#bruce wyane is batman
Just a Kid Next Door - Chapter 1
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Bruce is finally back from being stuck in the time stream. Tim managed to save Batman and his loved ones. Now it is time for Tim to go home and rest. But the problem is that, Tim has no home. Or that's what he thinks so.
This will be a multichapter fic on how did Tim reconcile with his family. It will be full of angst, family feels and family shenanigans.
Here is the link to read the story in ao3.
-------------------------------CHAPTER 1---------------------------------
He figured it out. Holy shit, he actually managed to figure out the way to bring back Bruce from being stuck in the time stream. And the Justice league used his plan to save Batman.
 Sure, the last six months had been hard on him – Death of his father and not-so death of Kon, Bart, Steph and Bruce – has definitely taken a toll on him. But on the bright side, he managed to save Bruce and all of his loved ones, right?
He figured it out, right? Then why does Tim still feel empty. Why does he still have the urge to cry until he has no more tears left, shout until his throat burns and pull his hair out until he has no more left. Why does he still feel the needles pricking his skin which makes him want to puke even though he hasn’t eaten anything in a while? Well, three days isn’t just ‘a while’, but he knows for a fact that it’s not a lot too.
These six months had not only been painful but had helped him draw a lot of conclusions. See, Tim is a detective and hence he rely on logic and proofs to believe almost everything. Even though he don’t like what he has to believe sometimes, but truth is the ultimatum.
His string of thoughts is interrupted by Superman who shakes the teen.
“I was saying that J’onn and Diana managed to put Bruce in the med bay. We ran all of the tests and now are waiting for him to gain consciousness.” Clark says tiredly with an expression of relief on his face.
“Rest, kiddo. You look like you could really use some. I’ll let you know when he wakes up.”
“I don’t wa-“
“I’m afraid Superman is right, Red Robin. We will alert you once Batman gains Consciousness” Wonder Woman interrupted him.
“I’m fine” Tim hissed.
Why did suddenly everyone care about him. Didn’t they consider him crazy a while ago? They didn’t care about him when he repeatedly tried to prove Bruce was alive, and now they want him rest when he finally proved them all wrong.
The Kryptonian and the Amazonian shared a worried look.
“Look child, you have worked tirelessly these few months to bring back Batman. You are just a human. Your body needs rest.” Diana said, her voice laced with concern.
‘They’re faking it, they don’t really care about you’ Tim’s brain chimed. He shuts it down. He doesn’t really have the energy to argue back, so he lies.
“Okay, but I want to see Bruce before I go to take some rest.”
“Of course Kiddo.” Superman added.
Tim dragged himself to the med bay. He didn’t realise until now how much his body ached. He really want to take a long shower to wipe off the grim and dirt from his body and drink at least two cups of coffee to feel better.
‘Later’ he reminded himself. ‘Maybe Alfred would have made something delicious for dinn-‘
He doesn’t live in manor anymore. All the bitter memories from six months before floods his brain. How can he forget any of those? He’s alone.
He is lonely. He’s been lonely his entire life. He had no one even when he was in the Drake manor, not even his own fucking parents cared about him. Then what’s so new about this.
Maybe, he is just unlovable. Well, that would explain why his parents left him in that cold Manor every time they chose work over their son. And the reason why Dick chose Damian over him and took from him the only thing he had and valued more than his life and gave it to Damian. And why Alfred did nothing when he moved out of the manor. And why no one did anything when he legally emancipated himself from the family.
And would explain why he and Bruce never shared the bond he had with the previous robins. ‘It’s because they were his sons, and you were just the kid next door who forced himself into the mantle of Robin’ his brain chimed again.
A tiny part of him don’t want to believe any of this. But it’s the truth. And truth is the Ultimatum.
He let out a long sigh. He doubts the bats even noticed he went missing these few months. Well, he can’t really blame them. It is the fate of Tim Drake to be unlovable. The least good he can do is leave the family. It wasn’t really like they considered him one anyways in the first place, but they mean everything to him.
They were the very few people who cared if he ate or slept, treated his injuries, listened to his opinion and made him feel like he was important too. Maybe that’s what Tim thought they did. Maybe he read all the signs wrong. Maybe they were just being nice to him. Maybe they were Pretending.
Gosh, Tim feels like slapping himself. Why hadn’t he realised this soon enough.
Tim took too much advantage and space. Forcing himself into the mantle of Robin is one thing but forcing himself into the family is entirely another. He became Robin to save Batman from destroying himself and people around him.
Then why did he crave for his love and attention. Why did he think that he at least  meant something to them. It’s all his fault. He was digging his own grave all this time. He had too much fucking expectations even though he knew the truth all along. Yelp, now he has to face the consequences.
But no matter what, he loves them. Loves them so fucking much that it hurts. He still remember what he had said to Ra’s before the old man pushed him from the WE building.
“Bruce might not consider me his son, but he is still a father to me.”
His spiralling thoughts came to an end when he reached the door to the med bay.
Gosh he missed Bruce. Missed him so much. All he wanted to do was hug him and never leave. But he knows he cannot do so. Bruce might want to meet his family first. Six months of being stuck in the time stream would make him want to spend a lot of quality time with his family first, not some random kid.
A quiet sob escaped from his mouth. He touched his tear stained cheeks and realised he was crying.
‘Stop crying, stop being so weak. Accept the reality and move on’ he told himself.
 ‘It’s not the time or the place to have a fucking panic attack’ he told himself again.
Wiping his tear stained cheeks, he opened the door to the Med bay to be greeted by the sight of his sleeping mentor/not-so father figure.
He let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding until then.
He smiled for the first time in many many days. Bruce is safe. He is no longer stuck in the time stream. Tim felt a wave of relief wash over him.
He might not mean anything to them, but they are everything to him.
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sully-s · 2 years
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So I never loved the cannon that Alfred is an Ex MI-5 I just like that he is a normal guy whose family has worked in service and just carried on his family tradition and became a footman then got promoted to valet then to bulter.
Now I've been playing around in my head about how he comes to work at Wayne Manor. One where he originally worked for the Kane's (Martha's Family) and the other he worked at Wayne's summer home. One where he doesn't know either Martha or Thoams and just gets hired by a third party.
Anyway when Thomas and Martha get married and move into the Wayne Manor Alfred is not initially working there and joins the staff later (sometime after Bruce is born) he's not the head bulter he's a replacement footman or on-call carter waiter. But he keeps running to Bruce when he's on his own (doing an errun or for a smoke break seen here) And is always catching the boy doing something odd.
So they build this little bond on these little moments and Bruce grows to attach to Alfred which is why later on Alfred becomes Bruce's personal servant.
Also, there's no smoking allowed in Martha's garden so that's what Bruce is blackmailing him with.
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kstarlitchaotics · 11 months
Clark: Do you think Bruce has been picking on me lately?
Hal: I haven't noticed.
*Bruce walks in*
Clark: Hi Bruce!
Bruce: Must you be so cheerful? You empty-headed boy scout knockoff.
Clark to Hal: Let me know if you noticed anything.
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peachpopsstuff · 1 year
Defenestrate them all night !
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airis-hunter · 2 years
Chapter 1 of The Phantoms Bat
Story summary: Danny has been the ghost king for quite a few years now, technically he was 20, but ghostly he was like 60. As Danny watches his loved ones die he wonders if he’ll ever feel that feeling of love that came with family, luckily a trip through a random ghost portal gives him the feeling again through an orphaned bat.
Chapter Summary: Danny meets Bruce and Alfred
Danny wandered through the ghost zone for what felt like the millionth time, but he still hadn’t explored every nook and cranny that his dimension had to offer. It was a beautiful place, but maybe Danny was a bit influenced by the fact that he was its king, that didn’t stop him from loving it though.
As he floated absently looking around a portal opened right in front of him almost as if it was waiting for him. When the portal fully opened his core seemed to tug him in the direction of the portal. Never one to question his ghost instincts. He hovered hesitantly in front of the portal. 
Approaching it he reached a hand through, he waited only a second to see if clockwork would show up and tell him not to go in, but he didn’t. Reassured that he wasn’t going to mess up and big timeline mambo jumbo Danny floated into the portal. Danny was not expecting to come out standing on a building rooftop above an alleyway. 
The sound of someone crying  quickly distracted him. Running over to the edge of the rooftop Danny looked down and what he saw felt like it cracked his core. Down in the alley way was a child crouching over two larger forms Danny could only assume were the boy's parents. Floating down behind the boy Danny fell to his knees.
The sadness, and absolute despair the boy was sending out in waves practically broke Danny. “Hey.” Danny spoke in the most comforting voice he had, which he often used with the new ghost children that would manifest in the ghost zone confused and hurt and sad.
The boy wiped his head around Danny was afraid he was going to get whiplash, when Danny spoke.
“Who, who are you?” The boy asked with an obvious tremble in his words. It made Danny’s core and heart race.
“I’m Danny, who might you be?” Danny asked with a smile while sending waves of calm, and safety at the boy.
The boy sniffled before answering. “Bruce.”
“That's a very nice name, now Bruce could you tell me what happened?” He asked with as much reasherence as possible, he did not want the boy to think he was going to hurt him, Danny would never hurt a child (not when they all reminded him of the child he wish he could’ve had)
“Someone shot mommy and daddy. We were just leaving the theater when a man attacked us.” Bruce sniffled before continuing. “He, he killed them.” He said with a sob.
Danny couldn’t hold back anymore. He floated over to Bruce quickly and scooped the child into his lap and hugged him. That seemed to be the hit that broke the dam as Bruce started ugly sobbing, Danny didn’t mind the small wet spot that started from on the front of his suit.
“Schuh, schuh, it's okay no one’s going to hurt you now, you’re safe with me.” Danny reassured Bruce. The only response that Danny got was a small nod from Bruce. 
As Bruce’s sobs turned to small sniffles Danny felt his breath even out. Looking down at Bruce he saw that he had fallen asleep. Danny’s core warmed in content at such a display of trust so quickly. At the sound of approaching sirens Danny turned invisible and floated up to the rooftop that he first appeared on.
However, now he was in a predicament. Where did Bruce and his parents live? Looking down at the streets Danny saw a newspaper stand by. Flying over to it in hopes of clues Danny was greeted with the image of the boy and his parents on the front page. Apparently they were the Wayne family.
Looking at the description Danny instantly knew they were very rich, so he just had to look for possibly the biggest house in the city, and he would drop Bruce off at home. A home that would now be empty.
Danny was not expecting a fucking castle?!! Seriously, why is it so big? And for only like 3 people. (Danny didn’t want to think that someone as small as Bruce was now probably going to be living there possible by himself, no he's too young.) 
Phasing through the front of the manor castle he didn't expect to see someone pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Danny thought he heard the man mutter something along the lines of “Where are they.”
Did he really have to tell the families, butler?, that they were dead. Danny did not sign up for this. (Yes you did as soon as you saw Bruce.) Lowering himself Danny stood a few feet away from the man before dropping his invisibility.
“Do you live here?” Why did he ask that of course the guy lives here.
Danny watched as the butler’s eyes widened before they zeroed in on the boy in his arms and narrowed. “What are you doing with the young master?” He asked with cation in his voice.
Looking down at Bruce with  a sad expression Danny answered. “I found him in an alleyway huddled over his parents' dead bodys.” 
He wasn’t looking at the butler to see his expression but he did hear a small “No.” 
“I’m sorry…” Danny said while looking up at the butler to see he had an expression of disbelief and sadness on his face. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” He asked.
Danny hadn't thought of that. He looked at Bruce before looking at the butler. “When Bruce wakes up he can tell you, but let the boy rest. He's just seen his parents die in front of him.”
The butler nodded before straightening his posture. “Well I am Alfred Pennyworth, may I know the name of the young master's savior?” 
Ignoring the blush that crept onto his face Danny answered. “My name's Danny, and I’m not Bruce's savior, when I got there he was the only one in the alley way.” The word alive went unsaid.
Alfred nodded before leading Danny up a staircase and into a very large room. Walking over to the bed Danny set Bruce down when Alfred pulled back the covers. Just as he was pulling away Bruce's little hand grabbed onto Danny's sleeve.
“Please…stay…” Bruce mutters grogally from sleep.
Danny looked at Alfred for permission. Alfred nodded with a smile before walking out of the bedroom. Danny smiled, then climbed into the bed with Bruce and hugged the small boy to his chest.
“Thank you.” Bruce muttered before falling fast asleep again.
Smiling Danny whispered. “You’re welcome little star.” before he himself gave into sleep.
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sweetdreammoons · 2 years
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
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oh I MISSED this Tim. Chip Zdarsky I am kissing you on the mouth!
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theothermina · 1 year
🎶on the first day of Hanukah my true love gave to me, a menorah made from space debris🎵 (as in a piece of the ship, not kryptonite)
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cammmmmm-isbored · 2 years
Robert Pattinson
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cuthwyn · 10 months
I’m Alive!!!
So, the last few years went … well … in a not well kind of way.
Qualified as a nurse … whooo
Ended up in an abusive relationship where my love of DC (and pretty much anything that made me me )was slowly crushed …. Less whooo
Good news… still a nurse and now out of that relationship and free!!
Great news … I’ve got my mojo back and I’m writing again. I missed writing and my comics so much :(
At the moment I’m trying to finish off Re-Educating Jason and a very old fic of mine A Handful of Moments I Wish I Could Change.
I’m also working on a new fic for Halloween. Untitled as yet and still WIP, but here’s a snippet as a sorry for those who were reading my stories and I then vanished???
‘Jason was sat on the floor, slouched against his bike. It were as if he had been heading off back to wherever he was currently staying and someone had cut his strings like a puppet.
‘Hood?’ Batman asked cautiously, stepping closer to see that his son was still conscious, eyes flitting around the Cave. There was no response to his name. Not even when Batman tried again to gain his attention.
‘Robin?’ Batman asked again, hesitant and unsure.
Jason eyes moved to look up at him and he smiled weakly.
‘Hey B. Kids okay? I got ‘em home.’ His voice was off, far away, younger, and it looked like Jason was putting in a lot of effort to find his words.
Nodding, Batman crouched down and squeezed Jason’s shoulder as he had when he’d actually been Robin. This presentation was more than a little concerning.
‘The kids are safe Robin. You did a good job. How are you chum? Are you okay?’
Letting out a long shaky breath, Jason nodded and he looked down at his hands. He studied them intently before using a finger to stroke over a fingernail as if proving it was still there.
‘I’m good. Kids home. They’re scared. Hadda save ‘em.’
Pursing his lips, Bruce tilted Jason’s chin up towards the light. His pupils were blown wide. The sticky residue of fear toxin stuck to the small hairs of his nostrils.
Damian had been wearing the Red Hood on arrival, with Tim wearing Jason’s gas mask to protect from further inhaling the toxic gas. Both had been given antitoxin. Red Hood carried two doses at all times.
Jason had gone out to face the Scarecrow with nothing but his bare face. His brothers had been given the equipment mean to protect him!
‘Oh Robin, you silly, stupid boy.’ Batman scolded, smoothing the hair out of his son’s face only to be shaken off.
‘Am ‘kay. Just- just a bad day. I can deal. Kids need safe.’ Jason mumbled, his voice a thin wispy thing that stole all breath from Bruce’s lungs.
Bruce watched in growing horror as Jason’s gaze focused on some other unseen nightmare again with a blank expression. He was tumbling headfirst into catatonia. This won’t happen again. It won’t. Bruce wouldn’t let it.
Dragging Jason to his feet, he slung a limp arm around his shoulders so he could take most of Jason’s weight.
‘Walk Robin!’ He barked his order in Batman’s voice. ‘Come on soldier, walk!’
Letting out a breath of relief, Bruce held Jason tighter to his side when boots clumsily stumbled along with him. 
‘That’s it. Good boy. You’re safe Robin. I’ve got you. Keeping walking.’
‘Warehouse? Joker?’
The question drove into Bruce’s gut like a knife but he just swallowed and nodded.
‘Yes. Yes Robin. I’ve got you. I came for you. You’ve got to keep walking. Walk Robin.’ Bruce answered, eyes looking ahead as he hauled his son past the med bay containing the rest of his family. ‘I need more antitoxin! And Ativan. I need Ativan!’ 
Bruce hoped Alfred heard him as he booted open the door to the showers and shoved an increasingly dissociating Jason inside.’
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Just A Kid Next Door - Chapter 6
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Bruce is finally back from being stuck in the time stream. Tim managed to save Batman and his loved ones. Now it is time for Tim to go home and rest. But the problem is that, Tim has no home. Or that's what he thinks so.
This will be a multichapter fic on how did Tim reconcile with his family. It will be full of angst, family feels and family shenanigans.
Here in the link to read the story in ao3.
-------------------------------CHAPTER 6---------------------------------
This is not unusual to Tim. To be honest Tim has found himself in these kind of situations many times than considered healthy. Especially in the last couple of months. If the last few months have taught him something, it was definitely how to handle the mess you’ve got yourself in. Alone.
Tim lets out a dry laugh, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.
Slamming his Bo staff upright on the ground, he balanced his whole weight on it while launching his legs on the goon’s face.
It has been a week since Bruce’s return and Tim was trying his best to distract himself by drowning himself in cases.
Tim had a whole army of big bulky thugs to take down. And he considered himself doing a good job as he had already taken down most of them on his own.
When he found the location of warehouse where the shipment of the newly introduced drug in Gotham (Not Surprising) was taking place, he made a grave mistake by storming to the warehouse without any actual plan, which was very much unlike himself. Because Tim had plans for everything.
Hell, he even had a contingency plan written down in case the whole justice league turn into ducks. Which he made when he was running on only two hours of sleep. And was in middle of a desert for some covert mission. And he was not proud of it.
Tim cringed thinking about it now. It sounded like a good plan at that time.
Tim blocked another punch and kicked the man’s chest. A man wearing red mask, almost covering his entire face except for his eyes, snarled and made his way to Tim with a huge glass shard in his hand which Tim assumed probably belonged to the window which he had broken to get inside the warehouse.
“You don’t know whom you are fighting, Dr. Mid-Nite.” The man said, running towards Tim.
“Jesus Christ man, for the last time, I am not Dr.Mid-Nite. How many times do I have to make myself clear?”
Tim effortlessly disarmed the man with his Bo staff and drove his fist into the man’s nose, hard. The man stumbled, head flying as his eyes locked on the roof of the warehouse, unconscious.
“Oops, sorry. That was for not getting my name right.”
“Well that was easy” Tim thought, turning away and walking towards the many boxes stocked neatly at the other end of the warehouse. He wanted to take some the sample of those drugs with him to test it. Because Black mask just keeps coming up with new ways to drug Gotham.
Pocketing the sample in his utility belt, he heard a loud crash coming from the other end. He was not pleased with what he saw.
Standing near the pile of unconscious bodies, was another twenty-or so group of thugs.
“Umm…I’m toast”
“You made a huge mistake by coming here, Dr. Mid-Nite.” The thug standing in the front of the group said, maybe their leader.
“The real Dr.Mid-Nite is going to come and beat me up for identity theft any time soon” Tim said, getting into fighting stance. Clutching his Bo staff, he ran towards the thugs, his cape bellowing behind him.
“But you know what, I think I can take him down” Logically, Tim knew it was hard to take down all of these thugs at once, but it wasn’t impossible. After all, he took down the whole Council of Spider all by himself, when he was in his crusade to save Batman.
He swung his Bo staff at the thugs, kicking them. He then threw a smoke bomb to distract the others.
“Catch him” The leader shouted.
“Do I really look like Dr.Mid-Nite? It’s the cowl, right? I knew I should have ditched the cowl as soon as I came back to Gotham. The domino was so much better” Tim swung a powerful right to the Thug he met halfway. The large man punched Tim in the face. He did it with so much force that Tim went sailing through the air for some unspecified distance. His Bo staff flying somewhere else.
Tim was sure it had left a bruise on his face. Swiftly getting back on his feet, Tim rushed towards the man. Tim knew he need to leave. Soon.
He knew it is of no use fighting these goons. He had got what he wanted, and it was time for him to leave. He has other important issues to deal with than a simple drug bust. He need to contact the GCPD to handover these men.
Just as he was about to swing his arm to punch the man, he felt a searing pain in his abdomen and something hot dripping down his thigh.
He was stabbed. Dammit. How had he failed to see that coming? Of course the man was armed.
Tim’s legs gave out and he fell down on the floor. Getting stabbed sucked. Especially the stiches, which he have to do it himself, will restrict his movements for the next few patrols, which in turn will affect his schedule.
And his missing spleen made it a cherry on top.
Tim let out a shaky sigh. It is going to be a long night.
Tim’s eyes started welling up, making his vision blurry. The man roughly held Tim’s hair, yanking his head backward. He brought the knife close to Tim’s neck.
Tim closed his eyes for a second, thinking of a way to escape. He had already sent a signal to the GCPD when that man was busy stabbing him. All he has to do now was buy some time.
And then he heard a loud crash in front of him. Tim opened his eyes and saw the man lying down on the floor, unconscious. Tim looked up and say a built figure, wearing blue and red suit with a large s- shield on his chest, a black leather jacket complimenting the look.
“Sup-superboy?” Tim chocked out.
“Pretty sure that the title now belongs to Jon, Rob” Kon said grinning, while holding out a hand to him.
Tim ignored the help and shakily got up on his own.
“You have your entire life to be a jerk. Why not take today off, huh?” Kon said, tutting.
“You could have called us for backup Tim, is it truly that hard?” Tim heard Cassie say, while effortlessly knocking down the other goons.
“I had the situation under my control” Tim huffed.
“You know what, I’m trying my hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just can’t get my head that far up my ass” Cassie said.
“Yeah man, I agree with her” Bart chimed. He was circling the leader of the gang swiftly, making him dizzy.
“So, what brings you guys to Gotham, huh? Need help with anything?”
Kon let out a long sigh.
“We came in search of you, bud. We were worried about you. You hadn’t talked to any of us for a while.”
“I’m fine. I am capable of taking care of myself” Tim sneered.
“God, Tim. We are your friends, man. Of course we always look out for you” Bart said, wiping the dust of his suit while walking towards him.
Tim had no time to reply as Bart swiftly pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Kon and Cassie joined him.
“We missed you so much, dude.”
Tim melted into the hug. Yeah, he missed his friends too. He missed Cassie’s sarcasm, Kon’s crappy jokes and Bart’s never ending appetite. Tim don’t want this moment to end. He with his friends, his small family.
Tim had met Kon only twice after he came back to life, once in Paris and the other time when Kon came to meet him in Gotham.
Tim was grappling his way towards the street of Gotham, thinking about everything that had happened in the past few days. He made assassin friends, worked for Ra’s Al Ghul, fought against the Council of Spiders, found out that Bruce was stuck in the time stream, and the list goes on.
But now, this moment, he was feeling much better. He was back in Gotham.
But this is how Tim knew he needed to see a therapist. Because he actually missed Gotham. This was his first day back in Gotham, and he already have shit ton of work to do.
Tim needed to tell Alfred and Dick about Bruce. Even though he wasn’t part of the family now, they deserved to know. Bruce was practically like a son to Alfred after all, and he was alive.
Bruce is alive.
Bart is alive
And so is-
“Your face is going to break if you keep that up…” Tim was sure he had a whiplash from turning his neck so fast, but sight which greeted him was definitely worth it.
“And honestly, your face wasn’t that great to begin with” Kon completed.
And so is Conner.
Kon just kept on rambling, as Tim was trying to process what was happening.
“Why so happy, let me guess, sale on leather?”
“You’re going to get matching chaps, is that it?”
“Tim?” Kon called out, waving his hand in front of Tim’s face.
“Okay, now you’re creeping me out, will you say somethi-”
Tim cut off Kon by pulling him closer and locking him in a tight embrace. Sure he had seen Kon in Paris before, but this was the first time he was actually able to process it.
Kon is alive
Oh my God, so is Bruce, Bar-
“Tim, buddy. If you’re trying to be all dark and grim now, it isn’t going to help”
“You’re alive.” Tim said, breaking the hug and pulling out his cowl.
“I thought we already conversed this.”
“I knew you were back, that Bart was back, but it all happened so fast that, I never, I never let it soak in.”
Kon smiled at Tim bashfully.
“I missed you too, Rob”
“And now, what are you doing in Gotham. You found something, didn’t you?” Kon asked.
“Let’s just say I’m getting there.”
“How can I help?”
“I still have couple of things to take care of, and then, I’ll be back.”
“Good. Because we miss you, man. Me, Cassie, Bart… all of us.” Kon said, his eyes showing multitude of emotions.
“If you need me, just yell. I’ll hear you.” Kon said, as he started floating, getting ready to fly.
“For what?” Kon asked, before leaving.
“For believing in me”
And Kon took his leave, soaring high along with Krypto, leaving Tim with his thoughts.
But Bart, this is the first time he is meeting Bart after he helped him take down Ra’s Al Ghul after he tried to kill Tim when he came to take over Wayne enterprises.
And he was still kinda mad at Cassie for not believing in him at first. Only a little though.
Tim winced as he was released from the hug.
“Are you okay?” Kon asked, voice laced with concern.
“I’m in pain.”
“Do you mean emotional pain or- Oh my God! That’s a lot of blood” Bart shouted, his eyes darting to Tim’s abdomen.
Shoot. Yeah, he totally forgot that he got stabbed.
“Yes. Pain”
“Oh my God, Tim. Are you crazy?” Cassie exclaimed. The last thing Tim saw was his friends’ worried faces as he fell into complete oblivion.
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redheadjustin · 9 months
Damian finding a kid and just becomes said kids brother like he will stop patrolling and tuck in the kid and will sometimes read a story or show him a trick. One day he’s just like this kid needs family and just takes him home
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Daiman Wyane was not necessarily known for his people skills. Not to say he couldn’t be nice, but this man is the son of Talia Al Guhl and Batman. People skill issues just ran in his blood. Though he tried his best to be kind though  he doesn’t want to let people get too close. He didn’t want to corrupt anyone. He knows he is not the best person around. If you wanted that you could look to the other members of the batfamily. 
In a lot of ways you were the same as damian. Your dad was one of Two-Face’s top henchmen. While your mom was a stripper at one of the more upscale clubs in Gotham. You didn’t play well with others. Though you do have friends. You were only 7 but you had anger issues and found it hard to trust others. And unfortunately your parents didn’t help any. Your dad enlisted you for many of the lower tasks that were asked of him from Two-Face. 
That’s how Robin met you. The 12 year old vigilante did not have much tolerance for criminals of any age. But Batman had seen situations like yours a thousand times over. So while Batman went to handle your father he sent Robin to help you. 
The first meeting between you two was tense to say the least. He’d found you carrying an envelope full of protection money that was meant to go to your father. Then to Two-Face. Robin drooped down in front of you which gave you a near heart attack. You’d heard of the bats. Your dad had warned you extensively about what would happen if the bats were ever to capture or get you alone. You were on your own. And no one could help. You felt fear and anxiety fill you. Robin approached you quietly. He knew the reasons why you were doing this. But, just seeing a kid who should be at home watching cartoons or something instead of running around Gotham doing your father’s dirty work. 
“I won’t harm you.” Damian’s voice came out softly. He wasn't Batman's partner right now. He was concerned about you. You could only nod. You had no clue why Robin would be kind to you. You didn’t know that he could relate to a parent using their child for their own selfish reasons. “What's in the envelope?” Damian had a pretty good ideal of what was in it. But he wanted to be sure. Depending on the answer his opinion of your dad would go up slightly or ensure a stabbing with his katana. “P-protection M-money” You replied, trying not to stutter. Behind his mask Damian’s eyes softened. He had failed to consider that you might have been told about the bat family as though they were the boogie man. The thought broke Damian's heart.
By the end of the night your dad was taken to Blackgate while Robin helped you home. Your mom wasn’t home yet. Still working at a club. Damian felt a brotherly bond forming. He wondered if this is how Grayson felt when he met Damian. He helped you into your pajamas and read you a story. And over the weeks it became routine. Damian stopped by a little over 2 hours into patrol to make sure you had dinner and your homework done then get you into pajamas and to bed.
This went on for six months until one day Bruce walked into the study that housed the entrance to the batcave and saw Damian sitting in the armchair while you were coloring on the floor. Damian simply looked up from his book. “We’re keeping him.” Bruce sighed, nodded, then called the adoption attorney. And that was that.
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bad4amficideas · 1 year
Ok I wacth false point not to long ago
And it got me thinking.
What would thoams wyan father of Bruce and the bat reader think when he hears about the reader and the thoams version seeing his little girl and Bruce at the same time
I'm posting random drafts. incomplete. And so. English with translator. I suppect this maybe even double posted. Uhm. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Notice when I was writing this centuries ago I was hormonal. But I said don't edit, and I won't edit.
On Earth-1T8 Flashpoint?
Ooooh, interesting. My favourite DC animated movie until the moment!! (well, one with Damian and "apokalipsis now" goes second because, DAMIAN and Raven both for ME! And Constantine. And Robot!Diana and Tortured!Batman and...) I find it sexy that Diana killed Mera. Pointless, but sexy. Kaldur is also super hot in Flashpoint. You can tell I have a problem when I go minute by minute checking his micro-appearance. Ohh, and Grifter. *drool*
Anyway, Earth-1T8!Thomas would be super happy to have both children alive and would have a lot of questions for them. The two most important: are you happy? and are you siblings? (he would love it, his ideal life) he would assume they come from the same universe, but if it's Earth-1T8, obviously Batman comes from somewhere else.
Let's says, considering that he was half yandere when gots Reader, capable and he kidnaps them both even though his world sucks and thus he reforms his happy family where no one has lost anyone (because obviously, the rest of the batfam of both bats is for decoration, and Alfred, Thomas?)... because in this Flashpoint if Bruce died at birth, the death that made Martha become the Joker was Y/N's, gasp! She couldn't handle the second loss (surely Y/N did somwthing like sacrifice themselves for their new parents or butterfly effect x2)
And the guy is still rich. He would just have to "dress up" a bit. Like that Peter in the Spiderverse. Post-traumatic stress and that. Who knows, maybe what the world of Flashpoint has really needed all this time was a Batman who would engage with the world and not just with Gotham (and well, Superman, obviously).
I also think, I'm sorry, if Bats were a girl I would be a bit macho about it - my girl can't be fighting - But overall I would be proud, if very sad, of what his children have become. Obviously, like every -good- father, he wanted something calmer and happier for both of them.
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peachpopsstuff · 2 years
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Hero’s For Hire Part 1 - 2
The Bat, The Wing and The Robin
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Batman, Nightwing, and Robin stand tall on a roof top of a abandoned building in sky line of Gotham.
Nightwing notices a strange man top a roof
top across the road breaking glass then are
jumping through the floor.
He uses his grappling hook to yank to the other side rolling down the roof then in to the sky roof top.
The man enters the room cascading in the dark clapping loudly at the feats of what this man is able to do.
Nightwing is not impressed rifting upward to his feet he flips his e-stim sticks in to the air with a fierce effort.
Taking the stance he throws a punch right, left and then kicks each one blocks him with his hands.
He grabs Nightwing’s right legs swinging him to the side slamming him in into the floor he assumes control.
Nightwing’s expression is in panic holding him down painfully with no questions asking of him.
Nightwing’s stares in to his eyes is lost in it his body is frozen in time and he will listen and obey.
“Hello Nightbitch! “
“The name is Nightwing”
“Whatever Babe!”
“Who are you ?”
“The keeper of Gotham”
“The future ruler”
“I am Blue Cosmic”
“Bastard! You arrogant prick”
“Let’s go “
“Why can’t I move?”
“Focus on me “
“My power is resonating”
“Eyes locked on me”
“Take my hand”
“Now doesn’t that feel better “
“Who are you ?”
“The maker “
“My maker “
He offers his hand helping Dick Grayson up to his feet slapping him across the face to his shock.
Dick can’t stop him taking the abuse to his face, I am so in control to his detriment I am more powerful.
His body dives in to a hug wounding around him tightly, he digs his nose into my skin as he inhales deeply.
Dick kisses me slowly tasting my lips in a hot rapture consuming my body as they are getting nastier.
He smirks brightly knowing he should fight me, he cannot fight and does not want to at all.
Leaving the space he mindless following me back to my throne room, I sit he knelt to his feet in between my legs.
He took my hands in his kissing up both of my arms touching, licking and kissing my skin on fire.
He rose up using his feet to sit on my lap in a heat laying on my lap he begins to hump me.
We begin to make out extending my hands on his head and on his back propelling in to my body.
“Oh Blue Haven!”
“Why do I love you ?”
“You know why”
“You own me”
“Good boi!”
“Mmmm…I understand “
“No you don’t”
“What do you mean?”
“Not really “
“I own you “
“I created you “
“You are Nightbitch”
“I am Nightbitch”
“Hell yeah!”
“Fuck me! Please”
“I beg you “
Batman and Robin in concern try to break in and intervene falling face forward in to trap I set up.
BOOM Nightwing laying on my back we lean in to each other, Batman and Robin strap in to the machine.
The machine rattles exploding as bean hits him head on erase Batman’s mind he is now only Bruce Wayne and his ward Jason Todd.
They now spend all day partying, Jason at school and Bruce at Wyane Technology are doing as I command.
Saving Captain Rogers
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Bruce Wayne rises to his feet ripping off his Batman costume throwing the remaining black and blue shreds to the floor.
Jason follows as the red, yellow and back hit the floor torn to pieces leaving his old life forever.
Backs turn walking out of hero dom for all of their existence to the end of time they will know and do as I say.
What I didn’t know is that completely to my own unawareness that Captain America is staring down at me .
He does a double down dropping in a major back flipping status landing in front of me with no chill.
His godly body and pale face peer down at me in a feverish pitch I laugh thinking of how this will go.
Kicking him in the shin he screams in pain in a howl reverberation through the wind he fell
I laugh wickedly kicking him in the head as he falters he hits my leg then I took his head in mg knee.
Throwing his head in to a bloody pitch the impact is sudden and I am the greatest and most powerful yet.
“Damn fool”
“What is so funny?”
“You willing stepped in to it”
“Your down fall”
“Here we go…boom”
“Speak freely “
“Hear me Captain”
“You can’t resist “
“I can’t…resist”
“Accept my hand “
“Yes….thank you “
“Wait no! Fuck you”
“Obey me”
“I obey “
“Rise “
“Who are you ?”
“America’s ass”
“Who am I?”
“Master Lawrence “
“My Master”
“Pledge yourself “
“My love”
“Kiss me”
“With pleasure “
“My God”
“My love “
“My pleasure “
“Own me”
“I already do”
“Love me”
“I love you “
The end
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mang0ming0 · 1 year
can somene make a gayest bruce wyane post. i know iuts hard since he appears in every batman comic almost ever (so overrated). but. but can we have that happen. gayset bruce wyan. s tha tpossuible? can a mand ream?
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