#blood of the covenant
thatthirdtriplet · 2 months
Tim Drake & Jason Todd Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne Jack Drake & Janet Drake & Tim Drake Jack Drake/Janet Drake Tim Drake & Dick Grayson
Tim Drake Jason Todd Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson Alfred Pennyworth Jack Drake Janet Drake Tim Drake's Parents
Additional Tags:
Hurt/Comfort Angst fluff and Angst fluff angst with a Happy Ending Bad Parents Jack and Janet Drake Jack and Janet's A+ Parenting Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent Tim Drake Needs a Hug Tim Drake Gets a Hug No beta we die like jason Todd child Neglect Tim Drake Joins the Batfamily Early happy endings only
11 year old Tim Drake is starting his freshman year at Gotham Academy and balancing it with his nighttime hobby of following and photographing Batman and Robin. He's even got Jason Todd in his English class this year.
When Jason begins to invite Tim to hang out more, will Tim be able to cover up the fact that he knows Jason's secret? And why is Jason so interested in Tim's home life? He's fine.
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I don't have anything to say here are more memes 👍
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soleminisanction · 7 months
For the Directors Commentary:
“When they’d been kids, first forming Young Justice, Robin had seemed larger than life, an impossible standard to measure herself against and be found wanting. Now she knew Tim and loved him and it broke her heart to see him stripped of all his armor and reduced to a scared, sad runaway.”
From Blood of the Covenant
This section is pretty much a stream-of-consciousness of what I think Cassie is feeling in the moment she approaches Tim in Red Robin #3.
I always thought the contrast was nicely ironic. Cassie has a literally mythic story -- even before she learns/it's retconned that she's a demigoddess, she's still the archetypal clever hero who first stole and then demanded her powers from the gods. And yet despite that, because she was so new at the beginning of YJ, she was still intimidated by and deferential to Robin -- the most experienced of them all, and also an in-universe legend, but also still just an ordinary mortal kid. Her growing out of that and into her own as he gradually relies less on the mask becomes more human around his friends is such a great set of complimentary story arcs, and a big part of why I love them so much, so had to acknowledge it in a story about their relationship.
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
After almost three years! FINALLY! FUCKING! DONE!
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therulerofallpotatos · 10 months
For the Lingerie Kink Bingo Square: Conjugal Visit
Summary: Tyler was a patient at Willowhill Hospital when Wednesday broke into his cell. Between what she was wearing and the way she looked at him, this wasn't going to be a chaste visit. Well, if nothing else, it'd be interesting.
For the Squirting Kink Bingo Square: Blood of the Covenant (Part 1/2)
Summary: Wednesday nearly got them all killed at the Gates Mansion, and Enid leaving was the final act that pushed Wednesday over the edge. Fully panicking, she snuck back into Tyler’s house to make sure that he was ok. It ended with a marriage vow to forever bind Tyler under the protection of the Addams Family Curse. She couldn’t kill another Addams. Not through malice, not by accident, and not by proxy. Ever.
As his wife, she will never be able to get Tyler killed. Not even if she wanted to.
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chemical-processes · 1 month
Chapter 2 of Blood of the Covenant
“Easy,” Grayson says, again, like he’s calming a spooked animal. His hair is still immaculate, not a strand out of place, clothes barely rumpled, and Jason focuses on the quickly reddening bruise on his cheek, the only evidence that he did any damage at all. “We’re not doing this, Jason.” “Fuck you,” he chokes out, realizing, belatedly, that he’s out of breath.
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orokukarai · 1 month
Summary: When Darius Dunn gets his hands on a mind control chip that turns the victim into a Kanabo super soldier, he has his eyes set on Leonardo to be its host. While the rest of Leonardo’s family try to cope without having him around, Leonardo finds himself in charge of the Dark Turtles.
Chapter 2 is finally here, wahoo! As before, it’s in script format.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
[‘Past’ New York City]
[The Lair]
[A shot of a typical NYC street that shifts toward the road. Then a focus on a manhole cover, which a van drives over. Next, a shot of a sewer tunnel, followed by a shot of the turtles’ first lair. The turtles are preteens. Michelangelo stands on the living room’s couch, Donatello sits next to him, Raphael is pacing and Leonardo stands nearby with his arms folded over his chest.]
Michelangelo: [bouncing slightly] Sensei’s been in his room for ages now.
[A quick pan to Splinter’s shut door, which the turtles glance at.]
Raphael: [He stops pacing.] He should have decided which of us is gonna be the leader already.
Donatello: [He strokes his chin.] Well, he’s got to mark that written test he had us do, right?
Raphael: It can’t take that long to tick some answers.
Michelangelo: Or draw red crosses next to them all in your case.
[Raphael turns to him and growls, looking ready to pounce. Michelangelo laughs mischievously.]
Leonardo: [He holds up his hand, all three fingers out.] It’s not just about who got the most answers right in that one test. Sensei set us three challenges, remember?
Raphael: Yeah. [He looks pleased.] Me and Mikey aced the obstacle course. We even beat you, Leo.
[Leonardo frowns.]
Donatello: [He gives a little huff and puts his hands onto his hips.] Hey, I wasn’t that far behind you guys. I trained really hard.
Raphael: [He points a finger toward his own temple.] Well, I studied so much that it’s a wonder I don’t need glasses.
Michelangelo: [He drops into a sitting position next to Donatello and slouches.] And I practised my katas so many times I can do them in my sleep. Probably.
Leonardo: Come on, guys. We all did our best and prepared really well. That’s probably why Sensei’s taking so long to decide.
[The other turtles smile a bit and nod as Leonardo looks at them in turn. Splinter’s door opens. The turtles whip around and stare at him. He ambles over to the kitchen, carrying an empty cup.]
Michelangelo: [trembling with excitement, holding his fists under his chin] Well?
Donatello: [equally in suspense] Who’s the leader?
[Splinter rinses his cup before returning. He stands in front of the turtles, who crowd together and peer up at him. A grin pulls at his mouth.]
Splinter: My sons, I am incredibly proud of you. I can tell that you all tried your hardest. Donatello, you got every answer correct on your written test and correctly performed every kata I requested. [Donatello smiles.] But I am most pleased with your performance on the obstacle course.
Donatello: [He blinks, confused.] But I finished last, Sensei.
Splinter: [He nods.] I could see great improvement in your agility and your ability to think on your feet. It was clear you had been practising. [He turns to Michelangelo.] Michelangelo, your athleticness is outstanding, and some of your answers in the written test, though unorthodox, offered a perspective I had not considered before. Most importantly, you were able to focus and carry out your katas to a standard I’ve yet to see in class. [He quirks his brow a bit.]
[Michelangelo rubs the back of his neck.]
Michelangelo: I know I got some wrong, but once I started thinking of them as trying to beat a boss battle, it became so much easier to remember them.
[Leonardo smiles at him. The others are focused on Splinter.]
Splinter: Raphael. You blitzed through the obstacle course and watching you in combat, I have no doubt you will be a great fighter. As for your written exam...
[A close up of Raphael’s face sees him put a hand to his mouth, almost painfully in suspense of Splinter’s next words.]
Splinter: [He is smiling.] ... It is clear to me that you considered each question thoroughly and took great care with your answers. Well done.
[Raphael pumps his fists victoriously. Michelangelo pouts and sticks out his tongue, but he is being playful, not hateful. Donatello and Leonardo smile.]
Splinter: [He turns to his last son.] And you, Leonardo...
[Leonardo looks away from Raphael. His eyes are wide as he awaits Splinter’s feedback. The screen slowly zooms in on Splinter’s warm expression, the image holding before abruptly turning into a furious, spit-spraying Darius Dunn.]
[Dark Turtles’ Lair]
Dunn: [wearing his battle suit] You’re a worthless, grotesque stain on existence! What cats regurgitate is more valuable than you.
[A zoom out reveals the lair surrounding Dunn. In front of him is Dark Leonardo, whose expression is blank, resigned.]
Dunn: The next time you see those turtles and my nephew, if you have the opportunity to annihilate them, you will do so. [He prods Dark Leonardo’s chest.] Regardless of whatever [his tone turns mocking] promises you feel you’re qualified to make without my approval.
[The screen pans to Leonardo, who is sitting within his forcefield. His face is serious. In another part of the lair, the other dark turtles listen with equally grim expressions.]
Dunn: You’re nothing but muscle. [He steps back.] A while ago, I had been toying with the idea of building robotic versions of the turtles to use against them. Perhaps I should return to my blueprints. [His sneering intensifies.] Then I can dispose of you like the trash you are.
[The Dark Turtles stir, taking offence. Dark Raphael starts toward him.]
Dark Raphael: Well, we don’t like you either, ya snotty, pig-faced fart!
[Dark Raphael takes a few more paces, fist raised, before freezing due to the hypnotically induced precautions embedded in them.]
Dunn: [He sighs again, shaking his head.] Pathetic. All of you. Do not underestimate how low my expectations are when I assign you with your first mission under new leadership. [He looks around at them all.] I want you to steal as much food as you can.
[Dark Raphael retreats back a few steps and lowers his fist. Him and the other Dark Turtles exchange surprised and confused looks. Leonardo is neutral.]
Dark Donatello: [He scratches his head.] You don’t want us to get you money, jewellery, weapons...?
Dunn: [scoffing] Who doesn’t want more money? But that’s not my priority right now. I require a lot of long shelf life goods... [He waves a hand.] They can be mostly store-brand. They’re not for me to eat, so I don’t care. However, do also acquire brand-name goods for my consumption. Coffee beans from Saint Helena are at the top of my list, though I doubt that means anything to you dolts.
[The Dark Turtles sans Dark Leonardo excitedly look at each other.]
Dark Michelangelo: [He hops between feet in a happy dance.] We’re gonna feast like kings! Let’s get more tacos. [He throws out his arms.] Ooh, and hotdogs!
[Dark Michelangelo drools. Dunn starts laughing, which wipes the grins off the others’ faces.]
Dunn: You are definitely Michelangelo’s clone. You will continue eating whatever I give you, whenever I choose. The majority of the food you will be purloining will be for Leonardo. Kanabo have an increased appetite and require a large amount of calories to maintain their strength.
Dark Leonardo: [He grimaces.] I figured as much.
[Dark Michelangelo wilts. Dunn approaches Leonardo’s forcefield. He smirks as he leers down at the turtle, who coldly meets his gaze. After a few seconds, Dunn’s grin disappears.]
Dunn: I have eyes everywhere, so don’t get any funny ideas.
[A close up of Leonardo’s unmoving face. Dunn turns away sharply and starts walking away.]
Dunn: [He waves a hand, not looking back.] Lower the forcefield and get out of my sight, all of you. I want enough subsistence to feed an army and a banquet fit for a king.
[The Dark Turtles stare after him as he leaves.]
[Cody’s Penthouse]
[It is night-time. The main living area of the penthouse is dark and devoid of life both humanoid and robotic. Elsewhere, however, is Cody’s lab, fully lit up. Donatello and Cody are seated at a workstation, which has Leonardo’s broken gauntlet on it. In front of Donatello and Cody are holograms and computer screens displaying various formulas, maps and graphs. The pair both have headphones on.]
Cody: [He pulls down his headphones and rubs his eyes.] Still nothing on the Peacekeeper radios. It seems like your clones aren’t up to anything yet.
Donatello: [He’s staring at the screens. His elbows rest on his thighs. His fingers are entwined and his chin rests on top of them.] Or they just haven’t been caught.
[Cody looks sidelong at the screens before yawning into his hand.]
Cody: There’s nothing we can do for now except wait. We should try to get some sleep in the meantime. We can set my computer to notify us if it picks up any key words like ‘turtle’ or ‘monsters’, so we won’t miss any-
Donatello: [He stands up.] [sharply] We’re not monsters!
[Cody stiffens. He raises his hands.]
Cody: I meant the clones, not you guys... [He cups the back of his neck.] Even then, they’re not monsters. Not really. But it’s what the Peacekeepers would call them...
Donatello: [bitter] It’s what we used to be called back in our time. [He sighs.] Sorry, Cody. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just frustrated. [He rests a hand on the workstation.] I’m supposed to be the genius brother. The polymath. The resident techno wizard. Yet I’ve made no progress tracking down Leo or their base. [His hand balls into a fist.] If only we could have disabled that forcefield back in the warehouse. Then maybe Leo...
Splinter’s voice: If one looks only at the past, they become blind to the future.
[Splinter walks into the room. Donatello and Cody straighten. The former takes off his headphones.]
Donatello: Master Splinter, I didn’t realise you were still awake.
Splinter: You are not the only one whose sleep evades them.
Donatello: [He rubs his head.] I know Leo’s only been gone a few days, and that’s nothing compared to when he was away training under the Ancient One, but this time he hasn’t gone to find himself. He’s been taken away to become someone, or something, he’s not.
[Donatello looks down. Cody looks at a screen that has a blueprint on it, showing what resembles a long-barreled firearm.]
Cody: We’ve been trying to work on a device to deactivate the mind control chip, but there’s only so much we can do without knowing anything about what they’ve put in him. And there’s a good chance safeguards are in place that could seriously harm Leo if we try removing it the wrong way.
Splinter: [He nods and turns to Donatello.] Leonardo’s well-being is not the only worry keeping me up. Cody is correct. Try to get some rest. You have barely slept the past few days.
Donatello: [He tips his head back and sighs.] Easier said than done. Everyone’s depending on me, Sensei. I’m meant to be leading this operation. This should be my forte. But I’ve barely made any progress. [He shudders.] I don’t know how Leo deals with this sort of pressure as often as he does. It’s so nauseating.
[Splinter places his hands onto Donatello’s shoulders. He gently guides Donatello back into his seat.]
Splinter: My son, please calm down.
Cody: [He smiles and wags a finger.] And you’re not alone, Don. We all have your back and don’t forget you’re not the only prodigy around here. You’ve got me and Starlee. She’s been all over the city searching for clues... [He lowers his hand meekly.] ... though that might partly be because she has recently gotten into a new mobile game that tracks your location via GPS and gives you rewards depending on how far you’ve travelled.
[Donatello groans, frustrated.]
Donatello: It’s hard to step away even for a few hours. Leo wouldn’t give up on me for even a second. Like that time I underwent a secondary mutation thanks to our dear now-president’s creations. [He tilts his head to one side with a thoughtful expression and looks at Splinter.] Or that time when you told us you were going to choose one of us to be our team’s leader.
[‘Past’ New York City]
[The Lair]
[Preteen Donatello sits at the dining table, which is covered in large pieces of paper with sketches of obstacle courses on them. They are thoroughly annotated. He draws on one, his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration.]
Donatello’s voice: In a month’s time, we would participate in three trials. An obstacle course, a training session and a written test. We all wanted to be chosen to lead the others so started preparing right away. It was every turtle for himself.
[Preteen Leonardo is walking past, but notices Donatello and stops. He approaches.]
Leonardo: [holding his hands behind his back] What’dya drawing?
Donatello: [He jumps, nearly knocking his coffee cup over with his elbow. He uses an arm to shield the sheet he’s drawing on.] Oh, you know. Boring stuff.
[Leonardo’s eyes stray to the other sheets. He looks surprised and points.]
Leonardo: Are those blueprints for obstacle courses?
Donatello: [He tries to use his body now to shield them.] No. They’re... um...
[Leonardo folds his arms over his chest, unconvinced. Donatello sighs and sits up.]
Donatello: I’m not worried about the leadership written test or doing all the katas right, but the obstacle course is a whole different ballpark. I’m not as fast as Mikey or as strong as Raphie, so I’m planning for every possibility. If I can memorise every possible course that Sensei could make us do, I’ll know what to do right away and be able to keep up with you guys.
Leonardo: [He scratches his head.] That’s a lot to remember.
Donatello: Yeah, but if I spend all day and all night rereading my notes, I should be okay. I’m even going to pull an all-nighter the night before to make sure it’s all in my brain. [He taps his head.]
Leonardo: [His eyes widen.] If you do all that, you’ll be too tired and your reflexes will be shot. The best way to get good at obstacle courses is to actually do them. Not only will you get stronger and faster, your coordination, balance and brain-body connection will improve.
Donatello: [He looks despondent as he fiddles with his pencil.] I don’t know...
Leonardo: [He looks over at the blueprints spread across the table.] How about we use your blueprints to make some obstacle courses and do them together? If we practise for an hour a day, in a month’s time, you’ll be ready.
[Donatello still looks unsure. Leonardo puts a hand on his shoulder.]
Leonardo: Sooner or later, you’re gonna come across something that you don’t have a plan for. But if your mind is focused and your body is in the best shape possible, you’ll be able to adapt. Come on. [He twitches his head to one side.] We can go scavenging for any parts we don’t have yet.
Donatello: [He smiles.] All right.
[Donatello stands up and starts following Leonardo out of the room. Cut to the dojo, where a small obstacle course has been set up. There is a beam for walking on, followed by wooden stands with tin cans hanging down from rope that you can either push through or dodge under. Further along are tires to step in, then a rope hanging from the ceiling with a bell at the top to ring. Donatello starts going through the course.]
Teenage Donatello’s voice: He pushed me to practise everyday. There were so many times when I wanted to skip a session, or give up part way through, but he encouraged me to keep at it. After a while, it actually became kind of fun. We would take turns making obstacle courses for each other, and we’d have to use our problem-solving skills to get reach the end.
[Preteen Donatello climbs a rope and rings the bell at the top. Preteen Leonardo cheers, while Donatello smiles bashfully.]
[Cody’s Penthouse]
[Cody’s lab]
[Fade in. Donatello is fondly smiling toward Cody’s workstation.]
Splinter: [He nods.] I particularly like the part where he told you not to stay awake working all night. You are not giving up on him by sleeping. You are making sure you are functioning at your best level for him.
Donatello: [He musters a tired grin.] Okay, I give. I’ll go to bed. Then as soon as I wake up, I’ll throw myself back into my work.
[Splinter steps back. Donatello stands up and stretches, yawning. Splinter puts a hand on his back as they start leaving the room.]
Cody: [He rubs his eyes.] Yeah, we don’t want to fall asleep at the workstation again. My face still stings from when we had to scrub off those permanent marker doodles Mikey scribbled on us.
[New York Street level]
[It’s night-time. Though activity still thrums through the city, it’s not as busy as it is during the day. The scene takes place in the same location that Leonardo bought his lunch in the previous chapter. The vendor - a clone of Jay - yawns at a hot food stall, looking around. Pan to a nearby alley, which Leonardo and the Dark Turtles peer out from. Leonardo retreats further into the alley.]
Dark Leonardo: So what’s the plan? We dumpster dive and miraculously find an untouched three course meal?
[Leonardo doesn’t answer, holding his chin in thought.]
Dark Raphael: [He growls.] What are we standing around for when there is food right out in the open for us to take?
Leonardo: [He looks at him.] Exactly. The street vendors are right out in the open, so we would draw too much attention if we went up to them.
[Dark Raphael only listens to the first half of what he says. As soon as Leonardo pauses momentarily after saying ‘open’, Dark Raphael swaggers out of the alleyway.]
Leonardo: Hey, wait! [He reaches toward him.] Where are you...?
[Dark Raphael arrives at Jay’s stall. Jay looks up with an irritable look on his face.]
Jay: What would you like?
Dark Raphael: All your food, puny human!
[Dark Raphael proceeds to pick up the stall and hold it over his head. Nearby civilians stop what they’re doing to spectate, while Jay twitches and stares in part-horror, part-anger.]
Jay: What are you doing, you ugly freak? I’m calling the Peacekeepers.
Dark Raphael: What did you call me, little man?
[Leonardo rushes over.]
Leonardo: [He claps Dark Raphael’s arm and forces out a hearty laugh.] My apologies, good sir! My... um, cousin here is new to this... planet. He doesn’t understand Earth etiquette.
[Dark Raphael looks confused.]
Dark Raphael: What are you...?
Leonardo: [louder] Come along, cousin. [He pulls on Dark Raphael’s arm. Dark Raphael lowers the stall, more confused than anything.] Here, I’ll show you how it’s done and buy you a hotdog. My treat.
[Leonardo pats himself down. His laughter is short-lived as he realises he doesn’t have any money on him. Fortunately for Leonardo, Dark Michelangelo and Dark Donatello sidle up.]
Dark Donatello: [He holds out a credit card.] Here is your credit card, Cousin Leo. Please accept our apologies and a fifty percent tip.
[Leonardo frowns but takes the card. Jay eyes it, then looks at the others who smile awkwardly.]
Jay: Would you like any condiments?
[Dark Raphael looks bewildered.]
Leonardo: Some of everything, please.
[Jay gives him a judgemental look but begins topping up the hotdog. The three present Dark Turtles ogle Jay. Jay looks uncomfortable, but though he’s slightly distracted by their proximity, he acts professionally. He passes Dark Raphael a paper bag with the hotdog in it, takes the credit card from Leonardo, taps it against his card reader machine, then returns the card. Leonardo backs away, waving with one hand while his other is behind his back.]
Leonardo: Thank you! I’ll be sure to recommend you to all my other cousins.
[The Dark Turtles follow him back into the alley, where Dark Leonardo broods.]
Leonardo: That was a close one. [Leonardo turns to Dark Donatello.] By the way, where did you get that credit card from?
Dark Michelangelo: [pleased] I found it in some guy’s pocket on the way over.
Leonardo: [He tenses.] You stole it? That’s... not good.
Dark Donatello: [He rests a hand against his forehead, pretending to swoon.] Shock and horror. The evil turtle clones committed an act of theft.
[He and Dark Michelangelo laugh, while Leonardo frowns and hunches his shoulders, still with his one hand behind his back. Dark Raphael opens the bag and takes out the hotdog, which he nibbles the end of. His eyes widen.]
Dark Raphael: This is... amazing! [He becomes starry-eyed and shoves more into his mouth.]
Dark Leonardo: [He hits him on the shoulder.] Oi! What have I said about sharing, numbskull?
Leonardo: Actually, about that...
[Leonardo finally reveals the hand behind his back. It’s another paper bag, but it doesn’t have a logo on it like Dark Raphael’s. He takes out a bare hotdog, then a roll and adds them together. He puts on some jalapeños, cheese and onions before handing it to Dark Leonardo.]
Dark Michelangelo: Whoa... [He stares, transfixed as Leonardo prepares another hotdog, with ketchup, mustard and pickled relish.]
Leonardo: It’s not from Jay’s stall, but I bet it’ll taste almost as good. [He gives it to Dark Michelangelo.]
Dark Donatello: [His eyes narrow.] How’d you get these? Aren’t you broke?
[Leonardo looks away.]
Dark Leonardo: You stole them.
[The other Dark Turtles look shocked.]
Dark Leonardo: While our meat-headed brother was making a scene, Leonardo slipped over to another stall and helped himself to some hotdogs before catching up to him.
Leonardo: [Defensive] No. I mean... How could I not? You need to eat, and it looks like Darius doesn’t feed you that well. Besides, I... I’ll pay for them later.
[The Dark Turtles stuff their faces. Even Dark Leonardo begrudgingly chomps down his hotdog and licks his fingers afterwards.]
Dark Michelangelo: This is delicious! Stealin’ food for us... You ain’t so good after all!
Leonardo: [He twitches.] That’s not how it is. [He swiftly changes the subject.] Darius treats you like garbage. It’s not right. And I noticed how Raphael’s clone froze when he started toward him. Dunn has something in place so you can’t fight back against him, doesn’t he? Some sort of safety precaution.
Dark Donatello: [He lifts a finger.] Hypnotically induced to be precise.
[Dark Raphael hits him on the head.]
Dark Raphael: Tell him everything, why don’t you!
Leonardo: [He holds up his hands, almost excited.] No, this is good! I understand now. You’re not evil, you’re just under his control.
Dark Michelangelo: I’m pretty sure we’re evil too.
Leonardo: [firmly] You’re not. There’s good in you. All of you. [to Dark Leonardo] I knew it. I knew I glimpsed it in you back when you stayed with us.
Dark Leonardo: [He flinches but quickly composes himself.] That was all an act.
Leonardo: [He shakes his head.] I don’t think so. I think you all have the potential to be heroes. [He looks at them all.] We’re not enemies. We’re on the same side. We need to work together, rise against Darius and break free from his power.
[Leonardo raises a fist, then pauses.]
Leonardo: But first... um, what do you call yourselves? Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard your names.
[The Dark Turtles look at each other, then at him.]
Dark Raphael: [He tilts his head to one side.] We don’t got no names.
Dark Michelangelo: We usually call each other tiny-brained morons...
Dark Donatello: Or creepy lizard freaks...
Dark Raphael: Or dumb monsters with a face like the inside of a toilet...
Leonardo: I can’t call you any of those.
Dark Michelangelo: [He shrugs.] Why not? We get called that stuff all the time.
Leonardo: [sternly] Well, not by me. [His tone turns less aggressive.] My father named me and my brothers after Renaissance artists. Perhaps we could do something similar? Let’s see... [He looks up, thinking.] There’s Titian, Botticelli, Giorgione and Albrecht.
[The Dark Turtles frown.]
Dark Raphael: You made some of those up, didn’t you?
Dark Michelangelo: I don’t even think Raphael was ever a real artist guy. How come only his name ends in ‘l’ but the others end in ‘o’?
Dark Leonardo: Why do you want to give us names, anyway? We’re clones. Monsters. Monsters don’t need names.
Leonardo: You’re not monsters. You may be our clones, but you are still your own person. [His tone lightens a touch.] Come on, who wants which name? It’s first come, first served.
[A shot of Dark Leonardo that zooms in on his robotic eyepatch. Then the screen changes to his vision from his eye’s perspective. There is a faint red overlay on top of Leonardo, who is talking to the Dark Turtles. We cannot hear what he is saying. The screen zooms out to reveal a dimly lit control room.]
[The Dark Turtles Lair]
[Dunn is sitting at a computer in his lab. On his main monitor is Dark Leonardo’s field of vision.]
Dunn: Hm...
[He picks up his phone, dials and waits.]
Woman’s voice: 911, what’s your emergency?
Dunn: I would, ah, like to report a robbery in progress.
[Cody’s Penthouse]
[It’s still night-time. A shot of the living room. Then the kitchen. Then the holo dojo. There is no activity. Then Cody’s lab. The computers are unmanned, but they are still turned on. All of a sudden, a notification pops up on all of the screens, a red, flashing exclamation mark in a yellow box. Cody staggers in, dressed in pyjamas. He presses on a computer mouse. A new computer window opens up, showing an audio wavelength.]
Male officer’s voice: ... reports of five terrapin aliens downtown, armed and dangerous. There was a minor incident with a street vendor but they were long gone by the time we got there. The caller claims to have overheard them afterwards discussing plans to rob nearby convenience stores.
Constable Biggles’s voice: Terrapins, hm? Why, I have a strong suspicion who they might be... Though I only remember there being four of them. [He sounds confused.] Did one of them perchance lay an egg?
[Cody’s eyes widen. He runs out of the room.]
Cody: Guys!
[Cut to Cody, the turtles and Splinter in Cody’s lab, gathered near the workstation.]
Raphael: [His hands are on his hips.] [unamused] An egg? Really?
Donatello: For one of them to hatch, then catch up to us in terms of development within weeks? [His brow quirks.]
Cody: I think you guys are focusing on the wrong thing. [He points at the screen.] It’s clearly referring to Leo and your clones.
Raphael: [He folds his arms over his chest.] What I don’t get is why they’re robbin’ convenience stores instead of a jewellers. Does Dunn need extra toilet paper or something?
Cody: [He strokes his chin.] There hasn’t been a shortage in toilet paper since the 2068 lockdown, and I don’t think my uncle has any... um... bowel issues.
Donatello: That would be one shell of a watercooler conversation.
Michelangelo: If it was me, I’d be in there taking all the snacks. [He rubs his plastron.] Yum... Potato chip heaven.
Splinter: Time is of the essence, my sons. We must reach your brother before the Peacekeepers do.
Donatello: Or before Leo and our genetic counterparts flee the area.
[New York Street level]
[Still night-time. Splinter, Cody and the turtles are cautiously making their way down a quiet street, different to that which Leonardo and the Dark Turtles were in before. Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo are disguised in purple hooded cloaks.]
Raphael: [He raises an arm, glowering at the sleeve.] Do we have to wear this?
Michelangelo: And why does it have to be purple?
Donatello: [He leans his head toward Michelangelo, frowning.] What’s wrong with purple?
[Michelangelo yelps and holds up his hands.]
Michelangelo: Nothing! Very stylish, bro.
Cody: The Peacekeepers are going to be on the lookout for bipedal turtles, so you guys need to keep a low profile.
Raphael: Mikey.
Michelangelo: [frowning] Hey, I can totally keep a low profile.
Raphael: The only thing you can keep low is the average IQ in a room.
Michelangelo: [He scowls.] You should be more worried about your fat head drawing attention.
[Raphael rounds on him, growling. Michelangelo faces him and they take on mirroring stances, heads leaning close, teeth gritted. Ready to throw fists.]
Splinter: [He taps his walking stick against the ground.] Enough!
[Raphael marginally relaxes. Donatello rests a hand onto Michelangelo’s shoulder.]
Donatello: Easy, bro.
Cody: I think we’re all getting a little stressed.
Michelangelo: A little? Try majorly. [He straightens up, agitated.] You don’t know how close I am to freaking out. When we next see Leo, he’s not gonna be him anymore. He’ll be some kind of zombie.
Splinter: [concerned] Michelangelo...
Michelangelo: [His gaze is averted.] Remember that time we stumbled upon that monster in the Volpehart building? And it trapped us in a nightmare with our worst fear? Well, in mine, Leo accepted the monster’s deal and became evil.
[Donatello gives Michelangelo a one-armed hug. Raphael joins in from Michelangelo’s other side, while Splinter positions himself in front of Michelangelo. Cody watches.]
Michelangelo: I’ve always been able to count on Leo. After Karai invaded our lair, he came and found us all. Even when his PTSD was suffocating him, he helped train me for my rematch against Kluh. And then there was the time when we were getting ready for the leadership tests...
[‘Past’ New York City]
[The Lair]
[On the television, a red-headed boy in a yellow Chinese martial-artist uniform is facing off against a bigger, more muscular martial artist.]
The Redhead: Prepare to meet your match, you big bully!
His Opponent: You? Itsuki-kun, you are deluded. You are tiny and weak. I will defeat you!
[The two warriors jump into the air and unleash a barrage of punches and kicks against each other. Preteen Leonardo steps into frame, his hands on his hips.]
Leonardo: Mikey, are you still watching TV?
[Preteen Michelangelo is lounging on the couch, surrounded by snacks. He sits up a little and tries to peer around Leonardo.]
Michelangelo: I’m trying, but your big butt is in the way.
Leonardo: [He doesn’t budge. He folds his arms over his chest.] Have you done any preparation for the leadership tests?
Michelangelo: [He slumps back into the couch and flaps a hand.] What’s the point? Donnie’s the smartest, Raphie’s the strongest and you’re a teacher’s pet. I have no shot.
Leonardo: If you don’t even try, then yeah, you don’t have a shot. But you’re just as capable as the rest of us. [He counts off each point against his fingers when he next speaks.] You’re a quick thinker, you often notice details the rest of us don’t, you’re pretty good at obstacle courses...
Michelangelo: But I suck at remembering katas. I’d rather go with the flow in combat than learn every single position and movement and order.
[Michelangelo leans to his other side, continuing to try to watch television. Leonardo’s frown hardens.]
Leonardo: Master Splinter says of all of us, you have the most potential. And if he says it, it must be true. If you just tried...
Michelangelo: Sorry, bro, but it’s not that easy for me. Whenever I try to study, my eyes glaze over and my hands itch. [He points to his head.] And my brain can only hold so much information. It prioritises stuff that’s cool and fun, and everything else usually just goes in one ear and out the other.
Leonardo: Then we just have to make learning them cool and fun.
[He keeps thinking, then opens his mouth slightly, eyes widening a fraction. He steps aside and looks at the television. Itsuki’s opponent punches out fire balls, which Itsuki dodges. Leonardo smiles and turns back to Michelangelo.]
Leonardo: [He punches his palm.] I’ve got it. Don’t think of katas as individual training exercises, but as special combo moves you have to do to defeat the bad guy and save the day.
[Michelangelo looks away from the television. His brow scrunches.]
Michelangelo: Like... a video game?
Leonardo: [nodding] Yes. If you want, I can play the role of the bad guy, and you can be the hero. [Michelangelo doesn’t reply. Leonardo sighs a bit.] [monotone] And if you're the leader, you get to boss Raphael around.
Michelangelo: [He springs to his feet and darts really close to Leonardo’s face. He grins widely.] Can you pretend to be Bowser?
Leonardo: [He shrinks back a bit.] Uh... sure?
[Cut to Leonardo and Michelangelo sparring. Leonardo has cardboard spikes stuck on his shell.]
Teenage Michelangelo’s voice: [speaking over the scene] Did I ace the test on katas with flying colours? Shell no. But when Master Splinter told me later that he was proud of how well I did, I was over the moon. Leo’s always had my back...
[Preteen Michelangelo jumps on top of preteen Leonardo. Both collapse to the floor. Leonardo frowns. Michelangelo, sitting on top of him, bursts out laughing, and Leonardo can’t help chuckling along.]
[‘Present’ New York City]
[Street level]
[Teenage Michelangelo looks seriously at his fist, held out in front of himself. He slowly clenches it.]
Michelangelo: ... and I will always have his.
[New York City]
[Another street]
[Still night-time. Peacekeepers are patrolling the area, including Constable Biggles. A computer overlay covers him as he pauses, looks around, and continues marching. Next is a shot of Dark Leonardo, who lowers his binoculars. He is on a rooftop. He jumps down to an alley, landing next to Leonardo and the other Dark Turtles.]
Dark Leonardo: Peacekeepers, two blocks away. Twelve of them, heading in our direction. More beyond. All armed.
[Leonardo grimaces.]
Leonardo: [flatly] Peacekeepers. Great.
Dark Donatello: [smirking] Now you’re with us, they aren’t your friends any more.
Leonardo: Real talk, I’ve never considered them my allies. They’re part of a corrupt institution that maintains the status quo for the privileged, with a history of bigotry and violence that diverts funding away from things that could actually help prevent crime such as education, healthcare and alternative rehabilitation programmes.
[The Dark Turtles exchange surprised looks. Leonardo looks out of the alley. The coast is clear for now.]
Dark Raphael: Should we find another joint to rob?
Leonardo: [He is still looking out of the alley. His eyes narrow.] No. There’s surveillance almost everywhere. We’re lucky that the sewers don’t seem to have any cameras down there, so we can navigate through them.
Dark Donatello: [He rubs his knuckles against his chest.] I assure you that we’ve either jammed, hacked or destroyed every camera down there by now. You’re welcome again, by the way.
Leonardo: Right... Anyway, we need to get what we need from the surrounding area then retreat. [He jabs a thumb to the side.] The building to the right of us is a store chain mini-mart. Donatello’s clone will jam the security system, then you go in, take some of the goods, and leave without drawing any attention to yourselves. We meet back in the sewers. Any questions?
Dark Donatello: I couldn’t help noticing your choice in pronouns. What will you be doing in the meantime?
Leonardo: Michelangelo’s clone and I will be keeping the Peacekeepers away from here.
[Dark Michelangelo points to himself.]
Dark Michelangelo: [confused] Me?
[Dark Raphael, Dark Donatello and Dark Leonardo point to Dark Michelangelo.]
Dark Raphael, Dark Donatello and Dark Leonardo: [equally confused] Him?
Leonardo: [He nods.] Yep.
Dark Raphael: But he’s a moron.
Dark Michelangelo: Exactly!
[Leonardo raises his arm, showing off his gauntlet. It looks similar to the ones the Dark Turtles wear.]
Leonardo: Don’t dawdle and keep in touch, okay?
Dark Donatello: [He bows with a flourish of his arm.] Of course, fearless leader.
[Dark Leonardo looks a bit taken aback but smooths over his features, though he can’t stop looking somewhat bitter that Dark Donatello used that nickname on Leonardo instead of on him.]
[The Dark Turtles Lair]
[Control Room]
[The main monitor shows Dark Leonardo’s field of vision, while the others show various computer windows with graphs and codes. Dunn leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers together. On the screen, Leonardo and Dark Michelangelo dart deeper into the alley, disappearing into the darkness.]
Dunn: [His face is out of shot.] [smug] I have eyes everywhere, foolish turtle.
[He clicks the computer mouse a few times.]
[New York City]
[A small robotic orb comes out of Dark Michelangelo’s gauntlet and follows him.]
[The Dark Turtles Lair]
[Control Room]
[The main monitor changes visuals. It starts mostly dark and blurry, but then the video clears up on a rooftop, Leonardo’s face in frame. The footage is from the orb’s perspective.]
[New York City]
[Street level]
[Three Peacekeepers are slowly making their way down the street, laser guns at the ready. They look around, cautious and alert. The sound of metal clanking grabs their attention. It seems to originate from an alleyway. The Peacekeepers aim their lasers and approach. The alley seems deserted, but their attention is swiftly drawn to a dumpster that can easily fit someone in it. One Peacekeeper creeps forward and flips it open, aiming their weapon immediately after. It’s just trash. Behind the Peacekeeper, a shadowy figure clubs the two other Peacekeepers. As they cry out in pain, the other Peacekeeper spins around. The two Peacekeepers are unconscious, the shadowy figure gone. A hand taps the lone Peacekeeper on the shoulder. He turns around. Leonardo is squatting on the now shut dumpster lid.]
Leonardo: I’ve bin expecting you.
[Leonardo kicks the Peacekeeper, who goes flying. The shadowy figure from before reveals themselves to be Dark Michelangelo, who swings his club at the Peacekeeper. The Peacekeeper’s body goes flying and smacks into the wall. Leonardo hops off the dumpster, opens it, and lets the Peacekeeper fall into it.]
Dark Michelangelo: [He hops between feet, pumping their air with his fists.] Wahoo!
Leonardo: [He brings a finger to his mouth, frowning.] Shush!
Dark Michelangelo: [He squeaks and covers his mouth.] Sorry!
[Leonardo relaxes slightly and takes his hand away. He lugs the other Peacekeepers into the dumpster, removing some trash to make room, then shuts the lid.]
Leonardo: [quieter] Good job, but we can’t get complacent. [He beckons.] Come on. Let’s get moving.
Dark Michelangelo: Wait.
[Leonardo pauses. Dark Michelangelo strikes the dumpster lid, hard enough that it mangles out of shape. Dark Michelangelo tries opening it, but cannot.]
Dark Michelangelo: There. [He dusts his hands off against the other.] They won’t be getting out for a while.
Leonardo: Nice one. Now follow me.
[Leonardo makes toward an open manhole. Dark Michelangelo grabs his wrist.]
Dark Michelangelo: Hold on. One thing.
[Leonardo pauses and looks at him. Dark Michelangelo looks away, suddenly bashful.]
Dark Michelangelo: I... um... Thanks for that compliment about the dumpster. And for the hotdogs earlier. That probably doesn’t mean much, what with me being the crazy one and all, but yeah.
[Leonardo blinks, then smiles a bit.]
Leonardo: You’re welcome. [He turns away.]
Dark Michelangelo: Wait! [He tugs on Leonardo’s arm.] I lied. One more thing. Um... [He rubs the back of his neck.] Thanks for looking after our leader that one time. I know it was all a trick by us, but he really did get hurt... You could have finished him off. Or turned him over to the Peacekeepers. Whatever you did to him, you changed him. Kinda. For the better, I think. He’s still cranky and shouty but he always makes sure we share food so everyone gets something, and whenever Darius punishes us, he makes sure we get patched up later.
[Leonardo just stares at him. Dark Michelangelo lets go and backs off, waving his hands.]
Dark Michelangelo: I’m the dumb one, I know. That’s why you brought me with you, to babysit me and so I wouldn’t mess up the burglary. Forget I said anything. Forget [He moves his arms into one position.] Forget [He moves them into another.] Forget [He makes a heart with his hands against his chest.] Beam! [He extends his arms forward, maintaining the heart.]
[Leonardo stares a bit more, then hardens his features.]
Leonardo: I don’t think you’re dumb.
[Dark Michelangelo freezes.]
Dark Michelangelo: Huh?
Leonardo: And I didn’t bring you here to babysit you. I told you before that you’re incredibly agile. You managed to snatch my communicator without me realising when you stole my tacos before. Those are some seriously valuable talents.
[Dark Michelangelo stares, then smiles.]
Dark Michelangelo: Hey. [He puts a hand onto Leonardo’s shoulder.] Mister Leonardo. I was thinkin’... Giorgione has a nice ring to it.
Leonardo: Call me ‘Leo’.
[New York City]
[Another street with Peacekeepers, including Constable Biggles. There’s a beep noise, then he gets out his radio.]
Female voice: Constable, we’re not getting any response from Patrols Alpha, Charlie and Juliet.
Biggles: [He holds down a button.] Bravo, go to the last known location of Alpha. Delta and Echo report to Charlie, and Foxtrot and Golf head to Juliet. Proceed with caution.
Female voice: Copied.
[Biggles tucks away his radio and looks around, baton swinging in circles from his hand. Zoom to a nearby alley, where Leonardo and Dark Michelangelo peer out from.]
Dark Michelangelo: Great, more of those guys.
Leonardo: [quietly] Let’s keep our distance. First, we’ll -
Dunn’s voice: Go out to them.
[Leonardo flinches. Dark Michelangelo looks at him, confused.]
Dark Michelangelo: What is it? You got food poisoning or something? You stopped talking partway through your sentence.
[Leonardo grits his teeth and puts a hand to his head.]
Leonardo: I thought I heard...
Dunn’s voice: You did.
[Leonardo’s eyes widen.]
[The Dark Turtles Lair]
[Control Room]
[Dunn is speaking into a microphone, a sadistic grin on his face. The top half of his face is out of shot.]
Dunn: I want you to fight them out in the open, Leonardo.
[He reaches a hand toward a hologram screen showing a dial and uses his finger to turn it.]
[New York City]
[Street level]
Dark Michelangelo: Leo? [He waves his hand in front of Leonardo’s face.] Hello? Dude, you’re freaking me out.
[Leo’s teeth are gritted, the top half of his face out of frame. He slowly walks out of the alley, toward Biggles. The Peacekeepers turn and stiffen. Biggles holds out his baton.]
Biggles: Don’t move!
[The camera angle is so that the viewer sees the back of Leonardo. He drags his katana against the ground as he walks. He stops. The other Peacekeepers aim laser guns while Biggles watches him closely.]
Leonardo: [The top half of his face is still out of frame.] [slightly strained] Please... get away from me.
Biggles: Hmph! We shall do no such thing. [He tucks away his baton and pulls out a stun gun.] Drop your weapons and get down on your -
[Leonardo drops to his knees and doubles over, letting go of his katana. His head is tilted forward.]
Biggles: ... Knees. [He looks at the other Peacekeepers, who seem surprised. He turns back to Leonardo]. Y-Yes. Jolly good. Stay as you are, ruffian.
[He approaches Leonardo. Dark Michelangelo looks on, a hand pressed against his mouth.]
Dark Michelangelo: Not good, not good... [He anxiously hops between feet, flapping his hands.] Darius is gonna kill us... No, worse... he’ll transform us into jelly-like, mouthless blobs that can’t scream! [He clutches his cheeks.]
[Biggles stops near Leonardo. He adjusts the rim of his hat.]
Biggles: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an -
[A soda can hits Biggles on the head.]
Biggles: My goodness!
[The other Peacekeepers focus on the alleyway. Dark Michelangelo holds a trash can in one arm. With his other hand, he throws trash at the Peacekeepers.]
Biggles: You stop that this instant!
[Dark Michelangelo throws the trash can at Biggles, who goes crashing to the ground. The Peacekeepers start shooting at Dark Michelangelo, who yelps and tries to run back into the alley.]
Dark Michelangelo: Eep!
[One laser hits Dark Michelangelo, who cries out and stumbles, clutching his arm. Two more lasers hit his legs, causing him to crumple to the ground. Biggles stands up and brushes at his suit. A banana peel clings to his hat.]
Biggles: You’re fortunate we’re carrying limited laser guns, or else you would be riddled with holes. Now, to subdue your companion...
[Biggles aims at Leonardo, as do the other Peacekeepers. Leonardo doesn’t stir. A sai then sails into Biggles’s hand, knocking the gun out from his grip. The other Peacekeepers turn. Splinter, Cody and the other turtles drop down, weapons drawn. The Peacekeepers alternate between aiming at the turtles and Leonardo.]
Raphael: There’s no mistakin’ that obnoxious hoity-toity voice. [He twirls his remaining sai in his hand before gripping it again.] Could hear it a mile away.
Michelangelo: Leo!
[Michelangelo starts toward Leonardo, but Donatello pulls him back. The Peacekeepers aim their weapons at Michelangelo.]
Donatello: Careful, Mikey. He’s under that chip’s influence, remember?
Michelangelo: He’s still our bro! We’ve gotta help him. He’s not talking or moving... He could be hurt! He needs us!
[One of the Peacekeepers turns to Biggles.]
Peacekeeper: Five turtles. That’s all of them, sir.
Biggles: [He lifts his chin.] Excellent. I hope you all enjoyed your jolly, because now you’re coming with me to the station. You’re under arrest for burglary, resisting arrest, assaulting an officer...
[Leonardo picks up his katana and slowly stands up. His family hesitate, watching. The other Peacekeepers aim at him. Biggles doesn’t seem to notice and gets out his radio.]
Biggles: All units, report to -
[Leonardo moves with great speed and slices off Biggles’s arm. It drops to the ground. Wires spark at Biggles’s shoulder.]
Biggles: Egad!
Cody: Whoa!
[Leonardo’s full face is finally in shot. His eyes glow red. He runs at another Peacekeeper, taking them down before they can react. The Peacekeepers start aiming at him, but the turtles, Cody and Splinter intervene. A fight ensues between the new arrivals and the Peacekeepers. Laser blasts light up the street.]
[Michelangelo whacks a Peacekeeper in the face with one nunchuck, then uses the other’s chain to grab and rip the firearm out of the Peacekeeper’s hand. Nearby, Donatello rolls out of the way of a Peacekeeper’s laser and sweeps his bo under their feet, knocking them over.]
Donatello: Sorry, officer! [He flips back. He twirls his staff and steps back into a deep squat. Then he comes forward, whacking his weapon against another officer’s head.] Sorry again!
[Raphael punches a Peacekeeper in the face.]
Raphael: I’m not.
Splinter: [He grabs a Peacekeeper’s wrist and pulls to the side, so their weapon is pointed away. He twists their arm then flips them. While they’re spinning in the air, he kicks them away. He takes their firearm from their loosened grip and throws it to the floor. He stomps his walking stick against it, breaking it, and looks at Leonardo who is clutching his head and shaking it.] Leonardo?
[Donatello and Michelangelo glance over at Leonardo worriedly. As Cody tosses a Peacekeeper into another one, Raphael runs over to Leonardo. Cody follows and stands guard, shooting lasers at various Peacekeepers. Raphael places his hands onto Leonardo’s shoulders.]
Raphael: Leo, bro, you’ve gotta snap out of it.
Leonardo: Raph, go... all of you... before...
Raphael: Shell no! We need you, Leo. You’ve been lookin’ out for us since forever. Since even before you were chosen to be our leader...
[‘Past’ New York City]
[The Lair]
[A preteen Raphael is walking through the lair.]
Raphael’s voiceover: The whole lair’s vibe changed when Master Splinter announced how he was gonna choose who would be leading us from then on. No one could think of anything else. We spent all day gettin’ ourselves ready in the hopes that Sensei would choose us over our brothers.
[Raphael passes Donatello, who is setting out tires for an obstacle course. Raphael then passes Michelangelo, who says, ‘Kamehameha!’ and does the corresponding hand movements. Raphael rolls his eyes before entering the dojo. Soon he is face-to-face with a punching bag.]
Raphael’s voiceover: All of us wanted to be the leader, and I thought I’d be the best. I was the toughest. The bravest. That’s all I thought a leader had to be.
[The punching bag trembles at his blows. He becomes dissatisfied at the lack of response from it and gives it an all-mighty punch that makes it veer away before swinging back at him. As it smacks against him, he stumbles back a bit and wipes the corner of his mouth with a grimace.]
Preteen Leonardo’s voice: I’d have thought you knew its every move by now.
[Leonardo approaches. Raphael faces him with an offensive stance, a tight smirk on his face.]
Raphael: Oh yeah? How’s about I fight a real opponent then? [He cracks his knuckles.]
Leonardo: Another time.
Raphael: [slightly incredulous, mostly annoyed] What, you came here just to sightsee?
Leonardo: I came to talk to you, Raph. Look, I know you’ve been training really hard, and that’s great and all...
[Raphael leans toward him, sneering.]
Raphael and Leonardo: But...
[Raphael straightens and folds his arms over his chest. Leonardo grimaces at how Raphael correctly guessed his next word, but he presses on.]
Leonardo: Don’t forget there’s a written test.
Raphael: [He groans dramatically and throws up his arms before turning on his heel so his back is toward Leonardo.] That’s why you’re here? To lecture me? Well, don’t bother. I don’t need to do well on that dumb test anyways. I just gotta ace the rest of them.
Leonardo: [He puts his hands onto his hips.] It’s just as important as the other tests. Why else would Master Splinter include it?
Raphael: I don’t know. A red bearing?
[Leonardo looks like he is about to correct Raphael, but shuts his mouth and lowers his finger instead. Raphael paces.]
Raphael: It don’t matter, bro. I’m not good at writing and thinking and problem-solving, so why waste my time preparin’ for that when I can focus on stuff I am good at?
Leonardo: It’s not wasting your time. And you are good at thinking.
Raphael: [He stops and gives a sarcastic bark of laughter.] Yeah, that’s why you and Splinter are always tellin’ me to stop and think. If I was good at thinkin’ and problem-solving, we’d agree more but we don’t. And we all know you’re always right about everything.
Leonardo: [annoyed] We tell you to stop and think because we know you can do it if you just slow down for a few seconds instead of rushing and hoping for the best. Or assuming that someone will think for you and clean up your messes and tantrums...
[Raphael gets into Leonardo’s face. Leonardo shifts back a bit but keeps his expression firm.]
Raphael: You sure you didn’t come here to fight? Because you’re really sounding like it.
Leonardo: [He holds out his hands in front of himself.] That came out wrong. What I mean is... if you want to be a leader, you’ve got to not only think for yourself, but for others. That includes your team and your opponents too. If you can’t do that, how can you be expected to lead? Tell you what, I’ll help you study so you’re ready for the test, okay?
Raphael: Why?
Leonardo: [frowning] I just told you...
Raphael: No, I mean why would you want to help me study? If I do better in that test, you’ll have less of a chance of bein’ chosen.
Leonardo: Well... I owe you after what I said. [He nudges him.] Come on. Let me do you this one favour. Then we’ll be even.
[Raphael eyes him, then sighs.]
Raphael: All right, Splinter Junior.
[Leonardo pouts.]
[Scene change to the lair’s dining table. Raphael is writing on paper while Leonardo talks, finger raised, but what he’s saying is inaudible, with Teenage Raphael’s voice talking over him.]
Teenage Raphael’s voiceover: Let me tell you, Leo, there were so many times where I wanted to shove a book into your mouth over those next few weeks. [A chuckle.] Probably the same amount of times you wanted to hit me over the head with one. I felt real dumb at first, gettin’ so many answers wrong, but after a while...
Preteen Raphael: But if I just went in there and tried to help dat woman, she might scream and draw attention to me. Or the robber might freak out and start shooting or stabbing one of us all erratically and stuff.
Preteen Leonardo: [He blinks.] Those... are actually good points, Raphael. Well done.
[Raphael beams, which makes Leonardo smile slightly. The angle changes, looking in on them from over someone’s shoulder - unbeknownst to them, Splinter is watching them from a doorway.]
Splinter: [He fiddles with his beard.] Hm...
[‘Present’ New York City]
[Street level]
[Raphael stares at Leonardo with a pained expression, continuing to grip his shoulders. Leonardo trembles.]
Raphael: Talk to me, Leo.
[Leonardo is holding his head, staring down still.]
Dunn’s voice: Kill him. Kill him, Leonardo. Kill your brother.
Leonardo: [He steps away from Raphael and lifts his head up.] Shut up! Get out of my head!
Raphael: [bewildered] Leo?
[By now, most of the Peacekeepers are down and out. Biggles is the only one left standing. The rest of Leonardo’s family turn to Leonardo, looking confused.]
Donatello: Leo?
Splinter: Leonardo!
[Leonardo twitches and lets out a cry of pain before doubling over, clutching his head harder. Purple tentacles shoot out of his body and quickly envelop him in a cocoon.]
Mikey: No way!
Raphael: He’s transformin’ into one of those Kanawhatzit aliens!
Donatello: [He looks up.] But that doesn’t make sense...
[A shot of the morning sky. Inside Turtle-X, Cody raises a hand to his forehead and squints upward.]
Cody: ... There’s sunlight.
[The cocoon shreds apart as Leonardo breaks free, purple, spiky, his eyes scarlet red. He’s a Kanabo warrior now. Though steam rises from his skin, he does not change back to normal.]
Biggles: I demand someone explain what on this earth is happening right now!
Splinter: [He turns to Donatello.] How is this possible?
[Cody edges toward Leonardo, hands ready to grab.]
Cody: Easy now...
[Leonardo growls and slashes at Turtle-X. Cody yells out as he stumbles, his front window visibly scratched.]
Raphael: Okay, Leo. Let’s not do anything -
[Leonardo snarls and whips around, swinging a fist at Raphael. The punch makes Raphael fly through the air and hit a nearby building. He groans and falls to the ground, revealing broken bricks where he made contact with the wall.]
Donatello: Raph!
[Donatello, Michelangelo and Cody lunge toward Leonardo, who jumps up, out of their reach. As the three look up, Leonardo grins before spewing purple goop downward. Donatello and Michelangelo leap backward, out of the way. Cody does too, but some gunk lands on Turtle-X.]
Michelangelo: Cody!
Cody: I’m okay, none got through.
Michelangelo: Can someone please explain what’s happening... and how? Sunlight’s meant to stop those guys in their tracks!
Donatello: If I was to guess...
[Leonardo watches them.]
Donatello: ... This has something to do with the chip they put into him. When our clones mentioned mind control, they must have meant making him into a special kind of Kanabo warrior.
[Raphael sits up slowly, rubbing his head.]
Raphael: No duh he’s special. He ain’t reverted back to normal yet.
Donatello: I fear your adverb is rather too optimistic.
Splinter: My sons, we must subdue your brother...
Raphael: [He stands up, weapons at the ready.] Without hurting him, we know. We know.
[Leonardo slashes at Turtle-X again, causing more of the front window to crack. Another slash is aimed at one of the arm joints, buckling the arm and making sparks spit out. Leonardo punches Donatello, who tumbles to the ground, groaning.]
Splinter: [He clears his throat.] Actually, on this occasion, I will have to condone some hurting him.
[The turtles and Cody charge at Leonardo again, but he dodges them with ease. Raphael’s sai sweeps through thin air. Donatello’s bo whacks against the ground. Michelangelo’s nunchucks strike Turtle-X as Leonardo jumps on top of it. He flips away before running at them again. With a few slashes of his claws, his brothers are down and Turtle-X is worse for wear.]
Splinter: [with fatherly authority] Leonardo!
[Leonardo turns to Splinter, who approaches him. He keeps his eyes on Splinter, a wicked smile painted on his face.]
Donatello: [pained] No offence, Sensei, but last time you tried reaching to him while he was contaminated, you just made him bring up that slime.
Splinter: [He glances at Donatello before looking at Leonardo again.] Leonardo, focus on my voice.
[Biggles spots a laser gun on the ground. He edges toward it.]
Splinter: You are my son, Leonardo. You like to read and eat pizza with your brothers. Your favourite time of day is dinnertime, when we are all together. You treat ninjutsu with utmost seriousness and respect. You enjoy meditation and train diligently. You are a pillar of strength for our family.
[Leonardo stares, eyes widening. Mouth slightly open.]
Michelangelo: You’re our leader, bro.
[Leonardo’s face scrunches with a glower. He yells and raises his fist, claws gleaming. Splinter widens his eyes. Leonardo’s arm swings down as he slashes. A shot of Splinter’s face, frozen as the colours turn monochrome. The image splits down the middle at an angle, sliding.]
[The other turtles and Cody watch in horror, the image of them split at the same angle. Their gazes drop down as a head hits the ground.]
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marksollinger · 5 months
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So happy about this that I'm actually making a post after months of radio silence LIZHLY UPDATED BLOOD OF THE COVENANT LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO
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penny00dreadful · 11 months
Hiiii 🩷
For the writer asks!!
✨🌿 & 🌈
Fic Writer Asks List
Oh! These are so good thank you for asking!
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Hm. Honestly I quite liked my Devil Wears Prada AU I posted AAGGES ago but it didn't really take off at the time. It is a bare bones concept tbh so I can understand it.
If I could be a bit interpretive with the 'breathe life into again' phrase, I've been thinking for a while of rewriting my Blood of the Covenant fic, the first one I ever posted. I'm not the happiest with it?
And I hate the title.
I dunno what I was doing, trying to be ✨ artistic ✨ or something 🙄
Maybe one day I'll do a big edit 🤷‍♀️
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Like flying.
No joke I love it. It gives me such a sense of euphoria and satisfaction. I love to create I've always loved to create and I love to make people feel things. Like the stupid shit that comes out of my brain and type out makes people feel a certain way?
It's magic 🪄
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
Honestly? Back on Blood of the Covenant again, I was at WAR with myself for Robin's chapter. I listened to the song so many times I could hear it in my sleep and like Queen and Bowie are god's of music so it was hardly a slog but it was difficult trying to get everything to line up.
Chapter 14 was something I really struggled with too, I'd been away from writing for so long that trying to input tension and drama and action was so foreign to me that I was really just winging it.
I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's great the way it is but I think that's also the wonderful thing about posting on a platform like tumblr and AO3 is that editing is possible.
I hope I satisfied your curiosity love and thank you so much for asking. 🖤
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Blood of the Covenant
art © prismavore
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I'm just queueing a bunch of these up until I find the motivation to make more. enjoy ✨
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soleminisanction · 7 months
Because of your director's notes, I ended up going back and reading Blood of the Covenant and I forgot how great it is! Any chance you'll go back and revisit it?
Sorry I left this ask sitting for a couple of days, anon! I was kinda social'ed-out over the last few days.
I would like to go back and revisit that AU (I called the larger AU the Geminids universe), I just haven't been able to pull more stories together out of the scattered ideas and scenes that flit around my mind. I suspect I'll get inspiration for it if and when I get myself to do a full read through of Red Robin.
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lizhly-writes · 7 months
Hi! I adore blood of the covenant and I was thinking about it again and I know Jihye thinks Joonghyuk and Dokja were together at some point so does she think KNW and/or his family is homophobic? And that’s why they lost contact/Namwoon’s parents kicked Dokja out?
thank you thank you!!!
Hmm hmm hmm hmm. That's an interesting thought. Possibly! She might very well make that assumption when it comes to KNW's family. For KNW himself? Probably not.
The reason why is that his immediate reaction to the idea of Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja being together is less "why did you have to pick a man" and more "why did you pick this man. does it have to be this one? i don't like this one. this one tried to kill you. how about you pick literally anybody else"
I think this would start an argument.
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therulerofallpotatos · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Wednesday Addams/Tyler Galpin Characters: Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin Additional Tags: Consensual Underage Sex, Squirting, Weyler Summer of Smut Kink Bingo | Tumblr: weylerwritingevents (Wednesday), reckless wednesday, Teen Marriage, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, season one episode 6, Marriage Proposal, Loss of Virginity, Penetrative Sex, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Cockwarming, Knifeplay, Mating Rituals, Ritual Sex, Creampie, Unsafe Sex, Hurt/Comfort, mild primal kink, Wednesday Addams is Bad at Feelings, Wednesday Addams is Attracted to the Hyde Series: Part 3 of Summer of Smut Kink Bingo 2023, Part 1 of Til Death Summary:
Wednesday nearly got them all killed at the Gates Mansion, and Enid leaving was the final act that pushed Wednesday over the edge. Fully panicking, she snuck back into Tyler’s house to make sure that he was ok. It ended with a marriage vow to forever bind Tyler under the protection of the Addams Family Curse. She couldn’t kill another Addams. Not through malice, not by accident, and not by proxy. Ever.
As his wife, she will never be able to get Tyler killed. Not even if she wanted to.
Words: 3,292 Chapters: 1/1
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chemical-processes · 3 months
Blood of the Covenant
Working as a street fighter in the Iceberg lounge, Jason manages to attract all the wrong sort of attention.
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