, and yet hoping that he would at the same time. 
“Goodbye, Azriel,” she said again. 
He opened the door for her politely and before she folded herself into the car, he pressed his lips to the top of her head. 
“Happy birthday, beautiful. I’ll see you later.” 
Azriel ‘The Shadow’ Night had two problems on his hands. 
As he watched the Honda weave in and out of busy traffic, he lit a cigarette—an occasional bad habit of his—and inhaled deeply. 
Nothing that he told her was a lie. 
He did find her to be incredibly beautiful. And his attraction to her was instant and hit him like an avalanche. He’d never felt anything remotely like this before. He wanted her with every fiber of his being and know, innately, that their paths were crossed forever and for a reason. 
The only omission in his tale was that their meeting was not accidental. And that she was the target, who was his current assignment.  
Now, he needed to figure out how to murder her, while keeping her alive. 
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welcometololaland · 2 months
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almost uploaded a picture of my bank statement instead of this header! happy days!
thanks for the tags @hippolotamus @kiwiana-writes @happiness-of-the-pursuit @rmd-writes
@nancygillianmvp @terramous @tellmegoodbye @freneticfloetry @beautifulhigh
@orchidscript @myheartalivewrites and @strandnreyes (don't think that was a real tag but i'm taking it anyway to force you to love me).
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
49 (last time it was 46 but i feel like that isn't enough of a difference? disappointed in myself dfhskjh)
2. What's your Ao3 bodycount word count?
1,119,086 which does include some co-writes, but I also have around 200k of unposted WIP in my google docs so i'm counting it (including a fully written fic - someone put their hands around my neck and force me to edit it PLEASE).
3. Which fandoms do you write for?
red white and royal blue, 911 lone star, top gun maverick (flirting with winter's orbit always)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
the order of these has changed but not the identity:
Speak for Yourself (RWRB) (you know when eminem said he'd never be able to top My Name Is? this is my version of that)
Fifty First Dates (RWRB) (oodie agenda reigns supreme)
The RIng-In (Lone Star) (otherwise, lone star is in danger of being eviscerated from this top 5 lmao)
(Not) A Cinderella Story (RWRB) (NDAs are hot, apparently)
Cursed is a State of Mind (RWRB) (cursed caffeine is the main drawcard let's not lie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try my absolute best to. i am currently really behind and i apologise for that (the problem is, i reply to comments before i post anything and i haven't posted anything in ages).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
serious answer - Contaminated
my answer - oh baby i'm a fool for you because we never find out if they actually watch twilight and that's a damn shame
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
literally everything else - i don't really do open endings or sad endings! in the words of the great philosopher, skepta: "nah, that's not me."
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i used to, but i haven't in ages! thank god for that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, although i have to say i've been moving away from pwp lately. i feel my best smut is written into longer fics where the sex serves a plot or characterisation purpose within the frame of the overarching narrative.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
yes, a RWRB/LS but i never finished it. ALTA is a veronica mars inspired tarlos fic which kind of feels like a crossover at times.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! Phonography (Lone Star) has been translated, as has Baby, Make Your Move (Lone Star) and Warm Whispers (Lone Star). I'm very grateful to the incredible people who have made these translations happen - you are so talented.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yes, many with @dustratcentral. I also wrote a chapter of a co-written fic with a whole bunch of incredible RWRB authors called never the same twice.
@rmd-writes and I have created (Un)Professional Services and (upcoming) Call Me (By Your Name).
The Rainbow Fish was co-written with @strandnreyes.
I love co-writing so much and I am always open to anyone who wants to give it a go!
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
me + my unposted wips.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the aforementioned crossover which was apparently also my answer last time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm allergic to giving myself compliments but i would say maybe dialogue/banter and worldbuilding.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
keeping things short. also, exposition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
kinda scared to because i don't speak any other languages and i'm so hesitant to annoy my very talented multi-lingual friends with my annoying questions.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we don't talk about that.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
probably still Love Game because the experience was just so amazing and i never wanted to stop writing it.
heaps of people have already done this so leaving an open tag and also a couple of suggestions under the cut but apologies if you've already participated or been tagged 7 million times:
@bonheur-cafe @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @indomitable-love @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@tailoredshirt @vineofroses @liminalmemories21 @mikibwrites @birdclowns
@ladytessa74 @basilsunrise @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @rosedavid @sanjuwrites
@alrightbuckaroo @three-drink-amy @marjansmarwani @dumbpeachjuice @doublel27
@lemonlyman-dotcom @blueink3 @ambiguouspenny @clottedcreamfudge @emmalostinwonderland
@sail-not-drift @inexplicablymine @celeritas2997 @cricketnationrise @reyesstrand
@goodways @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @sunshinestrand @sherryvalli
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Having read this post, I have to ask (so this can be the space for it):
What are your fanfic pet peeves?
Oh man.
Well, I suppose the biggest one, and the only one that really matters to me is what I'll call the golden law of fanfiction: do not be boring.
If I'm entertained, even if it's bad, then I'm happy. Even if it has the most bizarre plot twists, even if it's absurdly dumb, so long as it's not boring I will be quite happy and very entertained. To me, the worst is, when the story is reductive, it's just every other story I've seen in a sub-genre of a fandom over again, it doesn't go anywhere, nothing ever happens because the author's allergic to plot, and it's thoroughly mediocre: not entertainingly bad nor in any way good.
To me, that's the stories I can't get through, where I just get tired from reading the thing and have no idea why this story exists when there are a billion like it.
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randoimago · 10 months
Hi. Can I request general relationship headcanons for Pokemon boys Roark, Flint, Milo and Kabu? Thanks.
General Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: Pokemon
Character(s): Kabu, Milo
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I did Flint and Roark here!!
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Always up at like 5am to do his morning jog and stretches. If you want to join him then he appreciates the company. But if you think he's insane for waking up that early, then he chuckles and makes sure to pick you up something from a bakery on his jog.
He's an older guy so his house runs a bit on the warmer side. His pokemon also keep things warm for his old bones. It's a nice, relaxing warmth too. If it's too warm for you then he's fine turning the temperature down for you and using a blanket or cuddling with you for his warmth.
Calls you his "dear". Not huge on physical affection, but anytime you ask him anything or want to do something then he'll give you a smile and a "yes, dear". Might also call you "my love" too.
Really hopes you like flowers because he'll gladly get you some flowers that his pokemon helped him grow. Or if you are allergic, then he's sure to bring you some fresh fruits and veggies from his garden.
Has made you a flower crown before. Well, his pokemon made it. He's a tad clumsy with his hands, but he still got it for you and hopes you enjoy it. If you ever make him a flower crown, then his hat is going on your head while he wears your flower crown.
So cuddly. Gives the best bear hugs. That said, he won't constantly be seeking affection, he lets you mention if you'd like hugs or to cuddle together. And he's happy to provide when/if you do.
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anotherbluesunday · 2 months
✨Teaser: In Technicolor✨
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So some of you may know this, but my next fic that was set to release was originally called “Ballad of a Teenage Dream” and was a Wednesday x Skam crossover that showcased all the highs and lows of high school and the growing pains that come with the transition from teenager to young adult.
Well that story has been reworked, overhauled, and given new life.
I present to you my high school dramady, In Technicolor.
Set in Los Angeles, California, the story follows two groups of friends as their worlds collide. A modern spin on the social dynamics of Romeo and Juliet where two factions are warring but cannot remember why or why their bitter rivalry is so important to their identity, In Technicolor highlights the feuding of the wealthy and the everyday citizens to show the consequences that come from stripping culture and history from the city streets in the name of gentrification. It explores the complex relationships of families on either side of the fence to reveal that wealth does not always bring happiness. And finally, at the center of it all, the complicated friendships and relationships of the members of these two groups as they meld into one.
For our East LA champions, we follow the Addams siblings and their mismatched group of skateboarders, graffiti artists, musicians, and street racers.
For our Palisades elite, we focus on the Blossoms and Galpin’s—two families from extreme wealth that are not entirely honest about what they show the world.
Important Story Information: If the visuals were not enough to give it away, this story will be a crossover with a different fandom. Entering the mix is the ensemble from Riverdale. I do want to caution readers now, there will be crossover pairings, character retcon on both sides, ageing up, ageing down, and changes to character personalities.
One such example is that Wednesday isn’t allergic to color and isn’t entirely unapproachable. She smiles and laughs but only when around those she trusts like her family and friends. Pugsley has been aged up and is Wednesday’s twin brother. My face claim for this version of Pugsley is Xolo Mariduẽna and I have made Pugsley (who also will be going by “Lee”) more confident and hotheaded with some snark and sass. Second to that, my face claim for Pubert “Bertie” Addams is Malachi Barton and Pubert/Bertie will be one year younger than his siblings—the twins Wednesday and Pugsley age 17 and in their senior year and Bertie age 16 entering his junior year.
On the Riverdale side of the crossover, I have made certain changes that I don’t want to reveal just yet for Archie’s character. That surprise will come soon enough because next I will be posting moodboards for specific couples that will be at the center of this story. But one change I will discuss now to get it out there to avoid hate comments and harassment is the issue of is Cheryl bi or is she a lesbian. In my story, she’s bi and will be paired with a male lead. I understand that the actress for her character went back and forth on Cheryl’s orientation but, to me, Cheryl reads like a chaotic bisexual that goes back and forth on her identity because being bi is confusing enough. And as someone who is bi, I would like to see more representation and fiction for people like myself because fandoms are so quick to erase bisexuality and pansexuality and criticize us when we speak up about it. So in this story, Cheryl is bi and she has broken up with her most recent girlfriend before meeting her next partner who is a man. And it’s fine.
If this upsets you, just swipe off of this post. Don’t leave mean comments or take digs at me because I’m not for any of this fandom infighting nonsense. It’s fiction and these characters can be whatever you want them to be in your stories.
However, if you don’t mind Cheryl liking both men and women, you don’t have an opinion either way, or your curious to see how this’ll pan out, stay tuned. I’d love to share this story with you. All are welcome so long as things stay civil and breezy.
So with that, I look forward to updating with the couple’s board and then the first chapter titlecard along with the chapter itself. Until then, stay lovely and stay groovy.💜
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blighted-lights · 4 months
because of course im gonna ask: first aid? —cmofirstaid
(Based off of this post! TFP Soundwave, IDW Sunstreaker, IDW First Aid, IDW Ravage, and IDW Cosmos have all been asked for! Feel free to send in an ask for any character that isn't one of these five 🌸❗️Not limited to followers or mutuals, so go wild!)
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First Impression: Oh shit, First Aid! I read MTMTE before I read most of IDW, and I was fucking stoked to see him appear in the Delphi arc- ESPECIALLY with how he was introduced with his report that doubled as the issue's intro narration. Aside from that, though, I didn't focus on him much during my first read-through. Pharma and Ambulon immediately stole the show away from him, and it wasn't until my second read a few months later that I really focused on Aid. Aside from being happy to see him, I LOVED how he was drawn in MTMTE. He's always been cute, but something with how he was drawn in the first half of MTMTE really cemented for me that he has one of the best designs. He somehow manages to be boxy and round at the same time and I love him for it.
Impression Now: You are ENTIERLY responsible for how much First Aid means to me now, I hope you know this. One of my top ten IDW faves. His design remains one of my favorites, and I wish we got more canon content digging into his POV of things pre-mutiny. I wish he stayed on the Lost Light instead of being called away, too! There is so much focus on Ratchet passing over the title of CMO to First Aid, but then Aid leaves so quickly after. Idk, I wish we just got to see him more pre-mutiny. Aid is such a tragic character to me but he's another background tragedy and it makes me want to shake my screen a bit when I think about him. A somewhat vaguely odd thing to say, but I wish we got to see more of First Aid's grief over Ambulon and his feelings towards Pharma. Honestly I wished we got to see more interactions between Aid and the rest of the medical cast in general- including Ratchet, Velocity (ESPECIALLY Lotty (is not biased)), and Rung.
Favorite Moment: Speaking of Pharma, my favorite moment of First Aid is this one right here:
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I think Aid should be shown like this more often. I NEED him to be angry. I need him to be murderous. As a treat for myself. I hate the idea in media where the good guys refuse to kill a villain because they'd be "letting the villain win". It's good to see that narrative challenged by Aid here.
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... Even if the consequences aren't easily forgotten.
Idea for a Story: Someone put First Aid and Rung into a therapy appointment, I need to pick their interactions apart under a microscope. I do not thing going to Rung would be able to help Aid. In fact, it might just make an already shitty situation worse. But I want to see First Aid sit down and talk about what he is experiencing. And maybe I want to see Rung unintentionally making his grieving process more difficult. We already know from Rung's own admission in Lost Light that he does not know who he is without his patients. He banks his entire identity and self-worth on trying to assist other people. But what happens when nothing he does seems to help First Aid, and therefore his own self-image begins to crumble for it? How does his own perceived failings affect his treatment of First Aid?
Unpopular Opinion: 🤔 Not sure if I have one. I'm allergic to the idea of Aid being really nice and nervous 100% of the time, ig. All things considered, the First Aid we have in IDW isn't nervous at all. But I don't actually know how prevalent this is in fandom or if this is even an unpopular take 🤷‍♂️.
Favorite Relationship: Canon-wise? It's a toss up between him and Ambulon and then him and Ratchet. It is devastating how hard Aid takes Ambulon's death, and his desperation to help save Ambulon when Ratchet wouldn't let him was heartbreaking to read. At the same time, I NEED more of First Aid and Ratchet arguing with each other and Aid calling Ratchet out on his bullshit. It is rare that anyone steps up to Ratchet like that and succeeds in affecting him. I would like more, thanks.
Non-canon relationships? Another toss-up between Velocity and Ravage. Put these three in a blunt rotation, I'm sure they'll be fine.
Favorite Headcanon: First Aid is extremely tactile. There is not a word or phrase that could properly describe how touchy First Aid is. He has the capability to turn someone who is touch-starved to touched-out in the span of thirty minutes. While this is in part due to just him being an affectionate person in general (or at the very least, more physically affectionate than most other Autobots), it is also partially because of his intense focus on Autobot brands. He is so used to checking everyone he comes across for their brands in the case that they might have a bullet shot through them that the process of checking someone over is compulsive. This extends to people who fall outside of the Autobot ranks who do not even have brands, like Ravage, Cyclonus, and Ten. It's earned him more than a few strange looks and awkward silences over the course of being on the Lost Light.
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snaililita · 9 months
I adore Len and Rin! I have been trying my hand in x readers lately by making a load of Lyney x Reader so why not make some nostalgic (for me at least) Len x Reader🤔? As cringe as it may sound I've been reading all the fics left over by the fandom of old since I was 10 I'm so obsessed with Len>< So I pretty much have a headcanon for everything under the sun about him! So this mini thing will be a breeze:>
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Len is a very cautious lover.
Used to all the memes and hate he used to regularly get back when the Vocaloid fandom was rampant; he is very hesitant with just about everything he does lest it become yet another meme and another reason to make fun of him.
As you can guess this leads to major anxiety and constantly feeling like he has done something wrong.
Please don't let him feel this way.
This being said, he is great at recognizing panic/anxiety attacks long before they happen.
He has a tendency to memorize what triggers them and avoids those places/topics entirely.
It's almost like he was built to be some form of anxiety relief android. Maybe he has some beta coding for future therapy androids?
Either way despite his physical age and mindset his is incredibly observant and can read a person pretty well.
He has a tendency to make assumptions though.
Brush his hair and don't tell him he needs to whack his ponytail off.
He'll love you.
Maybe he will let you braid it if you ask nicely.
He owns a saluki named Happy. No questions asked.
No he does not co-own her with Rin. Happy is *his* dog and neither him or the dog will accept otherwise.
If his dog approves of you 9 times outta 10 he will too.
He also likes cats, he and Rin are just allergic.
If you're someone like me and covered in cat hair 24/7, he will sneeze around you all the time.
It's cute though.
Len sneezes are adorable.
He is bad at english/kanji class please help him.
That being said he is a math wizard.
If you're like me and suck at math he can help you don't need to worry.
He would probably just do your homework for you if you ask.
Which is why you shouldn't.
Len has a problem with doing things for others so he'll do just about anything (within reason) for you if he loves you enough.
We already know he would die for his sister if I had to guess he would die for you too if you won him over.
He will take his hoodie off for you and let you wear it. He never takes his hoodies off.
Please please protect him.
Him is verr ee wholesome.
Len has some serious self doubt issues (as I mentioned earlier) so remind him that he *is* talented and that his sister isn't any better than he is.
I mentioned earlier he is good at recognising the signs of a panic attack and I think he is just as prepared to handle them as he is good at sensing them.
If you need words of comfort he can provide you with those but if you just want him to hold you while you cry he can do that too.
He actually prefers the latter because he is afraid he may say something wrong.
He has attachment issues and separation anxiety.
To certain extent he has separation anxiety with his sister and dog but it's not as bad as it is with you.
He gets so nervous and scared. He doesn't like being without you.
He is also super attached to you because you aren't mean to him.
That's probably one of the big reasons he loves you so much; you treat him like a person.
Len gets angry when people say he is a little gay twink.
He likes girls too!
He thinks no matter what's in your pants if your beautiful and kind you are beautiful and kind>:[
Please play minecraft and animal crossing with him♡♡♡
He is often littered with band-aids for no reason. He thinks they look cool lol.
Big cuddler!
Winter and autumn are his favourite seasons because he can cuddle with you in bed and wear layers:)
He has *so* many blankets and he shares all of them with you!
Doesn't mind if you fart in the bed. Doesn't run away squealing in disgust like his sister. Literally could not care less it's no different from a sneeze to him. True manliness right there.
Apple cider is his favourite!
He loves the smell so much his room has diffusers everywhere in it and they all have the scent:)
He also has his windows open a lot of the time!
So it smells like that windy-open-window-bedroom *and* apple cider!
If you open his door without expecting it, it's like being hit in the face with essence of bard. (If you get it you get it.)
Hates anything to do with zombies. They trigger panic attacks in him because he knows he would survive because he is an android but he wouldn't know how to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Not knowing what to do in certain situations enduces anixety and panic attacks in him whether it be an on the spot question from a teacher or just thinking about a situation like such his room.
He cries a lot.
I mean he is adorable and it's impossible to not find him cute when he does cry but he has one of those crying faces that makes you just feel so much guilt and a need to protect him.
Smooch his cheeks when he cries, if you do it enough he cries a little less.
Don't make him bottle up his emotions though, but also help him to stop crying because it's not very good for his eye cameras.
His eyes can glow in the dark by the way.
Every android's can.
But his are so pretty! When they glow they are a bright, electric blue that fades into a slightly deeper shade and they are *so*, SO sparkly!!
Make sure to tell him his sparkle eyes are beautiful✨✨
He has a lot of plushies.
He likes Journey to the West and is a Sun Wukong enthusiast!
He really likes Dragon Ball so he wanted to know about the design origins of Goku and you get the picture.
He doesn't quite understand all the symbolism in JTTW but he still enjoys it regardless because MONKEY KING SMASH!!!
Has a lanyard that he really likes and doesn't take off often.
He has a Vocaloid tomogatchi and the little character in it is the same Rin he has had since he first got it back when they were released.
He can't let his sister die on him!
His sister has one with him in it that she takes just as good care of♡
They may argue all the time but they really do love eachother!
Len and Rin are you best friends and Len is the best, most accommodating boyfriend you could ever ask for so please treasure him and his sister you lucky you!
Handle with care U^U
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I'm on a roll with the s/j/m hatred tn so I'm going to compile a masterlist of all her shitty lgbt/poc representation and why it sucks booty cheeks. it should be noted that none of this is meant as shade on any of the characters themselves... I actually happen to like quite a lot of them
EDIT: there are some nice additions to this post in the notes you can check out
LGBT rep
Aedion (Bi/Pan)
Literally known as “Adarlan’s Whore” (a nickname that references both his allegiance to the king and his tendency to sleep around)
His only same-sex relationship is with a vaguely-mentioned unnamed lover from the past (it’s not even said straight-up that they’re a man, but I’m assuming they are bc they’re mentioned to be a commander of the Bane)
He’s shown being attracted to women and only women for two and a half books. He’s a womanizer retconned into the slutty bisexual stereotype
His liking men & women is compared to prostitution
It’s insinuated in koa that he slept with an ex while he and Lysandra were fighting (because the cheating bisexual trope is such a new & creative one!)
Helion (Bi/Pan)
He’s always trying to have 4somes with three of the main characters
Realistically he’s probably one of the most powerful/interesting High Lords but this gets sidelined in favor of him flirting with eVeRyOnE
All we really know about him is his name and the fact that he’s a bit of a manwhore… very 2-dimensional
He has an affair & a child with a married woman… just the Slutty/Cheating Bisexual Trope (Volume 2) :/
Mor (Lesbian? Possibly bi?)
She’s never shown in any real relationships (with men or women)
She had tragic off-screen relationship with a mortal queen a few hundred years ago
We get literally no hints that she’s gay throughout the series, she just randomly mentions she likes women at the end of book 3
She gets no happy relationship, she stays closeted to spare Az’s feelings (as though he’s not a grown ass man), she’s retconned into her sexuality most of the way through the series… just shitty shitty rep all around
Hasar (Lesbian)
She’s a villain, and a shitty one at that
Lesbian rep from a side character in one novella that half the fandom didn’t read? What’s even the point?
Thesan (Gay)
A very minor character & his unnamed “lover” who serve no narrative purpose whatsoever… thanks for nothing sarah
Emrys & Malachai (Presumably gay)
Oh look! More minor, background mlm that might as well not exist for all they do for the story :/
They are cute though, I’ll give them that
POC rep
First (and only) black main in ToG
She dies to fuel the white protag’s character arc… a very tired trope
She was actually a pretty well-written, likable character up until her brutal murder, which made it that much worse to hear about her organs strewn all over the room
Described as “plain” (particularly in contrast to the white women like Aelin & Lysandra)
We know she’s POC because of where she’s from, but the way her features are described suggest she could still be white
Dark hair, gold eyes, “tan” skin
She really just fawns over white-boy Dorian every 2 seconds before dying a violent death to fuel Dorian’s arc…
…Aaaand I’m sensing a pattern here
Much of her character (especially in QoS) is reduced to her beefing with Aelin (and thus being villanized by the narrative) because of jealousy over Chaol 
Simply described as having “tan” skin (again). I think sarah is allergic to calling people brown
She is also described as plain compared to white protagonist
She has a (presumably middle eastern) family that only wants her to stay home and be a baker/someone’s wife
Once again very racially ambiguous to the point where she could even be white, with “tan/golden” skin, golden hair, and golden eyes
She almost immediately ties her literal life force to a white man she hated like a month ago. Seriously, can WOC not fawn over a hunky white man for once?
She defeats erawan in the end — considering she’s been a character for such a short time, this just feels more like a deus ex machina the anything really set up by the plot
Not going to fully rehash what I said above but generally… he has great potential, but is basically not a character
He’s portrayed as very nice and reasonable, if young and naive, yet he literally only exists to get manipulated/robbed by the main characters
He seems like such a sweetheart. He deserved much better than Riceman and Feyrug doing him dirty like that
I’ve heard rumors of a High King/Queen F*ysand plotline in later books…if that happens, Tarquin will likely be bending the knee and forgiving the people who fucked him over just a short time ago
He’s described as very caring and loyal (yay!) which seems to always get him taken advantage of (damn!)
He’s portrayed (especially in ACOWAR) as someone we’re supposed to dislike when all his actions are perfectly reasonable
He’s literally retconned out of being white when it’s revealed Helion is his father instead of Beron. I’ve seen ppl get mad at “white-washed” fan art but it’s hard to expect much else when his original character description was straight red hair, amber eyes,  and “tan” skin (holy shit agAIN)
The people of the White Fangs from TOG
They’re described as having black hair, black eyes, and “tan” skin
They live isolated in the mountains (away from civilization) and are described as “savage” and warlike, always raiding villages in the mountains and stealing women away from their homes… 
Cain, who’s from these people, dabbles in dark magic/religion nobody else understands
This is feeling, intentional or not, like a horrible Native American caricature. Idk maybe that’s just me
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steddiecameraroll · 11 days
Writers 20 questions tag game
Tagged by @hbyrde36 🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
As of today, I have 35
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
641,392 🤯
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things & Steddie
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Artist and The Hair 2. Your Silence Gives Me a Migraine 3. It Takes a Muscle to Fall In Love 4. Ever notice a man's hands? 5. My whole existence is flawed (You get me closer to God)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, sometimes someone's comment makes the months of pouring yourself into a fic, all worth it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a happy ending writer BUT I will drag those two men through every level of pain to get to the happy ending. So, my angstiest fic is probably Maybe You'll Start Slipping Slowly (and Find Me Again).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly they're all the happiest but I reread my Eddie 1st person POV fic today and that epilogue got me right in the feels (This is Supposed to Be My Damn Year)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I'm aware of
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have yes, lots of it. It's not in everything I write but it's definitely in a good chunk of the multi-chaptered ones.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't usually but I wrote a Steddie/Chopped crossover because I couldn't help myself (Chopped S35E21)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, although it'll look like it on my earlier fics. That's still me just my original ao3 account (long story that involves a security breech at work)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
The obvious answer would be Steddie but I'm a sucker for 10th Doctor and Rose, but weirdly enough I never read any of their fanfic pairings.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Nothing that's posted, but I've got 3 in a folder on my computer that are thousands of words long, one of them is 20k and I know they'll never be at a point that will be postable because I won't finish them. I'm not posting anything I won't finish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Sometimes I think it's dialogue, sometimes I think it's evoking an internal emotion, and other times I think it's setting a scene. It depends on my headspace and what kind of writing I'm doing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Damn run-on sentences. I swear I'm allergic to commas. The problem is, that's how I talk. I forget to breathe sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it's something the writer can do, then why not?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Office during S3. Big JAM fan.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This is hard. When I first answered this I said Must Have/Can't Stand Checklist, which I still love, but also for completely different reasons I love This is Supposed to Be My Damn Year and my Glimpse of Us series. All 3 are so different, but I've reread them all multiple times.
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chunkypossum · 6 months
Hello, I've returned to be a problem.
Need a fic rec that transcends fandoms?
It’s All Things End by @acourtofladydeath
Find it here on Ao3
Tagging ships that I think would appreciate it. Because you’re all allergic to happiness. (Especially you satosugu bitches)
Mind the tags. It’s heartbreaking but absolutely gorgeous. A lot of people will pass it up so they don’t have to read something that will make them cry.
This WILL make you cry. Especially when read as intended with the playlist companion. (You have to read it with the music. I’m begging you)
That’s OK! You’re supposed to feel things.
Here is the official post to learn more about it.
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